Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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totoftiJ fimn rftTtfuro, mrdfoud, oedox, tttfrsday, may 2.-), 1010
(iaixmmj etsixu TBnjuivnft
OUIm Mull Tribune nodding. 21-17-20
North Fir street, teli-plione "6.
The Democratic Times, (lie Medfonl
Mull, The Medfonl Tribune, The youth
ern Oragonlun, The Ashland Tribune.
BDBScnirrion iiatebi
One ytnr, by ml
3n month, by tnall
ler month, delivered tov carrier In
MadfDN. Phoonlx. Jacksonville
na central roint so
Official Pur of the Cltr of Medfonl.
j-aper or .i Benson uminiy.
Saturday only, by mall, per year....
nKir, per year ..
nn second-etnas matter at
Medford, OreKon, under the not of March
. J
Mworn Circulation for 191J 1416.
Fall leased wire Associated l'res ills-paten.
vith r.iinv.
Flo won of springtime,
Hoses rod.
Hwoot mlKtioriftto,
Honeysuckle, on tlio vino,
Jockey Club on (ho linridkurohldf
Art all
HMcudlni'ly odnrlfdrou,
Thoy lmvo notblnn on
Thu liiillwuy
or a
"Light liouuokoopliiR" roetnlm: house.
" '
Xot IfTlicy "llusl." Illm.
Dear U. I). 1C
AVould you mind If I vunturod to
mil I'orslilrus's expedition Into Mux
leo a VillHbutortluJt party, or do
puna annoy you7-Htnllu.
"You'ro hk lirava as mi outlaw."
"lonio of tliout aren't so bravo."
"Ono I mat In tho west whh. I Id
held thu sheriff's lmssa at bay for
Nitron ttnya. The bandit was in a
nittlintuln cave and thu hardar thu
aliorlfr triad to get him out (lit loan
tweees lit bad. And thu bandit bald
UUt fur it weak."
"Impossible! Without food?"
Ht)ul he had rood. Ila drank milk."
"U'kara die ha gat tha milk?"
"Hh had tha ahar1f('M goat."
'lit Ultliimlo le.liiilst!
Wa knw a cheerful eoul who has
already egttn to predict that we're
ggiBC ( hava a hard wlntar.
Ml ixtH mm that glrlT"
"fw, and aba'a certainly some
jrl. fret ir aha baa a friend."
"Wlujt fori"
"Ifttr j'H."
Marlon and Moor.
Wliaio lbi Trull auU
M. I Word want aouth to hunt for
wuhM Tuesday, but found himself at
Knnsws City before b a roturnad home.
I'lMlfbarg (Mo.) Loader.
A llMtb'a N't minx.
Tha night was dark; low hung tha
a6M. Bwaat laabal attd Mr. IHta,
tgHtkar went eaHoalug. l'aar Mr.
1hh had la hU haad no bralna, but
OMlf whaals of lead, and so ha alartad
wat laabal was dlffldant. Una
Mttllad, but aborad away tha gant, aa
always Is kHMXMiiMg. Young Ihwm
graw buM by Imiw and bounda. (l
waighed 110 imuada) llnr haart
was (aat sueauMibhig!
Tha lovar. In aiouas of glaa (no
HtttlM what a boob was ba!) sulllad
uut his soul's devotion, and as ha
sptUad ho rookad tha boat. Juat Ilka
a aaU-wlt uanuy-goat, with staady,
aiakly mottoM.
"I'll rock tha boat until you say
you'll marry ma, and uauta tha day!"
Sfl SPaka this allty bouudar. 8ha vary
tfaitlr KMdad him; (though ualther
oHt of thaw could swim) thu boat
baguH tu (louudar- Thay gurglad
twlM whtla going down, and ha for
got Is) art the down TIiuh audad
tha., thalr wooing. You'll flud a
Ion to rock tha boat, an laabal to ba
tha goal, whoravor tuore'a canoalug
Uharlas H. Urli.HjU.
nplIK "nivnnrcdiifss" nai'.'ulcs in Xi-w York and else-
where arc reminiscent of tile "jirosperity" parades
of the MeKinlev eannmiifn. Thrv show without (piestion
that the employers and the ruling plutocracy are in J'uvor
itata.aii 1 ii i t
oi nillliarism tuui a large unity aim navy iur uie aggressive
extension of territory and trade.
Many of the pnrndei's are, of eoui'se, sincere advocates
of a moderate preparedness for national protection. Al
most everyone is. Hut the inspiration of the parades is the
sinister desire of the Jcav who seek plunder by an imperial
Employers in New York ordered their workmen to
march, on penalty ol losing .'i day s wages. ( oercion was
carried to even a greater extent in the campaign of 1896,
when factories were closed and hankers put on the screws
to scare and force toilers to vote as they dictated upon
threats of unemployment and hunger.
The power of the few is even greater today than twenty
yen's ago. Our ruling plutocracy can bring on a panic
whenever it desires witness the panic of 1893 to force the
restoration of high tariff, the panic of 1907, to scare the
president into permitting the steel trust to absorb a rival,
the industrial depression of 191.'$ to restore popular ex
ploitation. AVar means a golden harvest for the powerful
few; militarism, scarcely .smaller profits, hence we see
"preparedness" capitalized, as a political issue and the
might and power of Wall street's influence used to force it
upon the nation.
A navy is an offensive rather than a defensive weapon.
I fence the clamor for the world's greatest navy is not for
defense, but; oflense. A great army is not needed to pro
ject the nation from imaginary foes, but it is needed if tho
United States is to follow in the footsteps of decadent
feudalism and try to rule the world by force in order to
enrich our trusts not only a great army is needed, but the
greatest, hence the effort to enforce universal military
training. ,
Ah offensive preparedness has become a political issue
through the dictates of big business, we will probably be
treated to a repetition of the compulsion of the MeKinley
campaign and the coercive parade revived throughout the
land to influence popular opinion. Bombast will flaunt as
patriotism and militarism strut as "Americanism" fine
phrases used to enthuse the feeble-minded.
men, a border stopped for noon day
Itinch.nt n sjirltiK lu n Rlutle lomo six
or night miles northeast Of where .loo
I)lo was last seen allvu, and while
oatlntf. Ills doR that was prowling
around near by brought In a bono
that was ovldcntly a part or u human
sltoleton. A further search round
many more human bones, enough to
Justify the belief that 6ni person
had dlod thoro years berore.
So further search was mndo, and
as the nkull was not found the Iden
tity or tho remains was never deter
mined. In fact, I do not think any
ono ever attempted to connect this
find with the disappearance or Joe
Dlos, as IiIb caso uas Ions? since for
Botten. Whether these human remains
were those or Joe Dies, the descrip
tion or tho place he met his death,
toKothcr with tlic realistic description
or his wanderings and final demise
made a lasting impression on at loast
ono or the audience.
The ract that nulthor tho doctor
nor his subject had ever hoard or the
case nor know any or tho partios
thereto, were Ignorant or tho country
so accurately doscrlbetl, together with
tho mnnnor or tho narrator, contain
ed at least one of tho audience In n
boiler In occult powers that tho fifty
odd years of strenuous life that has
olnpsed, has railed to shako.
Whether tho sequel oxplalns con
vincingly tho query "What bocamo of
Joe Dies?" tho reader can form his
own opinion nfter a perusal or this
true narrative. O. A. STHAUNS.
The reiioinination of Hen AV. Olcott by a majority ap
proximating 20,000 is a severe blow to Governor Withy
combe's republican machine. The issue was clearly drawn
the man or the machine, and the man won. Once again
the Oregon republicans have shown that they will not tol
erate machine politics.
Many Motford people ur- surprta
ad at tho QD1CK action of simple
ttuakthorn bark, glyoarlne, etc, aa
mix la Adiar-1-ka. This simple ram
4y acta on DOTH tha upper uud low
or toowol. ratnovlng such surprising
foul matter that OKB ai'OONKlU.
rallovaa almost ANY CA8K conatli a
tion, sour stomach or gaa. A few
Phe great ina.joritv given the bond amendment has
convinced everybody, except some members of the city
council, that the citizens of Medfonl are in earnest in their
effort to secure a railroad. It remains to be seen whether
these couiiciliuen think they are superior to the people
or not.
Bert i. Greer, editor of the Ashland Tidings, loudest
advocate of the recall of the county court, is reaping poetic
justice by being recalled himself as member of the mineral
springs commission. Those who fight with the recall,
nerisii n.v u.
What'Became of Joe Dies?
A Tnio Story tr I'Ioiumt ltiis of Southern Oregon by ). A. Stearns.
I Continued Kroni Friday )
At laat tha gloom of tha forest
aama to braak; Ihera Is light ahead,
and tOHards It his footsteps hasten.
Ila aulars an opening in tha forest,
a glade where at una slda (here ap
pears a grove of small quaking aapoua
and somtt willows. Without season
ing, ha aweiiui to aansa tha praaanee
or water aud rushes tutu tha thicket
and thare, close to a bunch of wil
lows is a rlaar spring or pool of
water. Hushing forward, ha throws
himself prone ou bis stomach aud
plunging his fare luto tha rold water
ha gulps it In huga draughts, ou!)
removing his fare to draw a breath
than plunges It In again. Why, oh
why! eaunot aotua one raatraln hliu.
vthy cannot ha realtsa his danger In
thus gorging himself Kith cold water!
Alas! Whau It seams impossible
(hat ha could coutaln no mora ha
la aalsad with romutslona. Oh my
Hod! what pain, what torture! Con
vulsion alter convulsion racks his
frame: ha rolls over and over on
tha ground lu hla agony. Clradually
his struggles grow lass uutll finally
ttltn one long ronvulshe shudder ha
becomes still. Ila la still foraver'
Tha pure awaat water ha so cravad
has brought ou a rfengaatlve chill that
ended Ida life. There ou tha are)
grans beueath tha quaking aspens, ba
sleeps his last sloop.
The subject draw a long sigh ud
remained silent. The audiaura a bich
Im remained spellbound during tha
rtvltal. began to stir and tulk. Tha
doctor cime forward and sftai- re
moving the enveloping bandjuea from
the subjects head and ees disclosed
htm apparently lifeless and It was
not until ba had made many psts
over his fare that he finally drew a
long braath a of relief aud opened
his eyes.
Tha lecture was rourluAed bv fot m
Ing a class D some ibxen or moio,
of the uudleiue wh&caine aud o.u I
tested (hem one by one as (o their
Nuscepdblllty to tha mesmeric In
fluence. Two or the class ha round
to ba good subjects ami caused them
to go thru some very amusing per
formances, much to tha delight of
the others, but much to their surprise
and chagrin after they wore released
from the Influence and learned or
their performances. The audience
was than told that the lecture Has at
au end, and nearly every ono latt
with a reeling that there was some
thing unaccountable and m canny In
the exhibition ot tha clairvoyant now
era or tho doctor's subject. Had not
the season or snow fall rendered fur
ther aaareh for Jim Dies Impossible
for that rail, there would have been
no trouble lu raising a large party to
go out in tho Dead Indian country
aud follow up tha description or tha
'locality of his death to ascertain how
mui'h or little truth there was In tha
subject's realistic description.
Tha firing on Fort Sumpter fol
lowed soon after this lecture aud
auserlug Lincoln's call for volun
teers, llobart Taylor. Jamas Kimball
and Jamas lloxla enlisted in Oregon's
drat regiment for three years or dur
lug tha war, aud amidst the exeltlug
and tragic events of that long war,
Joa Dies was forgotten, or at least
all search lor him was given up. Oua
rumor had it that Or. Colwall. who
formerly prescribed tor Joa, claimed
to have seen Joa Dies tn San Fran
cisco somo years later. That he met
him ou tha straat and accosted him.
calling hlin by name, but only raeatv
ed a Ulan', stare lu return. This tala
neems utterly Improbable, but Shons
one of those uumerous cases of mis
taken identity.
As a sequel to tha above; some
ftrtot'it or twenty years later, after
the lad Indian country had been
fulrh w II fettled l cattle aud sheep
t:.Jl "!!!- I -l-l1 I J II II Jg
dose often relieves or prevent au.
pendlcitta. A short treatment helps. nown Tont benches anundfr tho i
chronle stomach trouble. Tha IN- doctor's direction gased fUedl ui
8TANT, easy action of AdWr-l-ka lc M)M,. ohiri t 1uM lu one hiitf for omo
ftMouislilnK 1- H llStWlu.-. Drun 1 title, n or tw lit iiiinun- lil tin-
tSUt Adv. K-' JdiitUii wmt am it. d I'n iu'. .itt.t
Lady A.viltut
l'honc St. 4? and 47-JI
, AKtliulanc tfenrU? Onroaac
To tho Kdlter:
Toot, toot, tool, toot, toot!
Train ntnrtiiif ! Wo nil have It'tini
etl tin Higiinl from the SliHxtn limited,
which oos like a thief in the nifiht
The limirl of Met ford lias spoken.
Wo want to be shown. Hullis or any
one who can contract to deliver will
bit hoard; but the work of Ruliis up
penis to the iieoplt", it litis been sub
stantial and 1'iivoriiiK to local people
not chiirocturizi'd by p.vro-pnou-unities
or lunniiiia-mnuauu. He lias
not asked for $.'100,000 "with no
slriiiKS to it". It is now up to him to
propose it ilufiuilo contract for tho
people to approve, n contract prom
ising definite results ou definite stan
dards. They probably fan itiidor
Mtiiml them, even if some doubt the
ability of the people to do so; but any
eighth Ktiulo xchool hoy can under
stand it contract for definite results
if there are no jokers in it, and the
publicity it will be u;icu will insure
uirtiiiist them.
The main thing is dial Medfonl
must bt1 made a onmiietitivc point on
the map, nml kept so.
WASHINGTON", Mny :.'. Itvpiih
lienn members of the house naval af
fairs committee in n minority report
submitted to the house today, de
nounced thu $2.11,000,000 nnval ap
propriation hill reporlud by the major
ity, as wholly itiHduuate mid tirjred
more liberal allowance-! to make thu
I'liited Slates imvy second grunt ct
in the world. The minority charged
that I lie nmjoiity report ignored
opinions of naval cxK1s and rccoiii
mendatioim of Secretary Daniels and
was based on n compromise between
interests which wanted no additional
niivnl protection, and those which
wanted only n flight ihcreaso.
The republicans jouominundod that
the bill provide for two tlreudniiuglita
omitted by the reported measure, ix
battle cruisers Inxtouil of, five, fifly
coast defense submarines instead of
twenty, .f.'l,.'l)0,()00 for aircraft in--leail
of $2,000,000, still greater in
crease in personnel, creation of n na
tional defense council, nml means for
rushing the building program bv us
ing more than one shift of workmen
The report iiiggests that two
driiiidnaiights he built affording to
the plans now ready for thu Califor
nia uud Tcnnes-ce, so that all might
be finished simultaneously. Tho hill
should provide, the report declares,
for the full number of men roiiircj
on n pence luisi aud should author
ire the president to order tit his dis
cretion enlistment of mii-1i addition;)
men as the navy might need, not to
exceed the 8H.702 recommended by
the general board.
25. The Methodist general confer
ence louay rarused by a vote of I3."
to 300 to remove from the discipline
ot the church thu clauso which pro
vides the pcutluy of expulsion for
church members who play cards,
danco and attend tho theater.
M,oro stringent regulations regard,
ing the romarrlagc by Methodist min
isters of divorced porsons are pro
vided lu a report submitted by the
commlttue on tho state or the church.
Tho church nover has recognized any
cause Tor dlvorco except adultery and
has always forlilddun rc-uiarrlage In
any caso whero a divorced wiro or
htiHband Is living. Uy tho proposed
chango a minister who porforinn such
a marriage Is guilty of maladminis
tration and Is' to bo hold answcrablo
to his conference.
Tho total abstinence by Methodist
church members from the uso ot to
bacco Is urged In another report
which status;
"We record our solemn Judgment
that the habitual uso or tobacco Is
a practice out ot harmony with tho
best Christian life."
(Polygamy and tho social evil nro
condomued by tho committee on tem
pernnce aud public morals. The en
forcement of laws prohibiting the
former Is urgod.
Regarding the social ovll the com
mittee asserts that neither segregn
tlon nor punishment by rines Is a
remedy. The community should of
riclully expel and disperse vice. It
continues, and the state should pro
vldo Industrial settlements for the
mentally deficient and an honest
place In society for those mentally
Why Suffer With Backache,
Kidneys or Hheuhatish Ifllw?
Mlr TtiU of lAme4oocfd-f(r Prttxrivtion.
Mir l?et'teri If I can do any good In
i V worhl f..' other-, I wish to do It, and
I feci that it ii my ditty to writo about
ihe wonderful results 1 received from tho
ie of " Aimrtc." 1 was suiferlng front
Udniy nml bludddr troubles, scalding
rine backache and rheumatism, and feet
and ankles T swelled so that at times I
old not walk without assistance.
Had taken several different kinds of
kidney remedies but all failed. I sent
fr a bot of Dr. Pierce's newost did
corV "Annrlc," which 1 received by
mallTn uWotfonn. f .1 jwon-o t bet cr
and sra.wnvlncod that this (Wtiular
now medicine s goixl. I wlsn w reu
ommend It to tny neighbors and own,
body sulIeriiMi frotn "cUTtrS"?.'??,v
Mits. W. J. SAJtQUST.
Nete: You've all undoubtedly heard
nf the i famous Dr. P crco and his well
known uedlclnos. Weil, this prescrip
tion Is one that has .been successfully
used lor many years by the physic ana
SS poclallsta at l)r. W,flIn"
Hotel and Surleal Institute, of It iralo,
N. Y., for kidney comp alnte. aud dls
oases arising from disorders of the kld
noys and bladder, such s backu-he,
weak back, rheumatl-in. droiay. ooiigi.
tlon of tho kidneys, liiliammatlon of tho
bladder, scalding urine, and urinary
. UP to this ume, a nc u -
tsirsuaslon of many patients and tho ,
Increased uemanu ior..iini "u.vl". " -
i...i 'Civlnf ll,vtir 1'lercH lias UIIUIIV
decided to put It Into tho drug stores o
this country wlthlu iu.nii.diaU) roach of
0 Klrapfyudi for Doctor I'lorco's Anurlo
Tablets. There can bo no Imitation.
Kvery package of "AnurlClssuro to bo
Dr. Pierce's. You will llnd tho signature
on the itaeltago Just as you do on Dr.
Pierce's favorite Prescription, tho evor
famous ftlund to ailing women, and
Dr. Plorcu's Uoldun Miillcal Discovery,
proven by yoars to bo the greatest gen.
iral tonic and recoiiHtructor for any
one. bosidus buiutf tho bwt bluou-makor
The photo play makers apparently
hired all the Annette Kellermans In
tho world boforo starting out to make
thulr film production of "Pndlno." It
required more than half a hundred
"perrect models" to pose this drama
or the deep, and every one or those! IllCltl.IN. Ma 2Ti. It Is reported
"perfects" had to be nil expert swim- 'from Athens, the Overseas Xews
PORTLAND, Or., Mnv 2'.-The
condition of Charles Sweeney, million
aire mining mun of Ss)kane and
Portland, who Iihk been nt a local
hospital for several inoiilhs suffeiiug
from hewrt trouble, was ut it precar
iously low ebb early today. His phy
sicians staled that death might come
at auv moment. Members ol u fam
ily were summoned last week from
Spokane and New York.
mar, au accomplished diver and soma
thing of an actor before she was
signed up as a mermaid Impersonator.
"Hiullne", the Herman mythological
tale of tha nymph whom the gods do
creed had to marry a mora man to
atone for the sins ot liar mother, a re
fractory nymph. Is tha attraction that
arrived yesterday nt the Page theatre
tor a two day run.
llelng a story of the sea and of
nymphs Mr. Otto baa been bold en
ough to make his character approx
imate the conception of tha average
mind na to what constitutes a nymph
as that average mind' is taught by
artists and writers to picture It. While
It Is true these denizens of the deep
are not clothed lu overalls It cannot
be said "Piullue" Is a subject children
should not seo.
agencv says, that Count A. Dellos
darl, tho Italian minister to (ireaca
and O. aulllenilu, the French min
ister have been recalled by their gov
ernments because of tho failure of
their efforts to obtain permission for
the transportation or Serbian troops
through Urecce.
The entente allies endeavored vain,
ly to persuade Greece to iter in It them
to transport tha Serbian army at Cor
fu, a Creek Island off tha west coast,
overland to the Salonlkl front. The
were reported to have threatened to-l
employ forcibly means but (ireece
announced In London recently that
an amicable settlement had been
reached and that there would be no
Infringement or the neutrality of
MAY 26
Hours 6 to 9 p. m.
75 cents
A. A. ( HISIIOKM, Prop.
F) Soils (P
iii . . UPTf
for YAir
5$ Y& tfP
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
Medford House Movers
Phone 488-M
612 S. Newtown. 737 W. 14th St.
Tl.MIC CAItl),
Leave Medford tor Asnlaad, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. m.. 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 8:15
p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
in. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30
a. m. and 1:00, 8:00, 6:30 and 9:30
p. in. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
1:00, 8:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. ra. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:80 and
8:20. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, C:S0 and 10:30
p. m.
Camera Shop
20S East Main Straqt',
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Pbotupmphera
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made auy time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-J
We'll d. tho rest
3B. D. WESTON, Prop.