N .4 p'xcm four OTDFORT) Mate TRTBITNE, MEDPOttT.), ORKC'OX, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1910 -J ! S AUSDEOKD MAIL TRlBUNBf '"an i'NnBPKNnKNT NBWSi'Apnn. PvnumiKn kvkrv aitkrnoon! EXl'BPT TNIAY Uy TIIK MIOU-tHM) I-HINTINQ CO. i Office Mult Tribune Building, 28-37-20 ' MorUi Fir street, telephone 76. I The Democratic Tlmos, the Modfriril Mall, The Medford Tribune, The Houth ernsUregnfllaa, Thn Ashland Tribune. CtKOHCItt PUTNAM, Editor. SUBSORIPTIOn KATJMU On year, by nmii ;ti no One month, bv mm I . to Per month, nVllv.'r-il bv rnrrlor In Modferd, 1'lio.nlx, Jncksonvllle and Central Point .HO sturdily only, ly mall, per your... 2 no WssMy, per yonr I BO Orfhllal laper of I ho flty of Meriforri. fleJMl finl Paper of Jncknon County, as nrroiKl-rliiRii mutter nl nlsred Medfprd, Oregon, u ne'er the act of March 17. Shvern Circulation for 19U DIG. Pull tinned wlru patches. AMkoi'lntetl Press dls- EM-TEES I'lidec Im Knife. He leered nt iiih horribly and tlinii A slimy hand slide o'er my iulvorlug chunk. A Jagged bludo flashed downward mh 1 cringed, Once, twice, thrlcti. And than It cut Inlo nir shrinking flush! "I'm sorry, sir." liu wild, "Hut I (Mn't shave you If you don't koup still." Society Nolo. Wuiilod to ICxrliaUK A kIioo, In thu moleo at the .Miami club iIhiico liml n lh t two lady dancers Inndvnrt. cully trndod shoes. One of thorn Is willing lo trade back. If thu other Will anil 016-x. Troy (Ohio) Dally . rifnly tif Action. Mm. h. A. Railing wm a victim of hives Ike pal week, and we know ft m experience aim had something to d Tu Newvill (Pa) Time. DstHgeiiuss Itlllw. thigulshod Out of-Town fluesl f " sklng at banquet Your bean It fui little- city appeals lo me. Aa we can la on the train I remarked to my wife-,, "Ah, my dear, you and 1 ought to Imi thing on the top of on of the, magnlMrent hllla." Toastiuaster (In hoarati whisper) 0 easy; we've not only two hllla; th 1 naa asylum la on one, and tba garbage plaut on the other. IhMk. 4 , . All AwliHHiil .MUltil-ti Mr. .Kftbu, who la employed aa a eopoeramlth at the roiindhouae, was working under an engine when tli drlrlug Wheels of the engine by some HtlaUke were left ilowu on hint, In (be nit and breaking the front hone of his abdomen The Northumber land (la.) Press. ,S((IIW Nam fOI' H Mllll'! Curtis May d vti luat a mule while tied l I He hitching raik east of (he K. of P. building, Saturday evening about 6 o'clock JCver thing aemed all right when he left home, lu Uono towgahlp, and no one knew what ranted R U die The Ultihell (Hid. I Cotthaefttal. MVUU,! In a erlln roast ill? mau airan aera lake furutahed houaea for the winter, and a oung woman there la fend Of keeping tab on them, and dlMiitrtug their affaire. Of ne fam ily In particular the auoke in detail their wealth, their children, and. ahta, the obvloua aloof neaa of the real of the winter colony. "I don't know nothing about' em." kite declared one da "Hut Mil I w say; m husband, who eelletta garbage, (kat thv luve iwrfm-l-ly iell lll"' -Ppnlod'B (luwm for t'ilui l''aH l)3DHlr. Itadihh Ma ou w.utt to LJoli btwuee in nmi in "The Am ber Collar Iluttnn" lh( ;ecr digger who pic V.l up the a. ut girl purte didn't vMtr a liutf on ' Hear Imh. dun'i : pet mud, lie w.m oiih auiosed to l'f an apitroNtite atwir digger fei thorol e leewltl Tbare fill be ball gg, ne an U'l Jideday, Thurduv and l"il'la uf thu fcf-g--Judittiii V TuiKtiiMfln ir way, WiVnii i iiiiiii (l.ir.ii Wo hiivy ixjKOt tiioi aii-' Dm i i0 weMssai i ' ' ' ' ' " (W JLS!TKK3vJGW j KQRUCBCfS! .MALTHD MltK - Cbcop uui-t. -1 v 4 jV cjiu prtcciT !B BISHOP NIBLEY RESIGNS PRESIO NCY OF SUGAR COMPANY Hixhop (' w. Ntbley of the Mormon cliiinh, Iiuh rpxlKiied na ireal(leut of thr '.'iiiii-OrpKOfi Sugar roinpaiiy and niiniiliiiH It, tliefe is trouble In thu company following (he recent vlalt of the underwriting hankero to the Ktigur factory site on acrount of its liolng located nt fl rants I'aan. and its ho Ing Heceasary lo go from Oakland on the north to Ashland on the south to aecure acreage. At the aainc time the Mormon augur combine la reported under redornl probe for Hllogod viola tion of the Sherman antl-lnmt law. The Salt Lake Tribune or May 21, loiiiiilim the follewing: '(' W. Xlbley, lirosldlng hlslioji of the Mortnoti churrh, yesterday an- uounied his Intnnlfou of retiring hk prcHlilent of thn UlHli-Orugou Kugur ompan, n I'oncern compound chief I v of I 'tali capltallats. Ilia realgiiHtlon Ih to be iireaeutod to the hoard of ill. rectora at Its next meeting and Is to become effective .hum I. ".Mr. Nlhley will retain his Internals lu the comimny, lint on acoount of so ninny olhor NirHira to care lor lie as aerta Hint he haa not the time to aervo aa the head of the ('Dili-Oregon com pan) Ilia aucceMHor Iiuh not been n noiuii'i'il " M(.-r. Trelreii, .Mill'div und I el, roi'etutuiK the siiliurdiiuitu lodge, Hiid Mix. Diiih lliililiiutl mid Mihs Mulliu Sengcr, in belutli' l llie Ite lieknlia, have gone to Itoielntrg to nt tend aeNaioiiM of the grand Imlge of Odd I'elloWH. I'nder (he ilireetiun of .Street t'nut- iniioiier I'Velev, n tloreti men ate eiiiigt'd in widonuitf iiiier Ornnitc xlreel, in the eiinyon, n Inr u it mi terieetion with Oleime seenir driu. The uniform width will lie twenty feel end the work i Immiij; tli"r'ii;li ly mid -yftemntienlly tlone. Mrn. J. S. i.iinuloi- of Ititxville, Wii"li., Jiih been M-itititr Mi. anil Mra. V. II. (Jondv tlii- vmtI,, on her relurii home Iimim n trii lo 'iiht'oi ihm. John W. Aidlott ilnd on Moudnx, UKetl 7- enri. Kunei'iil 'elieex well' held ill til" C'lllilH H'ldeliee, 87) Oil I. ftn-et, on WeiltieMley. HuniJ Wi'" in I lie Hteiirii etineterj, U.iuncr eivek iieililiorhooil. Hiiperiutviideiii llrii oe ol' the pub lie m-IiooIm will "real" lrom hi li Bore of the pat year by fit! i- iliie(iii n teueliern' intitute nt Kliim Mill Full-, following whieh reereutioii he will it! lend h xiinimer Mehool at I'liiengo. New Albuuy, Ind.. Inter on will witnchh Iiim lumieeouiiuir to I lie old lloiifier Mtnte when lii i--it theie will in-Mimic the iluiM' nl' ii rail ui'ii lion xpell. Mr. Nellie llmnm wile ol' i.ieuleii nut A. L. Ibiiiip o' the regular iinm, who i Merving in Mexirn, w M-itinu-her eider, Wr. lVwl l'nlnam. nnil uiir on Uarg'Mline afreet, aeeotnptuued by her two children, Hy virtue of Im' iiijj the mie nf mi urm olTieer. Mix. Hump hen mm led varum eoiiutrieh oereM, nuliibly Hawaii, llie l'luli- pinea and China. She him reeeutlv returned from the Flowery Kingtloin mill ha- biouvlit with her a l.iii niiiulM'r of euiiosiiieK made la tin left t'uiueae who exeel in put tern in - unique MMHtMif u. Owiny to eliuutiir eonilllion. n. May pnueiiiil ilutiueil for the 'J.M ' Medfonl talent, Iiiim U'en mi. n, until a more piopitumn Kce-oe. Yii'ka Muaim eelebrnliil tin' n ' nntmerMiry ol the ihiiiiIiii i ' Johu'i. Imlge in that il l.i I 'nl v lligltt, lit wlllrlt iiii'ImIm i . nl tlir I i.i teliuty througliiMil noiilii'ii. Ciiln . ii ui and KWUliu'iu Oiiun m ie un.ii.i gui".!". The tliileuielit, llltl'llilltiHl to lit in Walterwun, tknt lliiuhe i no moii' nor kv-. than Uilwm iliiitM'd wit'i wbivi.er. uiiualty ili4eeM' l.uul demot'ilit. bde ie(Ulbli. "in- I mil bill lew eniinb-. ot com tort iji the uMt'iue )t!l!rlll iuni lll-oll. Tin I.i-l nl tin M( U (ii1i il tint. Ii llll.ll ll.llllll ' Il 111 I.. I ,1)111 tlie.i v .ii s .i -I iini.'Mi- vlimilil nut he st-i'ii. t if - i i ii -k.n i uHuii-tl. Prom .ui- (li ii-.l f i " .-r JfllMI ftl iviis 1.11C' n. ui a itiir oi iu'iuii VtU upi-hul .. -In- 't-4 ii ttf-vun ' ' JMSW-'W -Il it, -'Kit rl Ifis i ll i, . w-.i i mi ' . ; '. I i , -Woiiii-K . ii'l ili.i' n Jl . i-u,iitt 1 1. in-.- in. i 1 1 - K i - - il si.ii4e' .ii d i. . i ''i i i '-iio , " ' ' ' -'I d c-- '.v , JOHN A. PERL lty liift)l 6S : l t . Tt i.j 1 "vi ,i i ga W' 'p n' i t roast alhli-iti n. o i -ii i in- In h 'i.M-i. ,1-ti . - "" ..-,1, " ' a1 Eczema Is Conquered on nn iinu-iiefl eiirlv trip to Crater l.nke. you loc accompli nyitiK him. Mr. I Ind In on Iiiik resigned hi jkim ii'in Iiiic, rcturtiinir to Micliiiriin. und v a- determined to el u tflnnce of the .ii nt nniuiiil wonder before lenvinpr -.oiitlii'in Oregon. Word ennieo from Klamnth Full Hint Mi.- Kdnu Welle, formerly of llu- city, won out liimIomely na cun didnte for -clinol aiiperintendent of Kliimalh count ut the recent ptim nry election. Mr. Jennie A I font of Klnmnlli Fnlla i viitinir numerona rulntivpa here in the Neil, Murphy und Toier t'llllliiiCH. Alri K. U. Mix, n former resident end who hud u lio"t of frirmlt in tliie ic-iiiify, died nt the fnmily homo in Sucmmento lii-t Snndny, nfter n lin gering' illneNH, ngeil !I7 yenra. She whs J k uitiite or tuicnifruii. ii'Mne iier Iiu-liiiud, a "on unil iliiugliter aunive Iter, Kiul und Ileiniln. FimerHl erv iees were held in .Sncrnmenlo on 'I'..,.-.,!,... ..n.l i..l......w,l ......I !,. jiii---..,,t iiiiii iiii.'i mi'iii in-, 'ui It'll lo Hint city. Thu ileeenaed wn n mem ber of Hie locnl eliM.rlor of llie Ens leiu Si nr order. Hev. l. K. llnmmoiul, leclof of Trinity elinreli, tell on IMonilnv for I'ortliind to iitleml Hie nniiiml dioceM IH i cimwntion of Hut KpiHeopnl church., lie will ret urn the latter purl of llie week. A. II. Ciiiiiier, wife und iluugliler, Imivm telitmeil l'fm it recent trip to AlNMku. Cliiuiey .loliiiMin. formerly member oT Hie city police force, Iiuh relumed lionie from (he (Irnnite City Iiocpilal, ii Her n iiened of eoiivnleaceiice fol lowing mi ofi'i'alion. The nlmntloiimeiit of Soiitliern Pn cil'ic puHCtijHi trniiic Xim. .VI und .VI ha- licen di'lnyed unlil Muy 27 in-lend of Iiiin intr K"iic into effect May UO as hereto lore iiiiiioiineed. Their litno al Hiw blutiiin litis lieeH 11 und 7 p. m. resiootivoly. The baud will give nnother dance nt (he Notulorium on I'l-idn-v evetiingr of lliii week. The concert -piinnen-ailc feuhireN will be lo the necora imiiimeiiN of hii iiixlrumontntion of Iwenly-five pioeex. Thia eiiterlnin meut will Ik given for lite exprex purHfe of raioing-ii fund to uniform (be organisation. CoiiIh and eiipn luiMiitr been olherwiKe provided fur, the need of the hour in trou'cr-.. Hence it lollow- that Hie -lonn lor the lerpiehore.iu eielit, in the uord uf it Icndiiifr member of the on.unixii tion, will be "Hand Dance for l'linl-." (I. F. Hillingx, thoimh not eitllml upon to attend, n.i tin- Ii r-t uller lillle ioen b the llievu toiilerelhe in line a- icpi'i -1'iitiil im' nt llie nn- j P. A. wins friends without any side inducement without any coupons or premiumsl The in ducement to buy Prince Albert is qualify! Neither national nor state restrictions on the use of premiums or coupons can in any way affect the sale of Prince Albeit because its policy has always been for quality! Coupons or premiums have never been offered as an inducement to smoke it! Princo Albert is made bv a patented process L that cuts out bite and pipe-full after pipe-full gong sounds, without a . 1 ''li -X,i.,.igh. "ii... i.i milk...... ... -., xrl 1 il I l IklllilT l..i I -I H . ftBTAlllt I 11.1-lilil Wml. , ii'.. - , N&:jam. J 11 ' i'v'l '' ' ,issliKl I' ; -r' R .J" tCJ fiT aao.?3F 1 " V "'M.Tl Li'?drV ." l . . tionnl Mctliotlist i-onlerenee recently I' held nt Sum Ugn. N. Y. Hev. .Mult Ilut'lic. popular u..tor al tormerj clinutiiiifiiiiM lu're, now of 1'nwndemi, i Cal.. in one of Hie newlv elected bi-h- j opt. Some sUtti"tieK of Melliodi-m. I an develoiied al the conference, deal! in eolo-nnl figure. The mtinljei'ship i" over -1,000.0(10. hoimml in lienrlv .'10,0110 cliurcheN, the edifice and por MotiHgex beinff vnlueil nt i'J l.'i.OOO.OOIt. Hutuliiy school nttindiinee i 'I,."i00. (H)0. For iiennbm-. il.'J(Mt.0 tin- been eoiitriliuleil. Then- ore 1271J2 retired prenehera on the -unernnnunlrd li-t. iMembera of the local chitreh nre gel tingr in rendine"- to pa upon the nierilM of the new ritunl which liu JHut been adopted at Snrnlogn. As Hie tfme driiw nigh for n de cision, locnl itiilroniU nre Piling e jicciall.v itilercHttd in the awnrd of gold watch fobs by tho Sntitlieni l'n rifie to the six employe" on ench di- Hloti who within n ceitnin iietiml Kiibinit the IiohI "al'etv first" siiir goslions for Hie currenl yenr. Like nwunls itlu also oiien to the miiho number of employes in llie gcuerul aliopa of Hie uompniiy. The iiiiiiutil reunion of velernn sol tliers nnd snilors of toiilhcrn Oregon will be held in S'cplember. Liml yenr Mcdfoid enlerliiiiicd Hie ii-iicitioii nnd by way of rotutioii the ynlhering should Iu held here this nenxon. Steps lo secure this re-nll nre being- laken hy llie (I. A. If. meiubeihliip, Inieked by olhor iuNuuiees, Mrs. K. F. Smith is home from Hie local Sniiitnrium alter vrioun illness followed by un niierution, much im- IH-ovcd in Iiciiltli. A scoro of nuloH gnily deenmled, rnrryitiK neuriy 100 boosters, visited northern points in Siskiyou county, lust Sunday, heralding the nttmelioiiH of the npproiicliiii- Fourth ot July ueleb m lion here. Jesse Apj)Iegate, pioneer of south ern Otetron Iiu'Hlities, litis " recently been visiting' his niece, Mrs. Kmil Foil, residing on Urunitv street, coming here frmu (he home of Colonel Sar gent nl Jacksonville. Tom Simpson and Kd Phipp nre visiting various emirt snetious in thu vieinilv of Mnrs Illicit! on a buHJneaa trip. (leorge Vnlvs, rimninii' one of the eity express lilies, li.i, purchased Ihe I u vis HiHiim eiUipmeut and will re- iii-lull the liiisiii'-- on n I .'truer tenle than ever in the room- adjacent to the I.amkin realty oil ice. Hill Peiiiiiston, lupiilury, will haw "desk room" in the establishment, h!lsiinir ngules and other sfini-pri lou- stone-, e.H'tt uoi k ui Winch he lm c-t.ibll-hed tiuite liu-iin'-. .r parch and lets men smoke or the makin's until the kick back or a complaint! the national 2ttPllnlAttlfvmkm lt9 ' hut. - " " ' M . T .ft . J l (- .1 ' . - I .un.f . w . !. I'lft t r ) T " -' .ft ' '"! " 10 BE GIVEN AT PAGE IGHI The fashion writers or fairyland must have n terrible struggle to keep their departments Interesting, K the advance promises for "TuiUne," the Illuoblrd photoplay, to lie seen at the Page tneaiio, today and tomorrow, may be taken at face value. The croon version or Plerro Do 1m .Motte Foi net's falry-clasalc has heeu made truo to the legendary description of mythological modus nnd "dresses." Mermnlds nre mermaids, and fairies are all tor that little) they nre pre sumed to be, lu the photoplay. In the first place Henry Otto, who directed "L'ndlne" picked out the nleo Warm waters of the Pacific ocean in which Miss Ida Schnall and a few score attendant swimming experts, of faultless physical proportions, might dlspott themselves while nctliig the part of satellites to Queen I'nilti. mis tress of the under-sea. The shores of Cutulliiii Islands, oTf the Cullfornlii coast, furnished the netting of snndy benches, rugged and jagged rocks and plctiiiesiiue grottos with their mirror ing pools. As nymphs ami mermaids know ab solutely nothing about high-heeled shoes, short skirts, flowing trains and evoulng gowns, the matter of continu ing been m e at once n problem -thai was not. With the girls wrapped lu aeaweutl, sheltered by the bright rays of the sun or hidden close to the sur face by the clear waters of the Pacific the camera-man took every posslblo uilvautage of his opportunity to pic ture the graceful lines and equally gracerul contortions of the swimming diving and playful nymphs. Miss Ida Schnnll, who enacts the title role lu "l'ndlne," Is famed for her physical perfections lu those chart that papers print, showing lu inches the length of tho nose, the dis tance from chlu to elbows and tho various angles In tape Hue testi mony ot divine formations, the "Fit dine" of the "morles" Is tint at the head of the first ilaes In Ye ius com petitions Hne-hpur upon her chest numerous modal won In swimming contests, liiii trophies galore to prove thut she is an athlete, and lu the photoplay dlplays her daring as a hlgh-dlver by gracefully glancing - joy smoke MINE ION i-wnrrT)ggisisjii i; '.-? ' V3Js - .. ,JUaW,dftiKZHWr -N sgWn ,-aMMamaaaaauay " 1 I ak jHlawRgdMMr! So it's up to every red-blooded man to jump the boundary line between himself and smoke happiness and know just what all this jimmy-pipe-joy-talk is about! Men all over the world ape today smoking Prince Albert because it meets their taste; because it gives them real tobacco enjoyment they have never found before! Don't you realize that if Prince Albert, in a few years, has made three men smoke pipes where one was &moked before, it cer tainly has the cu,U on you--t least for a try-out! Why? that's only being: fatr to yourself 'h J m n m n- . nt uoi ompanV V Stv- "St r l N W "j ,J :i . . .,'. TI3il ll. AT TO The graduation exercises of the Sacred Heart hospital will take place al 8 o'clock Thursday evening, May 25. In the small hall of the Natator lttm. ' This Is the second class of nurses to be graduated from our hos pital, and the work that has been ac complished by the young mdles haa proven to be professionally efflclout and faithful. It Is due largely to the untiring devotion and unselfish labor or the sisters of the Sacred Heart that the public has been given such nurses as have been graduated from the Institution. A very attractive program bus boeu arranged for the occasion nnd the public can show Its appieclmlou of thu valuo of thu hos pital's service to our community by a xunerous attendance. Dr. 1C. II. Picket will lie chairman of the ovoninp. and the following pro. gram will be given: Duo Grand Ualop llrlllunte Rolling Lucille Kooutx, .lean Steel, Pupils of St. .Man's AeadCmy. Vale Caprice New land Lucille Kuoutx. Address '...Holbrook Wlthlnnton 'llrlo lai';etto, t8eeoinl Hyiuphoii), Hondo llHOthoven Irene Sullivan, Venltn Hamilton. W. ' Carlton .lanes. "O, Divine Hedeemer." tlounod Oeraldlne Thelss. Mrs. (ieorg Andrews, accompanist Address to Oradunles Hev. .1. F. Dolphlne "Meditation," Saint Stiens W. Carlton Janes. Presentation or diplomat and medals. from the top of a ellff at a height ot 130 feet. Photographically, "l'ndlne" prom ises many revelnllous In the art or re producing scenes or falr revelry b night; the charm of Pacific sunsets, among the coves and grottos of the Catullus Island; In forest '.cones nnd the ruggeet lundsrapes of the western coat. There was no need to go to the tropleti for settings In which to rrame the stor of l'ndlne." Why SmoSs nit Ciuurs When l.s Uondss are nnlv 1 llo rTMcu- i-ihr nn ui lutarraC. 0 IK roin, J this tid, lil toa ft wiii t ,4 ( ri- aUaJidr Wta.1807." GRADUATION A HEAR BE HELD THURSDAY i Doughnuts That will remain moist. Every housewife who Iwket her pvfl bread knows that if a little potato Is added to the snonfic. the bread will not dry out 1 as quickly. In lhi redpe potato is uiiuzeu I to make doughnuts that will remain moiit antl tretn tor several oays. K C will lw found to have dldlnct ad vantages over any other Baking Powder for doughnuts. K C Is a double acting bakln powder with which a large batch of doughnuts may be mixed and fried a few at a time. The last will ba a light and nice at the first. K C Potato Doughnuts By Mm. Neraila Brigcs of Jlakinj; School fame. ieps,toMr:2 W. cup augan i Itvil Uutwonjula K Clinking J'ouilrr; J tin upoonul milt; J lmnpivtHl ware; 1 cup cold n-nl poluln-A cuft vnll;, i r ,i . n U nteata. Sift three times, the flour, f.dt, f in Iwking Powder. Br.it cirn with r.-'.irv lieatcr, then still ung rotiirv ts-airr, iiud uslly add mgsr, then ork in the inaihr-l potsto wilhs poon and alternately sd.l milk ami flour mixture. Make a soft dough, roll Into a lieet, cut into round', pinch a hole in the center with the finger and Irj in deep fat. I'.it for fr inpr nhnul.l not he hot enough to lirown ihe doughnut until it hat ruen. When the doughnut is dropped inl llit fat It sinks to the bottom. As soon nt it - mci tip it should tic tiirni-l .ii.il funic! n i- nnltr of thnes while cookinp Tim 'f"l,r ' f-i-ellcnt suttiry it- not t.ilr tin (at in living ami will .uy on ' f- r i'ju. for ASHBY2!IN LCXICOri 2!ilN ARROW COLLARS FOR BIG TUCKED-IN-FNn ROWS WOODMEN Dancing Party Friday, May 26 Large Hall. Naiaiotiiiiu, MciHiuiI Dam In! v ' ' l-iv'ti bv I iilioin. Hani Mf.ltonl t'nmi-. No !". u W Tl' he'- - l n j l.ud - -i at Hotel arnurri FRIDAY EVE MAY 26 Hours 6 to 9 p. m. TABLE D'HOTE 75 cents . . iiismii.M, i',,,p. TO ORDER $25 00 HP Also Cleaning. Preisinq and Altering 128 E MAIN. UPSTAIRS Medford House Movers UK M" HOUSES. BARNS GARAGES, MACHINERY. ETC. Phone 488-M . fil2 S. Newtown. 737 W 14th St SPiJf HOCHfVMSEAXJ WpM d Pe e8r i t, tj ? x. If , th i n w " ,& 's v I - -'i-!,. TbrVsf 'ji -sK fc72S(i2' yT'YTK CAlKR Dfi: .aid tMi?C wm m r jj A'w TtBRVSu 9 JflgV TgOSi t DANCE MADE i ?iiif r Tlcikin rwaMJlJllilN HroM ) 1 J1. - U 4 I I V ,r