Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 24, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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NEW YOHK. May 2J. Mr. Clitra
Louise I'ouk Wnitu FmpoiI Iiur litis
linml, Dr. Aithtir Wnrruii Waite, ne
etneil of tlii' inuriltT of her fHtlivr,
John K. 1'ook, of Clrmul KnpiuV, in
I'onrt for tho firet time today when
hlio took tho Htand n a witncxw
njsainst liim. Mr. Wnitu, droned in
iiiouminsr, ciamo into tho cum t room
m iuii'tly that few nliurvod hur as
hlio took a scat behind tho jury box
as hur brother, l'eruy Peck, was lc
tifyititf. l)r. Wnito, who liad been Mltinic
with bowed liead all tho forenoon,
looked at his wife, but she appeared
not to nee him.
Mrs. Waite testified uoneeniiiiff her
fatherV vinit from (Irand Kapidi to
New Yoik and suitl that Wnitu mik
tested that Dr. Alliertus A. Moore lie
united to rfeo her father.
"We that in, father, Dr. Waite
and myelf, had planned tti o to Hot
Spriimw on n vixit. Fnthur upjieared
to be iu very good health."
Sonic tinio after her father's ar
rival hero, Mrs. Waite muil, ho devel
oped fainting wpell. Waite already
has admitted that lio inoculated him
as well us Mi. iPeuk with dieanu
The wilnuh's told of an occurrence
l dinner three days before Mr.
Peck's death when Waite nerved her
father with oysters and later he re
marked that he felt iimiMiiniy drowsy.
She snid her father's condition grew
grnduulK worse and -lie called in Dr.
Moore M'vcml tune-.
Uy A. C. Howlett
Pnitc 01 K. N. Dcardoff clocd
his school in the llec-c creek school
district Weduc-diiy, tlui 17th, and had
n very interesting time, as there was
a spelling couluit between that nud
soitie of the other schoids, nud then to
cap th climax had a spelling context,
the children vs. the old folks, which
resulted in the old copltt coming out
second hcl. Alter lunch, a picnic
dinner, they Hiit u while in athletic
sjmits, the most interesting wit of
which ws the bti-ketbnll game. The
professor's family had already gone
to A diland before - he closed hi
m'IhhiI and he was on hi- way to hi
homo there when he topKd at the
Sunny-tide fur dinner Thursday and
gave me the foregoing items.
Sjwuking on the -object of school-,
sice my lu-t our school board ha
mcl and re-employed Mism M. Taylor
to take her old place in the inter
mediate deuirtmeiit, and .Mr-. Shu
Ier for the primary department, and
liuvo conditionally employed Pmfc
sor Wheeler, tho principal, the condi
tions being a- follews: If the Roplc
of the district, at the annual election,
will votn to c-tublish mid maintain u
high ttchoot deM4rtmcnt, they, the
bourd, will employ Profesbor W. O.
Wheeler and his wife at a salary of
$173 a month, but if the people otc
against h high school then Profes-or
Wheeler is t receive 11000 for the
nine months. That u .110 per month,
making a total in tho fir-t instance
of 32.1 a month, or if the people
vote down the high -cho proHsitiou
then they will pay $2(11 M month
for the three teachers, making a dit
ferenee of WH.SI) per month, or )
$.125. There is a strong feuling in
the district against the high school
move as well as against laying the
pricu that hu been and i proposed to
he Hiid.
The graduating clu , eight pupil-,
and the other mx of the pupils of
Professor Wlimdur'ai nuun ..u.- tl...
pnifexsor a urprie party on the eve !
of lite 17th, ice cream ami cake wa
brought in aud the children report
having had it very enjoyable time.
On Thurda.v, the Ibth, Profe-sor
Wheeler and wife motored over to Ap
jilcgate, taking with them the two
boy and the two girU who hud the
highest grades in their examination,
to-wit, Aden Ilaaelton and Theo.
Pb.rey. and Hi. Pay Perry and Mi
Klhel Hiley. Although the weather
wa nut what one would like for a
picnic, -till they reuort having had a
Ty seai.ant time and a large eruwd
in attendance.
U-t Thur-da Joe Parker, tin
ticket agent .for the P. & K. Harlan
To., of Medford, and A. L Ilamnull,
traveling agent fr Well-. Fargo A.
t'o., werj at the Sunuy-ide fur dinner.
P. K. r'auder, the prt-ent uuner !
the orchard known a-,the Laidlow
orchard, of Kan Diego, Cal., ha been
here a few day- in thi- neryhborlioori
"looking after hi- interest-. While
, here he ha h -j the gue-t of F. M.
ii to wliut is going on iu the world
and consequently linve subscribed for
n live paper.
Since my la-t report Qeoijie Hrouu
& Son- have bought wool from Mr.
Trusty of Trail. (Icoivc Owens of
Wcllen and W. r liutlep of Kuule
W. K. Ilutlfr vn- in town Friday
circulating one of the iccall jM'lition
aiul late in the attcinodn rewrted
that he had between eighty and ninety
names on it.
A. ,1. Mitchell, one of the Christian
Science healers of Mcdford, came out
Friday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Cingcadc. Ho is the man they
give the credit to for hur recovery to
Penj. II. Hroidiy, one of our untur-pri-ing
stockmen, was in town Fri
day, and while here hud mo cliangc
his subscription from the Weekly
Mail Tribune to the Daily.
While in town Friday, J.
Garrett of I.akc Creek and II. I.. Carl
ton of Wcllen, two of our leading citi
zens nud stockmen, took dinner at the
Sunnyside and renewed thuir sub
scriptions to the Weekly Mail Trib
une, and Saturday morning Jud Kd
sull of Ilutte Falls, who ha- been iu
town attending to business for the
past few days, gave mu his subscrip
tion to the I). M. T. Times nro so
hard that people are looking iu every
direction to timl sonic new avenues
that will open up to prosperity aud
arc beginning to learn that iu order to
keep up with the business world they
must read and see what is going on
in the world, and so" t hoy arc -ub-M'ribing
for the Daily Mail Tribune
nud tint- get the now of the world in
n condensed form.
Among tho imssengcr Suunln
morning to Itittte Falls were X. H.
Stoddard, the Ilutto Falls hardware
merchant, and wife, on their wa
home, ami Mrs. Royal Ilrown and her
daughter. Hazel. Mrs. 11. went in
Friday afternoon to attend the com
meueement exercises of the Mcdl'oi.l
biuh school. Miss liohurtu Pierce
and Miss Olady Xatwiek, who luiw
been attending the Med ford limb
-cloud, were al-o jm-K'nger- on the
car for this place.
Saturday noon CI. X. llirUiui.l it
Mcdford, rciro-enrtug Failing Me
Column, hardware mcichant- ol Port
land, and M. W. Matthews of the Pure
Oil Co. of Minneapolis, wore lure lor
Our election (wis-ed off pleasantly
ami everybody seemed to be in ii
good humor, although there was en
ous di-apK)iutineiit on the part -!
some of our citizens who were work
ing for W. T. (hiee.
TiKhdiiv iiciiiK Mr .iiid Mi- I K
I'e.Monh :'".th wctldliiK nnnlteri-iirv
the tinned a number of rrltnuV to
peinl the day and partake of a splen
dltl dinner which hhi arvei on a
very Ioiik tnblo under a larae fir in
the yard. Tliono prenent were Mr
and Mra. Dltaworth, Mr. and Mr
Peolor, Mr. and Mra. Illanchard Mr
and Mm. Daweon and daualitcr Tin
gueata put in the day In chatter, in
tinging and hearing phonograph mu
lc Mr. and Mm. Peyton received
rwveral appropriate prevent.
Mm. Colvla- of Med ford came up
Tuesday to visit her daughter. Mi
Chas. Walker at Proapcet. Mm Walk
er went homo with her mother lri
d.v. There wan a pleaaant dance at the
power plant Saturday night In honor
nt Miaa Doollng who will leave tm-
mcdlntol) for her homo near Port
land. Mr. aud Mm. Mansfield motored to
Meford Friday to atlond commence
ment cerelsea. Marguerite Mans
field oas one of tho Kraduatoe.
Mr. and Mm Peyton alo attended
the sraduation exercises. They loft
Thursday and returned Sunday.
Harold Pevton come up on the
KtORc TucMlaj for a llt nt homo.
M. H. Aiken nmt to M,dford Pl-
urdav and took tfip ballot boxen.
Xearl cferyone did their duty b) ,
Doing to the polls and yoUiik Frldav.
There inut Iiotc Istii n Urie crod
or they voted very unintelligent!' for j
the board of electors did not get ,
homo until Saturday morning. '
Mr. Irwin took Mr. and Mrs. Sltoll '
and Ora Walker to Derby station '
Saturday to meet Mr. Slioll'a little
girl who hew conic to spend tho sum-1
mer here.
Karl Peyton has been spending a
few dav "alck leave" at home.
Margery llrakluo went to Pcmlut !
Saturday to attend the uxorclaea nt
tho cloHlng of tho school.
Mm. Myrtle Chartraw-Kclso and i
son havo come home for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Xlchol and chll
dren have moved Into the new log
house on their homestead.
Wcdnesdav was school rally dn nt
Ptospect and a bin croud was pres
ent. The principal of the Mcdford (
schools was present and made an ad
dress. Merle Willlte talked Interest
ingly on botany and there were other
Instructive features. Utile Miss Mc
Donald of Trail and Miss Nellie Mor
gan of Pcmlst proved to be champion
spellers. Another Important part was
the prlcnlc dinner or which there was
an nhundnnt suppb nnd ,itlet
.Ipiucs ntnl Karl .m"' l' art t'eton.
MarKcr rr-klnc. 1 '' ' M' I'lbotlum
ami ltaxel Dltsworth motorod to
Prospect Sunday afternoon a-ad Re
turned to Mr. Peyton's for suivper.
!?r. Lewis jnnde a business trip to
Prospect Sunday.
H. D. Hlanchard brought a land of
chicken feed fro Derby the first of
the week.
Mr (trieves road ramp mouej on
Motid i mid Tiicsdiix to their old
,n i 'oiuiil nt I' It 1 1 icinlxit Inini's
&rs. yroomfleld Is visiting her son
nud his family at Flounce Hock.
Mr. aud Mrs. Mansfield went to
Medford Monday.
Make Thrift a Household Word
Teach the children to be thrifty. Habits
formed in childhood are not apt to change
in after years. The key opening box of
ShinoiA with more than fifty shines and a
for polishing is an outfit
unequalled for economy
and convenience.
At all dealers - Take no substitute.
SHINE WITH ShinoiA and save
) home se:c
w a n o .
A tool box, besides pro
tecting you against tlief t
of tools, makes it un
necessary to disturb
your passengers when
the use of tools is neces
A big, roomy tool box,
with Yale lock, $2.50
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Savs we can't look op feel rlnht il
with the system full
of poisons.
I'd I " in
' I .1 I I
. T I
Millions ef folks Iwtlia Internally
now Instead of loading their system
with druse. "What's an inside bath?'
you say. Well, It Is guaranteed to per
form miracles If you could bellere
these hot water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers of men and
women who, immediately upon arislnc
in the morning, drink a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
Mone plionphate In It This Is a ety
excellent health meastuo It Is la
tended to Hush the stomach, lleer. kid
neys and the thlrt ftt of InO-etlnea
of the previous dav a waste, sour bdo
and IndlKtrtible iuuterls.1 left over la
the body which if not eliminated every
day, becomo food for the millions ol
bacteria which Infut tho bowels, tho
quick result Is polsoos and toxins
which are thm absorbed Into the blond
causing hfft1arhe. bilious attacks, foal
breath, had taste, coMs, stomach trou
ble, kidney misery, sloeplrssness. Im
pure blood sni ull sons of ailments
People who fiel jor1 one day and
Vaily the ceit, rut who s.mply can
not tet feting rieht arc uivcj to
obtain a quaitr jniimd tt limuatoco
phosphate ut the drug store This
will coat very little but Is sufficient
to make an) one a real crank on tie
aubject of Internal sanitation
Just as ooap and hot water act on
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening', so limestone phosphuta and
hot water aft on, the stomach, livr,
kwlnexs and txwels It Is a5t r fro
Juipi'iant 't bat' p on tho ins ' ' 'T
cu t' .' ! be a -p ' s i p,'p"
ri- r a1 - rb p.p. P'l thT
I ' '' 1 A l! - JL
. What Do Yon Know
About The IV1
THIS is ihe time of the year when more
people are considering the question of
"what car to buy" than at any other time
of the year.
This community has it full share of poople
who will soon he driving their first car or a new
car to replace the old one.
Now, we know that we are going to soil Max
well Cars to a great many of these people de
pending upon how many we are able to acquaint
with the merits of the Maxwell.
The generous value offered in the car is so
evident its pnst record is so full of good perform
ance owners speak so well of it that when the
buyer knows these things, he is eager to buy a
In order to tell as many people as possible
about the merits of the Maxwell Car we are going
to spend a lot of money in the next few weeks in
this paper advertising Maxwell merits to those
who do not know them.
The reason we want to sell as many Max
wells as possible this season. Our future allot
ments will depend upon how many Maxwells we
sell now.
You may know that the Maxwell markot is a
buyer's market, not a seller's markot broadly
speaking. The demand for Maxwells the country
over is greater than the supply.
For this reason cars are allotted to dealers by
the factory according to the size of the dealer's
We want to make a showing and be in a posi
tion to gel n generous allotment of Maxwells
liereafter. Because the more Maxwells arc sold in
any community, the greater is the future demand.
We realize the opportunity to do an ever-increasing
Maxwell business.
This is only the first of the several messagos
we are going to print a few days apart concern
ing the Maxwell Car. But we don't expect to be
able to adequately present Maxwell merits in
printed word alone.
If you are one who is going to buy a new car
you will find it decidedly to your advantage to
find out all you can about the Maxwell before you
place your order.
Come in and talk it over with us and let us
demonstrate the car to you. Then, don't take our
word alone, but ask those who now own Maxwells.
Get "posted" about the Maxwell and you will
realize more satisfaction and get more "value re
ceived" for your motor car money than ever
And we are just as willing to have you investi
gate other cars just as fully as you do ours. The
Maxwell will not suffer by the comparison.
Why not start your Maxwell investigation
H ,"'.'; Jouring Car $655 Roadatar $635 ' J
i flli powE uto c- jjfilj 1
I JP Time Payments if Desired JP 1