Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 24, 1916, Image 1

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    Univrrlty of Orcn
Yestei'duv AIjixtmuiM ttili
pvini.v ci.m nv to-
MtillT l Till IISDAV
I'mlay MIiiIiiiiiiii I.". IV. Tv. f
rortv-slxih Yfr
Tmtl' m nth Yi-ar
n r HvTi. . .jijXJ
NO. ."!
if J.
1 G
Powerful Offensive to East of Dead
Man's Hill in General Unsuccessful,
But Portion of Cumiercs Occupied
Attacks Against Dotiaiimont Fail
Despite Reckless Expenditure Life.
rUIS. Jin) 2 1. A powerful of
feiiMvo wait undertaken by the tier
mans hint night to the east of Dead
Jinn hill on the Verdun front. The
attempt In general was unsuccessful,
tlir iii- office report of this afternoon
mi)-, wnt nfter a fierce hand-to-hand
ftnil' i ho attacking force made
thili witv Into a portion of the village
of Cnmlcrei. At thli imlnt the
I'n-iii h nr(. faced by more than three
(crmun attack on Fort ilounii
moiit. i he cornerstone of the Verdun
defense, are said virtually to have
railed .Notwithstanding the doterm
4 .Innilon of their attacks and what In
'chin at terlaed an reckless expenditure
of lite, tin' Hermans succeeded only
In inking a Minall part of a trench
vvc.i oi tin- fort.
Moleiit llflttle Itngllitf.
Tin' buttle around Verdun con
tinues .to rage with a violence unex
ftni ilcd cvn in thin region. The
CciiiiaiiK nr striving with every re
source In their power to capture f 1111
No. ::n4 and Dead .Man hill on the
l ft haul; or the Meuse, and to win
liak 1 1 famous Fort Douaumonl on
tlir iluht iinnk. which was" wrested
Irom them by (lenernl NlvlIlP'a bril
liant P. planned mid executed offens
le. Without full possession of the Hne
from Pepper hill $ Vaux fort the
liirn am cuniiot hope to net any near
er to the rapture of Verdun. LSven
ir ti succeeded in taking thl line
tliev con III not bold it unteta they
were also in iossesslou of Hill No.
!:: mid Dead Man hill, which out
t lull N I lie lino. i
Hiivi ii to desperation by seeing ao
lurch of hi work undone, the Her
liiati lommoiider has hurled attack
nfter attach against Fort Douaumont.
At tin' mme time he haa kept up hi
on-biight on the left bank of the
ilver to prevent the French trans
lei iin .inv force to the main scene
of .-.Hack.
Ilattle Kbta ami Finn.
A'l il.iv vestcrday the tide of war
'! and flowed, indie of ground
helm: won .ind lout at an appalling
com on the men. Again and agnln
iiin i reducing trenches to a crumb
line heap of ruins by a deluge of
hbellx, the (icrman Infantry diishel
foiward, only to be caught and
swept awa) by a hurricane or curtain
Hie irom the French batteries ami
machine guua.
The condition of the present war
have 1 1 ansformed the traditional ro
llout couruae of the French soldiers
Into an Immovable stoicism. M n
huve stood their ground in a situu
1 ion whit It it seemed beyond numun
ii.iture to support. When night fell
Ian niylu the positions ou both sides
tii iinclianved The French held
tiimlv .ill iheir gains while the Cler
in in- 'in urn 1 ft .irful losses without
;. i . in .ir to am tlei l-tons.
IIJi.lMA i II Y. S'ev., M.,v J I.
At it. i-l I" il itl-t'ii- have I'i'ii-liitl
in ,i Hit 1 1 . 1 l.iin liclretv in the
lnwel lew l il the Yellow Jilt l.i I mine
He if lit le. Two liinlli - luiVe lieeli re
i nt It il.
Tin tile liioke .. it l:t-t night.
Tin- lire i Ui.'i.,ni: lit tl e 1 im loot
lev. I.
Nt ...v .1. i Ki t i- in (he (Joltl Hill
. -! it th. t M.nk Twain, a
i iii i .' i i . I'llni i.i ihe llntcr
I i .' i I i t .i t i ' -ilie.
in i.i i i ; .-I .i u v ii.
. f S i 1 I' o t (
e S I II X It .!' I
Iri-ll rti)t
t I .
Prince Alexander, Regent of Peter's
Landless Kingdom. States He Has
Assurances From All Allies that No
Settlement of War Would he Ac
ccpted Without Restoration Scrhia
ATIIF.N'S. May Jl. -I'rinee Ale
nndcr n" Serliin, regent of King Pe
ter' Iniiillc-- kiimiluiii. in mi interview
today with n rcpre-ciiliiMve of the
AMHMiited riv, hiikI thnt lie had
iixiiriiiieex from nil the nllien that no
xettleiiiwnt of the war would he ne
ccpted which did not provide tor the
restoration of Seiliin.
'"1 reeeixc nit," he until, "o prove
how deeply I appreciate the lone of
the American pren. which, while de
fending the Niicrril principle of the
liberty of ul! people, luix thereby
rendered jtiIiee to our right to exit
n an iiiileH'inli'iit nation. Serliin tle
irt't In live in iienee. tint only on con
dition that it iixpirntiiiiix, eultiite mid
Innuiiiiue are rc-iK'etctl an it reHct
"iIhim- of ot Iii-i -."
Tenlhle SiiflVilnn..
"While waiting for tlio deliveriince,
our iHior Hipuliition in Serliin Iiiik suf
fered terribly I'nmi the cruel regime
under which they now live. It i noth
ing new for ilme who know what
took place in Belgium and the invad
ed province- of ltiixin and l'rnnee.
What i- new, hiiwevc.', nnd what it
"vvor-c than iiuytliiug of the mirt et
-ecu, i the applieiitinii of llulgiirian
mclhoiU to the uirt- of our ennntrv
they occupy.
"The fate of our civil populntiou
ii what wiirriet. hh mot and we are
4iiiu- n Ii the lime to find nne way
to lop Ihix extenniimtioii of our al
ready nlmo-t hnlf-extcrtiiiniitcd nice."
Tlmiikx Aineilciin-.
The prineo nHike with deep euio
timi of ihe el fort, of the Aincrieiiin
to aid the KiiftVriug Kerb civilianx.
A the khiiki-cliid -olilieiv filed hy
brave and pioud in Ihcir new iini
I tu m mill in arleet ph-ieal trim,
the I nee u the prince regent took an
exulted evpn iin ti he nhUeil each
pa-ing Hag. Smiie of the oldicr
were ui-iiv -Imiii'il men mid mime were
the nicrext ln. .Many of them had
lllcll lllltlei .inn eoltalltlv for i
"Tliev iii eiimpletciv relulctl,"
-nltl lilt pliln i , 'anil a-k ntillllli- liel
ler ill. iii tn etiii.e In yi'ip with the in
.nit r- ul iln ii ii, ii i e land."
AI'KKii W. Ill , Ar.iv :( The
lth venire Mimiiionetl tin i aiiiin.i
tion n m juiors In ihe tune ot Will Or
pet. liiivtrsit.v of W'lxroiisln htudent,
charged iih the murder or his sweet
heart, Murian Lumber!, appeared In
court toduy. Most of the b.n; men ex
amined so far have been residents
of rural communities and practically
all of them have secured their release
from Jur) dut) by professing a fixed
opinion on the ruse or by failure to
pai a so-called educational test."
In an attempt to exiiedita the jury
n-lettlon the new venire has been
drawn from residents of the city, in
the hope that tbay will prove leas
opinionated!. ttankrs, merchants,
professional men and other mora or
leas promtneut persons were in the
new venire.
Bttite'a Attorney Ralph Dady has
denied that he has the bottle ?hit-h
contained the Kion which Vllled
Marian Lambert.
A reiort that Stale's Attorney Dady formed a compact with Celeste
Youl t-rs, the Ichool teacher to whom
Orpet was reorted to be engaged. In
an effort to obtain a confessiou fro)0
ihe tit ft ruUm. ut denied In lil.v
A. i tirilin to Ihe ntor i ift ulatiil the
ii I wioio Orpt thjil her IctH i fcigre
tu m re. ul in tourt und ankeil him to
itiii .- .-ti that i-li tjaik: lt' he Suvt'T
' i iM'al.iticu iiictiiit upon fit
r u tr tu tt rirMBjwr'leBre n )
tturtrooii frtt ti v- .
X lit il it ill r 4 i
Austrian Offensive and Renewal of
Verdun Attack Result of Concerted
Effort on Part of Central Powers
to Prevent Expected Simultaneous
Attack hy Allies on All Fronts.
HO.MK. Ma 2 1. Tlfe Austrian of
tensive of the Trentliio front and the
furious efforts of the (Jermniia to
gain u decision l Verdtiit are ex
plained In a semi-official statement
published hero to be a result or a
concerted etrort on the part of the
central powers to prevent an expected
simultaneous attack l the allies nti
all flouts.
To Pi event Initiative.
"The central empires," says the
statement, "wish to prevent, even at
the cost of enormous sacrifices of men
and material, the allies from taking
the Initiative in the war operations
and attacking them simultaneously
on all fronts. Such Is the plan of the
central powers as revealed hy the
great Austrian offensive on the Tren
tlnn ft out while tlio Hermans are
reviving their ofrenslve against Ver
dun. "(lermany mid Austria aim nl wear
ing out France and Ital.v, counting
on the temporar) halt In the Russian
operations continuing. They hope
that when Russia Is ready at last to
resume the right the other two na
tions will be so worn out as to need
a rent. This view Is confirmed by
statements made by Austrian offi
cers who have bean taken prisoner."
Claim Plans Doomed.
The statement concludes with an
assertion that the Austro-tiorman
plans in nut rail, as all of the allies
will be able to puns from Ihe present
defensive stage to decisive, simul
taneous action. This greut loin! of
tensive. It Is declared, will tiring
about the downfall of the Teutonii
News from. the front savs that the
Austrian are widening the scope or
their offensive with the Intention ot
preventing the Italians from comen
tratlng any considerable force of men
and uiins a threatened points. Tin'
Aiistrians continue to make their
prlni'lpiil effort In the AiIIk unit
SiiK.inu viillevx One of their moxt
important iKlviinrex wax iiIoiik the
l.e-Miil iniiiiiitulii- in Willi. in tciri-
loiv TlH'v itt. ill ivi n irmu Ibis itis-
tilt l i. ..ii It. iii. .'i i iiiiiitt i at I in k
I'IKItUK. . I. M.iv Z Peter
Norheik, lieiiieiiant aovernor, won
the republican nomination for gov
ernor of South Dakota, according to
Tcturns received up to eaily this
morning from yesterday's primaries.
It was Indicated his plurality In the
statu would be not less than 10,000.
Willis C. Cook or Sioux Falls, was
elected the South Dakota member of
the republican national convention
In the first congressional distrlu
the fight for the republican nomina
tion for congress between Congrcsi
man Dillon and Sneaker Christopher
son renAilned undecided.
lu the Second district Congressman
Jto)al C. Johisou appeared to have
been renominated by the reputilh mis
In the third dlstnut where there were
four republican candidates, the win
ner ws not yet knon.
M. D. M or com of Sioux Fulls,
claimed the nomination for governor
on tiie democratic tlekeC.
The democrats nominated con
gressional candidates ga follows.
First distrlrt. O. D Anderson. See
end district, J. I. itatterton; third
district, Congressman Uaudy. re
nominated. The democrats elected ten dele
gates & the St. louls convention who
ill support President Wilson for re
nomination. The republican delegates to Chl
i ,uii w ill Viii oi t I'liiiimin- loi preM
,. i ,. ii h- i1! iii l , r i t i ., ,1
Judiciary Committee by Strict Party
Vote of 10 to 8 Recommend Confir
mation of Boston Attorney After
Four Months of Discussion and
Hearings of Trivial Charges.
WASHINGTON. May 2 I. The sen
ate Judicial') coiiutilttue voted 10 to S
today to report favorabl) to the sen
ate the nomination of l.ouls t. llriin
ilclH tu bo associate Justice of the Hit
pieme court. It was a strict parly
No plan as toVhcn the iiomltiulluti
will he taken up In the senate haa
yet been formulated. Senator Cum
mins of lowu, was the only member of
the committco not prosent. Ills vote,
however, was recorded against con
firmation. Senators voting for confirmation
were Culberson, Overman. Chilton,
O'dorman, Fletcher, Reed, Ashurst,
Shields, Waist) and Smith or Georgia.
Senators voting against roiiflrmn.
Hon were Clark of Wyoming, Nolaon.
Dillingham. Sutherland, llrandegee.
llorah, Cummltis and Works.
The vote Is ono of the final stops
In a contest which Marled as soon as
the nomination was sent to the sen
ate by President Wilson on Jauuarv
'JS. Weeks were spent b) a sub-com-mlttee.
taking lost I itnmg regarding
charges against the nominee, formu
lated by a committee of cltlxejis of
Boston. The sub-eoiiimttlce recom
mended confirmation by a strict par
ty OtH of ;'. in 2.
Senators opposed to confirmation
will seek consideration or the nomi
nation In open session of the senate
since the bearings were open. Those
In favor will oppose open session utile--
tlirv cliiinuc their I'hin
WANIIINtiToV l iv '.'I. A bill lo
recover title tu .1,'Jmi.lMIII .icle- of
laud, w.nlli mine tli.ui rMO.llllO.IHIll,
grunted In the flregou & Ciililoriiin
I'liiliiuul li the IinIciuI government
lillv ea Ik nun, vvn brought up in
the In u m IimIiiv, The measure wmild
iiiiliui ie -nil agiiinM i lie riulroiitl lor
lei'ttverv of I'lllliU leteived tor -ale
ul sun, (Mill iiriv. of laiul at more tli.ui
-' 'I' an liere, etillllill v to tile .ln i -
mil- nt the uriuiiial grant.
Siiteilv in Hull Vtli- HiVCil on tin
'iiuiiiil llmt an in iniiit urn 111:11111-1 iii-
Mi-itmn of ihe llillil- l--ued Deeeiiihi'l'
II liv the Hiiprcmc eoint ol the I'uiint
State, expire June !.
The men mi re is of -iicciul inten -1
to Ili.lHKI a-rou- to whom hl'ciiI-!
old the land triuululentlv and who
were deprived of then right lv tlie
upreme court dcei-imi.
The hill would pi mule fur eln-ili-vution
of the :i.'JWi.imiii neres ii wh-tcr-power
.-ites, timber lainl ami nu
rieulliirul laiul- ami 1 t- ule ot tim
lier 1 1 net-, and lioine-tetidlllg o noil
timlier tract-, nl J "n an Here. The
ii'kii tiiicni- n n-ii", intcrinr and
iil'l'ii'iiltiire have imlui -ui the leyi
tntiuii. Cli. nun, in h . 111- ul the luiii-e
puhlie I.iihI- t'liiiiiiiil it 1 in the millior.
TI.MIC I 'I - I , l.iv j I I
Thn u n, I . nl l)u I'n.lit '
tcrian church in Die I nlted States
of America adopted without debate
a report from the committee on biil
and overtures warning the New York
and ail other pretvbrles that the
tenets of the churi h must be acApt
d by candidates for Hie ministry be
fore they should he ordalued. This
aetlon, it is believed, ends further
discussion lntlQ prevent assembly
of fie .till, til inQ.i.i qui -lion in
in. t v iv ui a ! it 1 1 .ii 1
' 11 t ii I m .,1,1.11 . (U ill iu
American Troops Prove That Bandits
Cannot Operate in Bin Bend Coun
try Rapid Pursuit Surprised the
Mexicans Who Were Captured or
Dispersed Welcomed hy Natives.
.MARATHON. Tcmis. May 21.-- Ks
rorted by a smutl detachiueiit of the
Ulghlh cavalry. Meuteiiaiit Colonel
Alvarex, loader or the Olenii Springs
Mini llmiiilllas raiders, will he brought
heie today and turned over to the
local officials to bo taken to Alpine
Tor trial, Colonel Frederick W. Sib
toy said this morning.
Alvarex and two companions sep
arated lliemselvea from the test of
the bandits In ju-der to stand guard
over aoteii Americana captured at the
lloiiulllaa mines, after lhe.v had cross
ed the border. The three Mexicans
were overpowered by their captives,
led by Carl Halter, mine superintend
ent, and were given lo the expedi
tionary Torre.
Sibley 1111 i:peillllon.
Speaking or the foray Into Mex
ico. Colonel Sibley said teday:
"I helleve that our men have
how 11 tu mi unmistakable way that
baiidlla and murderers cannot op
erate with Impunity for lung lit the
111 Rend coiinti). Our column was
a little slow In reaching the scene of
the depredations, but once there, we
hut no time In rinding their trail,
catching up with them nut! ftiiall)
dispersing them, which was one ob
ject of the expedition. Our column
was welcomed along the route by the
natives, because the bandits had cov
ered the same road in their ret rent
aud had committed outrages and
nimses mi Hie peopLp. Our coming
was a source of great relief to them
ami we were the recipients of miiiu
little homely courtesies, both goini;
.tint coming out. ,
Itaiidils Sinpilscil.
When we reached KI Pine w
imnitl Jesse Deenier and Motuoe
I'.ivue lu a little hut. The handlls
.it Hint time did not realise au.voiie on their trail, especially Aineil
1 an soldiers. They had left Deemer
mill Pavue at this adobe to go out on
another raid on a nearby ranch and
upon their return were to resume
I barge of their prisoners. You can
Imagine how surprised tliev were
when one of our detachments 1 aught
up with them "
I. ust night 'lolonel Slbtev received
II telegram fiom (ieiiernl Fuuston
1 OlnlillliHIilllii; lilin oil Ihe "iici et-sf ill
lei in ion nl Ihe 1 .1mp.1i.Ji1
K11MI.. m.i P. 11- l f n-
lll.lll V .1 I 1 1 1 V ll.l III I'll till -
lM'llt'lllv Inllnuiil Ii'. ,1 -llllllcll
-lliekeiiuij vvhnli 1- iiiti ipiiieil in
llillllnrv eilele lieie .1- beliiij llcce--.H'V
tu lepl.irt tin A 1-I11 in lu--t
11111I in I t in- up in Ii ii'.'.p lor 11
-tl'ongcl ullell-ive
The Au-liiiiii I'liiiiiniiiid i evident
ly phlllllilli.' In -liii.glliell the line ol
llllliek, 11 l.njf iiembhiue oi ie
lilfureellielil- 1 uiitllliie t. lie repoltetl
aliillU the linllk of l.nkc II. mill.
The-e tiiiiiji- iipiint nl l iiiteiitl tu
iltt nipt tu nn mil II .1 1 .nun. Hi
nut llii in 1 i v in. ' "! I'.n i.i
IIF.HI.IX, Ma .'.
Ii in. tin id u .1
Me. VV.i- t ci uli il I,
trip ' 11 ... 1 . 1. r ui In 1
lit urn Hi. II..I-
" in .nil .' 1 .1 1
i ,l iv luj Hie, dungh
ler 111 'I ii .-"ii
CIlllOll Mi I 1 I
ill. miioii. The ce-
iimed 111 the truili-
t luiia I 1 '.I , 1 I. a licnii-iiiaii with a
liroudu l - lU'ilin wtiiiicn of ihe
IlllilelWurlll. who Were li'i't'lillv eifl)
i. ii il i.i tin 11 111 1 1 11 1 1 niiiii'ry cf
..'in, .mi 1 . 1 .. .' ,iii)ft ilrl
Vote of 1331 for the Charter Amend
ment to 295 Against. Shows Pro
gressive Sentiment In Ascendency
Issuance of Bonds for Railroad
Authorized Contract Next Step.
: : : : .j.
votu roil tup: hoxhs
- - -
lt vvaiil IHH H'S
-nil vviuil . . . r.Ut I li :
:tni want nun mi :
Total . . lilitl UIIA :
Majoilly in riiviic or ImiimIs !
Illllll. .
: : : : : : -
Hy a vote of 1381 to 285 the people
of Medrord voted Tuesday to amend
the city charter to authorise the Is
suance or $.10n,0nn bonds for the
construction of a railroad. The over
whelming majority lit favor or the
measure shows the determination or
the rllUen lo make possible the de
velopment or the mineral and timber
resources by aiding the construction
or transportation Hues.
Speedy action by the council la ex
peeled lu the submission of proiHisals
fiom S. S. Ilullls ami other parties,
If they materialise, for the construc
tion or a railroad to the Itlue Lodge
mineral hi It. Mr. Mollis atates that
be has tils proposal read).
When incepted bv the couucll the
proposal will be paused upon by tlio
illtcns at nnoiliei special election,
which will .iiuiiiil lc 1 (instruction.
I.ONIlON, M.u J I Hi. Cvihanue
Telegraph eumpiiuv -,iv. it liiun
from diplomatic einli- I h.i I I'linee
von llllelow, loimcl (ieriiiali elianecl
lor, it procccdiiij to Wabingtoii,
charged liv i;iiiM'iur William with a
-JK'eial liiiHsiiin.
I'rinee You Iliielovv. one ot the fole
mot tateliieli of KuriH', ban been
rcfcried to freitieuliv in the lnt few
months a the man who might lie e
leeled hy Klliieriir William In eolidlict
lireliiniiiarv ikuicc wgoliiitiuiix,
-I1011I1I tlie.v Im iiiiilerlakeii.
Late in III II the former ehiiiieellur
we ent ly the euiMritr nnd uc
eeeded in delaying Italy's declaration
I war on Aulria. He is criilileil
olu with having prevented war be
tween Uennaiiv ami Italy. Front lime
tu lime il biw been re purled that the
piuit'c wa engaged 111 pence negotiation-,
but -! lor .i Iiii Im-cu neer-
lailied llie-e lilllittl- were Wllllollt
The Ksi'hiiiii Teleui.iph 1 nuiuiiiy
lllo sliys il iiikIii -I.iiiiU I'iiiii'C You
llllelow Will bet Hue' til
tile I 11 1 1 I'll Male-, 'iln. Ilililiiiiilliiu
i i-aiil to have lieeu ulitained liuiii
dipliiiinilii' 1 in le- in I i,iiil"ii.
Mill X IAI.I.N H M,,x ,'
Suiiilit a-lerii tnilh I la lul. 1 w.i. ilu
11. ui mux vi-iled b 11 lienvv vv imi ami
1, mi -turn uliuli in -nut ih-tiiii
if.11 llttl 1 vt'ltiiiii' iiii.n nun- .in,;
vvhieii, lit -nl.--. 1, hi in.. 1I1, dt'.itb ul
me and iiiuiv ul -cmliI ..thei-. ilni
a vtixt 11 in. i 1 tit ul 1I.1111.1.1' tu limn
lliiilillll'.-, iu,- ,111,1 In. -i .k, The
"til 1 v. 1 "cl 1 ) Ii u.i. 1I1 it ul the
miaul 1 hilil ul 1'itii ill-.. 1,. who liv c,
live mile- -oiltli of t'lie-ler.
WASIIIXaTOX, Mu) :! reso
lution hv Senator llliihcoik of Xe
biqnktl, reipijina the gi'deltir) Of
fiate to liiforui ihe Miiaie fin tu the
lUtitado Of Ibi lliiflt gov Ol Hiuvivt)
tvi.ivriiiun a it" 1 1 tf aiipips lo
Hi iicoiit- 0' Itouv il was ftoti nun I
t lor iiAsaaKf fouas liy tne ioli'un'
mis ipiitrllltt'.
01 TO
Official Count Reveals Olcott as Re
ceiving Largest Vote Among Can
didates, With Majority In Jackson
County of 1103 Roberts' Majority
49 Few Changes In Result.
The cnnipletp official count for (lift
republican primary election for Jok
sou county shows that 1 IS ropiihli
cans wiote Itoosevelt's name on tlm
ballot for president, ami that HuRhoa
carried the count) by I ft plurality.
The complete vote was: llurton 111,
Cummlus 1117, Hughes HAS, Itnotiiv
velt t iri.
tOf the 2ttsn Imllots cast by tlio re
publicans. 17KO were for William
(Irnnt Webster of Illinois, whoever bo
may he, the only name prlntod n tku
Hen Olcott for seeratarr of state
had (lie lecord majority of the nloo
Hon, defeating ( II. Mooroa hy a ma
jority of linn votes, the vote Uelng:
Olrott 21S1I, Mooies IllSfi.
Nat tonal Delegute.s.
.lacksou county republicans fuvoroil
Daniel Ho)d or Wallowa, fioorgo J.
fauiHinii. ('. V. Kulloti and Arthur
C. Silencer or Multiiomah as dnlegntoH
at large to the national coiivuntlon.
with ('buries II. Carey a close run.
ner-up. Tor district delegato W. V.
Catkins or Kugeue, and Albert Abra
ham or Itoachiirg, were ravotod. Tlio
vole for delegates totaled as follews:
Ackersou 12.,llyd 1107, Hulnuil
S23, Cameron 130U, Carey 10 tg, Caso
010, Pulton 10l0, llaw'klim figs, Po
le rsin T73, Spencer 10411, WUrruu
nil. Wnrsley 722. Alirnhani t-llf.
.Hisbop lll'J, Calkins H0, nvlg
I'rixtlilciillal Klcctni-s,
It. It lluller of Wasco, W. C. S'orlli
of Miiltunmah. J I'. Wilson of Mult
nomah, W. I. Cot I el of Multnomah
and M. J. MacMahon of Multnomah
koi the endorsement for presidential
lectors, the vote standing: llatlur
'tni:i. Cotiel ls.7, Ivauhoe till, Man
Mahon 1'"'. I. North 1913. Wil
son IB7H, Keady 1306.
I law lev, unopposed for cengreM.
re. el veil I'.'.M votes. George II. Har
nett for Justice of 'the supreme court,
tecelved 238. and Krank A Moore
227N, both being csnittdates tor re
iHimlnallou. For dairy and fowl
rommlssliiiier, .1. I). Mickle, the la
in m hen I, received 2862.
Other Slate OWcc.
Fred O. Huchlel of I'ortlaad. wn
over Thomas K. Campbell of Cetiafo
drove for public service commlaeleH
er by a msjnrlty of IIS. tse vote be
ing: Huchlel tie I, Campbell ltftl.
Krank M. Calkins polled the full
party strength for reaomiaatlaH ac
Judge of the circuit court, reoetylagt
2d Ml votes.
Sheldon aud Thomas were the
choice for representative from the
Klghth distrlrt over HeulON Itewers.
Sheldon's majority being 220 anil
Thomas' M:t. the vote being: llowen
1602, Sheldon !, Thomas 91 IS.
Simon Caro of Douglas cettgtr,
received 72 k votes for Joint rooi
senUtlve against W 11. (lore's lilt.
a majorltv for (lore of 1731.
Count) Officer.
The closest lace of all wu that
for district attorney, Ueorge II. Itb
erts nosing out John II. Oarkin by
t votes The totals were: Cnrkln
l in"., ltoiierts M5I, Wataoa Sit.
i.eorge w Owen waa HontlHaied
tor countv commiuiouer without OP-'
poslilon. meivlng 2s61 rotof,
I'ur count clerk (leorge A. Oard
1111 'i.iit .1 iniiiorltv over both opoou
1 in- ui !. Hie mtuls being: (Is ni-
(Continued on page six)
ItO.MK. Mm .1 -The Most Iter.
Jeremiah .1 H.irtv. urchhtshop of
Maiillu. has lieeu aiipoluted bishop
ot Omuha.
Anhbishop Hurty will fill the vw
cuncv In ihe Omaha diocese caused
bv the death of the Ittght Rsv. Hick
goT flannel, who died January S.
Ho W11 Jjipofnted archbishop of Ma
'"'a, i(V i1". 1'ilor'fJi tins upiiitnt
p i.i I.. 01 ,.1111j il ihe p ot St.
Iii 111 t l.uiiis. Mo. ,