Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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News From Our Neighbors
2 .
Mr Frank IHititrox mid .In uulit tr
nrrivod from Cti(UilU'. (lie., this
week on n xiit tn tin1 lurtnci'
mother. .Mr.. Alum Hrond.
Fred Ottonbnoher of Applognto
transacted bii-inv-". in town Satur
day. George Hoffman wis among- the
out-of-town people to atti'iiB the fit
ituml of the Into Jerry Xiinnii.
Mr. nml Mr. Ficd Willianis of
(Iraiits I'iiv wore weoK-ond visitors
nt the lioinu of Mr. nntl .Mi. Fred
It istoported lluil the telephone of
fice will ho nioxud In tho nonr fiitmo
to tho Kulili houf on Main stieel,
whore tho forco will bo out down to
Itto operator.
Mr-. .1. Ntiniui, ftfi I'Ynnoc ,'u
nan nml Iioiiold Unroll nnivod from
fun lioaiuho. boiinr Miminuiiri by the
death of Mr. Niiuim.
Mr. and Mr. George urn dor 1 1 .! -Im
mid Soiwitor von dor Flollon of
Kiiftlo Point nolo Jokioiuillo cull
ers Priiltiv.
ifr. Kvniin of A" s.nt Kii
iluy in to n.
Tho liinonil of ,J. Nuuiin a- hold
in I li- Catholic church Fritlm nioin
imr .ii 10 o'clock, Father Meulior hav
ing; olmrno of tho service. A srrent
uitinbii- of l'tiend from nil oxer
Koiithiui Oregon cniuo to pnv their
fast nxpi'ots tu (he docoiiHOtl and I lit
floral ol'f rill"- xxcio pioluo. The
liotiiinii-.v pnllhonrom weie: Judge
Neil. John Oitb, John, ISeorjie
llolTiiiou. Hroryc Lytic, Dr. Mobitmon.
Jndyo Prim unit O. Hiirfniiigh.
Miss Minion How en fiitiskod toach
inir ii Hiiopcslnl term of -eliind on
Andoison deck ls( Ttusln.
"The Cnniivnl of Flower," pio
dueed bx tli Jni'Uunwllo school un
der the direction of Miss lliiiiiiiiii,
was on.inxed bv a huge audience Snt
iinltiv exeniug.
Tho oitiens ol Juoksoiiille mio ro
joiririjr over the dooUion of the pub
lic onico commission in regard to
tho tclophouo rates between Modfoid
mid .fneUonxillc, the toll charge be
in;; dcniid. Jacksoiixillo nas irpre-
-.iinii in- .inline rnm. ii. k. iiHiuia,
11. . Hug-havx mid Judge Kcll.
Dan llau'slinw hs mnong the chiss
of Mil to arniliinic I'rum the Mcdtonl
liik'h ichiiiil Finlm.
('Insult exeii ises tor the Talent
M-liiMil were held Tliuisilu ceciiiug
with mi uxcilloumg hoice. The tu
dents oniiiplotiiivi the eighth grade aud
high school wuik did llicnischch
prmid in the delichttul eiitettainment
which thev slaved. Tho eljisH pluy
iiiil ..l.... Ii :.. mi ..
ni- i -t'lllll UIIUISJ, I llllsO ill tile
eighth rado weie: I.noia Kinjr, l.iie,
(Mtiuiiii. Helen Adamson. I.ewi-. Hoe.
Mill, Mamie liien, laieilo llohllidso,
Ilclplni loloiiian, Aniohl Coliinun,
(.Veil Aor and CiiIm (indies.
The nliis eoniplotlili; tho lliull sehonl
work weie: r Keith. U..d Tur
ner, Alt.i Sentt. I!enine l-'inlo.v. Alt -rodu
Kitij;, lloleti Knu und Auiia An
derson. Peter ,. Spencer. Mts HlniU-. !
ban and Miss I .ilium Puico will imt
ho with us iinoihcr vear, hat will sMk
other tienls. Mr. Spomer will nttuiil
M'liiinl. Thoo tiMohor. iluniitc their
Hflj mih ii haw itiriilc tneiiiK
in tin community who will relict to
SCO them leioo. The olhei tcaeier
of tlin piosent r.icullv mil tetnuin
with Ihe s.Jinl HHutlicr car.
rniKHlioH curried In to 1. Senti
ment n-.if.nus tho Talent di-trnt 1.1
wafer Mr irnjr.Uioii jmrpoM. plum,
will Inter be jKrlnleil lv cumin
out ilitiU.
5Ian gather lur pn me dinnor and
NltcniHiii tit fun 1-'hIioi
wits in ,otlx oiiicsted has(h(ill .ime
which was witnessed )n a in,..,,
t'limd. Tliw. otmis tho s.ue with
the ho.s who won over tliur siu 'u-i
or. Will Ulww, (I. A. Mm so. Peter
i. t-iiiecT nud Kiim1 Mtnntli all
fchowed up ucll in tin- .L.riuU. Hud
iiol Mr. Xuttith bii prtiotr? for
ino pi-cjitinfc ii'i.tit ho muht
lno better, r. Mhuc ddnt goi
Mj1nl n titeo. inl Us for Me-r
Sivncer arj Hull, tht ah re .mlv
tr.unn fer fcNrtli nw.l fifth ples
iiiawin tu iivnid uctiii inn lu.iiitv.
Ytuin.- (fs,ar AnJu-im a
iiwnv m tho pir-oiitiiij iiinto-t. .fr
Ifull ot '..ifr.i Point took ;i mnin!;
pletillc nl llit ten bos win, ilevonrtd
the pu in Ifs imr ihn if tmk
Hill) Mux's uttinitv to niiike one. nml
KM oxliilill (he pillule nt the loe!
t'neli'r nct Hudv exenini;. Other
ewnis went ott nicely, whieh imiii
"Well lr iliii ..n ,. program eoin
jittr ill...,- hi eh.irxp ot the lunch
hfullil Ti .t.--i rvmif uf pi, ue tin
fliwr i sul'i nt luent .ifco. Tliw
Will pTuliiiliiv In lii(i I..-I iv,itt ,lued
t fh P.iyrm-Tc... her i-u.e until
jJlVl t ill
.--.. r T.
Why Smntn Tin flKura
.Wbeo L Uondas axe only lua,
Tlio ovatiRtUIMlc meotliigs heto
were broiiKlit to a eloso on Siiiulny
ovonliiK wiih n inonstor (lomonitrav
tion at wlilca the iwopte with one ac
cord ruahiHl Into the tabornaclo. The
inorntiiK service wn devoted to a
plea mainly adtlreiod t the fann
ers, the hudtxindrntn of the nll ln
Iub present In goodly numbcrn. In
the afternoon the theme vra "TIiiip
or DejireBnloti " Thin rvivat move
ment hits extondeil oxer four nek
and th remilts attained have profed
moit ,rotlfyIng. qnite eontrary by
way of comuarison to the oxiiorlenee
or a iirelou rex teal effort by otber
partlca eral xtdrp oko, xxlion ills
noimlon lii'tend or siiceon niaiked
the outcome. Mer. Malhl and
pey win pcoplr to the Btuiivlard
o the ere InMPHd or ontoKonltlnfi
llieiu. Tlulr rrappmrjiice here at
"onie faturf lime will be mont nel
ooiiip. Kroni htie they ko to Talent
lor d tvpekV lnlior In that loeullty,
II wishing tlirni KodiHod In their
fforl tn bclitilf of tho larger and
higher Ideals or Cbrlslluu oxpeilonco
ami folloxrthlp.
Medford ihoulj not arrogate to It
self all rrrdlt Tor Inflating au utl
crowing oidlnancp, tho Intent of
which la to hold unduly onthilalastlr
looatera In leavh from aoundlng the
strident notes or the chanticleer dur
ing KtmceHily aouri. .Uhlaiul luu
long contemplated such a restrletlvo
inoaauro. In racl It U conceded that
the ordinance 'will go Into effect here
Immodlutnl) Jollovxing the big coin
gratlou ewrly hi July. There will be
tills dirreioure, however, the rolrle
tlan bote will apply onlj lo linn la
roanters us couriued lu tho eouuell
chamber hennery.
It. P. Campbell, lamlllarly known
an "Dick Posey," poet or the itoguo.
took a leading pait lu the "Pride or
or the Valley" Creamery colebrutlou
In Ihe Applegate miction last week.
Ilia leading gift U that or a reader,
notably In rendering the works or
James Wliltcoiub Itllcy In the hIiiioii
pine Iloolcr dialect.
Report are to ihe effect (hat Mr.
U. P lllue and .Miss Primers Hamlin
will return from Honolulu, where
they have 'been lor several wars past,
and will lease the Tour residence on
Laurel street and conduct a boarding
and looming house, beginning In
August. Mr. lllue Is already here.
"AhIiIiiikI, tint Mcaiillftil," words
by Prof. H. (!. (illinore. tins alao been
given a muhlcul sotting by the pro
rensor The song was prompted by
tho slogan. "Ashland Crows While
l.lthla Plows," submitted by Mrs
lllnlle Winter, an whtl sentlRient
won the prU" In a eonteat for a fit
ting ooniinunltx expression among
manv contestants for that honor. Thn
romiioHltlsn lias been dedliatrd to
Mr. and Mrs A. 1. Strickland, favor
ably ktioixu lu the local colony of vo-
calUts and Instrumentalists.
Darrell Minkler, grandson or Mr.
aud Mrs. I). I. Minkler, aud who
formerly II oil with these relatlxe
here, reecntix' gave a dcmoimtrtlon
at Metiforri, befoic gathering of
teeihoue nfflclala of the workluga
of wlrelei'S methoiU, in the practi
cal application or which lhtriell la
ranked as poskcbing Hie iiiallfloa
Hon, of inure than au .itu.m ur ex
pert. Mrs ,ouia.t W'liltnev. of Olierltn,
Ohio, p. xMtlng Mr and Mm K. V.
White at their home on Mountain
ii xeii ue. Tlio hullofc were nnttvul ax-
(jiiiiliitniiriij In old Ohio.
I.leut V. C Whltaker w here
laat wek tnterlewliig Captain Hluke
of Plrat rompanx, alno Inspecting sig
nal lorpa eipiipmeiu lie bolouitH to
the eoakt ai'tilletx bramh or tho reg.
nlar nrlce and U itatiouwl at fort
Numerous relatives are heie lo at
tend Ihe Shi It birtud.iv aniiixirfcaiv
uf Mr Mar Imiiu. whhh U Using
pl.ire lodnv Among theiu aro Mr
O Cald will, of Los Angele. Mrt
Kll.1 I" Itiie. Ur Mooie and wile,
and MUk Ii ma Ki e, of Portland Mr
.tlargaret Wlntei Hrown and n. of
icjlendale. tal , and Miss Horten
Winter who ha i.eeti attending an
art school at Sm Pram lro A heat
of other relatives reside here. Includ
ing; Mr Martha (iiileite and Mr
Am lluhspii, Kisteri- of the guet of
honor at the liuprix annlvorfarv event
Thia trio of -lHtei- aro amoniJ the
plonors uf this kenion. tin virs o ue
to aiviinern ureon in the oarlv 3 n't.
(fclldren, grandthildrpn and trreot
grandchildren will be rprc'ft-ntod at
this lilrlliday obsetvancc- 0
The Misses Bertha Kliason and
Minnie I'oley. of the Gold" Hill schools
returned home on iaturdav 'or tae
summer vacation Sunt Hrlscoe of
thl city, delivered the address to the"
graduates at Hold Hill, of whom
there were three. The address was
suppienieMftd bv two oration and
an essay .v members of the grad
uating ilea. 4
V H Mania Co . ! of the
litisinexs block at the loiner or VI am
in.l iMk UM' will oiii-t ihiir m-w
3'i in, la w, i.. ii z'i, u.
wit Wt
Itsis. 1(1' -VM-L. ml"
ftLWAVs p5 A cilLW,
Iti' MI A5 WHi N IU
vvAOKWI' f WloM
' r OK- Kl M t LK'i lit. AU 1 V
;t?C -
r Ah?4r. r
sl' fcAniTli -Jik c
VI f I aiTtesnssssS? JOT t
i?I-f,5S72Wi5VT''W)J'ii -
DNLVl STor T'O -
fWMt.K tilL f.AIAL' -
'K rQr" 1 A'VINIH
i T T.. V -tit' c
JSp v- V
' tl;- arfL "'" '.&&
. - - .ir
i-v . -ti AKi. k tv- worn oi
stationery and iioxolllett. The rooms
have been entlrel) remodeled In or
der to aceommodatfl the new ten
ants who are fiom California.
Floyd Oloke.x Is home from Slskl-
ii county, where be xrsn engaged
In the Jltnej service bet vx eon Vreka
and Montague until the time when
Yroka levied a llecnio on the buslueas
in buliair or the railroad connecting
the two towns that was more than
the auto truffle couUl bear.
K. y. Hiultli and' son Chester, ae
(ompanled by Mr. and Mrs. Waller
Klttredgc, left for Sllxer Luke on
Sunday morning. The trip was made
lu Smith's Ford car, the party go
ing via the (iieen tfprluga mountain
Jim Cioxall returned last week
from llrondon. where he ha decided
to locate HI children will accom
pany hi in lo the new homo lu that
roast to vx n.
1M Iladflehl wai ninirlcd last Sat
urday to Miss Violet Horsey, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Homey or this
cltv. The ceremony was performed
at Jacksonville. Kd U a member or
the local mull carrier roree. Moth
bride and groom are receiving the
congratulation of many friends.
IliodgMon & I teed are moving today
Into their new real estate office In
the Hotel Oregon block.
Some uiiregeuerute wler In Kat
Central precinct, without the rear or
the Springs commission before lili
eyes, and regardless of the plain pro
visions or the pmc llthlii enactment,
mlsehievnuslx ami with malice alon1
thought cast a ballot ror Pert (iroer
as countx coroner, on the st in Ik lit
repitlillcan ticket This thoughtless
act extended the labor of tho elec
tion board in making up the offltlnl
returns until U a. in. following the
day of (lie piliuarv.
The eit) touniil haa fell compelled
to turn down an appropriation of
I.'.iiu, solliiled in behair of the I'ouith
of Jul relebiutiou. A shortage of
funds coupled with ipiohtloua raised
a to the ligalitx or such approiia
tinn were fat tor which entered Into
to count II decision lu the uintter.
Mr Helen .lonulnuM. rennily mur
dered tn Portland under jiocullar and
atroelous clrepiufciuiKos, wu the di
vorced wife of Clrvlllu O. Jeniilin.',
au emploxa on the Portland divisiou
running between Alilund and itoso
burg The attetilhm of Ihe city council
ha U u diwrtcd temporarily from
mlier skating and rest room prob
lems to a icview of the duties and
power of the park boaid insofar a
thev i unfile t with the assumption of
authority as exercised by the springs
commission. The merit of the cou
lentiuii cover too wide a range to
enunerate here The council chas
passed au ordinance) continuing the
i eg ii la r park boanl in It (out rot of
the entire park area whether the ter
riturv be Hi hla oi othegwive, to
ivhtfh the- springs commission iren
iioi. sir objei th, rumors are to the
ef tei l tlittl the in.itlei will be carried
lor appioval or rii'-appioxul to .t court
Four-room cottage, garden trait, berries, flowers, shade. Just
the place for a little home and garden tract paving J2SH.UG, sew
er 1100.32, sidewalk $70 so, all paid lu full Lot tltxH7. ataudy
loam soil. Beat city property of this kind we have ever offered.
Total price mo.
KohI IfaUite, Ixiin, I ten tn is, Insurance.
102 Wnst Main. ilinn 7IIII
' f
(KrJOCKlNci n-lCJf I CAM
ilVLL HIM r Mll-U Of
- Wro t'oii.Lfr&c fiCitiRJ
!Hl5 Lt-VT L P
TH' KlfcHT stPt' 'W
tstc we
t t)r
ttllrJrN'MllAT - ttU' lVM.L-OIA5l'UC
ov'c:.ArJUON HU" .VMKL"l' X t
"I'lH M lit I t MU M'
uf last resort through the medium of
n clllxrna' nmss meeting. Council
mail Itanta, Ashrraft and Hoot oted
for the ordluanre, l.amb and Corne
lius voting against the measure, with
Nlulmgnr In the Ixtckgrouud at ah
soiit. Mavor Johnon has not yet
figncd the oidliiance. haxlng taken
the matter under ndvlseiueut during
tho period allowed bx law lu making
a decision. At au adjourned meeting
if Ihe council Ian Thursday night
theie wai ikiiiic acrimonious discus
slon indulged in, und the .sound of
the gi'liieMiiK liitUMd or being Iovx
wiih pitched in a hli;li key.
Frank Strlckfatlen and hi three
son, former lusideuts. now live at
Saulu Monica, Cal. Frank Junior Is
lu the navy at present. Kenneth re
cently won second pluce, and by a
narrow margin utmost gained first
honors, lu an liupoitant lulerschol
astlc track and field meet. He uud
his brother Charley are membeis of
the Santa Monica band, an or mil
xation which ranka high lu that local-
Ity of California
The engaBetnent or Ilenjamin F.
Ilurtou, or Philadelphia, to deliver an
address at the Vlnlug on Sunday af
ternoon, under the auspice ef the
local bianeh of the I. S. II. A . wa
cancelled owing to the apoaker's Ill
ness bofoie roacbfng here. Hi sub
ject waa to have been, "Tho l.ord'i
Day- or Judgment litis HcRiin Hoxv
Will It Kud?" It In planned to huvo
him rIvo thla lecturo at a later date.
The Slsklvnu bunkrupt uillliiiery
htock will be closed out nt apeilal
sale which began May 20 aud will
continue until Mav 27. A portion or
the good, xveie disposed or to Mod
ford parties and moved to that cltv.
The ptiiiii: May 1H vvns u
siicceSH in spite of all of the ditii
.tiltic that liinc Ul the nv. In the
moniin, when il" tune cumc foe the
program to Mail, the judges lailcil
Ut nppeur, so t Imt put things ott n lit
tle while uud lliat Ihe rain picvcutcd
the baud ft urn cuiiiini;, hut at lu
o'clock the Held meet wnc in jiiogre
sion und thmy went olf Imo.
All of Ihe m'IioqIh did line m Hie
field uii'ot, und uu,d ipmt was shown
among- the bov-i and girl, and t'i
schools euuiu vciv eloe until t If Coot
ruee came olt. when Applcalr put
their giKid wuik hi, wiiiimm iii'l in
most uf the da-Ins nud in the h ml-
luitf. When the score ttus coiiiitid
it was found that Appliudlc won lb
cup, lnnkutu tiro si-iim thet thev I uxe
wou it. The sinie Wus fill to 'Id.
A seeiul tuhlc was arriuiaeil it
noon for Uiose who helMd iu tin- rield
MirU. After ilimier 111. cn.ili.f
tulked, Mr. Caul I all piesented the
cup, and J)n k Posev ttuxe some i.f his
Married hulie-' iiiul-driv nig in
list. Mis. ,1 mi. nh.
llei tin .i k- l nc Apple.', ite sidiii d
my "r z
fMjh io rf. S
A.On V. Af Y 22, Wlfi
v Ahenx
i-UllMMJt CVCs '-
111? OMI wAfil Til'
C vo AM ttt ill'wi'
1AKT orf "lilt lWIIUIx'M'3
WilVti'' KN;W MS' U-'l'W UK
jiiiixe a scrpctilimc parade n'.'d
onmo the oreemcr.vV program
fiixt pnrcs of each event in which a
iccord xxas kept are ns iollivws;
ralxxjiid Kubli won the pilhiw tight,
knocking Ixveutv Iio.vh of from the
Matxfiiiel llrowu xvon the girls' po
tato race on horseback.
Fool moo for girl under IS, llo
ulnco U'llririi.
Auto egg race. Hugh Blown and
UIiuInh Miller.
LadioH foot ruee, .Mri. V. 0.
Tliree-H'gged nice, Vernie and Ho
mer Slexi'iison.
Men's foot races Unek Wottx.
Pat men' ruee, Fred ('pde.
Hovs' piilulo race, Harold Kubli.
Fat women' ruee, Mr. IWhuic.
The dance nt night wiih very
crowded, hut nething: else eiin ever he
expected at a dunce like Hint. The
school sold 11(1 number- ul tl.'id per
number, nud the school wishes to o-
ileml il thank In IIikm who oonlnb-
ulcd for their heiiefil, and thev ulso
waul to thank tho socialists for their
hall thin time and lite mauv other
liiui' that thev lime o willingly gave
the usr of the hull t mm.
The Itiieh school dance was one of
the danees of the seasim. The music
vxhv good, so was the crowd, hut the
special I'cutuic of the dance was the
delicious supper i'uiiiishod bv the In
dies of that district.
Applcgntc will niisfl the Kuch high
elwul pupils who spent the winter
vx ith u, as Ihev moved homo Satur
day. This school's "pep"' w-h shown
when six pupils out of sex en passed
tho eighth grade state eMininatiOH.
The pupil who l.nleil eras' eonditioneil
in two suhpets and ean take IIiokc
subjects m June. Those who pussed
vxere Maiv'iiet lliown, Paul Wright,
(limits) Millci, llhncr Ifouden, lluy
Hiirrovv and llessic Hi, id.
The high si hmil scholar will le
mixo the lepiitu from their omuiiiii
iltions tict WedllosdflV.
Mi PnsTc am! lur mother, mid
Mis (il.idvs Millu me to leave Tuu
dii.x. Mis p.ive is jtiiitjr to FJgeii,
Hie., but Mis- Miller will yu on to
Josiph, ebrn sic will pun her
mother, Mis. Hnnsteii, and her sister,
.Mr. MHitgoi. Iue Imth visltinj
Ihe funnel ' hiuthie. Wullur Millci,
tor Ihe last two w eks.
Mi. Maine Miller has jeluniod
Hem (alitiiriiu l"i a visit to her
cl.iughlcr. Mis, Haiold Kiiti
All nt the si'liotll hlljlt'll WOlU M'l'X
ulad to -it. M and rr Wliouler,
ivliu weie at ibe pici.ic
Mtv I.o (u'p i iluig- ut the
Poinoll loin e
Tho xotei- tltil il hi'ii out voiv
t!"i ;u i hi tmii, i tJiTtf were on 1 v
18 repdhii .ii inl ;,' d"lnuii .iU who
Vole,! iii fli.- pi i u i
10 acre, near Jacksonville, email
house, barn and vxll, laud rich Aud
gentjv siupliig tl.1i. -
.8(1 ai r&, (irlf.'iii creek, .l-room
nouse, burn, well bnariuu oichard,
foothill Inn-U $t.Vi().
riiini: Mti: tiooi) nrvs
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Hume 1(17
j Medford House Movers
r. m' i
Plume 188-M
1012 S. Newtown, 737 W. 1 4 Hi St.
. . ' f O 'I
7 yS-CSiP l'A
n t iLr- a I'ouisJi) iloVi I
( tnlluH DOIIS A HOAtVfvS V
".! I -"
v "rJt
SUt9Vif?i by Jckoa Coeatr AlH
-west Co., gtxta act fr lta,
1 --
Ken I IMate TmosfciM
W. T. Wilson to ltobertoWll
mou, lot 12 blk 3 Park add
Medford .... . . tDOO.OO
W. M. Abbott et ux to J. W.
Ooi'Iihiii ot ux, land In Ov
erlook add Ashland aud pt
1 S-JS-1 K 10.00
R. T. Simmons to J. W. Hor
ron, lot tn Oold Hill 7.50
ff. U. Johnson et ol to I,. X.
Stcvene ot tu, pt 30-11
Harriet Addis r'lourno ft fir
to (Cote C. Addle ;t MV!B-'
1K..Q C 1) 10.00
von nnsT ctii.a.sneiD apts.
IFOn ttRNT Apartment for rent.
Ths Derben, 10 Qulufl St.
POK KKNT- Modern furnished tiuu-
galow, rive rooms and bath. Jamea
Campbell, Phono 311-11. CI
POIt KKNT Three room, bcreenod
'porch, nicely rutuUhed mudorn
house. 417 Jay St. Phone 712-J.
FOIt HICNT llottso with gnrago,
fitrnlsheil or tinfnrnlshed: every
thing uiodoru, TilG W. JuokHon
street. 53
kcoplur; room, oIosq In, )5 month.
Light, rrnter, gaa, bath. Phono
fok hunt MtncT:i,i,i?ir:oiiH
FOIt IH8NT- -(inragc, reasonable.
Apply nt premise, 102 Ho. King
st., Phono aNO-M. 52
FOIt KKNT Pasture, goud food,
foneos, plenty of wator. W. 11.
Stewart. C3
POIt KALFJ Hlghtionni hotisu.
acru fine carden land; fSui). Call
at promise, 1IM1H Court at.
lCM SAi.K-Hioeii aniM?oK"racTu
fluo range, lots of water and tim
ber, aUaira, house und barn, fences,
etc. On Xipiaw crook three mile
tirr'Mlii'IclgH roael. Keeled bids
reeeived up lo June JO. 19 Hi. John
Walt, administrator, Wutklna, Ore.
Vi)n HAI.tW-TrtVMSlilItt
or drlxe.
Sudillf Ihiihc, will work
Cull 'Jl'.i W. lllk st ,
FOIt 8AI.I! ICIght head of gond
work horses and saddle, horse, K.
H. Iteamo. one mil north of
Phoonlx. 64
FOR SAl.K -Oroy team wolghlng
about 1400, and one grey horse
neighing about 1700. lilg Pine
Lumber Co. tf
FOIt RALK Frosii milk coats at ro
ducinl ratiw, Mrs. L. Uusenbury,
Climax, Ore.
FOUALIS- -105" d." electric rilllge?
Phone 5I0-.I, b u. in. Karl Moil
ing. 63
FOIt BALK - $375 piano for ?200.
33.1 Kast Htll St. S3
FOIt RALK Hi alii hay at Three Oaks
orchard. W. J. HaiUll. 4Cf-Jl. 13
POP HALF. OmmI bicycle.
POIt BALK- Alfalfa bay $10 00 In
field. A. Couro FUtro, Central
FOIt BALK UasteiM sbelliNl cdrn
cheap. Central Point Packing Co
Central Point.
FOK BALK llic)clu with now tire
Phono 7-F4. 61
FOIt HALM Almost new to h. p.
elm trie motor and duplex alfalfa
nd grain grinder Hen Urave
Creek ranch, Leland. Oie. b4
FOIt BALK Pawon's DahUas. Spe
cial collection, 12 root, standard
variotlen, uained and labeled fur $1
postpaid. List of many others for
postal. II, II. Puxson, Ceulral
Point, Ore. 04
J.OBT A black and white cellle deg.
AnsweiH to the tituuo of ' I. addle "
Any liiformaiton leading to Ills re
covcrv wJtl bo icwardod by A I.
Loom is, lUu W. lUth st, Med
ford. &4
J.OrtT -Kheiiiiord dog. vellow around
head and legs, lamo In right hoiti
dei. mil i- 'i If seen phase
notify fan I'd million KJ
80 acres Hear Creek bottom, 70
seres lu cultivation, alfalfa, fruit aud
Krala, Matty irrigato Leas tbau
S tullea from Medford. ?880w cash.
One of tho bet buys la Jacksa
county. Bay wbea and I will soevr
10X Vvt Mala tit. Phone JDr
WANTED inrrrcrrtiiiirvEOUH
vTavh: iT'toTuj TYlorses of" snd
dlo txpe, and heavy horses. Dr.
Helms, 111 No. Fir, Phone 308.
CvANTKD To buy all kinds of metal,
rubber, rags, wool and hide. Phono
173, Nash LI very. ' 55
roit ExciLinms
TO THAHI5 Will trado clear lot In
Ashland fid' second hand auto.
Apply ut Jones Oarage, Ashland,
Ore. 54
TO THDK 200 aero. CO cleared,
In crop, Jefr. county, under now Ir
rigation plan, $30 per aero. Rolng
higher, for improved, nonr Contral
'olnt. A. W. Freeberg, Gaston.
Oregon. 73
FOIt TIliUJK Picture theater for
an auto. Frank H. Hull, Central
Point. 57
WANTKD A position a nnrae, go
riue or companion, try young Itidy
of refinement. Phone 775-W. 53
WANTED Sowing at homo or by
tho day. Phono 479-M. 144 B.
Central. C5
nusiMws ninKOTOitr
Anto BupptlM
are oporntlng tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
anteo. 2G North Flftoontb. St.,
Portland, Ore.
OKO. W. CHKRItY Attornoy and
Notnry, llooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Ttnnk iltilldlnjr, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
POHTKR J. NRFF Attornoy nt law.
rooms 8 and 9, Medford National
Hank Building.
A. L. rtKAMKS. LAWTICH Onrnett
Corey bldK.
O. M. nonKrtTS Lawyer.
Medlord National Bank. Building.
collected nomo accounts 14 yoara
old. AVo know how to got the
money. The lluilock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
Vlii-i BldK.. 210 IS. Mnln st.
dr. o. c. van acoroc
Onrnett-Cnroy Bide., ult lie
Medtoni, Oro. Phono 858.
Collection and Report
M. F. II. llldg. Office Hours
S:30 to 12; I to C. Phono 607-lL
Kiiglncer nml Contractor
FRKD N. CUMMlN088nglneor and
contractor, 404 M. V. & II. Bldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
drains ko, orobard and land Im
provement. Insurance.
KARL S. TUMY Oenoral Insurance
office. Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds. Uxcollent com
pnnlo, good local aorvlce. No,
210 (larnett-Coroy Bldg.
Instruction In Musto
FRISI) ALTON HAIOI1T, toacher ot
plnno and linnnony. Composer
and arranger of music. Halgbt
Music Btudlo, 401 Gaructt-Coroy
BLISB HBINK Toachor of Violin.
t uslc furnished for nil occasions.
Price reasonable Studio 1121 B.
Main Bt., Phone 303-J8.
OARBAGK Get your premise
cleaned up 'or the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good sore Ice. Phone 174-L. T.
Y. Allen.
Physician and Burgeon
iihyslslan. 41C-417 Garnett-Corey
bldK., phone 103G-L. Residence
20 Bouth Laurel at.
DR. W. W. HO WARD Osteopathls
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. MMMMN8 Physician and
surgeon. Practise limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat. ICyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It R. Co. Office M. F. & II. Co.
bldg , opposite P, O. Phons G87.
DR. It W. CLANCY Physlclnn and
surgeon Phones, offlco 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 t
13, 2 to C.
cUn end surgeon. Offlco Palm
blixk, opposite Nash hotel Hours
10 to 12. 1 to 4. Pboae 110-J.
I'rlntvrH unA rubllsier
MEDFORDPniNTiNa CO., him tfti
host equipped printing offlco In
southern Oregon; book binding,
looho leaf ledgers, blllini; systems,
etc. Portland prices, 27 North
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front st. Pa an
SI 6. Price right. Bwrloe guixa
Hutwed O BawIhk MhcIiImm
XrL s m ii ii i n s i i s a iSa7
oBALK OR RKS'T Some nsed nu
chlne also for sal. Cleaulng and
repairing lGlln Piano for sale
from f to customer. Resl
reacQ 2iu Bo, Cium1. Phone 3yCU