s&: Tl 'x-.C. Fxnn roim mrrrFonv mrn rnmrNTJ, srETVFOTiTi, rmFrioT, rovnY, vay 22, 'imn MEDFOKD MAIL T1UBUNB AN INDRI'KNnRNT NHWRPAPEIl. . PUHMHHED P.VKIIV AI'TKItNOON KXCKIT 81'NHAY PY THK MRDFOItn IMUXTINU CO. THE BOND ELECTION Office Mull Tribune Bulldln. XS-2I North I'lr aired, telephone 75. 2 Democratic Time, the Med ford Mall. The Madron! Tribune. Th Houth- The m Oregonlan, Tlia Aalilaml Tribune. OKOnOK PUTNAM, Editor. sunscniYTion katesi One year, bjr mull . JS 00 OiMt month, by mall 80 Per month, delivered by currier In Medford, Phoenix, Jacksonville mid Contra) l'olnt .60 Saturday only. b mall, ptr year.... 00 Weekly, imt year... jb" OffleU! Iaper of the. City of Medforit. Offlelwl Inier of Jmkmm County. IJtitered h ni'ciiiiil-1'liiMit mutter at Mfdford, Oregon, under tho act of Maruh I. iS7. Mworn Circulation for 191S JU6. np(LIOKKO the people ..! .Mcdlord will vote upon a . X cli.'iHei' inieitdiiifiit ntilluiriiii'r the i.sMiiiiu-c of .f. '500,000 bonds for the construction of a railroad. Tin question of whore the railroad will In; built, or a t win. 111111 11 i 1 i 01 .1 I ! imiiu-illlll J'ull Irnwcl wire Ak.oi lati-d PreaN illfi- pOUIllH. Bl EM-TEES in iii riipiciHii'i'diii'sH ijh'jii. The hihii wlio Iihh In nlwnH borrow matrhee. Cl'li woman who keep her car fare lilt r 11 lit her huiirihag under a pek of draw gooda aamplea, two o in veil, three lettera. 152 extra hair plita Mini four oltJ theater program. The Billhead who never vlalte tho den Mat until he lini m toothache. ItUnOM'Il. (V betlnvn your atory Uiidulph, a ml wo might mill l thla I bit the (tint rib. wJid do not IrirltHlM atamped unit adilraaaed envelope with the junk lit a manner of apenklng -which mmc of thPin aend lo Oil knlin.) Culled; We hare been told thut certain man took offonaa laet week at an Item In thi (editorial) rolnmn, ! daring thut wo meant IiIim. If It la any futlafaetlen to him to know that hit attitnlM la right we will My that )i In the man we HiMiit. Btrnme lierg (Neb.) N'ewe. Mm Veix Mine. 8trftlHl crlaa mot" ths dank night air, Heaping with lb wlaery ttt a tbow- wm4 lost MUlli It wm hldwut; It waa crtwl; 1 ltwMWird; ' It wm awful: H wm HHbMrable: It wm httrrM ' It wm M limit. It wm hut ycar'a record l'lttyl with a 1U 04ll. Our Own 'l'iwvilii;iiix. C1CW10RT- Newport ia ft 1f wkr tho idl rich ia whH lht-y want to he huy antl the huajr go wkH they wunt to ' lille. lloth tho Idlo rich ana tin- boay rlrh rail th regular luhaltltanla of tho town "Ha tlvw," and ih raular lnhabltiutu call tho Idlo rich and tho lutay rich hut thla la a family niiair. T moat Intcrcallna pait of N ivort la a amall plfic of aand known M Ilallcv'a bench. Wt do not Know Juat why u a called Iiallcy'a t'iu h. Perhapa, Uftcauao a man named Hath1) oc HWd it and dUK cluma thorc. Juat mow, however, all the dlKiiliiK that la done al llalley'a Iwaih la per furmed by fond futhcra ami moic or Imu fond huahanda who "dltc" to foot the bllla for the allk aiocklniti nnd abort aklrta worn on the bcuch. The f. '' a-l the m o. I. f. h'a. hardly err no out on tht Wath Thy -i" ml '-'' of IK ir time In the hl-lii'all liiMiratmy at the caaiuo. Then- W it lr' fllce of ralhct' wet aceau ail i;. 'in to ltnlt iH-mh. hut It la no WnmT Hinnit to like it ex teualvely for imlmmliiK puriwaea, Anywuy, h:t'w an ocean between frlenda will l)tnl(l it. will pome ui lor poiisuicralion alter tn have bpcit autlmrizpd. Ttmiorrow's plpctioii autlinrizps the city to entertain a railroad proposition I'mni any or all sourees, and another fleet ion will be iictiv.,i to pass upon propositions submitted. ledi'ord must assist in the development of the luiium' resources of tile adjacent country if the city and the nmr try are to row and prosper. Med Ford must demount r;it. its own faith in its own resources before it can altnn-i .-.ip ital. Hence the proposal lo enter the railroad busim develop tributary territory. Mature has placed olio of the largest mineral hell-, b, the pouniry at our doni's. Devtdopment of the prope ' and mines have ono as far as possible without transport.' lion. It is to provide this transportation thai the -i I x i about to co-operate in the construction of a railroad. It is hoped that the proposed railroad will be a link in a railroad to (he coast. This can, however, only be di.. cussed when the projects are presented the peopl- f in action, and it is beside the present issue, which is the authorization by charter amendment of municipal riilrod building. The idea of the city's entering the railroad business is repugnant, to many yet it seems the only way we can secure me operation 01 uie mines wnien win mean more to the city, if the history of other mining camps is re peated, as we believe it will be. than the horticultural and agricultural development. The mineral resources are the greatest resources of the valley--and if Med Ford is In cease marking time, must be developed. The Lord helps those that help themselves. We have been waiting, like Micawber, for something () turn up. It hasn't turned. IF we want to accomplish anything, we must start it oiu-selves. We have built a Fine, modern, up-to-date city, but provided nothing for the people to do to make a living. We are shy industries and pay rolls. A vole for the bonds is a vole to loan municipal credit to Secure llleli) .iillic in her Kneeinl vmlenvnr In iiroiie I lie interest of her pupil in (In Itc-t of liicniture iiidI out. In thU rutiiicetiiin eieeinl mention !innll hi iiiinle (if the proituHion of "MhImiih- niir NiirhlV Dri-nm," y the pupiU of the I(omhi m-ImmiI. At the Hiilioitiitiiiii nf t'diintv Pu perilileudftil Well-, Mru. fiiillndiet Iihs iieccpliil the iriiieiiiiUhi) of the .lnel.iii ilh hi'himl, mill Jnck-ouville i-. to lie eoiittniliiltiti-il iimiii hiivinjf necitred mi nhle u n ior to Iro I'c-mir Smith, Mis 'iirHnlir i- lal.iiiff u Icnvi of ubMcnee Ki'otileil liv tin- hiIumiI hoiinl to etiuble Imt to cniu a ileMrrd up. Mrtunitv whii li hit. . otiii in lnr wax Kiil-Ii-Ii NURSES HAZE HOSPITAL GIRL IN KU KLUX STYLE 3v YV -v m&- 2&u ,1 m&: TOTAL VOTE OF COUNTY LEAVES SAME RESULTS A complete count of the vote ent in Jack-on county nt Friday's prim ary election doe not chnnjjo tho rc--iiIIh na printed heretofore. With vcvprnl precincta tniaaiflf;, the nomin ation of X. W, Horde.! for duitrict Ml I ah ta. at Iik Kit) liy iiiii-i - ueit hi 'i Mi I" lit 'ii a nui r in ; Ft I. nl i '- liosilt,il, r i'Oit il a . I ti r tiuiHM for Kiting a patient toiig.li dropa, naalnal hoapltitl rule, othor tiuracH formed aort of Kti-Klux KIhii movoment ami haxeil her ho thoroiiith ly the ltoapltnl autliorltiea aro IiivohII Katltm. An Mlaa I.oe tmaacil throimh a cor ridor In tho lioapltnl, It la chanted, the wan oeUeii ) n doxen other iiniKfs who won' liliu I, ina-kfi. attornev l) the democrnt" acems ns tmeil liy n Hiiuill nmrffin. It will take the officiul count, now in nroiriei, tin determine the plurality. j Iluyhc4 cnrricil the cottntv oyer i ninmin- liy nipioximalcly loO plu i.ilm ami ocr Unrton liv S0(). rnm . mil. ltciul. Fulton nnd Spencer Imd 'tin' hiuhe-t voIph for ivpulilieiiii iIpIp- ! u.ite--iit-larse to llic lialioiml enn M'ntiiin, and Calkin n ml Ahrnlinm for 1 I . .11 . i-Nl ..I . lini; iim-K-. lio-.ltal nffiilaU told. '"-nu-i leieffuict. iilcon a mnjoniy lor oecrcttirv if slntc pxpcpiIm S00. Mi t r r v.a Ur. i mto a clo-ct. j Ittichti'I- lend oxer t'ninphell for rnil i ir orfh l il- wrvv toll anil thniHhed. Irond eninmi inner it .'OO. The hiixers Imd partially disrobed her I WiNon'for prewidi'iit nnd Jtnr-liall with Hie Intention of (lucking her Into j fr i,.p.,re.iilcnt were the ehoii-c of a Imth tub filled with cold wnter when th,. demm-niK, wlm -i-l.-.-t ! Ainu thi lrtlm'a acreama hrouaht the tnu-e. Ilinniit. ( . n,t.li, II uml M..nnv nlKlit atiperlnteudent to the reacue. - The liaxera urn tiled away and when I tho frightened nurse told of her e perlence, the hoapltal nuthnrltlca ' could find no trace of black m.i-kx or ' the "tlKllniitci I a- dcleifiitP'. at Ittrjte and .lueksoii uml I T tinier i iliilriet delejfutes to the St. l.oiiw convention, .lennin-t" Imd n 1 Und of over n hundred over Hitton lor -heiiff. The total (official) lepublicnu vote ..ii local offieer"! li a follews: , Tor icprcpiilnlive Thomna 2101. I Sheldon 1S70, HoweiN l-'OO; Tliomns ' pluriilitv .W.". Shfldnti'a 1170. I'or Joinl rcpiPfPiitntivp Pnrn I lidl. (lore -J'1'tlfl: GorcV plurality 100S. I)itriet attorney t arkin l.i.i.i. RobcrtH 1 (M, Wat-on .70; Hoberts' plurnlitv 113. For clerk Clnnlner 1000. Ililde. bmnd S10, WiNon 001: nnrdner'a plu rnlitv 10.V1, tnnjnrily .V)0. Sheriff Oricvex 10."1, I.oflnnd .100. Walker .'70, WiNnn l.lXi; Wil (win' plurality ISt. Treo-urer Hlnkelev Iflul, Crone miller 1112. Mnile 700; lllnkpley' plu rality :;io. Ae"anr-rotemnn 10HI, llerfiutr fl. I. Lnnnopnusli a 10, Tiitav l III. Wil .oii Ol.'i: t'oleinnn'rt plurnlitv till. For School onperitilendeiit Alter 1112. Hitnhy I (ISO. Sniilli ti-J.'t. Well r."ll. Atrer't plurnlitv ."0. nanttei'iiiis Parlor Trick.. While JukkHiik a gaa globe nt honm recently Day DuKgnncinan Stanley ?rolt had the mlarortuuc to cut an arterv In one of bin flnsern, chiihIiik III mi to ln off several da. The Y.uet Center i Kan Advocate. AUSTRIAN MOVE I01SHEND TO BE ALBANIAN EORCESi PUT ON PRINKOPO glHH IHI1WWIM TOBACCO like fren'- OlllJ XO UCUW XVi Utlil mellowed by 4S age. qfl&f mm LOSE I'dKTI.AMi. or.. M.iv 22 U. A. nniliam lo. I In- 1. 'Kill. (IIK) -nit llitllin-t .1. 1 1. Sileekle- ill the I'liilcil State- dl-lliet lit here toil. i v. Judge Robelt S. llcall held that the Miit ahoiild lie di-mi ed. Graham a-ked for an accounting of, the nffuirx of J. I). Kpn-cklcH and brother- and the Southern Pucifie Railroad coinpnnv in relation to the to mniiiI a vear in tiaclnii Hale liv the liiniier In the hitter of the m (he uownou'iil -elmoU in I'oiio Heaver Hill Coal Co. and the Coo-j Rice. AIi t'arM'iiterV epeei.il ui Hny, HoMchuru Fa-tern Uailmad dt Jtei-e-i in the leneluiig of Spam-h. in Navigation company. He claimed j w hieh "he ha- -liown rcmatkalile .r that he had been deprited illeuallv of lieiency, ha- prompted her to u.i . ,. title to lliexc pniHTlie-. The two on- the go. eminent'- otter m the p-i tcitri-ei, dcKicned to mine coal tte-tioii which -lie will nil luniu I In poitM near Mnrhl'ield. r., and comiiiL' tear. She will lcae c.hN u. triin-ort the product to nmikel. eie July for San .Iii.iu, I'm to Uu ... I'AKIAT. jiromptcil In, Urnhiim and liuaiiecd bv Spivekle-, Judge I lean t.idav took lb i-iliou M" 'la n luiinled hat thut by the contract J. (ii.iham lo-ti""1' IOM' u.l ,i flie title to Spreekh- lor failure to ineit,'1" w,1in out In Hie ruin on,- ,!.iv, note omountinu' t V.11.111HI wa-' '", """ ""' 'damed ihiim loui.h nki- fllirlv ilrilWII mid nine -,iei Me j ' i'i'ii .iln(itii' ol ,1 un.lle plete po--c--ion. Aitir olitaiiun.-1 "' . "ll !.hu.i. .1. ni,,.n. title. Kpl'eekle- -iitd ihe ).. ..M'I I ir - I,. , On" (he Southern I'acil'ic for 4I,'Iih.iioh , mi !. hu.li '.in In n I 1 1 r - COMMUNICATIONS T thi l.diter: The iMtioii-. ol I he iulii,. M hooU italel llu' il. ..iituie fiotii the tea. li ne,' t'ni.v . 1 In.. Ii.oher-, Ml-. I. T. ti.ill.i.lier. vim I1.1-. held the iniii.'t. pal-lim . i ihe li..,,e'lt -chool wu'i muil.l -in 1 1 -. uir the n.ii ivx.i ..eUl-'. .iinl M.-- Kloivuec C.iriM'liter, whu-e .1 . ii.u , ,,t '.,.... . , .nut mniie .ii hi-ton in me h -eiiooi Ii.t -. lieell ol I lie lu-l.i M ol' e. elli i.-e. Mi -. ti.ii'.i h, 1 1- .1 , , 1. ii, , ,, in. I .1 l .1. I . I W I ll.i .11 v.. ,.- and Kitei hmid.iv -i ! i.d.iv . ,,- , ... l(ll, ,k,.i.,,.,. ,i ,,.lo.uunt fUed tliwill. 1 4i' the l.nc ol kuowlcil-e in the , hod A the time drew near it w.i- seen j ihro.mh hie ll.r noei ot w,,nu ,,M that a revolution cotiU not be mode a.h.,- ,!,., n n -- t m ,, 1 .,ii, , , , , Millie--, Ulul III" idea of n iu.il.inl ino ...ijj ..t , , , ,i i, . ' ru TirtutfUv di. tiidtil. Thi- f.ift 1 . ' , , . , DLAMC LAID TO ClIZRMANY (Continued from afe one) C'un!i!cnt. Thi- man, an Iriihinan mid u Iirilih Mibieil, litiug 111 Anui jea, proceeded directly to tiiiiii.in without touehini; Knuliiiul. lie bronchi word that a definite date lor flie up rihing uja-t be -ei .nui !! in- l.ii.l in meet that date. Thi- n- ,i;i.nl t A Rotittfr Will Protect His Kind II. ml Mini - 1- li ei ii-c lot 111. mil i ill! iiui-.iu.i'- al I lie e.i 11-r 1 1 ... 1 cr-. Ill one ea-e a rt-nleiit, 111 01 .1. 1 to git rid ol a m'u of iu..tei- nil. 1 ed the owner JUI iu ea-li, tin 11 n. e two ear- ago, for a pie. . .. uionii.l lilioul .'ill III, 11.. I I1..I1I11:; on ,m HOW MRS. BEAN MET THE CRISIS Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydui E. 1'inklinru'a Vegetable Compound, I'AltlS, Ma 22. A neiitial diplo mat who Iiiih 411-t reliinicd from Al bania quoted in a di-patcli to the Matin from Atheiii a- -axing thut the Ail-Irian luivo withdrawn .'000 troop- from Albania ia the la-l three week-. According to thi diplomat . the Autriuii luue left nnlv Hiuall detaehineiil. to guard the town the haw oeenpied, lenxiug a garri-on of .1(10 at 1'iera and lam at lkrut. The remainder of the Irooji- left in the 1 oimtrv are concent 1 ated at I)urax.o. The nliaiiiloumeiii of the Albanian front i- -aid to lie iltte to the iluni mIiiIiIv of hriiiuin up nppln. With Medford traaa ia Medford matl. I I.OMiOV, la ::' -Itle Vniftlian i.inliiiHH at CoiiHiautlnoiile, v. Iitcii b.i charge of UrlttHh lutereatx In Turki . during the war, aent word to.i.iv of the dlaioaltlon of the Hrlt ixli rune- ' captured by the Ttirka at Until ' Amara. Thla lufoaniatlon 1- oi tallied In the rollowlngofflil.il -i.it meiit: ' "Ambaaaador Page atateH thut tt American emhaaay at C'oiiHt.iiitlnoi'i haa been Informed bv the (ittoma'i goveriiment thut llencrat Tow n-ln it. I. who wan In command at Km el Amara and bin ntaff wilt be broubt to CoiiHiuntlmiple and proiiHl IM be int-luntd lo the Pilnkopo ibt.m.li ' In the Sea of Amain, where the will l.e allowed full lberl " ' I K jA ' WSmk? ah) tr - ifyy j &' E w I 111 . jl HpHE flavor, the mildness, the cool ness natural to Ken tucky's choicest Burlcy Tobacco is improved by being aged for two cars into VELVET. $hfitltjHyu.Je6acaiCa. I utoi ,J w ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X 2 " C I ! X VX Z X Nllall. , fei.n - "When 1 w agoing -livel or allex , al-i oii.n.1 them, through the Change of Life I had a tu 111-h in advance, all tin il.l m.. at their own licute- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u il l.ixuu -e.i-ou, and -till r 1.1111 tin Inn-, ' it di-po-e of the i..olii-. S.nv, ,i tclilion oil 1 de doe ii.. include p,i, . or loi.-tir-, ttheie lbe ate uol eoui pi. mud ol .1 .1 nui-iin.e and a men me to lho-e 1110-.I cl lei led. A MUM U (H' TIIF I'l IITION. 1 I ' I!,, i'l' 'Hl!"i 1 'iIFSSl1- 1 ... ' . i:V', 1 i;r. j nmr hi lure mk a (.lilKl h ad '1 he lo tor uk1 it un three eur '"lliuig .11 d e,a e me liuiil 1 iu. f .r It UIilii I u- m..l a ay from the eit for do In e time. l f Ooui.i 1 cuuld Hot V V T T ? y y y y y y y y y y li y y t y y y I 1 ol.lei una ii"l ki.iwii tu the Kimi 1 1 .iii r ( e- KtutU ilm.t t)i nior.iitl In 'uie he. o iijltti.;- K$.iited. Iloxxexcr, certain ,.'.'". . vvtul 'iiejui. Haa gixcu nieir xxoiu ;ix V'f k4 thif nmxeineiit and tlecidcd to "'.,V' tjbrfiwjf &W tililigntiiitii i'i far a, po "0V' t& iVUt. I.paw J"-- of life ir w.ir smiIci i A.l- -fill go t.. tutu then, h nix M-tcr in law told me that fclie thought j t.ydia K. I'inkham' Vegetable Com- , HUiul would cure it. It helied lnth j t the Change of I .if and the tumor nnd 1 when I got home Id.. I m. a 1. ...I I.1.. .1.. . . I took the l'mkham remedii-a until the tumor wua gone, the doctor mid, ni 1 1 .. hive not felt it aince. 1 tell every on how I m cured. If thin letter will help othi r you ar welcome to u it. " Mra. K. li. Mi:N, W6 Joacph Avenue, Najthville, Tenn. l.ydia K I'mkham'tt Vegetable I'.im pound, u pure remedy eontftiiiiivg th' elT-t 111 .h"mtui', i'i H01H1 'u l" I aW H'lua nHii hihi nerua. niei in. n.vni vf Woman's t. mat ttuanitKP.' ruai ,( her lite 'le it It there tunny vmpt(iHi in yoiif fd-c xxlticli piuIoh xint. write to the I xilla !:. I'liiUli.un 'Mcill 1110 I 11., I.) nil, !Mas, ...li. . 11 h.wiiii ... 1 1 .1 .... ..mum t ELL" A I Absolutely Rwnovos i A. V t HB jmlIMlll)!l, I 'Pi 1. jl fs U'Nt..lt. 2 at ulldillu, 1 t . Aiut'uUiiN btiMlcj X r- STUDEBAKER I lil 1. Ul. Mobiuaii Sooth Item) Imt . .ill.ei v ill.', Out. nit u-i 1 tsnti; xiuin 1 -, 't'ourinu (r, 7-biciu:r SSTS liiwuUtce. :t-pa cnaei HS50 UtiiiUu.Uuufl-i.'i, ;t-p.i 4iiaer Slltvil tMHkjU . yt.VM -SlXai I.IMUUt M(iii:i.s SllkSS SIImM) 1W S4MMM! (ITfl ToMrtlifi Car, T-puM-ngei' lUwilnier. HMM.eoer Tftliiu-ltoH'Uier. it-iAak. ()'ollM fi-pilee''tV --I (TdiUtuP'lii.'. rM'a'.v,i O ' (0. 4i. 14, Ihlldii Take the Judgment of the City that knows how cars are BUILT and the State that knows how cars PERFORM! There V no surer jiHlsrnirni. ' iwoiv tmslwoi'tliy ndvicfo to 1m' had nnywlioro thnu that of Detroit nnd ihe State ol Ciilifornin. In Detroit tin i-ity 1 luii prudiicfg three-ftmrths of the country's ciii-s where people know ears from Hie leelmicnl antl nmiiutaetiiriiiK sides better than they fa in any other ii mi e.irtli - more SUulelmkois were registered ue rtirdiut; t ot'lieiai fignifs in the year of 101") than any other ears selling at more than $r)t.K). In California the State of wonderful roads and weather the State where people have more miles of good roads to drivo .over and more opportunity io use their ears than in any ither State in the I'liion the official figures for the year of IS) 15 showed 13,718 Studehakers regis tered 2803 MOKK than any other ear listing at more than .30U. California KNOW) mr from uie on the road Detroit knowa cat from having ihe bulk of tho Industry centered in III llmlta. Both hava made Stiidebaker favorite b a long lead. What better Judgment can YOl' folluw in buying? And the reason ia fiiiipl) that ever) time a man makea even the barest comi'.irUon of a Studebuker with other iar, he fludk that to get M much liower. siie ami Quality ui a Studeb ukei of r r, lie mut pay from H''0 to Hu MOI5K So thev're biivlua iiiudeb.iker and 8AV1XO that $;.!. iiv don t )ou c the cara then go make that :." e-saving comparliuHi? C. E. -GATES T V ? T V f V V V T V Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y t t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .? Y t UKOEKTAX2H (th . Hli 1 1 I IT 1M...1HN, m a; ii,i ;jB 1Mi.Omi0h. it if I