Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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V W- - .IH.I.ill fr
Tom Moffll ami Mr Mofflt. ac -com
pan led b Mr. and Mm. Al HiiRen
unit little Bllllc boy, nnjoyed a mo
tor drive to Olendale yesterday and
rsturn, a distance of t fi miles. Thy
gnjnyad tJ) outing Immensely ami
report th road In excellent condi
tio. S Voo ftive trading stamps with
OtrrthiHK cacafrt itroearleg.
Robert V. Prtonw and wife of
KftRle Point, arc visiting and shop
ping In the city today.
Get your mllK, cream, but tar, eggi
and buttermilk al De Vne'a.
M ll.initiioiid, 'In onl l' iiiu
ii!,i i Hididfiti lot coti-tnlile 'if t-1 1 i
ton n -hip. wac nominiWed cimllv. Al
Ims i.mdo a very vigilant constable
for the one term noon to expire and
thefe appear to lie uo doubt that
li will I ip asked to succeed himself.
All MedTord Is asked to read
"Originality." In today' paper.
I.. M. Johnson, of Grant Pass, was
a Sundnv visitor In Medford, return
ing home after the circus today.
! Your lawn tnowei- maejiins sharp
eaud at Mitchells. Phone 310-J.
K. E. Mrady, of los Angeles, la a
business visitor In Medford, having
arrived Sunday.
J. T. Wheeler, .of Praano, Pal., la
r vlaltor in Medrord and the nearby
mineral districts thin week. Me re
ports vprv freakish weather In tlie
flan Joaquin valley thla spring no far,
the extremely low temperature at
. h. Coleman of Bath, Me., la at- time doing great damage to fruita
leading to business In thla city and and vegetables In many sections, The
vicinity today.
Typewriter paper of all kinds al
Xedford Printing Co.
It. II. Hrlgham of Portland, In a
basin visiter In Med ford tit In aft
ernoon. The world'a greatpal eottipanlM
Hoi mat. The Insurance Man.
. It. Wilson of Honebtirg, la at
tending to bnslness and looking about
this part of the valley today.
86 off on Kodak at Won Ion's
Camera Shop.
II. W. Kruger of Corvollla. Is so
journing In thla cltv and virlnlty
for a few days on bualneaa.
J. O. (Jerking, tno Dost all around
pNtttograttlior In mhOiqm Oronon.
Always reliable, Negative made any
wkere, time or place. Studio 228
Mala It. I'hnne II0-.1.
W. F: Bhaw und wife and Miss La
Vlelette of Yreka, C'al.. are MetHord
visitors for a (ew days.
Weston Camera flhop for first-class
kodak finishing and kodak stippllfts.
B. W. Vealh. T. (1. Kplly and M.
(I. I'erlman of Portland, mijoyad an
irat-Hunday visit In Medford and
Oats sella I'onl cars, $100 down
and ?I6 a month.
Several men wlui hare money hid
den away In th safe deposit vault
of Ibis elly beeaiiM they are afraid
to put It out, for IIih reason that
"nothing la doing." and they are
afraid of ordinary senirlllaa, are ob
served on the atreot today In uppo
sltlon to the bonding proposition for
the proposed Ulna Idga railroad
What may lie said of such liuainma
Try a King Spit eigar and n
oournge home Industry. tf
tfhe laat assay of Hlue Ledge ore
by R. W. IJIJcgran shows 20.1 per
rent copper. 113.01 silver and f 1,
of gold er ton. This la f lM per
Ion. The gold and allrer In the ore
are sufficient In value to pay for
mining It. U thla Is not a bonansa.
there la no bonansa In Alaaka.
Postage aiampa at lie VeVa.
Miss Inea Whweler of Hostile, and
Mrs. H. K. Lukln of Albany, this
aula, the latter a niece of Mrs. W.
R. Crews of thla city, enjoyed a visit
to Ashland late lust week, prior to
Miss Wheeler's return to her fleattle
home. They have been the gwsts of
.ludsa V. K. Crews and Mrs. Crows
for a week or more. Mrs. lkln re
mained for a nuire extendad visit.
Hnths I Re. Hotel Ilellaad.
Q. V. Dwlnell of Redding, Cal . Is
a bualneaa visitor In Medford and
other points In tho valley early this
1)9 Voe buys beer bottles.
Hiram Kentnor of CouuIIIh City, Ih
Httendlug to busluosa In Meilford to
day. Mr. Kentnor aaya that his sec
tion of the state la enJolng u boom
sine the advent of the railroad to
Smoke a King '.n cigar. &e.
The are home made lf
rai' '"
In .
kl ..
Wl" II
HO 1 1 I
fOI Kl I
Mlllir wh iiiiii mer (rem
I 1 1 a fin ih .0:0. will
.1 In. in,' toitioiroM ntklil. II
. I ii'l. n'HU'd In llic ! t leu
v uittilvllU' Hi- Kim' l-ed)
! 1 Mi l'i I itll'l I'll'dt 'IK I
1 . 11i1 will .11 0111 'I tlilni '
nil ,ill lilllli Hidl'H til ttlO Kl
iiiin'i H i 1 i.ii'.f lb-it Mr.'
HI 'IMC l(r I Wl'l'lldolll 4IUWIU
tin vrcal 1 nun, hi ft ton ol
1 n hi. i'oii und inn tlii'iu Call
ii.ill have 11 rcui lied '"
tlii iuiii-irv me in
(lull llf MIMI llif
01 H ,.11.111 WI'll t lit III
ilt lllllHI'OII
Mo u III l.usn
ir Klrchgessn.-r lll he at Hotl j
N.ish eery Wedm-xday. Hours for
cmiKiiltatlon 10 to S
Aln-1 C Wall 1 hi ft.iiu' vail, i
vkl-o recently vi'- inin North I 1
Ut,i, Is In Mrdioni loilav mi It 1
nesh. He di' Iuii'h Unit the i'
bt Indu-tM i'ioiii-id for that '
ttill II. -I "Ul Mill lll'lllk' lll.lll" f
i, f 1 11 1 I 1 n.ilivt' lal. to t'li-i ..
I, v I
weathpr was still cold when lie left
thero last Thursday.
Tickets for the Ashland pageant
on sale at Medford Hook Store. There
will be tr.OO chairs to acrommodale
the people.
. C. fladmon, of (! rants Paas, who
came to Medford yesterday, la doing
liUHlnt-SK In Hits city today. lie re
IHirts Orants Pass as reaping excel
lent business harvest from its rail
road and sugar beet nithlllus.
Ill Gc milkshakes at De Voo'n.
JC I,. Jones, one of the patient and
most progressive miners In tho Illtie
Ledge district, with headquarters at
Kileen, came down from his proper
ties flunday on business. Of enures,
he found oxpuso to stay a day or two
for I he (Irons seldom pitches Its
tents in the mining districts. How
ivr, Mr. Jones helievns that it will
not be long until thnre will be busy
mining comunity enough up there to
Justify the islt of the biggest cirrus
on the continent if tho people of Med
ford vote right on tho bond proitoat
tlon tomorrow. Mil si muss in Im
mense volume awaits tno railroad to
the Itluo I .edge and It will all head
for .Medford aa soon as II can come
by rail.
"Y A K" filing systems front 35c
to complete outfit for any bualneaa
carried In stock. Mwlfortl Hook
Will C. Smith, or Oranta Pass,
came down to Medford Sunday and
will remain two or three days on
C. J. Fry. of Copper. Cal.. (for
merly known aa Mutton) who Is lit
the city today, la outhualnattd over
the probability of a railroad vote by
the people of Medford Tuesday. The
showing made by every lest and every
Investigation In the Hlue I,edge dis
tricts so overwhelmingly great that
only (hose who prefer Ignorance and
opposition to knowledge and pro
gress can possibly entertain any
doubt. The business men and women,
he finds reason to believe, are almost
a unit for the railroad and the vast
volume of business It will produce
at once.
Tlikets for the Ashland pageant
on aaie at Medford Hook Store. There
will be ITiOO chairs to accommodate
the people. . Ti2
Manager of the several depart
ments of the circus In town toda are
anxious to have any rowdyism on the
part of "tent followers" reported ill
recilv and quickly to their business
office. They carry with them a de
tective of extended experience In
such affaire and ho would like to
have all imsslhle Information shout
troublesome characters who habitual
ly follow the clnus business in every
part of the country.
Horace I'elton of Ham's Valley, who
Is on the Jury panel, spent Monday In
The business streets of Medford
were thronged early this morniiis
with people from the country. The
clrciin Is the chief attraction today
The fle of the crowd sppears to be
out of all pioportlon to I he vote fust
in the entire couut last Krldm
tetter the regular Imsiness meet
ing Wodncxdu) iietilng. May Si. at
- o'clock, there Mill be a social sea
M.oi of Kennies chapter. No. Oil, O K
s I' his feature of Hie meeting UI
t'.. under the direction of Mrs. Mi
Mi i.ti' and her committee.
II I'. Little, of Itosclnirg, Is doiiiK
1 1 hiiiiKs tu this city and at other
, .101- In the alley this week.
M in v Asht.tud vlnttors ure on nut
tri . 1 tod a
1 M Horn In, of Hold Hill. Is 11
Mi Mnr I visitor todat.
M ll.iiitler. of Mains Vullev Ih .it
l(ifnrd I ' "I ' on nt .iixl O .1
ho u ill .1 1 1 1 1 ,'.it 111 t In in ii ,i
Krmnl hi kIiI.uhI tomorrow lilKht. an
requested to be read) at the Med
ford hotel at 0: ili Tuesday evening
for the cars and Jitneys, which will
take them. A large crowd will go
from this city In their own motorcars.
Round trip fare will he aft cents. Ad
mission to the park at Ashland. 2
cents. Nothing so grand in spec
tacular features has even he fore
been undertaken in southern Oregon. !
viovih Messner or (told Hill, was
a Medford visitor thla Afternoon.
Mr Messner Is "an attache" of the
Sleepy Hollow fartu
All Medford Is asked to read
"Originality." In todav'a tiaoer -
W. .1. Moore, city ariorney of Ash.
land, did legal business In Jackson
ville and Medford today.
A new grand Jury was selected
this morning and Is busy this after
noon on the Ranse House case, held
to the grand Jury from Ashland on
the charge of handling boote unlaw
fully. Several Indictments are antic
ipated aa the result of the new grand
Jim's work today and tomorrow.
I. ('. Dalet of Lake Creek, Is at
tending to business In Medford this
K W. Anderson of Copper Cal.,
one of the miners or the Hlue Ledge
district, is In the cltv today.
(Continued from pago one)
liniit- ol' the city at the time of tnuk
intf "ill the iiuminl budget iim provided
for by thi charter mill im port of
the total i'ity levy.
Said lux lew "hiill lie tieciul mid in
addition tu the ten (10) mill tnx lim
itation con tn mill in section (!." of tlii
hnrtcr, und the mouct from mi id
wpeeinl levy fliull be kepi in 11 Mepn
rute fund und be ucd for redemption
lnirMiKCN of the bond herein nullior
ixed, ami lor on other iiuriHiMc. In
addition to nil warranty and bond
11 ill homed lo be iMted li HcctioiiH 72
mid 72a of I hi- charter, the i-itv coun
cil of the eitv of Medford iH hereby
further inilliorir.ed und empowered to
borrow money on the faith ami credit
of Kitid city, mid for that purpoxe to
iMMiie bomU and warrant in the man
ner proiilcil bv section 72 of lhi
eliaiti't' for the sole niriose of ob
tninim; the -aid sum or :i(KI,tHH) to
build, eiiiii, aeiitirc, lene, own and
iqiernte railway, operated by stenin,
eleetrie or other Miwer, within or
without the houudiiriex of the naiil
eitv for the benefit und 11 e of the in
lialiitant of Medford, Or., for prolil.
mid riiniiinir from 11 (mint within the
eitv of M i'l ford to other towns, cities
und point without the binmilarii of
the said city, and to that end nuiv iie-
quire rights of way. enement, real
iroMrty. or lease, willuu and without
it boundaries for miv of such ur
Mies. Thai the snid cits eonneil i here
by uuthorixed mid cnqiowi'ii'il to n.
eeive pruHisals for the const nut ion
of mi such railway or iiiilvvay for
und on behalf of said eitv, mid to
adopt the sjiine; priixiileil, howeter.
that no such proposal or eoulrnel
shall be biniliiiir iihiii the iitv until
(he Mime shall hae heeii iihmittil
at a special or ircncrnl election to
the qualified otct of said eitv mid
duly approM',1 bv a imijoiil vote ol
the iiiali'ieil ch'ctor f said eitv. The
following is the form in which the
I'oregoiiiK measure will apieur upon
the Im Het:
Speeiul election in (he eit of Med
font, May '.'.'I, 111 Id.
Murk bet ween nniiilier and .10-wcr
Miled for,
Kiilmiitled by resolution ami order
of tile cltv cotim ll.
hnrter iimciidtn. 111, ote 'c" .,1
HalhK Title.
"An aet lo iiiiicml the elmrter ol
the 1 in ol Meii.., aili'mi; llicri'
tu seetion .t, uiithoriXMii; mid em
Hifrnm the council to but row .,
uiln to liicid, ciiiii and ,inrnlc rnd-.iv-
willuu ,.- wain. at the citv, atnl
to ud .i .11 i.iiit)- r uh , ,,j w.i,
e iseinent-. i til proHilv Hilhin r
uitliiiul it hound. iric oi ans o 'icli
plllpn-cs, lo i-'c In, ml- I,, 1- vi, h
Cven though she Is the wife of!
M.i or Harry L. Davis of Cleveland.
Mrs Dvls bakes her own break.
U a pure food show Just held In
tin eitv over which her husband gov-
eniR. Mrs. Davis was a prlxe winner.'
in r bread-baking contest.
Here I the recipe used by this
liniiewifely-wlfe of a mayer:
Dissolve a cake of yeast in a little
water, a teaspoon of augar and a
him h of salt.
Then make a stiff dough with two
irters of flour, three boiled notatoea
tiiaidiod, tablespoonful of lard and a
cup of sugar In warm water and the
disole venst. After It rle, mold
It Into throe lonvc .1 ti1 l,ike each
In a siqiarate pan
.Mcilloid People Will Do Well to
In the Iiiiiiv to
lor the hallot tor
election Tiicsdnv. onh n portu
Heed Them
.Msnv bad i.ikc or kidney trouble
result from a cold or chill. Congost.
ed kidneys fall behind in filtering
the poison-laden blood and backache,
mlarlK.', dlriiness and dlsorderad
lilnn action rollow. uoirt negioct
. ,, cold. I'se Doan's Kidney I'iiis at
the tirst sign or kidney trouble. Kol
iripare ihe copy low this Medford resident's example;
,. i the bond ' " J- H. Uustln. r.Zl 3. Grape at.,
r Medford, ssys: "I nave oeen taKing
m ol , ..... .... , . 1
tinsn'n Kldnev Pills whenever 1 have
the proposed elmrter umendment """Ifu the need of a kidney medicine
included. The omN-ion of a vital (or Reveral years and I have always
lurt f the resolution may lead to received the' most satisfactory rc-
mi-constrnetion of the p.irpoe of Ihei suits. My kldneya aeem to be the
. .. .u .u ... r 1 weakest spot and every little cold or
election. o far a- the tiuthontv of 1 '
the city eonneil roc. Hence, the
Commerciiil club committee ha i-
atraln affeets them and my back be
comes weak or, lame. After I have
takon a couple of boxes of Dunn's
miiiI in ,jdi form the following state- j Kidney Pills my kidneys become nor
unlit : j mal and in every way, 1 feel as well
"The bond election ballot n print- ,nmj ptrotlR s ever."
id doe not show entire the reolu- I priv(, :i0p at u dealers. Don't
Hon. If shows only the text In con- i-nMy Mk fof a mwy rin1IygPt
.len-i.l foitu. The following docs not jj,oa'H Kldnev Pills- the same that
apiieftr. but is a part of the prosMd Mr (j,n ha,i Koster-Mllburti Co.
iitrMocs; to create .1 luml lot toe re
demption of the san.c. ami to h'vv a
tax on the pniert.v within the bound
aries of said eity for -aid fund to pnv
suii I bonds and intere-t.''
HMI ' . Yes
101 N
The I'oreftoitiir resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the eitv of
Medford on the Ulst dav of April,
1010, by the following vete: Mann,; Kmtnens, nye; Amy, nye; Keene,; llnrvrnve, Aye; I In vis, axe.
Approved Mnv'ui. I1HII.
(Sijftied) V. T. KMKItK'K.
Attest :
(SigiiiHl) Y T. KtlSS, Heeorder.
DKNISON', Tex , lav '
elghiccii iMMsons wcte killed tn u ter-1
rifle wind and rain Meno which pass
ed over tho section Just north of Denl-
son Rnturday nlht.
The town of Oklahoma, two
miles north of the rtod river, is iemr(
od wiped out. Moat ui lh ibad uru
aald to liuve been at Kemp. Due child
was killed a mile north r DciiKuii
A relief train left Denlsim for Kemp.
All wires are down north or ln-ie
Theodore Itohcit head the ilitin
iruishcd nll-stiir east to upH'ur in the
Jesse L. Iuaky phototlrumatie pro
cltietioii of K. Phillips Opponheiin'w
thrilling stoty, "Mr. Ore.t of Monte
Curio." It is a I'aiiiuiount pielure.
This story has to do with the
scheme of three of KuroH''s gientit
diploinntM to make n new map of the
world, ignorinv Kuuliind mid Amei -ien
. How nil llu-ir clever plot ami
scheme ore upet by nn iiiiMliion
younv Auiericaii in love with the
grand ddche- makes this one of the
At least 1 iniitet iimiMiinl itlnc m ,n- win ,.,i il.
recti. Siipi o.tiii': Mi. Uoliert mc
t'arlyle Hlacki.i il. l.- Ilotoihv i.(.
ciipori, .lame- aciii, iioruce It. tin
penlcr and IVank Klliott and other
mcihlici ol' ilic 1.,1-kv .ill-tar OIU.IO-
1 harlcr iiiuendmeiit
" 'That the aid eitv council i
hercbv aiithorixed mid empowered to
receive proposals for the construc
tion of auv tieh rnilwnv or railway
or und on behalf of said eitv and to
iilnpt the same; provided, however, no -neb proposal or contract
'hull be binding upon the eitv until
the same hall have been submitted tit
11 pceial or general election to the
iiulified voter of said city, and duly
.ipprovcil by 11 majority vote of the
ifiulified voters of said city.1
"A favorable vote carries the en
tire elmrter amendment.
"It' earned, the council cannot
-M'ti) a dollar of this fund until the
1 oiiiraet .hall have been submitted lo
.mil approved by the people,
"Come to the Medford ('ommorcml
chili for intoruiiition. Investigate.
"Vote for development mid pros
lerily. Vote yes,"
Thus it will be een that after I lie
bonds shall have been voted the city
council has no (tower to handle them
or the money resulting from their sale
until the H'ople by a majority vote
may direct it. The iM-ople of the city
have the final "a" in every vital
move ami the hi-l "av" when it
crime to -pcmlnc: the tiiollcV.
With ModfoM trnoe la Medford made.
Props.. Iluffulo, X. Y. Adv.
'Is a gift who h fe,v iosen " We
originate new idui and othirs Imi
tate. The public l aked to watrh for
and get in tho next "Made In .Med
ford" moving idcturo which will be
a real iiiovIiik comedy by homo tal
ent, it will not be a short three
quarters of a minute run on the
acreen, but will be perhups two full
reels whirl! will cost us some ItiCAL
MOXKY, and will require better than
one half hour to show it (not 3-4 of
a minute.) We spare no expense In
making the Star theater tho popu
lar playhouse it now is und Intend
giving our tunny well pleased patrons
the newest and best In everything.
Watch for our new line of entertain
ment In tho near future. It will, be
the surprise of all picture fans, aa
up to the present date nothing like
It lisn ever been offered the Medford
vk eitimxm:
OT 1 1 1'.l 18 lMITATH.
sT.vit th i:Tin:
Where the Crowds (lo
Bessie Barriscale Says:
I want my plavs to
mean something to
men and women. I
want thTiu to inuiit as an influence In other lives. To me there Is
una 11 iiMi'lbiliiv lii the making of a photoplay like the "tirooti
Sv,iiiii '
lliifoi'icd, Prfofc.
Mnnv people hold their heal lov
when crossed In love or make a b.i !
boise trade, hut such is not the ru-..
Kemp had a population of ::'(! at1 with our mkiiik friend, Norman !' .1
the last ceusus.
The tornado Is aald to have cov
ered a wide territory but It . xient
could not be ascertalneil here tonight
The child killed north of DenUou
was the son of Dr. J. K. Mcculloch
The relief train from here 1 u-rled !
several physicians and nurse it U
not expected the train will be abb- to'
communicate with Oenlson or points
south of Kemp for several hoir. j
lloavy danuiKe and loss or U'V as
a result of the tornado Is rtportid
all along the llcl River valbn. ;,..
ports from other nectlons of tho bt.uo !
also tell of heavy damuite.
ocli . lit ha a boll 011 his nei K
The I Inmin 1 ik 1 l.rtUer
The Original "Bird of
Paradise" Girl
Pint Sign ef Blood Disease.
J'liniil. . Mitlv Hi limn slue rili,'
! bum Inn iiiiIi.hi aiil S.utili U n
At Woodwind, OVlrt.. more than a , with m 1 uling . 1 mny d uitni. 1
. 1 w. ak. id-, I iinl iintn. ii- si .iif if tu.
score of pcrmon were Injured when a uiuoJ viic uoiiii.- nun iiav. , n
Chautauaua t.-nt was blown down. : 1' .V.u'weJeT.r.'ci.M. 'ou .nM'V'.';.,
Mr. II. II. IVeblea probably will die tijh,e.iyi.l..jl h1 .-a M JJ
trom Iniuriei to her head. Many m.i uii.,ii iui !. fui -u vjk if .
e I did 1 lor pumiiim in. --
nolliiiiK is -.iuil in 11 Th,. 1 1 , 1 ,,1
H it X Is lo tleunsi I1' ' ' 1 li '!
llllelllth I In" lilli .1 J I1 - '
,lf till 1 1, ,11 111)" Hi 11 l- II .11 U, X
tl 111 .ll.llll till 'iloH.I "! II
iitlis tli' int I lu-'4 ii'ipu- 1
I . ,mum III.. llfltV BA tllHt th." ll! 1
pet sons well- tiampK'd when the
crowd rushid from heioath the fall
ing canvuba.
a"M.".l hy Illtl'Ci: M4(,; .
lar I.N In ih). l, in,iK
Iui)' Hi. una
t, 11, In
to lumlncHs in Moiliont to
linht's low temperiiture :tri
1 Kixnl msiiv who huve a fuir
ml 1 ft to sit up all tlu nft i'
1 . the nlttht tu un siivlinii out
miih roi IhiI, l'ro-t -laaln The wcath
1 ,i .'Minimal for till.-" lime o'
T. 'i, '' 1 "I" '" ' , 1, ,e ,,,, t ,i i, tlmeis mrtivel til
juHtiua ' ' ' '" 1
more m i ! M.t, ., New 'ork Citv
Martt .1 " 411 extended, mo
out 111 nib la ,t .. , and is nmtfe
Slllt lodav, Un.... ,! twill II
h 1..11. .im. Ii linnioicil ! . I,,,.,. 1,. 1 fi i liuot .'f (iold
Si ei, vi S ,i,,,i ii'mut Hi it f .In 1 l, ,,n Hi llic 1, il) ' ,. took
f I ., I , l' 11,(1 ! Ill I 1 1 , '4
J ... Clt
d ihtei,
iliir Witri, of Koituc Itiver, (Si 0t'alfril
v. .i.i, in, 11, .ha i ,. vt'a, t mtr uto tni'i',
0 . , ir .
'm aiia n una mi nm ML mi iiijj j' ,
MOOItK John A. Moore, fumlliiii
ly known aa "In. I Johnm." died ,1
the Hiicred lUait hospital. M.iv J".
aaed 77 year TJie renialm will im
conveyed to Unite Kalli when, lie
had Ion a been a resident, tinuoirmv !
tor luirlul.
Deceased uo known r. I.u 1 's
111 this part of tl.e rountrv He i.ime
from Maine to Oreitou main t.w
atfo and Iui In in living on a Imme
"tcul in the Vuinlty of Ultte 1'all,.
for ten or twelve vear He was mi
Mr u-tiii, who has for man
icais i) ell). i,.( an adjoining home
"tead knew hlei hetter than anvotte
!- in the v.ill, . He t niakini; 1
.iri'i f.n r.'i tines and IohKhik ufl
1 r the c-t it, a urs meallliiee
.i,i.ii le'irorm us imii. u
Ths tdl. slunaUtv fieltlia lesv -
h, 1 ompli"Xl..ii clra up Kvin
Ninutiii 1 rvspuml pioini'i i
eu must IhUi H K. li'iu' n .1
at u u li wnn't 0" lt S S
ier ili aaai't " Vu n""' "xl
0! Willi lu SWtfl ll irtc '
ta. u
n i
r ,
Tin Svivne. With Uoiiii llunn !' Imiii
It. '
11 !'' I"' ' the iru.i :. in.l ttl
il'iil'ii .nn! haiiiiiiiei-, oi a i aluiw
woman This U acknow . di;. .1 one
" "s bi".t ih i u i, r
.ill )'!.! or.ltl I'll till I MUO'i
One of those fast moving Keystones
wo i. ui.
i i,
T!L!.'. Mr. Grcx of Monte Carlo
1 l! I" HI ' Vl ,"1 I
love Will Conooer
M i
jfNiMk i ' i.. j , i tiou v., vJ
In lc TmnjV Kiy Bir li ot I " rf 'l Oli. .o iik I'ltt . .1
M V m n , N' IhllLi i;jii ' X. Tr V Or t i '. I ,, 1 (
fc:.i...j. J' w' ?Ai)BMHrt.l5lilUKHWtt
' ii '.it iv c of Intel ii it ion i ' ! , I
, i it 'i a 1 1 i M1 'i.ii le ton i i-t of
'i. i ', t Icelilii; to r'nroi'i
ii i
I low the saei't' or ihe uteat natio'i
'i.i'.'i i u i othtr lu a ul. o( vi t
riii if - kt t. i .
i ir. tuiiu.i
' ' I' "i (t. .1' .un in an. I i ' i1 i
in which that funny fellow, Fred
Mace, plays the part of the 'Big
Uenu" It's a Scream
smm ti.
(,ltll s
si l Mav
I I'
i rWr
1 1