:t M Library Medford FORECAST Fl IOST T N' Ui I IT Tues day l-'itlr. Wanner. WEATHER Maximum Yesterday (It: Mlnliiiiini Today .'Id. JLt JL JlSl JL JLji V 1' a $ rortvsUth Year. Iuiu :ifvnth ypar. CARNAGE OPENS ' French Occupy Blockhouses in Avo court Wood Struggle on Dead Man's Hill Terrific German At tacks East of Mcuse Repulsed by French Teutons Desperate. PARIS, May 22. The battle, of Verdun, the longest hikI most bitterly fought Individual struggle of the war, cntors on Its fourth month to tiny. The Gormans arc hammering at Dead Man hill, whore th most bloody fighting of tho three inontha' con flli't 1ms taken place. Clinging dos jioraloly In tho trenches that thpy havo wrested from the French on lbs lower slopes of the hill, the Teuton have hurled 60,000 men, backed by sixty btterlp of guns of all million, forward along a seven-mile front from Avocourt wood to the Meueo In n doBitpralo effort to aelxo the eov olod summit. The Germans hnvo suecoedfrd In gaining n roolhiR In tho Fronrh flint llito nt a coat of severe Ioaioa, hut JudRliiK fiom (ho pxporloiipp of the pant. It will not lie a difficult taak for tho French to dlslodgo them bo fore they are able to follow up their Advantage. Key to Verdun. That the Germans must conllimo their tremendous onslaught on Dead Man hill or abandon tho Idea or tk Iiir Vordun seems obvious. Thla blood-soaked summit and Ita alaler eminence, I lilt 30 1. form the key or tho whole system or Verdun defenses Tho fire from their batteries flanka the lloiiaumonl plateau across tho river. Without the undisputed po session of thin plateau mllliary crit ics agree that no attack on Verdun liM any chance of success. French grenadiers occupied aeveral blockhouses In Avocourt wood on the Verdun front In the courae of se vere fighting last night. The atrug Xle went of Head Mow hill waa ter rific The war office statement of thla nrtornoon sas that the attack of German Infantry were repulaed. The blockhouses In Avocourt wood were abandoned by the Hermann. Bait of the Meuae. Infantry fight liin occurred at the Haudramont quar ries captured yesterday by th French. The Germans attacked these positions, and, the statement as aorta, were repulsed with heavy loaa. Tho following official statement wna Issued teday: Western frent: The French made several attacks without success on our llnea In the teflon of the quarry south of .Hautframont and the Vauv ridge i Verdun front . In the third attack the French obtained a footing in the quarry. "During the nlfht the artillery was extraordinarily active on t.oih sides In the whale soeter." (Tcriimn Statement. 11KRMX. Mix - The capture of several lines of llrltUh ponltlons ove a front of two niilonieiii ( I ' miles I near Glvencli en-iioh. lie '- an nounced tod.iv l tin war oince BRINGS LIBEL SUIT I.iiSTmiN. M.. J.' A l.n- ' i- Ik-.hii l i',ui'..iir t "ii:n. I'.mum ruin nd"iit "I lli'' -A--'" i-,l l'r'. Mjj.nnt Kdwm A. Kuuixui. an Allien, an newt,iH-r i.rr-i'iili'iii. niw in lU-rhn. beil on uii urtu-le by Kmeron in the Continental Times, nevMirM?r published lure iu the Knjf li.h languaita. The urtu-le intimate ttint Mr. L'ouger l Amb.i W Gcrurd were rcijon-ible ir tin- "be t my ill" ot Kir lloer t'uimont to the Uhtih. The orticle a-iiniat- thut Mr. I'ni'iicr recti eil kn icdve ' Cnwini'lit'- i.'au- lii--h Ik- i I'liiiiiiilil Ttii! i Atnb i--.ul"i 'i.ii.l. wlii., 111 turn. . . I, ..1 .! l" W..-' i -I !!. lif"" ! i- r i - , i". .1 . - .. ii IM. '"I i h i ... i of thf ut-miiutiuiir made in thp arti-le ii, r , t . niii i 1,1 'i iii - ii'i -'.' -1 ' - ' ' FOURTH MONTH VERDUN BATTLE RiSH ACCUSATION ITALI A N DEFEAT STEADILY GROWS E Austrians Drive Italians From Their Entire Position on Lavorone Plat eauNumber of Italians Captured Total 23.883 Armentara Ridge Captured. HICUUN'. May 22. The Italians have bppii driven from thplr entire position on l.avarone plateau, tho Austrian war offti'o announcement of today says. It Is stated that tho Italian defeat Is steadily becoming more serious. The Austrian linos havo Iippii pushed forward rapidly, sovoral ad ditional positions of urutPRic Im portance having been captured. The number of Italians taken prisoner has lieon increased to 23.SS3. The statement follews: "The Italian defeat on the south ern Tyrol front Is certainly becoming more serious. An attavk of the Graos corps In Ijivarona plateau was attended wllh complete auccess. The enemy was driven from his entire po sition. Our troops captured Flnin. Mandrlolo and the heiRht immediate ly west of the frontier from tho sum mit as far as the Astaali valley. "The troops oC, Crown Prince Charles Frances Joseph reached the Mont Tormlno-.Monte Majo line Win Ai'iuojitiii'ii Hldgc. Austro-IIungnrlan troops have car ried the peak of Armentara lidge. the scene of some of the heaviest flght Iiir In the recently Inaugurated of fensive along the southern Tyrol trout. This announcement is made In tho official Austrian report of May 21. Wore than 8000 Italians wore cap tured on Saturday by the Austrians, who also obtained possession of sev eral villages. They look I.", cannon and machine gnne, the atalement says. Italian Slolenn'ul. HOMK. May 22.-- Vustrlnn artillery of alt sizes and all ranges, with the monster 30.". millimeter gun predom inating, has transformed the battle front between the'Adlge and Hrenta rivers Into an inferno. Notwithstanding the snow-capped mountain barriers, the Austrlun In fantry Is being launched In wavea. which military observers say break against the formidable resistance of the Italians. The Italian troops have now form ed their lines of offense and are holding firmly all the passes and peaks, from which Italian officers soy the forward movement of the Austrians has not only been success fully arrested, but the Austrians have been dislodged from several strategic, positions taken in the first rush of the offensive. Thero are several Indications to confirm the statement that the de sign of the present strenuous cam paign of the Austrians on the Tren tlno front Is to prevent Italy from m.ritrfimttns: with her troops in the struggle on the French front and a l o to paralyse sny action aiming at the Joining of the Avlona and 8olon ikt fone for a simultaneous er ror!. BRANDEIS EIGHT ON SENATE THIS WEEK WASlllNCiliiN. M.i -'J-IiiIii- tion today wire that - nuU- action on (xinrirniinv the nommution 01 lOUI I). Brundeu to the supreme court und Qconre Kuhlcc it member of the lrdtr.il timlf xi.mUwion would be inilMnt.iiit i-.itun- "i tln week' eon -gri--unial prtiiiiain. A forerunner ot the fiabt on Mr. Hublce wa- iiuniincnt in the -enatc t la. The iiiiin,n . win t her the -i ti.it- -iimi il hold hi i' ii in-lead "f . . i -. - -inn tmi "i i . In n it re , . ,i, i t. , .,i. i, un ii Mr. Hub- I is made b Senator IlolIU !' New lluinphlre, ,i ! Ii. i. . -.' ! il ii.'l.ii 'In .i.ii - 1 DO MEDFORD ELIOT E F WAMIIM'ToN. M v -- ( huii' inim ( iiiIh i - II ui llli -i ll. lli' I Hhrl.ir eoinitlllter t"iln inailr 'lllllr I he let ter lie rweiveil lnl week lrini t'lni. Uliot, prcMdent einerilu of Hur varil, indninif tho lu.unnntion of ltiii I). Ilrunilcix l ll"'. Mipreme court. Mr. Kliot's letter, written at Cnm bridjje, : "1 hae known I.oui- I), llrnndcis ftir forty .v'iir unl believe that I uti dertnnd his eiipneitiex and his ebar uetcr. He n n litiinruibeil itu denl in the I la nurd law ihol iu 1S7'j-7S. He Mii-e(l bv noliire a keen intelligence, ipiii-k and ueneioin. synalhie-i u reniarkiible en pu city for labor and a character in which jjpntleni'M. and inurauc were bb-nded. "He ha omeliiiiOM ndvocaled uu'ii'iirct. or pulieie- which did not commend themi-elve to mo; but 1 have necr iiictiinicil hi- lionc-lv ami sincerity or hi- deire I'nr ju-tlee. "I'nder prceiit eircumtance I bc- neve iiiai uie re.-iiii uw m-um ! .i...a .i.. - : i.. i... .......... i or Ins nomiunlioii to the Mipreme court would be usnive misfortune Mr Iho wnoie legal )ruiessiui, ine euun.i all American buinr end the ii tr." The judieiitrv coinmillee vili vole on Vcdneila on the iiiiiiiin.i lion. I'OUTI. NI )r . Ma A III. HI .l.iiiBientlv in u daid condition who an- ers the description o Kred KiBtn. an, the missing ch.uitteni in the i linings murder ro'ster a loilaed In the jail at Kslaeade i..ui lure, to nay. Portland offlcns hae gone there to fix his identlt. Last Monday night ItM man's au tomobile, stained with blood, wgs found near Ihe home of Mrs. Helen l Jennings The latter was fouud dead In he? l"-d with her skull crushed in. It a-. believed that ttistmsn had htei rin ied bv the Same iinluown I" i "ii ho Killed Mrs .(untitle THREE KILLED BY CYCLONE SWEEPHia BIRMINGHAM I11KMINHMAM. A'a, Mav'JW. Three iH-riiii, two white and one ne iro, are dead, and ten or kio$ are , I ,11 ll - l' . I i I' ' ' ' ' '5)H NDORSES BRANDOS OPES OR CONFI RUN ORKdON, M()HY, MAY WILL HE FIGHT? - .lltiiW,. f jc MAIt VTIItiN. Tiu . Mu :'-' - Colonel F. W SIMi' ili t.ii limeiit of uio seconu iieiiniiiii.u iwiuiiiii. lolumn l i reached lloqiilllHH on the American side of the International boundary yesterday afternoon, according to in formation brought here todaj . Previously Colonel Sibley had been reported as turning back to get in toueh with Major Langhorne's de tachment, which bad been rumored as In too close proXlmitv to a band of Yaqul Indlanx. V.L PASO. Texas, Ma 22. -Amerl- can and other foreign-owned proper - lies at Cuulro rienegras cre raided bv bandits Mo is. according m re- Ituble Information received here to- 4nyi Tho looter, previously had at- tacked Sierra Mojada and among them wort, a number or the liandlts who raided il. i.u MprliigM and Ho- qulllas, Te.a. ft-r pillttginti the offices, liousef ami storehouses, they ;rMrr(., h.-lr i.iMtv to the eouuirv l,,,.,,.,.,, -,,.,,,. ' .,.,i.. ttll, ,,. , i ii'tieira ami 'hun u. ut ini'i It it! i ii u E ARRIVES; PARTY FORCED TO REMAIN ! I.oMmiN, 'J The III 1 Mil III i an Ari-'ii- l'iin-1 er 1'inii -- r M mi ii .H-.i'.'ii. a 1 1 1 i il ui ii iin-hiii I Ian- I . i l ilr Iber of the V land cxpulit I . T.IHliH " IH.I nil till- -'I I llihl (Jn-eiil.il.il iCicllUllc re-nil He u potted j..od had been (ilitailied by the cjkradili' " The renin in i ii.- member- of the c idoruiL' imrt. whit-h i- beuded b iioould H. M Miilnn, hne been fore-1 oil to xty ill N'Ulh Star ba, a the, relief -hip Cliiett 'H- Uliable to uel tbroiiv:h the ice. The arnal ol I'm le(ir Tauiplin at l'oieiiliai;eii i reported III il il I'.itiil fn 111 the Jlail- i-h capital I' ii' UIJal .e- ugeney. lrofi-o' of the e" ill"'' i I n nthci il I' Mie way I reaeinna -.llllll. I llie ii- inin-ii . i.l.il SIBLEY RETURNS WITH AY POM MEXICO ARCTIC XPLORER J2. HMO H :dohxt at 5CAfct iw liK. cHAR-t- - , AT-vefcfvfcp NUKt T I'dl! 1 1. li, or . M.i ::' h ml dltionnl reiimis uir n ielw d tbioiiKh mil Hi., i-tute fiom l.s r I'rld.i' pil- ... , ,. ,.,,,. I,- IIIHIM'i III" fsi SSI ini-'i - ss sv - MRh,,H 0,.r Senator A II. Cum- mlns Increases. Iliiahes has carried Oregon In the republican presidential lreforvntlal piimarlcs h almul 2. uOo, and lomplete figurcH prohabl will show a larger number. All of Oregon's ten delegates In the republican national convention are pledged solldl to Hughes. For the republican congressional I nomination from the Third district, Congressman '. X. McArthur de- jfealed his nearest competitor, former 1 rongressman A W. I.af forty, by 1 7 1 " I votes. I.afferl loda announced d wwuiu i - -- Oswald West, former domocrgtle 'governor, who was nominated by tit ' prohibitionist convention to run for congress, has not et announced whether he will accept the nomlmv Hon. U be does, he will enter H roiir-coiuered men In wnlcn e. o Arthur. Lnfferly and John A. Jeffrey, liemoi ratio, nominee, will lie the COB tenderri. II II ('ore-, reimi.lli an candidate rir imlilic serie cuiniiilKloner from . urn Oieiion, claimed today that he ii.nl ilei.ated i:d Wilubi. bis nearest hi miii nl 'iv "" "' HI itll S. M. i . - 'ii l.iiilinople ,n v ii i - lo tin l'i-ii "if .Ui'llO' it'lioii the ii Ii ui ot liiiiiih inrccb in . 1 1 ii u aii, ri iieiiimui irihusmuii In t ii .i.nnu.i of Durfur, in Analo l w.ptlan H'ldaii. It Im said the Ilrlt Isli sent two trai)xort with Kngllsh ",u ro"l,h l0 ''on 8bW ou ,Mo Red Jw, wlienie in airiveu io ;ti- tttk the tril.i Mm o and that lhe were defeat) il L' Uiwi-h undei thi imam ' liii' VIOLENT J.Ol)l) M(i I(yujfl- from lQtliiiar in ri Allien nn the iUlllc, gi rorwurded liom C(.niiliat;eii ut thi) ' ' ""." Tolegrai'li conipany. state '" n i viol-nl i it niton I'll- vvbh In aid , t , ii ii i' i ,. ii .I .i i itii. t r tn HUGHES PLURALITY GONEXCEEDS WENTY THOUSAND BRT1SH DEFEATED BYARABTRIBESMEN BLAME FOR IRISH E Inability or Disinclination of Ger many to Carry Out Important Fea tures at Almost Last Moments Made Revolution a Fizzle Inside History of Uprlslmj. I. ON I ION, Alav (1 (eorresMiinleiice I' the Awsocinted I'k'sh.) The Sinn Fein oritnnisntiou was used as n pawn in I lie game played by Merlin and certain flormniiM and revolution ili in America, nccni'diiig lo the his lory of the li'i-ti npiiHiuif as tohl hy the nulhorilieH here. The fnilure of tlie re oil, it i pointoil out, was mude (Imililv Hurt I iv I he iunhilitv or ili-in- elinalion on the pnrl of Oenrinny to earrv out imwrtanl tValuie- at al lium! the lat moment. The facts ).'ion here hnve been gnthereil from iiiithentio llrili-h -nurcei and are pi-e--enled ni eompleiely as iossihle un der I he ceiiMofhii. " Shorilv nfler Ihe beginning of tho Mir eertam Irishmen and Herman an I limit le- eoneeicil the idea of utilix nur the Sinn 1-Yin nrgnnixatinn for n icolt- lite Oeiinnni being nelualeil, of course, by the admittedlv legiti mate purpose of weakening (Iroal Uritiiiu and the oilier haing national n-piraiions, or in al leal one ease, a deiire to olilain revenge fur alleged imlitieiil wrong". The Sinn JVinors aieeplw! Ihe plan nml eenttiallv fell mi u- to a Heltemc which wax not of t licit- own making. Hacked by (lei nmiiy. Sir Itogeil i'aoemenl, now iu Ijih- Inii tower awaiting trial on elmrge ot treason, weiii from America lo (liris- iniiiia laic in IU 1 I under an a-ouiuetl name. At ChiUliuiiiii he eonferred vmiIi the (Jerinan eon-ui ami then pro ceeded lo (Jertnaii. (oincidenl with lux an i al in Iteilio. certain oftieinU placed their inlluoiiee und trim rani ee of iiiiinee back of an Irib relwl lion. I'.lalMiinle plan for furthering n revoluiiun were pul under way. Ac cording to llii a Mini, (lennnny agieed to fnriiih money, aim, and men to nj.t the Kinu lViuers, aud, mot inif Hrt tint of all, i-'aid to have avrreed In an invnion of I'.uglaitd, which wonbl prevent niiblier Iwing ent inlo Ireland by tbe Hritih war ilepaHinenl. America ww made Iho medium of eommoiiiealiou between itetiin and Ireland, t erlaiu In-dimcu in the I oiled Slate- enli-led Ibeir erieen ami t'apiaiu- Iloy-Kd ami Von I'np en. Ilm then (iermau naval ami milL tary nllaehe. ii'n?clively, al WumIi ingtou, I opt her with numerotui oth er", .oiiii' of whom are mm under ar ret in America, are -aid to hue done their miiI in furthering I he plan. The curryinir of fund- aud iiil'ormiiliou of the Sinn Fciuer wa done largeK by tin iri.n iitiallnei. m America. who were able to i-il Iheir borne land wilbout iiie-linn. l)gl Set foe lloviill. Somewhat haphaxiiid plotting went ii until Xoember. Ml,"i. Then there ii- a lull in procfpdiugA. The truth iiH'ar- o he Hint tbt. reoluliniiur "iiid uhieh had blown hot from It'iliii, at In -I with then itc!! in-.' cool llie ticniiaii- hail uinwii lireil ut .i-ciiieiil. Ca.eiiieul hiiu-ell' nlireil In MiMiieh. where it Wa- reHirted he vi- ill piini- health. Thn-e mi-iiii in ihe foiled Slate lin wile i.tkin,. a iarl in ihe enjjin eeiuii: nl ihe ri" uliilinii lieeame ttear ol w.uliiiv. .ifiil -ml a man to cce (Com in nod on iistfii four). IDENT LARGbR ARMY BILL REVOLT 0 IAN W AIIINUItiN, n :: I'u.i 'liiil U il-un mi.i Iii ..ui I'liii-nlcia-iinii nl iln. arms i''"i amatiuii bill '.i--ei h eonre-1- '.il w i i I Hi i -pecU to nijjll it Villi i i Ii w d.iV- He ilisi-tisKt-d leuture. "i i tnl.i nh t'liaiiinen Hay Olid i li.m In 1 1 un ui the lmne ami -eiiale miliiary euui Puttee-. Heire-eiilalie lln "old the presi dent n uiiny upiuipi:0liin bill imliliii reuiU fur the hou-e later '' v . ' It will , ,in v , .,,iunati'- . n,i mi, nun, .in in, i- s'iO,- '' i ' v. - hill NO. 52 'PEOPLE TO VOTE Contract for Buildinp. Railroad Calls for Another Election Later, When Various Proposals Received Will Be Acted Upon Tomorrow's Elec tion (o Make Bend Issue Possible. Al Ihe city election Tuesdny, voters are called iimn (o voto itwn nu nmembuent to the city churler nu tliorisiug the issuance oC $300,000 hiinils for liHilding1 a railmml, In ene the oleetmir carrios, a sec ond election will follow nwn any pro-. poinU KiibmiiliNl to the council bv .Mr. Itullif. .Mr. s'trahotu, Mr. Hill or any person desiring to submit a pro Hisol that may bo approved by the city council and Inter ratified by a vote of Ihe ieople. Tomorrow' eleotioii does not nu thorise tho cont ruction of the Hlue Ledge railroad or any railroad. It merely makes possible the eoMStmc tion of a railroad. It places the city iu a Miliini to do business with any rnili-oad builder who may be inter ested. The people will vole lumn ihe fol lowing resolution nml charter amend ment : "Ibi il rosohed, hy Ihe eily eonncil of the eily of .Medfonl, Ore., tin mayor n proving, that I hero bo and is hereby adopted, approved and pni osed tbi following net of municipal legislnlien: He it futlher resolvetl, that said lroHHeil oel be milimlHed lo the vot ers of Hiiid city for Iheir approval or rejection nl a special eleetinu (o be hold in "aid cUVy iwrawiHt io residii- flioii of lln council calling the mi me on Iho '.'.Id day of Muy, 1010. A proponed charter mendment of the charter ol the oily of iledfonl, Ore., to enable and empower the city council of Maid city, for and ou he bull' of and for Hie benefit aud nee of the inhabitants of nid city, and for profit, tu huild, oo,ui., nctpiire, rae. own nnd oHrnte mil ways, opera led bv "icnin, electric or other power, within ami without the houmlarie of the Miiid city and miming from it (mint within (he city of -Vedrord to other towns citie ami points without the boundnrie of tbe Hiiid city, ami to that cud may acquire righlM of way, cueraent, rent prosrty within and without iln boundaries for nn of Mich puriHikes, and to create ii railway eon-lriielkm, uiniatenane and rtxlemption fuud. and to authorize u millnge la to provide the same: to authorize the iuunce of general obligation bond not to exceed .TiH). 0041 in addition to the warrants nnd bond authorised iu e-tions 7'i ami 7'Jm of uitl charter; and to provide that the bonds authorised herein hnl lie redefined bv a -pocial and limit eil tnx ley ui addition, to the limitation of iiiilebteilncxH provided by the fit charter. The people of the city of Medfonl do ordain a follews: Section 1. That Ihe charter of iho city of Medfonl be and the nme here by i nmendeil by adding thereto the following section : Srctioii 1 :i. Tlie eily of Ifetlfonl. under the (Miwer vented in it bv tbe Ueiii-rul l.n- of Oreyun euneted bv Ihe legislature of the session of 19 UI, chapter '.'Kll, a amended bv chapter Htt of the Cleneral Mtws of QreguH of the -e-ion for the year 101.1, and the oil council, uuder tbe jower veiled in it by ihe eity charter, ami partieiilarlv Heotion 3A of suid char ter, and in addition to il powers by nine of section B.1 of mi id charter, iuii 1 1 a -M'iial railway building;, en 'inii'.r and operaliiiit tax on tho i iN.ilin- iinM-rl within the corjionite (Continued ou pa two.) MEW PROTEST 10 WASHINGTON, Max .'.'. The new note to (iirii Hriiaiu, making lurthei-prote-t nuain-t uitertereiiee with Auu-iieaii mail- wa- hud betore l're--iileiit Wiho'ii tntla. and probably will be ent to London tomorrow, Tho j;eii,i.il term of Ihe note were fraiu i. .ii the -I, ue ilepal'liiu nt, lint II14 pit -nit ut 1- nu Killing -uii 1 ui In . '. q liili'.iia'ji'. NAT RIG 1 TUESDAY