Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 19, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    71. r r. n
srnrw.n vrr, mm'tr, vphrnnn
'.. jn
: -
ftlKI)Kj(I MU!, J KIM .10
i t r n '
mju atrr t nt rN
Jftn1NI 'SI.HfiJMI
gfVSJJ.,,S3:rrH " " "
Cnn:; l',7,ntJSS.,m i niti . a
I lali. f ,aats4 TrfhtM.
0OIIOC fl'THAN. tMHor.
tf nul
nn. mvi
tin. li. l t. Ffrunr '
i . . t - IF
r ir. ' r 177
'el rar ef Jrmm .i
i , . I mrrf . " . .... I. St
Or. Mtrtnf ib mi Marat
warn rir't
r -f lltS4M.
, , r )Hal4 PMM l
ipiift ooi)
Don't frlttor CdoiiRhniit fritter, we
ahenld any) away your hale.
Have it.
If you miial spend money, apand
Homobody olae'a money.
Put your own monny In the bunk.
The enly way to nat to bo a mil
ltanalre in to sevo money or eteal It.
Savlnit your own money Im eater
than Mtcmllnic other people and
ateallus: l fwillah, anyway, because
tlili worltl Id full of buotMi who will
luml It to you.
I'm way vry nlrhtil.
What do you caru If Mum low
braw call you it wad or n tulaer?
Dollar nr your boat frlundn.
IloRln to dnyl
Komo Clilx,
At tho annual turkoy roaat of tha
Itural ImjireVHiuwut micloty of I low
lit, oblekan waa aarvwl, no turkoya
ImIhk arallabla. llowavnr, tlin cook
ing waa dona by tha youu ladlHa of
the fommunlty and nobody know tint
itlffrnct . Tin llwwltt (Ohio)
IMMor Sih'uik rsn cil.
l'Alk Danlala la a rrat talkor. II
talla ao much morn than ho haara
tjfat h ahould hava baati built with
two moutha and oa, Inataad of the
ww h la. Howard (Kan.) Coiirant.
t'arla Vownn. a mmbir of h'
l Angalea dotal Moit'a uaaorlation,
raad a paper axplanatory of th
mathoda by which th authorltlaa
and botal men wnra abltt to par
Mt Mtd brtitR about a barmottloua un
liaraiattdluK In tha Angel City. Tho
H Dlagu (Cal.) Union.
Tho Pinllor.
4 bad a aly anUla. anyway.
Aim) I ahould bar known bailer (bun
to truat him.
Ha gdnnad at me Ilka a tm.
I trtMtad him, loo.
In eplt of It.
yrT did not roeomlia thai gloat
lug air,
II badT
Why did I not know that behind
Ihoao glittering eyea,
l.rked hU horrid plotf
Mi I ubmltled to him and what
happened T .
"Wall, what bappena to anybody when
(Jtt Ihe danllat. ALL
M eP
WIT. er
You Mid aomethlng. All. you aaid
k onethlng.
TIih Olivoe.
When the atreet la aatlr with the
bgada nnd gill paint, your heart la
adulter-don't aay that It ain't.
Don't aay that you're piannlng to go
to the abow Jual becauee Johnnie
and Heae want to go!
When I am too 1 won't be afraid
to totter downtown Juat to aee the
parade, and If they won't let me go
nut to the tent I'll go by myaelf.
and I'll blow my laat ut, for what
ia thero Kft for a clvllUen loy when
the elroua don't give him full meaa
nre t Joyt
B'he clreua la alwuya the aame aa
before, the elephants addle along
of yore, the Uauda ride along In
(heir crliueon and gold, with the
aame inyetlo charm that imprreard
UB of old, and tht ilon. rruck their
jokea. twice uk old a th hlllx. wtil
thi wire Hrtlnl chgnug with lb aauif
nclnt thrill.
l.lvt tbore a xM who wauld -ir
nae gown, who would lte out
one !gnd or dumaae with oi elon
fada and tottarruar. sett mmr
guv! fgit !' ua the clrcui, with side
jnow jutd Alt
cms. ft Piiwcoi.i.
''?t Besy ju Monday, niarleg.
Wk' f-' " .'
ku r iF,w -.mi. .'!
". iuc th liH'it
Mlnif.M rrtoi. ;ir. l. i
r .-
L.l.u .fci!. -!.. U,.... .l..i.Mti liMaistMu fssam'ce atfset In
FIIIB, Wl-W . !' .-. -..-.,..... m .w-...- .,,.. . .-,
Ktraishtru ffim out, Orumhy Hellnrg. mh mam to
Or-? N-i-ii veto fO l l4lKe lfblloft to
Bffiitit ftii' rOfilar fmUf tnr t'ti)ifl Hint- nenmtor, bi
h fronl of tlitfi iin'l ik wa pr.fMigafKlii.
Tlifff art- two Umiwnn nwii yrtmnmnWf Wrr? ihr
Millir NUfffrrntod an r-ivulm mHtKiUU-. -VHh r ihr
hnU of lrgr nmnutaHuring iimlitiitiom, Ow of thrtn
tmikra bin moiiry by nmniifturiiiK a ttrnmixttly tor tbf
Klftiihtir of Immunity th rirt fiwijili- ubin, ihi mrr
jmoimv )h niakiH ami hf pay a wnw thw minimum
iiiiKMiiil lh uiiioim i'OfiiieI. Jl in Jhfffforp ,'wum!f ff
niiil i'0!MMrvnllvr" The other Iiiikhmjimi iruin hwi nrndv
jiiilfinf)liliii(( Kwillp for
or hi product to the pitblH' Hiniunlly, ty a infnlintim
unit' (? $ )' " workiiK'ii ik! hwik1 hi moiipjr in n
(rfoi-t to stop flic ftluiiiflif or of Immunity. Ho in therefore
"a drenmer, imprnetienl hikI uiwoimd."
The former of thee I wo biisiiiejw men i T. Colftiruin
Dii foul, head of the Kimpowder IniMt. The hitter is Henry
Ford, builder of the h'ord automobile. It is tioedless to stiy
that, the biiHinesM mnii's enmpai,rn is in the interest of
Du Pont -not in the interest of JVrd.
What kind of a patriot is this powder IciiiK? His con
cern has a monopoly of the manufacture of smokeless pow
der for America by international agreement a monopoly
legalized by grace of the Taft administration. It has been
selling the government its powder since the civil war at
twice the price the government could have manufactured
it. It maintains a strong lobby at the nation's capital,
employing former congressmen and retired army and navy
officers to protect its monopoly of government sales.
Under the international agreement, made in 185)7, as set
forth in the suit brought to dissolve the trust, the Du Pouts
bound themselves not tibcut prices against Kuropcnn fac
tories. The world was syndicated and partitioned between
the powder makers and competition eliminated. Not only
this, but the secrets of improvements made in powder by
United States government experts were transmitted to
the (ic rmaii powder makers, who are under supervision of
the (ierman government, and reports made to the German
concern of all powder purchases by the United States gov
ernment. Here are the clauses from the agreement with
the United liheinisch Wcstphaliaii Gunpowder Mills:
'IVnIli -Tliut any and vtry Improvement umii anld iiioccaa or olllicr of
them inmlt" hy cither of tho itartlea hereto at any lime hereafter ahull forth
with he Imiiuited to Ihe other of Ihe plirtloa hereto.
Thirteenth Tlutt tho partlex of tin Heeniul purl (the Du I'outa) will hh
ihkim hh MiNMllile, InfiMin the iarty of the flmt pnrt (the (leniinn coni'efli) of
cut'h and every contract for brown powder or nitride of kiuiuoiiIm Hiwdor
recelveil by the purl lea uf the Heond pitrt from the Movttrninent of the
I'nlted Htnlea or any other onutrauilng iwrly or pallida, atalluK In dolMll
iiuautlty, prlctt, (line of delivery and all of llto tvqulromouta that tho jhiw-
tier called for In auoli eoiitiact, Ima to iiililll.
Through this agreement the German government knew
to a pound the powder the I nited States government had
in reserve. And, of couisc, Du Pont is a loud advocate of
"prepaifdness." All such patriots are.
So much for the business candidate's patriotism. His
business ability is shown by his financial transactions.
y the sworn testimony of the Du Ponts in the govern
ment dissolution case, their concern, before the present
war, paid IS per cent dividend upon $flf),()00,(X)0 of wat
ered capital and created, in addition, a surplus fund of
l(i,(.HH),0(M). They were able to do this by selling powder
at extortionate prices through their monopoly. This fin
ancial history of the concern was thus related before the
congressional cemmittee:
At the death of ICuaetie Du font In January, UHVi, the president of the
rouipaii). the obi company, three men. T Coleman Du l'ont. I'lerre Du l'ottt
nud Alfred DoMut, formed what whh kuown aa the "Delaware WJ Corpo
ration." with u cupltitl of n'n.otMMHio. aud they laauod JU'.kMMiooo of atouk.
The euah iwld In by the three wit $:Ioih), or J 1000 apiece. The thre,i took
75 Hr cent of the atoek. , of the atock. for promotlou feea, giving
13,000,0011 of the MiiH-k to the 1KUM Deluwnie eorporatlou. the old isunpany, aud
they uhui aue the untoa of thla tomimu for $, uuaecured letter
they formed Ihe hlg hohllng rompnnv. the IC. 1. Du l'ont de .Nemoura Cow tier
Co.. of New Jenu-. with a cnpltul of t&, 'W.oOO.tKK) uf comuum aud
16,0011,(100 of prcfcireil
Theae throt for their IKdaware coriHiiatlon. for which they owned 70 per
oent. took aliout tit imt cent of Ihe i-oiuliltied common aud preferred atiMk,
ihe control of II. for promotlou feen, uml they made the New Jeraey cnrMira
tton tiaaa a reaolutlon KimianteclUK puymeiit of the that they
had alten the Ih-tawure curporailou fur the purrhaae of their atock, aud they
did It. The total tnvenimcut of the three men In (be Du l'ont truat waa
jaooO In caah. that im all Ihe motie the ever put In It. and that la the lea
Umony of I'lerre Du l'ont. the truaaurer of the truat.
This was afterwards increased to $o5,(K)0,tX)0 of com
mon stock, making the total capitalization !?lKUMH),lKH).
The preferred stock represented the property, holdings
aud assets of all descriptions aud put on the market at $70
a share, representing Hl7."rtHMKXl. The common stock
was water.
Talk alhuil business! It makes one's head swim. If
you want high finance lo doctor the blunders of govern
ment, ote lor T. Coleman Du Pont.
Mr. Ford also is no slouch in finance and knows how to
irrigate his stock issues but he is disqualified because lu
shares a portion of his profits with his enuiloyes and re
bales another portion to his patrons, lie advocates single
tax as a cure for iueipiitable taxation and federal owner
ship of natural resources as a remedy for social injustice
rank heresies to Wall street: but, worst of all, he is fool
enough to spend his money trying to restore peace and
stop the blood-fcht, which will curtail the golden harvest
of big business.
Du Pout might cam his own rotten borough of IVla
ware but all his wealth and the most caret'uly planned
campaign poMulilc will tuer make him president of the
United States. Fold, disavowing his eandida, swept
Mn higan, ami -,imi- near i an ing Nebraska, with a strong
ott in PnniMhama and other sutc -which shows that
big liitMittH itpudiutmu MUiit turns lueau-i popular iu
doicm nt.
Ford, standing fol nrl-tiwuriif of liuntanitv5K lot. will
lip l('Uulu.i.T.'ii li'liif ttttti pti
" .
,...-i. ,j m tin !it rulur
r ",t iMnitm iiMit for iri
uik furtiinlM-4 gratfe. iirfH
..a am
i irhii imuip at
the joor limn, lowcm tho cmt
ihmlf, ITJUVtivlit vi 4'tiiUl
... 8e ,B
New York Hit i,ik. bored, blaso
town ha u new thrill
It la Itiitan li .
No, not u new cocktail, clgarot, or
coamtitlo. I
HtntHti Devi la a ultiger.
Of KnallHli birth hiuIh atudoiit aud
flxpouent of folk-win" aim marrlml
Dr. AiiHiidii CoomaraawHUiy of Cey
lon. ?n the act Itatan Devi hogln I'la)'.
lug the tttiuhoura, which ninkea a
tort of unohnnghiK drono more llki
the It ti in tit I iik of hecK or tho tWHiiKlug
of n Klgnntlu Jowaharp than anything
And then come tho hoiikh. They
have a atningo and haunting effect.
I am Urn (Ireat Comforter; such men have called
me for ages.
I am the surcease of woe. the pacifier of troubled
hearts and weary minds.
I am Forget fulness.
I am Inspiration.
I gild the fain-y with delightful color; I dissipate
the mists of the morning ami I erase the darkness of
ihe outside night.
Men love me, aud I repay them with All of ine.
Men hold me more precious than the love, of
AVonmn; men have forsaken wives, children and
homos to woo me.
Men have resigned fortune, fame and power for
mv sake.
' Men barter their KKLF-RF-SPFCT for me every
Hut I am a fickle jade.
And those who woo me must be young and strong
if they would enjoy my Magic Kiss'to the uttermost.
For, when I have become used to Ihein, .1 can give
them nothing.
When they grow old in the love of me, I scorn
Only my new lovers can possess me.
1 am the pale queen
What Became of Joe Dies?
. Trih stoty of Pioneer Day of Southern Oivkoii by O. A. Stearns.
(Continue! From I
I nee two men walking along a
trail near a mall prairie. There I j
timber on either aide of them; one Is
a large mau with ruddy complexion,
the other I "mailer with black hair
aud beard uml rather pallid rumples,
iou. they hoih have guna and UulU-t
pourhe with powder ftak. They
have evldeutl) ben huuttug but they
are carryina no garni. They halt and
are looking toward the aoutheaet,
here there seema to be quite a large
praiile. I ate now; hore way down
the prairie and lb larger aeema to
be polutlng lo them, lie handa hi
un to the Kinuller man aud walk
rapidly awav in the direction of the
home. The maller man atari to
go thru a point at timber bordered
with hriioh Hi't uorth of the head of
the Uruer prairie. He proiomla but
a khorl vli'tauce when ho halt. He
see a deer He ralae ht kuu aw,
flic' Thr .Iter fulbt lie ruuhe- ti
viinl U Pel before ht reachi n
iile it m up and uir iav
into the ''in-li In tort h, uu lii i!p
olhir na to Ul bnuldi r He (ol
lo ruihliv utter the dcr thinKn,ii
It V.'.t hH fill A..lti, ii though
l-iEVl H
Thc bt-cin fllltd wltli the; melancholy
of the fur ci-t
There Hre hhmlen of aounil that are
not employed In our aonga. At tlinoa
the melody rlaea to a wall; at othora
It dlea away into a niuro whlaper of
lunging or paaalou or roKrot.
Thou tho llghta go up and Now
York ahakoa Itielf out of Km trance,
out of Ita droHin of Indltt and Hindu
myatery, aud paaaea out Into tho
nolay, buay atrools.
(I'. S. ltatau Davl and hor apomo
have two little aona who aeotu all
Hindu. Their Idea of a howling good
time Im to he allowed to nit miiiih place
(liiletlv and think aud think and
alone im trail, und It frequently
mop, (t manage to keep bruah and
tree between iiaelf and ita purauer.
Winding and turning, through the
forest with the blood slain by which
he follows It becoming fewer and
fewer, the Increasing gloom of the
forest, the aun having aunk behind
the mountain, render It Impossible
to trace It further, and the urgent
need for him to turn In the direction
of camp force Itself upon hia con
aeiouaneaa. lie halta and conaldera which la
the proper course to take to lead him
to camp. It is now ao dark in the!
forest that nothing he can aee will
give him the direction In which the
rump lie, and his turning und ntnd
lutg around while tr.illlim tho deer
h.t tluiionghlv lon'used him as to
tin- d". i lien 10 t ike HoWvxer. It
w II ti' . i l.i ( n nd txill w itti i' c
Absolutely Removes
.(, t ilttkUI. 'V J..VW
IPIffi of i a&ic:
n!j" rcz iiu-ic flifc m to e
fatM ee dee JMfr
m , m
laiffva. '
Fw gtMaTP " "
tut the !
ana '-a "
i rtmt m lU h tlmv 4
'ajMaiJ aereral Hm bet .fta a"
aaatwertag etont M flr a44
i8tH hesra 'R n4 ttM
iM r-iNelaw tr M
' imaatiMx a hear a 44efoo eaf
(lea , " II ctat ' mMab
. it, mxiM I beeM4 nlm ft vttm-
-, t..'i. ha eehw f bbi ;
in Um nnw rallM iht h I t
n I rh. ildn 4tmtr flbw
r,,.Ur. m another 4lrr(l4Mi, trlr
..-r a fallen hMi, loaea l
: I. iMf, rut gainer Hlmeir ap aoi
.. i. n without fitM Of llreetN.
1 1. fr"iinov aRonta out eniy in
. h, anwfr him II pllehea the
r. 'niiitiina un far from him and
rranioall) roah on, falling over lew
and hruh. tearing hla riot he- and
ImeraMna hi handa and face. Hla
rue i loverH with peraplrallofl and
i.looii. hi eyt-a protrnd abd eeetn
in have loat all eemblanre of Intelll
ene Hi Ihlrat la oceve from
htH unwonted exertion and eirlte
tiienl ami hi rourae haa been almost
In a rlrcle, Iih havlna rroaaed and
re-rroned hla own trail aeveral tlmea.
liiile"ly. urged on by an unconlrol
able fear he travel tinlll, utterly
exit iu-led he fall at the fool of a
larKe tree Afler a period of utter
rollupMe he manage to a nine an
uprlaht alttlng poatllott agalnxt tho
body of the tree. Here, with hla
head aunk forward upon hla hreaat,
he Bleep the alHop or utter exhaus
tion, awakening at Interval aa ome
foreat sound penetralea hla hearing;
tinre the boot of an owl cnuaea him
to aprlng to hi feet and about, only
In collapse again. Onro a limb fall
ing from n tree arottaea him for a
hrlof period, hut only for an Inatant,
whon ho again relapaea Into that fit
ful aloop.
At lat, aflor a night or horror,
with tho chill of the high altitude al
moHt froexlng hla blood and stiffen
ing hi muscle, hla eyoa perceived
the approaeh of dawn, and he atag
gera forward, falling and gathering
hlmaoir to fall again on account of
stiffened limbs, urged on by a fever
and tho overpowering desire for
water, he goea nliulessk onward.
Not now with any conception of di
rection or any sign of Intelligence,
only the one great craving water.
"The chill of the night haa been
auceeeded b a raging fever that Im
part an unnatural strength to hi
limb and Impel hi onward c-ourae."
I To he continued)
10 El
The war department ha Issued
the following lo all offlcora of the
general recruiting service:
The act of congreaa approved May
I. IBlfi. provldea as follewa: "That
the president I "hereby authorlxed to
appoint cadet to tho I'nlted 8tatea
military academy from among enllat
ed men of the regular army between
the age of nineteen and twenty-two
years who have served aa enlisted
men not less than one year, lo he
Kelected under sin li regulations aa
the president mux prenrrlle "
ilielr Sickly Children Weie
Made Strong nml Well
-For nix year our Utile girl suf
fered from a broiuhlul trouble, she
had no appetite, could not Bleep and
was ao nervous we had to keep her
out of school. The doctors said
nothing hut a change of climate
would help her. We were discour
aged, when one day a friend asked
ua to try Vlnol. and after taking lx
bottles he doe not look like the
same child. She has a fine appetite
ia lively, health) and well, ana Vlnol
did It all." Mra. V. E. Hufford. lola.
Another child made streng:
-The measles left my little girl
thin aud delicate, and the doctor's
medicine did not seem to build her
up. 1 read about Vlnol and got a bot-
He. and her Improvement was rapid.
her strength returned and she 1 now
a well aa ever." Mr. E- l.luot.
Pittsburg, Pa.
We ask every Medford mother of a
frail, sicklv. ailing child to tr Vlnol
on our guarantee to tvturn their
money if u docs not retoie her
' ild a normal Ik.iU',. M.d':l I'
,nu V
lv)y aaiJni
Hauv-n At. ? cad JO
' ftT Ifl1
Qass.ol Hot Water
Before Br eaWast
i SftatdW Kebit
f MM
vTVMe a m wi ta Mmtnmm4
,p,tnmM nii! T Um
11,4 r,oi ,.. it-. , tlT
W aaNtM trta. t-i"f 'ifeaafe',
giaan M t h .'n 't.
twaaifal Hw "" i- -
M to gnaii ffm !' "" '" !l '
kMoeyi J l. r : ' ' ' "
ptkm 4'a ro ! ' " i '-
Mte aiwt pta''ftrt. f.t.i. ' f "
j nUnmMurr tr' ' f ' i "" '
m fMwl Intn-f he atofna' li
Tho titan of MmeaUiii'' ahir .iir..,
Md hot water on an etm! "
fa wofiderfully lnvifrig. V .r.
mt nil tho tmr fermnfatlmn', i
waste and arMHf an-1 give r-f,., i
aplewdld apiti for breakfast at .1
K la aaid to be but a llttl while imill
the rose begin to apfw-nr In . li
rbeebs, A iinarter pound of llni'slwio
phMtmate will cost very little al m .
drug atore, but I sufficient to make
anyone who Is bothered with hllloue
tHMM. constipation, stomach tronblc or
rbeumatlam n real rntbuslast on tho
HbJct of Internal nnllatlon Trv
It and you are assured that you will
look beti-r und Ji-el batter in every
way shortly.
'Medford Creamery'
Mutter n .nil- rrmii pun I'a
telirieil ( 1 1 am.
Fresh Buttermilk
Sweet Cream
Cream that is sure to whip
always on hand
Medford Creamery
1 1 "i No ( Viit r.'t I
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressinq and Altering
iXTicitrmt.w .u'Toc.ut co.
TI.MK (Willi.
Leave Medford for Ashlnnd, Talent
and I'boeulx dallv, ex ept Sunday, at
8:00 a. m.. l:oo. 2: no, 4:00 and r15
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
m. Sundays leave at 8 : 00 and 10:30
a. m. and 1:00. 2:00, r.:30 and 0 30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, oxcept Sunday, at 9:00 a. m..
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also
on Saturday night at 6:30 and
S:J0. Sundays leuvo Ashland at 9.00
a. ttt. and 1:00, 4:30, 8:30 and 10:30
p. m.
11 " ''in n . mimii win i. ,,,.
1 "'" ' - M .md I I' At
1 - Pt 111 . I...v.. l, .1 .... I
! A l
p:i---i ii.
hull N .
in " ' M Will cill i. ,
j h..t.i. n M.-dfonl uml
I 'iiiin.,h hoiihix (a K.ii,.
1'IHiM. .-Lxa (U ...
Import.. I r. i ,M -.iiiu.n own
ed hv . lt r ll"o w !! I,', lie the
Stand at Uai.. ..un ml, M.m
da. atnl 1'iu - .1 lil. nt VedlieMl.i
and Tl.ur.l.n . V.u.ou Uurn Friday
and Aiitunl.iv
h' i j V.
. . i -
" i ' r , !A
L1 t. f dl
Mi str h::m:
i.s :(.- .u l til en ...
l.e-a BT CfJ FMiGl
J?J" &: ?snri99ss
(iin (fil
VnioiriW UUIlbJ MtofrW
i Il k r-1 i.
I i.f)t:ra'V
I Atavrn: .
mm Tai cf IVt ... jt
"ll!il.At He
I lt t-f (.vtuiO
v Cai 4tMt .u -tu iv Hv
' ' - v o