vrrnrrvjn vur twht mi rri' n itt,,, . nnr ttttzft! TRYING 10 FIX OP DEFECT VE WORK OF LITHIACONTRACTORS Ki..in lh. ... ...I K....I.I I.iihiu wuiir mil ...... t.. tl-.w in..., ti... .....l I............ ... V. I - - KMIMMI n J ! the .utn hi thr iruu, hating In mi tomtil thia tnnmin. Th lm l.fiir luilhih i necennrv in r I. r that Hm eaMifitv of the mimn ni.i Im- reduced. Marring unforeseen '.ihIiIm.ii.., the water will flow nnin lietWe Sundu. The onlv work In bf tin Ibe tmp, ho fur now knoMii, i i iNHtflll h wmnller linHt-r. The i-vlimk1! in nlmidv on hand. The change involtea taking oit' the tile r.i.l'. removing- ih pieewt liult-, rcpjncinjr it with the HtniilUf on', le nd insiimr the machinery, etc. Knpineer Pliilliet of I'nrtlMM.t. who whs einjrioyei! by tin' spring cominU- Mn tn correct the error of the ' Smith KmiTv contract and who hn lll'f'll lll lit it till Nls (HO month", lmiU Unit the iuiiii nt the lilliin iiiiiK is three liiiifH tiio luif, or more, tor lhi I'uiwiMt.v of tht' spring. At tin' Dodge -priug tlii' niiii hum hii. tin- i.itMii'ily it hIiohIiI hiivi hien. J'.n- Ullllrr l'llillills linen lint ftmnf l.i explain wliv the Sinilli-Rtncrv pom jmiu riioiiiii iiAVi wnile these cuttl .v JiliimliU'. .MMcd In ('outrun. The fuel Hm to lu llml tlm .. miiiiit.v Wiis tninled tin to the ciiMilnl ! ii... i". ..:.i. t' un- i-i mi- oiiiiui-i.iiii'rv f'lilnlNinv. Tin- ifiminnnit.v wn l to holii've tliiit MM- rMnpnnv wim mi nir siiHrior to nil .Uh-ih on Ihi' roust Unit it w.ml.l !.. iiiiwi-i' to allow otlu-rs to liiil on ii." i'i.lillm-1. Whih. tlii r-oiniiiiiiiitv lii"l 0) loiihts nlioiil their lioiiiir ih "..I-, in nun iiieir oeuiif Kiel " .iil I'oiiipiiuv mi the eoti-t eiipiililc proHenteil the illploinnH. iiiIiIIiik 'ilef .1 I. ...II' ll. L.,..ll...nltu ft KIIIilli.l fill. Ilia. t IllltIO ot li.uillliiiL' the inli, niul while then w.i- oi le iiie.-.tinii of Hip mUiMiliililv ol liinidina them the eontriii-t on u sit Mr philter -o to xpenk, the eom inuiiilj iliil sip -om llnit tlit-v were at len-t nhle to do tlu work. CVrtniiil.v the lomniiinity diil not exjioet Ilium to niiike such eliunsy erroiN. The niore the mutter is opened up, the moio it npixnirs (hut the .Smith Kmery eoinpnny wik elio-en for its williiij,T.eH to htinille tiio .-f 100.00(1 nithen.thnii for its nhility to hiindle tlie joli. It seems the Smith-V.mny I'oinpbii.v wan not a eonstiuetion I'in'n ut all, hut meielv n eoinpnny of eliem-il-. Apimreiitly thov Iiutl little or no kiiiiwleiljjo of eonhtnielive engineer. in, niul no eipiipment for such work. Sumo ut the eipiipment iimp1 whs hor roui.J Iim'hIIn mid some hmiirht for the oi'i'ii-rimi and iold as licintr of no J'uitlicr ue to them when their eon trni'i yu alletii'd to liiue been com. I'lllCll. 'oiiliailoi' t'lipix.pareil. Their "unprcim redness" was known or mult) have ln-eu known before thev wiie liiwn the enntraet. Tiio most emroii- iew that enn he taken of the matter, in the liht of went dis- L.-nrex. is that the eompnnv didn't know nnylliintr about how to do the job. and were nl (he mercy "f m iek ;ip ciipineer who didn't believe nim-h in water of any kind for diinkinK .iiimicn. Any wuy von take it, they eirtamly did u puiik .Mi for "the only firm on the const cnpuble of hnndliiio it." rnpincrr lMiillip is n const man " l RIIOH WIIUl HC In llOllllt. IJ it ii Beniifinan of studious mind and t.ilU of hi work ii u ir ii.. u..... - " ...- nr.i' in. i hi. llt toiiir lie-tied niul Im.l ....il.:.. . ' " ii. ik tin li.'lfllM He has lr.-..,.l,i.,,...l -m ral Liiili. .mi : i... ....... . . - "-- HUI HIT Ol III' l)'-'l:e well, which wt wen about t h.ivc handed to uh in ntUen eondi mm. He lm wholly upset the Smith Km.ojv theory that the Dodire mhIii "Mid be huudled satisfactmih in..u'h iron ea-iiig. m the well, while ii'iiniiiiiH broiiie listurtis at the di tribiitiiitf -tnlion in the rk. mid has lhr..wji the casing into the (lizard. I'lHNKliHt Iltd l,euk. Mr. Phillip inform- u tlmr work .n the Ihidjje well i now linihd. Thi it i- u iieadv ili.u- nf H'..iu. ..... I'd bv the new pump. The cylinder . . "..- 1. fll ll. ...I I... ll . ..' . i. I. ,ii .'..-.. i:.... a . - ."ii,i-iiii' ici IM'Inu' c Mr. i.".', but the wali'i come, throiijfh n l"l Unit louche, the iiiHet.seeii i. "i Jie. Thi iniire water of j.iMiuc ipuilitv withoui on of ta-. Tim well cemeuled dwwn o bed.' i. I mid from there on hu wuIN r iioriial mek without innii-ninile lining "i niiv kind. The water nt the imrk .uu Mime front day to day Vet, but Mr. Phillip.. kMy tin-, turiaiion "HI iii..iiMiir alter the water hii. tb'Wed I lii out Ii the iipc for a while mid that the water will be jMt ai j, i at the well noihinif ,nuri, lin. nothing; mure and ....tliiiCjeWhiie the public i, not mild iiut itTil i eoucedt-d lu be n fair WMlcr of it vor1.t. A liir.'e iiiiiiiImt of exeaution h.n been made ulnna llie nW ..;.., hue and i he plujaHuff of vira.i.. leaks j miner way. xh$ p,iWf 4nP alo beeu eneufd Jt'i'Ut fifty plope.. A Jain jirnitf pump ha. Vli. fr. I'liill., :n ' lie ni ' "nt in ". the nod ' I"" "i OB 1' sulphur wider sv.tetu and ovcr- (J.J il jt. o :U HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS GRADUATE AT ASHLAND H. S. III.AMi Me iiirr Un k"" Bd ! "l"""'l ':' ;er condition. th c'aaa of tl of i jlhe Ashland hlah .koel was arreted v on of the largest audiences last night In tk Meter ef graduatlna pKiria from thrt Institution The Armort 4 packed, anil the enthus la in o( loyal frtende of lln student body was met ! a characteristic din. play tf genuine class aplrit from the 31 graduates under the manic apell of appreciation and deeerved enroitr aaement. Of the rlaaa membership is were bn and IS atria. Adiliov. I.) Dr. CotiUlii Tin- Armory wai gaily decorated with buds anil blossom Mint ever accoesory that the auspicious event Implied. Tho aildresa was by Dr. fCdmund R. f'oiiklln. of the depart nii'iit or payiholuK) if lh' Ktule I'ul viinlty ut I'tia.'iic lilt llmim una "The School ami Hoclul Dt'iimiul," a topic which liicarnorttttHt a plia for tht hlah IiU'kIh nawirlati'il with tlic theory anil nrnitlcc or ediirutlou with a Htrlrt oUtHTvaiH'i' or the olhlra wlilrh HOVITtl COllVi'lltlOIUll lInH)l lllll'llt III Hll tiio walks of llfp. Dr. Conklln ap- iiiriil hiTf In plncu or .1 A. t'hnich III, statP minerIiitomlul nf achoola, who wan prcvi'iiti'il from heliiK l"'f- l.'nt owltiK (o KtTloiiM Ulnt'HH In hi fniiiily, ami It In nowlio iliaparnttoa ...". ' ' " -- ih0 lUItI" or Mr. Churchill to utat ll,tu u"' iiiiiuirnu "' "r- ' """ ,,,l'H imi,IP 0I' ,,", ror,n' inoicram WH"-ll l,Ml'l' Hiiliatllutlfiii In an II li avuladble lontlnrtency. Sutiorliileiuleiil (leorge A. lt rlaroe ai'iitluiPiita of reanril for the mmuik puoplP now nnlvliiK nt the p.iriliiK of the ways aa hetw-wn icllninilslilim nchool iltitlea nnd enterliiK "i' a wider field or uaufulmma. The ilatn piopheay waa by Harold Krolibaih. who broiiKht Into play n weird horo Hoopo na aiiplliul In forctelllim the fu ture vocations of bin fellow ur.nl uatoa. Ciailiialloii I'liixritni 1'rnrtlPnlly the entire older of ox erelKea wan followed iim hero out HikhI: "At Hunaet," lltinvpr. IIIkIi Srhool orcliefitrn. lnvoeatlon. Itov. A. It. lUackatotVo. "Water l.llloa," 8t. Clair, High School orcheatra. Chifia I'ropheey, Harold I'rolibaeh. "In I'romiitit Htul Seherao." Ilur lelKh. Allen Vander Slula. "ilfloalliiR the Old Hlnh School," KtiKlodltiMor. Claaa of 11C. Aildi.'M, Dr. Kdmund S. Conklln. lrePtttatlon nf Diploma. Ci. A. Ilrlncoe. Henedlrtlon. Itev. A. It. lllack atouo. "Mon IMalaor." ltoliila, High School orcheatra. Tha IiIkIi achool orcheatra of near ly a doieii plecea allowed romarkable proficiency a to Inatriinipntatlon, while 'llooatlng tho Old llljth School" randerod in chorua by tho Claaa of 191fl. approached th climax of stu dent aplrlt and enthualatm, muklng tho welkin ting. Class Hull Cull The following la the clan rell: Mat caret Amca, Itaymouil Iladger. Meredith Heavmr. ISIden Corlhell. Mvrtle DeCarlow, HhIoh Dlckeraon, (IrunvlllP Daliell, Helen Kake. Clyde Kartar Klwrt Tarlow. Harold Iron bach. Herald (iunter. Mra (lunt.T. Kalph llarria. Marie lloliiiea. Ward Hammond. Floyd M. Une. Cornell Ur.ti, Mary Mathea. Utta Morcoto. Margaret Morrom. Hay Morgan, Helen Moore, ban IMilppa, Abre Kcdlfer. Harry J. ItelKel. CUarle I'orter. MorrU IMymata. Margaret gcbrll. Corlnne gwwt. Clciiu-nt Sum. mora, Alice Vander 8lula. Alleen Walker Mary Welnenburgar. To thU Iim U to be added Hlrhard Wure. who bun 1een taking a jhwI- ....riunl.. cnnri.ll th Mat eur. Of the Jit in i.t' ila all aie Iwal rM dent with the oncepilou of Maruttiet Amen and Alice Vander 8tul, of Tal ent and Klden (orthell, of 1'nocnix CWllett's SleIPil I'u'drlectioii as to lntliutlons and future eiudli'H aaKl?m. Harold Kioh- bach to the I'nlverMtv of WltiCoin.hr. lib bard Wat. I'nlveralty of Michi gan: Kll.ert Farlow. I.eland Stan Stan eord: Alice Vander Slula. I'nlveralt of Oregen: Halpb Harrla. Oregon Agricultural college, tllhera have not aa et alfnlfiad tha institution of their choice aa rgaid th higher educational privilege, but a conaid eralde number will Hi thamaelvea for 'teathlng. following tradition of the average graduate in seeking a voia tlon Membera of the pre.nl eluas find themaalrev particularly wail in formed In varloua branches the acope or which aoea to make up a liberal ducal ion. Including commercial, lit erary and atfitntlUc depart mania, do mestic science nd'krt. manual train ing nd other practical gceouipllsb GEH. MILES MAN OF THE fK)UR IF FrliLrTIA GALLED OUT Brc o (A n WASHINGTON. Ma ! Ii I u '. Sam la (or ceil to call Die niiiin.i mi" active service. Itilu tleii Ml.eii I. Miles will Hiiddetily Iimiiii tip ax oil' "' the Ktealest public flKtirea. As chief (d the dlvialuii of tnllltnry af falls or the (i'lii-iul stall, lie will lie the Sir Shim IIiikIh.. i.I the t ml. .1 Ml.il.-i inl 111.-, task ut I i i ml in.' tin' TO S. S. Hulll- li.is iciiiud a lettei from Itolieri S Tow tie, owner of the Mine I.edge mine which removes all doubt as If) the operation of the mine If the proponed railroad Is hulll. Not only doa Mr. Tow tie agtee to operate but he declaree the work of prepara tion for operation will shin Just as soon as the construction ot the road Is a certainty. The letter follews: New York. May 1.1. 1916 Mr. 8. S. Ilullis. Southern Oregon Traction Co., Med ford, Ore. Dear Sir: Your favor of the tlth instant to Mr. H. S. Towne has been duly received and he has reuestod me to acknowledge same and thank you for the Information ronveyod with regard to iioaslliillty of extension of the rails of our coin puny to the lllue Lodge district and to assure uu that when the construction of this linn la arranged for and ran be con sldered a certainty he would begin the work of getting In readluesa for operation of the Mine Lodge mine and that barring some unforeseen acci dent or positive change In conditions, this property would be operated on full sralo upou completion of your toad lo Joe Hur or other point avail able for us and It is estimated will furnish freight movement of ore aud coneentratea ot In the neighborhood of ISO tons dally. You re very truly, 11. C 1IIIUWV. Assistant general nianuKer Coin pun ia Metalurnlcn Mexiiana. Mr. IlullU considers thi. letter very satisfactory. I'.u tons of ore dalh would lu Itself pav for the operation or the railroad in Mr Hullo-' opinion without mentioning Hie ot nr pro duns that would he shipped boih to and from Mcdtord over the line when built. There arc billions of feet of timber, largely pine, uud the laud Is rich agriculturally. there have been i. nunit.er of plca-- ant gathering, cither given under i he auspice of the various student bodies or tendered In their behalf by a host of friends interested In their TOWNE IS AE WEN RAILROAD ASSURED educational as well s ixrsouul wel fare. There bate been r unions' ga lore by elasses and lolleeilsely. A gpeclid feature was a serie of sis progreasive partiea Initiated in Ash land and brought to a close at Talent, where the final one was given with Miss Awes aa noatess, at wlibb near ly the entire class memliernhlp was p?eaet. The meeting of the ulumnl associatlo nat Memorial hull tonight, at which the class of luig will be admitted Into full fellowship with that organisation, marks the final chattier iu the business and nodal .tfiual of the Ashland blah m hool for the current er. If uo re mains for the individual memurs to III,. kg ty- UtV? of 0,'jsl"t'Hill a i Mil. I 'j i .1 ii . I . ii I i i mii iiKlll ,in. i-i vim i ill. pi Opt i li.illltllK Will l.i' iiim ,i. lMii.int as li.it for which the iiiiiiuiiH i'.iii.iiIIiiii was awarded a : knightbiNHl Oenernl Mllea la a West I'olutor and , was Htipcrlutftiilcni of the Academy clKhl M'liri He HliW ailUe wirvlco III the l'hlli.iltii's anil w.m ii.'Hlii'iit of I lie w.ll lull. k III I'M J 'S Cor m.ii John Jtolun nu' Ten MIk Shows which will ap!iar In Medford j Monday, .May 12, afternoon ami even- Ing. has been noted for Its splendidly trained elephants. Writing of the elephants, perhaps tho most wonderful trainer of wild unheals the world has ever known, haa this to any: "About the otih p alble thing to mnke an elnphant take pheu he haa a bad cold Is a good ln-e of hot whiskey uml onions, ami he appears not only to like it, hut to wish for more. However. If tin elephants are looked after und mrci for properly, It Is turely iiocesur t give them medicine. They are k ally healthy and the chief thliu to guard against Is a chill or cold, uini thero Is always a possibility of fix iiiOHla following. "Am elephant sleeps In a peculiar manner. Nearly all He on their I. it aidea with their trunks curled ui making a peculiar hissing nobc at regular Intervals, something Ilk.- a sound of steam Ifeulng from a kettle He la not a sound sleeper. Ho does not take much not ice of his kecper prowling around In the night, bpt should anv thing sttange or unusual take place, the bl.-liiK stops suddenly, two amall lights appear iu tin !- phant's head and the animal Is wide iuwake und evident U wnti hlng. Al the first slan or d.uu.-r lie trumpets shrilb, no th.ii on. nilni. In i-i 'thi fiirl alai i '. ' nu living ihlni; bet-tde-, hUpi.l. .i niinj .mil'-. " HOW "HZ" GLADDENS TIRED. ACHING FEB Ko mors aore, puffsd-up, tender, uohinp feet -no corm or CiLloiue. "TI" makes sore, kuraing, tired favt fairly dance with liei.jfiit. Away go U. aches and pains, liu- corns, csllouius, blisters, bunions and chilblains. "Tis" druvts out the aside and ,toisous that pug Ufi Tour (eft. Xw fustier buw bard you work, bow lng you dance, bow far you walk, ur ic ' loag you remain on your fret, "lu" bring restful (out cowfurl- "Tis" is nisgieal, grand, won derful for tirsd, aciiiug, swollen, uin lag feet. Ah bnr oomfor Utile, bow .happy ou il Your feet juat linala for jo) , shoes otfvt-r huK or .-em tnjht. Get a "i". int l.'. "I "Til" now from any druwial "r b-artai.t store. Kiel f.wt t.irtur- fnreieT --vt.-ar amallcr shoes, kw-p M.ur fwt fr.i.1. sweet sad happy, .lu.t il.u.k1 .i sl.iw- csr's foot com but for 'nU '-" n nt. N SON CIRCUS COMING HERE ON MONDAY Medford House Movers Wl MK HOUSES, BARNS. GARAGES, MACHIKtR,. ETC- Phone JfiS-flS 61 S. Newton, 737 W. m SI. SCHOOL EXHIBITS ATTRACT CROWDS ISE 11 ,i I u' , . . . .t . i ii I oil, rr r,i,'- - at t .u.'ii Ml Ih TMirada from all thr IhmH lull .img of lb rtly The wshlbn. hit. not flabsirate were berth hmhUki n.l tmiiv np to standard, torti ' "' ' i ' tits who bad rhlldre In ihr r ,.. ui'lings aa well aa lb high ."' mi. line. Waited ab The i. t hi. I leiplls were ate Ttsllors i il hi. 'uildlnaa sindying and cih,,,.,. nu- H'h various grades or Indn ti .1 wi.rk with that of tbelr own I ...sing and sew-laa; were espe.Mii koo.I The vartou garment i . n. .I )v hand aa well aa with nm. Mm showml that tbetr work had I.. n irfrcfiill) and palnstahlngh s,,,,. r vised The Jackson school tmiu.tn.d their entire exhibit and hld It in Di tnwer corridor of the buitdinx i In outline work done In rhatioat ati I water colors were especially good I he Lincoln m-bool In addition to ll c water eotora aud chalk work bad i specially strong exhibit of ceukid .,..h The tahlwset for six with the rood dlsphived showed the girls have lull taught that serving tho food !'-operly Is by no moans the least or the airl's education. The Washington school hud a wry strong exlhlblt or primary work. The hand work or tho children of the low er gradea was eapeclall) commend able. In the upper grades the usual landscapes, In colors and In flat washes pretallml. On tho tipper grades the sewing and conked foods attracted the attuutloii or all visitors The girls or the seventh and eighth grades erected candy booths and were illsposliiic or their sweet meals at nominal prices. Tho Itoosevelt school was visited by n grout number or parents. The I'arent-Teacliers held their final meeting of tho sphsoii at this school and It brought out a goodly number of people. The exhibits from tho pri mary grades up were oapeclnlly good The poses and the copies made by tho 7th Krado girls attracted much favor aide comment. At mo high school parents and teachers weie In coiminnl attendance. The t-cwiui; exhibit directed h Miss I loot Ii (li'i.erves ten favorable men tion (iarmenis of all dei rlpilons hi. we that suit Hie hifle or the most faKtldltiUh weie tin te Halnl IIiikciIc. Corns Gome Off Like Banana Peel Wonderful, Siniplo "Gols It" Never Fails to llcmovo Any Corn Easily. P - i it r . i lirt ' i i I ' U-1 1 -. itr t ni iftc r " ' to i t r I cf ll. i v;it'i Ilr H, r- it IttltntPt I . Ktirti "(.rtii-II" forTlinio Cm n uml hs limr I ifc uii.l Xuiir'liH'sl tat tiff Hi. lots, Iiih it. .1 -t i. K to ' till Mill It llll'. I.I.I. I. - 'l .l .Mi IU I Unit in., k. ii .:i. U .k. t.r t '.. I.". Ii V- ' IiiK ll.".il-l)rliiii'K r.iz'ii .iH.I a. la- , aora. Then I irnid "lifis H' Just wiich unit you uukI'I '" huw- . n that corn cunt, off iual like u li.in.in i ..-i " It a i aiiiiilt, wuinli-rful lt Hi.- in w way, ' pa inlesB, appllfil In tw. uwli, m.v- ' er liurla li, ultliy llrli ur Irrltulna. N'ulhins lo un as uu Hi. i urn Nvur fuila Quit lii" nlil wins fur mica any uv sik try it-la-lt" tunluht For x.rna. eallusas, warla and bunions. i 'tlt'td-lt" Is aoltl avt-rywhara, IiHe a ixiiilf. hi in-ni lilrnt u, V. l.jwrince ' .-. i o , (lit. ..I.-", Ill I Sold in Medford und r.-tommeuded as the win I. fa licit corn remedy by u:. it. ii sms. WESTON'S Camera Shop AND DRAW PRA gfngl Mr rCS flgl 208 East Mam Street, Aredfortl Tho Only Exclusive Commercial Photoraphorh in Southern Oregon Negative Arado any time 01 place by appointuifnt. Thonnlt7-,T Wii'JUu the rent 3B. Dt WHSXONj Ptop. an.) full .'ii'. 4tt'l a Mil Ilk millssft rMafNH Ik esajtMt Ta sssaalM Mbltstt lb Mr tH (ksst 01 Mass MtcrbwH I be tra4 ptm, essaAiee aawt fegej saj ej. rmmi ever 4ewrte4tJI teBffJrtejal lb hi !n After a. a aajst oaf ibe ,mm1 mm le ibe tatlwra x.t in me rea4 fasMl eablhtt aa4 .n t' li.n.lt fwen '. h-lit Ih ,ne-i-hartl'.il ilr.aln- . .'' l ri i If lj Till- ll. .' -r ilr l .fl , (- Ii. i. ; I. ii I ... n'.f.a n "Th Natural Every lime you PrvJ pi cruet mad with Cottolerte aa ahertenrng you rcwlie that ptry-cohke; in not yrt a lJt art. A pie crust nhortened with Cottoterw doeg full justicr to the applrs, peachea, cherrfcM, cuaUrd or other filling. Try h tomorrow fo-r jH crust or biscuits, then you will use CottoJerw for all your alwrtcning: and frying. Arran wiih yoor Rfoccf for a raular supr'W It is Htckd i'l ta nf variuos sIms. X iiMi-JLf,: FA P R A N K coMPAn-f I You Can't Fill the Barrel until ou stop the leaks Soman1, people toll on and on. and never seem to K''t any laMlna heiieflls rrom their lahots. Ureal big dollars earned eier dav. and yet every pennv trickles away, leaving empti ness as a final reward for a lifetime or effort. Stop the Leak Control expenses Watch the outgo Safeguard your Income. Think more and spend less Introduce system In your spending. The bar tel can't he filled unless on slop tbe leaks Open a checking account Make every expenditure puss tho test or writing it down. Jackson County Bank Velvet Ice Cream Dairy REMEMBER That on July 1 the Juvenile Automo bile will be given away free. With each 10c purchase you get 10 tickets. Get busy and get the lead. (I , r . SH OE POLISHES &$) NMlLACK N- KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT IO 1h f r DAI It Y C.i M.I U,fiiljlNY v.wrvir Special Rates from Medford to Principal Eastern Cities .i CALIFORNIA On -ale d.nh - .Iiim ll l.i s. pi illlh, 111 lfl. S,,, el 'illiitt t il. Itilniii Iiii ii . 'in da Ir.ini il.ue "I ale not to ev I li. t It, I'Hn "To start right i to rnd richt" THE SHASTA ROUTE Is the right way to start Attractions si.r. Mt. sha-i.i Mi.i-t.i spiim.', Mt. r,assen Km l-'r.in. i'1-.i I.,.- Anyelt . i Yo-icmitc Valley Stilllbern I .ilili'lliln Ite.ielie- I'.illlillill I 'lltlt'tiniia KxpoaitlOU LXMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific Routeg (llihl Kill ' mule nl l.iuille.l-.' m si r i.'ih ir Tiii.-uifii M.iiNiiin.r II. 1'ami l(ul II -11. route ni the luWe-t .iltitiidea. ..I .it i"i JOHN M SCOTT, GencMl PJSsenotr Aoent, Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Listen i . :-i-tihr i. uiit a4. bii i - - mu4 iib la tbe 4. led e eas ; . i -txs Tbts ek le atfwr lb iw 4 Mr MntMe b tew bgwi 1 be rfjrb rlej tb tMt bmii Tb w-orb itvmhf mm rw I esawrtafseaai N bM gtuva Its etadseji eaaea og)tls)1lt ( tnitrmt btaweeM Ibrsjwcb ba bawdta. WbM e reajafcter ibe fact Ibat lb art aadl ln-l'irlal nrv baa ant baeej Master t,. .iir. tmiv n( a m.'UI irsrvlef . ,' - Ii ' . 1.1 '.- "ni. Ir. . I , rwtllaMe. ii'i i Shortening" WHITE x . vw en route. tniilii'i iin'i.ini.ii mii or write HP. )l ntents Willi I'll ifylu-'t f( ll Uul '''' M bawe 4 mmmmmmmmmtmmm