Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 19, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    vm two
MFDFOIM) MMl 'MMP.l VP, Ml ilT'OKD. uH.n . J.Mio A! Y vt J .!,
Wh ltlrnr luiii hail .1 nil in Im i of
laqiflrtf" for th Hitrton Molriip
trawl hvuifa. n net or which It han
Mmrd rather atmmnht' to bv It
tow jHat bwn a Mo to 'nyfn the vol-
ti tti irratlv rHM'ol orlro and
i ii ar now on the thrlvi for
i' r.iinpf ant (Imitation.
n Vm kItm trading atamna with
(M.-rwhing ntP4Bt rarla.
ooiiti' K noon, who Iibh bom III
.ih pneumonia for the part month,
i ' fit-In Rhlr to In about.
(Art jrow rail, rretm. nutter, ema
nud buttermilk at IH Voc'a.
TJw tpnnl tournament betaeen
XmHord ami (Irani Pan, which was
pooittonttl from Mav (1, will be filtil
SfctMitlair at th Country club rsnrtx.
Typewriter pa nor of nil klnda at
JUWiffltt! Priming ('. '
William Y. Hwrlng of San Fran
daco, chief roundel of the Southern
Pacific, vlRltml Mrrtfonl Friday and
VM takru over the Pacific Illghwnv
lo Aaltlaml by W. II. flore and A. 8.
JtuMH'aaHHi. Ho in a tiativo win of
Jnokamt rnnntv, hHitg born Ml what
kf how Inh Klamath orchard, and
left lh valley In Into. Ilia father
ailll lesMoa n( Aahtand.
Th world'a groaliral cnmitanloa
llHlmoa. Tno Imuiraneo Mhm.
IUIIhk II Nn'l, a wmiIiow of Henry
(JaliHglian. I Ma city, arrhed from Hhii
IHtiaxi, Thuraday ovenliia, arrom
pHiiltMl by .Mr. Noel, to make tltolr
homo hart. Mr. Noel formerly re
alilsil In thtt Itlite lttlge dlatrlct, eon
ilttfltlHK a mnreantllo hiialneaa there.
Having heard of noaalbla ilevelon
HteHt In that region III la year, lie liaa
lotHniml to remain.
IB off on ICedaka at Wotton'H
Cantora Shop.
Public ami rlly office and bank
are. cloned today on account of the
primary olertlnn. Thla la the flrat
hUIo-wIiIh olecllun under prohibition.
J, O. OcrUlntr. ttio beat nil around
photographer In eouthnrn OroRon.
AlwnyB rallnhln. Nmcntlvofl mndn nny-
whoro, lima or nlnco. Btudlo 22S
Haiti Ml. Phono X20-.1.
Ml Jitm- WelliiM of Klamath
Call, la rlaltlng friend and teln
tlToa In thla eltv for h few ilnya.
Waaton Camera Shop for flrat-elaaa
kodak flnlalilng and kodak mippllea.
William Itatea ha returned from
Albany, where he attended the atate
Quia attla Ford eara, JS"" down
ami f 33 a month.
Q. J. Mclntyr or Central Point.
pent Friday -In thla rlty attending
( bualne matter.
Try a King Hnlta cigar and en
QOMtaie home liithmtry. If
D. F. Vurrall f (lleudnle. Ore.
IraNMiiPd bualnuaa muttera In thla
city Threda and Friday.
Poatago at amp at ! Vm'a.
Tlio oonHltwn of Mr Wick Vox,
wao UBoerwetii it nurglral operation
at llaered Heart hoittal the flrat of
Ike wok. I Improving rapidly.
ltatiia ICe. 1 Total Holland.
ft. M. Kelly of Marahfleld. la
MiHONg the out-of-town vlnltora In the
city thla week.
XH Yoe buya bear bottlea.
Imilte the unfavorable weather
rendition, a falr-nUed crowd at
iMded the wekly liaiid eonrert bold
lM the flty iark Thuraduy night
iMtoke a King ftM 'lggr. tr.
Tk9y ar homo-mad. If
Judge (leorae I Hi tin of AhIiIhiuI,
w I bualne vlxllor In Med ford
1 1 Hired y Hflernoou.
Or. Klrohgeaaner will be at Hotel
n.ikIi every Wednead'ay. Hours for
. iiii-nUllotj 10 to t.
Vnntlier Jltne Mrviee be Ixin
n nikiiiaied lietween Ibt eltv und
i ,i. i 1'nliit. Till iiutkcc two
S.i i.iii ....,1-. iiiiont fin In
ui. tine polk iiiibo M.ill Tiibunc
I i I . I .-
viiimr l''ti'ii lit I'liiii'iilx, whh a
in .- vhi.ii in this rlt Kildio
1 1. mi inn hi tlruni I'uhk,
Hi 1 1 iiIiiuImi i I ivlullve lit ibl i H
I ild i
ViMir lown iiiowei- niMUlnc sharp
iicl at Mlti'i.ut. phoue 180-J.
i, ii Vii n of Talent. ient
i i Id. iv in t uiy utteudlug to
i.u-ini umi i
HiK r.e ulltklulkaA t Ue Ye'. '
i:.ilih i' t i iilus of Weed. OI i
.IIIII1IH 111! Ol ll-tOVlll vUltoi In n.i
i ii Hilh weeK
hll'l'lng 'i -mil at DeVon'
i I'llai oi ' ksonUlli, Kiieul h
lilt hour riii.i in thi clt Krldu
on bu'lneu
i:i-rbody 1 1 tgb when the e
i in- iiiiiuv caiio.mi idciiirf diawit l
I ll.vd Icllklll "bll'll U ill 111' win
do of Harrj ood Kai-. I : Homh
Kinut St :l
v ii tin (irui of Yu.i i'.iI . ii.i
niiiiiK'd tn b IiiiiiU' .illi'i 'i iiiltii.
f k ill t ii iltx utti tilling I"
I i. im iiittltur
Vi'liur Holun f t n.illi- i
- it ni'iii .i trw da i In 'li u i I
i 1 1 'i nl
Ue Vera Meriliu s
4 SOUPle of week for - i
gll will attend wbool tb.
l . I
O. J. Dun m Montaitue.
9 nttflnes visitor in (fhe'nj. and
Talley ! ?Ktm- o f
i i i . i i i.i
uliirmd t rl'ln piioiiiiiiii trim Sinn
font nlviTi where lie ha been
.it tending ehool. Robert was eleet
I n oho in ore repfeneiHatlve on Ihe
pxectitlve ronmll of the --r
Imih, one of the h- ' ,
i an be Iteytoweri' dm ii ii! 'i
ffllOW lltfO I'l lOIIl "ll Hi. I
Hon l ( blu inalorlli mn ' d
man trH'k team ntar niid h n m'.i
of Ntlvi- An. whleb nti- '. i
tnr ii high tentlinonlttl to m i
Itenton llower of dbi.imi ,nt
Tbnmdav nftcrnoon In v-urord at-
tendlng to Imaine mattcfa.
(leorge Thomacen of the l.lttto
llutt dlvtrlet. I iendlng a few day
In the eltv on bnalneaa.
A atrange phenomena In connec
tion with the nine liedge bond toue
to be voted on next Tueaday la the
oioltlon of n number of working
men of the eltv, who have not been
following their iroreioti aleadllv
for noma time. The building of the
road would mean work for evi-ry Idle
man In the rountv.
A large erowd attended the annual
picnic on the Applegnte of the Valley
Pride creamerv Thuraday, the day
cloalng with a big dance lat night.
At udent from the I'nlveralty or
nrngnn and the alato colleao at Cur
vallla will complete Hid term of atudy
next week.
Cheaa plaver of tlie rlly held a
aoxHion at the Holland hotel Tliurn
dav hlghl I'red PeloiiAH or Kagle
Point, one of the beat at Ihe gMine
In the lu ml. met and defoHled all
comer. Tin- aeaaloti lated until -o'clock.
Tliii annual lndimlrlnl cxlilldl of
the iH'hwjIa or the city wm held In
the arlotia school httlliUnga nr the
rlly Thiiradav afternoon, with a large
attendance or parents. The exhibit
Hhowed the work or the pupil for
the year In manual traliilntf, domes
tie selenre. art and woodwoik. Kach
or the school woio visited by tlio
other and the exhibit limpot'lwl.
luilxe W. 8. Crowell Iih rultiriied
from a abort bualnesa and plewstiro
trip to Unite cu!l.
'IC I.. Knight or Portland Is among
tin. nul-oMown visitors In tno city
this week. '
The funeral aorvhea of tlio late
Jeremiah Nunau were held from Hie
JnrkHonvllle falbnllc flmrcb thla
morning at 10 o'clock In the presence
of a largo foncotirito or mend mid
relatlvea A number rrom thla city
It's coming again, one of those
good times at the Pavilion dance In
Hold Mill Haturduy evening, Ma 3t.
Hood innMc If ou haven't attend
ed, try thla one. If you have been
there you will go again. ' '
Cor bin Kdgeli of Kagle Point. I
upending the day iu this rlly on
Colonel It. C. Waeliburn of Ta
ble Hock, pent Thurdiiy In thla eltv
on biiHlnenH
It I expected lo have the flevatoi
In tbi. new federal building ready for
operation b the find of next week.
Hcorge Mantield and family, who
have been ieiidlug evernl iIihk In
the fit) vlwltlng friend, will return
to their home tomorrow.
W W. t'MNher of Ashland. ient
n few hour Friday in Medford at
tending to business.
William (trace of Tillamook, tin .
I among the out or town voter m
iatered In the ilty this week,
Nick Klme of the Orirrin I'mU
district wan a vlwltor in the iitv
,i few hour r'rlda
K Wbeelei of Iliilin KiiIIh. ihmii
Krldav in Meilfunl iniiiidlnw t im
lie matter
The Hoiiuc llivct Cmnerx i
imii b liist.iiiid . tlini ii .
boreHiwer bolh-r mid a k! i .m
powiM enalue, In .uldiiinii to iln n
regular eiUltmeui lo bandli Hu
Mai h output
IM t uilri'WH is mi a Im im in Hun Kmm Ik ii
Hi ii (.Ulllill l M-itlUK C'i "il
I IU ,
All cVtuihiou lo the ulf.llfu field
near till ctn nmii i me nintuim
or Prof'oi ! Iteliucr Ol the e
peilmeiit t hi lou ,u 'l.ileui. and I'.nii ,
oloitlxt C C I'atc lft the t'onunei chili litis utierniiuii with about i
fiflt exiiMiouiti lUid halt that
mam unto The purme of the e
iirnii a to acii.unt ilu- l.niuei-. ' .,
with nltill.1 4IUMIU1; and lo eilaiuj
liou to s. inn, I" lin' u' f fer .
tilif ' 11 tets. - in tin i ti iii 1 inning
1 1 1 1 ' 1 in 1 11 111 .
'n I nl t
I (I'll '!' II 11 I
to flame
i I .
lo I
i I
$1 ii im. i nun tor
t III ?!-' il 1 I ll i II 1 n
lime '
! i I it m
1' t I 1 Dm III! I. III! I I
' II '
...ll'llllt lot.
ii ifttei dat tit'titTN
ttloo !- t . n. ti - tli in
Tv .P
on i 1 1 i' in ' .4 .' i ni.41
lftutt d ti i 'i' 1.1 1(8 ie '!ii .d
- -
- r
-S'' IA
s HtJ ) l Jfc iiU" C(4.
lire tilte I attain the HNirl Kill
You can t mi bei . Ih'h the led In of
Hie aeuanit. the Im'hi dressed summer
Hho wears her Mirta riot he with
such an air you forget they are In
tondiid for tennis or golf and forgive
her for wearing them 'ulmost any
where "
A trim little outfit that' Ruggest on
(Continued from pugo ono)
xlilerable o-ie do I lie enemv.
'K.i -I ot lite Men i I lie itlllei
lilt nil lii'lli lilt'- in I i'ii ill !i iiiin
i.lfllv tn -'Ii it inlctn
"Alllliill nil li.illi nli'- Ii.ivi' In Cl
Hi live. I' II -I latiitill.ini lloe'i ke
-lint doWII III. '-IMieiilli
,;:'"r ';'
"iilllll ol l(li"lil i ii I 'ii
llnli iillll tile .it l"il''ii i ii.l b.ill.
at ,. , ,il,.,i,! .1
-It. II ,i . , .., .a.Iii.i.
alia. kid xii ,. in ir Kiikii-b.
,,, ji,. jllNl
, ,, , , ,,,,, :
,, ,, 1 r. iu 1 .1.
1 ,
J 1
C3 '
1 '! .
$ft ? jg -l h't.n -I ,r- fi
. n tt fit. ,
..'I I. ... Mi' 'l.n i . hi' voiiiiiil.i. ,
HDLu " t r, I
IKalBBR .V tw
1 ilHHr v " !lKt ik- I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . i '
m r iMfftWklW rV ml' u i
I I "H--FirlTe lULiHIia
Qtlci rt I'jillnii SI., in il.-li i. ..I t 'III' I'l
Tbanhoutvi MntJ4i Matlcpn-tiiiil lie .1
u u.i toii.oo. lm1. v
I. tm i . ma-It r- i '' "
K.ln "1 . :i.i -! ,r,l'
' i i --.m I. file 'I
.- iii - i'l It
I i.i. .1 iitntliii- -i ti iii" i lite
i in inn, ti ti -im t t i i ft t ..
ii i ... i.i.i
,'. nt lilt i iiiitpieletl l, iii 1" it' ail
tbi i in! .'I tlie i 0111)111 .il Iii- 'i.
I a If nl .i vtniti" hull. in .nil it i -i-
inftrn ii'f, bnlh ol whm. n i l in ' i
IIihIJ """ ""'' """ '""""' li'tnt- a V
UUV-UL. I..-,. i tavonli. id. d 'it In- m.'.t ,l"
i ' i'ii iintt i .(in in- i i i
M ii . i, i i
I'll I In ' i vl
' ' ' ll'- , , .
1 .. . In I -i" .111 I. '
I . i.i,. ii
! I tl n tl 1 ..
IU .!' ll ll. ! -Ill
" it ii'i t " (
' ' ' ' tf' lll ..' '& ! .
' ' '. - ' I I-
. ......
'.f '"-..its t 1' ..
. 9
4- . 4 h ).
o'er wartn day Iu June Is the aimrtn'
Hull we are showing UmIh.v. Thu rout
is white Jertoy cloth the flouncing
skirt Is pussy willow tnffotn with
istunee pockets uud sash of the.sauio
The Milk si In the cool gtceu shades
vuryltiK from Kia-i meen to tli datk
green of tlie on'. leHf The PatlHIiiH
hat Im i'!tihiohli-if I In Kiei'ii am
I W 111 1 '1 1 . lid I tank Vi I'm tl.iii
..! untie r,p- .,. iii, imu.i 0 ii.. !
'.. i i..r tb. i.e.i.iim: ..I ., i,..x ta, I
'"' " ' V el. loud .nlioininz the
Il"-Ill'lll,,r uiiner.v. Tluv lme
J"0''1 ""' " ",,1,;,M',V ''"" """
l . iii i at i
i' it will liiilke inaiillliel v
..mill inn-. lint, eiei I In be iviulv
I il.i for tin-'- 1 1 nit
( oi
Km. hi ol lite Kinulil I'.iek
mi: " d ' Mr. Zuniiiciiuan ol
ii the eit lodnv -elei'l-n
i atui fnetnr to be
ii Thex ileeuled mne
I ike till-. ti i.
'i ni.itinu nt the tno
U . I lit i I. ni'l ,i t al
io Mi lit., d . Illlltl-
.( l..l tl s.
will ill nl' to Hie lop
S Ia. Mat ' Ut
i Hie i orner of Main
ii ntie .it a iii and
itib tni!- berti t-of-
Mil Ik Mile i lnilllg to
' . i.i d after at t Ivinu at
v.l. deni i lid t lli Wet-lt'l
' ' 'in ill an I take Ihe
i i I'll. . i. in .. - a iIik
i I iitiji In w.ilK Ml (,ri
i' 'i i t d to .ii.i. i the trip
mil I i'h li, cup a iii - nun
t (inn ,i" (ee .iiii..iM an ideal
at l ii ownlna .ai- wl.o itili
ita"Mtugern to tin -lil.m I
tMla en ii i n at lin
ro nl 'i.i lure of J n-, will outer i
IHun il lint will phone -M' n.
otii knotting of Other I'.irlie.-. tut
.if. i. ii- Liiidlj UOtlli in
1 1 ii ! mlation niuot i.ti iinm.i. .1 j
i tlii'iand people.
't n a m her sf itema iairie.1 in
'v aie advancing in ,.
ad Kimiu grocem anions f e
iri- ti i)ltie HsWiiit I'tSJ..
i.i and I. tug in K, Uligf vet1
4 pi'wc- .' will he (maailt'i! to tr
t i eniV li M lot JUO
ti ti i
i ') IC aC ti WO lira ti i
MV M.a)i!ir 11 Ur lt
' i. I ' .. 1mi v tsn .'i T
ii Ahiiieatia,'e " ,'if
ll t
- I.
w " i vrr stirg
Itll I I 'til II ' Mil lit ! IM I
1 III .mil 1 1 11 ill iiif-, till'
nit, imm 1.11 s s I'.idlf uilb W . T
Ih-trridue a ti.ol, 'hi ImoImI a
pre'iminnrv line orr tile Jttekiwni-
ill lull. I
Tim line -f'irt ii t lielnn tin' 'ii
nunc and. -kirtiuv I be low (( lull-. ;
fioM the divnlf nt wlmt i- know 11 . ,H"n cmkI, ii demmrnt nod 2 re
an the lli-inniet I'fli. with no elevn- jl'iiblbana. On the Kst Hide at the
lion of alT feet, wmvIM feel lower mr time o tuim had been cut
rim n Hie dnnle iimiI for the wajjon
nmil. KriHii llemmer't owu f A.
Iilegratte the grade will he 'J per eeni
niiif hme irnetieutlv no euivnttirt nt
Mr. Hulli- i well pleael with (be
new line, and ntd: "It enn In omt
tiled nt the nniue coil or cheaper than
Hie ircent line connecting Med lord
mnl .l(ickofiville."
V. T. lleverhlge nod hi pitrty left
Sitnthn niultt unil on Kridnv morning
liad Ineiited the line and turned in
the report with nrnm.
The theorv I hut the .loek-oin ille
lull would pime a Htiuiiblinjr block prove too etcllv in ii.xil.nled. The
line will hove no deep eul, thnl nt
the Hiiinniit heinv the miixiuium with
a eiil of eleven feel.
A few Mimll tree tics will he lie. .led
I Ihe rot of the v. oik ten lijilil.
The line to the top of the .lack
ntiville hill will he iipproxfiunteU two
and oiii.inl' mtlen in length, -tatting
jual beyond the linek vnrd.
The line i giutnintcfd l.'iO ton- ..I
coiier eoueetitrateH mnl ote ilnilv,
which will enxilv mtv for the cn-t ..t
openiling. Timber mid iniuin-j. nh
the ptoduee now rnied. will net a
fill l pfolll.
The en-t nl t-li'id niir iillll of wn
will be terv Iil'IiI. Iiih-Ii nianilv. iind
l' littli mil nt ion- on the
rl.OMJON. Mat l lin new aub
uiarlne cainpalun uttaitint (icriitun
shipping In the Haiti. U reported to
have resulted In the de-tiuctlon of
another Herman niei.liiintniHti. I'ol
lowlng eterda'H annoutn eineiit of
the sinking or three Herman veasels.
a Copenbaueu dlatch to the K
ihange Telegraph compiiut todav
-atv a fouilli M'sm'I wad Kiink e-tcr-din
mining In a Milnnat ine. The
li aim l was Imiiiid f rum l.til'xcK,
.iiinatr. tm Norwat with coal Her
1 1 oi --t i nli t u wa-. N.i tej
PI (TAMQC TUC Dj (1(111
uLLillOL int. DLUUU
Rheumatism Due to Bad Blood
Tlioimitnd tint been ma wll rn
pl lit Dip inmi'Nl liall'i imffiiii
from Ithmintitfiim, witli wlmm pnin w in
.nnmni Wlin litllHtit that ll.l- ti
tiilliv wa i'irt hcvnmi repair It
wim pro i mi o them thai Ihe nttine ot
tlimr imt td. itim Ihe ilonl, that t'rl.
Vi-ld tli mot riKhfnl all) cf niininnt
Hum. S ut aripnwd thm. The pnlann
In lh hi "fia hnd pd ll nloiiai'i
T'.r vriK.niit tinn t haa altowpil tun
..n una lini irllloii to act nmulHie nn1 j
nil rm-rtii tt m aom Tnev full pom
i " fii' Imilto, pain vu i vr inn
ei.t tt.iti itiin itltfi'i ion atnl tl p. P-.I t
Tin-, i I. t K f M nninrp'ii Mnml tiinir '
Tlift Kt''" up drill? Tim t MttiKioml ,
of nil oca irmrdle of rent tint Ie 1 1' .
dirt wtiai ttiiia fntlnl to tn ll llirr. ,
III w ilu.t t he lilni'it frop ft .nil iui(iin.
ami w in til now ..f pmi iii hni . n
lii'li lii'itlih tii iib lh t ianr .mt liapiil
ni- lit i S I S f o.n ) r ilrnur m
IllKiit ipi.n S S l If n i t nn4
tanillUK t'lttr, wilt for nif.nril will
to Mt r i j-i mt fn tlitnta tiit., but
lu. tm.liiK s K l at or.-
Till- III 1 tile t i 1
Itoiiallt fine
lit -old lit IU. our
.iii-oluleli torn it
Matementu a- t.)
weiKhl and peifee
tlon bat., won
tlie iil'iilutlnn u
l.citlK tin mo.-t
logical store to
p it r c b o a dU-
UIOIllU ftolll
t'ltt sttg.ue toatiu e m' r
- it e i mi monet
Seamless Wadding Rings
l t-hlll. in. tt lti
$3.00 AND UP
.-TJO 111 W I
1 1 Ifttin t ii a)) t b '
iltniir III
.m.l liM.ii.
.1 I
4') 111
iti it are v.(,,s,t
Martin J. Ready
Till- limitMt
llitif tirt VI I lY
Qtfctttfe ilmui Y'tlme
I limit. llif v 1
1 er'
.' eiadi iiul I'll
1 'in'iilaii .ill
i idriii d 1 .tin
mica the .rlmr
election torfut l p to noon lee 'ban
a fourtti of tlie iigllind vote bad
been cent In the Voilh Main pre
ilnet, nt 1 o clock. .1" vote bad
The vote l alow and In precinct in
tbl iitt Hie canting was running ail
morning about ieven votes to the
hour. In tin- wintry dlalrlcta, more
lire la being nhown. The antall vote
will overthrow till mtlltlenl foretoati
and Is llkelt to land some unexpect-j
ed dark horxe on the job.
(f alt the votes east this morn In
very few were by women. It la ex
pected however, that they will come
out In full thla afternoon and bring
the vote up. What little Intereat
there was in the various races Thurn
da died overnight. Unless there la
an unprecedented outpouring or cit
izens In i limine hour. Iho election
will KO down an the mot lelbiitule
III tlie liiitnit of the iniintt A hlott
tote Ik ri poind all mer the iniinli
Thousands testify
The Orsginof
Upbuilds and sustains the body
No Cook ng or Milk required
Usod for V3 of a Century
Tree Snmnlc Morllck's. Racine. Wis.
1 A
$mre io vise
You can't always make cverlldni; 'ju,t v " SoniLllme you will
get in moie shortening than mual; or nul l lin. Killer a little thin; or
It may not Ihj convenient lo. put a cake In Ihe octt Ihe moment It I
mixed; or your oven may not bako evenly and it it m-ccsnary to turn -
I be pan around none of Ihete little uiuwUiudltj nuke Ihe sllghttit
tliltt-rtnctj in retultt if you umi
K Baking Powder
TMs modern, tlouhli r.ue b.ikint! pni. In Iikiimii.ii.iI nlrr.v;lli ami
it ahviltilt'ly ctrl.i.ii In i.uc mnr bis. ml-, t.iki- ,nnl ...'iy libt and
li.ilhtiy. It Hiiierali s .hi abiiiidanic of It iu nine e,a Imth In I hi- min
imi bowl ami in the own. 'Ihe raiktng i 6utained until the Uouuh it
looked throutih.
Iloutewlwt who use K C mwr bate "bad luck" with their bakln(.
Try K C nt uur rmk. Your uili reiund your money ( you aru
not pleased in every way. 5T
III 1 1 1U
$12. HATS
Ladies', Misses and Children's
One Cent to One Dollar
Tomorrow at 10 o'Clock
Red Hunting Hals 5o-2 for 6c
In in'iluim -lii'iilt! m nnli (TALI'I'V Hum-
in " lint vi- fat.
Head .Lettuce
G-reeu Onions
-;' Rhubarb
Green Peas
Bunch Turnips Cabbage
Oranges Bananas Grape Fruit
0 F
Phone 252
FRECKLES I i If Mae to i MM f Tirw
I gl ,i
Tie fe to' tourer Ihe ntliflit!
i,.ed of ltliwt BliiagsH of lour
rixklee, a the preSeHptle othln
.Iok'tt ..r. ntih i guarantee to
rcoiot iio-e hoiin it nota.
m.Mid nit nn mio'-e f otalne
Ido'i I- -tnuctli front agr 4rngtt
1,. i ii dt h tin li or It night and
moriilnu and mn ItonW soon see
that even the worft feellles bnve be
u in to rtleiiptfiir. blle the lighter
Oto ' bate t.illlnlli'd ettTV, It la
hi blunt tli.n more than fttt ounee la
i.cdi'd m miipieteit dear the skin
and mini a beautiful r MMir eiMnplcx-
I 'e a, c to ut'lf for the do u bin
ftrenstb nthlne a- thl l elil tinder
.guarantee of . ' " I' fallK
I to rentove fl" ' '. I
I'iIhIii 'lluiolriiiM t I'lc-ciits
V a n t 1 1
tt Im Ii it ill linn .1 tn
hu at t , l.n i Im: lie
I ..'i all .t in i,
itti . line, In
iilm lavorlte
Grace DeCarltom.
Sion In I'lilllji I .uini w.iti
(ilten I Itili lo Hie HIM Hill putldli-.
I ion i ml-- tin liU I'aiHinoiint picture
' -'ic nnd lie.
tlie Snn
?Mjuguil;5?J5J eoK W1
ty First
New Potatoes
Beet Greens
East Main Street
fr) , ii ftnTfmy i );.