Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 17, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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i? Ji
$ '
News From
Rntt t'.i-i- Ii.iiUiI M I'Hiil '!' L mi
fatiMi.r !' hi IIiii-!ii.
Then Mia i- IimhIhik liu- bnU'.l Ii.m
- ir.i i
nv iVnt.-r, liu i- woikimr 1
r.(i,i..rttin. i- e-nitiv (In- hum.- t-H.-
lor a t ilitv. I
Timii .liiium Iiii- linnuiit mi imlo mnl
1m i- m-iIiiiu- low it unite ulliii. liMtkinir
ntti-r hi- lniul 1hmim"-.
Your i'irrepileiit ill H'l tret In
mi- Ihe iih-hII putWmii tfM nre
itip nmtinil In m-i-hII tin ttnU emirl,
hnl nil my nfijjhbnr nut to il.
Thy fvidonllv Ihnimlil thnt I h
mt'iI ii ronil nM-ri-nr iimler lht
lM'i-iil i-niiniv i-otirl I wotilil rol sitin
il. ami il wunM hnve Im-iii jimt thut
win. Ymr editorial hit the es-mntl
wiuhtv i-ur- pretlv linnl, but if they
were nil of niv 'v nf Ihiiikinu they
uiilil lime to o "Ot nf the enmity
to (jel rnild lm-.. 11 Hie ienili'
of i-iii-h rontl ilinlrii-l mIi- mi their
rnml -ftpefvi-or. Tlmt wnnhl lie n
help to the enttnt i-mirl, im tln-x i-miltl
not lilnme the enitrt for jinttinir Ihe
umiiR man in oftiee. A tHHioii 11
Immhu' rlrewlateil imw in gv the pre-i-nl
rmiil HiiiieriiMir of thi niclrict
mil nf orflee. Hmne or thU dninip i"
Ntlitii-i, hut more Ihnn irtl. the nl-mii-'lii
ilnlliir l- nt the hottotn nf it
mid im eaiiiiiy thi" tmuhle between
the oiinl iifrieiulM n I ul Ihe Noile.
Clay roiiwellv in wnrkinit In Kr
uge in HwlforO.
Mr. mill Xrn. KU.- Cl.irk ,.f tViitml
Paint motorvil out In the Moore roni-h
I'artiex from Meilfonl were Inokintr
HVwr tw (Iruee pmierty nt Aiiliwh
Am mlii v
r. ami Kn. I.. U. 8wei nf 1W(.KU
trr vWUtut and tradinx the nlley
ttowttn Tuenday.
The mojnritv of onr raneherH are
m favor of bonoine 111:11 in to the
IMf-IrtMiler emiimnv ami tie tlu-m
lowiirr time In put ihrotmh the ileal
Hey hate Imh-ii working on o lona.
Vf think thev dre HiH'eM ami
ope it will irn ihroiitrh, oh it wmilil
fait new life into the vnlhr-v and niiiki-.mtf
More work for even one and would
hti eontml ihe iliKturheil emiditimi
fal the Vaey nt the present time.
Mr-, raldwill of M11I ford i vimI
inir at the home uf ilrrt t'liapinaii Im
a tew dn.
Peiefhaiau lui Ma(tlit a new
Npvir UhI i viitin Hthe lintue foll
Nre often -inee the nunl- lime ol
bttler rax el.
We are iflad to bear that Willnnu
foUrrill U ttnuiu lo lie on the (M-ou
Hineh, in the Meadow h. We euiuiot
MjMre what few liM-iiie-- men we haxe
Kt in the loinniuiiitx. hat w- want
mere to enme in.
Mr .iii.l xti i in - 11 i.t hi in to
Metlloiil WiiIuiIu .in-l iiiiuulit
their dHUKlili I Xlo.- lai;rrl tioim
Willi tlu-m, win 1 1 flu- ri-mutiietl until
Aunt tfnn MlKinbotham hail an
other aerlou lllneim Urn weii. il.r
rhlltlren mine and Mrn XI.himh ., nl
Ml Pevton were al-o with In nr
Holt ieni the nUIn mm- ,m 1 x mi
wa Mime liell.-i 1 1 uiiiM
but Im imi ureallx impinv.a
Mi mill Xli-. iiii hii-u,. 1 , 1
Humj .11 Mi xi.uiihimv
Mi Wi'ii-lm - ii m ii ' t
Ulllllllll ,11 t II 1 union ! I
lli-uiile Mull ho i, 1
Mr K !h . u nt ui 1.
nl Itn mil.
l.l ! - i .ill.l
Ul I Mi -'I
I-' - l'..l il
Hi . to . I
r i i
in I iiur u
ii i I ill
Itt'hi ui 1 1
l.itK- Jlut i '
tl.. Illiiltll.
Il, II, Ii 1 .,
M- Km llil ul Vi '
l.imei ji-i I 1
.11. Ill it III l I
1 " ei iiii. 1
i e un !
tin- ti
I'll. .
H -li it h
fun i! I
e Ii.. ii
I till 1 1 !
ii I .
i i
- XI l.l .1
(I III ' l!.-4l I
un. I !ir -i.l.
in. i il i'Ii' i
in MIH . Il .
I .111.1 XI lv
Ml lUll- I'll I
'. II ti-i Ul''
Mr ll !. I,
A-rHi iti .iii.i
4a x u .i U.
t .i-
on ' i
i- l
Ml Cue t ...
Xt. - - I s t'lttlHIli
I-. II . 1 III,
frho iih n.
tre' f '
nir ill i in till (Jfi
1 . -i.
Our Neighbors
I In i ..ii ii iid i lii in in
r 1 1 1 i. 1 1 ii in. ill n .luH I
"' "" "'I'"'! ""'"
.iii'i-iiiii-M- "f ihIm ili-in.'
mill ii.
Hoi iiiMy
1 !- -killliil iukI iii'Ii-Im- rU Mr.
v.nkev. mm the Num.'..
Tin lliuli Si Ii-ii'I Alwnni .i--ih-m-
linn "ill iii ' in ii-uumi! un
l-'iul.i ew-inn.. Mn ll. ul S iiVliH-k.
Tlu- KiitliiMiti i- Innknl lurwnn! In
will) ileuim.' Miilieiiiitiini Ii n lru'
iNtm-jiiiiiiilier of ulil-tmie trnul-. lm. wmt
Iriiihtiiiiiiil i-i-ti-iniiiiii' Mill minute
tin- i-l.i-- ul IUKI with lull Heilueil
iiii'iiilii-r-liip iici'iiriliiiy ! mien-nl ami
nilniliM- nle-
Mn Tn"iliu il lliir wi-i-k a -pri'il
eommitti-e ul' lli' rumniereiiil eltib
miiilf h whirlnitiil i;iiii:iiii yi lielutlf
ul' tin- ImiiiiI Willi .-liilil.Miii: .n -tilt-.
Tin- plan i- t" i'i-r it I nail it UHMI
mill piiv (In- iiii.'11111iiliiiu nt' tntiiie
in n- f.'"iO M-r umiitli tur M, Jiiim.
July iinl Amtu-I. thv Imntl t uv
Itflll C'llll-l-tl" KT IIIIMllh nil U WIUM-I-
tieil -i-IumIiiI-. al-n pluvinif mi Siindav
llftertliHili h.V wax nl full IIU-a-IIK-.
The fnllowinir Shriner- 11 ml their
wiven were anions lhni who atteialeil
Ihe i-laborate -m-uil tanelion uixeii In
the Merifortl Hhriner-' i-hib In A-b
land xeMtnrw on Mumlm eemnit: jduruiv the -en-mi, haxinir leen nitnli
Me I--, mid Me-dauie- r V. Carter, I plea-ed with their lormer milina ex
(I. 8. Itntler, K. I. Wauiier. A. I". Km- jH-rienee lure, durum whieh, time they
ne, T. II. Sitnp-on, II. M. r'mhbiteh,
W. II. MeNair. II. C. Hiniit. l. K.
Hammond, J I. John-on, h. II. Jnhn--nn,
C. V. Nun-, Ii. P. form-tin-. C
F. Iwle.. M. K. Cxi-ler. C. P. Ckn-li-n-en.
V. A. lto-lmiirh, lleiitmi Mow-
er. II. Matit-m, V. K. Xewi-onilM-, f.
Ii. Yniioel. The xi-itor- n-orl 11
lltn-t enjnxalili- irri-pllmi at the Im mi
ni their Miillniil Im-U. Amnnt; lnat
Mr. V. i. Waaner nf tin- mt re
Kponded In one dealmu with "Txk
of Ptlbhe Seokei," a Ht di--enuriM-
I'Mi'i'iliimlx npniMi- at the
tnllv reiiuimi amuml tin
The Sutillii'in I '.imi ie i iit-tallliltE
a nntnlnr ofliee loree a I the Aner
Matimi afji-ney. an i -a-lmanrx ilur-
the -iiuimei mimmiii
llob Vtninit; and dnnuditer. June, left
for Seattle eiirli ill the week alter a
brief xiit hen- with relume. Mr.
mini: will retuiii In Al.i-I.a -non.
where he 1- euu.iueil 1 ten-ii-K 111
the iiuiviii.i pii-tnre Ini-ine-- III- tin -ater
tnlerv-l- here are i enfeleil 111 (In
Yiniiiu a- iin-ieior.
A ii-eeut Portland Journal emitaiii
Ihe ol Mi Kdn.i Well-. 1 1111-
dldate Im -iiH'iinteudi 111 nl -1 hmil-
nl KUi inn 111 1 militx. She h.i- l.iiim 1
Ix II well-kuortli Im , ti.u 'ii i in. I I,. I
-nan- lime m-I h.i- l.mj .' iin
Klamatli Pall- hmd-. Cmn.M n
liennleudeut Well- i- In-r Inoiln r. Id i
eompetltor tor tile -nperilitellili in x l-
Mt-- IU--H- Aptili-.Mii' fttutli ui
ewreneed teaeln i - .iiiil ,i -iiin.lh
1 .iiitr-t i lienisf mil 1 .nl un ' 11 '
I'ulilu .111 in ki 1 M I l
il.iuuliti 1 "I Mi. ami Mi-. .1. I U..,
ut till- 1 ll
III IV.I'li III. N,, itli, !
In laid tin .1 1 11 1' H 1 1 1 . 1 1 .
-eliltet Ham- ., 1
-piinu- li-ort prtxileae- ....- ui
llinial. the me ,1- it dot- in leu.ird ,1
to Sn.i-la Siriny- an.1 ..titer it-
.ilonv 1 in In- 1 . . li 1 . .kt
M.oitSfeMs jyim
have the reputation among car
owners of representing more
dollar -for -dollar value than
you can buy in any other tire,
The Cost Is Less
than the plain tread styles of many
ether standard make. Added to
that is the remarkably liberal Fik
FREE SERVICE in more than 100
direct branches.
F4' Tnc fur Sale Ri
Medford Vulcanizing Worics
1 I
iii-lluiiieiiliil in "Uiiiiii n-ilmiil
lull- ner the linlw.i iHIMiib imi- iiiii
inir -I'ii-nli tliriillullnill trllllnn whirll
Im- .-liliiint a- it- !-li"l '' l"irit.
I.IomI SIhIiI. liiiim-rh i-a-hu-i "I
1 tin- Kir-t N-'I Clink, anil imw
llili nt I III- XIII' li--llll-llt- "I tin-
N'ortliwr-ii-ni Niiliniial ( I'nrtlanil,
llli- lii-i'li nil A!lliillil M-llni ililltlHf
(In- m-l Wl-l-k
Jmlu'i . Ik Wiil-im ill ili-liur Ihi
mlilri" bi-l'iiii- tin -i .nlirilin-i fin--'
ul the Ktnjiii- li'i i-i -1 linn'- mi Wril
nei'n I'MniiiL, M 1".
' In ri'-pon-i In a lii-ailiiv uiiuiii
iiniii" imil.iliini, 'li-. M. '. Hi-eil of
thi-i-ilx will i milium tu lw-the pnxtor
nf the Mrlli"ili-l htm h nl Tiileiit Ihe
i-ii-nitiL- xi-ar. a pu-lnhite whieh be
blm lilli'il Ihe 1 111 -I ar m the emi
nent -iiM-liii'tiiin of .ill i-oneerm-d.
AmmiK iilra-iint reuiuoni nl the
(ireM-nt week a- a ilinner tenilered
Mi, ami Mr-. lU-inuril Ve-e,v. en
jtnjjeil in i-muhii-Ii-ih- work here, by
Mr. 11111I Mr-. I. I.. M inkier, the hol
Ih'iiiu tnenil- nl the Ve--ev familv in
l'onin-1 iln- wln-n Itnth lnuiilie re
'nliil ul O-hkii-h. Wi..
Mr-. Anna I'eiulletmi of Santa Ana,
t'al., arriw-il the fir-l nf the week for
-imumr'- tav in Ihi- lieinity. Kbo
wa- heie two eui'- ajio ;i a member
of Ihe hiinilx of her MHi-in-law, A. 15.
(lanlner. a InmtM-r dealer of the
-mitlieni I .ililoiimi limit. Tliedard-
ni-i- max n-x 1-11 tin e -eene- liner on
made headiiuarterx al the Totet' re-
idenee on Laurel -tree!.
Kflei-tix-e Mav 'ill. the Southern
Pai itn- will -.rant low rate louml-tiip
fare- from all il- -lation- hetixeen
and itn-linlinu In A-hland. 011 -ale
Satnrdav and Sunday, with ri'tuni
limit the Mondax Inllowuti'. AUn
rnte- lor Sunday exehiMxelx
belWeeu AIiImiu and (lleiidale, nne
fare nmnd trip minimum of Ati i-enl".
V. ). Ilmlu-mi nml K. IT. Snyder
Imxe returned fmui 11 trip eoxerinu
nearly ItKiii mile- into Klamath and
like emintie-, nl-o extelidliiu to Helttl
and otliii (Hunt- in einttnl Oreu-ui.
tTlte tour wa- hx aulmaobile and eom-
bilieii one o plea-ure ami Ini-llie--.
Thev went xia Alter, fa I., retiimiiii:
oxer lite Ureen Mountain Spnnv
mute. Itex. (luiiU- Unuht, foat;ri".'a-tmtiali-t,
who-e wife wan furmerli
Mi--- N01111.1 Minkler of thi- eitx, ha
iiiomiI liiini l.auiil, niit., to Mar
hK head. ). I liinati- mlit tim- lu-
totttiil exlia -exeie 111 that Hirtmu nl
Molilalia. I In- im-reurx cmiij; ilmsn to
ill Itelnxi .it tm r-
Mr-. iK-lluil ot 1111.1, All.. I-
'u n Im i'h
11 11 . i-iluii. her on.
1 I Ik lll'l till ilulll ill
,ii.i 1 1.
,11! .(
I X.
i 1 . x, ; , 1 ,, ',u, m ,.(,
,. .v n,-n ti-itm- xmiIi i .mil Mr-.
Pl.lllk Jnld ill, ntm- It I'.i ik l-l'l,
t on ii. nut. -ln-i '
I Pii.l ix. Max I1' 1 I In 1 milium!
... ,
1 i- i' 1 lomna nl
1 1I.11, - ii
in .'I ti .it
ll.M III I-
.11 uHi
.1 ple-i .illliu 1 .iiiti t I
'1 -1.11 iliu 1 t ii
1 ' Ii. -a 1 1 1 r
M n I 1 1 ..1 I
ii-rm mi 1,.
.. ki t mil In-
liti rul ,1- liillnhi- ... tnlloue.i li in
-i 1 1 1 1 ill, I t Hi
1 W.ii-iin.
Hull Im- In-ill in. rile III le-ii'II-e I"
-iiirLi-tmii- irmu tin- '!
lnl. wlmli i.i-jniii.'l Iiii-ul-.-in-ill I
a V T .' - ' WMimXWWW
. . I . .. 1.1 ... ..I.LlUl
lull. Wlui Ii iiruiiuixatiKii h.i- kitullx
non-eiiti-il to iipK-ai' lien- under au--piei-
ill the I neii I Cme Inifiroxeitienl
flub. Tin- big nttrnettnn i- "The
lleiu t nl the World," n ma "nne of
inth-. Oxer 100 will l.ikr part in
the pn-entrttion, purta bfina,
i-olilieeled Wtth the dix-n.i edtien
liuii am) i-ipreiion di p.i rtmetit" of
tin- Mi-dford enniHjrviiiiiix. under the
diri-i'lmn nf Mr, Lyn-tte llnxioui.
Tin- diliuhtfiil antertainiiient will be
Matted amid an ideal xlxnn enxiron
meiit. with t'nrent nuil M renin ul ford
ing t pif ul -t-ttmjt.
The multiplieitv of i-iimlidalf ia
lint eolitined to JaiK-im enunt.V,
Klainath hnxin an nbmidam-e, there
beiiiit an even doten tm- Mieriff, eiitht
repnhlieaii and fmir demoerat.
Amontt the nnmbr, C. f. Iiw, ireM
vnt inenmbent, ie enmlidulc for re
elertiuti. Mi Marian Xeil'- itotlruit j
ieuted in lnt Sunday '- Oreironiun an
member nf a irruup nl uuixerit,v irl
who tiitiired prominent I in a iuniot
proim-iuide held .Mav I.I. She in thy
claajrhter of Mr. Su-n- N'eil. and tin.1
Itramldniiithtei' of Juilye Neil nl ,lm-k-Monxtlle.
The family tormerlv resid
ed hfiv mi Iiiirel ntrt-et heiitht-. Mi-K
Neil i a mii-ieian lif more than ordi
nary ability, exeellinir a- a pianiM.
Whiteil, Piinieker, Steven-mi,
Kelihiiin. Iliitihiwui and fair ilmijt
ei I into ihe" wildernei la-t Saliii'lnx
exeiiinif, e.xilnruiir hithertn nndiit-oi
ered nook- and erniiiiu-- in the wilil
Inhutarx to Wajrner 1 rn-k. im-linliii
the i-iatfs iK-atel nit the -uiumit of
Mt. Warner. Arehie llulianks with a
one-hone Mmy, Hejit their line of
-lipping in t net between the wild- ami
eixilizatimu Like Hnn-exelt, the e.-plnnr-
relumed with rare peeimen
of llnra mid fauna fimn that Uwulity.
The Ilenx er Uealtx fn. reihirt nale
of the J. W. MeDiHimiith raneh. si
mile eiiat of town, to Mr. and Mrs.
fliirenee Taylor of Klamath eouuly,
m the vieinily of IJIy. whu'w-ill oeenpv
it. Mr. Mi'W(rtiounh will move to bin
eitv nidenee at the eorner of lowu
and Liberty Mree. Al-o the hoiie
and lot of Ml-. S. ('. Winti, 011 Iowa
trHt. to f. H. Clark ol Anderaon,
Cat., xx hn i now an employe of the
S. p. mtindhuuxi' hen-.
MiH Mary Walkei 1- the new clerk
preoidntst our the emilcitioiieri' de
part mriit at Hoe Itro.
K. H. Plnpp- Inn- iinii-il hi- nl 1 ni
lo the old S. I, nmliir ileHit. K. tl.
MeWtlliiun- Im-ilel. iimm thi-re nl-o
Inl llii pie-uit. 'hiii- w ill jiilii tn'il
uiv h.illi t 1I1- 11- a -nil- line to real
Male o inlion-.
Ml --' - III ill, I'.l.llllW, ,1 , ,!
1 uiiii ul 11 Hnl iiiiili'i.u hi 1 1 urn
tSr.iut- I'.i-- uli.i i iillel 11. 111-. n 1
uiit bii-uie .it tin- plait' ibex 1 1
mxiil up in Un- Meadow- to m-mt
-nun n the iIexeloei i-m-n.ili.U'
mine- m di-trn 1
Mr. ami Mi-. Y. W. Si .11- .in.
1.1-11I tin liiiiSwin lion-i, mi emu
it. ii 1I1 11 n la. t 1 1 t b in
. -lit '..U
1 l ! - iiil lo Kami Pn. .'
Ai .
fbe Siimliii b.i-ebtill itaiiu on tl 1
' di.iiiiiiini h.'tween the T.i'nt
ti mi iiiil t'
Iti i 1 1 Ci 11 1 nt'w - i 1 v
hon I 1 noll-r-. !'
lint -Ill-Jill '" llieiitini ii. in -i..".
ion- ul tin- mil" c-fiiup ittmiiiiU in
lilln i nnk li the Ure.ner .Meillniil
-nltiiiL' 111 1-1 to tl. 'I lie i rowd- in the
-hade on the (jiljaeent lull- re-ponded
hu-kilx to the uih1 plaxi.
Cnl Iht-fitbiirrr nlid Hottnld Axetx
ixt'iil lo l(niie If ix of Miniilav f i-iiin-.-to
attend an entertainment six en by
the ttlee eluh at that plliee.
Krnnk Kink went to Med ford the
lat of the week.
Sam Mcftendon wtmt into noith
ern fnlifnrnin Saturday.
air. and Mr. Dana and nieee. n
fri Hum-. eme up rrom the 1'n-s
Saturday, attended the Satitrdat exe
ninft dame and tutnet-ded otith to
vlnit other relative:
Mr. nemye Lance -of Knot- freek
wan in Hold Hill MiniMtiK Saturday
Jlrn. Ada IHakelv returned Sundav
exenins to her home in Med ford alter
npendhux the week with her nnrent.
at I hi i plilee.
Sir. Ilnreh, iirenhleiit of Denver Ce
ment plnni, eame in from Mwlfonl
Tm-diiy mtilliiliK.
Dr. fhinholm and IL D. Reeil xi
tied the doetur'n mine in the Mead
own Monday.
E. M. AVil-oii, eandidnte fnr n-nen.
for ot ilnekiMin eoniily, drove into
town Tiie-duv meetinit old fnendx
and tnakitist new one".
.Mr-. HipfH- 11 ml Mr. ( Iturle
Yoliujt. both of Medfoid. Were xiit
mjr in (lold Hill Tm-dnx.
Mr. and Mr-.). II. Miller imitou-d
In A-lllaml Sundax.
Jfeilfonl IVmnrem Rnioko
Tha Medford and Mt. Pitt Clitdra.
Kxpresslmi or yitinj a Khlm-j
Snffeier in Mid foul.
A ftuliliorii bnikache l cuinie to
auanect kidney trouble. When the are lnflmd and nwolk-u.
Utientiipr brlnx a sharp twhiKe in
the mnall of the back, that almost
taken thw bmath itwaj, Doan'n Kid
ney 1'llln revive ilugKtth kldue.xs
rollcve achlnx backs. Ilere'H Mml
ford proef:
A. F. Stephenson, retired painter
and paper hanger, los Cottan .
Medford, sa.xa- "Sexeral ear an
I was down and perfectly helplvay
for several das with lunihaao. I
couldn't turn over in twd or do any
thing. I thomtht my bark was brok
en. Sharp, shooting pains In il, like
a knife uttcklug me. took mv breath
a wax. My kldny acted too freely
and I had to get up at night five or
six times to pass the kidney secre
tions. I had no am hit Ion to do any
thing. I couldn't eat and nothing
t anted good. I tried different medi
cines without results until I started
taking Ooau's Kidney Pills. After
flulshiiig about three boxes I was
aide to go to work and gel around
as well as ever. They fixed me up
In fine shape."
Price ,".c at all di-glom Pou't
ximplx ask for kidnex rented
Kl InMn'n Kidnex fills- the mine Mr Steiiheiinnn had Koster
Mtllnini 10. I'roii- liuff.ilo. X Y
That this is
in Medford?
each afternoon
at our office
Special Prices
on all
Oregon Gas &
Electric Co
27 Nortli Grape Street
Here's A 'Tip'
When ymn arm or yom leu fwd- al kn - i iltfcftal
. h.. ..,, fo..l n tint IU t JM Bl - - q
tea wnn rrieumBiiiii. n-u .....
yoSr muhClen were -ileil up with a rape, x.-u
we really describing your pain nemimt.-ix
Hhimmatlnm Is a rondlMnn of the body hin
acldi and other deponlis of Imiwrltlen nre u
tually "tlelng un" the strands of nunc en In
your body, or strangling the nerves am I t hu 1
inediMdnt: the awful shooting mim of .
lumbago, etc. Medical a ithorltles aim-p tha
these aeld deiamlts nre carried and d"po-l'l
bv the blood in the various parts of the boil)
It stands to reoMin, therefore, that local 1 gpnli
cailons such as rubbing with so-callcd remei i.en
can't do any aormanpnt good At beM M.ex
can rellevp the pain Utile and only for a
Httle while The only way in effect a r.-al cute
la to attack the real cause-the blood it H
cleansetl from the troublesome 'b-P'""",,,
S. S S. the reliable blood purifier that I- imw
easing the pains and healing the lll of the th r.l
generation. 8. R S. "goes after" ihe Inipnrl'i"
r.. .u UI.J roiontiKlv. as eagetlv ami as
thoroughly as a ferret goes after rats
Ihe poison Into every vein aim aner,, """ : imublenome siiIisIhiicm
nook and corner of the ' ""7'"Vd earr e, off .he ael.l nnd
om ot the sysieui. Th. blooil thus """j ;ar,r Wltly through .he
other injurious deposits and I filters .hem m it 1 M bUw, pr
kidneys S. 8. 8 Is not a drug. It a a pnre v
1 OU Cllll Hl ID' " v ' Y' i . .
Loavo Medford tor Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. m., 1 00. 2 00. 4:00 and 6:15
p. in. Also on Saturday at 11: 15' p.
in. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30
n. m. and 1:00,.2:09. 6:30 and 9:30
p. m. Loave Ashland for Medford
dally, oxaept Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
,. . ..aa ....1 en .. . Atan
i.uu, i.nii, i.uu win. . i'. . --' i
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:10. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30. 6:30 and 10:30
p. tn.
Camera hop
J0S East Main Street,
1 cdford
The Only Exclusive
Couuncivinl Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Oracle any lime or
place by apiwiutiueui.
Phone 117-iT
We'll clothe rest
T,. D. WESTON. Prop.
-V ..t mm. fe HMt C K T VV I Umr'l'l'1 .-.
like to have the advice ; 01 ine .. - ;-- ri;nlloM- nm confidential
Sv r ifiiW-run? ?,,;i7SRr.fc,,r. - ... , ho
Room 4S Swlf. Speelfie Company. Atlanta, (leotgla
Start the Day Right
ICnd a suivossful day with our smvuleut, spicy iLVAL
'All the leading stores in the valley carry our products.
We Pay Highest Price for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs.
UMilll.M MAIUil.T l'ICK i: mil (H)I,
John Robinson 10 Big Shows
The World's Greatest Circus
$ - ir r -.-
j&to.- ."
,'t ,w
-- rt.
.-il-v-v r.
aJ" 'V I ,S -
S- '-'VtfN,
ssskrf . --
"-' -
4 Rings-BOO Sensational Novelties
More Animals Than Were in Noah's Ark
See the Monster Free Street Parade
V-U Silv it Il.Kkins' I)ni. StllU,
On Rheumatism
f J' x.-i' '
" I rat swirr srteiric co
4 I... ...-
ffi. PrV.jii)OPwiMlk
WK IhMinf 0Mi it-l'
V ATuirrvriHWi.
,'S &KKJf; s
: pursuing L
.i ii ii.i'ui-li auto will leave
i:.un Point nt y Al and 1 P. M.
ilailx. ivii't Mindax , leave .dedford
1 M and ". I' M W HI call for
imsMtiael- nl noiei III .xieiiioru anil
lintel- and iiii'-inii'H hutmev In Kugle
IMIONT :ua oil ;t..:t.
Medford House Movers
wi: MOYK
Phone 480-M
GI2 S. Newtown. 737 W. Mill St.
lini'urtnl I'm 'i .-'.iMiun OXXIf
oil '' ',lti-r Ixifo vmII ii'.il.p thn
ftaiitl .it I mi in. - i'.i rn slil.inl, .Moil
J.iv itinl Tueilm T.ileut eiltlfnilay
and ThurMluy . Vltuou Uarn Friday
ami S.itnrilav.
- ii.i. 'i vil '-v.
jTV - - v iWf ..-
JjAT r H X &
Til .v .
.h.r. of mn lanoraiory. uo not
r ""r!irfJ
""gr. jvstv
te f I TVA