r TOTO TOTTR ; WTODFOTin MOT! TTCmimE, ftrEDFOttD, OTJEHOy. WF.DNT.RDAY. "NFAY '17, lOlfi" - e orJ W 9 MEDFOKD MAIL T1UBUMJG vn iNiii:i'Ksri:NT nkwhi'AI'kh. ftUSHKIi KVKKY Al TIMtNOON KXCKIT Ht'NKAY I1Y THIS MKImltD I'ltlNTlNCJ CO. Office Mall Tribune Hulhllnif. 2u-27-29 Korth I'lr mrrl, t.-lrpliune It. The ix-rtiocmllp Tllno. the Medford Mall, The Medford Tilbune. The Mouth ten OrrRoiiian, Tho Anhlnnd Tribune. ui:onaR i-ctnam, Kiiitor. tsvottensmant haveou Ofin ycHr. by mall .. ......... .. ?5 00 C)n month, tiy inntl .. ... . .CO I'M" month, delivered by carrier In Metlfrml. I'hnenlx, JuckNonville nnd Centrnl 1'ottit . ... . Saturday only, by mall, per year . I 00 AYnkiy, pur year l.tO Official l'aper of the flty of Mr-dford i'i OfflfllAl nil t mod 'iiner of Jackson County. ns ncponil-aluaa twitter at Medford, Ori'Kon, under tho act of March J, lftlV. Hwom Circulation for 1915 tfSC. lull I'U'H.i iratcl.ts Win A'.wxlated Press ills- tf$H . OUR SINN FEINERS l inn. luivn fnir Sinn I'Vincrs. Ktnl) ill the back, and shoot in tin dark, and anything to win, is their! niMtto. Thev have not taken up arms, but arc wicldintji the tongues of slander and falsehood, fanning the embers of envv into the flame .of hate in their clandestine eain-i paign to l'sinirch the good names and. befoul the fair fame of the members of the county court by a causeless recall. This recall is the bastard child of vicious polities and selfish greed, conceived in iniquity and brought forth in J spite, the trim ol an unholy alliance between professional and pussy-foot, reactionaries and rapacious voracity. .No good purpose can be. served by the recall. Much harm can be done and the county materially injured. Discord, disseirion and disunion are its only fruits. Jt cannot succeed, for it is undone by its own dishonesty, andf the people oi .Jackson county are too honest to brand with the stigma of shame officials against whom no valid charge can be substantiated. Our Sinn Feiners have overreached themselves. The narrow horizon of their own limited vision is apparent to all. The people see in their saddistie enterprise only an appeal to prejudice, envy and malignity by disappointed and disgruntled greed only the frenzied fulminatioii of unfulfilled desire. STORY OF BUTTE OFFICIAL PROGRAM 'PENROSE WINS j IS ADOPTED FOR KEYSTONE G. 0. P. 10 BY PIONEER G. 0. P. CONVENTION FROM BRUMBAUGH LOCATION GROWTH In Years afio I wa deeplv inicrcal-d t Mlf.UiO. Mav 1 7. pct.nl- ,.f tho ! 1MI11. i)i;U'lll l.i 17 Hi tho development or a in III lri r.,,,l ,.i ..,.. ..,. ilm in.i tun i tomtit In llie fli.st nreildeiitial t.ref " in i -. -- ...- ...,-- - - ,- cbiiip." Ha Id Andrew Taikson tills ,nvs 1 tb- icpublicim natioiuil con mornlng. "Wo had round ore that wtition winch will open hero .Juno 7 assayed $200 in Kold to the ton. That, wem (ituiouuced today by ol'fieinls was a great temptation to tlio mln- nf tho l-pjiuljlinnn itntinjinl ponunittee EM -TEES Wiuit Tln- Mnfco ii Hungry Mini Think or. i'nnrlio VIJIii. rhllt con rarno. John I). Rockefeller, dry toitt. TheodotH Roosevelt, corn on tlio rb. ICny Iuioll, eg benedlolIiiH. nnhy Dtwlya. chicken h Ik kintc. Hilly SiiiiiIh)', mulllsjalawnoy twmp. Iftiiono V. Debs, a commiinliitlc butter (Hull In the center of IIih table. Henry I'ord, cracker ami cheese. William .1. Ilrynn, kartorfal- ktiuh. PH. County von llernalnrff, fried mush. Jon Cannon, rallcncd nyatnra. 1A larn nitiiilior or ollnr coihium- iiimi, ink ip, I.uon. ik liilnr, 'lltn letioroiia moon Iiiiiik iivnr tho (own; A man walkml prmikotlly llirouali an Arnntm mmnlwl It) lull owo truoa, Tholr allhoullmi aharn anil atralilit. l,lko aeldlHra: Tim iau tid lirorp the boltml door Of a whUfl pottaRw. Uh mpMl miftly on th mih1; tkpn wallod. Thrift kti ri)Httil thu klgnal; And lr oaint M ipsimih. Tfc maa tHruwl ami hurrlcU en: T)t black hh Kathorpil him Into tholr ahattuwa. Two gHllerltiR hlapk typ iwtri'l 'rhrHah thn while eutialna. Tkojr fullnvipd the man till tin v,a 1HHO. Ami that wai alt. ' lUlmar. Buy, llalmar. ttiat'a na Htrtt way in lavi! ua flat hm th lot and nut HaiwIiMT. IHd Ik Mr link forget kk hieh-k) or wkair i U WHrkwt Ih a hardware alore Nii IIK a wcok. k work I'd In a r loth lug fUr muI MtraHt l wpfk, Tty marilfd, and uh. naturally tkrw up hr Jh. (Ttt aliot f 1 IHk plot rltifn hy H. H'n Ipbvp It li'r. The fololwinK Iktm rarloiia tMillnga ar hy thiup t wWm ihvv aro credited lly SMUIUt t,M..r, Now ha gt ft' '0 a p-V. ohp Nta iHI hark to Ihr clothlliK ri lor fktui puJU Jo ii fin iwr uh forpwom in. wltll ltud)iird Itoxroi'. niul ", playa mo'iriifully with a hiimli or Hthr tMty ihlldrpn In a frco klndir UMlra maintained at lht s.ird atn-Pt kUUmnt h thtt onrr vit ih iloth Inc Urtory. It tit ihp live in a vlm U4 cottaae with thu haikurd (nil Hi rtH&. and xk Moon ox ihi hiup tIS from Ihfir point and riucilw hatarltiA tl')'r' uojiik to I'll) a inn niit otuwU. Ilj lh W'r ()iitMHnit'Ht. had no mm'li iiiih- on hU hiindh nail h (fit ko mil of iti iUiii ; ti')i-ani x-hiil! I our HuikitiK da that' lip joint ,1 th huImiuI Kiiurd Jrw that tiw on Iip nunt t-m Hiakt at the urmori. Hhiri hp .iin- Mt Imw to Utoni a atniral If lip kHPW the right iliiuun unl fit; Ured (Mtt OH iuaia U N.iihpoii wo a fitker. lie iwamo a long dm tug) huataud, and 1,1a u.te nexer Mw Mint oaeetit hen he manned i OH Mowoirlal Dg, and tUf n he bad to Jteon big ea to the front After a 'whlla he anawprt'd JtU count rv wit), M& one day In ramp lie forgoi hI- lajun. 'aa loadwl And lukcl Into the tyroinc oaJ ftC the wrong time XM eoveromcut ieuft her a pennon of Si.ttl o luonth, which, uildpti ta ike f7.Su ahe aa ali lo earn In (ho clothiM fgrtorx , i'aid.' ei djo rt aittOiped l0Ph ffp) 1H (KD r hw life. o ' ' o O Np Jdp O A SACRED COW OF POLITICS TIIK I'OltTLAXD.lOlTUXAIinrtks aiiPiit Hie ponding legislation concerning the railroad land grant, "Why does Congressman llawley run amuck Vliy does he disregard the letters, petitions, telegrams and appeals that have poured in from the people of Oregon?" There are several answers to this question. One is Joe Canon, probably. Tilde ,!oe is back in the house. He is Ilawlev's beau ideal of American statesmen, as he declared I II III i I 411 t in a lecture ne once delivered oeiore tne xsniand ingii school. When I'ncle Joe was speaker he had llawley desig nated to what he (llawley) deemed a position second only to the speakership, llawley called this position "assist ant whip" of the house. The importance can be best un derstood when we understand the duties oi such a post, which were lo wake up the sleeping and call in the absent nieiubei-s when needed at a roll call. Mr. llawley gloried in his job, and in one of his cam paigns urged it as a reason whv he should be returned to help the state. When the law known as the Wobb-Kenvon law was first before the house llawley opposed it, because, as he said, Mr. Cannon told him it was unconstitutional. Prob ably lTnele Joe has told him it was unconstitutional to take any laud away from the railroads. Mut again, llawley may be simply trying us on. lie has been against nearly everything the people of Oregon ever stood for, but nevertheless wins over all opposition in or out of his party every time, lie does nothing except to draw his salary and claim credit for all legislation enaeJed through the efforts of any other member of Oregon's con gressional delegation, and gets away with it, as far as the public is concerned. Mr. llawley is the sacred cow of Oregon politics. How ever absurd or ridiculous his acts and efforts, 110 one seems to have the nerve to try to show him up. He probably wins them over, Democrats and all, with free seeds or uublic documents. When Mr. llawley took Joe Cannon's advice and de cided for himself that a law prohibiting the shipment of liquors into dry territory was unconstitutional, many thought Ilawlev's political sun was t'i. Heing a Metho dist professor and a HceiiM-d minister of that church, which gave him the nomination the first time, and having been a prohibition worker and shaker, the Methodists and pro hibitionists, it was said, would resent this at the first ehanee. Did they? A reward of one thousand dollars a head would not produce ten Methodists or prohibitionists who voted against him on that account. On the contrary, they probably rejoiced in the discovery that he had the nerve to disdain them, and had learned to smoke "two bit seegars." When the parcels lMist and direct election of Cnited States senators ami tne assembly question were upper most in the public mind the state granges tried to smoke him. Did they succeed? Not in airy sense, lie virtually told them, after the Joe Cannon style, to mind their affairs and go to. And then the grangers rose up in their wrath and rebuked his insolence by inviting him to kick litem again in the same place. At the next election lhe fell over themselves at the polling places along the Yamhill and Molalla to show their fealty ami loyalty to Willis. Like the Cornishnmn's wife, they love him because he beats them up mi regularly. When Mr. llawley first ran for congress the men who furnished him the funds for his campaign were lumber men, and the were his loyal supporters. A few years ago the scut a delegation back to Washington to urtje some legislation concerning freights on lumber. Mindful of the jiast and feeling that in any e cut the could count on their congressman to help alona a tireat Oregon industry, they called on llawley and asked his aid. They met uith an icy reception, and the question, "What did the lumbermen do for nu f" MM. II....!.. 1 ! 1 . .... i ne ui legation adjourned in eiihs and laid plans tohm.i nt im the ninwHn ' lit lie him. One ol the tlelcuatcK iictl he uonl.l i mi' ciiniii needed railroad for dli airaiust him liet time. Next Hum i-.mii. .in,! tin. Iimilu.v imnt Tne Uttr will not .oiup with pra to Ket " lint thp location of the tlUeovory wan hint 100 inllon from nowhere. Wo had no moan of treating thu oio nt the eamp. We wero antlnfled that great fortune lay about tho lit 1 In In that vicinity. Mow lo develop them profitably wan the problom. We bpnan to haul the ore 100 tnllen to a xtamp mill. That prlinltlve method wan expeiiNlve and alow. We had to Impiove It, Home way. The Northern 1'aclflc line, tlirPHdltiK Its traiiHrontlnontiil way, rami) nlotix- That wan a tremendous help, lint It wag not mifflcicnt. i:cllement Out IMsemery. "Finally, the exeltemont ovpr the dlarovery and the pxtent of the rlrli ore nttnicted the oiiImIiIo world from another direction. The I'tnh Norlh ern wan built. Then our develop ment begun In real partieat. "We gnvo a company 300 tonn of $'.'00 ore to build a Hlmnp mill at the camp. That wim before the ralliond came, llul after the rallroada were built our Mttimp mill facllltlea begun to Inri'cttHP. The outside world had mlllloiiM of money to luvetit In u good thing. Jiint :ih It 1ms today. The ex citement inrroaaed. More money panif In und aomo hundreds of thoimnmlH wpio taken out. Minora flocked to the acene of activity Some came 'broke,' aa mlnera Imve n habit of dolriK. rffimetlmeH. Wn be gan lo chop wood lo exchange for our provlalonn. The groipry alorea wimp Induced to accept it for meichuudlKP Telia of thoUMiiiidK of cor (Ik were thus mailo a medium of exchange between the miner and the merchant. Hint an ( -iiHMtliui. "Till jirovod to be helpful coop eialiou. It aave the pronpoctorii and ( mlnera a atart. It lo aave (he mer- j chant a better atart, for tho thou- rhiiiJm of cord of wood they had 'hanked' were ijulekly told at more thnu par. Then tho O. II. & N. Ilpe came. ThlnK heRau to boom. Our eump a a hummer. ThouanndM of eaaer men were dinning ""'I tumielliiK, eroaa-cuttitiK and drifting. Fortune were bplna made on every hnnd. The panip, on an uninviting hllhdde. a beehive of !ndtiatr- It required hundred of thoiixuud of dollar' worth of provlMlon and Implement. Kvery acre of land that would pro duce a iKitato wa cultivated --iiiilea It was on a lodge or vein. Stockmen found It Ininieimely prolltahle to uti lize the Nuriflundlng range la raUe meat for u. 'the Viillev Was l'eplil, "We were eighteen mile from a valley of cultivable land. Farmer, rtcoxnUing (he opportunity to make money by feeding the miner, came In ppople and rultlvate the vu)le. Soon It wa a producllve region of extraordinary uctlvttle. Thoe who pieferred to till the aoll, knowing nothing uf mliilii, gel rich. I'roa pprlty w all about ua. Kver.vbod.v wan making money. The area of mine in operation Inoreaied with great rapidity. Tho eamn became a town; the town quickly grew to the proiwrllon of a. city; the city In creased ta the commercial le of a niPtropell. II I a metroiwlla today, known all over (he world. It ha half a hundred tamp mill. Faur 'Ik rompanlea thai Aperated there rep- n Honied a capital of nearly one hun dred million dollar. It yet and will alwa.v t a niPtropoliii. The mine tire all .ttoiit It and under II The urfae oi the earth had to be braced up with ImmPUae tiiuber to hold (he weight of (he city. It l Unite, .Montana, That i the way Hutje. Montana. Mailed. Thut ! the wa it became a clt. And it roar and rumble n a metropolis toda.v made by (he de velopment of the mine with rall io.d. ' Medford'" mineral and timber re mnirce exceed thoP of lllitte, lent . In Hs tMlniie.it dav. The cover a' lareei tirriloM within a amaller aiea Hi. in thuse et liiute ever did n.H i oiiow t We(liipilny, June 7, itiPPtinjr fitll pil to oriler 11 n. in., liy Clininnitn Chni'lp 11. Itillcs of tlio rpiiiblicnn nntiniinl uommittep. Itpmliuy of llie offieinl poll for tlie ponvpiitioti by .SppiPlnry Jnmes II. Kp.viioIiI. ('Iniinnnii Hillea )iPenls n Icin pantry eliHinnitii Senntnr Wnrren fl. llnnliiift of Ohio, who will deliver his keynote nililress. Splpption of tlip oilier tempornrv affieer of the ponveution. Xiunin;; of committee on predentin!, resolu linns, iieimnnent nrjrnniwitioii nml rules anil order of liiiities. Tlmrsilny dune H, 11 n. in., icpnrl hi einuiiiiiiee an erciieilllllls. Ailopiian of the pennniicnl roll of the ponveution. Report of (lie eominitlcp on pernm npiit oigiiiiizdlioii. Ifppoi't of llie ponimitlco on mips mill outer of business. After the preliminnrip of nrgnni gntion Imve horn ilipot,eil of, wliieli work tiNimlly oeetipip the first two sessions, llie ennventioii will uouiiiintp k Piimliilnlp for pipsiilent ntiil vice presiilpiit nml tulopl Hie p(uv plnt- lrm and iidjnuiii. ArninKPincnls will tie innde lo Iiolcl niglit sessions if neeesstiry. Cliipf of I'nliep Ifealev luis decided to stop t raffie nu llie sheets ur riuindiiiir the Culisrum while llie e.ui vpiiIiiiii i in msmhii. All the tieels will be tu-uU paved vvilh tiui-eless unit) ii. il liir tin. i.ii-a-i..i). IMPORTATION OF DYESTUFFS OPPOSED erence primary eleotlon In Peniixvi vanln yeaterdny wa overhadowed by the conlot for the leadership of the republlrnit party In the state In which United State Sonntor Holes 1'enrone waa vlctoriona over Oovemor Ilrumhaligh aftor one of the bltter eat fights In tho hlatory of the or ganization. The fight centered on the office of auditor genpral and the returns early today Indicated the nomination of State Senator Thomas A. Snyder, representative of the 1'enroso element, over Charles A. Ambler, ulnmlnrd bearer of the Uruin baugh forces, by a comfortable ma jority. In the fight for the election of 12 delegate at large to the national convention tho Penrose faptlon ap parently elected the majority of Its candidate. The Ilrumbaugh ele ment, however, claimed the election of the governor and .Mayor Smith oi Philadelphia. The Ilrumbaugh can didate are pledged to support the popular choice of the party In the state, while the Peuroao delegate an- unlii(rurteil. There were only two candidates on the pi esldentlal preference ballot. President Wilson on the democrat l and Oovemor Ilrumbaugh on the re publican, but Henry Ford received a large number of votp by use of atlekera, a million nf which had been distributed by hi hiisluc agent. Former President Roosevelt. Full ed State Supreme Justice Hughe and other received a acnttered vole. Philander ('. Kuo wa unopposed for the repulilicnu nomination for Fnlted Stater, senator. In Philadelphia the 1 1 1. 100 Olio loan IiIIIh for rapid tramdt and other miiiiii ipai proved b , i,l v ( !&- - '- r wn .- - -r.-j f -' & The Great American Smoke Fall in line with the red blooded smokers of the good old U. S. A. Smoke the ciga rette tobacco that's been an American institution for three generations "Bull" Durham. The snappy, rcltshy, stur epanglcd taste of "Bull" Dur ham puts the national spirit of get-up-antl-hustle into your hand-rolled cigarette. GENUINE "B U L Durham SMOKING TOBACCO the choicest, crown, "Bull" Made of mildest leaf Durham has a delightful mellow-sweet flavor found in no other tobacco. And its aromatic fragrance is supreme ly unique. .. t "Bull" Durham is the fresh est, liveliest of srnckes. improvement were a larce majorltv ap YSIIIiiTO. M., 17 Count Von llcriiHiorif the Ormnn auiba sudor, conferred todn with Couii apllor Polk at (he (ato ilepaKment for the purpose, it was said, of dl pualng certain phasea of the dp. stuff exportation which (ierinuny has agreed to peunlt. and otlur com mercial queatton of a routine na ture. Although the Herman govern ment ha agreed to permit the ex portation or the d.vestnff, in ie aponse In representation mude i the iate department, officials toda.v saw little hope uf the mmmodity reaching the Fnlted State within the nmr future, although the.v believed the shipment would- flnully arrive Several obstacle have arlaen. Oreat Urllaln has agreed to permit a small iiHtll of the dye to pah through Ilrltth line, but ao far ha not sig nified willlngne to pas hiiv mh quanllly ux ir. 000 ton. I'uiiher-1 more, officials here have iieen in formed that opposition to the im portatlon of the yeliiff ha arl-n In thi i'Biintr. some liner teuilnj; the will not receive a share l.e.aiue the aie not concerned in a ndi rate foimed to I'liug lliein over Atk for FREE pachagt ofapaprt" Doughnuts That will remain moist. i Every houcvvlfe who hakes her own I bread knows thai if a little potato It added I lo lhe tponnc, the bread will not dry out i K i quickly. In (bit recipe potato it utiliied I to make doutfhnutt that will remain iioit i and Ireth for tvveral dayt. K C will lie found to have dltllnct J. vanlanct over any other llaklng' Powder for dounhuutt. K C It a double .l.l.ml lvakin(Hvvder with vvlikh a la rue ImKIi o( I doughnut may be mixed and fried a few at ; a lime. The hut will be at light and nice at i nc urn. with tach 5c ack.3f Tr AMERICAS TOTACCO COMrANr. K C Potato Doughnuts lly Mr. Nerada Hricus, of Halms; School fame. Sieuptjlour; i!iyg$; 1 cup sugar; 4 In, I Uupoj'nig hVllakiny 1'omlir; i fui tpotmf'ht mil; i It'itiHMwtal ; I cki cold ia ik fMitatit; I run Vulk, or it vrc tj HllUltl. 0 B,v LTivn m COALITION GOVERNMENT WINS SWEEPING VICTORY I.ONlH M.iv 17. The eoalilum U'.veniineut w.mi ii Nweeiiny iel,. in a lne-eleetn.n lodav. W. V. Iliek- lllllV, II lllilnlilot, who Wllo ....te.l h the lilieiiiN, wa ele.lc.l irm Tew ke-.liiu li n inn ju it v t .'!) over Willmm H.mic,, indevndent. nun lhy,l up u.l. tin. piva.lu,,, Mfthottists, piohthtHou t; "' Kr.HIKl'l III nni 111 lllil lliril. . .,-. ..!-.... .,1 l.r.n urn iHfii1 tn nit t. Tlu il it I'.-tsilv fiv what H itt tuocratii jiainvs o'miihi. timpra never dreamed of. Ouiside moiie) by the hundreds ot thousand of dollar u come in just as it did in liutie. The Medford ou have toda.v will he a mere vest pocket af fair compared vUlh what it will l.e when our immense area of mlne.i i ml timber are supplied a mean of developent. Northrrn Caliiorula peo ple will not permit the railroad to stop at the IUup I.edae dUtrUt The will take it to the ocean at Kmeka Tl. ,Tluit will j:iv von another outlet to I the -e,i That t& what von must ul I tnuateh have Your future procrea ideuiaiuU it This da U ''iK with Hail 'i'M-si'dlitie for Medford and the and Tlog ip river all ' Me.liorJ ndriw .iucK-on has lived in Med nukeiiiMihi'tMi lor" '"r,,- x'ars ' "''me on Sift thrrr ti.nc, the ri.nir, h'i, si rr a I lukiiig 1'imdcr. Jtat ;,;. Willi r'J y bcalrr, thru .till luing rourv Iwitrr, ml uall add "Tar, thru ork m the intiked kUIo with mm.ii and alurnattly add milk and liour mUturr. Make a xt(t duiiith, roll into a thf ft, rut into found-, (.inch a hole in th center with thr ringrr and frt in Jcrpfat. Pat fur fr inj; should not U hot rnough to hruwn tlve douplmut until it hn men. W'hrn the lUiughnui i dropid into the fit it tinkt to the bottntn. At tiKin a it tomti ui it ihoiiM Ik turned and turned a minilxr (litiineii while cooUnt:. 'I'hii recij i. e. crllent a the y do not take the fat m friti juid wilt .t.n nu. Li fur .U). i I 1 DR. J. W. MORROW .11 li 1 f. f t i DELEGATE ATLARGE ' To tin Nation lieinoiratic Convention VOTE FOR HIM I I' ud Adv ) . U !! . I J IMI. I.il, ali,l IIa ..... !.,.. naM' 1U nit' siui' ait ;il (iittum ttllU' lllHtl tin to iHrt ten time or tt.aw this iuv tver ................ ... .. , v lia ,t..tlnr aih.int.iLM. tm ilistit. 1 111..I11.!. s tin. WM- 51!! " . .. m -, buaih "iiilr.i .liUliKi'i IJuyiMUUotlUMluiilU'SltiilJuiUlX. tihcrw-WmlsSUMMY E3&BBB,- a. 4 lit J , lUUlllO DVUlOli C5 o o 000o I v' '' '" i'1"' fv , nFSi L1" ilfiav Lv !& " .-'-, . o o o Co tii-tiiiou) 'rm aii -! f fe' B-B " G. M. ROBERTS Ballot Number 54 The Progressive Young Man with the Experience TO THE VOTERS 'Would ou enjov in tnipcrt..nt iitij. torntj wlii) bad er i end a.ted a jn tion hi' iii.il ' ur oft a an at- l)o -von think thai a service of vm Mm fn iiie nale livMattire er mfvitveraiap lit Bumcr.ua t-U rnal oisanialioii will q-jollfy a man for tne jotUton nt isouui.v atvcnuo . Shoalil fhrrr hf anj) less qulafiatioiDfjr th si Hob f county fttornoi tlvatt yeu: V(uil4 djjmand for oS owu lyt uii? i' lytl 4m 0niiencp. qualification, mdnstr.v and sobrletv in the m'(U0 oi iifliiut) tHoriifj, votetfer c, Roberta, whose number oil the 'HU,I.Qr Kg) ;.. voung. energetic. irulorhy man, i0 it,. uedi ouuht (Jor laid political offi- but lias devoted hi i . t'i'ix.lttiveiftiof law, ha. sucieasfully lf t(l in H..nt jVia! litigation in ii. -on lov?;,, aIltl lloug 'A 4 tS- .. H , 1 W. .!. lit j!JKyn..4, 0.i4itic t ik ait lnsitfiuui, Ik t.i vih ip kie o.e it ia i.e n i AOMOlutclV Rrmovos .. tu. 9 e'W"J i A ' 1 in' d Ml lit - Tt.i h i ... .- i im i : to ii S .fi I I .i ' I ro v j lti c at m1 dr j.ts. )