PAUE TWO MEPFOUI) AlAHi TRITUM, AHJ)FORD, OR) dOV Wl nVKslUY, M Y 17, 1fMi, i J IOCAL AND j personal; Thf W (i'hIiiii 1 ' llii' World ;ir holding l!i' -outln-in On troii lllrirt convention ;' Grant" i'.is toflat with rfplceniPH ir"-nt from all ihf I (Ml Ren from Kiitn" to Klamath rail? 3 11 MaUchsy, assistant kwtI frrlKht aitMit of th Southern Rnrlflr at Portlan'l, and well known In MM fonl, han been promoted to an nl-tant Bnral frHaht aitcnt in rharst" of lnt-rtat cotiimPNP inaf ttr tilth fcaatlquarters at San Fran fltio ll will lie aurrwdud l W. V Mftltr. rin iiirlnfm!-nt of th4 Coon Hay, Kimra & Kasltrn nt M it mh field In Voe xirea trading stamps with crv thing pxeept grurrl. K M. Mandevlllc, aicotnpamcd i Mh futility, arrived In Medford thl moi ninit to look over lh valley .in hilly and, If plMMwd, locate here Mr tfandevllle, who la a lice man, fume from Dexter, N. X. ct your mllK, rream, niittfir, 8RKs mid buttermilk at D Voe'a. l.'iula Davlaa mi creed ed in goltlnit tin ford nutomnblt of John OroflM Im'R onto tho (trade of the road to Ma Bine Idite and brlnalnn It to the 'tty with IW own power. That la the Mkt thai backed off of the road to the Bftte tad: mine on Runday and was aarsd from a plunge of rtno feet Into tit Apploitaf river only by landing agalnsl a anag at th apiier edge of lh precipitin. No one waa hurt. Typewriter paier of alt kind at X ad ford Printing Co. fTfca Itoyal Neighbor will postpone Ihalr aoclal until next month, on ur Cflniil of the commencement exer otoaa. The world's graataat companies ITolHiM. The Insurance Man. " Attorney William P. Herrln, chief cahhmI for the 8onlbrn I'arlfU' otMnpaay, passed Ihrongh Medford yatrUy afternoon, en route to Portland. Mr. Herrln la a Jaokaon otHtnir buy. Again 1 aay. If I had It dull aafa tf rater blade I would take them to llMlh'a Drug Store, apposite Naah HAtal and have them raharpnad. in Mr. F. I'onnlnglon yf Rtlllwater, Ming., accompanied by the Mlaaea Idna and J. A. Mnlvay of the same elijp, arrived In Medford thla morn ) for a brlaf vlalt in the valley, with hMdqnartera at the Holland. They motored from California, to wa!h stale they had ahlpped their Sltt off on Xodaka at Weston's Camera Shop. Thomaa W Brook a, secretary of Ik California Insurance company, ar rived la Medford thla morning from 8aH Francisco. He la the a neat of John A Wemerlund at the Holland. J. N. Kleff, it business man of w York City. Is enjoying u lrlf vlalt in Medford thin wtek J; U. Clerking, tue beat Mil rend NHtograpbar hi aonthara Oregon. Alwsys reliable. Negative mad any , tlm or place. Stud to tS MmHi it. Phone IIO-.T. A ton of 'Very ultractlve eapimr arrived thla morning from the t.n at Kaatern mine, in the tiquaw iik-Iv iliBiriit, having Ikhmi hauled Iiihii In tuam. TIiIk iiiIihi, h ret-tnt llMovirx, la lorHtetl tin I In- iri'Kon nil III I lit' Hlllf l.l'llt!" lllslliil, till. I i uvtiiid lu'l'.ittii lliu I. mill iMHiii i J .Urn tan Of Htt' up' li l'llitf ' Ml I" l lit tl" I' K MIX lli'l il hi n in ii r il ti. . teKtoil it- i.i x.ilii' Iim.iI miner imnoiinif tl ih!i ni' i hi on C i .i 1 1 8Im fii Hi -i liixi i ml ik flnlaliH. nd koiluk nnilli W i Ilium Von der Helkn of Welkn, ienf Wednesday In Medford atund. Ing to btiRlnena mattprii Batba 25c. Hotel Holland. .Indite William V Crowell will kave in the morning for Butte Fade for Hn auto outing Dft Voe buys boor bottle. Mr. and Mr Goofge Manfi'-'d of I'roFiiPCt, Hre Hppndlng fpv dii- in I the cltv vlltltu frienda and nttnd- tng to liiiflneixi matteri Smoke a King ftpftt cigar. Re. They are homo-mad. tf Morrl Snipe) Leonard wan op erated on nt the Kai red Heurt lion (lr W Clancy If 1 nnted to aave 70c I would take mv 12 dull aafpt raaor hlnde to lleuth'a Urug Store, opponitn Naah llot'-l and havp them reharpened Mr WJi k Kox wa operated on at tin- Hucrcd Heart hodtal Tin kiIii Hr londltlon la reported ex-lent Dr. Klrchgeaaner will b at IfeUI Haah vry Wednenday. Hoar for conatilUtlon 10 to 3. Walter r. t.amed hnH returned from a abort bnalnn trio to YiVka t'al., and other northern California point Bee Dave Wood about that fire in aurance policy. Offlc Mall Tritium Bldg. fr. K. H. Heely rttitrned Wedne day morning from Alban, where he attended the ntate nhoot. Your lawn mowoi- maeuln aharp anod at MUchalla. Phon 2o-J. W W. I'aaher of Aalilnnd, trans acted hualnea matter In thla city Wednesday. The alfalfa fectlllaer eyperlments leng conducted by the 8outhern Ore gon experiment Mitt Ion are Interest Ing and Important. K very on o Inter ested la Invited to accompany the automobile excursion Friday after noon at 2 o'clock, May 19, to the al falfa field In the vicinity of Med ford and ascertain results of the method and the fertllrxera naed. The preliminary hearing of A. P. Barney, charged with Mealing gold from a placer claim In .Joaeplilne county owned tiy Mr. Witt, la be ing heard In Justice Taylor's court thla afternoon. There are twenty witnesses to he heard. lMg Se mllkghakiM at Ite VV. Jamea Whlttaker of Olendale, Or., I attending a few day In the city on hualneaa. He sure to go with the automobile excursion next Friday, May 19, at 2 p in., to vlalt the alfalfa fertiliser experiment in alfalfu fields near Medford. The experiment are lm portant to every farmer In I he val lien C Sheldon attended to hual neaa matters and fixed political fences In the Central Point dIMrl.t Wednertda) The regular weekly drill of Seven th eompanv will be held .at the arm ory thl evening. Whipping rream at ReVoe'a. H J. (Irani of Uunsmuir, Cal , It spending the week in Medford at tending to business matter William Kahler of Klnmntli Fall, hit returned to hi home after it week innt In thl rli If Mm m ml eiittim In tavHlion vote 7o I C lleriinc lumber. Central I'ulnt t AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN IS WON BY MOVIEpMAN! j The Rht between the ' regular ' and Insurgent" wings of thu repub lican part) for committeeman is be ing waged with lgor, caiididate on both sides soliciting for votes There Is more Interested manifested In the 1 result than in any committeeman vote for yjurs. .1. C. Herring, a rancher near On tral Point, who Is a candidate for county gaaeesor, la known throiiKli- i out the valley as a progressive ran h- er capable, public spirited and In every way qualified to fill the ef- fice. 49 Vinton Beall of the Central Point 'district, wa a businrsn lsitor In the clt Wednesday I I'runk Hliet-of .laiknonvllle spent W'ednestlux In this citx HttendlllK to iniln''S matter" oid r Mi- liy ii aid to I e Hi ' it ' i i&- '" " '"' " ' , , ,,M- i. IMili'l frlllllllnP o t !' ' ilte" 'inlldeis Well, we ve got to giv up hop about Ka Laurel, Ijojh. Hhe'a married. Kay Laurel, if you don't happen to know It, la called the moat beau tiful American girl. When ahe waa a telephone operator In ICrte, Pa., her dulcet voice I suld to have per suaded many a folk to have a tele phone In their home. Then Kuy worked for i while la a doctor's office In Cleveland. Then Kay wa engaged by Florena riegfeld, Jr., for M lolli-s show, and everbod in little old New York began talking about the sloe-eyed beauty from Cleveland. Now come ono Wlnfleld It. 8hee han, and weds the handsome Ku Shechan waa a police reporter on a New York paper. He became ecr tary to Police Commissioner Waldo and was prominent during the !nn tlgatlon of the Jtoaenthal murder, lie I an official In a moing pit tun company now. " a.'- -rsr" Attorney O. M Itoberta attended B. K. Johns of Koaeburg, attend to legal business In the county seat led to business matter In this it for u few hours Wednesday. j Tuesday, leaving Tor Ban Francisco. A. I.. Beebe of Hilt, is ammding Wednesday mnmiH. QCRT.1UDE H0BIN8UN AT STAB -" the week In Medford attending to business matters. It. I.. Powell or Grants Pass, Is tendlng the week In Medford visit ing friends and relative. F. U. Harrison of Ashland, trans acted business In this city for few hours Wednesday. Thomaa Wane of Alameda. Cal., Is among the out-of-town vhltorn in the city. I). U. Potter of Yreku. Is iiinunt! the out-of-town visitors lu the tt thla week. The annual picnic of the illey Pride creamery on the Appli Kaie will be held tomorrow A number of peo ple will attend from Hits city. It Is the pintle t-vent of the war In southern Oregon The CoirKti Women's club of this city, will hold a picnic at l.lthla park In Ashland early In June. J. It Coleman of Talent, int Wednesday In thl it attending to business mutter. Since the rooster imitation lias ,irlni'ii Kuchtu at the Holland hotel have in run to protint against a cou ple of braliiK mule and a irowliiK M.tnluiii iteloiiKlng to Dr llelins, who xer Ise their wnal ciiidh at nlRht Kiaiik WilllttitiK of tlrants ',i, hi. lentil d to liiMlness tiutlttrtt in this in V i iIiumIih Mrs. Bert K. Qreer and dniinbter of Ashland are rlltlng friends In thl city this week. Andrew Jeldnes of the Mine Ledge district, is spending a few dn in the cltv on business. RVs S3rA"lai.'' wruiwJrt u r. rw3 2 ise -srsrr u 'IJiL.'.'". A cleer comedienne In a riot of laughter, supported l a capable com. pany in a clever pla Ma Itobson In "The Making Over of Mrs. Matt ' Is the attraction promised for Thurs day night at the Page theater Th piece Is full of scenes of live, icrlp plnK emotion, true comed, us w 11 as keen thrusts at the foibles of to day, and Is said to contain more laughs to the minute than an other stage presentation, and Miss Robhon. who never disappoints an ninii u , is naid to be inimitable In the stellar role The production carrld bv th itar will tie found thorough adi iiialf, and 1 1 f iivlroiimf ni it)' ui nmrdlni;. ir ilil to Mi of .t bh Ii ASK FOR and GET ILBn.E!l tfE'5i m n iii HOfC M I S B rw THE ORIGINAL Cheap nubtUtutss cott YOU sam price. TODAY As a Woman Sows i n i: is l'i iilllHltit the si mi- I'l.itii (.lit. Tilt HI. HOIHNstiN timl l l . iii it ani 1 I it.t I Mittelpliilltv lie I ll Theodore's TerribleThirst; A t oiifcilj In a ( IttM, l) ItM-ir. lil sIioh if th- I ital lttv.1 Hi l HICK. .V SI) lite. ('oininu 'I'liiiiomiH, tlio CiiiimmUhm nirr.ient n roit MiMiiti:, in ' liltttttii.- I'tMldett l)Ht WtH.t." Ifj. a I 'it lit lie ti ii l, hicli .Xeaito h IjiiikIi I I'm StMrt tu I'lilMi. A SMALL PROFIT ONLY on DIAMONDS Thin n rd thi m ei liomilh fine (ual i t sold bv u out absolutel) lorreit st.iti'meutit .is tu weight ami perfec tion, have won us the reputation us being the most logical store to purchase diu niond from all, Investigate, convince up sute noii monct . -X vK Kl-ll vour- Seamlofts Woddiug Kings I l-U ltT, IN-K i:.t $3.00 AND UP See the ih-vv rliu mounting In platinum and mi'i'ii and while uold TlleM Hi' Hulk of .III Martin J. Reddy tiik .ii:wi:m:ii HOl'SK OK (H'VLITY" IkUort Mhhj'. WolciHiie. 2.V1 i:. MAIN STHKHT. I.iii.i rt 111. hi to the l i Intent VI v i t-imd . 1 . 1 1 1 til Cl i' . i .ii liei' ii in 1 1 .ni. . i r.ii', , iiillite Hi I- ill .IK liei poarliiiir mh i otiiliCon II the river it llliposolbl Jtleilili il irn, i hi- r..i.. muiii i IlldUnll I il " bi'Ol lm I 'tiiill of tin li i I i"- i i ii ut at iii 'In' i I fit ,1 I' It ll tllll ll passt d lulu no 1 mouth uiiii lull i ii irullbl, a- l i '! owevei , Lei iin' ' 'ineitlle our' 'm ' ii t n tmrolt-'il no ' , slut wa fi mi :i iiltllon lie fouiiil to Ihe iii to HI liiotb' i tin lnMruiL .titil it i- fiiif,3nir t lio .i. n lihltt or JiO'l llli're Ib.i i )(... tl liei ii the i itv to)A I deeilod !''l for nil i mi. ertli ii lliu ltfll 1m Ho jsHen the mluMit I t(ula'n Hilt he will reelvt at lb. Mllfxil Instead ot Wllliin awa ilie vt r- HUi Kluiru i in: v oi i.i ii an. I lini- n i -t.i '. n tr ii'ili ii t l.ul.l III I is in Hi ti .n .' to i il Hit - niit(-fs aad i m i i .1 ' notes neua run tar in (lowp i ., , r! J':'- ii monlh. At'.iiUfV II K ltt.iitt i'CPt vVedDesdat crriiK Titnv U0 attending to I3l nm'e- Try WIPg ei.lit !? i.i in oourage home luduitrv (f? Krleud of M' I. i.u.. kbju iiry of the Klks' loi aie .ii(ii(Uu m wriloiiu hlx HUlliu (B Jl0.t( no eratic tleKet at the pitman for county Tlerk . tmi, tr ItUO foi lOiHlif. I rordertnd ikjfeutii BaHnlrT' iV'VBBBnBBBc' SV l.BBBBBBBBl - 'RgBBBBBBBW 1 t.i Ci Ii iil Rollins ii St i In i i , l in. it M . i i' l v t i 1 1 p. ' - Hopes Women Will Adopt Jhis Habit As Well As Men Cat Ing ef het twatcr eich mem helps ut leek and fcl cln, iwrrt, frh, Singler Advocates Wilson St il, ma-ill nt II SIllKler, ill le 'ted to nillililit a I i III I'llforti'lllent ol , to i .tiiilul.tei of K Y. Wilson, i our m w pruiijlililon statute tint is M-iulnn tin republican uoiiii-1 An official audit of all tountv tuition foi lieri'! office recent I v fin I lied ami up! I hate been requested hy friends of 'proved b the county court on Man It j . i H ' , 'Hi Ii. I t U III. .11 M u t t l 4 t i 'v I i i.l.i Jul III (Bl.lil" III T M. r-- -n j a. .. LJ I'm r j qii ,i-1, ip.iillie(J) I i', 'i'-' t.rlght, alert lgoroii rvnd - Kuiul rlewr skin .t ii tt rmnpl. (ton and froetloiu i i.i-. artt assurvtl onl) by ' iibt Idood. If nl etery ml ukcmtitti every niuii could ' id.' wiiudtr-i of tli morning ' iiuii what a Kratlf)lug cltango 1 ' u.ii place l . i i of the tboiisttinla tif alcklf, i .. ' i i h)Inik ii it. women ami . h pasty ir itiiiiidv nunpleo u i -. iiis'enii tif the ii.ultllude. of 'in ne nricku, Mill. low n.i," "brttlll to. ' ! ' , .nlitlUls We Mhotllil See ' iiiub-llo llirunt; of IMSy- .i ' 'I'lo ei i whero. n i .. Pitt It 1 had by drlnkinit, tuli nuiniliiK before breakfast. .J i:lu of renl hot water with it tea iiK.tiful of itmenimio phosphate In It to irth from the stomath. Hut, MiJ. Ut mi 1 It u tulH of lumlt the i r.v tllH.-. ll IV !. llldlt-'l Ull'l' lclst, Ml ir JlHTIlK ll'llttnti till (Mi I..M.S. lliu fli.tii-.lui." Htt, fit iiin. an t fr-ht n'lti; till Itltro Ulllut-llt IIV i.u4l tetotv jsuuii t? Hurt fnt'il info tli "ii h lliHti t-i.t ti t to . i k h.i!ai ' e bit !iiittiiH ptt PreittH r eumjitikin dtltlf arid lMrt.i'tilr ttiW whilltU i.,.r'"4. iiiao iv o i A giiil ta1'!) wttni'l. vam .u.4 m tf iu!Miit i tm t"irn, rt tu Ltd to t nil A t i vttr '.til Ol Itinfwt., r1-,. t ha t the !rmr j (vihuk iil ti.ft lut m V t it miWi t. M pi iisiii lie tviii'. Jii.t I. (i ii le i Imiui in h tfl b i a Hil1 ui.pi a .itne 'it a I. hi. I'M-e C1' "' '""l praitlie interiul mii.U a ion Va taoid IS -ai i i,T n irn tiiber yit lutl l (BUstitlliia It luw t-nfoneiitent and dean Kllilc to submit a "tateiiK m a to the work of Mr Wilson in the sheriff's office ilur iiiK tin Incitii 1 1 in s of in!elf a hae the I t. in Iii. contalna the following in regard to the sheriff's office. Total collections aud fee. J.1''., "t 1. All these tax collection have bom i Nt h t U i i I I 1 I I I I III lew M .11 I. I'l l I Midi lUjiul, 14 11 it t ' i$i ui it I - In V l. II t '" en, Dt ti hi ta' m luritf. and In m idlng follow In to ut f t promptly deposited In the treasun K W WilKon has for the past three The sheriff la observing the law re- and one hall Near been thief deput, 1 quiring all delinquent to be brought directly in charge of the service and j forward on the current rolls, and m- criminal department of the office, heitured. upon the tag receipts. Thi is da aUo remitted taluable service to a huge tak, and they are doing the the tax depart mi nt. and during hi -work as diligently as possible dur- 1 inline hs depiin it complete reor-'iag the stress of a heavy tax rollec- .uuatloii of ia lollectloB ha lieou tlon. It ts praleworth In the sher- lita ti unrated, the 1 pcnae of collection Iff to find his office admiiiistereil t. rea rtitiiml I'i'Uer inrtiie ren-! with no bustle or confusion. Onlt 'tiered and a i-ioat utnouju ot tiork 'expert men are emploed in the of- iloiie in (tu -elfort to iollet deltn- fice. In the tax collet tlon and other iiiint taxes department of the office And It is Three fori iloeure suit ardriv.itinK .1 Kteat pltaurc to find Jackson $.' ! nun in In h ill ot the cumin Into count lomini; forward .is one of the ' in in-muted .t'td deltniii'lit t.tie tn M off let red and eitilpped lOtinlies t 1 ttur.ihiii- uk tarrit t for w Aid 111 the t.ite rndoubtedl.i it I n nil "utri! mi ititrtnt trt roll t outt to tmplov otili efficli nt men tn Titr 4t t erintie gained i Mr tin ofilte ot tax inlltnor I bate ''sen it4 f tit I Mm to render ven stauied ettri tax mile-Hon and W. il III - If ,11 -I 'Oil Ill 1 - .I'.te" in 1 u-ii mo teiiiu- iu. o -a 1 ml 4U$ iior 4iifiHtriut thjjjj $ iVflde. lo , I (Bittke ll e flilii l it - not 'tbM9' ImtnJ? - "-" "" T" -'iii . ... c T. ' . '. iiliuioe stniiH to the tttt paer a4 t do not e'ttie It aditsa'le that t 'tml th4ne tie made In this lm irtAnt o'Hte At tola time I V4U ad?, i t'out nurcaaful con m Ii tis, tHt '. ahtnff'a off tie ! i .ti n,e ii- tt-aiitiou 1 a the 1 r ' 4t litkiigi enftitti Tkn It uchi'H (i ,1 fu-.ii M. 1 u-. due Li the urtiir I IK"i"'i,Ulv itiibmittod n - rrou d? Ue Wftlaift, ad I i "cj, i.$tti-mt hym t fh ieirl f, r ,v j nn ti t in -Kir txert lee nuning Into the ofiiie unit I t Bd nothiag nut of place or en tend wmngH Thu ts au uuusuall good ret'ord i :tltic Mr Wilson work merit lOtr fm 1 !u r In Riving him 4ur gipi'rti'i in the rou.iiiR prliQttr Y$ t T 00 sin .ti)' o yB - - "' &?',' &i$S5P j HOMEfSET Oenuine'Bristle'Daubc Big Lamb's Wool Polisher Easily worth 50c. Sold A a h I a 4-tk t no x Ciiivii. 4 r d Peasant it 25c. With CftW.H 03C. HtttaA'irWax and Oils Contains tfrlnjurlous Matcrixl,"Good for all Leathers, The Quick, Durable Shine. Accept no Substitute. If Dealer rcannot Supply you send to SthrolA Company, Rochester, N.Y BLACK TAN WHITE aftvt - .ri'cn Arv cv:, AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AUTOISTS, ATTENTION 'ITu- Mh lm mi inti n -t tilm 1 1'l.iiiicil fur tnfl.iv, Playing TONIGHT only- A Supreme Metro Wonder Play of Romance A presenting dainty M arCTerite Snow ADDED FILM Autoing from Los An gela to Boar Valley A flip of llliHMiitl inteii-it to ikiIiiIhIh it paiioi.iiiiM nt iinn lielltllt NEWS PICTORIAL showing latest current events. SATURDAY, MAY 20 MARIE D0R0 in 'THE WOOD NYMPH' -COMING- O A i IT C0MING "UNDINE" rlvL "UNDINE" zzzmedford's LEAoffifMbiioff pTcTure theater n M otorists, Attention! Tile sti:t..ii-l iiiid lim.t ililt l'i'.tiiiy; ltiu iny; f i 1 1 1 1 !' .1 iit'ilui' t-.ti in ;;i 'inn t-vi-r nit llu- . ift n SHOWING TODAY AT The PAGE THEATRE The Winning of the Dyas Trophy. Bear Valley Race Fighting Sand, Water, Mud and Snow. A 1m i thf Los Angeles-San Francisco Record Smashing Car at the Finish. . 457 MILES IN 10 HOURS 47 MINUTES PAGE TomorrowNip'ht TU E ATRE Not a Motion Picture Show MAY 1 8 M li u o s.- THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH SPEAKING COMEDIENNE fl (a obson Ami Her Original Metropolitan Company "Making Over of Mrs. Matr The Roariiuj Coined by James J'orbcs Author "The Chorus Lady" Etc. Sunshine and Laughter; p"ces No ToarS to Follow liio I'o CD. ll '' i ' . o-u; ,,i, ; iia" .- at.d e,'iMily fit (P'ua yif j I . ssn i-m ( uri 1 i 1 ett ia uie Uirly ii tf tcet.Ii