Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 15, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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V J i I I t 1 Tt T-T-y ----- -- -
11. II. Parsons of lllllcrpst orhrl,
has returned from a trip to Soalllt.
Ho reports ths.1 reports of frost
iitiM le his orchard were greatly
eMratfti and Hint Hlllcrest will
have & fair eulnMt.
I Vm Ivr trailing atmnpii wltji
overythtnK excertt groceries.
If. Tt. Tronsoti, th aopl king of
Ragle Point, vtallett Mwlfortl Mon
day. He repflrts thnt the fruit In his
old oVrhard escaped front damage.
AM that hla jtonhk orchard waa only
nflhtly damaged.
fist yoHr mllK, eroam, titttter, oggi
and buttermilk at D Voa's.
Mayor V. T. Kinerlc and hi broth
er, Xerton J. lCmerlck. liavo re
turned from a two weeka" trip to the
hoad of yia I'hiimihb, where they trim!
In vain to got a bear, but It waa loo
arlf far bruin. They brought bark
a tlmbor wolf pelt mb a trophy.
Nearly every day thoy wero snowed
In and elghteon Inrliea of froah anow
Una al tho Iiaad of 10 Ik crek. They
roport aplondid flailing In Pish laki
or tho UmpjHHH.
Tyjiuwrltor iwper of nil kinds at
Mmlford Printing Co.
.law Owens of WoIIen waa a Mod.
ford vitiior Saturday.
Tito world'a graateat coiiinanlofl
Hnluioa, The Inauranco Man.
W. IC. Thompson of Hold Mill, was
a Medford visitor Halurday. lie rH
porta that froat badly damaged lilac
frillt crop.
l off on Kodak at Weston's
OnMera flhop,
Hugh 0. I'oslon, the well known
markeman, la doing aomo remarkable
Klioatlng thje year. At the Idaho
stale ahoot at l.eH-lston, helil recent
ly, he broke 2W7 out of 30(1 targets,
lie liroko 2SU straight without n
miss, making a coast rnoord.
.1. O. Dorking, trio Doit nil around
photORraplior in southern OroKon.
Always reliable. Nogntlvos niado any
wlicro, tlmo or plnco.' Btudlo 228
Xtnln Bt. Phono 3Z0-.T.
Dr. K. It. Hooly Mini Will Unto loft
Saturday for Albany to participate
In tho atate ahoot. Dr. lively won the
DuPont trophy laat year and hope
to repeat tho performance this your
Waa to n Camera Shop for first-class
kodak finishing and kodak auppllea.
IVorotliy Diamond, 12 years old.
who waa shot In the nrm and breast
with a .21 caliber rifle I'rlday. Is Kit
ting along nkwly, l)r Thayer, the
attending pliyslllnn aald today, art'd
out of danger Artie Kelstir, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter ICehtur. or N'lau.
tie street, did the shooting while at
play with hta IIUU slater and Dor
othy. The bullet lodged against the
Koeond rib, near the breaat bone, aa
Utile Dorothy waa uitliiati under a
hd. She had gone lo the Kelsnr
reeldeiiee for a bottle of milk. After
the accident she carried the milk
how. wbaH Dr. Thayer waa sum
moned. flalea sells Peril oars, $100 down
and $111 a roeuth.
A mass meeting of women will be
held at the public library on Wednea
day evening. May IT at 7:. 10. A sub
ject el vital lnijHrtatte will be dla
maeed and every woman In Bed
ford (a urged to be present.
Trr a King Spits cigar and en
oourage borne Industry. tf
'.All women desiring to Join the
Xed Oreaa and first aid classes of the
(Ireater Medford rlub are asked to le
present at a meeting to be held Tues
day after aoen, May 16, at tbe public
library, at 3 u. m.
Postage slam na at Ik Voa's.
Tho W. 8. M. Sewing rlub wgi en
tertain Ibe ladles of the Baptist
huren at the home of Mrs. Heau
hamp, 21 A West Johnson street.
Tuesday afternoon.
D Voo buya beer bottles.
Hoy II. Poobloa, ucioiupitolfit by
Mrs. Peebles, who left last eek for
I -on Angeles for a stay of a year or
o, writes' that they arrived aafelv
and are reall) enjoying llu sunm
weather under the "nodding eucalyp
tus and abady palms" in real tourist
Baths IBe Hotel Holland.
Mr and Mrs. W P. Preston of Be
little, enjoyed tbe trip to tbe Hlue
Ledge mini- etertay. along with tbe
llrisslles and their friends to the
number of $Ui Tbr wore delighted
wlftk Ik .. ., mt .k ..
i nw in tri itiuB m in mv (
pe.rmce of the mines and their de-
elopmi ut Its no uieaus of gettlur.
lb on, out. Mr Preston predlfied
tlat a rultrijjj would of newm.lly
soon be built und that It would opeu
one of the rlrln-nt mluural regions In
the ftit.
Dr. Klrehginer will be at Hotel
Nash every Wednesday. Hours for
consultation 10 to 2.
O. fe Lining or ku Sherman street.
Ibis city, la attending to buslnees In
tlaselt, Oal . where he went two
weeks ajio. Ilia headquarter are ut
the Bonnie Urea raob while tbenP
The liartholoniew Co. of Porilund.
with Mra. & itorchera. will show
.nits, dresses, raata) waists and pel
iloaU at the Hotel Med ford Triors
ill-, M.u In The(SjoiiiMu if Mi l!nr.l
0 V JlRrker, the ban) ir of Unite
1'nlln, while trlnu out a new car thltt
afternoon, ran over Martin Wolf, ft
Western I'nlon Telngraph company
jiewiiKor, at the Intcraectlon of .Main
anil Kront streets, bruising the rues
senger badly, but breaking no bones.
The boy waa taken at once to the
Peered Heart hospital. 11 I bolleved
Dial he Is not seriously hurt.
Kmoke a King Spitz cigar. Be.
They are home-made. tf
X. J. Merrill left this afternoon for
Grants Pass, where he goea on bust
noss. See Dave Woods about that fire In
inrance policy. Office Mall Trlbitno
Mug. .
While a man named Stanley waa
lighting the oil amutlge pots In the
"101" orchard on frldny morning
the gasoline tornh he waa using ex
ploded, burning lilin badly about tho
handa anil face. Me was at onco tak
en to the Sacred Heart hospital,
where he Is recovering very satis
factorily. The hums probably will
leave no scars.
Your Inwn mower- innctilno sharp
ened at Mltohells. Phono 320-.T.
.ludgo (.'. II. Wnlsoii of Ashland,
will deliver the commencement ad-
diess at the graduation exorcises of
the high school ut Itoguo Hirer on
Wednesday evening. An extensive
program bus been prepared for that
IS, M. Hunter, accompanied by .Mrs.
Whipping cream nt DoVoe's.
Hunter and tho ohlldreu, enjoyed his
first (vlsit to the Ashland parka Sun
day. He reports that Mlhln park wa
thronged with people.
'IC. .1. Kelton, who la visiting In
More than forty automobiles cur-1 ("LKVKkAND fililo. May 13.
rld 2.f.3 oxruraioniatH to the IHuo jJolm D ItockefelW r, Jr., Major Gen
l.lo mintmr ,n.t rim ,.i.M.r ... al Leonard Wood ami Assistant
der the direct supervision uf the Grlz
xllea, asslated by the Commercial
Secretary of the Navy Franklin D.
Itoonnvelt, were speakers at today's
sessions of tho international Y. M.
club. It was tho greatoal "hike" event p. a. convention here, and their
In the history of the Clrlsslles and presence can nod unusual Interest In
one of the most pretentious outline In-! l,,p ,Ih" I'rogram of the convert-
cldenta In the life of the local Com-
rnerelal club.
The supreme feature or tho excur
sion, aside from tho universal en
joyment or the trip and the visit
among the piles or copper ami gold
by a local multitude, waa the fact
that It waa a. business Investigation.
Piactlcally every member or the big
and hilarious party went Into that
vnat mining region for more Intimate
knowledge of what It really asses
ses. Everyone, so far as hoard, re
turned with the desire to urgo tho
city ot .Moil ford to do everything In
Its power In a legitimate ImiaIuom way
to extend tho llullla railway line Into
that region nt the earliest possible
Old TiriHji-H (rently SurprlM.
Kven old timers In this valley, who
had never vIMied the district until
tlon. Mr. Itockefeller told or wol-
jfare work being done In the mines
or Colorado, which are ownod by tho
Kockorellor Interests. General Wood
and .Mr. Itoosevolt will appear this
afternoon at tho army and navy sec
tion. Mr. Itockefeller urged a campaign
to be called "the every Christian man
at work movement." Multitudes of
men whose names appear on tho
church rolls as christians are more
ly marking time, said Mr. Ilockofel
ler, like soldier parading the gtrcota
In drone uniform Instead of render
ing aetlvo services like tho men In
Christian manhood, like muscu
lar or rnontal power, Is only to bo
maintained by Ita ue," he said. "I
call upon the ministers of this land
to rotiKo to notion that vast horde
of christian men enrolled In the
One of the incidents or the climb
by many or the Sunday excursionists
from the. Blue Lodge camp to the
lllue Ledge mine, proper, waa that
In which Port Hubbard caught a
bounding pebble on the bridge or his
nose, causing the blood to flaw in
profusion. Some one above Mr.
Hubbard's party started a few peb
bles on th,e trail. Tho climb wag
"nearly straight up" to the Ulne
Ledge tunnel. Mr. Hubbartl heard
the pebbles on the "slldo" and
turned (prickly to see what It was.
A sharp pebble Instantly caught him
between the eyes. Had It struck an
inch to either aide, It might have
dostroyed an eyeball. Ho cashed
the injured member with a snowball
and thanked tho stars he saw (which
were numerouH) that the leaping,
whining bit or copper ore misled his
.le Witt, with io' bmK the placer
(.round of the complaining witness
In the Galls creek district. Prelim
Inary hearing will bo heard before
Justice of the Peace Taylor on
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Constable Hammond has gone to
Gold Hill and Grants Pass today lo
subpoena witnesses. Barney, who Is
past middle aged and unmarried, has
nothing to say to orricers about the
charge against him. He is well
known In the placer districts of
outhern Oregon.
Continued from page one
Koo-evelt eon r will he et a-ide anil
Iluxhc substituted n a veonil
'ehi'lee. It 1'itkin- IiihI Mich nil tilln
he could not put it nwr.
The tWHrnnnd delernt who will
come In the iirfWirJvf" convention
will-come Hooeell men firt. lint
they will be projcreixive iHirty men
icnoml,. nnrl lt $V be prwetpii hero
tlint W ttrojrregHive party., will lie
continued n n pnrty natiorinllv nrm
to n certain extent Incnlly. and it
Roosevelt i not the nominee of Imth
pnrtici and will not take the riomin
ntinn of the iirojrreMtv purtv nliuio
thi" lo be dccidetl nt the time tho
com cation are held nnd to lie de
termined by the choice of the repiili.
Henna there will be n progressive
purfy cnmltdnte and n third pnrly
ticket in the field.
With Mod ford trade U Medford rnado.
Attention, Autoists--
If iou want to see a film
xho wim! real rough riding
on the part or an automo
b le, vMt tbe Page tonight.
Mirord and touring the country with )eilertUy( eaina 1)Ul,k ttthualatlcal- churches but seldom seen In the"
.Constable A I) Hammond return
ed rrom Grants Pans Snturdny even-1
Ing with A. P Ilarnoy, charged by (
tho Htnte. on complaint or Mrs Mue-'
friends, broke down while driving his j,y (l(.)ttriIIK tint they were surprised ' pews, who aro only waiting for Mtrno ! kl . m ami an sseawMr.
aiiKf over the road this side of Proa- ,Mlt llllWBmpOT ocots of that re- service which rerulre manly final- 8 1181 N'T IlfCP
peel yesterday and walked tlve miles po ,md Mrvr yMt Klve a) B,lH,(lal0 , ,,, t0 ,,0 BBa brought Into active IUUsluUlTLri
ror help. Mra. 18. P. Davis and hex UMM.r,Bl0 of th VMt ,ount 0f
daughter Knmt accompanied him on or- 0XMWWi 0II Wory rtdge and
the drive. They had the car repaired ,,,, ,,,, , ml,ur of ,, CBI1.
In time to get back to Medford by 8
Volo 70 J. C. Herring on your bal
lot ror county .assessor. Rancher,
Central Point. 47
K. II. Wilbur of Kalttiu, Is visiting
Medford on biiHlnoss for a few days.
He Is a iKiulteror.
O. II. Spencer or llosebtirg, Is In
Madron! on busliieaa today.
George L 1'rjrr or ShaMa valley, la
In the ell) on biiHiucHH-thlH afternoon
Dig fia intlkHhnkos nt Do Voo'h.
The heav m.uitle of tnutlful run
ireroiiH roretits In (rater Lake Na
tional park Im oulv second to Crater
lake itself In attractlvenaiis, accord
ing to a publlcHtlon by J. K. Pernot,
outltletl, "Koresis of Prater Lake Na
tional Park," Just Issued by life de
partment of the Interior. "Within
the confines of the park," says Mr.
Pernot, "are more than a doteii cone
bearing species- pint's, firs, hemloek
and others growing In imre bodies
or mingled together forming a con
fused broken cover. The various
trees or the southern Cascades are
not generally scattered throughout
(he mountains, but ar,e distributed In
fairly well deflued tones at different
altitudes." In this publication,
which may be purchased from the
superintendent of documents, gov
ernment printing office, Washington.
D. C, for 10 cents, are description!
of the principal speclee and lllustra
lloua showing characteristic types oC
each tree. Over ail of the region ex
cepting the summits uf theh Ighest
yon, of which (bat region niuy boast.
Mining men of extended experience In
other mining regions were surprised
that such ledges and veins aa are ex
poeed by tho development work al
ready done there had not been
reached long ago with every modern
moans and encouragement ror full
It was expression after expression
of surprise on every hand, aa tho big
party climbed and struggled and
scratched and picked Its way through
gorges and over sharp ridges to see
us much us could be seen In a few
hours' visit.
The excursion assumed the pro
poi lions ot a splendid enterprise as
It huiled Itself collectively with the
work of obtaining Information on
which to' base future Judgment and
action respecting the proposed con
struction or a railroad to that Im
mense deposit or wealth undeveloped
.it a timely period In the resumption
of the pro res of this valley. It was
the unanimous vote of those who at
tended this "Investigation" that this
Is the psychological moment for the
Initiation of that vastly Important
The HIk I.iiiicIhkiii,
The luncheon at Klleen at noon waa
really a sumptuous affair. No ban
quet over had a more tooth
some spread and no aasoclutlou of
banqueters over enjoyed a repast
with greater relish and gusto. Hun
gry' Why, that bunch of mmmtalu
climbers appeared to have been fast
ing tor a week for this feast.
Mrs. P. D. Moon made the coffee,
len't that enough to rocomnuiud U
Had It been really Intoxicating, not
many of that hungry und thirsty par
ty would have beeii able to reach
home last night. Hut it waa exhlbtr.
connection with the church.
"As wo face the groat Industrial
problems which are arising dally,
It seoma clear that the only hope of
their permanent and satisfactory so
lution Ilea in the practice of the doc
trine of tho brotherhood of liiun.
When men or widely separated sta
tions are thrown together, como to
know each other, to admire tho
strong and manly qualities which
they see In each other, when they
are working side by sldo for the ad
vancement of u common InturcM,
then only does persounl illHtnmt,
hatred and misunderstanding give
way to a spirit of fair play. Jufrtlcn
and a desire for the common good '
"Feel Like a New Person,"
says Mrs. Hamilton.
peaks, Is spread a wonderful array of jatlng aud stimulating and aa a re
aver) green trees, clothing the sIoimm i suit, III members of the party
with dense solemn forests or dolled I climbed far Into mountain recesses
around mountain meariowa, canyons ! beyond the rearh of aulas,
ad crater rim. Hut the Urlsallee' secretary-jour-
The traveler who makes only ' nallat promises a wrlleup or the ex
fleetiug trip to the park, sees the lake j torsion for tomorrow. The forego
but once and then passes on will , Ing Is. therefore, merely a foreword,
overlook much of the best that the 'Intending to convey the newe that
region can show. It is better to re-; ever v member of the big crowd re
main longer within the borders to In tied home safely and unhurt.
camp beneath lu hemlocks ami flri,
to explore It peaks and forests and' Dt'HI.I.N. May K -Premier As
look often and loug upon Its lake, iiulth, who has been in Dublin for
whose blue waters and wonderful several dat. departed from Helfast
tree and cliff nfttlug leave memories to confer with prominent iu.'ii In tho
that can never be lost. north
New Castle, Ind. "From tho time
I wos eleven years old until I wns seven
teen I sutrercd each
month so I had to be
in bed. I hnd head
aclio, backache and
such pains I would '
cramp double every
month. I did not
know what it was
to be ensy n minute. '
My health wus nil
run down nnd tho i
doctors did not do
me nny nood. A
nelfrhbor told my mother ubout Lydia '
E. Plnkhum'n Vegetable Compound und '
I took it, und now I feel like a now ;
t person. 1 don t auiTer nny more and I ,
nm regulnr every month. " Mrs.IlAZKL ,
The ehi-s of 'HI l the Med ford HAMILTON, 822 South 15th St. '
high school has set iimiiv example, I When n remedy haa lived for forty,
t hut are worthy of prm-c, but one in years, steadily (growing in popularity
iMtrticiimr howinK tlmv have the ami influence, and thousand upon
uroiMT atari! to lie community build- , thouearala of women declare they owe
Uis. i- i ht in..- l.u !..! their lu...... 5""r "' l0 . l9 ll reusona
Adventures of a Hi' it. --fill
bootblack In CHtnbllhhlng bun
Hi U In socictv. ThlH forinR rbo
motive or Triangle film i-luy
Wiiliard Mack
Enid Markey
A A Keystone showing
the trials and trihn-
MOVIE ltions of a "Film
Idol." It features QXAT A I TM
v o vy niii
that funny fellow
XOTK Owing to local and
May Itnbson attractions tho
following pictures: Hobnrt
llosworth lu "The Target,"
Wednesday; Maria Doro In
"The Wood Nvmph'' Satur
i!a onl.
Aiitoingfrom Los An
geles to Bear Valley
A trip of unusual Interest to
aiitol-tx h pallor. iinii of iiu-ll-lial
Prices srM Prices
fa f rW K
tii'ul invitations and imthooiiI card
done by a home firm.
lu former yent the ejic- liaxe
i'oi'Home reason unknown nlwuv ei.t
out f town for thie verv iweoorv
hie to believe that it is un article of
Kreat merit?
If you want Mieclnl tulvlco wrlto
to l,ytllu i:. IMiikliuin ."Meillcliio
;. (coiilltlciitlul), Lynn, Man.
tour lot tvr will Do oionttl, rend
mirt of u KmduntioH, hut the cla oi arnl nnswerod Ly u uoninu ami
Hi, M'ttinir mi example tor their eld-, holU lu slrlct coutldftico.
erw und till eiltaena, pMttoin.ed home j " -
tuduxtry ami tho reetilta tire declared ,
t be more than gratifying. Not inl , r Ji J tflxj
did thev .i.v .Hiinev. but thiv left ,m ! ' J VJ A V-' X 1 OP
. . "" "" . I
exumplt' for future eiair-cs tlmt .n
Im followed with profit.
Tbe invitation and card
tamed i rum the Medt'ord I'nntiiit;
com tin n v, ami the tilth, wax ho hcII
plea'd thai they voted tin tirtn it
vote of tliiink-. for their mnnv eottr
tcnieM in ciiiiiiei'tiou with the order.
Iliut . .hi ft i"i tl
..,. Camera Shop
WAXTKI Thinners at Mldvlsta or
chard, northeast or Bedford and
the Hampton orchard at Voor
hlee. r.a
FOR MALIC -Twin Morkel motorcv-
ele in good condition. in he sac
rirtced for only I3. Martin' is
KOH H1.K Hieiele nlth new tires
Phone T Ft. .'!
L08T -ira wool lap rot. beteeu
Hear creek bridge and Mldav
road Kinder please notlf 20.1 N.
llol! --t 4s
, II
;i No I'llTlitHsiiow r.sHt,s ) jr-JH YTyT maaWs:f7 'rli
,$ HSi:ii O.N mnw hum si:it- v4rlSL!BacI KW 4m. w E"tltel''4LT,IB,1i
ISV lWeMar.fflti MB .ZZ KU ,.TS3
x it I. f. roKhiitl.V I IL. Tin: M T!1, .'U.fffif Sffiffii? fFwpTaiaW Hs
is Me ?rr,,MFiist3ftJK-
I mtii ii.m tii vr si:it it'i:. KJlr3
Q "" '' II I I -1 ,.,!! ... m ,1
j u i
;s t
( i
203 East Main Street,
The Only Exclusive
Coiumereinl Photumplien:
hi Southern Oregon
Negatives Made nny time oi
place by appointment.
Phone 147.J
Wo 11 do the rest
V.. T) WESTON. Pron.
Motorists, Attention !
Thi' simppifst antl most iiitcrcstinv; iiinvin piiturt'
l' ti motor mr in aiiion cr mi iht- ii'tii
The Winning of the Dyas Trophy.
Bear Valley Race
Fighting Sand, Water, Mud and Snow.
Also the
Los Angeles-San Francisco Record - Smashing Sar at
the Finish.
PAGE Thursday Night
THEATRE & Not a Motion Picture Show
soot sale Oik-un Toiihmtom or In . M.M,. t),,!,. Nim.
Daniel Erohmnn Presents jkf a F&sr TlTnS-T -ir A m vs in Pimr?; nf xfri-
mnUUS!, LLHKI fwninVs SlTer Work-
Marguerite Claris greatest protluctiou. If you miss this you've missed a good one.
Doming Tutiday, "HeighU of Hasanl," a Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature. Extra attracUon tomorrow will
be a five piece orchestra.
In la k M rV U
b m j ewr a sr i jk &&
. -" iJ: KJ1 F J&. M.
m !i ilh Jnwli .1
And Her Original Metropolitan Company
''Making Over of Mrs. Matt"
The Roaring Comedy by James Forbes
Author "The Chorus Lady" Etc.
Sunshine and Laughter- Prices
No Tears to Follow ' 5ftg