Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Out" of the cotninir events of the
lensonwill be the puifount, "The
Heart or the World," n masque of
myths, jriveh nt Auto Park, Aslilaml.
May 'JH, 8 o'clock p. in., uiuler the
nuspicoR of the (heater Bedford club
of Medford and Woman's Civic club
of Ashland. It is tlie wiali of all to
foster the altruistic spirit evicting
between thec two cities, and it i
hoped that this pageant will bo the
forerunner of similar co-opcrntivo
events which may occur each year.
One hundred participants from the
physical education and expression de
partments of the Medford conserva
tory under the direction of Mrs. Lyn
ette itovious, will entertain in
aesthetic dance and story opening
np all mythland to the gaze of mor
tals. PoAdatns the boy poet, is
hooking1 the heart of the world;
borne to mythland in a dream, th
myths of nil the iifjes attempt to prove
that mythland must be the heart of
the world. The dryads danco for him,
the sea nymphs coax'him to stay.
Aurora, the beautiful goddess of
dawn, trios to enthrall him with her
dancing, l'erspphone and Psyche be
seech him to stay, but as they cannot
show him love, he irnsses on, while
the dryads dance dreamily into the
woods. Helen is dancing before tlio
j;ods, "The OrccRin Dance of Spring,"
as Deodatus comes upon their yl-
vnn haunt. They, too, beg DcodntiH
to qtny.
While4 trying to provo that tho gods
nre rtll-owcrful, Haider, the best
loved of all gods, is slain by blind
I lode, with an arrow of mistletoe,
which is given him by the god of
'mischief, I.oki. The wrinkled Norn
dramatically cut the web of fate n
Haider falls to tho ground. The gods
bear him sorrowfully nway.
Worn out, Deodutus falls asleep.
Queen Titania dancing in the moon
light discovers him. At first, in fear,
she runs to hide; finding that bo lies
asleep, she agnin dances, heaping
t lowers upon him. She dances nway
into the depths of the woods; the
dwarfs come trooping in. Not having
seen u mortal for a thousand years,
they curiously evamine Dcodattis. One
more brac than the others pinches
, him, whorrnpoicleodntis-nmknw.
In a twinkle the dwarfs have, disap
peared, only to come forth later and
dance for their new iitoi. Deo
datiis being: lonely, thev send to
onrth for another mortal to keep him
1 The troll, come back lien ling a lit
tle baby, which angel's I)eodntiis, and,
insisting on taking the baby back, h
picks it up mid wanders into tho
woods, with the dwarf surging An
grily around him.
The fairies are dancing in a syl
van ghido when a tiny fairy an
nounces Queen Titania' approach.
Quuen Titania apjR'ars; the fairies
bow before liar, then arise and dance
again. Queen Titauin Announces the
arrival of Dcodntus and the babv,
and akin, for charms from each fairv.
whieU may be woven into a charmed
circle, with which to hind Ueodntii in
fairyland, after which thev dunce
"Tho FnirioV Hovel." Thus Deodntm
finds them.
The. fairies offer him nil the powei
jpven to fairies if ho will only stay,
but he iuiiU on taking tho baby
back to earth. They push him into
Die charmed circle. Augrilv Den
dolus trios to break it, while, with
silvery laughter the fairies run away,
leaving DcodutuH and the babv alone.
Nothing can bieak this circle except
that some mortal from earth ero it.
'the fairies bad forgotten the hnhy'
mother, and fueling iierfectK afe in
)fting Deodatus in the charmed cir
lu, they ourioiuly approach him and
look at the baby.
Menntinwt, the mother seeking the
baby through all the lost place be
tween heaven and earth, finds fairy
land, rushes across the circle, thus
breaking the charm.
DwmIwIus, finding that the heart of
the world is, after all, on earth, in
the love for humanity, starts hack to
oarth with rue mother and child, but
the spirit of pov.y ak bun to jraso
one more on fairyland before he
goes. In a beautiful rocessional the
HHt of poesy, the dryads, Psyche,
Penmpuone, Aurora, the Norse gods,
Jbe dwrf with King Audvari poaip.
ousjy bringing up the rear, the queeu'a
attendant scatters flowers, followed
by the quite and all the fuiries, pass
dreamily before Deodatus and dtap
;Mar into the depths of the forest.
Cn,t of characters:
Deodatus, the boy poet . .
Miss hudell Swindler
It .lv -' -llillv Hagan
so... dances, (a) Fuiry' Revel, (b)
JI( bit, a Orecian dfcnce of pring
Leah Walth.i-?-
Aurora, goddess of dawn
- -- --- - - --1 - i - ) r -J
lolin lloliliisou Sbow Clowns
This depart meat of the world's old
est and greatest tent organization has
a total membership of fifty-one of the
moat export funmakors In "Circus-
Sen Nymph Dance
I.enh Wnlthers, Ada I'oollnitz, Dor
othy Stiller, Klorenco Clark.
Graces . ..
Josephine Coppers, Dorothy Stunrt,
Mary Holmes.
Muse of Tragedy Wilnn Harrison
Other Dryads
Mis. Welch, Mr. v,m Gilder, Mi.
Tomlin-on, Ange I tally, .Mrs. Ncff,
Mrs. lohnson, Josephine J.indlcy,
Yolande ltunnel, Mi"d Main, Clniro
llnnley, Hazel Wiley, Kutb Powell,
Mis lliiiu, Miss llnnley, Thoonc
Cnrkin, Mis. Carlos, Miss Carver.
Fawn .... .....
Carvel 1'nyc Hovious, Kli.abcth
Tbor. Ood of Thunder Mrs. Welch
Sif, his wife Miss llnnley
Haider, the lleuuliftil Mrs. Seeley
N'anna, his wife Miss Theone Carkin
Odin. i'nther of God- Mrs. ). MoKeo
Triggn, his wife Miss Dunham
l.oka, Clod of Mischief Miss Stuitlj
Under, lllind (lod Mrs. Nellie Haibeii
IVey, Ood of Sunshine
. . Mr. Lawrence
Tyr, Ood of Courage Mrs. I.uly Jones
lijun, of the (loldcu Apples
. . Miss Clniro llnnley
NoniK, who weave the wob of fate
Mrs. tiwing, Mrs. Van Oilder, Mrs.
King of Dwarfs Woodsam McDonald
Other Dwarf-
Cluru Jidinsnn, Kliznbeth Aiken,'
Kutb Aiken, Arlono Ilutlcr, Mar
gcry Seamon, I ten trice Seamon, Itiith
Allen, Isabelle Stuart, Harriet
Price, Joyce Mnddox, Woodsum
McDonald, Harriet Datheart. Ade
laide I tenia id, Mildred Nye, I'rau
ees Du Itois, Irene l'ades, Dorothy
Carlos, fieri rude Hutlor, Kuthcrinc
. - JJdHlUWlOri - - . --. '
Marion Van Oilder, Carrol Fnyo
Ihnious, ICIixabeth Welch.
Queen of Fairies I.enh Walthers
(Queen's attendants
Carrol Fuyc Hovious, Helen I teddy.
Fairies' Dance of Greeting
Mies Coppe, lnwrenee, Drown,
llitrgravc. Holmes, Stuart, Stevens,
Hoeck, Martin, Iturbidgc, l.indley,
1'iirlow, Lyon, Kndcliffe, Stacy,
('hurley, Philbrook, llrainatd, Put
nam. Other Fairies . .
Mrs. poellnit. Mi-s. Van Gilder,
Mis. JohiiMin. Mrs. Ncff, Ango
llalU. I.o'it-c li:idiUm.m, Dorothy
By the reception tendered the Ol
son Bros' family orchestra at the
Pagv theater lnt nMit, it i- a pniven
fact their engagement heie will be a
most popular one. The cornet oln
by one of the Mr. Olson's is of so
cial mention and was well received.
The Triangle picture plays are up to
the usual standard and Triangle aud
iences, who have wondered how Mack
Sennett oau get so much material iu
to thirty minutes of a hilarious Key
stone, will hAve mow eaii-e for spec
ulation when thev see "Itecnuu He
Loved Her," with Sura Iternurd, re
pented toniuht at the Page. Sennett
shows a rcottiurunt in full blast from
the table to the corner, where the fa
vored patron sits; he wrecks a tnvi
cab in a chase that includes the Key.
stone police fmce and two ambu
lances; and makes Itcrnard duve;
through a brick house and a lunch ,
wagon. .
The Triangle Fine Arts play, "The
.Missing Liuk, w a mystery play of
exceptional merit. Clever acting and
rare staging make this film a mv-tcn
clasoim, to sav nothing of the tu'.ing
mannerisms of Robert Harron and
the charm of Norma Talmudge. All
in all, it is a eiy amu-ing program
and will be highly appreciated by the
regular Saturday night audiences.
W. T. Qrelres, county assessor, has
been confined to bis home by Uluess
for several dajts suffeiing an attack
of acme Indiaesiion
land ' It should lc of much local
Interest to note that thta aggregation
of KalBomtncd cut-upB" nre coming
to Mcdford on May 22 with the fam
ous John Robinson Ton Big Shows.
OUOVII.I.i:. Cal . May ait Tho
Rev. Madison (' Slaughter, pastor of
a Clik'o, Cal.. HaptlMt church, was
found guilty today of attacking 15-yenr-old
Ocrtrudo l.anison.
The Jury retired yosterday noon
and were ready with their verdict nt
the opening of court this morning.
It was Slaughter's second trial on
ono of five charges lodged against
him, all charging assault committed
upon Gertrude l.anison, who lived in
Chlco. The minister won a Jury dis
agreement April 8 on his first trial,
which stretched over a month.
Mercy Itccoiiiiiicudcd.
The Jury was out twenty-two and
one-half hours. A recommendation
of mercy was r do hy the jurymon.
Slaughter, In court with his wife
and daughters, took tho verdict calm
ly, his head bowed. I
Slaughter was Indicted on five
counts by the county grand Jury on
January at. each count alleging a
statutory offense. Tho Indictments
woro returned In tho faco of testi
mony of tlio girl's father and mother
repudiating as untrue their daugh
ter's story. Since tho ludlctmonts
Chlco and virtually Hutte uounty lias
been split In two bitter factions on
th question of tho minister's guilt
or Innocence. So acute was tho fcol
lug during the first trial thai Judgo
II. I). Gregory banned any sermons
oi"Ufftturwi conTfn-rtlirg-tlm TUto tR
Hutte county. Slaughter was hung In
efflg In Chlco after the first Jury
refused to convict him.
He has geen pleaching regularly
In his church every Sunday since tho
Indictments were returned. Through
out the trials he has stoutly main
tained that the prosecution was a con
spiracy against hlin because of his
opposition to the ltipioi traffic,
lloud Is Itefiised.
Slaughter was arrested Immodlato
ly after being Indicted and. roloasod
on $20,000 bonds. Fred Ijuiiion, Ger
trude's father, was one of the bonds
men, and during the trials he nnd
his wire sworn that the daughter's
story was untrue.
Geitrude hart been held In a homo
for nearly three months by the dis
trict attorney's office.
Slaughter's offenses It was ehargod
were all committed In Chlco, whoie
Gertrudu and her parents attended
the minister's church. It was brought
out In the trial that Gertrude had
been sent to the minister for Instruc
tion. Judge II. D- Gregory denied a re
quest for ball and the minister Ha
lod off to Jail, with bis wife, daugh
ters and women sympathisers crying
aloud at his heels. He kissed them all
save Mrs. Ida Camper.
With teams streaming don her
faco Mrs. Camper grasped Slaugh
ter's arm, pulling him back to her.
and kissed him. She supported the
minister as one of the prtnctpal a!H!
witnesses for the1 defense.
Attorneys for Slaughter announc
ed the mould seek an imme-dlatelv
J A promising pioneer among the In
1 duslrlul enterprises of this part of
I the valley Isdhe Central Point Pack
i trig company, ft was established
nearly five years ago by W. I). Lewis
and sons, I. I). Lewis nnd A. W.
Lewis. Tho lntter are with It yet.
Two years ago Harry Carlton be
came Identified with It He is still
a mointior of the company.
Less than a year ago Krnest Wobh
and A. Conro l'lero purchased a con
trolling Interest In the buslnoss and
Plata. They are prominent orchard-
Its. A. Conro l'lero Is Its manager, j equipment.
all of the departments kcopa tho tem
peratures at tho proper degrco at all
times. Tho dressod beef room Is
equally Inrgo and scrupulously kopt.
In another largo room, clean mid
fresh, hang tho dressed muttons. In
another the cut meats are kept on
tables and shelves as clcii nil a
dressing room. Cured moats dlroct
ly from a largo and modern smoke
house are kept In a separate com
partment. The vsts In which tlio
meats are pickled are kopt as clean
as a kitchenette. The department In
which the lard is taken through all
of the modern processes until It
comes out In the form of the "Acorn"
brand is equipped with the most mod
ern machinery for purifying, clean
ing and perfecting it. A modern agi
tator and cooler, with hydraulic pres
sure, are operated by electricity,
lCxtcndlng I in pro i ciuoiit.s,
All of these departments 111 the
plant have been renovated, enlarged
laud recently supplied with now
i ne i euirai roini rucKiug company -Hlenln"
. rt..i.ii.. i.Mn...i.. .... 1...1....1 .i. i..
in itiiiiutj ut-'uvuoiiK no minimi ini 111-
Kveu the plebeian
has beau afforded a new
LtklfllinllnllH.i 1ft.l I kill fttferttd nl !.
' . niuunviiuupv nun hut piuuum ut limit
stltutlon, not only of merit and profit, i,K u dignified with the latest ma-
Tho leu acie feeding pens and
slaughter yaids are undergoing rapid
make It possible. Towns and cltlos
nre built largely on isy rolls. That
Is why wo so frequently use the
phrase "Industrial enterprise" In cap
ital letters. It supplies the payroll.
It develoiw load resources. It cre
atos activity. Its products make
markets and ..the growing markets
I'lncronho its oiAput. Thus the com
munity with manufacturing enter-
but of great Jmportanco In the de
velopment of the meat-producing In
terests of thqjvalley. Slock for the
sini.K.iiorpo.i cannoi oe raised wiiu- ,ransforniatlon. The slaughter house
out the development of the farming ,,,, fnucreX uonr. running water
resources. fellows as a matter ,, (l n,0,orn ,,,, heating process,
of course nnd necessity. , N,,u,m,Mt H,K mded to this do-
. Plant With a Payroll. partment substantially, but gradually.
Another Important angle of the;A 25 gallon tanker bus lately been
benefits accruing from Its operation a,,d.Hl There are great economy and
Is tho fnct that It is becoming an In- ,.i0nlnes In this process of saving
situation with a payroll. It Is tho ,nlU)W T, ,,,,,,. ro $ir,0 ftllll
payroll that feeds ihe local popula-ju MVinK u,w company fin u mouth
lion. llusliiM house exist only A w, lecently bored on the prem
where there are pay rolls. The prof- j , rot $120 ,,,, , nir0i,dv ac
Itablo cNlstence of the professions Is rre)Uted with a saving of fl n
based on tho payrolls of their clients i m0nth.
and patients. The schools and the old sheds are being replaced with
churches exist only when payrolls ,. .., rM1t flour,, lu.inu
placed in the feeding pens. Pat
ent troughs aie being added. Piog
ress and economy are noticeable on
ciery hand.
A lluslncs Institution. i
The Central Point Packing com
pany Is essentially n business Insll
tutlon. as seen In ever) detail of Its
establishment. II has a large plan
laid out. Gradually and with com
prises grows bocausc It Is the com-1 lm,mmuI(, bstantlalltv tt Is ee
munlty of poyrolls. The pormanont lclllln lt. T)lPre , Mll,ness sMem
IKiyroll is at least the basis of sub- , ov,,rylhg, from the bookkeep-
stautini progross.
The I'linueiV
The Central Point Packing com
pany Is rapidly becoming the farm-
era' market for cuttle, hogs and sheep.
It Is producing a quality of meats nl
roti()y locally famous. Its hams, ba
con, pickled meats, ilausages and lard
'afrt staple products of great merit.
It is encouraging tho farmer to raise
more stock; and, therefore, to ralso
tuoro bay and grain to feed it. In
ovary cllmo and country that Is a
profitable business. The products of
the farm fed to stork and marketed
In that form Weld a greater profit to
farmers than If sold otherwise. The
Contral Point plant is cemnnstratlag
that fart. It is also teaching the
farmers how to feed their stock and
when to market It to the best ad
vantage. Will Kahlcr, tho accountant for
the company, Is the author of a sys
tem of bookeeplng that enables tho
concern to know Just how It stands
In all of theltcms of Its business. Its
purchases, sales, profits, losses, all
kept separately In columns In which
each Individual piece of meal Is list
er's ofMce to the tankage room.
Much of the ten acre feeding
grounds Is yet lit brush. That is
being el en i nd away, the ground lev
eled and that portion of tt not In iihe
tor feed pens and slaughter equip
meiit will be seeded to alfalfa and
made productive.
The Central Point Packing com
pany, now with a payroll of twelve
men, expects some day to supply all
kinds of meat to the entire popula
tion of Itogne ilver valley, to tho e
elusion of the output of all othii
packing plants, Including tlioe of
Chicago and Kansas City. It oukM
to. The people of Ihe valley should
help lt do so. There Is ahsolutcL
no excuse for any other condition
Thus we encourage local eMeriTlM",
Increase loral output and the local
payroll and keep our money at honn
That Is the philosophy that under
lies all local business prosperil) and
permanency. j
i With Mcdford trad is Medfnrd made.
ed. are so tabulated as to make up Leave Medford tor Ashland, Tatont
a splendid system. n,j phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
Clennlliuws Kverywlieio.
In an Inspection of the plant, the
predominating feature that firsl at-
8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2.00, 4:00 and 5:15
p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
tracts tho visitor Is extraordinary
cleanliness on every hand. The room
in which the drvssed pork is kept
is large and ban. The ronipuny has
a modem retrUerutinic plant, with a
fifteen borsepuvtcr motor that lius a
rapaeitx ot i ion and a half or Ice
dully. An it Im inlutil supply of Ire In '
l. III. JtlVW WH .. MV .. 4..
m. Sundays leave at 8:00 nnd 10.30
a. m. and 1:00. 1:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. in. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, oxcept Sunday, at a. 00 a. m., '
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also'
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and)
2: tO. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 j
a. in. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
p. in. I
Relief from tifc troubles
A sense of satisfaction
and security
The cessation of hostili
ties with the dealer
More mileage for your
Ask for Tire Book
Factoty Diittibutor
I', wjwiimi'
Tho relation ot this b.nU to the communis Is not that
of a private buMnc or cutcrprl e It q a pjbllc InstL
tutlon. c believe the banker ucta as the agent ot the
people, and In order to fulfill completely his trust,
he must be In a position to offer a maximum of ser
vice, n senko to meet tho requlromonts of all.
f I
. Willi several hiuidred makers of nuton.olulcs in 1
! America, the 1'nrd faetwv turns out more than
' one-half of the entire finished prmluet. Hcenuse
I ho worth of Ford cam aa dependable, moucv-
' saving utilities him bean demonstrated be.vond
nil question, the demand la constantly increas-
big. Order yours NOW. l!itnnltoul $:if0; Tonr-
lngCnrM0;Coiiilt'il)0; Town Car dlO:
Stlnit$7l0. AH prices f. o. b. Detroit. On sale
at 8uirta building.
'j C. E. GATES
Kiik.v 'IVi'ins If Dcsii'cil.
III - J5$F I r U
fcsrfsssssi aw s saw si fc sias nmmmmmmfuimmmmmmMnm sxiw SswssfJiShsiSMSitSsssiSassssajsMssssMSWSfc,
Jcv JL Lj
V.-K'v .iiu: iTiaiionii iiunu. x
Mothers' Day
We hae a big -,Un ot Carnation
and other flower tor the ovcumoii.
S ml rut. - to i bnri In .
Here We Are Ag'ain
Better Than Ever
Sunday, May 149 at
Come Out and See Our New- Suits
2soO p0 xn
The Florist
Ml-. I on, j i
" i l'...- Mr- i i,
rj' . Hi i 1,
Graadstiint! 35c
Bleachers 25c
Hniilil. A
I'UVlIND niltMl 1-ltLM.
.f, - I til intii
'r' ). K
t , i r
M..uuu r
i i
Jdrs. I'ool'nitr
4i.i Aik;..rUr.ul(o.
I'IMa i lint t 1 C014 r .. AV
I tt i v , l , y , y
i i n t xf
II. n i S
. I t a
I 1 JkS ZT Vf n