' I'K I i 'V V J. , iTrS "-! o o o PATJfl FOUR MEDFORT) WATTj TRIBUNE. MTCDFORD, OTCTCflOX, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1010 ':':, m. ' ,imiiM," o, at "'."'.,'.' . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDtl'KNnKNT M.WJ3PAPEH ri'ui.iHimu uvKUV aftkhnoon JCXC'Kl'T HINIlAY IIY TJIB MKDKOHO I'lUNTlNO CO. OfflM Mall Tribune Uultdlnir, 20-27-29 North Fir street, tfkptiono 70, A RADICAL OF YESTERDAY A Tlis Democratic! Tim on, the Mod ford Mall. The Medfonl Tribune, The South ern Orsgonlan, The Ashland Tribune. OWOHOK PUTNAM, KJItor. tnmsenxPTioN jiatebi one year. ! wsn un .JJ.0O .to mh launth. bv mull Per month, delivered bv currier In aiaarora, riiopmx, jsoKMonviue iuhI Control l'olnt .. .66 fctWrfl)' only, by mull, per year .. Z 00 WaeKly, iwryear 1(0 OtttfM Paper of the City of Medfnrd Qrnetal Iaper of Jackson County RnterMl an necond-claee matter at Masuoril, Oregon, under the act of March 1, IS7S. Uworii Circulation for 19151150. l'ull leased wire Associated I'reca dls- JHltOllt H. EM-TEES Ym I.Hx'i', (Wo jtiHt lovo to write this kind of stuff, soinuhow; maybu It'M buonuse It's so onsy.) (Motif.) I urn tlio chlofost or nil chnrncturls- tlOfl Of homus which flourish 'noath tlio folds Of thti starry bnnnur; to-slt: Tlio land of tlio free, And tlio homo of llui bravo. 1 hiii tlio Sulurdny nlghl solrcu; I tiiu Inouluulublo; 1 mil oninlsolciit; 1 ant otnnlpnweiit, (ltovelnllon.) I am tlio hath tub! Medical Item, Wo wish to corrwt n mistake Mr. OnrtwrlKlit'K hono 1b not ilonil, hut KiittliiK hotter. Mnrslinll Cornurs ltom In tlm llolfiiHt (N. Y.) llhuo. Did Ho lilt It? "Wrlto of iiopulnr hoiikh ronunlttcd siiloldo hy BliootliiK nt u local liotut tonlKht. St. Louis (Mo.) Democrat. Our Otvn TrnvcloRtiiw. KALAMAZOO, MIOII. If It were not for thU blltlntsome vIIIuko, mnny u worthy Joko nutlior would lmvo died a mlnnrnhln duutli In a lonoly arrot, Kor mmo mason Kalnmnzoo In thought to ho funny. Uvon tlio In naOTlnnta do not rosont It, though tbof cull It Knzoo wlmn In oxocutlvo Htuwlon. .Quito n crop of ctilory In grown urouiul .nioo. Kor our own iwrt, aolory Is not fit a morsel for human beluga, but vse believe that it Im rmtttii In the cantors of culture Wit word anliitc to wrlto iiuate a lot about tlm wmltnrlum at 'asoo, hut we. happened to romomhiir that tlio MHttarluui Isn't at Zasoo at nil; It' nt llHttlti Creek. Our mistake. Ho Took It Willi Hint. Sam DHiiMoro went to the city with hl Wright's disease Saturday for to a dortur. Tin lampion (Ctil.) ItonJater. Sii)m AiiKuMIno Itltrell: "Itnilapha, In rhyme, art the raal literature of tlio ihos." Vary ell, Oim, how do yuu Ilka taeae: llera Ilea the body or Willi Uuttib, Y lay It ao It rhymas with tough. Hare, aaleap, lit Arrto Kllwer. Chh f tlttath: Two much Orew ltlvw. llyre )Im Martha MuKltia' day, Wb tilttH't lv a dam to atay. HmT If ,ky U uot llturatura, witat ar tkr? AHiwaiw-Awful! I'pllft (); (By urby-Cugh-MiuH.) TIOKI TU wtly way joh'H war gat Hy-v,-hr la lo atlrk. It way iuak other folka awful aor t kava yuu sticking around all tht tin, but ym aliould faint. Kp dm; atay with It; eontluua; h4hm ouraif. If ) Mi't atick wAmlr la glHg t ti ya. If yaa buet, out after you hv ihuJc a niiataUr It preree yeu are a revard. StJrk to It and ou will rfftUttr trxmtcm. MihIcI 3UII of I'm for lrtinitniH SATI'UllAV 'Chicken, ft la Mm;, et- MONDAY Saiall Sirloin ' TUK8DAY Itoast spring lamb .. WKDNK81UY. TUunVuripr roffw TIU KliDAY. .0 .SB .40 15 .16 LlUitf 1t?9 KI(IDY '.mrintfjacalftnl ii-b fiom bom ou Vliy"fiinok rut Ciimra ' Wbftft La QgnJas ara only lflo. FIOAV years no Scimtor A. I. Cummins of Town was rated as a Droirivssive. Outside of his advoeaey of equal suffrage, there was nothing in his message to the people as a presidential candidate to justify ranking him with the progressives of today. This may indicate the ever increasing progress of the people rather than any change in the views of the candidate. The radical of today is tlio conservative of tomorrow, unless the radical grows in breadth and vision with human evolution. The revelation that Mr. Cummins is-a radical of yes terday was a keen disappointment to those familiar with his career as governor of Iowa. I he relorms he accom plished gave him a national reputation. lie broke the fet ters of tradition annarentlv only to forge new ones. He had traveled a distance then stopped. Air. Cummins' effort was an ordinary campaign speech, and despite his accomplishments, the conviction grew, by an ordinary man. lie presented a viewpoint narrowed by partisanship and colored by tradition. The speech might have been delivered twenty years ago, for all the ideas presented. There was nothing in it to jar the susceptibil ities of the most ehaiivanistie stand-patter. Conservation was condemned, the democrats denounced, high tariff talked, calamity cried, preparedness preached, Old Glory waved, and the eagle soared. Senator Cummins' speech contrasted very sharply with that of Senator La Follette two years ago'. La Follette had a message to deliver to the people and delivered it, clearly, directly and logically, free of buncombe, partisan ship and grandiloquence. If Senator Cummins had a vital message, ho did not, deliver rt much to the regret of many admirers. KAISER KWffi BOY-ED HIGHLY FOR CONSPIRACIES Not even lithia can cleanse the damned spots from the hands of the tainted Ashland scandal-monger, so he wal lows in the filth of his own foul imaginings a fit subject for the bug house. NEW FILM DEPICTS LIFE IN BIG GAMP A fluid of romance that Iiiih been noKloctod hy dramallnU Iium boon utfllzod In tlio Mutual Mantorplcturo, Do Liixo Killtlou, "Ovornlls," a flvo ncl wootorn (Irani a which will bo mion nt tlio Star tluiator today with Ithou Mltcholl ami William Stowoll. Tlio aevnoa art) laid lu n big coiintriicllon camp lu Nouthoru California, whoro u rIkiiiUIc onglmmriui; projoct In now uuilnr way. Tlio llvou of the t'liKl iiuurH and moil ongaKod in thlH i;nat work nro roploto with advonturo nnd pormltn of groat ImaKlnntlvo pohM- llllltlOH. Tlio rhnrnctMrH lu thla pliotodramii aro ovor)day nitm and woiiiuu whovo 1IH may appear proaalc to tlio iinln Itlntud, but which ara roploto with In rldontH worthy of a wrltor of gnxtt epic to pnwono thom for pontrlty. For triio loalUm ami toiuo altuatlon no photoplu) haa over been produrod to t-xceed ' Overalls " TAKE SILVER FORK FROM MAN'S STOCKTON, Cul., May IS.-Two Hllvor forlta and a allvor ttnHpoon, which havo Ikjoii lodgod In the stout ach of Uh'hnrd Williams, a former lo. loral inurrhnnt for ovor a yoar, today wuro not huiupoiiuK tlio dlKCHtlon of WllllauiH' food as thoy woro ri'inoved yostorduy by jihHlclans. Wllllaiim to day wuh iccoverliiK front tlio oiwra tlon It Is hrllvvi'd ho nwnllowcd tlio cutlory whon dpllrloiiH GERMANY NOT TO REPLY 10 WILSON COTHNirAdKN". m London. Mnv Vi.- ArrordiBtr to lh' lbulin Tnjri' hlntt, (li'ininiiv will not M'lul n icpU to tlio la-t AiiitTiciin iiiitc, lint tlu (llTIIIIIII itM'tlllllCIlt Hill I'Ollt'lT with AlllbaMKlDI' (il I'M I'll hi rcu'uiil to it FRECKLES Don't llldo Thom With a Voll Ito. nioo Tin-in With tho Othliio Vl 'rescript ion, This proscription for tho removal of fieoklim was written by u promi nent physician and is usually so suc cessful lu louiovlug freckles and glv lug a I'lnar, hoautlful complavlnn that It is sold by any druggist under guar Hiittw to refund tho money If It falls. Don't lilda Nour frwkles uiulor a ell; got an ounce of othlne and re move thom. Kmui tho first few ap plications should show a wonderful improvement, soma of tho lighter freckles vanishing entirely. He sttro to ask the druggist for tho double strength othlne; it is this that Is sold on the inoiuw -back guar-antee WHENYwTKFn!Renieinl)ranCe up-DJEll . of Mother OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons ami toxins from system before putting mora food Into stomach. Says Inside-bathing makes any ono look and feel clean, sweet and refreshed, Wash youraalf on tba Inalda beforo breakfast Ilka ou do on the outslda. This is astl moie liiiHrtaiit tHi'iiusu the skin poras do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, rauskig llluuss, while the bowel poras do. lr e ry ouuee of fiwW laid think takeu liiio tho stomurb, naarly an ouuta of wasta uiateiiul must ba carrtad out of taa iHMiy. If (his wmsia materia! In not elliulnatad da) by day It quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases uud toxins whU-h am absorbed or sucked Into the bloMl streuui, through the lymph duets which should huck only nourlsbiaaut to sus tain the bod). A spleudid health niaasura la to drluV, leforo breakfasi aaeh day, a gl.ss of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phoaphate in It, hlch Is a harmless ) to wash Ibesa polsouK, Kases and toxins from the alouiach. Iher, kldne ami bowels, thus rleunslng. sweeteulng and fraahauinx the eutlra alltuemary runal befors puttiug Mora food Int tba atouiarh. A s,uartar poitad of Umstat phos ttbata costs but very little at tba drug store but Is suttU-lent to make sujono a eutbuslssl ou luslda-Watblng Met and women who ara accustomed to wake up with a dull, aebiug head or have furred tongue, bad taste, nastv brwatb, sallow complexion, others who kavt bilious attaeka. acid stomach or roMatluailon ara asaurad of pro uouaced impruvamant In beta health and appaaraaoa sMrUy, How mother elw,o- donbt the best Daisy Butter 1 For the bread, and Velvet Ice Cream Tor dessert Put up lu individual molds white and ptuk earuatiuii. Sunday, at the DAIRY White Velvet Ice Cream I'houe IS I. .tU'J 11 Main. Medford House Movers Wi: MUM HOUSES, BARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY, ETC. Phone 488-M 612 S. Newtown. 737 W 14th St. JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Mdy AvlitAiit g H. UAUTLlflT I'Iioum M. 47 and 7-J Aiubulauos kianrtcfl Poroaar LONDON", Way 12 -A Cent ml News dinpateli from Amsterdam h.vi that Captain Kurt Ito.-Kd, lormerly Oennun tutvnl attnelie at Wnshinjc ton, has been ilrPfirHtwl with the Or dor of the Hod Vmm, third vUihi, with awnnlx, hy tlio emperor. Captain Hoy-Kd wai apjiointod to tlio WHHhiiiKton cmhaKhv in Deri'in her, 11)1 1. After varmux ehargnpi hud been made against him in regard to hih roiiiii'ctiun with iMixcport Iniuda, tho e(pii)inent of (Icniian eommoreo raiders from this country ami Clur iiiiiii intn'KUUfl in IIevieo, 1'residont Wilson reciuested he he recalled. After the provident had deelinud a re ipicxt from Jlorlin to explain the rctiHoiiH for the demand for Cnptniii Hoy-Kd' recall, tho altachu was or dered homo Init Dueemher. The charges ngtiinit Captain Uoy I'd eontinued after' lu departure from this country. In .Mureh of this year, when Ilorwt Von Der Ooltz was nrn" led in New York m eonneetion with tho plot to blow up the Wullund eanal in Cuuudii, lie made n Htntement to the United States district uttoniev eharKitik' thut Cnptuin Hon Kd hud proposed mi invasion of Camilla front this countrv. M-ati. Re VALLEY KEY TO WAR SAYS FRENCH SENATOR PARIS, May 12. Sonstor Ileren ger, writing in tods)'s Nstln. ssys that the key to th wur lies lu tho poHosMlon of tho Urley valley be tween Verdun and Met. "Since the wur begun, " says Sena tor lloronger, "France, huvlng lost the Ilrloy basin, has been obliged to Import almost nil tho Iron required from Kngland and America, while Germany having occupied the whole Ilrloy valley Is able to add 11,000,000 tuns to-her own annual output. This explains tho activity of tho Oermans nt Verdun, thoy want to capture the fortress so as to effectively prevent tho French from attacking Metz "In a confidential memorandum nddrnsscd ot Chnncollor Von Iluth-niann-llollweg on conditions of future poacc, by (lermuu Industrial associa tions, May L'9, 11)10, the following pnssago eccurred: 'If the production of Iron nnd stool hnd uot doubled since August, 101-1, the continuation of the war would have boon Impos sible. Tho Ilrloy region now pro duces 00 to SO per cent ot our iron and steel, nnd if that production was hampered the war would bo practical. ly lost." Zuktf Cet the Round Package Used for Vs Century. ffS Caution i rSravold Sub1ltuttll!, CTaI m I FaUrZ I i LZjaAHisdUlvl UaTaal -JkaViSH ciirwn.,u.3.a. f& HORLICKS THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted groin, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infants and children thriva on if. Agree with the weakest stomach of the invalid or tha tned. Needs no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains mora than tea, coffee, etc. Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment. A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing sleep. Alto in lunch tablet form for business men. Substitutes Cost YOU Samo Prlco Take a Package Home TEACHERS' REVIEW COURSE Preparing for .June Teachers' Kamiiiation, and SUMMER SCHOOL Regular Business and Shorthand Courses. Half-Da v Sessions from 8::K) A. M. to 12 .M. Special Tuition Charge. B Ed IX MOXDAV, MAY 212. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Some of Our Saturday Specials Silver Squares . . 15c Raisin Squares . . 15c Devil's Block . . 15c Orange Squares . . 15c Maple Nut Squares 15c When you order the.se Cakes also ask for Nurmi's Rye1 Bread With r without i-aruw.n. It's sweeter, softer and flesh, i It's baked eel da . NOT mixed In human hands. Nwml Bakiog Co. Makers of HuUer-Xut, Pan-Dandy, California laisin Bread. m rr,,. ,,, ,., Ml 1 ' SIWSl in itwniiH ws7iss J MfmnA vW&ww?&&y A PIPE of VELVET burns - - those bridges that we are alvays try in to cross befo' we get to 'em. syt-A'o $$f Vatfssl mE&W&AX2BB2EZm MEDFORD, M AY22 89th ANNUAL TOUR. OF THE John Robinson 1 0 Ele Shows The World's Greatest Circus ML UtN j m. - Ta CaUJsvr w -Jin , : ' j ttS. a uK)rslACT pry ' o. s mmWji sjaassa mjSpn,-J'11. f jLM . f jff JrJE JL ''liSMaX 'LJi yflL1 o.jm 4CrVstr S3: A afs tt- rV&S m?-s p. .. it 4 Rings--500 Sensational Novelties BIG DOUBLE MENAGERIE 51 FUNNY CLOWNS More Animals Than Were in Noah's Ark See the Monster Free Street Parade Seat Sale at Moslems' Drug Store Scenic Shasta Route through California Four train; daily with through sleeping cars from Portland to San Francisco. Direct con nections for all Southern and Eastern points, Summer Round Trip Tickets will he on stile daily .lime 1st to Sept. .10 to principal Kaxtern cities. Liberal stop overs allowed en route. Return limit 90 ' days from date of sale not to exceed Oet, 31, 1910. Mt. Shasta. .Shasta Springs, Mt. Lustxa. Kan FraaouMo, Yoa. atnita Vnllay, I'uliforuia Ikat-h KesorU, Lo Angela, Pan-auitt-Culifurniu KxMaition, Apache Trail, 1 Pnso, Houstoa and Xaw Orleans, Call on Wal agent for information. Auk him to mule up itinerary of jour trip, or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Gwieral Pasimujor Aflfsit, Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific Lines lreig.T5aa3EfBtgM3S- ifmtT lliaMtjH TtFViTinTil''SaiaS F. BANK SERVICE Tba reKittoii oi il n i. .. i 1, l0nn u u is not that i'f a iriitt bulue" gr tuiirnriw it ts a public Insti tution. Wa bellate tha bauki-r ucts us tba agam of tba paopla, and in orJer to fulfill eowpletaly bis trust, be must be in a position to offer a maximum of ser lre, s serWce to Meet the requirements of all. SJ1IIB1III SStlf PvfPPIVtASg.ljKCISONI MANAOtMtNT y.. .rirA?BMMnMk.; o0 u -6 if f I O o