Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 12, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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' 1
Koiirler-ii crloiiil of tat (Hide and
one carload of linn from thr Simula
alley (California) realon. passed
thrnunh (hi city HiIh morning on
Trtulfl lo I'ttrtlatid A tralnload of is
ear mwnI through during tin- aft
ormwn, l, from (ho ame section
Thu Hi 9 ihaala vHlloy people are
marketing (htlr airala and (train at
uiionruiti prion.
Do Voo rIvps trading: stamp with
irreryihlnx except greerle.
lSritwt Weuli, one of the valley's
leattlug iMtultrviiieii. had to Htm tlnwn
order for BOO from hi
thoronghhred pen during (he flrat
thre day of (hi weak. Thu the
poultry business ha ben urgtMl (o
grow hy (he formalin ef a poultry
aMlallo ill thla valley and (he
holding of a poultry show.
Til !tMtr?fl1l Mhool lii movie at
Star theater today only. ,
A. M. Woodford, father of I'ol
maator J. It. Woodford of thla city,
arrived yeaterday to visit with thu
laUer for a month or o. Mr. Wood
ford ha been mahlng hla home with
hi daughter at Coqullln City.
(Jot your mllK. cream, biittor, ogga
and buttoriiill. at !e Voe'a.
The Uucky Hoy gold mine In Iant
county, a pniprrly woll known by
tiianr Itwal milling irnni, haa bcuti
old to Portland and Canadian capi
talist for 1 (0.000.
Typewriter paper of all kind at
M ml ford l'ritiK Ce.
Stoma of.tha finel' lrwiarrlo
over teen In (hi marlie( are those
that Imve been delivered durlug the
peat few day from our own traw
berry palche. Young trawlmrrle
In expoeetl Idacea were vary largely
dealniyed by Ike fioit, but It la bo
llovwl that the vine are not hurt
and that now strawlmrrle will rap
lilly aet for the larger and better
crop later In th aeaeon.
See. Iave Wood about (hat fire In
aurauno pll!y. Office Mull Trillium
The ladle or the Altar society or
(ho Culholle ehnrtih will give n card
part nt the pa rial i hall thla even
ing. 1'iof. (oaa, a platital of note, will
play at the SbaaU Friday nvotilng.
from a to II.
Th MeUfunl band rendered am-el-lent
musle during the reception of
fewftier A. II. Cununlna at the Hotel
UtMltard laat evening. It led the.
mow lo the Nataterlum at a iiirlr
to a and p4 Mvergl number
Ih the hall. Medrord in til feat d
pride In l(a new band for the clever
work It did laat nlgbl.
I5'A off on Kodaa at WeatonV
Camera Shop.
Saturday. Jay i, will be yiU
era1 Dgy. The wire from Modioli!
will no doubt Ungle wllh inentiHgc of
love to mnny an hid, Ions mother to
whom Mothers' l)a la something
more than a name.
J, O. Qerkltig, tno boat nil around
iiliotogrnnhn In southern Oregon.
Alway rellaljle. Negative v
where, time or place. Mtudlo m
Main at. I'heno JJ0-.I.
The Bletors or Charll of He- Mac
red Heart hoapllal and the guadu
at lug cias tf Ut extend u eordlal
InvlUllon to the public to attend
their commenjeinent exercleee Thur
uay evening. May sn. at a o'clock,
at the NattMorium hall. The exer
phnm will tM more than uauall ln
(creating thl year
Woaton fWHerg Shop for flrat-claaa
koduk rinlahlug and kodak aupplle.
Uentncr Will of Hhaat valley
fat., la In the ct today on bul
nea. He will remain a week or
mare. He la a atockmnn or that fee
I lou of nor l hern California.
(late aell Kord cam, 3 down
ii nl $25 a month.
The annual Vulle I'rlde ci earner
Picnic and Applegale valle aihwl
Held meet lll take place at the
iieamn ut Applegule on Tliurmlav,
Ma U, ami a lull dav U plaiyi d
lu the morniim. from le to i:' '.'.
Iht;ie wilt ti MHrtii of all UlluU for
bo and gill-, and Hie k.IiooU of the
Applcgutc allt will compete (or the
hllver cup (Sheii in the Vallci I'rlde
iieamerv w lili li iui U now held Itj
the AppleKHIe m liool 1
Trv u KIiik Hplti Uur and en
rooraac tiomi- iiidUkin H
i..... I.-...L..... ,..,.i I.. 1.1. iiuw,i i
niRIUII '' VM w. -.... .
unit..) i i ilii-ir wedding ,i!"'i-""-
,i ,fl. uk.... i be in iu apartment wwiiig for sou.-tlme (rum Intc
,i V,r r soen... f Portland. roubU' Utl U ha. Kiwon
.. . ate fur deKgaiv at large to the
oilcan ualloitul conujitlon hpeul
Thuihdm atieiuoou and evetilna in
t. dtord Mr Si uter comes wliu
Uj- i" -i r . i i ittiaht. and his plat
i n u i t. .aitrlfulU uport the
in,. .omliicc" iWd to 'refrain
i. .. attcmpllug to contiol or lu
Huenec federal apiAkaiments " J
.. l..i?Z ollllnu f Ifil
low M.i iii liii'ttoi of I neOt
n i"1 u .u'rom Manual) no yu
ihmi I'oOlaud b Krauk K Hooh.
via preaii of th Qlgr)" Mav
lag hank ol Portland. O
Wo Myiiu Ihlnt. anyAimtfauy
where. Mednird Tranafer (Tl Phone
ii'niri from (liilfe-e atinoii in c
I thai .lack Knrnamlor. wan drowned In
I tin- Iloatia rlvor tlioro Wednesday. Mo
Ih Bald to IiTh lieen nutting H li
line aero the stream on a eahlo
when he fell mid wn unable la ascaim
from the rlvor. At Im( retiort the
Jioily lid not ben recomcil.- Urania
j,HBB c0rlir
Pottage ataiup at Do Voe'.
MrH Maggie Wilt yealorday awoie
out k complaint for the man who
haa linen oiieratlng her placer mine
for oinn time, charging him with
larceny. It la alleged that he carried
orf the gold obtained lit (he lnl
cleanup. He wa loattd In thu Cold
tllll region thl morning and .Cou
ntable Hammond haa gone to bring
him back.
Don't forget lo attend the bazaar
ami food aalo given at the Mos hldg.,
Saturday. May t3. 4-1
C. 15. Hamlin or tho Uurol treet
grocery, motored lo Kagle Point to
day on bualm.
Do Voo buy bner boltle.
Kydnoy 8. Chaddlngton. auto en
gineer of the Mlandard Oil oomiwny,
with heailiiuartera lu San KrancUoo,
la attending to bualueaa In (hi city
ror a fi'w day.
ICee l.ox carbon paper and rib
bon. Quality Mine now a alway.
price loo. Median! Hook toro.
Sample ballot are now lu the
hand or the county clerk and aio
ready ror delivery to the evornl pro
elticta for one lu the primary oluc
Hon of May 1.
Tho now Mlylu folding lliownlu
eamcraa are lu. Medfoid Hook
Victor Mahew or (Irani Pa. re
turned homo lal night, after a day
devoted to bualiiea In tht city.
Hatha Mo. Hotel Holland.
It. P. (Irani or Klamath Pall, I
attending to bualiie lu (hi city thl
Mstoii, children, we have a new
mimical toy. Commencing Saturday
afternoon nt 1 o'elock we am going
(o give away one lo each or (ha flrat
700 hoy and girl that roiiio Into
our tore. Healh'a Drug Htore. Op
mialle Naah hotel. 1 1
The earch ror the body or Kddle
Hall, who dlaappoared luat .laiiuary
In Hih Itutte creek count ry, wax mi
uciteaarul, V. T. llllllck of Cliloo,
Cat., and ftoliuylcr Hammond having
returnod. Another aearclt may bo
uiado. Mr. Mllllnk I an uncle of Hie
unfortunate trapper.
To Loan- $1000 to $rorifi oil
ranch proerty. J. H Audrewa, Med-
ford, Ore. lit) Ouriiett-Curey hldg.
Phone (11. U
Attorney A. K. Keamea and Mlxa
Iteamea left Thumday by auto (or View to attend a anealon of
lourl, where Mr. Heamea haa a cane.
Thoy expect to be gone a week.
Or. ICIrchgeaaner will be at Hotel
Sah every Wednesday. Hour (or
conaullatlon to lo S.
Hugh Mitchell, former (lh ciil
turlal In chargo or operation un the
Itogue, later transferred to Caltfoi
nla and thence to Alaaka, haa been
pro mo led to be Ntalo auuerlntendetK
of hatcherlea ror the United tilatoe
bureau or hatcherlea, with headquar
ters at Claekamaa. He arrived in
Medfoid Thuraday and left to Inspect
hatchery wotk at litk creek.
The world' greatest companies
Holmes. The insurance Man.
A bulletin Issued by (he California
stale board of health shows hook
worm prevalent among the mlnera or
California, practically iu iwr cent of
the miner being sufferer from the
Another popular 'c dance at Nat
Kariy vegetables and berries arc
arrMug from Cailfomlu in great
iiuautltle in this state. Uowavtr, It
Is predicted (bat the shipments will
lit affected somewhat ny the kiss en
tailed by tha freeilng weather in the
northern counties ef that slate dur
ing the past week- lu feci, the (tost
eonditlouM extended far lute the Man
Joaquin alley.
Parents allow your children to
call at our ttore tUurde afternoon
(or one of the musical toya that will
be given at thai time. Let
litem be one of the TOO HealbV
Urug More, oppuslie .Ma"! hotel. 44
Kd Purdy. who has bcei. kuflerluii
for sometime wllh la arlppe and lu
aficreffct'i u ugalu aide to i ou
llle irerln
Kuioke a King Kplt cigar
The are boine-made
Hr II P llargravc and I'reil
tteeU left esierday tor PonUud
a her
lu Hargraxes oe io con
I ui.ll dli. iakllkt Til lliW I 111' llK mII1
nonai worse
Your lawn niuwci maeHlaa sharp
ened at Mill hells. Phono SUO-J
I The public wbooU of Ibis ells ale
I boldlna the school pageant this ad
' eriioou on the Hli-.u lawn The at
leiidame is OMcllrlll The ploglHin
I in leiinisc iid I lie Utile lelC are
! .'. ill.. k I .. . ,.t t a i , .n I ill . k An
- -' "'
V.IIPll" 0" Ml I H0o0r
(Ilil6 WilKBhoUe at D Yp'I
Cma.nY'e.nate; changes;
Will Im' eitbel (Xni.ui
ll.ui: ni. V
iiii'i. n.
emble pri-liyi ii- .1 irogleii . 1 1
lit onee flitliMMl u judicial teieper
nioi'iit and lieinme it profound un
hotil on the lulled Stole- ennii
lilliiin lifter the manner of .lii-"ili
W'j'leoH Uiiilcy and whene'er unv
ful'rtiinl-lookiliu lei-lntioli, like
pi'C-idenliuI piliiuiiien. Iiiih needed to
be frowned upon, the frown bus been
1'uniWicil by Alice I'omcreiie. Urn
lolesi nn iriiclielly ull eontilu-
tioiuil olid ri'iietumnr.v, Tho voters
of Ohio will be up iirHint it in tiyinjf
to decide between him mid pit her of
hi two proliulile oioiieutK. Neither
Iferiiek nor Daugherty would im
prove Ohio' 'reirpentiitiiiti.
TexiiM nui-t fMr. oil tile (ii('Ktio of
re-eleetinjr CliurleH A. Ciilbereoti, for
wlioe place I tob Iletin, now retire-
aeiiliilhc iu the liou-c, in a eutliliduk1.
tofrellier with wcwrnl oilier npiriiu
Texnna, not forgetting fluvemor Col
iiiitl. ('utlicrxoii Iiih net linen (lie
lllOHt irogieeeiV( HCnatof ill tilt1
world. Iiul foiiipii ii'il willi I'oliiuilt or
even Henry, he i doM'tving of moal
lioiiorulile incMlion. Hi health litis
been lnnl foraevenil veiin., ami it hue
been iicccmmii'v for him to lake Ilia
work very eniily; nt tlie prefent time
he i back on the job mill utiuoiineua
tluit lie i ii enndiilitte for nnollivr
lenn. lu Tcxiie the iriiiiniic nillier
limn llio eleeiioiia nettle the queilioii.
The PiM'ket llenniKli,
fleneiiil llenrv A. Hit I'onl of Del
nwiue will iircMimnbl reiire. Tho
Heuutor i. ipiite old and lii lienltii is
Hot rolml. Hin tote lia itlwnyK been
with Hie proKMly Hiliiot, hut Dela
ware h miirw or lees of h Mieket bor
ough ami tiny man mieecediiiK Dn
I'ont is npt to eanl it vole mueli tii
Dn I'ont haa.
The oilier aertnlurh wlioee teium ex
piro nre .latnet. A. Ileiil of MiHetiri:
fleoie SutlierJimil of I'tith, HentT V.
Afliurst or Arixonii, ('. I). Clark of
Wyoming. Oilbert M. Ilitcheoek or
Nelimakit. CliurleH I', .lohtiaou of
iliiine, Henry V. I.ippilt of Idiotic
Maud. Henry Ciibol Inulge of .ln.
Noeliiu.cHs, i'urlvr .1. .Mct'uiuher of
North Diikotn. Juiiie. .Murtino of New
.lercey, (hmrge Mclean of Connueli
cut, Henry I.. Moytrw of Mouliiim,
(leove T. Oliver of IVniieylvniiin,
CmitiiI S. l'nue of Veniiiiiit, Key I'llt
mnii of N'eiilu, Cluiule Swiiiimiu of
Virginin. Cburlch I'.. Tiiwiisoml of
Miehijjiui uiul John .Slmrp Williama of
Tiie only men in llii lit ,t h
any pI retch of the iiuntiinnliou emi Im
citiinled ii- people"- mm me A-lmi-t
of Alimiii .1 1 1 1 1 .Maitme of Nfw .Jc--e.
Koorted by Jackeon County Ab
trct Co., Hlith snd Mr Mts.
Clicult fowl,
('has Pope a. Cbai lotto V
Jackson Count Hunk vs. I.. K.
Huntington et al, mortgage rorc
cloaure. Sarah Cla) vs Central Point Pack
ing Co., motion.
!(. X. Naion & Co. vs. 11. L. Itnu
nett ot Hx, affidavit for attachment,
undertaking for attachment.
Victor K. Hcno va. T. C.
et al, objection.
Pnvlwite CViint,
Corbel Smith, minor, guardiuuahlp,
conflrmatloH of sale of real estate.
Krancla Winifred Qulgley, uiluor.
Ruaiillausbtp, rciwrt.
.Mairlago i.ceuH,
llerotd VV. Chi ltenstn to Verc
N'ecl .
WASHIXUTOX, May 18. Metre
tai McAdoo'n answer to the auit of
the King National bank for an In
junction lo restrain him and Comp
troller Williams from an alleged
conspiracy to wreck the bank wax
read to the lui tods b govern
meiu couiuel In the perjure trial of
three oflti'i-h of the liauU.
I 'rot Vo-.n, a pianlxl of note, will
pla' at the Simula Kildu eviuina
from lo I I
'Wy, how 'TU' jflftddetu ttrod,
kWoUan, burnuif feat
It's glorious!"
Ah' what relief Xo mors tired frsi.
ao luorc buruiSK ' mure swullra.
achuitf. tcntlor wsly fret N.t mure
uin'jw in ern, ealluuiiiti, bunion
No matter what aiU j.air itei w ht
UttiW the un )ou've tritkt without g
linjr rtiel jiut u "Vu." "I'n" u (ho
iilv r.'iiiidy tlis: ili4v out all the
iinUiiil I'VUilaUou w l.i.'hi (mil up tlie
ttti- "lis" eurot your bait tioul.Vo j
j eii: rt'ivr licuv er .in 141 jour ta
j a .a jiuf suns v.4it a.n lfr
a: ur fiat wtt. navw. mnr tun r
fjjetfc..- artawolitn Tin' tt ,. ttll
"; imv isitaty. Ma J-4 auaiiy ;froux
fiif jl'i4 r JlilSutr
(lr ibwilnBPtorc soil get liuisut f
TiriO rur (Jci'lnr .'i,- Ju,t n,-..
ti ' 1 1 li.-l v Ii n at' 1.1 t .
'.-'. ..lit- 1 . . k
The Kuril it ie -jneii lo hi
ilnughlcr by ('. K. - wa -lolen
from il mtiiml in limit ol the Nutn
toriuill lost nijbl end 1 1 .- not yet
been locntcd. The car wu- eiiuippeU
with the (Mitent hood and iioliiitor
cover mill olhfr juirt- t hut jrac it an
upHiiriinei ilislinetlx ditlerciit from
other KoiiIm in Ihnl It wge
hccii I a ken nway aboul 1 1 o'i lock lit-t
lilgllt, jul ns ieoj)le were leaMiit; the
auditorium, where Senulor ( umiein
bni been hH'itkiii(f. It a turned
noiitli on Hie higbwnv. About I o'clock
tliia uiorniiiK M nolo driver coinim;
this way gaw wlmt he re-m riled un n
iiinehiiie of tliu ileienptioii given an
that of Hie Kuril in uiieition. bcimr
driven iu a hurry toward the Califor
nia line. Sheriff Singler leit todaj
for thu Horulirook locality.
The frieutlH of Mr. (lute, who uru
legion, lire joaliing; him about the fuel
Hint, although, lie recommends the
Vnle leek on the unto ".witeh" a- a
stifeuuiird itKilinlit ainbodv'- riiiiniiiL'
nwuy with it, lie didn't ue it him-
ell. It illustniles. however, the ne
eeaaity of aoniutliiiig of that kind, and
Mr. (lutea will ue the oircimi-turiee
to aliow (lie reult of indlfl'erenee to
such precaution... allliouh he mav
suffer losw in (he diiiion-tiatioii of it
in this case.
TelK Hon Vluol Made Her .Strong,
Medford women who are weak, run
down and suffer from the consequent
effects or such a condition, will be In
terested In Mr. Odull's letter. She
"I am a farmer's wife and wan all
run-down, weak, tired, and suffered
from indigestion, and sometimes it
scorned u though I could not keep
around and do my housework. I had
taken many medicines without bene
fit. One day I aaw Vlnol advertised
and made up my mind to trv it. I
Imvo taken four bottles am! have
gained seven pounds iu weight, am
much stronger and feel man .voari
joungor than heroic." Sarah Odd!,
Luck port, N. Yr ,
The reason vlnol builds up weak,
run-down women so uulckly Ih be.
cause it coutaliis a delicious comldiia
tlon of the three most successful
tonics, peptonate of Iron to enrich and
revltalhte tho blood, the streuKth
ii eating, bold-building clemciitH of
fieiih cods' 1 1 vera without oil, and
lieef peptone.
We want to aav to even weal.,
inn down, woman in
l cl foul we will i. turn wmr
ll'Ollcv If liml fulls lo In lp Mill .1:
II did Mix O.I. II
M.'diord Plurinacv XiU
itb KClliillie ill
liiilllioildh i
Up. We Jim! ir
cot veil u aelixtion
of gold pcudatits !
and chains that i
anil for SiL.'O up i
These arc mil '
Our luvallierca are built (or
of wear and years of pleaMire
Thoil lake a plate Uo.illl euih fair '
Thai l.uou .nut lovtn m iii'.i-uie I
Martin J. Reddy
Hollkt of lj!..llllV. l!ltul3 1a.i i'
Welcome i
K Mulu
nEacrKBantt.uEEKUftWBiKKtsaU5Bwa j '
1 If you see it at the
I Star
ts "It's Good"
PICTURES. Tin-a.Ul.,1 attn-f..., l... . I-
I n n inn our Hay carli.
Th AlUfl'ii-iyi l-'ilml"
I 1.'d I.. vV. riWtVri,ni iiii.ifiWsSy ..i" i4Witi!V
I ( H11KA Wi,.(S)i.,.. 4Uri
'L (S . .....
p vii.-i.tny, I'-J
The Page theatre offem today and
tomorrow In conjunction with the
Triangle photo-play or troitg inerll,
the Olson Mros. orchestra, consisting
or seven brother and sister who nre
native Oregonlan and red ml to bo the
best family orchestrp. on the PnclHc
coast. They Just closed an engage
ment at Clime auditorium, Lo An
geles, and also have played prominent
engngemenln lu lending theatres in
all !are cities. The Page manage
ment secured them for a limited en
gagement only, Friday, Saturdav and
Sunday, the peoplo expecllng (o visit
(heir home, Maker. Ore., at it certain
3 Big Features Olson Championship Family Orchestra Drama Comedy
A Tear :: A Laugh :: A Treat for Your Ears
ifaiimmssroaa laiieaiiwjsusBrssM
BpgaiigpneunBnuMn'iwiw vnsm,'j.u,w mnunmnl,fia wuiBuumtanaaiJisi immikuisdi
Consisting of Seven Pieces (5 Brothers, 2 Sisters)
Recognized as the Champion Family Orchestra of the Pacific Coast
T-l - - ' -
llirotluT V.,il wr, !i . .
Regular D A f T7 Regular
l i TTI.TT 7i 1. - w w ,
I'lfKi'lltN I lie rMni'ililn .11 pi-1.I.i Mi, Ih I.tir,
TV. ('(I, (lltl mi "im. i . i.l
.1 lie Tin t.illiiili i ii ' ir ld.n Tin
MtHsIng Links" features Itobert
Heron and Norma Talmadge and It is
fruught With lore and comedy and a
very absorbing play, right up to Its
happy ending. 8m lbntard 1 pre
ccniad iu a brace of hilarious Key
stone comedy, he I a chef and does
!mot' eervthing except cook In 30
'rnlnulea ot fun ailed "Because io
' Loved Her" ,
Mcdford lMrtets Smofco
TIih Medfoid and Mt. Pitt Cigar.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Special Engagement
A Dramatic Novelty with a Bountiful
a n d-
Triangle Keystone
Keystone Players
:medfords leading wotion picture
i -l,. I; . ... m it s,.U. Th. si,,!" ,?,,.?.
! i- 'un- ..iv uu
HluJll 111 a raili-oail i-)iitnirtiuii cnuA Thw ni.-t...... I
mi? ..iir l.itf Satuulav Hhw. P' O ! " J
. . " ctjo S
th,(F; '
Heals Skin Diseases
It l onneivwarv ror. you to suffer
with ecsenut, ruiflwoiw. rala's and sim
ilar .-kin troalijes. A III tie aemo, gottcii
nt oiiv lira m(oiv for lEVc. or $1.00 for
etrn large benle. and ptunititb' applied
will a-itnlly give (Wiiiil rell.-r from itch
in torture. It cHiw" and soot lies the
nkln end limiH iik4.l ond effectively
laot nkiti diseasi's.
, 'rmo Is a womli rfnl dlsnpiearlng liiiuld
anil does llnl waarl l be nmsf ilellrnte Skin.
It ii nut gre.iv. i eiily nppllcil am
(i)i lutle. 'f u luday ami mavc all
fun I or di'"' , ,
lilil, t lovi Uinil.
Tn nnnER $25.00 UP
Also Cleanina, Pressinn ami Altcrlna
S (fish mH (flii
IU0Mi U-iu ju
Love Theme
We Originate
Others Imitate
il.tiU. H,j.i, -i,,,,,! siit3
... .! iirinu
i n .1. i ,i i i