FAGW TWO n VFDFOkD MAIL TI?mrXR, MKDFORT). OKI fi(VVI DM n')V M VY lfiir, "TO! M e - ti Tiio.i.i.rMMi mi. rnniT I flCO DM . .. 4 -t-v Jiiimilirv Mien 111 i rull houii n ni in . r" rf I II 1 i I I W KV YffCAL AND I"-rthe.Ut. oriuVnixti...ii.KoiUl LUuO U WLSJLMJ ii 'tile SoutlUTIl OragOin'oultrx itHjorla- nr-r rni irti-a FMSUINAL .it Dr. K. H I'll UH p mined Wnlnpn tlay from ItochtirK, where lie attond ud the meeting of Hip Soul hern Ore gon Medieiil association. Dr. tleorgfl K. Jarrl of Anlilatul, read a paper at the meeMna:. De Voe Ich trading stamps with OYrytIilnu except groceries. 'Hie raaurcd round-trip rates on the seulharn I'miflc to ami from all nfllnts In the vnll'N, Meriford UeitiK th cntr of th radliix, apply only on Stuiday. Gat your milk, rrram, butter, ogga mid liulternillk at Tic Voe'a. Horace W. Day, rppresontln; the Kbw York fruit hous of Igohol ft Dnjr, has been in Mmlford and at other point In this- Tlflntty for lltrae or Tour days on business. Typewriter paper of all kinds at Wadferd Printing Co Tne W. C T. lf. will mel at the whbJIs library at 2:30 Tlmradsy aft ernoon. All members are urged to bo IirsMHl. She Dave Wood shout that fire In anmnt wollcy. Officii Mall Trlbnn llhlg. Tan Rpwortli League will give a tilenir Innchoon In the park at Ash land Friday evening, after they attend the , Mathls-Vesaey nimillng. All iHOiHHera and friend of the league are Invited to attend. Posts alanine at l)e Vtw's. Miss Ntirl liunaberry left this Morning for Ashland, wlwre alio will vlall a day, nnrt from there aho will go to Wend. Cal., Tor a eoHple of tlaye, hefere her return tit her bual HeM In this city. Let Uie Bedford Transfer Co., do yowr d raying and nanllHK. Ikith (ruek and team eari-le. IMhihh 85. IS .1. Cecil Alter, olieerver In the Malur bureau, went to Aahlaud this momlRR to obtain aomo plelnrea or alirMtfr park aeouia. I to visited fefHirt yeatentar and enjoyml a iiilifei ente with Charles A. IiMor, weather olwervor at that I'oliit and 'niof oHiralor for the Californla Oreaon Pom or roiiipuu. Mr. Alter probably will o lo I'emlHt tomorrow .1. O. QorkInK, tin' best nil iiround photographnr In southern Oregoa. Alwaya reliable. Neaatlvoa made, any where, time or nlaoo. Bludln 22H Main It. Pbnne MO-'. Tho meeting of the Puienl-'lVaiher drill e of the Wanhlnalon hi html. Which waa to have been hold Thurs day, haa been puatpned until Thnra day afteruoon of next meek, Ma t. Hi I o'rloek. At thl time officer Will be eleetfd for the ensuing year and a large 'attendant la dlrd. Wanton Camei u Dhop for firal-rlana kitdak flnlahlug and kodak auppllee Mrs. M. Phillip of Umdon, Kite laHd. ta a vlallor lu Medfoid. WbtptuK irenm at DeVoo'a. Carrlrk Major of New York, Ik h .Medford vlaltor lode). Try a King Dplti cigar and ett oourage home Induatry. if Frl Jenklna. a loeal rartoonUt of more than ordinary cleveruM, ha a new editorial In picture on dlaplay lH the t'ouimerrial dull window It MM be read fiom the atreel. It la HOtllled "Co-oiM-ration." II U an lo quftftt and forcible apiieat for the pall-Uigether" Idea. It will take . uly g Mluute to read It. Tgeae ear. iiuna algned Jenklna ahould have a v til elrculallon. liven a uaeelmlst ..mi un4ertand them The philoopu i Mii.rle. The logle la belter. Tut . .! luiioii ia'lnef liable Ho Vim lmt i'nr bnllle. Mm IUI 'w.ill Iihh rvlurned I.I lilt I'llHH Hoi. i Holland. in 'ii -1 1 1 t d mi I In hi. I lln I'oiitlllloil el II, .1 in ul II'" In -I l-.ill A til Miou I t .ill Hon and be there. It mill lie held at the puullr- market next Hnturdm m 2-30 o'clock. Important tiiiidiii- j mimt bo transacted. A aec-retim will be elected and the state ahow propo-1 eltion will be taken up for definite action. ftmoke a King Rplt. cigar, -'p. They are liome-mado. tf" Many of those who hoaaleil of Iholr earlv gardeua In thl city are now ready to confeas that they should havo made haate more alowty. for thmie who are preimred to protect their gardena during tbn front Hoa eon, there la profit lu early garden ing; but for thoae who traat to Providence there i only the leanoii. In many case, tlmt Provident n la not in the aardenlng bunlneia. , Man' mhtdom alone regulatea auceeaa In that lino of work. Your Irhmi inowei- maetilno altnrii en l at Mitchells. Phone 3X0-J. One of the largest and Jollleal a aemblHgeM of Klk In the history of Josephine comity gathered at Grants Pain Inst night uu tint occasion of thti special Klka' lulllatlon oxerclno ami minstrel ahow lu that city, in der the dlroctlon of Iho Medford lodge. The latter chartered a train from here and took tta show with them- and It was some shorn'. Date sella l'ord enra, $200 down and Jitr. a month. Itadiiim is said to he worth !fl8 an ounce, ir there be truth In the report that radium ha been discov ered on Humbug, Just iiurosa the lino from thla valley, mime excitement wilt follow. We have discovered nearly every other kind of mineral In thl region. It Is hoped that this reiwrlod discovery Is nol a humbug. We renovate feather pillows, cush ions and all feather bedding. Work guaranteed. Phone 1 -.!. 42 Kenneth Williams, a Mmlford boy, mho waa sold lo the Cincinnati Na tions last year and who waa with the major league team until May 1, signed with the Spokane Northwest em It-igue lodav. lie will pta In Hie outfield Kenneth friends here are ulad to hear of hi success. Phone It'H-.l and w mill call and net Miur feathers for reitovullmi. All work guaranteed. drot Drm inrnpy IttUOUUllUOLlJUl A ULUdLCAHT HH UH All .iverirji "I lin'l in !i ll"t II- c-tltilllleil In I1 'i.mli-l- lllilii- ieli'x. wmh itikeii elenlii liv J. Cecil Alter f the l'nl iwnllier lu reilll llllil Imillil In he n-t "2 per eenl. In I'lmnei linn nidi th'- e-liniiite1 line, in it - t he il. i ii iiitn .Hciillllt the fuel thiil the on lundii of the val ley huve I hi-, venr n lnnd of 200 to :HM Hr cent on the treew. A eonil- erolile ici'eentii)re of tliist would w lot. happily, lo lie iure, liy the nor- inn I dniiiiitc ot fruit. The frowt will take off nil oi the weaker fruit nnd, no iloiiht, koine of the uih ntand. Hut it mill yet he neee-Mil'y to do n grcnt deal of thiimin. Due to Pu-ak ruiulllloui. The fruit iirehiinU in Ilie foothill diHtriet- ainl on the higher levcln in the valley nre prncticnllv uninjured. Tit tme iireu and xtrnuik'- in the valley where the lo-we ore xreutent eiiniint he mi id to he fried iHiekets. It mns n very Irenkt-h condition of much more than online rv duration. flierer Alter'x eHtimnte in bneil on a enrefiil inve-dijrntion in nil nrt of Uie mi I Icy. He iiml In- imrlv found the worMt iiikI the IipmI nmoiitr nil of the orehunU. Indiviiluiil eHtimute wen ndded toiether nnd tliitt um di vided hv the nuinlter of ncren involved. TJmt gave the average jier cent of 'J.'i. Iloitienlltiriil ( 'ommisxioiier A. ('. Allen lute Iiml while -ouie orehnnU lift iiIiiiorI their entire yield, the j.' real hulk mere not ilamnved nt till, nnd he -tate the totnl lo mill not e.eeed 'JO or '.'. H-r eenl. Ijam ISMliHHtes Axiee. J. V. tin men nnd V. J. Hill- Irnv- eled l.'it) mile- Mondnv nnd Tuewdnv umonir the unlinrdH of the valley nnd foothill and mode careful exnmiuii tionx everywhere. Their etiiiuite i nlioiil the "nine iu Mr. Alter'i. Home 'fin I it Hln v I -. i i .'.ft I) in i wo pole" r Mil lot di :i" ri' -Mr I ('ill, J oil know, for BOOd people lo rntc rutin IhemMlveiPwItli, while thev 'reap the hurvoat of profit." Mr Isiomc is n mail of much Irleuie iiml l traveling about the countrv for I pleiiHiire. i The ilty registration books villi I ii" closed nest Saturday, Mav t ! I hose who have not registered ought to attend to tHtt tmiwrtant matter without delay. There la no doubt that there will be the usual rush on election day to Require the right 4 vote. Why bo one c-r the laggards? Carl Tabler was arrested yester day evening by Chief of Police Hltf iott and Constable Hammond, charged m'llh forgerv. It la aliened that he cashed a hocus check with t'. A. Raby, proprietor of a restaurant In the rear nf the narnett-Corey building, securing lift thereon. The preliminary houring Is in pro gross before Juslloe Taylor thla afternoon. Not much Information Is obtainable about Tablor, who appears to be j floating about the country "without ; visible means of support" and no par of Iho orehnnU on the turner level. t2 ! where it wn nMimcd that lo would Abiiim Itll of The I ml tea, la n '' gwinrM. r no? nun reel ier .Medfoid visitor today, llo la Inter- J Ae'fetilsl.-. while miter, where il mm ililoiiulil HI lie tlanmjre eiitild lie done. wen in juted verv eendy. t'ttrl V. Temrwild visited timl enre- i in hi .1 v 111 I li.it tiM 23 lh III IOII I . Ii.lll MI' toiiiid .inn' oi lb1 i .1 Hu'i it. - off i dim i.i Sb li-- I III 1. 1, ml I'.ik i.i i i im .lb In Ktrci . S I- li evi ry v i uii-iillatlun ' I l I..- i ested In stock raising. Regular meeting of Keames cha li ter Wednesday ovenlng. May 10. Ma sonic hall. A snila 1 evening. Chair man of t'ommlltee, Mr. K. J. FouU. John 11. Terrlll of Umpiitta valley. Is attendlug to business In this city today. feathers ateani cleaned and reno vated. Wo deliver the goods. Phone IU8-J. 42 Mrs niia lUdwell of Yrcka. Cal., Is vlsltlug with a sinter In till city lor a week. Mrs Itldwnll. who la Til years old, Is eu route to Portland lo remain with a brother there. No school mill he shewn mure than one day at the Htar. If you wish to see yourself In the movies route on days advertised. 1 3 Hurt Oulnea of Hrowaaboro, la lu the city oh business today. Jurksuii school with other loml fnll.v exnmitied Hie Wexterlund or chard o 100(1 acre m nf (on. lie nHirt uu In, rheriic nnd other deljcnle fruil mere not nil'ecl ed. Cloiut exam inn tmn miti rnnri' of iHUileK of lite fruit hi'Miyhl to loMii. They allowed no injiin. The Mav poll i Mill of Hie hi-IipoIk of Medlnrd. hlih mill ,. hei.l Krl da), Ma i!i. prointsen to be a pre tentions uffulr itmotiK the m hoot ehll-dn-ii and their parent It mill he a nultiue ciilii lailiiiient for cveivHoih In the cll. The iroKi.un mill h lirlnteil tomerrom li Is lu'inn pre pared b the sclioals uud the tuach era alone, and mill he mr uperlor to anv thing ever undertaken here. Ilcim NV Hlome of Vli tin hi. i. . movies, Htar theater, todav I ,l, ", vimiiik in the vtutiiiv of P. 1. Hnmaou, who rmeullv lo Mdfoid tot a lew dins, hun ho w cated In the Hold Hill district. I at , ' aUiv irutlifullv to deMithe ltoKue tending to littsliiesa lu McdforU to ,'"' r vHev to hu iiuiuIm .is oik- of day. ' The apreti. home cooked food. candles and parcel poet purkaaex on mm Kf Kvi.:.ik- ui Weston's I ii.. i ii Ml If Will .ii. - Th. . I.I -1 III lll.iiiii' lu Idnn i. m ii tinned lo . .nil., u'lrr M 'tin il in llil- I'll . - in r lll hu at Hotel t .ii.i- .hi. Hour for u 1,1 ' . hln-. r.ii i- a I thin tf.llll I III'' KIcatCKt COIIIp.ttllo- iifnrani'1' Mail. ? .oi alfuli.i in. hi of e vulli , vi tih lif,n!iii.ii t'OllllO. I" elllollK H sale by the 8t. Marks' llulld in Hie Hoe Iddg, Saturday, May i:t u Incle" Jerry tleorae. lornicil- ot Jacksonville, but uom of i v.itir Is vlnlling milh old time frliiuU n. this part of the mlle tilts ni. . Med ford had nui tieu ' foiuuliil when I'ni le Jerri .i hist in (lie t Ittll'V Vnnitie IiuvIiik old i.igs oi rot'i'i i I in ill i'isi' of, not If Mi- i it 1 : 1 1 --H, ..t-cretun Si Miuk lluilit Itehi urs.ili. foi Vliiili Mart inn " a i li i mi I lit lull, it i imlriinia lu'iiu plep.ili.l 'n 'hi 'I U mot undent.-, .in- .iiili.- ii .. Mtlst.lv lorlh ! It tf icpleli- - ii i ii, and IiiiIi. ' Willi u vein of tun. i nt'f kiiil inn nl ronuliia I In mi i: hum Hi.' n i ir.- ..i. gyieelJii'1 "" Bm. . ,8 GOINQ away over the week-eint? Well, you won't h.ve tn tak nwny OWLS with ou, for pioKibly tln-v't" .idd at the other ei-.tl it vour trip. Hut vou 1 lietter take 1m If a doen .donn tn ainokeontlnMi.iiii 1' hut's right, you're v. tact Thtf Million itfSm Dollar Cigir fcy.- Utjtior Pays Third of Federal Dill I.oriSVIIiLK. Ky., Ainy 10. (liie third of the federal jjiiv eminent' rev euiie in 1U1I WR derived from the liipior indtiHtry, deelured Seeiei.irv .Joieph llehar tdny in hi- annuel n hiH til the Imetitv-fimt nnnniil eon ventioii of the Notional Wlinle-nle Liiptor Jlcnter' --ef-iiiliiii of Aincr ien in Merino here. Of thin nniiniiit. hiimI Mr. Debar. '.'ti.'JOU.UUO win. le eched from internal revenue nnd iflll.'JDO.UOO from iuiH.it duties on lllIIOl'. Why Hinot; mx Ciiatr Whan 1m Onndss srn only lflo .i' &kt m .. tvr-TTr- ',. o7h . ' , fftftr i' . -St V ' X. 2 Jft - ' trafi vt if u'" 'Jt If cm f0 B i lv3 J i. r 1 first of all a quality lire in every sense of the word. No tire can be made of better materials. ut the Price is Less on Fisk Non-Skids than on plain tread casings of several other standard makes. The Fisk Brnnch Organization is the rrioft wide-spread in the industry (over 100 direci branches) and the Service Policy is by far the most liberal. Fisfi Tires For Sale By Medford Vulcanizing Works Medford ixn.riiNn: or wo.mkn "Women are a wonderful inriueine In the lives of moM areal men," saH the U'ashhiKton I'uxt, and uhiii wom en rests thu rosiionslhillty for inni lly health. To her the look for help In times of sickness, and the atten tion of every wife and mother tn Ihh vlclnltv la tailed to the rare comhl nnlion of the three oldoi.t IoiiUk known, which the Medford I'hariuiu v miaroiitco In Vlnol Iron for the blood, heef Hitone for streiiRth ami iHMly-bulldlnK, iiiedlclnul proiierttei of cod livers. It will pay ovu worked. weak, run-down iieoide, ileii eate children a'n-l fnhle old people, to try it -Adv. Jit. 'SsaaaavtSs1!' . w A' i JHr g KSLJW 4tTy In Vou hio Mire to .Miwijh I mil the l(et Modes h Millinery AT Miss Lounsbury's .11. .11. IHilM". STOKi: Our SiHiiullj h S5.IHI HAT. STARTS TODAY STARTS TODAY MEPFORD'S LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATER With PAUL CAPELLANI The Greatest Film Sensation of the Yeftr A motlcrn version of Alc;nulro Dumas' immortal drama of Plot and Passion This iiliime fiiKcinatCN nuHiklml alt the mil hi ol er. It I- ( him Ivilll lull iiiiiih,' Ktcillol tiluinpli. - A SHUBERT FEATURE NEWS PICTORIAL Latest Current Events REGULAR ADMISSION MATINME 10c NIGHTS 15c CHILDREN 5c te4frit4friX&W i ittwrnxunxsraxmsiv; BraaxfflaaafwtPswrw nwwtrawHiiswraBtsiafcBBWEBEiniaasssBH M A iH. ! 100 .HU INCOKi wH . n ' M ,; rule ol Juilnioii lOUtilt t'it uecK Jr. Ulnae Main- thai he iaiu'iIn lo ric a linn h iiilui. il output of lif"t C ilttle tllld I ill hu liulll till- tallo (0 the near fntuie I Oir 6o twilfc'hakffit at Uo Y(H' ' j Ml'llll.l'l- ill III" Meilloltl li.llnl .Hi', rt 14101 cd tu leml hp.il.il ami uu ' iortMUt iiux'tilij thin iveliuu it ; -ii I Q'rloi'k The haiidiiMntet i-. .itl ' niewhers lo 1 uj lilm up IihU phone ' it. I -pfjfr - ' " ' UOO UATU TO UjKliiMIT. J "algjKU Tliv ar Ot u ltd 'r!i teffi hsitQi unii teu iiud in ' iinants. c TporiiH, noun- r $ WHERr THLJB-Uws go" ALL RECORDS FOR , ATTENDANCE SMASHED TO. PIECES at the Star last mnt THE MADE IN MEDFORD MOVIES in' .1 ni J t IvMIN "II II, 111 mi. ,1 .1 I' A BIRD OF PREY I IVW I'l.lll,' 1 lllll I Thi n an nil .(III Il ,111 " Mm 11.11 n(J)n d M i,sh 1 1 1, inn li 1 i'u in. 1 t! K in.iii 1 1.I1 .O TODAY 5 an 15 Senator f ft It 94? i!" $ 1 : 1 , A IS f I R W H 1 P ? viii.BJirv '4 t IS A 9 i JL. T &fl- 'liy J8L L J3&. EJ5ln awiBicaHiiBCMgiaacMrAaaymauflsifciHiPiiwi iMmffiamretui Under the Auspices of the Lincoln Club, Assisted by the Iowa Society r. Js 8 s VjUIIIUIUIS of Iowa, a Prominent Candidate for the Republican Nomination for President, ill speak in rrv nr' ft I B 8 4 9t ti S .jtv.w E Til fci n' T I. sl .a jj 9w n M Tv A IL 7 X T 1a - UAi,iviayii 1 A at the Natatorium at 8 p. rn. sharp The Senator is an eloquent orator and discusses the issues, of the day in a clear, clean-cut, feasible manner LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED o W j V i t f V t t llld. rssr! ?-&? -rr- V5-?5'Jy55-,ii! ?3SJ$535 4rw ( ) . o o