Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1916, Image 1

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    Ui ." it, if C "
"Minimum Ye-lenlny, Oil;
Minimum Today, :t:i.
rnt, u mimi.k Tin its.
t'ortv sixth Yrnr
linii 1 i. nili Yt-ar
NO. 42
i ger
H. a il H R E9 rl tl & Is k
lAS3 m Ktrfl rsl .fl BJI Cff M n Act Dn Bi IO u sft
n n?v rTvAr riv nr
W F4 Si 1 1 I 81, K B I -ft J 9
AliU-gVwfW JsL-JP JSL - .JSL WJm-
New Note Handed Goran! In Which
Go. many New Adn.Ws Attacking
Sussex and States That Submarine
Commander Rcsponsili'e Has Been
Punished Thouujit Vessel Warship
iiinnv'x new note nckuuwlcdging re
spmisibility fur the destruction o the
Susc x, promising reparation rmd an
nouncing punishment of the subinnr
ini' coininiunlcr win received loto to
diiy at the Mute lU'imitincnt from
Ambassador Gerard.
Tin text of the note mnde public
tndnv rovenlM thttt Germany, while
contending unit I In' suhmnnnc m
mender "ui' tcl in the bona fide he
lid' tlint In1 wns facing: mi cncm.v
witr-hip," when he torpedoed the Sn
nc nevertheless, wiys he formed his
judgment too hurriedly nnd dd not
net in strict nccordnncc with hi in
structions iiml the uiterinl goverti
meiit therefore frankly udmits that
assurances niveii the Tinted State
were not ndhend to in this instance.
The note expressed "sincere retret
H'unnliii't the deplorable ineidnt," and
dc litres ficniiiiiix'i rendinc to pny
mi inlcipinte iiidcmnitv to injured
American citizen.-. It sn.vs (lie Gcr
iiiiiii government "disiipprovcs of the
ro:ulnet of the commander, who him
Iipi'm appropriately puni-hed," mid
tni -en n hope Hint the I'nitei! Ntu(c
uill consider the ease settled.
AMSTHRDAM, Holland, May 10,
i London.-A semi-official dis
INiteli from Berlin m.s thnt ns the
result of the (lennnn government's in
vestigation eoneeniinit the explosion
which damaged the tenmhip Ku.hx
it i-iin no lonuer W dmilited that the
e el toriiedoed hv a riemtiin khIi
liiiitine on the Mippoiiiun tluit it wiit
a waliip w( in fact the Hn-ex.
The diHtateli kiih the (lennnn
goteniinent hii( niiuaintid the I'nit
il Kliitiv coveniiiient with ihi t'net,
lldilll'ij 1 hit t ill neeordllllee with the
note ui' hil iimiilli (h i mil i will draw
It- i urn lii-imi- I run I he iMileme
will h now hn. het n mlilui il.
It.NTI. Miu o li,
tiill. nt the tulviiii,' of the While Slur
liner 1'unnc were gien J'mIhv bv
meuiht-rx of the crew, who n !. i I
ed here. They nv th I 1 1 . !
which letrocd the -lnc -i : u k t
engine room, the cxpl.a.ii Id. ..,1 N,,n, llUt Saon had t.iken the in
hi Mk.vlithl ..i, mid etnigui-h,d the' ,,,,. ,r ,. mtencntion of the
light throughout the wel. M(M. ,,, favor f ,.,.,..
Four men weie killed h t'n i '
plosion mid the chief leward wn
drowned. One huudred nnd been
member of the crew took to the
boat-, -liortly after the Inn r wa, tor
pedotd, but returned when it u seen
thnt the -teanier wu- not in immedi
ate dunger of linking. They rtinuin
e don board tor two hour- when a
loop which Inn) heard the f'mric'i
' winle ciUS lor help 100 mile
uway, arrivid and t.Kik them off. The
fcloop tood b the -tncken liner un
p ciiMiii o nit -tncKen liner '"'itriir inftfl n I
he -jink at .1 . in in the nioinin.'. I IV I L kl A U l V U
All the crew w,n llnt.t-h -ubpit-.'Lll HIl II I D LL
except on lln.-iau nnd two Itelgian-
Iheie were ul-o -u pa eager, on
hoard, II. en Ik- o the Itriti-h enn-
ulnr -i rwec. .ill ot whom were-attl
Tlie otli i i - ,t that the ( uiile
u.i. uii.iiin. .I
!.NlMX. M., in ....idin? to
a dtopntch trom an "c uin. " wiilj
tlie Hriti-h annv in tt-opotamiu,
(Jfhahl Pu.ha. the Turk'-h gm.r.
whom the f
era! Towiitienl ilietni. i ii :it rv'ii -
'i aia -h iw , - i - i
i t . J I I ff I 1 j ti o
French Claim Get man Attacks He
ptilsetl Germans Claim Further
Proems en Hill 304 ami to Have
Driven Back Counter Charges
Riujtan Attack on Front Repulsed.
I'AIIIS. Sim in. Aetiwtv on the
'erdnn front hnn deereiised, neenrd
iiic to the statement iveti out hy the
wnr oftiee thin afternoon, while ar
tillery netion wet of the 5eiift wn
le protiouneei and eaut of the river
wax only intermittent.
An nttnek on French trenehea be
tween the OW and the Aisne woh re
pitlHtnl. The text of the stuteinent follew:
I'roiH'h Stiileniviili
"Het ween the Oie anil the Ainne n
coup de main upon one of our
treiuheh MoutheiiKt of Moulnin Sum
Tontvent wnn eompletelv cheeked.
"In the Verdun rejiion the boin
luiidunnt we-t ol the Meune nottce
ablv dimininliMl. Ivml of the Meune
and in Hie Woexre there wn inter
mittent eannonndiiifr.
"Ilnnd-iiivnnde HkiniiinheH were
reported diirintr the nilit in the
wood of A won it and wnilh of Fort
"In upKr Alace the enemy recon
noiterii'v pnrtv, wliiili nttempted to
circ oi e of o.tir hinnll mt near
llirrbmli, mhiOi ol AKkireh, wm iv-pul-ed
with Iosm'h."
(ieiiimn iltHk'niyiil.
HKKIHtf, 3Iy 10. -The Uennnni
lime mode further protcrecn on Hill
:0 on the Verdun front nnd hae
driven buck French ilettiehment. ii
the HoiithweHt part of the hill, the urn-
office statement of today us. The
Kti'tement follew:
"In the A it on ne the menu, ulirr
:i iiiinintr oiH-rnlion, iitieiiipted to ni
ter our lines but wit repiil-cd.
"Smith wi-t of I hit :tl)l ndwinced
ilelnehnieiitM of the enemy were
dri i n further buck. One iletueluiient
wnn captured. The new tleniinii imA-
tun- mi Hill .'Ml were extended.
"(ii riiiiin nirinen dromied nituieroiiti
In nib- on factories ul Ioiubulc (Ar-
puine) nnd Riion rKiupe (Vo-)jp).
"lantern limit A ln-ian utlnek
-niilli ul' ri.uUuinivl..; ulotiir a kiuall
Irmil w.i- lepiiUeil. The file n -uf-
li II ll In ,i v I , -l - "
I.UM. M.i c lii the hiiu-e
ul' cmiiuiou- tiiil,i I n, Unbelt Cecil,
minister of wur trade and imrlmuicut-
i.irv uiider-wcretary for foreign af-
lan-. Hinted that he had no official
'til urination thnt tlia kiniru ut Hu.
A new agency ill-patch from Hot
terdam on May Si (piotcd I'miu a cir
cular mi id to h.Mc bun i--ucd b tin-(ic-nnan
lluuuiiiitv K.i.ih, the
tin lit that mil- It i ililt Mgm'n 'i'1' '
wn- attmliiil in the .iriKal in I ' i .
ot i liii-ol tin ki.u'- ol ta,ii
Snvmix. who prolouji
em c- unh laidiiiil (Ji-iaiii.
-i i 1 l Ki i Ul -t I I
i ii
UAnIIIm.IoN M , n Work mi
the iimn reorganized lull was icniim
d toila bv the conleleme Commit
tie ot the hou-e and stuatc, with in
dications of jm agreement being near
at hand. It wa" e.peted that virtu
alls a in'"' bill, tbresiflt of a eoui-JiloUil-e.
Would be nudv to bt luid
befui I'rtnident Wi'-oll liet Week.
lro-pe t- ur, th it ,tii -i.lit i ou
ter'. - Will li in I i ;i l,,, 'in v.. llli
niniMil !71!l..r
cm, n
Scott-0brcjon Conferences Not Con
cludedAnother Expected Final
Agreement Not Reached Pershing
Ordered to Make Further Concen
tration of Scattered Troops.
WASHINGTON. Mm 10. Seeie
tnry Maker inloimed Prexidenl Wil
hoii lodiiy that the eniifeieneo be
tween General Sent I and OeneiHl
Obregmt ImnI nixht whn not coiii'lim
ie and that it would be continued to
day, lie indiented Hint the outlook
was inure favorable for an Agreement
being reached.
The exact jMiinlH of diffeionee were
not revealed.
(leiieral S'otl had ndisl Secre
tary linker Unit no formal eoimtcr
propoftiilH hne been hiilimilled b
General Obregou. but that Obrcgou
nrrnngeil to miinnit n paMr contain
ing bin view today. General Seolt
did not ndvixe t('i depnrtineiit what
eounter-propoal were under con
sideration. V.L PASO, Slav 10. Xo nniwer
hH Ikh'H weeiveil from 'mhini:tin
thin morning to General Seotl'x iim--wngc
reMii1ing (icuernl (Iih-i;iii"-
propoial for a joint patrol of the in
ternational, boundiirv.
Genernl Scott Kdid that toda"
conference, ehcdiilcd for tbi- morn
ing, was to be held regal dle-n of
whether a reply wan rcccicd lo the
plnn of the Mexican miniNter of war.
General Per-hing Iihh been ordered
to begin n gi enter eoueeutriitinn of
bix tlonp., Thoc detiiellllienfs still
iM'nitnc.' n- i ir -nnih hi Sun An
tonio, it wn- iipiiilid. will be with
diiiun tn I'iiIiiiiiii Dulil.i
t'INTON', low.i. M. in lowa'x
dilemitlou to th' ilemoi ratte
convention in St l.onu will lie In
structed for l'Venldent W'lluon nt to
day' state convention for Iowa dem
ocrats under the presidential prefer
ence primary law , It was expected lie
fore the convention opened today.
High praise for President WIlHon
aiul hi adiuinlKtratton today formed
i he motif of I he "ke note" speech
delivered by 14. T. Meredith or IeB
MoincM endorsed recently at a demo
cratic loe feast there as the par
i'h Riilieruntoriul candidate. The
xpeaker reviewed the achievements
of the national administration and
outlined what lie believed to lie the
legUlallve ueeds of the rountry dur
ing the coming four years, lie did
not mention state politics.
"Keaaonable preparedness" took
up a great portion of the speaker's
time. He emphasised the distinction
between "preparedness for war" and
preparedness against war and de
clared in favor of a non-partisan
tariff commission, lurul crcdlu and a
inert liaut marine
l.'Ki JVM IU M .v Id Tin (lu
ll .in iiiim-ti r, icpUiii,.' lo tin iinti ot
in' lli.iiiian com nniiiiit in n'.'.iiil to
i in -inking ot theft) iilian steam-hip
Kio Ilraiico by a li'imun siibinuriiie,
iiilormed the chum Hon tod iv that
hi- vox eminent woi.Ul .indoubtedlv re
icive willinglv unv coiiimuiiicution mi
the stdijtet iid'li'--'d to it by llra
xil. The nnni-tei also i xpr -sed bi
grutificalion thut the en-w ot the Kio
Hruneo hail been -awd. A mmih as
the official inquiry into the sinking
of the ship ia concluded (I demand
for indemnity will he pifscft'cil o
T(i ltio Iftine.. v.i- -ra T4V J
and Iit crew liiDHd at BM, I ng
!,ii,'l 'I'm' t.inkag,ot' tiif -hp ('Aukiil
. ' iMinutioii) in Uraaii ft.i ib
J ?j naas-tuus a tie
i ' rgetie actum bv ti fiov
' via unpiOU f hfii Ur4-
xo -iioiiki loin Wiethe I(i)i!rt H'illes
i I t ' . . i ' i 0) d
I. '
WASHINGTON. I). I'.. Max 10. ' H:.N. May 10 (b wuvle-h to
1'owderlesn, uoimIpm, hinokelei.ii, Sa.wille). "The (lertuiiii atlnek on
bnrrellt'KH, a ninrvelous new type of Venlun is baw-d on the emuliiug of
fnw is lo be triel onf at Fort Han-' (wi ot aermnn heavy aiiHIery,"
eiH-k, near New York; promise) to . ... ,, , . ... .
, , . ,' ,wiiten Major Moraht, military critic
reoiutimiixe wtirfare tuid is MiUMtr-' .,,,,
, a woman! I"' the Ingeblutt.
Ilie-e claimnnre made for the gun: "The capture of the smaller fort
It will shoot unything from dongbnuti re'K in the west at the beginning of
to dwiiimitc, can be operated by "'! war by the use of heavy artillery wan
unlimited man or women; it mm t-1 , , , , ,, ,
.... ,i i i . only a prelmle to the nrtillery opem
iiinie aeeiiiate than Hint of oidtnaryi . "
Kim-; it ean be built m machine shops turn now in prMires.
at a traction of the cost of weapon-1 " hrviwh have not been able to
of the prenent tpc; it tukes up little "''lte ith Uemian artillery am!
room; n model enrried in a tlirec-foot "" The enormoiis Iimhtn of
cubio box will shoot seven or eight ,,M' l'n,M ""' ,lw lrt,y t,tw '''
milcM. j I1'1' of the (Jermiiu artillery and tart-
Mrs. K'athryn M. Stanton of White- lv " ih" t,"i ' he French, who
stone. L. I., i the "angel" of the I"1 ,,,,t ","l"' their trenches,
gun's iimnlor. A Ineuil, knowing I "AHtiuh it i- uenernllv consider
her interest in pi eparchies, brought . '',l "", "'"k," 1 '' '"" ' fr
him to her, and, allhmmh skeptical at t,n""' Hn"r '" ''ose of the defense
first, she fmalK renl.d a shop m Newi"' ,,,,, V'nl'in enmpuign, the number
York mid icr-oi,uHv Hiiperiuteiided ,',f t'pr","' -'""l engaged is n h
the ennsirn.1 i il... fivt mm '" " hall thut of the French. The
Her husband, Flunk MeMiHau
Ktanton, minmg nvrnieer, influenced
the government to ti -t the invention.
The first model ii-ic worked so
Well ofiieinls iinkul Mis. Stuiiton lo
build it larger one a icalU de-true-tie
gun. The new vut is nearly
ready for te-.
The inveiitor, wlm-e name Mi.
Htunton -nxs i-bi ., not K'imitlid tll "tnnn ton.- tr .. xi.u have liccn
divuiKe, is a nutiiriiliiieil Ameriuin ,l,,,',"i.' " k twi.e number of
and known in ie hmcal circles. I'1"' ' ''"" v ''" '"' ' 'l'''1 Icmcnl- in
In (est- at Sandv llo.k the Viginal i U"'"H ' "' "' '""'l 'l our-
model wa- oNrntiil bx u hiill'-hor-e-l""'' ''-""'Ix working to our ad
power elect in. m-,,,r. Two-ounce wl",,'-''
cast. roll ball- weic mt a mile aiul
a half; fitly w r - i . , within a two-,
tool l.lillll".
"I won t ex n I. i ' v li'ioband in
I " . . l . . 4 .....
in.-. -n Ml- .- uiion. "Its a
i lo-e eoiporati hi. 'I i mxeiitor -ax-I'm
to be a -econd Ii. ithn Krupp. lie
h.i- n. uind hi- w..iii,u the 'li aiilil ill
Kalhi v ii.' '
8een 'tlioui-aii'l i
Ore , Mji, tn
aire of rli h
farm landH will
noi lie adili'd to
Ultimata count) s tl i.iide urea, an
;rult of th ndiiniiKin operations !
i u. mr i'v.n.iiiuu optraiions.uarun inoiign rtgu'ar otliecrs in till
id on hv P. V Morna k, a department of the a-t to act u-s in
tor of the I'll ' National bank '-'lii-flof. lor the nnht.iix tMinuis
rrio on
nfOiiscit) lli "n working oa
this projKt for to Mra, mln q,
lar drt.lger in !aii t '
The la ad jjt rt . tid ts ft fi.t
sau 9 fvi wf JMlH 4 t 9 f to If-'
irnaik j-anitt itf the na 'tlhein n.ian ,
ASt mclatuattutt & og II" bi-sn at ft.ttl-lmr- i uu,,,,,,,, nn. nuiipteo
it 'e rti'Htait -x. ?' .r i i i oi() n nun,, ,,,,,. ,i
atn wuldijj t 8X) "i..iv . i- j' 0 'i.i, '
null. In r of Fieneh troops ma be cal
culated al not less than WMI.WHI. This
lii-nic npre-euls half of the entire
forces whit h Fiance still has at her
d'-po al lor aitive lighting.
"All tlie (iii maii successes on the
eastern nnd wolcin frontw were
ginned with mum ncnllv inferior
loiec-4. Miih'im r, the Au-tro-Iluii-
Nr.W YOIJK. Max 10. 'I In older
ol the war d pnrtiueiit -ending' adili
tioiial I loops to the Mevnau border,
iiichiduig the thud and thirtieth in
Cant M icuiiiii ul-, xitlu.illx triis the
department ot tin i,i-l ul all of it
ilitantix Tin n i' mam oiil lliiee
-iiiailroii- of tht -leund e.ixaliy at
Fort- rtlinii Alb n ami xlixci and a
liiill.illou o lie'd aitilli rx.
The departure nt the third uud
tliiiintb ifit'antrx h'kiiiii nt- leaves
hardly moiigh ngu'tir otneers in the
mp- nf 1'iatt mr.'
i-liiliflx.i .i am i
jfli.'Poitii . i n i,
'''(dimaiiii , ,
i! 1 Ol .j
- in, un i It
i in I tei - In le
I i'i I, i x
I'll .1
Il .
Baron Wlmborne Resigns as Lord
Lieutenant Royal Commission Ap
pointed to Investigate Causes No
Moro Executions Prohahle Sam
uels Defends Punishment of Rebels.
LONDON. .May 10 The Muniuia
of Crewe announced In the house of
lords today Hint Huron Wliiiliorna,
lord lleulotiattt of Ireland, had re
signed. LONDON, May 10. -Aniiounremiit
was made today of the apuolutimmt
of a royal commission to Investigate
the Irish rebellion. The members of
the commission are Duron Hardinge,
former viceroy of India; Justice Sir
Montague Sea rm mi, ami Sir MncKou
le Chainlets, former permanent un-der-secretaiy
of state for the home
U'he commission will Impilre Into
the cause of the recent outbreak and
the conduct and degree of responsi
bility of olvll and military authorities
In that connection. Itaron llarillnge
will he chairman. John ltedmoud.
the Irish leader, expressed In t lie)
lioitso of commons today n desire fof
a wider Investigation. Premier As
ipilth replied that If the area of In
qulry were widened no tribunal could
undertake Hie task. Coiiseipieutly It
was a question between holding an In
iiulrv within linills and havlug none
;it all.
Asipillb's Statement.
Premier Asiptltli told the house ot
rommons today there waa reason to
lielleve that there would be no fur
ther necessity tn proceed to oxtremn
measure with Irish rel.ela, altliniiKh
he could give no undertaking to that
In reply to a ipieatlon from .lohn
Dillon, nationalist member ror I4ast
Max o, .Mr. Vsitulth mild that so far an
ho knew no prisoner bad been shot
In Ireland without trial.
The premier elated that 8. F
Bhechy Rkeffliiglon. editor of the
Irish rlilsen, was shot In Dublin on
prll 2 wllhoul the know lodge ot
Hie military authorities.
This statement was In reply to an
Inquiry eaterday whether Mr. 8kff
luiUon had beon shot Mi fore the proc
lamation ur marital law.
This matter Is under Investigation,
Mr. Amiulth added, "saving the off!
eer concerned had been arrested and
would be cotirtmartialed "
I'lveculloii Helemlc!.
lteplng to Hie protests which have
been made in tho last few days
against the putting to death of lead
era of the Irish rebellion, lionert
Samuel, the home secretary, said to
day that the government would have
been guilty of unpardonable weak
ness if It hnd not meted out stern
punishment to the gutlty. The pub
lie might rest assured, Mr Hamuel
added, that neither the government
nor the military authorities had any
intention of adopting a policy ot
wholesale prosecution.
DuuusMlng the necessity for the
defense or the realm regulations
Herbert Hamuel. secretary for home
affulrs. stated today that within tho
last few weeks there had been die
covered In the heart or Ixmdon a
public bourn (saloon) occupied by a
naturalized Ornian and a resort ot
oilier naturalised Hermans where Ian
isuaae of the most treasonable and
anlillrltisli ihara'ter u used Mr
Hauiili Is said It was obviously neces
nary to ibal wlib such ens- and tin
powers in III- hands i u.ibled liiin
prop 1 1) to liil in all i In mn mi
term d
sAi'UAMI M. M x 1" "
Hxaiis, tntnou- iv b.iiniii ol I alitor
IllU, t sti rdu niibuiitti d to oin o the
most delieiite opt latioiis exer m'I'
lulineU at the Sairamtuto county
hospitul uud is ixpected to recover.
A binkshot vv huh had bi n uubt dded
in In- In ii i ii mi t n 1 1, In -idi of the
In ad w.i- i in xi d iu.ix ti'ii do bruin
1 1 -in , x in ii ii i ..I 1. 1' i i I during
till I I I Al III lllll i Xi I
T . i i n i . ins head
i.i i ii. oi i i I not be
rem ox en. as tuey nn causing no
h him lb -lood I In' oiciatlon xveil
III , I XI I . ! I I I. i OX I I.
Former Mayor of Mcdford Appointed
to Vacancy at Roscuurg Office
Appointment Unsolicited Was a
Candidate for Mcdford Postoffice
Moans Removal to Roscburg.
WASIIINGTOX, May 10. Piiwi
dent Wilson today noiniimtod William
II. ratioti of Mrdford, Or., to bo ros
ister of the land office at ltosaburpr,
fudge ration luid benu nn autivo
enndidnte for Mstmater of Mcdford
and the land office uppointimmt vvns
iiusolieiteil. It will neueaaitate his
removal to Koseburg. The officu .vh
aliotil $:i()U0 a j chi.
Ittdge ration has been active in
party nffuirM since hie arrival in
Meilfoid eiaht years aao. In WImcoii-
nin he hnd been prominent in demo
cratic eitelea for thirly years, luting
t'nited S Intra mnrshal under CIovo
land. He bad been stale land agent,
count v clerk and county judge, nn
well an major of Merrill, his homo
city, lie served two terms as miiyor
ol Meilfoid nnd bus been elerk of tho
federal coiut for southern Oregon
and 1'niteil States land commissioner.
TOKIO, April 31 -(Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Tho
Chinese question Is Increasingly the
topic or the day In .Ianii. Visitors
leturnliig from I'eklu report that lu
teins! tbein is centered as 'much upon
what .lapau will do aa on what tho
revolutionists are accomplishing In
tho south, The refusal of Japan to
hand over the sale revenue surplus
lo Hie government of Yuan Shi Kal
and Hie exodus of frightened China
men from I'ekln are taken here as
evidences of the growing t eaten sea
and danger of the Chinese situation.
With Japanese officials constantly
voicing their Intention of non-interference
iu Chinese domestic affairs
tho opinion Is heard among repre
sentative Japanese and among well
Informed foreigners and even dlplo
mats that the movement against uan
Hal Kal has gone so far that there la
even a probability that he will be
unable to hold his office as president.
The political groups hostile to the
present Japanese government are not
Inactive. Takashl Kara, leader of the
Relyukui party, has recently severely
criticised the government's Chines
policy, believing It responsible for the
present estrangement between the
peoplo or Japan and Chiua. He
urged the lnitortance of cultivating
relations of utmost cordiality and mu
tual confidence between the two Na
tions and declared that Japan should
scrupulously abstain from any policy
or Interference with the Internal af
fslrs of her neighbor The opposition
leader concluded bis apeeeh by Insist
ing that the only way out of the
present problem of .Ispaa's reiaUearf
with china was for Premier Count
Okiiina and his fellow ministers to
act out of offbe The answer ef the
Koxiiuintnt to ibis is that It ha nn
intuition oi inti ricrlng In Chiua.
W M.I Al I.A. a-'i. M.iv 10.
'I he lali-l snow in tht history of
Walla Walla tell this morning, the
weather bureau rciordini; a trace.
The mercurv i- low and fruit wets are.
fearing heavy tiosts tonight.
HAKKK. Or.. Mav 10. rVuit bloa-
Laome here today were covered with
snow. .Nearly an inch fell during lit
earlv mornuur. Growers believe.
however, there will be little damaga to
crops. Nowly shorn MP " "
fertug and -ome losses have been re
potiX'd I nnjg) the lutcuor,
t- 4