11 TOTTC RTX? srrcDFOTCD mvtt, TrcrRrrR, MFnFOTtrj, m?i rov. th-ndw mw a imn if -s o RAILROADS GAVE DANGER PASSED MEXICANS PLAN 10 NEWORLEANSNEW GERMANY RENEWS TO STOP FURTHER E GERMANS CL i .. .. ,... . - r-r. 44:: TRENCHES : LEASE Of LIFE SUBMAR 4F. 15. Mrs, Io airlfl a few flajra from Orleans, accom-1 I.ONIiliN, Mn !t aaietJ bf Mrs lla)s. to make their 'pwiuiuf ik h-.hmi HE All Dm tllllllN BORDER CROSSINGS aermaaeat hom In thin rlt, near which they have orchard Interests, Heine with areat satisfaction the of fort hslnn made to tap the ureal roMHtrctHi of surrountllnjt districts lta a railroad anil brlnic the busi ness that will roma with vigorous tlcrolonment to this city and ralley. "So mnnleipal community ran progress vigorously ami prosperous ly that deoends wholly on the tie velowment of Its on Immediate re sources. SMch plaro tnor net be yond the vlllaae Hinge. Then la a limit to the population that a small arm of dlrerslflwl livolopment will support. In outer to expand, the vlllimo mint rearh out for something substantial on which to Imm on lsraement. Iiultistilitl unterprlstni arc Mmltfltl In output. unless the area from which raw inalorlaU art KHttifTwl la widened. In order to widen them, the people muat rearh out Into aurrouudliiK districts, as Medford la try Inn to do now, develop tbelr resources and enlarg" In thin manner, not mil) the rapacity or the nl'rprlses and the number of opera tlvee, but the volume of substantia business transacted In the common business center. Now Oiloaiii AwwKi'iits-l, "New Orleans la a good ciatnple of what the spirit of progress will do when Judiciously and enerRi-tlrall) n polled. It haa been pruellcull.v u slow old city for decade It bind neM people appeared to be content to live upon their own limited ie so tiroes rather than rlak the price of entornrlso In extending their trade territory. A rich country aurrounda that rlty. Through Indifference on the part of iho common business can ter. development or outlying dlatrlcta waa Indifferent. In late )oar It haa retrograded. "Hualneaa starvation finally woke It up. A year or o ago It business men, rather than auffer destitution among the aloth and cobweb of the lty, oloarly aaw the necessity of reaching iut for help. They could do that only by building railroads Into the outlying districts, rich In re sonrcea, developing them and carry ing the business to New Orleans. This tkey did and today that city Is more active than It haa ween for fifty years. New enterprises are Hrlnlng up on every hand, the pop ulation is Increasing rapidly because there is something for more people to do. New business institutions are being established because there is more business to do. So, A I mi Aledfunl. "Med ford Is similarly situated. Vast undeveloped resources lie all about It. Their development awaits only the needed transportation fa flllties. The proposed road to the lllue hedge dlsttlct. of which we have heard so much, and so much of which is real, will set the business wheels to whisslng. Other great things will follow. Irrlgstlon is routing. The sugar mill, from Infor mation I have obtained since arriv ing, seems Assured for uct esr. Much of the work will begin Hit fall. The sawmill, also, I am told. Is a certainty. The box fsrtor pri uMy will be here this year Ullur ureal things will follow I hew. tuM .in great things have a lni.inei.. h.ii ii of doing and Medford will i:ih ' v leaps and l.ouii.lh Siinlv. lb.it Is hat the people of till ctl ami ul ll W.lllt " HM'I MKXH'O CITY, l i 'i Co elicu .VIInlHtcr AKutlar nt Ck fur-ln .." prominent K the Ainer.em, n,.K t.. f. thllI niorn,n, ,,PI ,,.,, tlerciuin note on Milimnrine wm-i ... ., fore, but onlv Ihe WcM.ninMer . -""ot wvernmen. had. lelte cotnmeiitw on the do.uineut. The !. officially, declared c n liiifeite rrtnnrks tltnf the Her in en measures wouiu be taain to immii' ciinePHxion nitreeing to iul..pt method the further crossing of Ate. 1 1. ... of xubmurine wnrfare to I lie inlcrexts troops into Mexico as a result .,i t,.. of neutrnU i not in confo)Tnit with aienn Springs raid. President Wileon's deinntil, which, it I a statement that the cov. mi ,. nt sftje, n-iiuired Hie abiindonment ol'had made uch a declnr.it Ion -ultinnritie wnrfnrc tirnint nenger pubiahed In a morning news.., .. and Ircight-entT.viiiK veeeU at all , here as being an official .mt. ... nnlionnlitie. It Uo points .ut tlint;of tne j,orernment. but B'...r.iitu i.. althouirh I'reident WiUon refers to'.the foreign office It wi.s ui, ,, . Ihe mibmnrine poliet of (Icrmnny ' nroner authorisation. I,. . . . hniiiRjicon',l..il obnndoncd," the time comes, It was Indlcaie.l u. Vymrw linn been ..nk and nttnckH lP,n -,orernn)nnt will cxpt. have been reported n Ihe f'lnn I.iml- 'on thu point, my ond Ihe Treneh iHiMtcnger j . Htenmer Iluiikknln. It him been een nirnin, eonlimtes Ihe Onri'tte, bow flcrnmny, when cull S. n.it". r Hicit M. (''III1IIIUI-, who -..l- nt the N'ntatoriiiio Th-r-vlux i i 'iinir, i pruetk'nl lit i '. he iii. i ti.l li.i- .'I Wiiv of l' It. 11 to the , . ..i . I ,. ii ill. i in a i, .m,. r iii-' tin. . t ' . I . 1 .1. it... I, I' I i I . II I Is f I I .1 NEAR HCOURTf riKKl.IV Mhv ' The hi. tore of t.ra Km n li trenelie on t!ie V.-r-il.in ft out notith of Haucourt n 1 521 CASUALTIES IN THE IRISH REVOLUTION cd to neeount, mnrked time and iri reeded n iH'forc n iie.n ihe .lnrm lliul blown over. 'Out einir-e il!n," it mills, "is to .roeci'i lis il llir iolli v tit Feblll- ' n r I. I'll."., wii- iii lull liln-l." I It -iiutfcsl ii lnrllier liuiiliitii.e of lniMllls .Kill I'M tllllll.ll IiiMh ii tin Mi illiiilniii n I.....I in Ills t-i.iiri I . I.OMMIX, Mn !i The ( .itu.Jn. - III Diihlln In Hie rercnt .iiii'liii; . weie I :' t killed .'INS woimil. il iiml ' ! ipihMinK, a total of .MM, anionn his .!. mnjrt's troops uud the roal lil..li ni . (OiiNtjtuiltirt , I'remler A-iiilth iin- ;i.h i . . f . . i nouneeil in the house of i ominous- In lln m. i; toduv Sin h .i" ts asgegve taggggsssS .1 II II.MIIK !, Todaj 's In - I'l f'OIII nil 31 i n I. Ill, in In ' ' ri war office toda. oi in i il statement fol- it mi wl Ii our sucren took .outh of Term- i' oi iiitucourt, seveml t m-iii Attempt l. ii c iipture with utrotiK to Il 1 1 it f It lost on Hill r.M . I. ' ill! . I 1 rii. ii '- In lies were heivv "tii.r hi ; - )jy the French on 1 ; i t i i of the Mouse In the i ol 'I 'i'.i imont farm were i nt--.. sfnl. The nunilier ii I i. mil i ii i ii prisoner there In . r. ,i . . to otflcors and 870 men i hli til woiimled. Nine tniulilne it ni .o v i re taken. on otli.r )arta of the western fr tut tlirre were only a few pntrol tittrprlen which proved suecesHrul tni the (ierinuns " .ii, i- llir , Ii iiiui'li in niili'.ii luni I" II"' wurkins men, " nrt uln.l In iiinkr bun an lionui .ii mi mliei ol their oruiiiiiiitiiins. EN PROGRAM ENJOYED BY MANY, i Iiml hihl III lln In. Ii i Mini' tt.is illlle ii pn Ii'IiIhiii iilliiu iii tin. .in niiU of tin' loenl in-Million. A liirti' nmlli'liee nf MM'ellls, stnili'iits nml others enjoyed n most i nti rtiiiuiiii; progrnm nt Ihe hijth M-lim.l .unlijoi iuiii Inst niitht. Through Sieii'-s .Mnrgnret Minis field the clu-s pruph I'ey whs (Men and the eliiss ,, muk ilijr gencroiiM beriucHtri In the i !n siieeessors, wns offered, lujiet'irr ( with-the iluss song nml lln- elss m-II. It was fs-cutiiillv n ebiss ni'iiiir mid u IiikIi-i-Iiiss ri'iitlilion of a m r nt trnetixe iirogruui. iluuo l.uinlieru .is sisteti the projiliftiss in tlml U-iituii' , of the ewiiiiMc's eereii.. ' Tbeoiiigw settinir wits m:ile In n p. resent n rustic scene in n wild trrme, etergreen boiigbo beiiiu - iitnuiuiil us to .r.luet ii xi'U timil ellni, ' with a raw .fire nt o ii nul of tin- ' stage. Ten enre were -iii I to lui. passed fnun I lie dole ,,l this ,-l,ss graduation when tli' ini.li.t, uistiinl of forcseeintr wlint eueb stmt.nt would neeomidisli ni tlmt iirinnl, told wlmt null one hud done. A i.nlt name was called, llint peison v,.MM., from the leecss.-s oi tin- .nis ami' received tne "iriilieev, l-iieh sin dent of Ihe eliis was altiinl hi oc euiuliounl dress ri-presiiiinm the n iVssion, trade oi e i.i ft .it wlni'h he or she hnd been emplovcil iluiniti (he period eovereil bv I hi ir.i,lurv. Theceiic was ilinmniinlv Onentnl, the music, both oial anil in-liu-niental, was .Mvllenl, nml tln.s,. wli.i ulli inliil w.ir hiliH iliiisi, uith tin nl rt nun i ill in .in i tint of t . t - Ik .ll mil i III i lil.i' lllli ' I s ,i ,'l llu im inlii i ,i il i , 1 1 1 . r . I,i 4 I LET HlfA GO! I STOPPED FLETCH HECKER THIS MORNING FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT. "YOU'RE CRAZY, ARGUED FLETCH, " WAS ONLY GOING FOUR MILES AN HOUR." "YES; LAUGHED 1, dim otiL. huw t-Abi TOURESMOKING THAT :::;:;;: .j:..j...:. :;.::.:..;..:..:..:....:..:.;..;..;.....;...:....:....:. GIVEN EIGHI YEARS : t iwrniTwrnanm Tnaiifi)asaaajgesisssaaaa a&umtsa can NKW Y 1 1 : K in ! it..' .it 1 1 former lii-uii'ii.nii in ti. ...rniit, mmy, and Iii- I. null. 1 in I . ill. 1 Hi'holl, couucieil in tin l I. 1. 'I .01111 1 yesterday of t'ii-iliiiii; 10 di-iu. munitions tslit ps of the ulli. s iluou.'h bomb contrivances, .cie lol.n m n lenced to er 1 w lit iai 1 .ich in the federul penltenllurv .it Miaul 1 1 I'. ill Daeche ulso iolii.l-.l tml Itli retoinuieudutlon of Ihi.ih. . ' Oeuteuctd to lu n'.r' I y y y y y X t 1 x Under the Auspices of the Lincoln Club, Assisted by the Iowa Society S enator A. B. Cummins of Iowa, a Prominent Candidate for the Republican Nomination for President, will speak in a Jfl 11 t 1 e m ruits tt 1 X Ult.WliMOTIIX.iVM W HMUH ta.it ki.iiiJiiu.I4i is uirr vi n lea oi no bn of 1 ,e f ttMrt o getter mid ote tciUa tnt us Xtient to cure tit a.i nuinta it tuir I.Je ..ro nl iuOHgv.ort, ease ne tatuwut tfi itst wJnt ft on and on of. t Uta'iti tlaota iibJil!JtIHt luAdo dt faailUttV fiuw lht9 rAJUldul(Ura fil 1 ;) Sitrifi,rir!iwt''dsil'"' - ) ri-iul piepa)reo ibp ' ly1" " iiKiluiiii-. hnh riei tin.! lotr ili 0O11 .Hla.tBi b'n ll ' l.irin 1 PinMAaana Vrli tarl'J t 3 A m .or ter- tr-. -wrii j-rs. RD, THURSDAY, May at the Natatorium at 8 p. m. sharo TheSGMlQi: is an eloquent orator and discusses tlie issues day in a clear, clean-cut, huii W, :.mnner LADIES SPECIALLY 1MVITED o o' y 'y iy y y y y y y y ? 4 y y y V f y y y y y y y y y y t y . -a- .. t S M J si m. y T To theWomen of Medford t tsmmstxJUBM lJMi0l0m 4 .4 -J. mmr - BBBBBaaw ear " wr. a iUtF THE CIGARETTE ' JSMwk t - ySaiJF OF QUALITY M X m si Jiana" b "rev ii .hi w rmmMBmmnmxaL 1 i cs. imtwmfi'i It Ttl efrV li Mel 111 " - f eftaHaVaK J V i&f UJftW taw W essaA R i . . ? V .1. y y m I ssl JL 4 . jm v f y y .y J A V ft i y ; y i 1 i t y 4 y y of the t - f X e 8 5 r IB n J -f E. I as .; j THAT ni HURT f y y y y V f y y v y f y y t It takes lots of nerve to tell the truth at all times HERE IS PLAIN TALK PLAIN FACTS It is just a plain case of the Ahrens stock it must be ex c hanged for money and money at once. We will :: cue ana siasn nrices aav arcer day. And from now on no stone will be left unturned For This Stock Must Go It's the dollars and cents we must have. We are going to sell this stock. The whole sale cost will be forgot ten. Nothing reserved, noth ing held back rrs ALL GOING Each and every day we will hand out goods lower and lower. It will pay you to come tomorrow; it will pay you to come every day. Remember, everything is going Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts, Corsets, Underwear, Hosiery, Millinery and all prices going lower every day. Sale opens every morning at 9 o'clock f: f V f y V f y y y y y y f V t f y y V Y .v t Y Y v Y A. Thp AHRFNC ?fftiiP On the corner as you go to the New rostoiliceo 9 4 V J $ o ;M :: W . V