Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 09, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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.Inn Vincent' tit 1 1 iiiii, 1 linen, lmtl
(i close enll lust week, lie - roll
ing land with a hcnvv roller anil foil
under it, the roller going oxer him.
The only thinfr that unveil him was the
1ooe soil. The little chap doe not
seem any the worse off for the ncci
dent. Three of the pupils of the Chap
pnrml school were hiking the eighth
grade examination this week at the
Frank 1)8 Ford hn old liin crop
of wool to Mr. Williams, the Jackson
ville wool buyer.
Frank Hodgers or Hcngle is work
ing for Mr. Van Hovenburg of Sums
Valley. Ilia brother 0ear moved
their household goods mul the family
to their new home Tuesdnv.
Mr. Mct'abe of Med ford wus call
ing oh the ranchers of Ispiiglc mid
Ant'ioeh this week.
Del Morrison was a visitor nt the
llert Chapman hotne Simduv.
WilliHiit Jones, Sr., of Ilcuglc wus
trndinif in Medford and (entr.ili
Point ThursHtay.
l.uilo n number of the re-ident- of
Hcngle were visitors nt the enrniviij
nt Med ford this weok.
riuinle nni Jim Kodgurs nre work
ing on the ditch company's ranch nt
A mi to.
Mr. WoIIhcp, our mail carrier, lmi
bought a new nuto and we have to
hustle to have our mail rendv. We
patrons think he ought to toot hi
horn before he gets to the box.
Hurt Chapman's milch cow got it
hind leg broken in the pasture I'ridny
evening. ISert thinks the horse must
have kicked it. It' the only cow he
hits mul he is going to trv and nave it.
Prank Dp lord and August Wnld
ruff found a den of covotos on the
rpjwr Table Hock. They dug them
out and killed sex en pups, but did not
get tho old ones. That wan n good
day's work for the sheepmen of this
M'ction, no the pup were all femules.
A few more niieh killing and our
aheop would be cafe from the vnr
The director of the Antioeh school
have engaged Mrs. Arthur Jones to
teach the full term of school. Mrs
Jones, as Mis Albpita Stacy, was
one of the bent teacher in the
county, and xve congratulate the di
rector in gutting such a teacher fr
their aohoul, and wo Iik to see new
life put into the pupils mid the school
mid xxc how the put nms will co-oper-ii
tc lit make her term' a successful one.
' i.ilon to convey passengers to ami
from till' rami) to imiMit thai lnfor
Imatlon to Sectetarv H. A. Latta of
the Commercial club, either person
ally or by telephone, mo the unto
may be numbered In the order in
which they are Hated. Thla Informa
tion should alao atate how inanv
vacant seals ihere will be In each
auto for those who may desire to go
In this manner the number of thoe
who would go may be determined in
advance. Thla will enable Secretary
Latta to figure Intelligent a to the
number who may find accommoda
tion in autoa on that day. A great
many persons, men and women, have
already signified their desire to no
on that excuralon if thev can ' take
passage" In automobile not other
wise provided with a full load. The
fee the committee has fixed is $1.30
the round trip for each person. An
auto that carries five paaaengers
would, therefore, receive $7 50 for
the service.
Asians r-s I were montlnmJ the enforcement of rroxo the servlcr to taxpayers and to otny In tho county superintendent u
9 IFYCO rfttnCOnrtl tho prohibition u. t anj the Mkell- minimize tho cos thereof. office and every placo wlioro it iloos
MS ISC wliJadullI , hood of haviiiK to foreclose many tax i 3rd - To Impartially perform alt not retard tho efficiency of tfcn
To Oeiegui the Heme
I lions, particular! those anal nut the 'duties urn! enforce all laws.
Ate- rsm
When it Is. knov. n that In l'u
future the homo Is to be blessed with :t
f!1 ... i .i .
I c v mriiai liu "
fxnirlit slioulil ha
'Mutter's Trie ml."
TtiU U an extrnl
rir.nily gently applied
e ir the ultmmdi nnia
t'c. It make tliim
drin mul pllmtt. Miry
cxpaml until ml Ir Kith
nut multm strain. It
rmoYw from the
litrvw tboe Inttw-tiu-i
whlih are re
iipomtlile for miich of
the uulii IncliUuit to Um
pcnon or etwet uv r. f for lhi munii
thut miKh of Ilin tluircw ourh m morning
flckne-i l stnMrd. All pnwpcctlve fatten
KliouM wo to it that the exiwtiint mother
U pmvliivil !th n tsvttle of "Mutter'
The illrccllom nre nlmplo. 0t It nt snjr
time toro. II l appllnl lij lli ripmtitnt
nolter terlf, it s?iK'trittM lpt)' and f
forth ipilfk mul iqiliHltil rrllrf In a nxml
cratlfjltiff tniinnr inn I rettrcU a pliyslcnl
iltermrnt to the twrx-oiw lliisltlon of tte
lU. Don't fsll to it h bottle uf "Molter-t
Communicate the infor-, rrlenn1 today nn.l tten write UrtnlteM K.
, fti lis l.aitiar Ul.ljr.. Allftntjl. flit.
lllBtloll to Socretnrx l.Httll. (or prrtty little lstk brimful of liifornm.
Hon for lApmlnnl motteni. It is a ileligtit
, t IfU't It.
I Southern Pacific Una Rrant of nenrly
hnlf million acres In Jaci.son county,
amounting tobont $ 200.000
My reply was that 1 would beflomo
a candldnto If it wero generally de
sired and the race coulil be made
without assuming special obligation
to anv particular Individual, faction,
locality or interest.
Therefore, after consulting person
ally Or by letter several hundred mon
and xvomon of all occupations In
all rts of the county, believing
thre Is a real tleslro for my candi
dacy, I .111 be a candidate for the
nomination of District Attorney on
the ropublioan ticket.
K. W. (Curly) WILSON.
I am a caudldate for the nomina
tion of Sheriff on the republican
ticket to be voted for at the primaries
May 10, 1916. If nominated and
elected I will onforce the law and
give tho public an honest, laipartfa
aml efficient ndmlnlstratloa.
37 years In Jacksoi county.
I am n candidate for tho offlco of
district attorney on the democrat
ticket. It nominated and elected, 1
shall serve the county as I have
served tho City of Medford during
the past three years, miring which
time 1 have been its city attorney.
Adv. B. R. M'CAIIB.
Rsvorted by Jackson County Abu-act
Co., Blith and Fir fits
Notice to Coiitraitoi-s
Scaled proposals, addressed to the
uuderxlKiied at Jacksonville Oregon,
and endorsed "Scaled Hide for Re
pairing Itoad." for repairing a county
road between Medford and Jackson
ville, Oregon. In accordance with the
tilnna and aneclficatlons on file in the
eountv surve.xor's office, over the
Circuit Com t. Medford National bank building,
.. I - ..S I f .... & -ill VA fAAnlllUll
X linn. ...mi F. XVlltt ,'ieillliril, VireHOlI, "ill ut "ni
A. Jilinsciilll X-. J.. X. "' L.,,1 f!1,l ,.-KI in n n Miv 12.
11) 16. and at that time the county
court will publicly open and read all
Cach bidder nhnll be required to
deposit with his bid five per cent of
the amount of his bid, which shall
be forfeited to the county in case
tho award Is made to him. and If he
falls, neglects or refuses, for a per
iod of 10 days after such award Is
mnde. to enterjlnto a contrnct and
file his bond in the manner reuuireu
11. A. Iltinscmii x
and X. M. Watt, mortgage ioreclon
ti re.
1'nin A. Marshall vs. Ida .1. 'Ilioipe
ct a!., mortgage foreclosure.
State vs. Hnnce House, transcript
from justice court.
In the matter of the determination
of the relative rights ( the waters
of HojtHP river and Hh tributune.
Itnufintr Smitniulwr '2.
r II. Whyers vh. ('. II. Ciwen, or-ioy ami to m shuhiucuuu ui m
, . nil i county court
denng dismitosal. A cori,rntP ,niret- bond will be re-
.lohn II. Groves vs. Paul G. Deu- qtre,j for the faithful performance
bcr, demurrer. of the contract tn a sum equal to
J. W. Hybce va. I II. Wheeler el lone-half of the total amount of the
u, publication of summons, affidavit Th rotintJ. cort rM,.rVes the right
of summons. I to relect an or all bids, or to ae-
Jnne Carroll vs. Chnilea A. Mc-'cept the proposal deemed best for
Arthur et .., default, decreo. I Jrk.on oojintv
W. K. IlHviaon v. C. v. run"", i n a fiAimN'KU
O. A, (ludiicr li UepiitiltrAit Cnndl
Oato for County Clerk
I horeby announce ray candidncy
for the otflco of county clorK nnd If
nominated and elected will contlnuo
to Klve i"T entire time and attention
to the duties thereof, oonduct tho
offlco according to laxv nnd give an
efficient, economical ami business
like administration.
I am In favor of pronrosslxe educa
tion, that Is, education that propnres
the boy or girl for life. I am for all
hnvliiK a scjiinro deal and an equal
ohnnco for an education.
It nomlnatod and elected T will
do every thing In my power to mako
tko schools of Jaoksos county tho
boat is tha stats.
Adv. A. J. HANBT.
W VNTKD Rclliibl'i xoung man for
office and llnht lAarehonoe woik.
Apply In oxxn handwriting Ad
drees 1. O. llox Sot. Medford 42
1 korebv avnounce that I havo
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy ; filed my declaratlot , of IntetiUons.
for tho renubllcan nomination for
sheriff, to be voted on at the coming
primaries. May 19th, 1916.
I feel that I need no Introduction
to the public, having been a resident
of Jackson county for 26 veara.
I nledao myself, tf elected, to nlve
an Im Martial, economical nnd con
servative administration of this im
portant offlco.
I have endeavored to serve tho
public faithfully in tho past and
agree, If elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforce all laxvs. Having
a very large experience in the mat
ters of taxation and knowing Jack
son county thoroughly. 1 pledge my
self to conduct the tax collection
branch of tho office In such a manner
as to serve the taxpayers honestly,
promptly and efficiently.
,Vilv. XV. T. UllIUJVK.
I hereby announce that I havo
filed my declaration of Intention to
become a candidate tor the republi
can nnmlnntlnn for the offlco of coun
ty clerk, for Jackson eoiyitv, sublect
to tho decision of the republican par
ty, at the primary election to bo held
May 19. 1916.
Adv. A. N. HIMHemiAND.
default, judgment.
Clay vh. CoMtral Point Pnck'ing
Co., demurrer.
Henry I). Angle vs. Union Oil To.,
State v. V. A. Hydo ct nl., stipu
K. II. Porter vs. Hoso V.. Lour, or-
'der for new trial.
V. H. A. Smith vs. Marv K. Smith,
l'mlwito Court,
George V. Merriuinn eatafe, semi
iiniiuul account.
County Clerk. Jacksonville. Ore.
I hereby announce Hint I have fllod
my doolaratlon of Intention to become
a eandldato for the republican nom
Inatlon for the office of representa
tive subject to the decision of tho re
publican party at the coming primary
election, .
Adv. C. M. THOMAS.
rorvrv assiwsor
I hereby announce my candidacy
for tho office of county assessor of
Jackson criunty on the republican
tlokot, subject to the primary on
May 19. I pledge myself to an
honest, efficient, Impartial and econ
omical discharge or the duties of the
office and propose to make; all assess
ments upon the basis of the true
artual value of the property and not
upon any Inflated valuntlnn.
I am a candidate for the republi
can nomination of sheriff of Jackson
county, subject to the primary, May
19, 191C.
1 havo lived In Jackson county
txxelve vears, made the raco for the
nomination for sheriff two years ago
and received a splendid vote despite
the unusual conditions I had to op
pose and would appreciate your sup
port this time.
If elected I xvlll onforce all laws
and plcdre myself to an ocouomlcal,
Impartial and conservative adminis
tration. Adv. A. W. WAI.KKR.
and that I nm a candidate for tho re
publican nomination for tho offlco of
County School Superintendent of
Jnckson county, subject to tho pri
maries of Mav 19
tf nominated and elected I pledge
mvself to an honest Impartial and
economic administration and will
personally supervise our schools.
I hold an Oregon llfo certificate,
and having recontly spent four ses
sions on preparatory work, both In
the Cnlveraltv of Oregon and In the
t'nlverslty of California In the study
of modern education nnd supervi
sion, and having served the county
ns rural school supervisor for two
vears. I feel competent to fill tho of
fice In n thoroughly satisfactory man
ner nnd horebr solicit the support of
every true friend of education.
Adv. O. AOER.
AOKNTS" " WANTED ISlderiy men
desiring light omployment can
make good wages selling our full
line of popular priced nursery
stock. Outfit furnished. Investi
gate. Addross Pacific Nursery Co.,
122 H Orand avo., Portland, Ore
gon. 61
WANTED TO" lirV A No. 1 milk
cow, C. W. Peart, 121 Ashland st ,
Phone 777-1.. 42
WANTKD TO MUY Homes of sad
dle tvue, and heavy horses Pr
Helms, 111 No. Fir, Phone .108,
I horowlth announce niv candidacy
for county assessor, subject to th
decision of the republican pnrty at
tho prlmnry election to bo held May
19, 1916. If elected I pledge myself
to mako a just and equltablo nssess
mont anil administer tho nffalrs of
the offlco In a business-like maunor.
I am a oandldate for the republican
nomination for Joint representative
from the district comprising Doug
las and Jackson counties subject to
ii,a ,imir in Miiv if nominated
Isaac Wright estate, semi-annual , , icted I will serve the people of
Mi-. M. P. Hnker wii-. taken to the
Kin-red Heart Im-pitn! IM TiicmIii).
Hhc is much improxed at this writing.
A wugoii loud of our bys left
Wednesday morning to be nt the field
meet ut Kaglc Poiut, and in the uf
ternuon Mr. Parker took eleven girls
to ! nt the meet. All refuted a
grand time.
Charlie Pat ton went to Kaglc Point
Thursday to uttend the dunce.
A baby ifirl was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Nm to Ajideraou Siinduy, April
A baby girl wa. born to Mr. X. S.
Morris WedneKilux, May '.
Mr. mid Mr-. K. I. Merrill moved
to Ashlund Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. ilexcnger left for
Talent TucmIu.v to muke their home.
They Itaxe bought a small ranch
Khirlev t'laspill and Charlie Stew
art left for Odessn Wednesday to
work at the Pelican lumber ramp.
Mr. Tracey, the stutc bank exam
iner, if in our town on business.
Mr. Peter"!!, county utwriMr, is
visiting- in our town.
G. W. Ilarker and wife guve a dance
party to a few of their friends u
Tuesday evening.
Miss Hears entertained a few of
Iter friends last Tuesday evening at
her home, the Cliffs.
The Literary odetv met Friday
evening, nave a small program and a
debate, subject. "Resolved, that the
old met hud of using the rod to bring
up children xxas lietter than the
method f tin- dav." Alfinnative,
Hay Parker and A. K Uddrcth: nega
tive, Mr-. Krnest Smith and Mr. Pe-
tcrsun. The nc.itixe- wn. The box
ure I'hippi'il I'll' them.
Howard A. Hill and C. D. Hoon.
traniorUUon managers for the
Blue Ledge excuslon next 8unda,
desire all those who have uutonio.
MIps xxhlch ma be used on that oc-
They Dort
Keep Long
Cakes haked with
Merit Vaoillft have
a rcmdrk..ble way of
diioncarini quickly.
Tie p'.i- liclinh flvor
wi, !i r. .1 ui del -i ' VL
A i),t i bjttle K'je lurdirt
than any om.i.
At Your Cruc-cr
the district to the best of my ability.
Adv. W. H. aORK.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the uomliiatiou for representa
tire from Jnckson county on the r-
Jlive . M estate, order to sell ! publican ticket. wtW t J Prt;
, ,.. maryonMaylS i piwlge myself ror
economy and a square ileal for an.
(ieorge A. Jackson estate, inven
torv nnd nppraisoment.
Khxalieth C. Jones estate, tielition
for onler of sale of real property.
M'i-sonul pniHrtv.
' Thomas (1. Cox estate, onler ad
milting t probate will.
I am a republican candidate for
.A..-An..n,ulm.u l ft... alatM luvlslR-
A household remedy of the French I DISTRICT ATTOHVICV
peasantry. tonslstlnK of pure vegeta-1 The record of the county clerk at
ble oil. and said to possess wonderful this time show ""' of,liD;';) ""
, ', . . . . , , . tn the administration of thla orrice
merit in the treatment of stomach. , ; eompre( uh the previous term.
liver and Intestinal troubles, has been , This has been accomplished by trans
Introduced in this country by George , acting the same amount of huatneas
II. Mayr. who for t-eaty year, has W. irnl Juris , jn one day th.
been uae of the leading down-town dttyil n ,,y iminatlng many petty
druggists of Chicago and who him- matters, nnd without any sacrifice to
self xxas cured by its use. 8o quick law enforcement In tho couuty. I
and effective la its action that a sin-1 fc' ,hnl t,lU "v,ug nnd "" ".,,,r
anu eiiecuve is us acuon tnai a sin entitles m to a second term.
gle dose la usually enough to brlna; ( ftni therefore a cnndldate for ro-
pronounced relief In the most atub- electlou to the ofrice of district attor-
born cases and many people who , ney. K. K. KKLLY.
kv twll If iliutUia tVtAV iiava, hf,r,l ' ".
of anything to produce such remark-
1 heroby announce, my nandldacy
for tho democratic nomination for
the officii of assessor of Jackson
county, nt the primary to be held
May 19th, lOlfi. Have had throo
yours' experience) ns deputy assessor.
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for county assessor for
Jackson oountr, Oregon, on the re
publican ticket, subject to the pri
maries to be held May 19, Ifllfi. My
platferm: Kcfltiomy, equality and
efficiency. J. C. IIKHKINO.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for sheriff on tho
democratic ticket, subject to the will
of the voters at the primary to be
held Mav If. 19i I am a native
son of Jnckson county and my en
tire past life Is subject to your tnves-
ligation. iiui ii ii. ,in,.Hiiuo.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the democratic nomination for
sheriff to be voted on at tho coming
primaries. May 10. lOlfi I have
served the city of Medford as chief of
pollre for over five vears and during
that time served under four different
mayors. I pledge myself, If nomi
nated and elected, to servo Mm public
and do my duty as sheriff at all
times, and give the public an honest
and Impartial administration.
I am a candidate for the republi
can nomination ror county ncnooi
Superintendent. I stand fer: A con
tinuance of progressive policies in
education, economy consistent with
efficiency, equal educational ndx'an
tages for tho boys nnd girls on thn
farms with thosn In the cltlos nnd
U nominated and elected I will In
the future, as In the oast, glvo my
full time and best efforts to tho
supervision of the school and tho ad
ministration of the duties of tho of
flco. During my Innmbeney I havo
not confined mvself strictly to tho
routine duties of the office but bnvo
taken a broader view of the mission
of the Coiintv School Superintendent.
In addition to inv ctforta vo raise tho
standard of teaching nnd lmprovo tho
physical conditions at school I have
labored to promote tho wolfaro of
the boys and girls through Industrial
clubs, school fairs, school credits for
bom- work, parent. teachers circles
spelling. and arithmetic contests, and
other activities I feel that my work
has been leaarded with favor and In
order to contlnuo this work, I nm
asking for re-election.
WANTKD Popcorn for popping at
the l'oppory, SOS Bast Main st ,
Medford. 40
LOST Pair eye glasses Friday be
tween Fruitgrowers Hank and old
postofflce. Finder pleane leave .it.
Mall Tribune office. Jl
Auto flupptlea
are operating tho largest, oldest
nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwost. Uso our spring!
whon othors fall. Sold under guar
antee 26 North Flftoonth Bt-,
Portland, Oro.
FOR HUNT Apartment for rent.
Tho nerben, 10 Qulno 8t.
FOR RKNT-llouso with garago.
furnished or unfurnished; every
thing modern. RIB W. Jackson
street. 40
FOiritUNT nicely furnished mod-
orn bungalow, screened porch,
close In. 117 Jay streot, Phono
7IS-.I. 43
able results in so short a time It Is
I hereby announce that 1 have
filed my declaration ol intention 13
i .. . ...,.,.. .... i u.n.u.i.. i twvoma a candidate for the repub
Willi l,lllllll lHim; , - - . .
and ean now to had at all leading ffi'JiSSST fo?Jitt.?!
drug store. It Is sold xvlth the posl- Oregon, subject to the decision of the
tlve understanding that your money ' republican party, at the primary )-
will be refunded without question or
quibble it ONK bottle falls to give
you absolute astlsfaction Adv.
tlon to be held May IS. l!t.
f m sisi-sJM
I hereby announce that I bare tiled
my declaration of intentions, and that
-. .....4lA.i, fn 4 Via. isBMififiPailfl
AiJiHlnUtrato,- Xollro ' ---- Th'" ' . '" -"i
Notlte is hereby given that the un- ,.,.,. t.utiWt to the sav orimar-
derslgned has. by order of the nounty leg u j m nominated and elected
court of the count) of Jackson and t0 tnU 0ffeo, j promts not to foraet
siaie oi ureaon oc-n om iiwu"" , ,j, (acl tnt j am a tubilc servant,
administratrix of the estate of Walter aBll lhat , wl (0 ,e beat of my
M. Kennedy, deceaaed. and baa duly lab,,ty ,4mjI,.tor the affalra of the
qualified as such Jofflco, Impartlalb. Voaeatly and
All peraona having claims against '
said estate are hereby notified and 'loul kkva'TON W BORDBK
required to present the same, dulydi". NfcVvTO.N W. IIOH08H
verified as required by law, to me at j
my addres in Medford. Oregon, with-1 The flrat of the year a number of
in six ib months from thla date, and i republicans. Including many who ap
sll persons owing said estate are here-' proved of my efforts In tbe Interest
bv notified to pay such indebtedness ! of the taxjaers as state representa
t0 me I live four years ago. requested me to
lmted. Medford. Oregon, this 21th1 become a candidate tor the office of
dax of prll lSlfi i District Attorney, lnasmuih aa there
ROSWfO.VD WRIGHT. iould be. In addition to the regular
Admlnlatralrlx of the ICstate of Wal-1 duties of the criminal and Juvenlia
ter M Kenedx deceased ' courts, new duties and conditions
W K PhM'PS. Mlorney ! confronting he office Among these
Candidate for county assessor at
republican primary election. May IV,
1816. Three ycara experience cleri
cal work making up assessment rolls
and extending lax rolls, township 2V
and 30 North, Range 1 West, state
of Michigan. Three years assessor
and member of county board of su
pervisors, Olsego county, Michigan,
Six years deputy assessor In Jackson
county. Oregon. If elected, practical
experience, common sense ami busi
ness Judgment will be exercised In
making aaaessmenta. Fictitious,
boom valuations will not b permit
ted. The greatest possible aceuiacy
and economy In field nnd office work
ik III be rlKidlv enforced. The most
efficient administration that exper
ience, education and capability can
exact, In every department of this
Important of flee, will be effected.
Fair and rourteoua treatment extend
ed to all taxpaxera. Integrity of
purpose the governing factor. Your
support solicited. W. W. TRPAX.
Deputy County Troasurer Myrtlo
W. Illakolev announces her candidacy
for thn offlco of county trensurnr.
I heroby annnuno m candidacy
on the republican ticket for the of
fice of county troasurer. to be voted
nn at Mm mmlne nrliniirliul. I hnVO
held the position as deputy in tins run uiwrr rurnisiiou z-siory mm
offlco for the past year and am con
fident that I can fulfill the duties
connected therewith.
I served two years as deputy coun
ty roeordnr before taking tho posi
tion as deputy oounty troaaurer; I
have also had eiperlnnco ss account
ant for several corporations, such aa
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Medford lee and Stor
age Company, hofore taking up coun
ty work, and will say that my past
record Is open for Inspection to the
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I will run
the office without tho expense of a
deputy and continue to serve the pub
lic Just as efficient In the future as
I have In the past
GUO. W. CHERRY Attomoy nnd
Notary. Rooms U-10, Jackson Coun
ty Hank Rulldlng, ontranco N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
PORTICR J. NKFF Attomoy at law,
rooms 8 and 0, Medford National
Dank nutldlng.
Corey hi ii g.
G. M. ROI1KRTS Lawyor.
Medford National Dank Building.
collected Bomo accounts 14 yoars
old. Wo know how to get the
money. Tho Iluilock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2. 3, Has
kins' Uldg,, Sin E. Main at.
Four room cotunt', K.ifl'C in'1 UnPi. t loners, shad". Just
the place for a little tmu a"'! . iIti Irni I'.i'-liiK -" 20, aert
er I1O0 ".', slUfcWu'H $: - ' a-1 I 1 In M'l Lot llvM7. Handy
Best eit,f pr Jicny of this l luJ hc have ever efffreu.
o Kii letiitc Jiaa, litniiik, Jn-ui"i
loam soil
Total piiti
I have horetorura formally an
nounced my candidacy for the nomi
nation for aharlff un the republican
ticket to be voted upoj, at the com
ing primal y election. May 19, 1916.
I have held the position of deputy
sheriff during the past four years. It
is unanimously conceded that a mark
et Improvement has vjiau made In
all d-partmunta of tho sheriff's of
flco during the Incumticncy of the
present sheriff, tha records la tho of
fice at the beginning or tho present
administration ware considered the
wornt tn tha statethey are now
considered equal to any and bettor
than most
Tho work of tax collection haa beau
systematized so that quicker and bet
ter service is now being rennerea.
and taxc collected at a much tot
cost than heretofore.
I am fully conversant with tha du
ties and n ids of the office for which
I aspire
Jf I am nominated and alt-tad I
pledge myself:
1st -To maintain the offtea In 1U
present e'fklent condition
Ind - 'lo endeavor to further Im-
alow, aaraae, tine lawn, roses
fruit and berries, sleeping porches;
everything modem. 610 W. Jack
sou st. 40
FOR HKNT IlimftlWtClil'INU
FoTt RKNT Light housekeeping
rooms Call getween 2 and I, 32X
Houth Central at. .41
FOR RBNT-Coay furnlahed house
keeping rooms, clos In, $& month.
Lights, water, gaa. hath. Phone
I hereby announce that I bnvo filed
my declaration of Intention to bo
come a candidate for the republican
nomination for the orrice of county
treasurer, to be voted on In the com
ing primaries.
If I am nominated and elected will
conduct the office In an efficient and
businesslike manner.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the Nomination of county
treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon,
an the mpiibllran ticket to be voted
for at tha primary election to bo bald
May IV, 19K-
1 formerly held the office of county
treasurer and believe I gave general
satisfaction to the public.
During the tlmo I was county treas
urer the county employed export ac
countant", to expert tha couuty offi
cers' hooks and said t-xperta compli
mented niv work very highly aa a
public offPlal
If nominated and elected I shall
endeavor to conduct tha affalra of tha
office in an honest, efficient and busi
ness like manner.
FOR RENT I'asturo, good feed,
fences, plenty of watar. W. H.
Stewart. 02
FOR HAMv-iivrvrrnitja;
Garnett-Coroy Uldg., ultn
Medtoro, Oro. Phone S5G.
Collections and Reports
FOR HALE -Grey team weighing
about 1 too, aud one grey horse
weighing about 1700 lilg Fluea
Lumber Cu tf
FOR SALK A few good pigs. F.
K. Harneburg. R. F. 1). I. 3i
FOR HALE -Fresh cow. Mrs. Wm.
Ituin, West Clark. 4 1
SO acres Rear Creek bottom, 70
oers lu rultlratloB, alfalfa, fruit and
sroiu, rllr irrigated. Lesi than
3 miles from Medford. tS?l, caifa.
Olo of tho best bar lu J sot so a
county. Hay when aad 1 will nbow
''102 Wwt tfatn tit, fhono 798
I hereby announce my candidacy
on tho republican ticket tor tha of
flco or County School Superintend
ent for Jackson county. Oregon, sub
ject to tha will of tha republican
party at the primary election May
II I atand for practical school ef
ficiency, pornonal supervision of the
schools and elimination of oounty
sck.iot supervisors.
FOR SALE -Pedigree! Poland China
boar. Wo are out of tha hog bus
iness and this Is a real bargain.
llerkiiley Orchards. H
FOR HALE Extra fine fresh Jersey
cuw. J. H. Iloardmau. Phone
2J1. 41
FOR HALE One aray work team,
well watched and bloeky build. In
good flesh. Weight 1100 pounds.
J. D. Williams, Central I'olnt. 43
M. F. A II. Illdg. Office Hours
8:30 to 12; 1 to 6. Phone G07-R.
Engineer anil Contrnctor
contractor, 404 M. F. A. II. Dldg
Hurvev'H,, estimates, Irrigation
drainage, orchard and land Improvement.
EARL 8. TUMY aeneral Insurance
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plata Glass, Contract,
aud Surety Uouds. Excollcnt com
panies, good local service. No.
210 Oarnett-Corey Illdg.
Instruction In Music
FR1 L i'A LTON IIA 10 1 if," t eai he r of
Iilnno and harmony. Composer
and arranger of music. 1 1 night
Music Studio, 401 Garnett-Coroy
iliTl its I I bTn1& Teacher of VIolinT
Musle furnished for all oc anions,
Prices reasonable. Studio 11.1 E
Ms la St., Phone 203-J2.
GARRAGK Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer Call
on tho elly garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 274-L F
Y. Allan.
I'liysiclHHS ami nargeons
oKT "rio? Varlow! dr fva
MAINS CAR IO W Osteopathic
physicians, 411-417 Qarnet'-i'orey
bltlg. phone 1036-L. Resldenca
It South Uurel st.
Ff)R SALE Frasn milk goats at ra
duced rates. Mrs. L. Dusenbury,
Climax, Oro.
von isv-3iiacrai.faxH)ai4
FOR HM.E Tlior motorcycle ui
Mai tin's bicce shop. 40
:.7 U2.
Nice grain hay.
FOR HALE - l'axsoiis Dahlias. Spe
ilal col loci ton, 12 roots, standard
varieties, named and labeled for 1 1
postpaid. List or many others for
postal. R. II. I'axson, Central
Point. Ore, 8 1
To tha voira I am republican
candidate for county school super
intendent at the primary electiou,
May 1. 1!H
I am for auperviaioa of the schools K0 8A,4Knice grain hay
by the Hiiiierlnteiident and for eron-
.'I 3m. , of flm alf.ilfa l.iml, ith
litill'lim. xery nit el lo'4ted, and
palnK inn uiieretit on the price ask
ed No- if mud StfoiMi on.
2to nni vi iv well iiupioveil, out
next the fr" uiitrutiKi' over half In
fine mi,. 'Host ol the relit Is tilla
ble $! i' i i ci ai re.
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
I'Uoue 1U7
FOR 8LE Fir tier woed: also oak
and laurel cord wood. Phone
311-J. 41
l"OH HALR- Seed corn' and grata
hav, ulso pasture. Phone D31-J!.
C. W iksacs.
- - -
NVANTED Seslng at home or by
the day. Phono -I7!-.M, lit S.
Coutr.I. 65
"VAN'l KD W oman 10 for dlstfibnt
lug fi-o siniuH tVrart'root dara
Inr rwtton wlih lioaliry. your ao
tur T'.xwUiira unnccaaaary. In
tcrnatlunal Mtils, dapt. 7u0, Xor
IfBtown, I'a. 41
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, lOt Oarnett-Corey
building- Phone 139.
DR. J. J. KMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
oar, note and throat. Eves sden
tlttcally tasted ami glasses sh
plied. Oculist and AurUt for S F
R. R. Co. Offlco M. F II Co
bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 87
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician ano
surgeon Phonea, otflco 36, resi
dence 7SI-J. Office houra, 10 te
IX, t to I.
otan and surgeon. Oftiee Paha
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to U. 1 to 4. Fhona 110-J
I'rlHtcrs anU Fubilabcci
MbTRDPRiNTiNa CO., baa tks
host equipped printlni; office In
southern Oregou; book binding
loose leaf ledgera, bllllivs systems,
etc. Portland prtoau. 17 rtorth
Ftr at.
Office li North Flreat at. Phooa
315. I'riieu right, Scrvlca aar
Auteod BcxfLaic "diutunt
SALE OR RP.NT- ftnua sand Cojf
Chines alio for s.lo. xlssotet aecc
roiialrln, Ualrtwlo Plsoo fo sniic
from factory to custonrv JluU-v
xBC 246 So. CMir&L ,f)j9vir,3J0