Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 09, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PATIE FOtm
ruHi.JHin.n i:vi:io ai ti.unoun
Orflco Mail Trllmnr lliitlillnK
North I'lr ilrn'i ti i. phone ','
The Dfinwrillr Titnm
tho Mxiroiil
Tin' Cnntli-
Mail, The Till.uii
crn Urssonh.n
Anhlnnil TtilMliK.
On year, bv man '. 00
.Oiwitionlh. lit iimll &U
Per month. itilt.r. il bv carrier in
ModfWit, riint'iilt, Jntknonvlllc
and Csntrnt Point RO
Rsturrfar only. I in.ll, ht ye.r . 5
T.'wht), per ar I ".o
Official raper mt the niv of Medfnrd
Sfflclsl laar or .ta.kfnn fount)
ntered n arrnnd-il.iMa tnalti r ul
Mrdford, Oregon unci' r the uit of Murth
S. U7.
Hworn r'irrulitlon for 1I5 2ISf.
I'llll lull. t wit
jwIlIu i
m i iti d Press dls-
Itcglllin Slciitly (ill)
Tllplets two Kt) Ik .mil a ho. wcM
born lo Mi and Mm Tom Johnson,
who lite u shori distance north of
Nsesho, on WedueMlav of last week.
Mr. Johnson In a miner uud work nt
Oanby. comlnK home every night.
1 'it Neosho Mo i Times.
lil(OHle, Dttlll Gill".
Una iu body not a typewriter to
n change for a monuroenl or liead
atiNWb or have work done Im the
notary? N. E. Austin's monumental
works, 33 White atreet The Isu
bury t Coon. I New.
Oil, iMfcMiH, U'li.t llaten'l Vimi lit.
enleil TIicm?
Noiseless noodles.
Odorless Turkish clgsrels.
Soft ilrlnka that taste Imnllah.
Tooth brushes that don't shod.
(JoHtfurtnhlu hotel 1km I a.
(IiitliciliiK of the Color
At the !. R. pursoiiHge. Tuesday
the Itov. ICilwlu White united In mur
rlagu Miss Vera Oreen mul .IoIiii Wln
stnii Mack. The Wakefield (Khii.)
'IVtlliilnil Sluff
Mr. Lawsou mul h parly of engi
neers OMrHH lllH OH the small gSKS-
llm oar Tueadav ou a trip of Ihsiio
tfttM, The Oadaden lArlr l t'larlon.
'OX A Fltlt.s'n XHIHT"
Cwmmi nil jroH amuUiera ami I'll slim
1 you
A tkotr Mbom tko Hear freok uiuiIr-
)My orw.
Oh h fMtety Might with h torch In
)HI' hHtl
YoH've gl to new lu be aitiuag-
(Hg 1HN.
Tb lhermmter hango on an old
liwir trw.
Itverythlng aa( while nt thirty-
Hut when It drop down J out two
rtagreM lower
Vaxt'lt kwr 1-owT) call at the buuk
houae door.
"i iiiim mi iirtMt. you've iot to hurry,
CmiK on. ihi, w cannot wait.
(cue oil, lain V8lt'Vl Kt 10 hUllV,
Jin tin i nioiiifU-r I uuw at JN.'
linn on our Hkii v itb an awful
oi i.iii It'll ill-m M.inl'lhlUK do
lll li I O I loin
)'iii ,,ii tiuilifit tint' mmi annul Mutt,
'i .mim oti've koi to u i it'Mih tor to
.in n that pii
' I in i, ,u Miur tin i tnoiiK it i an uu
I I w 1 Ulll iul III i U) Ul I ' I
I t
v .i ! t ii v ou , nd l' i ill i
i ik III I
i ii x si ' iii ''ii-; iiKtit
I on i un 'mi i"i II Ii,ii. to hull
toil on hm ! i no ttnii'
( nun on l.oi ii ii' In It ii
The Mierjnou now it i' "
! 1
Some folks i '"ji ii i" ro
That want a . 1 1 c . to si
with (d
Home fron nit hi win it tlu i ii
tnninelcr i low
What tiio' roiiik io du when the
wood won't m '
Put OBt your wood .mil nn kindling
If it comes up i in v 'i i ,nu
to do
The smudge pot - is wit!" '
.1 doubt
if llllil K IO Itlll Hint K-i U I It
Ut we've got to sate the ixuiy in
frfr Creak Oi chard.
FltWK llVOIflP !
100)' ft Ht ttiw,
AX iiiitu'csliiij!: glimpse ul' tin- jjri'ji. Iinlllc tl' Vcrtluii is
t;ivcn in tin' .May lrirv ul' Ucvicws hy Ki'ank J I.
Siinmis, a visitor al the scciii'. The rt-ason why thi' Gt'i'
iiiaus arc so pei'siMi-nt in the fffort lo capture the former
forlrcsis tiiid why the French are mo valient ly tlefeiuUn it
is for the nmral effect that its Tall would have, for in the
popular mind of both nations Verdun is still a main gate
way of J'Yain-c.
Verdun long ago ceased to he n Torlress. Its great de
fenses were dismantled mouths ago. It is but n part of the
KrciH'li line a dangerous salient, difficult to defend.
Hence the French general staff fully intended its evacua
tion, figuring the cost of holding it was nut commensurate
with its value.
The plans of .loffre, however, were overturned by the
French civil government, which fully recognized the senti
mental value of its relent ion. The gradual retreat ceased.
The lines held firm and three months of hammering by the
greatest collection of artillery the world ever saw, and
three months of attack by the flower of the kaiser's army
have failed to break the defense.
The difficulties of defense were increased by the isola
tion f Verdun through destruction of its main railroad
ciiuncctions. This, however, was made good by the eon
Mi action of a military highway and the mobilization of
tcn.s nf thousands of auto trucks, which form an unending
procession bringing men and supplier for iN relief.
(iermain figured thai a success at Verdun would break
the French spirit and thai France, discouraged uud dispir
ited, would sign an independent treaty of peace. Know
ing the plans for the abandonment of I he dangerous sali
ent, (icrinaiiy confidently predicted ils fall. For this
2.jO,00() men have been sacrificed. The place was even
picked out where the kaiser was to review the successful
entry of the crown prince and his army. And the effect on
Uermanv would have been electrical. Mr. Simoiids savs:
I Ui'lli've (hut the moral effort of the (ieriiiuii I'ulltiie at Verilun, if the
failure remaliiM aliHolttte. will he alinoM heind exaawration There wuk
no lack of courage, of determination, of ronnluncv, hut there waa wonder
Wai the enem, after all, too atrona and could he win, nt the laat. hy aheer
weight of nt renal h and numbcra" Having done all that a man or ft nation
rould do, France waited for the ehotk, met It and -broke It drew from aur
eaa a ronfldenre that ii ix ulinoul Impomilhle to deacrlhe because It wae
hurdl) exiraaed in wordu and found no r'lailou in any kind of celebra
tion. Thin battle of Verdun van u battle for mom! valuee, fought oer a town
which had acquired n wholly fictitious value In the iiiIikIh of the Uerman
and French people alike in the mind of the olmervera the world over tier
many fought to break the aplrlt of Frame l'erhapa I do not think w
but, mjrhupN. ulie extlmnted her expected amceaa at a true value, hut thla
iiceeaa ahe did not obtain 1'ntenH ulie hIihII nhtiiin It hereafter. he han
loat all alie hoped to ealn She han not broken, but reliigoratPd, the
aplrll of France. Thla. I think. Im the true meaning or the llatlle of Ver
dun, and It la the meaning thut the map will not iIIhcIohc. that the commen
tator on mere!) mllitan oieritlonn mnnol iKtliuete or nluu
1'erhapn one mlaht u it tliU wa Verdun wh n battle-fluK Of ilaelf
nothing la of lena alue In eontlli'i It i a thing without live lo the man
righting for hla life, and wt It Ik a IIiIiik (hat aoldler talue moat hlghh
anil ill for moat readily nd at the dose ol thu conteat. ir It be doaod,
France holda the (Iuk hut thin menu to the icgliuoiit Verdun moan 'o
A lvPKI having publicly athocaietl the recall of the
fV county court for some da,s, 1'ieiitou Mowei's, candi
date for the republican nomination for representative,
either ashamed of the part he has taken or lacking courage
to stand by his convictions, denies his part in the affair.
It is not to be wondered at. No one seems to be willing
to father the sneak recall or to make public the petty spite,
malicious einy, disappointed greed ami embittered preju
dice in whieh'it was conceived -no one except a disgrun
tled contractor.
ilr. Rowers intimates I hat the sorehead recall was
launched by members of the tax league. Not avowedI. at
any rate, or with the approval of ils officers and members.
The ta league was organized for the laudable purpose of
co-operating with public officials in reducing taxation. To
this end, its commit tee approved the county court 's budget
for the present Near.
There are indications, however, thut a cliijue of meni
Itersof the la league are tlesl roving its usefulness by per
verting ii into a political machine for selfish ends and to
ImiosI themselves into office. Three of its most active nieiu
lien are seeking jmhlie office. Hence .Mr. Mowers' en
deavor to hide behind the league.
Am Ashland editor's driveling vicioiisness indicates
that he is rapidly progressing from the class of the feeble
minded, rack (trained into a fully developed nut.
What Became of Joe Dies?
Tuif stmj (if Piomti Hai-of soiiilicin tlivguti by ti. Meanix.
III the MMl I M I II" If lit
the ullage ti' ii.r-f-''ii , in liiiimou
oiimI a lOimli tli nn. in i-.nhlli i 'i
ie II me of Iiim I Ilex ill w.t-
' Olll lllitl IK t till I N III M.lls ('
! lutit black aiiii .tint tni iiiin
u i-i.'1's and nuikiui lit of lUe Minr
ii'!"i Hi wi iiuiet pliauut aiul
mil Hi.ed lu imn one who knew
mul Mr had been a ii'Kident of ilt
tnlaae for vera I vejis, und for
ii.llb .1 iiv.r till 1 1 beill .1 Mitll'i o'
.liltk mill ic.r a mulitilv ih.ii
i'i llnu iillst i'l lie ii U ii'n
I'MlUilt o 1'ie lb .11 i ! .tint Iik'
ver I.iHIvMiis hi lilt i im tar to
I 111 Kl I'llll ll UUH'll' to act Utt'l I'll
i uluib whuh In 1. 1 'lie more seeie
be Ioiiki r ii tun Quiniue rolo;ni
and evert other Known remcrit wete
.tiui trliil lo radicate the dim Me,
liil the lutiiliss etcs Hie UlloWt
1 1 in o' I - t in and tile Uunuiit move
' i.i!1-. oi hu limb, khowi'ii muni
lit i' i his use diipiiaii
' VI I . Un ,il .im lor h t iik
exnauiifrt nl l ill with " i ivul .t
i .r, loe lo lu .i il in tin
til lllk ! Hi il. I tl '
i . a 1 1 . . ul i
nun! ii ni
nn i I
0 i ul h
ii it
1, l.lilfjf,
..iiiril a
I I lOI I I ill ll
with a llllil inoitnl.illi
n.i.nn .l- will wo a puckili; outfit,
lo iios the -unimil ol the l .tnude
nioiintslno to the stoik ramh of two'
h.iehelor friendx. Kimball and lloxle
lueie, who h.ld tt'ieillli totaled
hi i he liead Indian .-onutM ooine
.i miles
I he ' I' Indian" I ihe isanii
uitiii io a si'ilni: at the teieru cilia
oi ,i ust heavllt tiniiiercd ilaieuu
region It U xo-t ailed luun the
i ii iii ! of .i reciiitlv i.iiileii tiiitliin
iere a suinrixe i.t
i nine or Indian on tne .sup '
snot'ier. had resulted in Hie h.ctt
dopariure of all the snrtitoi
iuk a n ii m her of ilead lnlisn ( '
silt of the hattlc Tiii n.i lie wax
.ncM.ariW Rtteii to the i ullte ele
tmed i lateuu region, which em 'Niees
xitiiil him it red thousand xtiiiiio
n.ilis itnl i- a dltiding (i, rlnd
In iii e fe.Nleis of (he K n .Ih I
m.rsflnw in o "-it. u I
i" I I
i i it '
it s .ihitii li t .,hoiti l '
ih. riel
,-iJ rS
11 ...-
lntli!t-stitn. Oni-pu-Li
, "luUlU -OCatullUuiJli-tb.
CW,. n
' S V U
crowned penkjir Mt Shaxta. the giant
of tho Slaklyoun. The Imxln la bor-1
dered on the efflit (Jin hlnh mountain :
peakH that overlook the Klamath i
laken and the river flowing westward .
thot (Icatdi thw fane ado range to-1
wrds the ocean. To the Meat tho
creatH of the faarndi- rnnge thot ep
arale It from the Hnotio rlvrr olley.
and which la onl broken bv the
cleft or crayon through ? hlch iwr
tlnu or the water of the baxln re
diverted through Little llutte to the
Rogue river.
Xearly the entire platcntnt region
la deiiaply fo reeled with dirferent
apeclea or fir, pine, ednr and ewe,
with rrlngea or Iidge Pole Pine ami
quaking hxi along the few xtrimmx
and pralrlca that penetrHte at placex
front! the bolder of the plateau to
ward the Interior Xearly all theae
amnll pralrlsa arc In the vicinity of
springs, of auittll xtreaina rumitng
out of the aurroundlug rim, and
moat of thorn end in awaiupy thick
eta where the water eiuk.
The general character of the
ground la level or nearly no except
where the waters break away from
either aide, and xo denae In the tim
ber that ovan nn expert woodamwit
would find II hatd to follow am given
direction when the xtin wax obxeured,
Milieux Kxxiaiml of a compHxx.
At the date of till atory there
were but four ram he occupied, and
they by atock men, lu thlx count n.
The Frank Hector place (the orig
inal Dead Indian apriugl. the (irtibli
ranch Home thiee ntllea noulli of
the former, alao on a iprlng. and the
Wella place, about three mile eaxt
of the Orubb place. The watera or
the two laat named ranches flowed
Into Orlxaly prairie, from whence
they ran toward the Klamath: the
watera of the two first named aprlngx
flowed northward into Utile llutte
I To be Continued )
Thomn II. In h. offered h uov
elty for tho Trlanule bill at the Page
theater In "The Beckoning Flame,"
which served as a vehicle for Tauru
Aokl, u .Inpanete actress, and Henry
Woodruff. The plat Is handaomely
mounted and some of the scenes are
of great beauty.
Perhaps no play haa ever been pro
duced In which such pain were taken
to preerte the atmoaphera and the
real representation or tvpleal Orlen
tal streets and Interior aa In "The
beckoning Flame." Joe Jackxon.
the tramp comedian, does some start
ling stiinth in his faiulliur make-up
of a knight of the open toad lu Hie
Keystone "A Modem Knoih Arden "
What adds much lu the Interest Ih
the thrilling plot, which develop log
ically from the first and continues
to a atrong (Umax. Joe has oppor
tunities to dixplay all hi marvelous
tumbling anil acrobatic skill when
he nets into a hurricane at sea
This is re.ilh one or the HtroitKcxt
combination tet ofiered on the
TriaiiKtc prournm II N uiieatcd
UK'iln tuiiiklil mil Well worlh xeelntt
An Orenoit Womnn Jeatltics
linta fHegon "When I was 8Injt
Uirottllh the ditical tnee of mnld'e lid.
I took laittles of Ir. IVrcc
Favorite I'n'wi pi ion ami it helped mo
wottderfulU . I cannot say enough in
IttVor of tin. medicine, tlate also used
the 'tiolitcn Mettical discovery in my
me fr iii.inv year (ur many different
ailiueuls -Mk. Ellv lltaoi.i).
lnts, Oregon.
At the tint symptoms of any tie
rsngenii'iit ( thi feminine organism
at auv pi'iiod of hie, llie one safe,
really belpiul ratnady is Pr. Piaroe'4
'tvoriie PriMiciiutMHi.
Ten of thousands of wotuea liava
takan u wuh niifailing success (or
di teases oi a womanly nature.
Br. Pierce I ttvoritai I'rcserijitiuu is
t true in. ml lo wuuieu iu times of
trial and si n uteri ol pain when tho
organ are u performliitt their tunc
turns, tor Iietida4h, backache, hut
ttaalies, (at.urhul condition, bearing
dowa sensation, menial deproasion,
dissine. laiutiiig spell, lassitude and
exhaustion woman should never foil
b take this ir ed and true medicine.
UteiniNbl iMM mia!i,mi' r.vl and
.-u, lt ,.., gU-tihol or nar-
coiio. ui auv barmtul lUfre.ueni.
I ... . k . V 1 .. .
Nad iu either taftiet or uquai rorni. i
If your deuler 1 mm not Keep tne suasr
chus4 lal'lt't. send any cant (in
stuips I r sutali bos, or $i.0U in
curranct for a larga box.
Write Ho'tnr Pierc. Int sluts' Hotel.
IdkUfalo, N . t-dat . 1 page book
on wouiau's .hscasos sent Int.
Lr. ' Pleasant IM.i ,tr tho
,riginal lit' liter IM Tin i In.,
sugar-. aiel u'lM-bilntus Rran i1. tn
sttialli'st tnii t'e easiest n like n
lule 1'. '-i l r a Uxji.u ihrei I r
a csihart.v.
1-xJt AMtAat
gft 8. ll.VHTI.KTT
PbOHex M. 4? and -17-ft
i.iiabuVanes wnloa
Kl. PASO. Te . Mn ' A
nic-xnjfe reeeid here tol.i n
that iJr. Powei end een Ani'iiiun
emplo,e ol' the I'oilo llten tie Ho
tiiillo mine, near Boiinilln, Mcx.. w'i
were eiiituretl Ijv Iliv Ih'tnl lienilit
millet, o erjiowered their truiinl mul
hnve exeHped to the boriter, bringiu'
three or the Mexican with them w
MAKATIKIX. Tex.. M B. Keen
AmeriPBii cin)loe nt the Porto Rieo
de itoiiiillu mine, near HtMUilln, on
the Mexican ulc. iind Ur. Homer
Power or Sen Angelo, Teg., are ep-tiM-x
in the hit ml- ul the Yillixtn bund
that inulccl (llenn Springx hiiU Iki
(itill(iH. The eight ciipties ere: It. It. lla
lirniM'k, uiiet". I)r. limner Powers
ol Sun Auuelo, Tex.: t. It. Ilnlter,
mine -iii'cnnleinleiit : - . ltutler. en
a met ; Si'iilt. tiiiek (Inter: - .
MeKuight, iriiek diner: lim-U diitet,
inline unknown. . tot, tttit.-r
lllllM .
not in mi it. . Mat ' The
Am il.. nn. iled I'.ilnnj Woi km ol
Alliel li u in i olitt lilliili liele
tlli- luollilliu. deelaiid .i tlike in the
(.'hJeugo clot Inn'.' mnrkct, nl'tci'tinv
lll.llllll Wolkfl-.
Put your&ebf
m HER place,
Why not get n good
oil stove so that dur
ing the hot weather
your wife or mother
orsisteror daughter,
can prepare the
meals in a cool, com-
for tabic kitchen?
jg r v' n
ftyy r-$'. aT VsX. .
JSSSML ilttet
me ,T "s iVl
KKpniiT tr I ul
The Jackson
in the state of Oregon, at the . lu-e of
loau und discounts
Oterdrafts xecurtd and nne.ured
bonds and warrants
tftovks and other securities
Uanktug lioue
Furniture ami fUturea
Other real estate owned
Due from banks mot raserte banks!
Due from approved reerve banks
I P)La tttirl nllip iibIi Itii.iiK
Kxchaugos for claaring house
fh on haud
Other resources mold diikii ....
t'apli il htock iaid In
Surnlua fund
Inditided profits, te extenes and taxes paid
nhidendi unpaid
Hue to hank and bankers
Postal gating bank deposit)1
Individual deposits subject to .heek
lHmsnd certificates oi deposit
t'ashter clteck outat.ind.n
e ertified .he.k
rime and Savings He . -
I Nolr Ull.i hill. redikC.1 '
Hill pat aide 'or moi - '
Ki -erted for lave
-e.i r th
n . i
I. uk
Ol 1
o Mt ..
I oidiFirST
r t itisir"
i it
. i(i) -
ieu' hite-t note to (icniuint on tin
Mlliliiiil'liie eontruci Imd atuie tm
unl to lleriin todtit nnd ndtinni-ti.i
lion otficinU wete interested in
knowing whether Cicrnuuiv would
make miv reply.
The text of the note, inniU" pnlilie
lnt night, xhoW'N tlint tin Iniled
Stnlei neceplH Hie (liMiimn pronu-e'
thut onlunnriue wniTitte in the fiitme
will lie nltered to con form Willi iec
iiguixetl ruk'x of iuternntionul law. It
uiint, Iiow'eter, that (Jetinnnt nui'-t
not eoifidcr her rcaHet for riulit- ol
American eiticen on I lie hili ei
contingent uhii the cuiidiiei of nut
other belligerent aith whom tin
t'nited State mnv be iiecutintuig
"Hexjioii'ibilttt in Mieh mutter- i--injjle,
lied jeint: ub-olute. not rein
tite," mi.vh the note,
Secreturv Jiiui-iiiK gute out a
-liitenienj explniiiiin; thut u l.ue pint
of the lntet Ueiiium iepl den It with
iiiction- coneeimug the coiiduet ol
other belligerents which the Ameinun
ot eminent eoulil not dixen Willi the
llerlm gotertiment. He -tntcd, lmw
eter, lie eon-ulerctl (leimnuv Imd
yielded to our lepre-culatioiix, ".mil
we can lime no tcii-on to tiuiiri"! with
lii'l." a- lull); ii- (he nltclcd -llbuitliuie
pohct i- not tiolnted.
Vol So KukoiiIc
In our last Issue we had un ankle
headed, "A Mother Factory " We
beg pardon- It should have read "An
other Fnctorv "The Mlllvllle
I i Ma I Time
There's no overheating
the kitchen withnnup-to-date
oil cook stove. It's
just like cooking with city
p,as. The burners con
centrate the heat at the
tliflerent cooking points.
No wood or coal or
nshes to Iur. No
w.iitmjT for fires to
etch up. The long
blue- chimneys do
nwaf with all
smote and smell.
Ii i .' 1. anJ 4-buinci'
t e. wuh in wMhoul
n n J. Also abint
mmleli with Ftrcltss
i iking oon.
Hllll.M t)
rosuiTKiV OF
County Bank
I ulno May ltd. late
. . .
It .'ii. 03.1 04
t.85a :.3
ta.aes m
I.,9"i0 oo
.'0,000 oo
IT.Tsi. t?
J.S7H :t.
!4?..11 Id
23.3UO i"
t.6;'i ;t
. so. 7i.. s
r. i .
llOO, Miie '
7"., no 1 1 i !
null . I
.... ',.
. None
. 30.fc33 T:
4.497 ".'.
... None oo
. .. it,:.s;t oi
7.000 oo
... Nena
l.SOS 01
$7.iJ,"T en
ll l
in i
II tlll il ..hi
I -I Ol l
I I 1 I
l ' l - N
i; i
i t'ooi F i ro i: t iMi in I
' 7,
S.iZ m-j
0 ?T
Vtt'.rgtrof Dttre I "," W
v 'A fur a rrJ hot
itimb n rinth ln a h-lt
of rtrfa m.'.
vtetoty ewct:r or
tief ft 1?T et'r
Mt. Et'Tnh for
Tux J!"
They AH
Like Tuxedo
because they can smokr
Tuxedo from dawn till dcv.
eve in perfect comfort anl
with always increasing satis
faction. uked
'rA Prtfttl Twiaci Jer Pitt aWC'.if '.
From three to five years'
ageing in wood doc9 all that
Nature can do to make Tux
edo mild and mellow. Then
Science Btcps in with the
original "Tuxedo Process' '
imitated but never equaled
and takes out all the bite.
You take no risk in trying
Tuxedo. Read that uncon
ditional guarantee in the top
of the tin ; get ycui .noncy
back from the dealer if you
are not thoroughly satisfied.
YoucanbuyTuxedo everywhere
jjrern tin
In Tit
mt if i i c
anJ SJt
In 0 tt'l
llumi 'ort,
30canJ .
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning. Prc:Mnu; atui Alteriurj
Medford House Movers
V- I. n I'
Phone 48S-M
612 S. Newtflwtl. 737 W. Idtlt St.
Auto Service from lglc l'oint
to Metlfonl xtul Hsck
The underlKiied will leave Frank
Lewis' confectionery etory day ex
cept Sunday for Medford with his
auto at 1 o'clock p. in., arriving at
2 00 p in Leave Nash Hotel, Med
ford, at ro no p. tu., arrlta K.mlo
Point at t: oo p. m. A part of tho
traffic Is solicited. 8 It. HAllNISil,
Ragla Point. Oregon.
l.VTKIU Itim .M'tOPAIt CO.
TI.MH t'Altlt.
Letv Medtord (or Ashland, Talent
and Paoenl. dully, except Sunday, at
$:00. ., l oo, 2.00, 4:oo and S-15
p. n. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
at. Sundays leave at 8.00 and 10.30
a. w. and l:oo, 3:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. in. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, excapi Sunday, at 9.00 a. n .
1:00, 3:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. tn. Also
oh Saturday nights at 6 30 and
3:So, Sundays leave Ai-hlnnd at 9:o
a. tn. and lOo. 4 iO, t, 3o and 10.30
p. m.
Camera Shop
ra bP
(ffi) H (fde)
20S Kat Main Street,
The Only Exclusive
Comaierclul Photographers
m Southern Oregon
Negatives Made anv time or
plats by appoiu'tweut,
Pkoue H7-J
o "We'll do the rest
o o
U. D. WESTON, Prop.
( )