PAGE TWO MTCDFOki) ma it; TRrnrNE, medford, om.o. 'ivemiw. m v n. mid ( - I0CAL AND PERSONAL ' . llll IX'HI i i I iin I .inn iikI I.I' u t r it nil- I. Iin' I I' I ns .mil II I! Ii IK'I nun iiimI from lOuKcnn iliff morning, whrre Hip had nonp to tali ofd-Jto Nnow. Kart-flve llg loail ot W. T 1 Jrt' . oiiiit nHi'Mor. devoted hpvitiiI hoiitu to IiiiaImcha In this city yenlrrdHV. t Do Ve glte tradlnn Manipi with ornryinlnic wept grorarlm. A number of candidate for roun tT Office nominations "did ItnaiiiaM" In Meilford ywlirilnv and thin morn ing. Tha front campaign prored to dominate trwt dUrimxIon. howpver. 0t your milk, rfcnm, butter, rr and buttermilk at He Voe'. 1). T, Kane of Klamath Fall. In trnnmettn bimlnenn In thla city and vicinity thla work. Typewriter paper of all kinds at MeMord Printing Co. rjeorae Tuttle of Phoenix, nan re lurMd hom after derotlng two or tlirae daya to huaineaa In thin city See Dave Wood aliout that fire In- xiirftne policy. Office Mall Tribune nidt. Vllr Beehe of Weed. Cl.. In a M4forl visitor for a few days. Postage ntamp at De Von's. KrilMt WeMi and A. Conro Flero, prominent business men of Central VaUnl, were In Medford yeslerdav aft- HTBOfltt. I.M the Medford Transfer Co., do yar drsyltig and hauling. Both rtck and team service. Phone 85. Henry (ionlon of Mbany. devotwl Iwo or three das to nilnot In this oHy and vlclnlt.v this e'k J. O. Oerklng, tne best nil around Ffcelegrspner In southern Oregoa. Alwnys reliable. Negative made any where, time or place. Htitdle MS Male at. Phone 10-1. Mhu Nancy Haines of (Herniate, this county, Is visiting with friends lit this rlly this week. Weston Cuniera Shop for first-class kodak finishing and kodak supplies. Charles Carlson of Merlin, has returned home after a visit or sev. oral tlays In Medford. WhlnlHx cream at IHVee'e. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rriekson are 'at home" at 7 Koae avenue, In this eity. Try a King Spits cigar and en ottMrwge home Industry. If Her I Anderson, rhalrman of the republican county central commit tee, will be unable m participate In lite prima rv contest In thla county, business having detalued htm In Cal ifornia. De Voe buys beer hot I lea. Oeorge Pendetl of Hants Harbara. CM., la tookiug over the southern Oregon country for a few days. Mr. I'oadetl la a mining man and fruit 1st. Talk of mining development on a large scale In this mm Hon Induced him to come up and Investigate the situation. He sa)s nothing can be lull "on a large scale" in mining Ineiopment without railroad facll- Hatha Ste. Hotel Holland. The postofflce la now fully ln ht.illed In the beautiful new federal ixiiiding. ."., off on Kodaks at Weston's I'.iiutMit gbop. one hundred Klks ure scheduled i,. make the special excursion to Ci.iniH Pass toulght as guests of the Pass Klks. or Xlrehgeesaer will be at Hotel Nixh evety Wednesday. Houra for ioniiltatlon 10 to I. Colonel George P. Minis ot geen oaks, is irmaactlna ImMnwa in M. .Ifiird ! ! i' The w.mMii greatest companies II. "inn-, T i. iitnuruiuv Man I' I A' 'i t. reprcMiiiln a int k ioiii ... at Kugeui i a I'iim in l-i t . i mlmi I'tiiiiH in tin' .11. thl "h iiuike i lung Spiu iiar -r I in are ' maile tl Tenlj ..loads f tlli"i :. , .iriui'd nt. town eii nl.iy mat i- Cli iMuson uii.l hi foriT n tri . on arrhwl In the rlt t -. wuit. .i i e part tumped i-u' r ihi'li vanres uiul ni.ul .i might Mrt plan's of lu- inivs In There ih. U-K4II t!iilr ii ' kls and iliuu s in l.rmeswe a tlionmisM l l!ne . rig iioii.K'M 1 1( t- T'ii I hi I ire ie . i M mil i it'iii .1 lh in iiji unit i' a linn ii' iu' siii 1 1 1' led in Ki'ttlng nuKt of i hi ,u on tin a ninth This lat ' un '. u- dlil and some of tlu-m i ii-r..l - Bweet potato pi.i- i- f..- - .! dox ft tonne . v 7 It I genator Viu .lir HilH-n un.' IhiS mernlDi: from ellen Ii. that th tri't lum.i i i... vere in it i!.uii i- . i ' Otbt r i .i' (..' ll . . i'1'i i there l m ' ' ' - t Mhatwi Ii HlillMl. Tt") LA1 K to ll.XSSU'V. rr evnmlnatlons before the fed eral military Imsril. While there, Lieutenants Cos and leuel w((re tin. gttnsts of the Sigma Nu and the lieta Theta PI fraternities. Tour lawn mower- macnlne sharp eneil at Mitchells. Phone S30-J. Stuart Torney, Vic Danlelson and Iceland Meverldge. who went to ISn geiie to take examinations for rated positions, did not return with Cap tain Vance, their examinations not having been completed. Dates sells Ford cars, $200 down and f 2T a month. Lieutenant Klmer T Fosh, who re turned this morning from Ktigpne, roiiorts that the temperaturea were low there during their stay, but he heard no report of damage by frost. Big 6e mllkahakw at Db Vee's. ' The city council will not meet to night, Its next regular meeting be ing on Tuesday night of next week. Prof. Frank V Hmlth of this rlly. candidate for nomination for county school superintendent, has been prin cipal of the school of this city for the past three years, a record which shows the estimate put on his work by those most closet) In touch with the school work. Mr. Swllli has ex cellent recommendations from the school board testifying to his suc cess here. It Is expected that he will receive a large vote In this dis trict. -Jacksonville Post. City Kngineer Arnsplger reports that the cltv reservoir, which was recently given a thorough denning, wus less littered with extraneous matter than ever before. Thin re sult came from the use of the 20 mesli screen at the Intake since the last cleaning was done. Mi-. S. II, Muni of Wichita, Kun.. hn nrrivwl in the eilv in advance of her fut Iter, Attorney K. II. Hunl, who will follow Minn, Mr. Muni devoted the grenter juirt of the winter to hi intercM- in thi ngion. The ladles of the First M. R. church will serve a chicken and strawberry shortcake dinner In the church basement Wednesday. May 10, at G P M., nt .lit cents a plate. In connection with the dinner there will be a parcelost and Ice creum octal. Parcels sold for 10c. 11 V.. J. Stuck of Piiseo, WiiHh., in in the city for u few Im.v on business. Alex. Muttliew of Central Point traiixiieted business in Meilford thin afternoon. We renovate feather pillows, cush ions and all feather bedding. Work guaranteed. Phone tM-J. 42 Kreil Hopkins of the Cent nil Point orchard ilitriel wa in the eitx this nftenionn. lie deserities his tnut Iosh as being erv seven. Phone lit-J and we will call and I ii.. i I i l ,ilin .1- rn(lil illf t IiiiIiHIlIiIv IH' ' .lH .! ' orillllk! 'I Uih Mntetni lit "f thoxe Who oiikIi rubbish were hauled to the clr dump and burned. It made an Im mense pile and a large fire, b whh h It was cleanly consumed. The ladies Of fit. Marks' Ouild will hold a iiarcelpost and food sale Saturday, May i:i, the location to be announced later. Recent visitors to Rugene say that It has become a booming little cltv since It became a railroad center. It ! mwi 'm' "I'"' : FATAL EXPLOSION i powder mm LAKE HOPATGONG M' , , i ,. ,.- ' I. ,iii ..; i In Ml l'i will iin i- 'u i.iiiil .it I, muling. N. J., mi tlic -mitli eml of Luke Hiuiateonc. The district ii dotted with summer hotels, riiiinv of which were bndlv shaken. Ilnllief 111 H llllilllll'"Cllt ,, " 'I flO I Ml .1 n in , i res 7 nil from r i' r, ,, ,' i.nt 1 iiii IKts wood i , foul, about J""" "'' 0(l ,,(,R haulInK distance, nbout 10 acre- I (it. hauling distance, about 1-2 of land Qm nnd openg ow tlni cln8(, ho? and cattle range. Phone 031-L, or call at 200 West Main t. can be farmed when cleared, In heart of best hog and cattle range In coun ty, some Improvement?. NKW YOIIK. M i ' Ull. Vl '. ,1-t tolli Hill tl llutl- now has four lines, each of which la a feeder for Bugene. Development of the outlying dlstrhts has pro duced an Immense olnnie of busl ners. compared with that which the little Ht did before, and ICugene is reaping the reward of Its enterprise In Inducing the people to encourage the construction of these Hues. That I the way cities are made. Its bttsl. ness men have heard or Medford's purpose to do likewise and ask many questions about our progress. Feathers steam cleaned and reno vated. We deliver the good. Phone 19A-J. 13 The Ariioinn dues of the Hnptit church will hold it" mid-tnonthlv bus. inc.- meeliiiu' mid Hible -t ml v Wed nedi eveniiiL'. Mnv HI, "t the home ot Mi-. I'. .1. Stewiilt. MM l'eiilil xatiiii iivi'iinc AH old uiul in' iiiciii licr .ifc n iin -t il to I"' ile-eit. I SALE IS APPROVED ilrcd others injun ' m dnuuute ex- plo-inn in the work- of the Atin Powder Co, at l.tiki ll"iiiieoii, S. .7. Owitif" to the i-' p.i-itioit ot the plant it is liniil to nlitinn delinitc in fo nnu I ion. The e.xn!owim -hoi.k the iirroiind injr country with the force of nn onrthiiiiike( rockitu lioue- on their I'mtndntions, bringinir down eeiling- nnd breaking windows. Some report placed the ilond u high n fifteen. The exjJosioh occurred ut 'Jt :4." o'clock in one of the mixiim lioni-. where iwo workmen Were mixiii! the miitcriiil that form1 an important part of dynamite. How the necident was cnused could not be li'iirncd. Ac cording to tho-c on the icene. then' wii. n sudden tln-di and then n, tni uiuiidiitiH crnfli. The force ol' the ex plosion set off dvnnmite stored in an other shaek fortv feet iiwny, also killing its two occtipiint-. Most of the injured were rciiorted to have been cut l llMiisr ylnss or bruised by the I'lilhrir f eeilmtrs in oilier llllililillL'- 'ouipiilix ntliiiaU VIL80M CALU OUT MILITIA (Continued frotu page one) in iidiitiull l both flelieral Scott clid iiii'iciul F'iii-tin and ttcre without ' -mint ii am e in connection with the Seott-l lircu'iii conferences. Hevnrdinif the prnrri' of the con ferences, Secretory Buker 'nd Gen- eml Scntt wnt nwoitinjr a conitntiiu cution I rm (huoral Obregon. Kif-! tber tliini this the seoretnrv rel'iiM-l to diseit- the intux of the conic1.' ences. J aencrnU ScoH and Funiton .nl vised tbe wnr depmrtment flint upov ' troop weie urgently needed .iloiirr tin-' bonlei it u n't urn of the Jlitr llcin' under might be exacted. Th-y i.ited that the reguliir on pntiol duty were iniil'licicn(. j Hecrettiry linker dc nbed the nev troop movement s n nti-rt-U m the protection of the Imtder. He -m-l he had not lieurd whellH'r the Aineri can troops in the lliir l'i iu! iciicn lunl iictuullv crosif the bonier in pur-ii.t of the outlaws. While Scen'tnrv lbi'ci' tii'eni"rit snid only two regiment of icuuwr- nan neen orcienit to lite iioMcr. or- dcrs acluiilly wen sent in thiee rc inietn. The ecrctni iih! an enm hud been tniidc in pr- i.mttiou el' (Ii, t.ttclin lit. Aiiimiiiiccliielit l- til. nl toiliiv lix the fon-st M'rviee Hint the distiicl forester, Portluiiil. dr., has pit np nroved the contract for the sale t u...... r. tiM,s ,r iiuiihiiml of :.0(i.niiii i feet of timber on the Crater notional lon'st, in southern tiregon. The timlH-r is loentcd on Cn creek, on the west side of Ii lake, nnd consists inontlv of wesletn ellow pine, iilthough there is some sugar nt nnd other ccies. The prices imid for the timber are .l.'Jn Hr HHH) fwt for the ellow pine uiul siignr pine, and "0 cents jier Hum feet for the other siieeiee. The timber will be towed down Klmiwith lake nnd wold to Klitinnili Fulls mills. POHTI.ANU, Or.. May . The Oi egou-Aliiska Steuuishiit enmpunx, n newly foniuil cororiitioii backed bs Purlliiiid capital, nun. uti' cil tod.iv that by June l." jt will place u i M'nirvr nnd freight teiimer in rciiular sen ice between Portl.uiil mn imuiiI III soiltliem AuisKll. .Mieliola1.' -, un... I.ll..n f. r.iw.vullnn 111 ' Alilskll. Will be tile Ui'ltiielll tl rilllllU Wl JWM, -,.,, - ,v, .... .... , work guaranteed. 42 Hen rv Howard, n ,u'oiiiiiiciit attnr- IIC of Henxcr, Colo., slopiKtl oxer in Meilfonl MoiuIh lor u short with his uncle, .1. S. llowanl, and cousin. Mrs. J. K. Huberts, while on his way lo Seattle to attend an nn IMirliiut case. .Mr. II. .ward wa- taken for nu auto ride around the iille1 and wii so elmniii'il with the mn nuiuitv Hint he will make a return trip in his iiiiln I ruin ItciiM't. Kegular meeting of Iteauies cb.ip ter Wednesiltn etenlng Mav in. . sonic hull social eenliiK 'lulr man of loiuuitttee. Mrs. .1 Kout The steamship will m.iki .i r.n.iid tri eery lltteen das. One ut llie rep resclitutlw of lit ciiiii.iii i iow in New Yolk lr the iiirMie .. clo-iii'.' n deal for the purchase f a -te.iu.ei with iiccouiiiiodiitioii tor 10 i,i-t.i-i;ers and titMl tmi m liciuht. Why SiHose rm ngars When I.h Oomlss r onlv 10e Lieut Bryan, !L S N. stated before the Am. Soc of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivi ties are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base Pennsylvania oils. Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. For sale by dealers every wnere and at service stations and agencies oi the Standard Oil Company. ZEROLENE the Standard Oil for Motor Cars JuAST NIGHT Henry Woodruff Tsuri Aoki The Beckoning Flame V I'lnv f 'at i:iiioiiounl llclunt. I'nlllifnlly Ih'plrtluic the Colorllll Atinoiplicre of .Mysterious India -mid the BIG LAUGH JO (Tramp) JackSOH in Four Funny Reels of era Enoch Arden Mo Tomorrow CAMILE TOMORROW Clara Kimball Yoiiiib MEDF0RDS LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATER THEY HAVE ARRIVED 1 - just what you have waited for the beautiful new Grueu Bracelet Watches just the thing for graduation. S-' Tlictii ()V N'nl mil)' Ol'lUMIM'lltltt Ion H'i fei t llllH'lc. &fi$" i:itiii:ic M.VUIN SIU.-O ami MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler llouie of Qtialilv tiii:y io VKllV S.MAI.I, lluve KOld llnl, 'J!i .Mill' ixol.l flllfil eiw4. Prlro 1.1.00. 212 1J.ST MAIN T. Visitor Alwns Wikonie MR. ED ANDREWS lm-XSIATIC AKT l'nill prejwitMl for lt'ititiinnu nmi silent ilrama. Thirty yoftrs o.v K'iicne. MRS. ED ANDREWS veici: nirtiu: Oncra, ornlorlo nnl concert rourh. l'lftn yenw ewiHf hc Ih jiultllf work. STI'IUO Sl'XltTA 1U.1KJ., HOOM :1. IIINIItKM'K IMIOMi SU7-K : '3fi-L4 tljL V ZXJT' 'J? WAH V, VV vi.-- - w mmmm f y Y v f f V if ; f V A A :..: : NO ADVANCE IN PRICES WHERE THE crowds Gey: REGULAR PRICES TODAY THE BIGGEST, BEST and MOST EXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT THE HISTORY OF MOYiNG PICTURES IN MEDFORD IN MADE MED FORD LA MOVING i V V t r t T ? Y HERBERT ALFORD, LOW ZUNDEL t'ii i i ii. H ii"ti, l' 1 '- nlnil.i! i hi nt Ih v lu-ivii- ;u,. ' UP. ( 1 u il- 'Mill CARL TENGWALD i '-Uli I'Lin n. All. l ' I.H PICTURES V n - . . . i in i n ii 'i ;i ll()()l lll" Ii'. I 111' IlKVll TDDAV. THE W SCHDOI.: I ( MOHU'ilW . .1 M K.MiN; TIH'h'MUY. NOli'TIl SCHOOL; IfODSKVEl.T St HOOE FIMDAV, and the II. .1. ' I. I .. .11 I. I. . w 1 ... X !. . I .. .11 I 1. ...... ........ l .1... I.. ... I .. . iusjii nrnnui win ik' mjiii ..i imun. .mi m'im'hi uiii i'r uwii nu'ii' iiuiii niif ui . in uni'i u mt mum lUlfUi'lllltl' Killinil vmi ltint .shu Iju''' tir' 1'iiM, ;tiiilul;iiuv call and ntUiT !-t'iiii' m-ciu'm will ! linvn t-vt'iy dav tliis wock with a t .'tiir mi tias i-'iixil adili-d advertised. The 1" n aine i ;i'h d.i . A FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA 4Pt'AN'TKt Vli kuul f tmlli Hn tt am 'UmiioI 'iu ' b lin fillMw ill! rv) ih. tml u-iii iPi Uh H'l I I M I ll-t .1'. 1 e) '.I. tun I'h. i 11 Hi V I DONT WAIT III. .v.. vl ! i i PiUM iint Klu wlfi ,MniltM0' l'(e.iiei. I Marinello Hair Shop V .11 "sr- i i. TOM 1 1 , i t.lilv yet it tndav. ft E NR Y B.WALTHALL and EDNA MAYO In the (vpart Essaiuy prculuction THE MISLEADING LADY Tliis picture alone is Moll worth a quarter, but tliet will be absolutely no advance in prices today IP YOU 2VIIS3 THIS SHOW YOU WILL. MISS THE SEASON'S BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT STAR THEATRE - - " WHERE THE CROwnsTin T X T T V f X T y It 2 i Art V , .! . t --r W V V f 1 Mill I' i-'e tin W(911 ( (Tl IT l)IHll r) lll-irj;. t" I Vu.ti I I