, u ?1 fl i eD CO e P3ttTC FOUTC e ii'-u' pi AlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN tNDHI'KNPKNT M.N HI'AI'Ut UBMHJIKI KVKHY AI-TKHNOON BXCKIT Sl'M'AY HV Till: MRDFOlU) l'HINTINO LX. Office Mall Tnburw Untitling, It-:7-I North Kir street, telephone 7&. Th Democratic Times, the Mcdforil Mull. The Mctlforil Tribune The Hoiith ttrn Oregonlut), The Aslilanri Tribune. OBORCK 1TTNAM, Ktlltor. suBixJRirrio.' b At' tin Site year, by tnnli IB 00 n month, bv mall .00 ir montn, iienv'r"ii in i ii Tier in xearora. Phm-nlx Jacksonville nd Centra) Point to Saturday oil. t mult Weekly. pr year per year too 1 SO Official Paper of the City of Medfnnl. Official Taper of Juckaon County Bntered a Mennd-clas miiller at Medfonl, Orvgon, under Mm net of March s, mi. Hnrorn riit-ul.itPni fur 1910 210$. Full U-oaed pllll'lll H HMnrlntod Preaa din- EM-TEES orit otvv ti(i:i.ooi ics H08TON -The very brut place In the world where yon may wiuli your faw and hands and comb our hnlr fur nothing la located, in the wash room of the Parker house In lloaton. How the management ever stands the bill fnr fresh towela and soap Ih n mystery. Itoston was captured liy tlt llrillsh, but clawed Itself free Ih 1776; than the Irish captured II and at last accounts .lark Curlcy wan still mayor. Theatrical managers lo H0t like Uosloti (I. t. -the Hub) Ihkwmso tho mayor objects to play In The Altognlher. Ilostnn la fiiiiiotia for baked liwtia. l.ntta tho Metre, America's first subway. Old Cy Young Mini Milk and Water ata.. sldo liy side, a approved liy the Dairymen's Union. i(X. II. Tho anloona cloae at 1 1 i. in.) Don'! Von Keel I.Ike it Pickpocket? Whon ou Walk out or the harbor ahop and don't Up tli fuller? Whan the eoMiliirlor on (ho alrnot cur rorgwla to aruli your nlrkol? "Wkan yon earn flv dollar on the aide and don't tell your Fran Hhout hi Whan yon um on of tho firm a (wo.eenl aUwM on a jwraoiial lutter? "Whim tha clerk ilrea you two-hlia live mneh In chana? Hay, don't you? N, 3lHftiloIin, V Swtlly .Miitti',' Thorn Alu'l X Sueli AiiIiimiIh Truthful lawyera. Homely at-torliiM. Rich Mportora. iMMdlbrlft mlilnalra. Polite conductors. t Hotly freah fRRa. lrtty acbiwl-ma'ams. Unmoroua ( T HHwltcal. . . I'Hin omw (ly llerby rouKH-man) V matter what haipena. b HAP I'Y ti vour wife fade down tho cellar stair after chopping the wood fur tin- Mi. lien Move (ll if vim Immw on Mm you for doting ..ii ih. jol.. CIIIM'KI.K. Niiiimit Iovkm a arouch. uu mil) imnoy aome people by t'tHu- .iIvuih happy. Hut Mn ithuuld fret. CuiKiti our joy - SMIl.K' I'lOIB 1. I i an Miami for the Hlrl uii the Tuna url; I .an Htitnd tor the dam with nlkktMt hair; HiH t)i i en wltli a hnpe Tiiui lanu llkr iu aim if lofting it v nanny for fair. U. I don't carp a flip Km- the u with hla Ho All cluttered with fu inuitluihe. But ioxh. I am son. On the lll-nianii"rtHl bore Who boa.u i'f hi oatuil and niaahea. ei Thla ta a prtuio favorite In nutleal epaiedlea. Indwd. no tnu ileal attow i a aim cm with tmt at lea so good looking nttw MMi thla Joke HT wild amn of ltllo have l)llr 0iiua tut out lk - How do th talk t( They don t, thftt'a what utakoa eui Wild. W Ylallor hat crime U thin jaatt tunrd wunv JaUtr NuihuiK llo imppt'iif d to PMaiwB vhenMlko ih Jilt shot luaft anil h lifii AI t viVM. $$& ! I I ii i i ($HJXi Mliejoa Vi0j Jutlrr ti. In N Out I)" )' icua THE PIONEERS P I ON KKIJS of Orcein Saturday cclclinitcd at Clinm noeir the nnnivornnrv ul" tin- liirth of the first coin- iij(nvcnlth on the Pw-ffiv coast, known as the "Oregon .Territory." At Clmiiipoe. on the hanks of the AVillain eUc, fifty-two men organized May (J, 18-115, the first pro visional jfovei'iinieiit for the territory now comprising the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. At the time there were fewer than one hundred native Amerie ans in the whole countvv west of the Koekies. Pos sesion wasstill in dispute between Ureat Britain and the I'liited States, and remained so until 181(5. These early sell lei-s manifested the raeial and by the people, which is still a feature ol Oregon, lo the efforts of these pioneers the northwest was preserved to the Union. All of Oregon owes a great debt to the pioneers not only to those of the Champoeg gathering, but also to those who came later. The pioneers who settled southern Ore gon were a hardy, enterprising, forceful body of men and women, and to their efforts is due the subsequent develop ment that their sacrifices and struggles made possible. Few of the succeeding waves of immigration have added as fine a citizenship as shown by the first arrivals, and few have done more for the upbuilding of the state and nation. All honor to the pioneers, whose numbers grow pathetically fewer with each ensuing year. A POWER-GRABBER'S PLOT TIIK I'OkTLANI) Ob'KCJONlAX and other organs of the power-grabbers have expressed jubilation over the defeat of the efforts of Clifford Pincliot at the recent session of the National Conservation Congress when the Shields power grab bill was indorsed. This conservation congress was composed principally of water-power lobbyists now at Washington and repre sentatives of water-power interests, who appropriated the name of the defunct conservation organization to add re spectability to the gathering. The sub-coniniittee on water-power which indorsed the Shields bill was com posed of the follewing: II. M. Hull, of Atlantit, tla., chairman, roproaontlnK tho (leorgla Power Co.; II .1. Pierce, or Sontllu, Wanli., roproaontlng the (iwnoral IClettrlo; AI. O. I.tduhlon roiiriveiitliig lint ITtuli Power Co.; .lolm II. I'ln noy, ropreaoiitliiK tho Aluminum Co of AiunrloM; Kx-CotiKrotwmnn Den nlc O'Plynn, of OklHhotnn City, roproaontliiK IioiiiIIiik couipnnleR; W. P. Ly, rnpri'RcntliiR tho Alabama Power Co.; lix-dnvornor Hawloy of Idaho roproaentliiR the Idahu Power Co.; C. C. Ilahb, of IlniiKor, Mnlnc, ft iow or engineer; Milton C. tiniuiii mid K. C. Wnrreu of Seuttlo, favorable to powor lutoroata; 1C. C l'lnney of tho ileiHrtment of tho Interior, "tho faithful IMiiimy" In the lUlllnger cMne, leanl ndvlner of Socrotnry Ilnlllu Ror; K. ('. (IrovHr or the OeoloRlcHl murvoy. The coinmittee was representative of the gathering and could be expected to indorse any program favorable to those seeking to grab this last remaining national re source from the people. It should have been called the powcr-gra libel's' conference. A GERMAN DEFENSE OF WILSON MAXIMILIAN IIAKDKX, the (leriuan publicist and author, has astonished (Jermany by a series of ar ticles in defense of President Wilson, his policy and the American viewpoint, lie declares that Woodrdw Wilson is a "brave opponent of evil and abuses," and alludes to 111 in as "actuated by a love for his people and possessed of the will to lead them to the heights of his ideals after they had gotten into the swamp land." "tlennany," he adds, "should be ashamed of people who slander him because they have read calumny in newspapers." Ilerr Harden praises President Wilson as a "man of high moral and high-spiritual character, of whom weniight be proud if he were mil's." What the writer characterizes as "lazy ignorance" is represented as "ehattering from the mantle of would-be patriotism, which in reality has nothing in common with genuine patriotism, when Presi dent Wilson is assailed as he frequently has been." "Ninety-one oiie-humlredths of ali the so-called war literature," llerr Harden says, "should be sent where it behmgs to the paper mills and the public should return to books from which a wide-awake spirit speaks, including President Wilson's 'The New Prccdoni.' Then perhaps pure common sense will return to you and awaken you to the duty of respecting the dignity of foreign people." lit all his passages with Ueniiany, says llerr Harden, Preuideitt Wilson has acted from absolute conviction. "Dare we measure by the standard of a student's squabble the complaints of a great free nation, led by a man of the weight and importance of President Wilson " asks the writer. "If the president, after a thorough investigation, is conviiHid that (icrniauv ba broken the laws of humanity it w.i.s not onlv bis nyhi. Inn his dut to talk with clear ness, lie i. Wis this not ;s ;i I u I lo himself, but to us." E TROOPS NEEDED 10 PROJECT BORDER SV MOIO Ti .. Mm 1 1 1 . iil'iiiix litre urc li. fl u I U.it the li.enn tiiiiiK .ill.in Mill Miir to aroue Oic wit itt'iMi'tiurnt to the irelna uecd of additional trooi (01 bolder patrol dul Ucncral Kun- tun aaked for morn trovpa at the time he ua rncd to take jauu men (rm,of ihe conventitfii. U in ehjre of the the bor.hr to strengthen the Pr ' Aftk.B.a. Abu.u I. Ila.li.n t...k .1... ... ' WIMH M(1I9 111 MFM1W, Vl IUV IV- qutst M not granted TUe nine soldiers attacked at lilenn Hpnnm bclouaed to a reutient. the inn raain. nut nan ween ai(cnnt Inx to patrol a siretih of ntarh -loo nilta of the wildest country along tho entire Mmltan border Twoia and ditAi'hiuentH of the rcKimtut aro VttAi out from Lateiio almoet toi hUxtA Ulanca. The Utter tlai-o is i only tflgfilv mlU'i from PI Patu. Iio CMbi) cf thv iMi;uust tvrrliory to jo TODFOTW ftiXTO TRmmTE. instinct for government of PREPARE FORG.O.P. CONVENTION I'HU'UiO. M.i s I'li'i'.if.itioim in the tun'iuiu ol tho rriniMu'.in national contention liere ou ,luue 7 Mere Kturti'd toda m heu carpenter I'eaau to transform t li- colUcum lu lu a convention hall. William V. tkone f Haltlwiore. ereant at arm i'ie,ir.tiioni t. .u...ll..d . . I..U..I.I .l... t I. .1 I llii'iumi ll' )'l rv,li 'l(l', nil j jfitll national comniltie will nurt'1"1 June t to make up the tcnipnrarv roll of the i-oRteatleu Mo fir ouh 1 eiant wmttis r.ae utin net .n !aiutut Ji filed four sxat a.) . It la euMtted UMt aeariria of 'Unn I on toutcsU Ul ta qulkiy le oi.l of ? o?nred. ;:z'VL;;';,!riidiLn-suon.onal,ack,,?e tKs ivH'j , weni. MEDFORD, OREGON. VOmY. VAY S. 101K KAISERASKS POPE 10 J10 SECURE PEACE LONDON, Mh v The rorrc spondent at Ilottertlam of the V chang Telearapii omiiany raMra the following toda : "On the occasion of tho Halter fes tlval Hmporor William ent an auto 'graiih latter to Pope Henodlrt pressing the hope that the pontiff with tho king or Spain, would be ablr 'to construct a scheme with tho olijert of bringing together under tho nus plclous einblnm of the dove and olive branch' a conference of belligerents for consideration of an Immediate armistice, In the fervont hope of he curing an early peace without detri ment to the luKltimalo aspirations of nationalities." The correspondent says he obtain ed this information from a circular Just Issued by the Herman humani ty lnaguo. The circular also says contddornhle significance Is attached to the arrival In Home of envoys from the kings of Ilavarla and Sax ony, who had prolonged audiences with Cardinal OiispHrrl, papal secre tary of state. BURIAL SERVICE SAItATOOA SPlltNOS, N. Y May S.--A aorvlro for the hurlnl of chil li nn nud their reception Into the church Is proponed In a revlncd ritual of tho MothodlBt Kplxcoiutl church which va auhinittctl today for ac tion by tho general conforenco In aon alon horc. Provlotialy only a cere mony for adults ban exlntoil. Tho now form aiiKgealed provldoa Unit xcrvlcoa for tho Imptlmn of in fautH and for ordination ahull be KToatly ahortiincd. Tho burial aor vlco will be modified by tho Insortlon of additional scriptural aelcctlona Klvlni fuller exprcMlon of the eltrla IIhii hope an round In tho new testa ment. In tho marrlago ceremony It la provided that when the ring la UHtnl the word "nud with all my worldly aooda I thee endow," ahall be oinlttod for the reason, tho com mittee reported, that the cereinnn lUelf Implioa common ownerahlp of property. It la alao propoaed that the word "devil" ahall be alrlckrn from the paaxnaea ber It occurs mid that the word 'aln" ahall be iubatltiiied. COMMUNICATION. To the Kdili.r: 1 wee in inii- ifsuo of jrv I. in' tide bended "ItnMoi Lnmii'licn I'.f I'orl lo Keenll t'iMllltv I'i'tirt." Now, n a HiHttct' of fumieH. I will nk j oh to htole throiiifh your eoluinn that (lie ri'i'iirt that I am circiilutinu ivciill Mtitious ii 1'uUe ami withnut nnv fotimlnlion whatever. 1 will -tale Kince 1 have Weil u member of the Tnx league, thnt ae erut men who were i'netorx in Kt'ttiiitf JiiiIbc Ton Wile elected, enme to me in Mcdt'ord with iiirurtim they claimed to have taken from the eountv ..nix, nIiowiiii; exlmvaicnnec of the county fund, ami naked, if I lie Tnx leiiirue ikMeteil to neeoinplixh unv itootl for the taxpayer), of the eountv, why they dul not atnrt a n-eall; that would Ih- tho only relief. I replied that if their figure and tatemenU were correct, mid 1 hud bivii a much wf ll laetnr a thwv were in elei-tiiiif Judue Ton Wile, I would take the in itiative myelf and not nk aimieoin el-e to reiiilv my iuitukei. Tins ud nil it needed wax a Mart. 1 ie- died that it wa up to tlioe who were re-pniiilile for hi' election to tart it Had I Inunelii'il the recall i would lime -eeu me in the forerouiHi and not ntiloriainK for benii; tin t. Hut the Tribune, in uivintf nic t ' tor laiiiiclunu the rwall, lm - the hoH- ot inmrinf me politicals Youi truly, HKNTOK BOWKK" A-hlninl. May U. (N'ole. i'twithtnndiinr Mr. H" en.' denial, the Muil Tribune i- i liably int'oniu'd tlutt Mr. Howet- i i un.i!l oolii tied tiTiiatuit's I'nr i'h rvu ixnti.n in Mclfonl. M.-. "cr, ir liHt'rn n n i neui.ii tu I he re i .ill pi t'Mon .it 0!ii Mil. ' SIM f ml iWwtcis Smoft Medford and Mt Pitt Clssrs I " ELL-AS Absolutely Removes proves it. J5cat all druyi&ts. I SE INFLUENCE SHORTEN CHOP I rrr Tfl I1TIIM0 IU .VISIT MEDFDRD FRIDAY Sri. or II t n i i, tf Iowa favorlit on of t'int t.iu .mil one of the foremost candidal! for the re publican nomination In Chicago In Juiip, will deliver an address in this city next Friday, May 12. at tho Nat under the auspices of tho Lincoln club, co-operating with tho Iowa so ciety. Ho will be the second presi dential possibility to visit this city within the last month, the other be ing Theodore E. llurton of Ohio. Senator Cummins will speak at Grants Pass Thursday night, passing through Medfonl from the south Thursday morning. Friday at 10:15 n. in. lie will come to Medford, going to shland In the afternoon whore he will deliver an address at 3 o'clock, lie will return to Medford addressing the people of the elt and valley at S o'i loi k In the cm ning. The plans for entertaining Senator Cummlnx are now undcrwuv. Kliortod by Jsckson County At tract Co.. Hlxtb and Fir RU. INiil INlnte Trniitfoi-. II. Toft el n to II. K. It Tomlluxon et u, lot ii hlk 0 Imperial add Medford $10.00 Geo. M. Mlllor to Joseph Kan- tor et ux. pt 80-3S-1W 10.00 Joshua McPherson et ux to K. J. Klein el ux. lot fl High land add. Medford SOO.00 C. L. Foley et ux lo P. C. Foley, pt 3i-2V 10.00 ('. It. Carlion et ux to Serene Jepaon. lot S blk 5 Carlton add Medford 150.00 II. K. Tnmllnaoii et ux to Jack son Co. Hldg A Loan Assn. lot C Imperial add Medford 1.00 MARKET REPORT 111 MIS Alive. ;iji'. STKKKK Alio. (ho (!. COWS Aliw, .r( 5sis VKAL- Drehod, Sfollo. l,lvo Poultry I1KXK Mr; ohl WM.KteiH. 7.; lilt'-, lie; broiler, -'lie. DUCKS Fat, b. 0F.KK13 Fnt, So. TIKKKVS I'nt yoonjr, 15c. MiLClIAN HARKS. to o. Iley ana firnvn (Huyinic Prices.) WHKAT-llOis HATS $30 ton. HAY Alfalfa, !. ton ; Kriiin, $1 1. 1IAKLKV AVbolt, $30. PrlfiNs I'nia by nomurs KtUIS JJi8e. Ill TTKH Itairy. 2 lb., 4;.c l'OTATOKS-l.S6. ONIONS '2,e. HONKY -l'2o lr lb, CtDKIJ 86. 1011 K- 93'. HKKK 10oi V2e. I. A KM 1 -".. ltACON i:t'n'15c. SIM! I.PF.KS 1-.M-.C. HAM li.c l.t I I I L I VI It in . JjWWkj THE ORIGINAL MALTED IV1IELBC I Rk.hmilklmaltdgrainxract in ponder. For lnfant,InvliJiJgrow ing children. Pure nutntion,ufLuildingiiie hole body. 1 lou.'iratc nursins mothers nJtbtjJ. t Yho (Food-Drink for all Agou More nutritious llian tea, cot fee, eU Substilatc cuit YOU Sane Price JOHN A. FEftL UNDERTAKER l-nlj AMliaut sft s. iiahii.i:tt I'liuneu M. 12 sua 17-J Anuiuc bnic Ceont COURT HOUSE NEWS i mi. tn i. .. m. . un - y;v:ssssw2l, (.-... ' IK K-niuj i-a- -eg , FOREIGN FIRMS GROWING FAT By T, Ii, fjVSM. t MXNI.Y I v smii.TO Mav i The In c (-. i Tn 110-10111 li lorelgn corpora iicii) on Hirlr vtnerlcan business have it, ti.irn.oii'. One rellalile estl t.iair lilace-. the total evasions at more Mian one million dollars. 7ho most conspicuous tax dodgers in 'in) class have been tho foreign Kt mi-hlp rouipanlos. These com i.juir have had a practical inonop i of the ocean transportation of v a rirun mroes, and have made mormons i-roflis through tho inalnte naiup of freight rates by pools and srrrct agreements. Since the begin ning of the European war these com (int)les have Increased their rates mute than ."00 per cent. Uurlng all the six years since the enactment of the corporation tux, tho Culled States treasury lias ullowod tho steamship companies to report deficits of millions when most of thoni were really making enormous profits. How did they do It? Hy the sim ple process of charging up against American business, practically all the expense ot tholr entire operations. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam sat with his eyes cloned and his hands folded. Take the case of one of the Eng lish stoainshlp companies, whose hooks have Just been examined Thlx examination shows that although the returns of the company to the treas ury department for the six years from HiOU to 1911 showed an alleged los on American business of more than t lo.oon.ooo, there was In fact a net profit on Amerlrtui business of more than ll.ooo, iino. This ono company owes the Cnlled States treasury mote than $10, one. while the tsx duo from all of them runs toward tho million mark. At the same time that this com pany was not paying ono cent of tax to the Cnlted States, It was paying Into the Hritlsh Income tax more than $K.O,000. This case Is simply Illustrative of what was done by practically every ono of the foreign steamship com panies. It shows clearly also many of the things that are wrong with the In come (ax law and our treasury de partment. 'How mauy years would the steam ship companies have been able to turn in such absurd returns. If the Information had been public, before protests from their American com petitors were lodged with the treas ury department. How long could have the treason department have remained with closed eyes and folded hands before ft10THERSJD0 THIS Whon the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chosta No tclliiiB ho soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worie And then't when sou're glad you have n Jar of MUSTF.Kol.l-: at Imnd to gic prompt, mre relief. It does not bliitcr. As firit aid and a certain remedy there's nothing hk MUSTEROLE. Thousam' of mothers know it. You should keep a jar in the house. It it the rrmedy for adults, too. Re lieves Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsil His, Croup. Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neural ria, Htadache, Congestion, Plcuri Kheiimatism, Lumbago, Paint and Ache of Hack or Joints, Sprains. Sore Mu--cles. Chilblains. Frosted Feet and CoIJ-. of the Chest (it often prevents Pneu monia). .... At vour drugrglit's, m 2Sc and 50c nri anda'spewal l.ir.v hoinfil si-e for $.,K0 Pe Mrc -I t t' ucnume Ml . TEKOI.l". 'K. f" C ir- "if-"". wV.t mi ak for Tie Musterole Company, Cleveland. Ohio. inti:kihhn actwcau co. TIMK OAltl), Leave Medford for Ashlaad, Talent and l'hoeulx dally, except Sunday, at 8 00 a. m , 1 00. : 00, 4.00 and 5:15 p. m. Also oa Saturday at 11:15 p. m. Sundas lease- at S.00 and 10:80 a. m. and 1.00. :00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. ra. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1 00, Z 0i 4 eO and 5 1 f. p. ra. Also on Saturday n::hts at 6 30 and S 20 SundoNB leave Ahland at 9:00 a. in uuj l.uO. 4.30, 6 30 and 10:30 p m. Critfll'r ! IS Ibll ISrttre -4 tk)Df , fcbttt. tunr rn. it iirixtt hlk. WI 'kl) ttttrAtii HI SIMMY 01TS1BE B0CITS St :M 4'l iM iuiiil SieMi(. 1. BAY ONE PEEMit AJ" tio A 0AY TWO PESSeilS frMi fcrt i Who ttf "CIIVIBJAI BW III r wmhI IY Cttfl Ot Cf MUM 1st Ut. T DODGING AMI iPli n r?j snj, r ii'- r ii l,f v-,iai" r - t.o-crt flu1 ' i I' .iii'C or some nletr represent. ul' of tli" people deniand d the cnforren.eiit of the law es pecially now when we are seeking revenue to i .t our gr.ent lmpendlnir ' preparedness" bill? AGE NO BAR :.'Ij1xm1 in Veillril l i:ilglble. Did people Hooped llh suffering. Middle hkc. d)'ii.iei!0iislv flKhtlllg, Youth protesting i in patiently; Children, unable to explain: All in mUier from their kidneys. Perhaps a little backache first. Urinary disorders, dropty may quickly follow. toans Kidney Pills aro for weak kidneys. Are endorsed by thousands. Here's Medford testimony. Mrs. Ida Kenworthy. 5K 8. Ornpo St.. Medford. says: "I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills when I have noticed my kidneys haven't been act ing as they should and they havo novor failed to do me good. I al ways give Doan's Kidney PUN to one of my grandchildren who Is sub ject to weak kldnes at times and they are v ry beneficial." Price r.oc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask Tor n kidney remedy get Doan's Kldnev Pills the same that Mrs. Kenworthy had Foster-Mil-burn Co , Props , fhiffnlo. V. Y. THE SHERIFF I iluiiueil wild i In- iIhij of en fin (Inn the lii. i.in.iini; out I lie or- lei's ul' the I ml'., ami llet ting tho tuvo. If you want Uicm' duller n'ifonml diligently, coiiMlfiitloiixly, nud Ini IMtililly, Midi I'urli ih-twiiliiH'tit In cliniite of u ileput.v iniiiHMciit lit his ilemiliiM'itl, Mltv mil vle fur A. W.WALKER for I lie Kepulilii .in Niinlit.iliiii at (he 1'iimm'K - .' i'DU Public Service Commissioner WK.STKKN HiSniUT FRED G. BUCHTEL ItKPCni.lCW i"WiiiTB Subjttt to Pilin.itb . M.iv IV i i i.ir, . Ii ll tlic I'll ss S,J. I'llui.ll -H.,I liilolt. UlCUt Of He law '.i has b,ied tl.e pioplo I iet: an I- n duliar., and -at', ituaid- 'I H.' p .l.'ii I'll. Tun -, Urowiii,. w l .M..ti h In, I'i'.i,. II.. i j. ili.-mn,f oi Union bo- iiise of hu kpleudid pat offliiul iviord and b. i..u-e i.u platform rep- r.. -tents the c.i . ,. if tU people.'" Th.- News, i i. n, Ii .,, .,,cli x, imc, HOCHAMEEAU I M'nori.l I'' iiv'ti 'a'.l.on n- el h Waltw Kifo U make the UtanJ at )ai.e - barn Ashland. Mon- da and Tu'hda Tali ni 'edne-(ta uhI Ther-!.i . Vin.-i,u Uaia (J5ndiy ai.a i.a.; Ia.. 1 WwHKb&QRf aWii iffTTSaaLlBMhaLLBpi I fciafc, ill Cc V iA sJ M H Z v 1 1' '