Unhrslt) of Oregon Library 1' aWwqmmvwpaMa i ( ' FORECAST HHOUKItS TONIGHT AM) Tl rsY WEATHER Minimum Yosteidny oil; .Minimum TiKliiy 1(1. ' O i ( V l'orlv-slxth Year lall t:i-ti1li Ywr Lloyd's Slilppinn Agency Reports Steamship Cymric Sinking, But Adds No Details Belongs to White Star Line For Years in Passenger Service Between New York and Liverpool Censor Has Evidently Withheld Details-Is 13,000-Ton ' Vessel, 584 Feet Long. LONDON, Alnv S. It Ik repotted thut the steamship Cymric is sinking-. The Cymric sailed on April !2U fnmi New York for Liverpool. Tin Cymric hna been in the erv in of the gov eminent for some time. she hint on board no passenger. The Lloyd's shipping agency leport on the Cvmrie wtntew that he i Himplv reported winking nnd give del nil. The Cymric belong to the White Star line and was tor venr in the Mou'nger service between New York nnd Kn!ih HrU. She m n Kl.OiMl ton vessel, ."" feet lonjr nnd ."i I feet Im-iiiii. She was built in Hcll'nl in 1SI18. It in undcrxtood here thnt no pn aeiigvra are on hoard the Cymric. NKW YORK. Mav S.-The Cymric when she left New York April 20 cur ried ii crew of Hhont 1(H). none of whom, ho fur n i- known, is mi American. She wn eommnnded by Cnptuin ieniliic, mi Kiifflitdimiiii. According to the line'- ol't'iciiilx, the Cymric was in their Nervier, dc ninl beiHir mnde thnt she hud been taken over by the IJritith govern meiit. Kite win unarmed and carried ii general freight en run. which, nc. cording to the official, did not in clude munitions of war, o far a thev know, hh wiin due in Liverpool to day. XKW YOHK, Jfiiv 8. -The London bulletin Ntatinit that the Cymric i re (wrteil Ninkinv iM the onlv dUpntch thiix far received. Ax it docx not in. dieale what hiipHiicd to the lnpa thi. dinpatch prewumalilv toljoux one previouvlv Kent Hint Iiiih not yet reached Xew Yolk bccui-e of the ceuoorwhip. Iditer it with Muted by oftieial of the hue that the Cmrir' eaigu in cluded the iimiiiI amount o war up phe which me carried In the line fl' iuhlelx. Tin iiiahit'cM ili-i In-.- Hi.it -hi' hud on board 101 eaoe of nilc- and other litvnrino and nlo a (iianiitv of iinpt hclU, i .t t of nen.pl.inc-, bllol - .Hid lliotol c,i . I MINXKAI'dMS. M.i h A vio lint wnul-ioim whiih -wept Minne ola and pint, of North Dakota lat Wight caused considerable proM-rt damage. At Two Jlurbor. Minn, ii man wn killed by lignlniug. At Cruokaton. Jling., a church wn on roofed during .ervue, but no on vn hurt. The root of the graudftand at a l.a Cio.e, Wi,., baeball park ,i. hlteil bv the win. I and dropped on a .trcet ear, -Iihtlt itipinng criil ai ner. Hire eonuniiiiu-ation wa. inn iiHit, , throiitfliout thenoith ct GOOD ROADS BILL PASSES II SENAIE lJ s A.suifj'ni va , ate toda llll. i w n'.oi.t Tin g n a lecord vote the UanKhea.l tsood toad l.tlhti d&end I v.'..oue, in con action of W roais contingent at.o "HJ VIOLEN ST01 SWEEPS DAKOTA ex eyt(iiurt liv iti. n it t " 1 tr; 't ) V i . i . r i t - ' Jm V JeL. m iftl J5L-Jr Jg .JaL &aML WASHINGTON, Ms S. Uncle .loo Cnnnon hhk mi war or age Sun dav. He was the honored guest at a feast at which 80 of his confrere! sung hli praises. Uncle Joe has been In congress 10 years and ho s)s ho Is good for 20 more. The recipe? "Well, I smoke stogies nnd cusb a little now am) then, you know," sas t'nele Joe. The program will last three daa, according to the program nr ranged bv Canon's admirers CONGRESS KILLS SENATEBILL FOR ARMY0F250.000 Overwhelming Votes hy House Against Senate Amomlment for a Large Standing Army and a Volun teer Army of 2GI.000 Pledged to 30 Days' Defensive Training Yearly. WASHINGTON', Mv S. Kv lo overwhehnuiK vutea the houw) today declined to agree to the senate amendment to the army bill providing for a Ntnnding army of 250.1HK) men und a volunteer urmv of 3(il,MM) pledged to thirty day-.' intensive training yearly. The hixt pMNMiil wan rejected -Ml to 142, and the latter '.'M to 101). A dicuiou followed the vote on the senate' nitrute plant iimemlinent I ' wbll the new orders to subma favored by I'rexitlent WiUon, which r'np commanders are respected but wu oppowd by muiiy democnit and '"'llexatea that any negotiations be- republican niemlwra, Some leaders on both hide exprcMxed belief that the propi.al miultt be dcleated. ()uttuuding in the debate in the proposed army incrcui.es was the dec laration o Hepreseiitative Kuhn of California that be nn- convinced lor eign nation!, at the dose of the Knro iean war would demand indemnity from the I'mted States for losses to their eitixen-. in Mexico and that it ! would be adu-able to have a large urmv in Mich a situation. Representative itoidon. denxM-rat, said a termnnciit ctablishmeut of Ho.(MH) men meant eouipuUorv en litment. Itepresentutive Anthony, repub In mi, contended the house should not hainrc it iMJsilion on the mm- ol the aimv. Ifepresentutive ilcKeiixjo s-.uiled Id pn-entative Kuhn for urumg un a i m v of -'Vl.OOO men. Itcpresentutive Mondell, rcpubliean, told the house thut if (lie eimte bill Iteeame law the prc-nlent would he besieged by those ii.tiit-.inl m mllltaiv c-tnMi.hmciit. lie ildtculed the -in, iii ,,in i .,r a oiinti er aniiv a- n ieial ol tin -ill-, n .lit. and ii pmii it. il i .ail i . i i I, 1 1 ri i id. a " VAMIINirN M u - ;. ,r Ad llilllll ( apt I!, .11. i on i ,i, 'i, tl( i ru -er -iii,nlii.ii m hi.ni i, ,ui it it--, leill.ii to.lav that .pint hail bet il n-tor. d in Santo I)iiiiiiiii;o 1 it un. I that General Arm, leudi r oi the iMiiM-mint to di poe General Jiiiunix u ire.!ii 1 ol tile reniililu. hn.l -nr reieliKiil i v. S. rcliir I,(iiJj -aid tl Mi. de-viinvfra grid to comoj t naniifi-. . t ite to Mante I were Wjwrtui to ftfe. e" rouble. i ne ,iate .Knartni. lit hoi Uduiiil Mi I If) ' 1 I ! Ii rt .IV .is . RESTORED 0rL9EEtt:ZLmit AT SAN DOMINGO MPWWmW 'GERMAN CONSUL AT " i JHjrlJ liiJ4glcrv jklY nAiTiMnnrmmoTrn MED FORD 1ERICAN REPLY TO GERMAN NOTE IS PEREMPTORY Diplomatic Relations Will Not Be Broken Wln'c New Orders to Suh uiarine Commandors Are Respected Germany Must Cease Attacks, Regardless of British Negotiations. WASHINGTON. May 8- The Am erican reply to Germany's suliins- slna hmI mm in tlAKICu in.1.. .Z .m h. T, , , - ,,, '," yLPw troop contemidMe tt lung piirmnt and will be given out for publication r .... ,'.,.,.,.. .,' . ... : ' Inter today. It Is officially dcscrlb ed as being brief. SeeroUry Ianstng announced that .the note was about 200 words long and would be given out today for piililIcBlIon In tomorrow morning's' patters. He declined to discuss It. The understnndliiK In official cir cles Is that the note tells Germany diplomatic rolatlon will not bo brok- tween Germany and the t'nlted States esnnot be conditioned on negotia tions between the t'nlted States and Great nrltain. The t'nlted States nt.inds b Its de mand that Germany ceusn her at tacks on vessels in violation of In ternational law regardlesit of negotia tions which may be carried on with Great Britain over the food block- odo WAKIUXtlTtlX, Mav H. President WiNoii tialav nominated Kugvne ). Heed of New lluuitsbire to Im a mem ber of the Philippine coiiuiii-sion, mte eeidiug I linton K. Kiul's of Jlalti more, who rcHiifiied oine time ago. Mrs. kttfHVM Vootlmw MilMi ! Im' at tlw Vimy (Iimm (M.1 ynlm riiiim ritculii!? iUUt inniil - - - - - - - ..,-. .. .,.-.-.. n jiiul itutiroiu tiuiuliiff oi pkimvi1 wirtur ratoUtN mm KhVrWN WMrNiN vm nkss mv in.- hhi: .. 'ia .. ,fk r mPSsml z,mddmmbfS . Ajrank '?.. tjt r jmKzai'mmsmmMT'm -i ' i vfmrm rmmfnwm If ? 41 ' dhl i iiviutic inuiu i cu iW mffli&& mfwk'c& . SSgMJr. u , i i SMM"iK''' h -..i.i.., 1 ' JB i SAlT'' f SK m WM& '"rEMfca WLaWT. 1 ilmt, H n m .n li.llimon, I CSJK": , dcK? TJjrft&iW ip S 3l jn MviaW ' Bv',l jwa-i indiitui loiluN In U.liial JCf''E ' 7?JEfflgi? ' 'VMffapBy jmIQIAJ Li.hi.i ih iii'i iii vH tiduu lior-t -- . .xfftisa&Ml0' ljimKk vtBT"' dii fj&aiPF a v2 WB n I i In i Ii . i i who has bv Mi. Woodmw lln is lu-ie l&Sm&BU' JmfoSjl0' c C' n rF . e ORK(K) M(L'HV. M V Band of Seventy Mexicans Attacked Glcr.n Springs and Boqulllns Fri day, Killing Three Cavalrymen and a Boy Otl.crs Reported Slain' Flee Into Wilderness, Pursued hy Aikoj iciin Troopers Rolnf orcc-1 incuts Sent in Pursuit. Al.riXK, Tew, Mhv 8. Fleeing through the wild me a of northern Mexico, the seventy or more bandits that inidcd the Ametican net t lenient -iSKSS luudimr into the interior todav, in .n mile from the scene of their il pit iliilmii". i,ic from Marathon and n de- ,1.11 liini'iit of twenty-three trwifwiM of the louiteenth envnlrv are naid to linvc followed the trad of ttie mi'- into Coahiiilfl, while othe poll-. h;io it thnt the Anicricaii 'not Iniilnl the Rio (trmide tl'i tnilc tiom lii'ic, but are'vuiitin:; at tin ntr for reinforcement).. Captain 'C.i-mr Cole ih hurrying to loiull,i io taki- I'onimnnd while two compan I Hw itl' tin. I'liiirtfintilti ..niili-. iiii.I m machine umi eomNin are cx led here or at Marathon thiy afterno.oi. ulieu thev will head aonlhward to the Hig Itend country. I lino Tin c IMijh Htaif It i not known here whether the I "I lit" ifinitiiin mm 4ii-ii fr If llll'V will be placed as an additional giimd nlong the border. cMirts here say that there are manv bandits ocrnt ing between Itoipnlli-i and l'resid'o. jii.t south of the Km Grande. Il is about a three-ilav.' march from either Marathon or Alpine to the Kio (Irande, ami as the bandits already have a tin lav-' -tart only a relentless pursuit will bring the Americana into contact with their piarry. Nothing has been beard of Private Roseoe Tyroe, who was last seen us he run from the adobe Iioimc where he and Ilia eight companions for three long hours fought imaint the Mexi cans mid then tied because the nnd' of the bouse wa -! nllniiie bv lire' balls. Private Cro-kcm, ubo was m (be fight, thinks Tvrec wa-. wounded and wandered off in the hills, where he ImiI. Others bclieu llinl Tvree was captured and eain.il otf a mUoiier by Hie bandit" and probublv killed later on. Sloivlieeper DuhiI I rili'ouiiniied lliloiination -m thnt (Continued on page six) ' iBfivr IIUINkM All I llbl I IMUUI 1UUU Wllllll Iff - .irriK 5 wu-' wwamAtr Mm .i am i i wv'LiB v m 23. r - fi ri r - k ,. h . . m i i WiifjXv ''jKptrfHH T l In i i ,i i ,in ui iiini (j imlii I .TaHaVr-fi.' ' "4 . "m "" 3 , , . ,..mv S. 15)1(1 4 v-'t- ',i -- me h !sLvsLiBILi?KiwBTflgsVLiEf v m iHisHHPTfflLHLLEHlKnLVy Ww WJJbtfMFmUsm , jBBi ",,. jIImI 99B1B jAHsliSiBaBunL ' lHBOl BHHHgvsTaSiuQHKw2?z .jduBmSJMHBBVlutslBHHJIH News plHilogi'Hpli or (ien. Iluitli I.. Scott, iliief of Muff or Hie I'nlt eil Stiiles in in. nil (.iiifinl lam OIiih n, ivpicMiitlng tiiu. Caiian ji, In (oufcK'nu al II I'n mi. Olnegon In hIiowii on Hie left t Scott on the I ''"''t. SJILSON TELLS E R President Declines Charges Against Brandois "Incredilile" ami Due to Hatted and Prejudice Is a Friend of All Just Men and a Lover of the Ftllillt A$bc f!iinflrinnlliiii at narn I iifpj- ...,.. ouiiiniiiitiinil f WIIVU WASHINGTON. May .- Preal- dent Wllson'M letter giving his rea- -- r i.. i .... """"", ror the supreme court and urging .umi.iiin.ion was reiui 10 me senate Judiciary committee today by Chair- man Culltertson, but no vote was tak en as had been expected and no time was fixed for one. President Wilson characterised the charges against his nominee as "In trinsically Incredllde to one who real ly knows Mr. HniiMlliH," and declar ed they proceeded ror tln most part ; trom thow' ho "" Mr Hrgndlea berauso be bad refused to Imi ser- vlregble to them In pionintlon of their own selfish Inhnxiri. and from those whom the had prepidlied and misled." The president added thai i he piop aganda In this mnlt.i Inul lain ver 1 1 (Continued on pago six) SETTLE AFFAIRS IN MEXICO T New American Expedition May Al tondy Be Across Border In Chase of naHors of Gloiiu Sprinns Oil royun noportod to Have Also Sent Forces to Pimiili Outlaws. WASHINGTON, May s A new A"p",lan expedition ma already be ?ros the Mexican border In pursuit or the bandits who raided Glenn springs, Texas, last week. Secretary iiaker said today lie had received a report from General Kunston gs to steps taken In that direction, but de clined to reveal its contents. He said General Punston's original orders sluod, however, and they gave him authorlt) to cross whenever tho need arose. iNo additional report of the raid had rein lied the dt i;ii inicnt at tho lime. On the bawls of consular dis patches, however, Hecmtary lanslug has forwarded a reiort to the Mexi can do facto novel n meal calling at- teutlon to ihe latest Imndlt ail tellies along the lander. Stale department officials said It was assumed that prompt iniiHult or the raiders al madt has lieeu ordered hy General Olireuon or his siihordluatcs. It iik lullevtd poM-IHe Home meth od of dli 1 1 eoopi ration for the exter mination or caption of the Glenn Hnrtiii'H ruiilcru might result from the i on fen ae today between Gen erals Siott and Ohrcgou at Kl Paso. The war department has heard In- rormullv thut General Carransa ap- proMil Un- oii oiircKon.plau, with liiinoi i volitions It was hoped here tin holi mail' I would In disposed of lotlav t'v the cnnfcmui Two mmpaiibs of the t'Uh Infan trv in the iiiusnttiv m hool at Kort Kilt. IIU.I have lie. n Ol ill red to Port t'larli, 'I mi-, to I'lk the place of the I tth nalit troo lihh were sent to Ihe HU Iti ml ill iii t ROOPS SENT TO BANDITS N m ii a XO. -10 EAT FURY Germans Makinn New Attack With Another Formitlnlilc Army Pene trate French Trendies Sunday at Hill No. 304, But Arc Driven Back Today With Heavy Slaughter Dead Man's Hill Scene of Carnage PUGS, May S.After sovonty Htveu das of battle thu Gor miniK are making a new nttaok bo fore Verdun with another formlda tile army, lighting almost equal In violence to that of the beginning of March Is In progress on both banks of the Meiise. Klghtlng of groat vio lence continued last night. Furious German attacks near lllll No. 301 were broken hy tho Kroneli. thu war office announced today. Tho lossoa of the Germans are detcrlbod as ox tremely heavy. The French attacked oast of Hill tot and drove the Germans from a i iiniiiiiiiilciitloii trench which tliuy penetrated yestenlay. Kiist of the Mouso In a serlos of ulKht engagenieiitM, the Germans wore driven from a trenoh south of Ilnu dremont v'vhlch thoy ooouplod today and thirty men, Including two offt ct rx. were captured. At Head Man' lllll The prliiclMil effort o( tho Gor iniitiH Is being dlrectwl against Doad Man's hill. Following the Napoleon ic policy of attempting to turn what can not be carried bjr frontal attack, the Germans with a whole nrniy corps made the assault by way of the rarino between lllll 301 and Dead Man's hill, seeking to crush the French lino along a front of nine and one halt miles. The ground there Is difficult and the French commander aware of his position placed one of his beat trained army corps at this Ksltlon. The corps disposed of the Initial at tack without ceding any Important ground but the battle la still raging and according to the latest advices, the result will no be known until some time today. ICast of the Mouse the Germans do llveied four attacks on a front of Sooo yards, each advance being made by a different Prussian regi ment. The fighting there is as fisree as on the other side or the river and as Inconclusive. NIev illo In Conuminil General Nlevllle whose promotion to the command at Verdun put him In charge at such a critical time, Is a man of sixty aud Is one of the dis coveries of the war. At outbreak of hostilities be was In command of the Fifth regiment of artillery. General Jnffre soon singled hint out for a leading role. He waa promoted to be general of brigade on October 3t. I 1 1, and s hortly after was plac ed in command of the Stat Infantry division. On December I. 1115, he received his three stars and at the same time was appointed commander of the Third army corpa. Other developments of yesterday are described textuatly aa follews: "The night passed quietly en the remainder of the front eieept in tho region of Itemieres and tho wood o( Joury. west of Pont-aMouaaoH. where the urtlllcr was very active. ' Two German teropUwe have been brought down as a result of aerial encounters In tho rogtoa of Vcrdnu One of them foil not far fi oni ( inn and the other, seriously llamas it wan touipelledo to UmU onlh of Visiters " OF WASIHM.TOV Mav 8 - Manuel litiKMit. I'tllli'i'iro comuiUsleoct, who lias been argiag Philippine iodft lnd(ne, told I'rcetdpnt WUeoo to dav tnat ho and hut fnHovncrs fc4 RAGING WITH At atetoaeil tho Wtg. of ftoedo IK it ,, . . .... : ; ntar futurtt nnd fcid, osrit .v. ;;.. 'i wnulil taw thn iottw Wl Kittae A " ".'. ''" uegut pjye f self KO'CnMCnt Jo, th. iiud- int attiug 9 te of tW .v . Jicsi hy tlii)tii Kim iiMttic, Ua, n ji, (r arv tfi " "Odv I " t -i I. i ii It un , i Va- 7TTE!2T'iKi -4 r'i x-uuoj , l( , 4JT,ifMHi i in I