Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 06, 1916, Image 1

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    it, ef Orcrvon
Mn. yeMerihi), H."5; Mln. to.
iliiy, I-, Precipitation, .10.
t'ortv sixth Year
l'flin l.l. nth Yrnr.
NO. 39
xi fTvb bi a M
V Jo A--A- .Jk.JSLJ3L-iS
V 4IK CHMsQ!S!(!K$BaaaaalsttLL
Official Text Shows No Material Dif
ferences From Unofficial Text
Published Germany to Be Given
Chance to Demonstrate Her Assur
ancesHo Break at Present.
WASHINGTON, May 0 - Tim offl
cIh! text or Oesnmny's nolo fully de
coded ami laid before Ptosldent W1I-
son toly shows no niatorlal dlffcr
oncts from tlto uiiofflulal text pub
lished jestorday In news dispatches.
This strengthens the probability that
u diplomatic break linn been averted,
at least for the present.
Tlu president will not roach a clef,
lnltc decision before net wk, It Is
said Cabinet moiutyrs Here nuked
by tho president to give close atten
tion to tho document and their opin
ions will be nought before any for
um! decision Is rearhetl.
Chance lo Dcinntmlrnlc.
Administration officials stated that
V Germany doubtless would bo given a
chance to demonstrate her assurance
that submarine commanders have
been notified not to sink merchant
vessels without warning.
Secretary Lansing aheady haa atit
died the nolo once and was going
over It very carefully again t nday
There were Indlcatlona that further
cnmddcrnllon, by the cabinet would
no! lie necessary.
Overnlrfht study of tho nolo by
cabinet members and official! did not
change their view that probably
there would be no break lit diplomatic
relations unless there were further
attacks in violation of International
. There Is a possibility that the
l'n!t"d States may make a brief re
pl notlfvlng the Berlin government
that n h long as the new orders to
submarine commanders are fully ob
crvi a diplomatic relations will not
be discontinued on that score.
IteriiHloi ff lletiiins
Count Von Hernstorff, tho German
ainluihuador. returned lo the embassy
today from New York. Ho said ho
bad no communication from his gov
ernment and had no reason to visit
i In- state department. The emhasay
view that the note was all the I'nlted
States asked remained unchanged.
Stveral members of tho cabinet
b.ive left Washington and are not ex
peitcd back before Monday. Hecre
mrv Lansing ha gone to 'AnnaimlU
tor the week-end, Secretary Haker is
In citvoiand and Postmaster Clenerul
Hurlcsoii la on a short fishing trip.
l'n-iilenl Wil-on rml today with I id nlli'iiti'in Hie Hiition of the
noli toiii'hinir on pence.
Tlie note vw:
Alllc May IUpoiil,
"Tin dermnn government, con--.ii.ii
f tlennnny's strength, twice
wit Inn the last few mouths unnoiiiic
iil lie litre the world it rcadinc !
leuke M'uee mi a linoini safeguard in:.'
liciinnii' vitnl interests, thus nidi
i .it in- it is not (Urmunv's fault 11
peine is Mill Ulllincia irottl tile 11.1
i inn ni" r.uiiM'."
While it was indicated toduv tlmt
"n -i.lent WiUon would make no fur
i In r pe.n e moves until the ullutil gov
eiiiinihts luivn signiiied their willing.
ne- in leceive suggestions on the
-nlip-et, -.nine ntt'ieiuU thought today
the (ieiiunn nuie miylit pu-ilil draw
J tli -iiuiethi'i.' tiiixi the nllii.
U ViiilJNUTON. M. C l'rsldent
Wilson's conference with Fred B.
I.miiIi of the democratic national
toiuiiiitiee, it as Uarmd to-ta), re
bulled ia the president approving the
Union of former Governor Martin
II (ihun of Net. Vorl, to deliver the
keynote address as temporary chair
man of the democratic national con
tention at gt Louis. Speaker Clark,
it u xpecti will bj; invited to be
pi.rnianent c . u mano
A'.iout 25, implications for seat
wve teen r i i The capacif n
the lonveni - J-0'
.lmiin ""'Ml )laoe for deleeate al
t !!' - rtti 1 i.-. r-iu n
French Evacuate Part of Their'os on Northern Slope of Hill
304, But Claim German Advance Is
Checked With Heavy Loss Fresh
Division of Germans Brought Up.
PAltlS. May .- The French ovnc
uatcd part of their trenches on the
northern slope of Hill 301 on tho
Verdun front west of the Meuso as
the result of an unusually violent
bombardment by-heavy German guns.
The wkr office statement of this aft
ernoon says, however, that all of
forts of the Germans lo advanco
were checked by French guns and
that a fresh division of troop which
the Genitalia In ought Into action sus
tained great losses. Attacks north
and northwest of 1 1 111 SO I were re
pulsed at the point of haonct.
The text of tho statement follews:
I'ivihIi Official Itepoit.
"Ill tho vicinity of Lnsslgny wo
delivered a surprise attack on a Ger
man trench In tho wood of Orval,
which resulted In our taking some
prisoners and inflicting losses on tho
"In the Champagne near Sommc
l'y Ilia fire of our artillery Inflicted
such damage on a German batterv
that the Germans had to cease, filing.
"In the Argonno yesterday even
ing a surprise attack upon a small
salient of the enemy Hues oast of
the Mlnanille road made It Hsalblo
for us to make our way into the Gr.
man trenches. We brought back some
primers and took two machine
"West of the Meuso the bombard
ment by the enemy with shells of
heavy caliber acnmpanlod by the use
of auffocitlng gases continued yes
terday and last nlaht. This attack
attained an unprecedented violence
In the sector embracing Hill No. 301.
Hero we had to evacuate a part of
our trenches on the northern slopes
of this hill, which had been complete
ly shattered, being rendered union
ablo by the artlllerv fire of the Ger
mans. Our batteries replied with
no less energy and checked (ho ad
vance of the onemy.
font Itinwl lloiubiiiiliiieiil,
"Last ulght a German at I ark di
rected upon the wood west and north
west of Hill No. 301 was repulsed
wtih the bayonet.
"It has been confirmed thai tho at
tack of the enemy delivered day be
fore veslertiay against our positions
north of Hill No in.t was conduct
ed by a freah division of German
troops and that these men suffered
"There hsa been a slow and con
tinued bombardment uiion our lines
nt Dead Man Hill and Cumlercs Kasi
of the Meuse there has been Intense
artillery activity In tho region of
Vaiix "
XKW uKK, Mm li. nxeriii.lit
inspeetion nt (iermuio's reply to
Washington was made the occasion
i another outburst of bullish enth Us
ui -in in the stock murket today. Spe
eml isMieu rei-iered surly gain of
ne to three oiiit, some of these
-ii mi being increased.
"lieuimf truniuitiMiis in United
states Stoel, Crucible tind .Mercantile.
Murine were ceeuilly noteworthy.
I i ited State Steel first offering was
a block or 4500 at a:i"4 to S.l,
.iuaiiiat elerdu.v' close ut S.l, and
Murine prelerrcd's open ins; coriited
if 'i'iOO shares ut Mt, it two-Mimt
gain, with 2000 hhulen ol. the eorn
mon at a tnatimum udunee of '.",.
Crucible Steel at feJ showed a gain
of :Hj.
United Fruit, which was the fea
ture of yesterday's beaw dealings,
with u gain of almost 10 points, ro-e
6'k tOj)t huflu t pne of recent
i r-.
II l.ellluil i '. s. . lth III
a'v tvi I
u lilt 1 it e
.Mil ): 1 1 t i -
The fliM (iniiltc of the (iii'IhmIiiIiik of Hie Rii'ii! Cuminl liner, l.ullniilii, wltli the loss ef more tlinii
1:10(1 Ilc , IiiiIiiiIIiik b lSe of iixir loo iiieilmili. iwciiin SiiihImj, Mhj 7. It i's til' slul.liiK of the liiisllonlil
vtlildi ilien fnuu I'l-eldetil WHmiii the fli'M -Inuii note tu flu (ieiiiwiugoU'iiinient iltnl uiilseil riiiiHies of
iirtliiili Inii' neei -iiIki!.v. The l.uMlanlii eiioe Is not i'ttleil, the (ietiiiiin K'ei iiiimiiI iimiIiiIuIuIiii; Unit
the slithiiiK ff the ship uhn all mt of vtHI'. Altiei'lra, (iMtland noil (.'erlimii) itii still mvIIiIiik; mill ImiIIIiik
ullli opinions nli mi the leu ible fate, and Its hh'HhhIm, of this a mi I iicenii greyliniinil Unit etinlisl mi ninny
I'ninoiis anil lit h Americans to tfoutli, liuliidlng (Iiiih. I'liilmwii, .IiisIiin .M Hon Iiiiiiimii, ICIbett lliililuuil iiiel
Alfnsl ViindeiMII.
C1IUISTIANIA. May fi. orwa
formally notified the llrltl.ili nud
Kromh governments toda that she
cannot admit the correctness of their
interpretation of The Haguo 1007
convention regarding the selsure of
hahImI mullM ut haii Thtft Vftrwiiir.
, ,-,, has lodged a formal
complaint at London and Paris, stat
ing that the action of the allied gov
ernments In seising Norwegian malls
Is against the Intercuts of neutral na
tions. The 'Norwegian protest ncalnMt lh
selsure of malls ut sea. b (treat llrit
aln and K ranee follows similar pro
tests mnde by the United Mates and
Holland. On April 3 the allied gov
ernments mado a Joint reply to the
l'n it cd States, maintaining that the
selsuro of neutral mails violated no
treaties and aus rtlug the Intention or
tho allies to continue the practice.
A second protect was filed in Lon
don and Parts by Holland April 17,
and Included a demand for I he ren
tltutlon of detained lmii h malls and
Indrinnltv Ho far o has been made
public no rci'i Ij. et been made
b liaiiie or ( llritiiln to this
protest. .
WASIIIMilnS, .,y, li The
ouiptpill) r nl ili' in i tu tnila is
sued a cull to all ii. ill. hi il hunk re
(paring them to ni-.ii ! ium their
condition ut the en-i ni liii-inis, ,,n
Mouduy, Muv 1.
In their nnwci- t.. Ibis e.ill na
tional hunks arc minimi tu inform
tho comptrollir ) th. ir iim-tinents
in foreign mmmihih-, puile-iilurlv
those of iiiitiuiis nnu euyu'.'iil in w.'ir.
The result is cvpei inl tu -Imw lor tin
first time just how much of the
$.'00,000,000 loan ! the entente allies
eniiie ilireetl or iinliriitlv Irum mi
tmiial luniks a- will ,.-, how iniii'h
(ierui.iii or A n-1 1 i.i ii ii eciir-
I d 1 ilnilS) i III. ill e ntlll -.
May i
IM'HIJN, M.. '. .. I ..I..I..H.
, Joseph I'luiiseil, one ..i tin leud-
r in the rebellion, n- m.iiricd un
l iur before he wus put in death to
- Oiffard. kifcter at Mi- Tb--
rein '- pi it...1, tl. iihr .nut in. ii -
.nm.n ii wi mi i n iiiwwhihwi'iiH
TRAVT.Ll.ERS intending to
embark on the Atlantic vovage
.if reminJcd that a stite of
war cvuts between Ccnr.ny
and licr alhc and Crest lritnin
and her allies; that the icie of
war includci the vvstcu adj-
' cent to the British lilu; thaL
j in accordance with formal no-
i tice given by the Imperial Gerr
man Government, vessels fly
I mg the flag of Great Britain, or
of any of her allies, are liable to
! destruction in those waters and
j th .1 travellers taihn? in the war
7onc en ships of Great Britain
or her allies do so at t!ieir own
sa,sMia i i
HI III. IN. Mu ii. li uii ..Hi. i.ilh
Ulinoiinct t IihIiiv (bit Mu.pif .li'lin
Mi'ltnde, the eighth I. nilcr of the
Sinn Fein rebellion lo -utter death by
senlenee of colli t lli.iltlill, llll-i Im'III
The sentence i.f 'llmmas Hunter
mid WiHiiiin t'oi-uiiiw, wbu were
sentenced to de.ith uitli Major Me
Itl'idc, wele commiilnl to life lluplis-t
Major John M. I'.inlo fmialit
tliriiiruoul the Ibnr ur with the
Irish brigude under (nuerttl Jonbeil.
When the I1mts I'hm'U siirrcinli red
lie made his cseupe I took rehire
in Paris, where he I. i married Mi-s
Maude flonne, kn" m Inuue rule
eindts in Ireland i, n Irish
d'Are. In ItMI.. Mupi .nil Mr. Me
Hride delivered u sirn - "I leetmes in
tho I'lilteil Stnli s on I ,.1) pidlln -.
. LONDON, M., i, It ... lb. , ,
M'lin 1,-7 who h il. tioed , tin
lintlnb off tli. fi.iiinii count
din.t ruction of tli. . n.i hn wu
pietea u u - iiiinuiine.
"A moie di tailed r port itas been
received of the dc-tim-non of the
.epjiclin L-7," suj- un ofheiul ntute
inent (fiven out here today.
"Jt now appeal u- tliough seu'ielv
luiiinrd by If. M. flulut'ii uml
Phaeton, her de-ti i 'ion wu . m
pieico r
mandc! I.
Feilp . .
I i ,i
II li
v injur. .1 b
: l I ill
I Ih.lli I i
I'liKT A) I'lilNCi:. Ilmli. Mu II.
- Miliiliels nl (be lliilllcii scunle,
who Hrsistei in holiluiir n meetini' in
spile n! (he winning of Hear Admiral
CiiHron, in iiiiiiiiiuiil of the Ameri
can I'oiees here, were iliwpcrncil linlay
b n iletuehmeiil of semlarmeH com-
iiuiiiileil b mi Amciicaii officer. The
senalors .ineseil, but offered no re
miral fuperton, in charge of the
American farces In Hunto iHimlngn
and Haiti, today advised the navy
department that Hie situation in San
to liomlngo In the revolt against
President .limine Ik grave. Admiral
Caperlou did not rciort landing ma
rliica to guard the American lega
tion, lie aald he had conferences
with several Dominican officials.
Secretary Daniels aald that Admiral
Cupi Hon had full authority to land
murines or to take anv other ateps
nerfshiiry lo presort c order.
HAS'TO DOMINGO, Dominican He
publle. May .-- The hostilities which
broke out hero yesterda:', the out
growth of the attempt to overthrow
the regime of Clenerul .Ilmliies, re
sulting lu several persons being
killed or wounded, were suspended
-Member of the diplomat lc corps
are i tiilcH wiring to ,in amicable
Hiiliillon ot Ibi liinii.lis The repuh-
lib out id n! S.inln ! mhii I iiko remains
't'H' t.
WArflllNliTON, M.i i. I be m u
ale IntersUle i oiiiim n oiiiiiiishIou
tod.i upproveil tin. i,iiii on ew
I.iimM bill lo enlaiK' the Interslute
oiiimirce comiuHslon Irom Heven to
nine membera. The bill alnady has
pasM'd the house.
The bill autboiUer Hie i oiiimsson
to divide Into time rn n.on divisions,
lo ii-1 1 Miuti' I lie Mori. uikI i1Hioko of
il inori ipil. V
WASHINUTON. M.v i. Amlim-
s, nl. it J'age ut Loudon tod. iv cum -
ii iiin.iteii to the stale dcpiiitineut
tit lln'inh gov eminent '- oltieiul uo-
i ' i i . that, .Meldiiii.' to the repre-
i r the limed Mutes, it
i V ilnrtv-eight Uer-
- ..-s taken bv
-li . i utser 1 1. in tlie Aim in .in
I 11 I I . l s, , , , ,
Emperor William Reported (o Hnvc
Written Submarine Reply Himself
German Press Sustains Conces
sions Made, Which Arc Pronounc
ed Only Temporary.
A.MSTKUDA.M, .May 0. -Tbo Co
logne Uaiello commenting on tho
note hbs:
' Wo loally have sufficient ono-
iiiIch and our enemies do not make
it easy for us to bent them. Wo all
know that (isrmauy's back will hu
broken If wo do not win (his war.
That Is why all other thoughts to bo
brushed aside and why only reason
able ones ought to be entertained.
"Wo must, therefore, avoid dlffl
cltlca vvhuh ml,, hi bring about w.u
with America and leme upon l'rt
dout Wilson rosiHinslblllty for such
a catastrophe. All the same, we be
lieve that the emperor and his coun
sellors had no alUiruatlve than to
make tho answer they sent. It must
havo been hard for them and we
must swallow our legitimate wrath.
We can do It sa our way does not
lead to Cauocoa, but allows of u
peaceful outcomo on tho basis sot
forth by President Wilson."
Written liy Kiiiperor.
Dispatches received here from Mer
lin say the note was written entirely
li) KniMii(ir William.
His majesty, Dr. Von llHlhmnuii
Hollweg, the Imperial chancellor; Dr.
Karl llelfferlch, secretary of the Im
perial treasury, ami James W. tier
ard, the American amuHaeador, are
described as being exclusively con
cerned In tho negotiations, the ('ar
ms n naval and military experts being
entirely omitted. '
IIKKLIV, May 8 A dlspslch to
the frankfurter Zelliing from Merlin,
dealing with the Herman reply lo
the American note, points out that
Hermany's abondonment of her sub
marine policy Is not definite.
"II can hardly bo ev.clwl lo hold
permanently," says the dlspalih, "If
Herman) 's enenilen mntfnue their II
legul met bod of (r)lug lit compel neu
trals like Holland and Sweden to
participate In the economic block
ade against derma ny.
Victory for Wilton.
"President Wilson has gained a
great victory. His position ran be
come very great if lie opposes Ung
land wllh energy in maintaining tho
principles of International law."
OOI.OHNK. May .'. via lndou
May . - -The collection which fler
many uiakea tu America, says the
Koelnlache Keitung In Its comment on
the Herman note, undoubtedly ren
dera the conduct of the war more dif
ficult to (lerniany ami In view of the
great superiority of her enemies at
sea, it Is a concession the great nesa
of which Americans must appreciate
and recognise.
Clerman.v 'h cxpeitatlon thut Amer
Ira will now cause the removal of
Ureal Hrllaln s hunger blockude of
(lerniany Is a touchstone to show
whether I'lesidcnt Wilson was In e.u
nisi n bis unxiirunccH that he
to maintain pcuic for the Ainerl" an
..o.i i.'il,iiex (be newapuper
WASlIINli'loS. M.iv i. Tin- Now
leu-lie lileil a -ml lor libel loilav ill
I lie distnet siipri ni.- limit nguiiist
Henrv Ford, the Iletnut iniiinifue
tuier, iiIiii; tor $IH,lMnl damages.
The suit .ille'ed llliel III Some of
Fold's published statements oppns
ini; uiililurv prepureiliies
LUMKlY M..v I. The ".l.ivh.lit
siimMj,'' sehilue, b III. Il tlie clock
will be put uheud uu li.'iir, is e.M?ited
to be approved bv the hojue of com
ii .lis un Moii.luv :tud Mill Ki into ef
i. ' Oil i 'l..i in.-isMn.Li iiioiinni;.
Force of MO Vllllstas Dispersed In
Pistol Battle '12 Killed In Pursuit
Surprise of Bandits Complete
Many Rode Down and Killed No
Casualties for Americans.
KII5LD HI3AI)QltAllTieit8, NHAIl
.VAMIQIMI'A. Ily wireless to Colum
bus, X. M., May R. A full xtiindrou
of 2.10 men of the lSloventh cavalry
surprised and routed a inunli larger
force of Vllllstas at OJo-Axulos, sov
unteen miles south of Cuslhulrlaolilc,
early yesterday.
lly actual count forty-two Moxloans
woro killed and a number wounded,
but there were no American oaaunl
lies. The American command, under
Major Robert L. Howie, had beon
pursuing the Vllllstas under (Itmarals
Cms Domlugtiet and Julio Acoata for
several days when they encountered
them yesterday, encamped In tho
huddled adobe jackals of OJosAauloa.
The Mexicans were utterly surprised
and sprang from their latitats half
clothed. After firing a few wild shots
they began a flight, each man shirt
ing for his ow n safety. Some of thorn
wore able to seize their horses, al
ready jaded from a hard ilny's rldo
previously, but others made tliolr way
Into (ho hills afoot.
FlrM l'lstol lint tic. .
lu Major Howxe's report ho sold
the rout had been absolute and that
he was still pursuing tho sontturml
remnants nt the band. Tho band on
gaged Is the largest remaining In tho
Villa standard and yostorday's de
cisive victory gave much satisfaction
to military men here.
While the dispatches do not stnto,
military men on the border bellovo
that the baud Is the samo as that de
feated at Temochl April 23 by Colo
nel (leorge A. Dodd's command.
further reports from Major Dowse
stated that Heneral Antonfo Angeles
was killed He was a relative of
Felipe Angeles, the former confidant
and leader of Villa who waa ouee
mentioned for the presidency of Mea
Ico and who Is now living near s?l
The Ho so column struck the hand
of Mexicans near the Ojo-Asulea afU
er an all-night crosa-country rids, ut
5:15 Thursday morning. The out
posts of the Mexicans fired at them.
More than fifty of the fugitives were
rounded up by Americana afler tka
The column had marched thlrt
slx miles throughout the moHHtatai
during tho night and attacked with
out resting either men or korsm It
consisted of six picked troops of th
lOlereuth cavalry and on machine
gun detachment.
Major llowse reports to Cfcstttvral
Pershing that the chase Is contlnnlHI.
l'oHJMol III. o, Mu tl. Heo.
.Ionian, H vuir old, eiMileaneil today,
i. tin mis s.ti'l, Hint he killed bin
unit her with n shotgun. Ial Wed
ucsdiiv he told officials that bin
I ni her, Hoy Jordun, killed the noikr
with a shotgun following a qutrrel,
liee.uisc she dul not got up riy
enough to get brt'ttkfuat.
Tho ofticinla had brought floor
and Fred, his three-year-old brothsW.
be for' the probate judg whan Fnit
IMiiutiug to lii brother, said : "0eorg,
what did you kill my mamma tori"
(leorge hung his head.
Asked if the aoeusation wet tnu
the boy said it was. He said h fll
pluyiug with the shotgun and did aval
know it was louded. lie pulled tkt
trigger baek mid the contents at sha
gun were disuiarged into hia asata
er's head.
Neighbors found the bodv of ill.
Joiduu Tuesday afternoon. Kuf
sons nud the father war wmtcdusafri
ly taken into custody.
Vesterdav the father was fermally:
charged Willi tho murder.
t "wwr5rxri