Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 05, 1916, Image 1

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    '. 0f P-'jfl
1 V
Sllli:its TONKiMT M
y maxlemm: Yivttordny, H
I Minimum:
TiNiny, nn.
v tix'li A. ar
i i i i, iii X ar
no. as
i-ifwdnot MALI to ML
ISoSri GEiffl iIE v
uUiulUu VL
Rc ly to American Demands Insolent
In Tone, Unfriendly and Critical
New Instructions Declared Issued
to Submarine Commanders Forbid
dinn Destruction of Merchant Ships
in War Zones Williout Warning
Blame for Conditions Put Upon
HKItMN. May 5.--Following Is tho
(i t nf tho Uernisn government In ro
ply to tlio Ainorlcan government re
"pctlng suhmartno warfare, deliver
ed on Thumlay by Oottlelb vou Jag
o, the foreign secretary to Ambas
sador (lerard:
" The undersigned, oil behalf of
the Imperial German government.
Iiiik the lienor to present to Ilia ex
cellency, the nmhasador of the Unit
ed States, Mr. James W. Gerard, the
full" vlng reply to the note of April
"", regarding the conduct of Her
mit n eiilimariuo warfare.
' The German government handed
oxer to lb proper naval authoritlea
for early Investigation the evidence
con'ornliiR the (Sussex aa communl
nt'd by the government of the Unit
id States ii nd Judging by the results
Hi 'I the invrrtlgutlon has jlelded,
tin German government la alive to
the noRnlblllty that the ahlp mention
I In the note of April 10 aa having
I'l'.'ii term doed by a German aubma.
rlnc Is arutally Identical with the
Sm " x.
'Va Delay DecMoit
' The German government bega to
ri'M rve further rotnmunleatlon on
tlu matter until certain point arc
net rt nlned which are of decisive
Importance for establishing the facta
f the cane. Should It turn out
t hut tho commander waa wrong In
iiK-uinilng the vessel to be a man of
war, the German government will
not fall to draw the consequence re
sulting tin refrom,
"In connet tlon with the case of the
Hii.m'X, the Kovernment of the Unit
ed tftaies made a scries of stale
men U, the glat of which In the as
aertlou that the Incident la to be
considered, hut one Inatanrn of a de
liberate m thnd of Indiscriminate de
atruetinn of vessels of all aorta, wa
tlonalltlea and destination h Ger
man submarine commanders
"The German government niuat
empliatlcally repudiate the nsscr
tlon. The Germnn Kovernment, how
ever, thinks It of little avail to enter
into details In the present stage nf
affairs, more particularly aa Jo the
government of the I'nlted Mutes
omitted to iiibatantlale the assertion
by reference to concrete facta.
lUwimiHeal Sulmouine
"Tho German government will
onlv state (hut it has Imposed far
reaching ws-tralnla upon the use of
the submarine weapon, solely In con
sideration of neutrals' Interest, In
aplte of the fart that these restric
tion are necei,arrlly of advantage tg
fiermam' enemies. No u4 con
sideration has ever been shon neu
trals by Great llrltain and her alllm
"Th Germnn submarine tones
huv- had, in fact orders to conduct
(Con'lnied on page three)
I.OMili.W Mx H. A ZeUn
rrVii'!' .1 v.- lonii iluiiiu tin i. nl hour-1
(j I . i . .t. i . n ii I., .i Id '
ll .C. v 10 i I'll
(felllp - '
fjnd (e '
(ft). V
de-trut'iinn ,o , f,r.i, iiu - wim ,
I t,. , ' fj ' ',,!,,
1) T, ( I
State Department Announces No
Hasty Action to Qc Taken Decis
ion Improbable Before Next Week
Lansliiu Silent Cabinet Mem
bers Hint Acceptance.
WASHINGTON', May '--At Hie
tale ilepnrlmcnt nfter the cabinet
meeting it waa stated that no "hastx"
action would bo taken on the German
mite nnd that in view of its leitirlh
mid I Ik- necessity of digesting it care
fully it wn "improbnbln" that :m
decision would be reached hclt-te next
The enbinel waa in session tui
hours and a half -the lnngc-t meet
ing bebl fr several month.
A wait Offldnl Text.
Member of the enbinel were uti
cninmunifiitive, all anyinir Unit - n
fiiilber atepM would he taken until Un
official text kiik placed bel'oie 1'ivh
nlenl WilHfin. The privnte view of
offieinU iiiuireullv wiik that the new
order t Hiibmurme cotiiuiundcn p
.iirpnllv met the ilomamN of the
I'nileil StatcM mile an inleipn tn
tioti were placed hn lliem o leml to
attack on mereliniit vesxeU unncd for
defensive purjMiMo.. The general tenor
of (he Oenuun note, however, wax
couxiilereil unntiafMetnry.
Ah I lie enjiitiet memltetM It-ft the
white Imhimc Kcvernl lnlicnliil their
Wew that the I'niteil Sluleir would
Iiimc In wait ami ee whether the new
nn'is, lo Nuhmurtnu eonimandiiv
wre carried out.
While final decision on the utti
tmle of the American tfoxernment
await the official text, Home cabinet
member indienlul that the Herman
nurance probably would lie ac
cept id and that diplomatic relation
would not be broken mile the order
to ritibmnrine commander was xio
bitcd and American live enrinnctrcd.
Ihiik I- Silent.
All the other member of the eab-
inet made ximiliu' xtutements. It waa
made plain that I't'ecideNt Wilson
would ilei'ide rttr HtuUvinu the olli
cial text.
When the cabinet meetinir broke no
Secretary l,aiiinr; met all intpjirie
with thi nply:
"I cannot dixi-ti it ut nil at Ihi
lime." ,
Mr. Laiii-inif would i o discuss Itici
note except to av Uiut ni'itukcs in
iibniaiiiie warfare w re not almi
able ami riterale that he at wilbmr
to diMMic I lie eonduct of aubniurinii
warfare with Ocrmany after the hit
ler bad abandoned the pi cent prac
tice Later Secretary Lnnitnr aid it
wa- M.-.ibe tliut the I 'tilled State
miulit n-k (iernmnv lor an otltcml
enpv f the preiou order to auburn
line comuiandr-( which ueier have
Iiccii ciiriiiiiiiiiiciitcd t the tate de
p.ntliiinl -ii i,- hi, ik be com-
p.irnl wuli il, in m imli-r ilt---rilicd
in il. i mi
M W Mlll'U. ", I i.i ot ! ,,
.ilu ." ll ImTIII.IIi I 1 1 , ' . ,l'iMi- i ,,(
l intln-li'tl on the charge ot i-.n
iiu to dcstro ve--el- i';il I viii,' I. am
Hon-, lor the .ilia -, .l. ... ,1 not ,, '"
today bclorc .linlji II w in tin- I i
' Mil di-trn t 1 4. irt .ii.. I wen- ,. .1 I
under hea ,u I In. nU. ( . t i
Kuo l.oile iiliil Otto ..i if u, r i. I
Ul .'"MU'll t it Ii I ,,i i-lni i. it u ,
held in iiyiMUl .in,l th, o In r-
In Id in Oliil t ,u h li V . i
v' lo b tin I. lit', i, ,ii 'mil r ii Ii
n ' I I I ,i ,i J ,, , . U, , , , ,
'I H I el , i .
lluii II 'k
b ,-ru "i i i
Vt i'.'i'
.mo mm r i" ucsifi'x the V
II I , t , , . J
CJK.V. VON IHM)i:.Mtllt(J
German Version of Note Awaite'l Be-
fore Action- One View Holds Gcr-,
many Has . Abandoned Present
Method! and One That RelaUwit;
frlust Be Drekoti Off.
WASHlSGTtJS, Mav .'. -I'i eiitent
WiUon nnd the cabinet went cure! al
ly oor the flennan note as transmit
ted in new di-tuihhei from Iierlin.
A firet feelinc Ibal it wa miaul-
isl'aclorv .i ienxened by
the text of the new ordci to subma-1
rine conmianilcrs although it waa
foreoeen that the lelVienee to im-
uiiinit.y. to "na rehiu,' xlup rccoguir
ed by intermit lone I law" might admit
of Home dipute of interpretation.
So much ilt-iurd iimoi wonl ami
their i.hudof. of tmMi..iir iinohwl inbn evacuated by the enomy In con
truncal Ion fr. m ( to Kngliah
Ihnt no deci-ion e.m be attempted
until the otrii-ial text l in the presi
dent a bund.
Auibu m'or (lerard cabled today
flirt be hud itnrtcd it on the cable
lai i ijjlit. It oughl to be in Wash
ington h'ti.ubi or eailx tomorrow.
Two View a C'unH(.
Two view were eurrent in official
tide. One wit: I lint (lermunv Iiiimi
declared Ii r htmtiou of iibiiudoliinj;
her pre-lilt miilioiU of iibuiuriuc
warfare an deiuanded b the pn-idiil
and that the American uoM-rninenl
'in lit iiavc o wait to Me whether the
abandonment will la effected.
The other wu that the I'mted
Stnte. baviim alread nt templed to
have tlrcnt liutaiu .:ic up it-, inter
Icrcnce with neutral cumiuei-ee and
liaMuir t(d (lermunv thai it inniiol
illx'll with her il, hi-L'ollatioti-. Willi
Ureal ilrilum. bn- no iarM- but lo
break diplomatic ielation with tier
maiiv. While the m in t , nl the fl r-
(Continued on page six)
BBBBBBKBBBBBVHsBBttflieBBeVSf-tt'Hr TsSsf . & B ' ' S ,..,-. i !! mJ
BeBeHBeBeBH BssesSk . .sseilBeBeBDBBev v elsBelZBeBBHl
s5g IsmmsSs r-Jsmmm
fMIKl, i ll I.I.I :
I fend f die i-i mi in a).
nrnnmrn Tnrm
; IlKltl.lS, Mn B - The upture of
piicral 1'ri'iicli treneln i .oiithaHt of
iiancmirt on tho veniuu iront wni
iinnoniiccd today by the war office,
Hepeated Trench attarl. ngalnat
tt German position wet of Head
Mnn'a hill broke down.
iho lPXt ot ih0 war offl0 Hfnt0.
nieiit follew:
"Western frent: Lively fighting
continue on the Hritltdi front li
tieen Armentleres and Arraa. Near
Glvonehy-cn-Golielle there were hand
grenade Vombuta about a mine crnt-
er In which tho enemy bad obtained
a temporary fooling.
"South of the Homme German pa
trols entered a posit Idn of the en-
" repulsed a counter attack and
r"l'tUPod oao "'N'' r nnd forty-five
"West of the Meusa (Verdun
front) German troop enter t the
t French defensive posllloua on the
salient weat of Avon, ourt whbh had
wiuc of the German fire. Those
l" M "" destroyed and uban-
doned, according to the plan.
"Southeast of llaiirourt several
l''rench trenches re captured and
prisoners were tsKcn Itepe.iteil at
tacks of the eiteuH .unfui't our po
sition west of Until M.tu hill brul.e
down complete
"Kast of the Mi u e the nrtlll
actions wcr Inteu e t Hpecall
IliK the nU'lit '
Kijtiiieh on the
ololilal tin.,.,
I.HMlON, .Ma '.
iiuiiibi i hi llrili Ii
wliu an pi i urn i . in
WMIIIII- In 'Il ' I i Ml 'i
today. According to
they total :i".lll7, tin
lie baiitl- ot tlic
I'litue u
these hinirc-
Ueriiuuw hold
neiK, the Turk-
I I'J and the
run! uti.Ktio -a, ii im
, !l7lli. the Itiiluaii.ii.
I Aio-lruiii out t'Mi
si of meiise:
I I'AUIS, Mav .'.. noon. - Weht of1
tho Metiao the Cermana .iHlerila I
evening atrongi aitai'kcd French po-.!
sjllons north of Mill :ioi, km the
'of flelnl statement this afternoon, but
the wera repulsed along the whole
i front attacked, each In one or two
' lt0nUl ln tho n,tVauied trenches.
An attempted attack upon the
tranches at Capy, south ot the Homme
(the atatement adds, completely
ICaat of tho Meuse and In thu
Woevre there waa Intormlttcnt bom
The text of the atatement follews:
"Hon th of tle Homme a coup lie
main nttemptod by the enemy on our
trenchea In tho rlglon of Cappy was
jeompliUely checked.
"Weat of the Meuse nfter hom-
bardment of extreme violence the Ger.
' mnna at the close of tho day yester-
i day launched a atrong attack upon
our posltlona north of Kill 30 1 They
were repulsed along the whole frout
attacked, bnt gained a footing at
some points In our udtance trench.
"KumI of the Meuse and In tho
Woevre thero was Intermittent ar-
tlllcr iiolvli
j "'I lie uii'lii wiih f x i l.x calm on
'III" H M ot tin Hunt "
W "IIIStlTN. M .v The
ioni iiniil i iiiiiiiiiIIi i im! i lixed
next Tliiii-ilav lor a m.Ii oh the
bnibliinf inercii-c prnuiiiin lor the
nax and wrote into the naval appro-
pnation lull ,ioi-ion autliorixinir rea-
toialioti lo lh,. at live li-l- of t'aii-
t.ini- I'utl-. eidci, tiilibotiK, ItiiHM
ii. i Hill, ulio., ii in, iii, .nt by the
"pbtckllltr bonrtl" ha- been agitated
I..r -eveial eiir Il w.i- explained
Hi .t the ili,,irliiicnl b.i- general
power lo ic-toie ilii.r captains to
.'t' tlnlv, hut '.ill. i lo act.
a ere m t e c n't mo m
I,. ji v. ,i cii or the
Wio i."ll in'.uuiliUh nnd
(r. ox
Chief of the (etiiiaii General Staff.
Sonic Newspairrs Hold Americaii Dc
maiiils Comiilietl With, Others De
cline delations Should Oc Broken
Off .Willi Gonrmny Great Vari
ance of Views Shown.
Xew York livening I Nasi: (let-many
iHimya ureal anxiety not to break
off peaceful relnlioiiM with the Unit-
cd Ktulea. The flennan government
inukc damnable facch nil throurh its
note, but the central thing ictpiiied
by 1 'resident Wilson il yield
Moxton (itehe: It i bard lo aee
why we should give Ambas-ador Von
KeniMlorlf bin pasHHrt. ff we i.e,
(lenuunv will have proved her eoi:
lent ton that our neutralilv is farci
cal. AtehiHon (Kun.) (llebe: More
notes, mntv complications, mure in
tensified hilterncHK against the Unit
ed States. We ahould have warned
Americans lo remuin at home.
Tulsa (Okln.) Demecrat: (!er
iniuiy's reply is disiipMiinling, but
there ih yet Iiom that a break may be
iivciIihI. ,
I'Wt Worth (Tex. Star Telegram:
(lertuanv's couccsmoii is a ircat eoti
eesMiiin for (ieruiunv and a victory
for the firm stand taken by 1 'resident
San Aulonio (Tex.) Light; The
Hole ul ti-i I v fails to meet the issue
raised by President WtNou.
New York Kvcouig Telegrum: The
two nations are ho lar nimrt further
tlist'ii--iou is ii mere wntii of tune,
(lei many, as exper,.i, has put the
matter up to Hie llnil, Slates. It is
our dulv lo i-l.iud b the president.
Kicbiaiiiid (a.) News -leader:
Uerinativ '. it pi is a disingenuous ef-
loit to have tiileliiatioiml mltv lur
'cinv mil on the same i.lm.e ..- ...l..r.
j national minder and w-iled with the
same pum-huiciit.
St. I'nul lii.i..,i,.l, . r:..r,.,...,.' ..-
eu oltler Is a real coin e--ion. Stuud
injf alone ami without the unconcealed
string al the end of the note, it might
o-mii i lie wax to loiniilcte under-
jslaiitliii".' ami the renewal of old lime
eonliiliiv. ,. , ,, . n, ,,
I b It i it.i.l, .1 in,) doiibllul.
, V Vo I, IJInlii.; 'J1),,. n.,v . t,
, nut lo Iii ,n t , iiti ,1 a- i -elllein, i,t ,,i
i ill"' ii,., tit i
in di-puie between tin
i I mil il Mull .ii.d (ieiinau Tlieici-j
no i on ,li ,, , ,,, ,id,J,ll, .,ihpb-
'"' ' .. ."i choice uttiiltl tbu-
-e. I,, .,,,, o out overiiintnt but to
'""V out it det lured inttliluiu to
ev' i tliploi le relation-.
.Nt v S i k Kveiiin.' Sun- We ror
luii'v lo-,, on ".'oviiiiuieui mav find
in tin not, th,. -oliition nt our own
tlllfo ill I, nt a. a " uidieatloli
-it r ." t- the ,io,M-e, ,, jMaco it
tills ii. vmiIi ulooin. pl.iinh, (Jer
niiiiiy is not in the humor t to heed
,lln counsels of wi-doiu in hiimuiiity.
1 She l, sy, nortd delimit.
u irf'-ton iiiiM'iei 'flip iii.fti it an
" "I4ifi t4Hibni4tnn ,,i (tA-iim-. lie
Hl, iron ii fi,a Tf i n javilji
'h,m lo fcie .re-t.lrl hi brfiJlA e
. ' - o' , ,r, - , e 0
iCHt'nuei! on se p,) ","',
Joseph Plunkctt, Etlwnrd Daley, Will
iam Pcarsc nnd Michael O'Haiira
han Executed for Treason at Dub
linFifteen Others Sentenced to
Death, But Commuted to Prison.
DUNLIN'. May !. rW more rebel
prisoner were sentenced l death by
court martial and shot (bis morning.
This was announced uffleially. The
men lire .loaepb l'luiisttlt, IMvvanl
Daley, Miehnel O'llanrahan nnd Will
iiim I'enrae.
Fifteen other rebels wera Miiteueed
to ilea Hi, the official slatemsiit adds,
but biter their sentenuea wore oom
inuled to ten years' penal eerviluilo.
The death sentence of another pris
oner was commuted to eight years'
jH'iial Hcrxitudo. Two rubeja were
cutcuccd to leu ynara in prison.
Tlie following official I'omtHuiiica
lion was issued Ibis ufturnoon
(Thiirsdii): ,
"Four ptiaoiiera, .losopb I'luiiknU,
Fdwnid Daley, Miebnel O'llauraluin
and William Pen me, wore soulunced
to death and shot Ibis moruitur after
the sentence bad been ootiflnnod by
the general commanding; in nbief.
"Fifteen, others sentenced lo death
were commuted to leu years' "venal
servitude. They were: Thomas Havau,
Thomas Walsb, Piulan L.vneb, Jlich
n el Men y n, DenuiM O'Callaglian, l
K. Kweeney, Patrick McN'ealry, Peter
Claney, William Tobiti, Oeorg Irriiio,
John Doherly, ,1. ,1. Walah, James
McLinii, J. J. Iteid und John Will
ains. "Another priaonM', John McOarry,
waa commuted from death lo sight
"Two others, Francis Fabey and
Uiehard Da is, were sentenced to
two yenrK."
Joseph Pluukett, courtmartlaleil
and shot to death by order of the
Hrlliah government In Dublin Thurs
day, was one of the seven original
signers of (he proclamation of the
Irish provisional government. When
Patrick II. Pearae, provisional uresl.
dent, ami Thomas J. Clarke and Titos.
MacDonough met a similar fate, It
waa announced In cable dispatches
that of the remaining four signers
of thn proclamation Plunkett and
James Connolly were lu prison and
that H. MacDIariuad and K. Ceanut
bad not been accounted for. Mac
Dlarmad, who Is a cripple aad In
feeble health and Ceannt and James
Connolly are apparently still alive.
Plunkett was a member of the
Catholic branch of the famous Irish
family of that name.
William Pearse was a brother of
Patrick II. I'earse. He waa a sculp
tor and was once a tutor la the Irish
boys' school or which his brother
was bead master.
Kdwurd Daly and Michael O'llaa
rahan, also among the rebels killed
yesterday, have not played promi
nent roles In the revolutionary move
ment mi fur as ('side dispatches Indt-
VI. I'ASO. Tex.. Muy r.. Al den
erul Fuiislou's tetnporury lieudquor
ters here it wa- saitl this afternoon a
massage had been received from Qen
eral Pershing in which he stated that
he thought he hud located Villa.
Mexican ofliciaU said iu Juarea
that there cre still some message
to be xchauged nith I'arranxt be
fore a final conference could be c.UI3
cd, abil that it might In- Sntiirtlav bee
fine tU ugrrcjr,unt wa-. signed. 1KIJ
"iSBio u"lu, tiuaneial reprusentn
tHvc ut the do laeto government, ()d
tlie iiurt'eiiient xvohIiI ubduiibtedly go
through .i- r)inailx plauned, with a
t' ui'i i , haunts.
0,iiiureil Ijv i iiitttl tajl''
W' re " nt ut;e I 'u itedii i
' i i ' d ir ir t
A I !,-,