4 vxnw MT fRDFOT?n -rTTj TXimrsK medfotcd, orw.'ow TnrnsT)T. my i. 1010 -N w " j. u U D o MM RICH IROBINSDN'S CIRCUS 'COLLEGE ROMANCE CHANGE NAIViE OF , AMF PAYING : COMINGTD MEDFORD ENDS IN WEDDING ROOSEVELT AVENUE ! INCOME TAXES: I0 SH0W 1Y n AI SiTH m I0 m Proof of Theft of $320,000,000 Year ly From Nation Furnished by Fam ous Statistician, Basil M. Manlcy, Who Shows Where the Leak Is In Revenue Due Uncle Sam. (My HASH, M. MAN'I.CY.) WASHINGTON, May -I Tlio Hiuciiuil of iiinnine rwi'ivi'il l kt miii who ahonld lie niihjwt to the J client I ini'oiiu' tux in n h Inlldws: Tulnl national inrnmn, flli.HOII,. (II)O; iticninea over ..'III00 ilrrivi'd fnun Milnrii, .J5(IO,nil,0(l(l; fees, .f-.'tdO,-(1(111,(1(10; -iro'ierly mid buiiit"o, .'11,- (iii(i,it(io,ouo. Total, .'jo,.s(t(;,(ioo,oi)o. Ih'dunt: Th.xoh, $1,1111,000,(100; de- i.ic-iHiiin, $:i,::io,ooo,ooo; total, . 1. 1 10,0(10,000. Xl'l illPIHIIP Nllhjrl'l ll) I MX, $1(1,- r.'o.ooo.ooo. Now, iim we iim con tin law nl lt (In1 i't'iiiiliciii from the iiuiimit tax of jk'1000 in tin mr of iiniiiiiriii'il )iiih4mh nml .f Klllll in lln i'iim' of tiint' i ii'd pontona. I'nder thi rxcnitinu xw ihm.v nllow for tho deduction of .f I.H7.r,OOn,00(), loutiinr MVifi.OOO,. 000 iihiii wliii'h lli normal lax should lie rollorti'd. At 1 pur ci'iit thin would .i.-lil ll.irr.',;. oo.iiiKi. It limy In1 imlfil llml income Ii JiM'd I lorn dixuleiuln iihiii winch (lie tllX Will III) Ntill III l HIIIIICC llllh lii'i'ii incliiilcil uhnto. Tlim Iim m been done whiillv for llic Mkc of conveni ence nml cIcMinch. nml iniici' iillim iiim'ii for tlio dividend.. rtHtttil by pi'i-mm anb.jitct (o llic tux iihiii iinli- xidunla will ln made when hi uic to eoimidor tin corHirntion Imx. W'c Iihm' now to jixccilfiin tlio mut-lint of inetime which hIioiiIiI Im siilijw't to the mhhi'-Ih.. Tlii in the Kirntord nitree of , not imlv lic ciiiiic tin uiMoiint evading tnxiilion j- Uiiiorliounlfl.v very u.rent, luil be iitu t'Vi'iy dolhtr wuliji'et to tln nii. ier-lnv ihi.vh from two In m-xi'ii lime o- Hutch lu h it wmilil if subject only to I lie inn inul lux, Wo hnve ncen Hint tin income or JMIom WWW fthnithl WV IIM'o tax i- T10,I3.,000,000. It is certain Hint ut li'ii h oii-Klr of thin umoiint i irci-ivwl y ih'Wmmi with income our ''U,(HM) mill should thrrefore pax a KUjM'r-tnx. Ah I hIiow in ilcluil in a Inlrr ortirbi in n In rite number of ciirMtlioMH, itirliiihiiK those hoi Mock in iuohI widely held, such ii h I he - iWHration, Ihr l'citn. Ivnniit t minimi, Hi., which minhurd for tin- investiRalion, Hh holders of blocks of KKK) nhniVH mul out ohm l. 20a.Mri.no. or fi(l.7 r i-i'iit of Mir IM.aiWJ.'tVrtlO onMmoluiK "lork it (none coiiiMiiiitH. ( serin x olai oils ttittt Mt-MHiN oHiiini; KMIfl hIihivh iii n Minirlt rorpornlion himhI Jmvn niiirli othr iroHM to mukr tneir "f mir Ihnu MU.WW. X(W jH only on-1 hinl of H proiwrtv iucouio mil in ktat' HirMtM'f( m NVw York in lfllfl. 'J'hrrt' mk not nnr hinulr r-ltn of Ir,, tlmn i.'t.Vi,lHHl, nlncti nt (i Hr i'iut wmilil iriMlni' mi iii conn, of mrr than 2fl,(MHl. in lnch it Mnrk uf HMMI Iiumh or uioir in n Miifl rortHiiuliofl aniM-aml. It would M'fin nlnio-i rcrt;iin. Hirivfwtv, that M Hr rrul of nil ror- iH.iMtr not en mini; l roii 'Mi lurotnrM ur 24MHMI. A llir .i..Mirtion in the i-um of nlhri rni. ii in probably omfwlinl lr, . will aMiim0 that only one half of I In- mruiiir from tin iroMrtv hrh , 'iie.mn. tnxui,MrH Km- ,M.rMI. Mho Hhould pay I be Minr-tnx. Thi i only onr-ihinl of u troMiiv in "nr mid is iiirl u mot ronerwi-liv- urr. AIIomiiii; i,,r all c,mp- tlOIIH mill lleilllCtlMl,. ,,,. (ilx,. ,( ilrpnN-iMlion tu m.miI.I l. DW.2INI.. 0M,WK inronir .-. iv, , htoh who nhoiitd hi tlu -'iH-r l.ix. Ki.,1,. Mum wp nnmt fltilui'i iipri.imii' l,(HM.0iM.0iW, r.pi.-n,i,v ,, of It's., than 2fi.Min.ooo u.,,n vn,i. -my w uomiul l.i iM ),(, thi un'onif M'k,ilili 1 1, i ,i 7,tOO.U4Nl,U0. 'N II, I I Tlir nvcntKv mil of it.. U'viwl in mil Wa .jjj , , i fprluin (but tlii i wM lo. Kinct. (he oviimoii- w -i muoiujr )ruuH hum bn'b hould have punl . rent uici-lu, ii e.Us ,,r, thr uUTujjc rutr ulioiml i :.A per ri-iit. To lit on t'ir ,. "'nir, wj. uwi (Ukiitrn Ol 1 1 tini. At inn r,t tli h (,,.i liogM V,,ne MtUUtl i.'lli.iHiu imo fiu tolal Jn.thiiu!H iimii null vulual mijti hlioiiM thtut.n, itvo lwii; iiJit ia Hnimnl ix. ,i i (, siiMiiiumriiinii, cmpt mlir 41lKDf 4l.87ft.ilHi.liiiil jik0bMll(i .H V ftUt ftrM. 1 LMLMUAng,, 'fJC a uth 1 XlJIUJIOft. tulii . i in -jwilii U i J, . i x vr- 1 . re Mn roIiik lo th rlrnm'' TIiIm (iiftlon, inii dfradr'H old, in on thn tonmie of about nvery itrtiall lioy and little iiiIm In Medford loilny. Ii'n in the airall over town the ninimmrnt tire k In a and I run JovImr tmljjlr in rhatllna utiotit It, mid all on Hrcounl of a hwnnleM laokliiK. but verr flwulilly painted and dworalfd rod paMHfiiRer coarh Hint arrived hero Inul iiIkIiI and ban alum hern iiiieimiril JiihI acronH the rairioad tmika froin (he 8. I' iIpiioi. Thin la the No. I imlilldty ear or tint famoiia John Itohlimon Ton HIk Bhowa, and It'a ciow of flftpnn Idll IioKtcra, liHiiiiernicn mul proxram dla trlliiitorH urn on the lumtlr IndiO. illMHinlimlliiK (lie hlllhiR nmllcr that tell thr (HMipIr of Mnilforil anil vl vleltiy that tlio nimiiointh rlrnm anil fiiemiHuilc. with It'x nniltlliiili' of acnmittonul no veil I e la to uptiunr here on May 22 next. Thn Itonluaoit Slioua aro on the nlKtily-nlnth iillKrltimae and tlila la IIih firm t f mi' In many year that Hie fnuioiia leiileil orKHiiUitlloti lian lu I'ludfil I Iik I'ai'iflc roiiMl. lenilory In Hie lone. And another riiially Im portant riicl Ik Unit IIiIm will lie the oimhiIuk of Hie rlrrua aaarion no far hh MHilfnrd la t'oiu'eriieil. ThH altraelloiia offered thla aea in liy (he inaiinKeiiieiil of the Itoliln aon Hhowa aio ao very miiltit ttttt lioim that to attDiupl In dcacrllio I hem all In detail In tlieiie rolunuiH Ih mil of (he (iii'fttlou; n lark of Hpnce hIiii ply forhlilH. The "Ten 111k HIiowh" fairly leeiu ftlih fnalure urtM that havo lici'ii rulled from the world'a areMlcHt aniiiaruii'nt uiarta and with no Hiiparenl ihoiiRht of cxpiuiaf or offort. The Itolilnwiu mIoraii tlila year, aa In all former araaona, lina lioon In Rel the very lwat nlnrtalii itient Dial tiioiiey can Imy and In tlila aim the inaiiHRoment haa Ihioii woudrrfiily anrreaefiil. Krom Mih fa moua .VhUoii family of arriihatM. Hie Oyiina troiiHi of Koyal .luiumene wtulltlii'lNtH, mid the eminent efiile trlenne, Mmliiuie Heillnl. and tht Mrara and I'linnorn fHinllle of tiaro haik rlilern. ilowu to the hoat of neii aallonal niieltleK In the Mr aide ahoH. thr Itohlnaon HIiowh are Maid to cntni'letely erltpae all olhrr whlta (op oiRanlnallona. And don't overlook that hlR mil lion ilollur fire atrert parade which la prninliM'd Metlfonl fslka on tlio momliiK of ihr lorn I pluy date. Tlila Ih Raid to i kuimiI uoiiolv laviali and the maiiagemeiil tiromlara that not the nilnuteat dotalla at all llkelv to lnterat tlio tola or the Krou upa will n omitted here. Itenervml Mat will " liliirint on mIb the mornliiR of tlu 22nd, at Ila klua' DruK Htnie, a place thai haa baoH handlliiK th advanre aeat aali nf elrt'iiaoa over alnei the flrai hla tented outfit ahonrd here ati luifK III IKUK. nUle at : -r rent. .2M1IHM.WW. Tax .Meld. .fJlll.tMHI.tHH). Total u'ld. MIVJ.MMkkl. The total vield from Hie ini'omt'h which ' to iiiiliudniiU hboiiltl llietv loir he :Uil.lHI,OU, Till- dot", not iiirludr Minimi". drriM'd from M'ru lulioii in -r.urilii- which, while iin-k.-ililr lo rllHliitr Willi lios rxart-m--, -huiilil have paid a tux of at Ira-t 20.IHMI,0!M1. 1 1 will br iruirililirlril that in Ihr iilioxr c.ilculalioiix the income deriv ed from itiwdctuN wa- lurludnl Willi olhrr MT-"ll.il iiicollic-, iiltlinuuh it l not taxed cvccpl nt thr source. In dcalini! vulli ihr corporation tax we lliil-l lliereloie exclude tin- it in. wlluh We li.iM' t-tiinatcil ut twu llniil- nf llic l.'i.il iliwdeniN. Thr eniHtiatioii tax tor IKI I xicldrd t.i'i.Hl.oint. Si.rrlaix McAdoo, mi paur IH ot In- iiiiliii.il icHiit, static that tin "nMiilIrd" laxc- amniililrd to vjil.sol nun. wlu.h wnii',, n.iki llic i.il.il ' Mh --t.it mm nun What is Home Without an Heir! Tlo IN I 'nil 1, inuuKlti.Ul Imns, A 4J l I I t HV 111 ill I It i in ill) Ui ; M I - , .,- I,, II,, I I ' I I lux!! 1 t . t tltllltl, If , ' ' iMHl-o. ! knew las I M.(lifr II u an ix 1 n..l foi ilw f 1 ,!. ,11 I H I I 1 Hl-.li. I I 1 ' ir nil mi I t 11 'Vii In 1 I I ' it l.ti t ( I it 'umM t I 1 in I 1 1 11 I s n Put 4 ,ii' at. u I, iiift 4M. nti t i'i on. i'l r k l i. 1 1 11 ' i., 1 ii 11 . 11 ,1 t 1 li r J t im ui' 11 t I o miu.i tl l,i wiiuin, i'irii-ti ii'tle Vu i.lli'i ( , W" " plmiristriiiii -jl i" IHwtBII ' l b it "&t- II 1 3yi BSlu 1 i ! I ll f 'I i'l in nun 1 uj II (Tut ll I'll. iuhIi'i tit fern It io ta 11 1 t 10. 1 t'.i) ii'. r 1 tl t'sr natural, tiKtolli t loir I'tir ti'V 11 Uei 1I a Istiii ci I . 0 x 1 lu'ili u 1 b t,e t. t IM t'nl ' t ilrr4 xi 'I lj I' )tJ. 11 uliHi lit vi'iiriiif fst '4 wrpti in lnt'tttll Jirr'stit tv 49 u ISir UK A U .' u ix m'. "'j' xtl ' t v at ,,, mi, i j. 1 , i)M ' ( .1; 1 M , p, U I Jl o ' I' '.' .' ' I J , A i'idU'i' iiiliiiiin c. In "iin .i cur mid a half hro nt Corvulli', happily I'tiliniiiHted at (1 oVInrk tbia mnminn' in the wprfilinyt of M MirrffntTt Irene Smith, only dniufhtpr of Mr. nnd Sfr. K. S. Smith of thiw rity, mid lieauinoiit T. l)i'I.o.i of Aberdepii, Wnh. The mnrriaae openrrcil nt the luune of the liride'x parent, 1501 Y. .Mnin -trept, llnrrv K. Titokpr, ptHtor of the ChriMmn rlmrrli, offieiHtiiiR. The briiln and gloom were Inste fnlly dri'tied in trnxrlinir nttirp, jire purod to deparl on Hie 8:20 inoiiiiinr train for Conullia. tt wax it (piiet wrililiiiit in every iletnil, in iletetenee to the wtnli nf linlh tlie lirido and Itrooni, (hero lieinir irexeut only the parent- of the bride, Mi- .loan An ilerxiin, u roiinin, and Mini l.euoru Yiiuiir, an inliinate a cwiHte. The Smith honir was xiinply. hut very iirlialu'Hllv dpi'nniled with licnu lifttl lloweix of Hie hciioii. Ilnini'ilialeU I'nllnwinir thr Weililinj; riuvinniiv Mr. mid Mm. 1pI.o1i, with rrlulirs and IrieuiN, enneil a wnl dilltr lllealvl'a-l nt the lintel Mnlloid, lea vine ut mier I'nr the train on the wuy to Coiuliri, where tltpy will tarry but u duv with their fontier rollejtp HfHorinteH. 1'nnn tbeiv Ihev will k I'lirtlmiil. wherr they will viit ilunntf Saturday, liel'ore their final ilenirlure for Hie Alienleeu home whirb Mr. IM.n-h bus ulrendy provuleii. The liiide wu horn in I'.l Ilorndo, Kim., 21 veat'H ntto. She iii'riiiiimii ird her purent to Hum rity .ix years uo, wheie Mr. Smilh lieenme iihhii riiited with nthiTN in the puhlienttoii o the .Meilt'oiil MoruitiK Sun nml the Mail Trihune. Ililth Hi'hool woik. which Misa Smith Iic'kiiii in Ixiiiimik, wiih romplrt rd in the hiyh rhool of thin -itv. I'ollnwiinr that Kiadiuilmii, -he he en me n -Indent nt the ). A. C. at ('nrwilli, where mii rriiimnrd two mul n luilf yen i h, heeomiutr one of the iini-l jHipiilnr Kiinir woineii in Unit rolleye. She aehiexeil di-tine- tiou in ulhletic-, hriuK awarded -ev-enil lirt imxpN lor her renin i La hie work in Hint diNirlment. She wus a popular member of the Delta Mil sor ority. In nil her Mttdir he made phenoniPlinl prnnrr-i. Mr. mul Mi,. DrLo-h fir-t mel ut the (). A. t'.. where Mr. UrI.o-h wu ulho a hliiileul. In addition to Im'Hik it profsressue MudeM in nil of bit drpiirtniriilM, he. too, wna mi anient prtiriNint in nil of the popular eol Irite hHii.. If,, js ft lurmlirr of the Alpha Tan Omeuii friilriiuix. N0RMILE WINNER OF TCNNIS TITLE In the finals or the local hiah school tennis tournament Hip aur prlHp. of the acaaou waa apruiiR when Xoi'iuile. who la u new man. won b the phenomenal aeore of 6-0, fit, c 2 from the champion. Clair Sol. who won laat year Just to show there waa no haul foelliiRN, Hpoly and Xormilp- paired for the doublea gnd won the hovs' ehuiuplonship from CIMi and Itrau don who had already defeated N.irre an and Toruey. Kiole Htewart beat Hot Blew art for Hie Klrls' Minnie cbamplonaliip. Krcle Slew an and Tornry defeated Kiel) nn Dot Htewart for the mixed double. Krrle ami Dot Rtewart won the Klrls' ihampionahlp of doublea fioiu l.outsi. ii.idd)suiau and Helen l. ,1 lard In wlnnliiR from BppIv, Ni h !. spiuiiK the sensation of the .l.i m.i il U predleliHi he will walk .i.n trom Hie dranta lasa chaini'ion He i the proud oss'ssim m 1 , liiali Imllxiiliiiil score cup and the mil.. 1 1, nil'. ion iii Itutii wcr, don ii't It, ,l,v 1 lie icueler "X- 1 BIG BROOM SALE SATURDAY v t V V v : SA 1 URDAY at i !- urooms at ioc WE ALSO HAVE OTHER BARGAINS Big Bib Overalls 74c. Black and Tan Sox 7c. Work Shirts 39c Toilet Paper 3 for 10c. Suits, Shoes, Underwear, in fact almost anything you; want; 30 N. Front St. The .rrrt colninilli l the eity I council Iiiih nuiler eoii-iileriition thit week the eliangitiK of the namf of RooHPVoIl nvpiitte to fritter Lake hiRhwR.v. na au(tgptetHn n jirtitioti the pddneil TupkiIiiv nitht. Tho Soittliprn l'nrilie ninpnny, hnvinjt nttnin licftun in ir-c it yunl limit a reitulntinti, naked the ritv enun-c-il to permit it in ninke it peed of -ixtecn liiilcx mt hour Ihroiiult the rity, when tierexr.v. A proHr eoni inittee him the inntter under ronxider ntinn. The liKht nml wnler romtn.ttrt h "- "'," ; ' V" ,l .'" ' '"" I !'. ' V l . . ! " - 'Mrpntlv rppnrled that C. .1. i Mip eoui.n rourt. and n new one m.Ii rlnatnir thr Jul, Inke dn net lo , mUul1 Tu. , f ,,, .n , emnper-. J he petition tenti- that ,,,.,,!,, - ... . Mm,mnv , , . ,,n ..i,.... i- . that riislom it proilur.tiir dpeidediv iMisiom i proituritijr iippiupiIivi uiiHHiiilarv eotiditlona alnmt the alinrea of the Inko within tho lube i1rninnkn men. The eity attorney ha been In alriteli'd to piepnre mi ordinnnee with draft ie piovUiuiw umiin-t lb. habit of automobile drivecM who iM'."si,t in dnxiiiK hv the Mi eel tar whi' it i takinc on Or nutiniililiu m--riii;rii. Klrctilr Wilt's Tim lnv ManiiKer II. I,. Wulthrr nml ,Fn Chief l.uwtnn nie inve-tiQiitiii'' tlm M"ihtlity of injrfrv to firemen hvl iipamoii of the nlleni'd tart Hint thu liiL'h-tensmii wiick are too low in en-e ... ,, , , of lues. II mny he npei".-nrv lo re- .,..,,. . .. , .,.., .IIM-C III,- MI-CM IIH-- Willi IIIKI'I'I iiiicm to rrmrdy Hie roie'ition. nir i miioriiiii-iireuoii I'owrr rnm JWH.V has ofleu'd to trade it lot, j,.ir.M to ,,v j,s pxpetwex. It i-i "' M '" - ""' -'ate loda. ta'ded next to the public inniket, lor Hie'.n.v nnolv,,n,.v iiintitittii.il j Woiuitttr Ciuntnin-' nnieudmeu1 to the eily's lot thut adjoiiiis the -.uliitntioi,. j .'he Worrell CniiMtiiction rum. n,ml rrtlits bill to eliminate the ei It is Miiid lo he n hnivain for bol-i 1, . i.tii . i-n n-.. .,, ,n... Hon exemiitiiW laim loan Inmi., and putties. , and A- uidicutinir the lhw abidiie; IH'iiep-loxiim nltiliidi ol the Medloid ,.,, ,, ,,.,, , ,,,,... ,, , ; -titulioimliu -ch exeinpliou mi.: multitude, the Diet wn itnl th.i. 'In w, , ,. , ,.., , , ,, , , ,,.1U , u. .-m .1 it di-iin.iimted mt i..i-' .a jMiliee roiil I iloe-n'l Ii.im -alt icih ', i,,,, ,,,... , tniuul Inmk-. CAN YOU BLAME HIM? HENRY KIMMEL WHO JUST CAME BACK FROM NEW YORK SAYS IF YOV WANT TO KEEP UP WITH THE 400 YOU VE GOT TO BE CAREFULWHVT YOU SMOKE. HE'S SO PARTICULAR NOW THAT HE TURNS HIS BACK ON EVERYTHING BUT A Br of quautyV yyKlv 1 V'cA , ,AS7 coupon in vM&Jg ZVWy EACH PACKAGE SL 10 o'clock sham we , ' , v . eacn. Ii you want - WILL H. WILSON; Cheapest Store in the West BOWERS LAUNCHES EFFORTIO RECALL COUNTY COURT Tlriilon Hnwii- ut A-li'imd. who Won tame h rnininin the emiiitj ' limn IniilduiK the Mptll'ord lirulitr aome ear iiro, only to Inxe out in the eniirtH, mid i' nt present n enn didate for repuldienn notninnlion for'lfrailp " Mir I'neifie highway. to.rppreentotive in the levi-Inlure, in ri'Mirtpd lo hp rm-nlatinit n reenll pp tition iitfdin-t the entire eountv rourt, iimliulinir the eountv judne mid two enininitoionetM. 'Hip ipaon the rp- enll i Noujiht U not known, hut wv eial partiit. Houiided upon Mtitiinu if, rptu-pil. ihti if ihp third ntteiunt to hoeull thp eountv eourt, other hitv j injr failed through lack of -iuiwititrcf . i " ..', ' .V '. ,u . .....,. "eleetion. :",.., ''.. ' '" ". in me renin eiiori. allllOlltf.l Ills I pei'ien niiinii uic nren. I'm rtiicn n linn Into iweixrd n "lent r.enl of la reeeixeil work will he hemin. :i- the work fimn the roiinty, Iip hn hcen ii niDHPy i ii I ready provided fr the Ni4iUiit ilefmner of the ro'irt, nml j work. the repent jnirehnsp of n eiir of enr- Failure of the Southern I'aeilie to rumiteil iron culvert mnleriiil liy Hip,1"'' '" srrnnliiiu- riifht of wax .ui the rourt mid the court 'a iefunl lo .ive him Hie enntract for iCHiirfiieim. tin .!iirkoiixillc road without mhriti--iiiR for hida, in snid to lie. tho in-p'i.i-tiou lor the vre-ent nttnek. Kt-nNXK. Ore., May 1. The fnl veraltyof Oi-oroii haichall toani took Ha Kocoiid Raino "Trom the OreRon , .... "... ' I AKriruiturai poiiorp nere by a arore or io2 yeaterdny. T 1 s eaves but one , ,, , ,. . Ramo for the un vera ty o w n 011 (if j two I play to make the California trip for the roast rliauiilonahli. to' ' '!. r ii( yoii'ii'i n lltit Ulion- led by tl iimeil on the yroinul tliati tin. -ii,.ii..,n- ln,, ,,... ,,..i .,,;,,. will nlnor nn cnlf n a broom be on hand o EXPECT 10 BEGIN WORK THIS MONTH ON ASHLAND HILL There l- exerv liulie.it ion lluit -nine .time duihiK the pre-ent inonlh work I will ho Ijpgun on the Afhlnud hill The work hn been tlelnvpd thrninth fml- nrp to peure n aatiafnetorv iitti'rr ment with the Southern 1'aeilip a re frtiiilN Hip nuhwnv ernoaimr. Tlipjeontrnet uhmittvil bv Hie rnil- rnnd provide for the joint eniiMrtie- t tioti by enmity and rnilroiul, under Niipprxi4inn nt tlie rmtrouil, nut enn tniiiod ilraitie elnuaea innkinic the eountv liable for future dumnue- that iniaht orrur through fnultv eiin-trnc- tion. Thi rontrnet wn rejected h Attorney A. K. ReaniP1, repreentinu: ' - . :V: . "i. " ' . . . I ('rut ml I'oint-Tolo -retion he- held ronli lift iim up loi neallx n xe.,i of tin-" h.i lion. Inil h -all-l'artoi e ;ree- ' iin-iit i- cxp clcil within a I, w i- 'S CREDIT BILL LOSI 1 wash i.mv Mm 1. ,1 ., mir 1 - ""'" nioitiiiive- trom taxation, lie- publican -enn tor- attacked Hip enn- lnf nf tfnnrl hniicf Jf! rl r. . r at 10 o clock. V A. o o w Phon'167 v THE NEWEST REHEDY ! ron 1 tackaebs, Rheumatism and Orvpcy i KMncy, ntnddcr ami L'rlc AeW trouW TinriR misery to iiikiiv. WIiii ilw kliliwys lire weak ordlwamil. tla-e natural lllteM do not r. online the bloo.1 miltlclantly.auJ the polwms are carrli1! to all pari of thu Uxiy. There follow UprHlon, ucIipm and fains, heavlntiw. drowsliw, IrrlUi blllty, beiularhiK, rlidllneM .Hid rheu inatlsm. In wuiio people tliero are .ihnrp ttaiuf In the lwck and loin', dlttr4lint bladder dlminlors and nometliuiM olxtlu atu drofwy. The uric uoid ometlmei fortiiluU)Rravclor kidney atoiHM. When the uric iicM alfects the uiumIim ami Joint, It cnuf iyinlHitfo. rlieuinatNni, KiMit or nclutlcu. ThU U tlm time to try "Anurle." During dlgetlon uric acid Is aborbHl into tlie system trom meat, oaten, .u.tl even from mi veueinhli'. lhn poo lildneys not tlpd and biu'kuche. Iienln. This Ii a good tlmu Ut takii "Anurle.1 the new dlarovery of Hr. I'leree for Kid noy trouble and ltockacbe. NeKltttetl Iduney troitiilo Is n'iKj'wllilo for many rtoatlm, and Iii-mnimo Coaipany ihainln ItiH diK-tors iilwajs tiwt thu wati'r of aiv npplk'Ulit befuro a Mliey will bo liMiied. Have you ever t usldo .i bnttlo of water for twenty-four hour' A heavy iedi raentor!eUlliM: wiMicilme liHllouten kid ney trouble. Tho trim nutuni and char arwr of dleae. e!iwclally thoo of thu l,IUi,eys and urirc.iry ortcan, can often be deteriiiined by u careful chemical an alysis and tnlcrwcoplciil examination this is dnno bv exiiort cliumlnU of tho JiledliMil .Stair of the invalids' llotol. If j on wish to know your eomllllim send i tiamplu of vour water to Diictor I'lerce's Invnllda note), HitiTalo, X. Y.. and du cribo your yinptnm. It will lo ox iuiiIihhI without nnv expense to ou, ami Jloi'tor l'len-a or bis Stutf of Assbtlm; I'hyelcluti will Inform you truthfully. Head all about yourmilf, your system, lyklotogy, anatomy, liyKiutie. nlmtiln nulla euros, etp., In tho "Common Sim' Weilleai Ailvwr" a Uok ol I(is piR.". Kind to Dr. V. M. I'leree, llull.ilo. N. Y.. tli no (linn's or thirty rents In ouo-crut tftuuiiai fur a vlotli-buuiid uupy. tho Modes in Millinery AT Miss Lounsbury's M. M. Di:i'T. STOItl'J Our SH'lall a S.-.OP .'. TO ORDER $25.00 UF Also Cleanintj. Prrssinn anil Altering 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS Mcdford House Movers ui iui: HOUSES. BARNS. GARAGES. MACHINERY. ETC. .Phone "188-M CI2 S. Newltiwn. 737 W. I4i St. FOR SALE Only Complete House-Movinn Outfit in the County. Timbri-. 'I 1 1. I -. ,',,i, i, ("able, .lack- ri.. With .ohii.i.t- un hand an. I in pr,..,M.,. v,,,,,!! (l(,itM MEDFORD HOUSE MOVERS Iil2 S. Newt. mn. I'ltone IS8-M. I.VTICItUtlliN AlTOCAIt CO. TIMi: CAitD. I.V8 MPdford tor Ashlaad, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at S:00 a. m 1 .00. 2.00, 4:00 and 8:15 P. m. Also on Saturday at 11: IB p. m. 8undas leave at 8:00 and 10:50 a. m. and 1.01). 2 00, 5:30 and :S0 p. m. Leata Ashland for itadrord dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a, w.. 1:00, 2.00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. w. Also on Saturday ulgbta at 8:30 and 2:20. Suii.lav. leave Ashland at 1:00 a.m. and 1. 00. 4.30. 6.30 and 10:10 l ai. weston's . V Von me sine to lwajs Kind I .ill est m) Siiift (fan VniOIrlty vJUllvJ MeomW 2iS East Main Street, Moilfortl Tho Only Exclusive Ciiiiiiui'i'i-ial Photojrflplera in Southern Oregon Nofraf ives Hulfv any time 05 jjlaftc ly npmintinrat.j Bhon,o W4' . "WVIJ ilo tUe rest !G. D, WESTON, Prop. y 1 -f o ,0IMI h Jjt.l HUH 1,(11, lli i T ''. I irtm m tf) SKK JL