CENTRAL POINT Miss Ina Austin, who has spent the past halt year at the Washington late normal school, returned to her home In this eltr the first of the week. Oeerge Perkins, A. J. Olson and sons of Kane's creek, ware trans acting business here Monday. Indus Charles 11. Oay of Medfdrtf was k rcent business visitor hi our inldlt. Five automobile load of gay chil dren of the Willow Springs school pasted through here Monday on their way to Ashland, where they motored to spond the day. , The ltev. Dr. Jlotllle of Phoenix attended a reception given by the members of the Presbyterian church here Monday evening. A large number of Central Point young people are found among the throngs that crowd tho carnival grounds In Medford both nightly and dally this woo. Tho senior class of the C. P. It. 8. enjoyod a lilcnlc In tho Ashland park Tuesday. Miss Kthol Myers departs from her home at Willow Springs today for Kugeno, where alio will reside per manently. Mr. and Mrs. AVItte were the guosts of Jacksonville friends recently. (loorge Fox Is the proud possessor of a new Chevrolet car. (leorge Is a careful driver, looks neither to the right nor left, hut straight ahead, so don't get peeved If he returns not your salutation. IIo Is not proud nor does ho fool above you, he Is Just learning to drive. ' Prof. A. J. llanby. of Medford. and H. It. McCahe (vert among the can didates seeking office In our city llio first of tho week. Miss llolen Me, a tuomber of tho 1918 graduating class from the Cen tral Point high school, Is visiting her - parents at ApijK'gato this week. Tho pupils of the olghth grade are shut In behind cloned doors at night this week pouring over books and solving difficult problems. This Is exam week. Woven members' of tho 1910 grad uating class of our school are work ing vory hard on a particularly In teresting and sldo bursting play which they will prosont to the pub lic on or nbout the first of com mencement week, Mrs. F. hi. Holmes and daughtors Hattie and Hssel of Willow Springs, will leave Saturday for North Dakota. Kit route they will visit relatives In Eugene and Washington. The infant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Painter who has been dan gerously ill for the post ten days Is reported as little better at this writing. Mr. ;tnd Mrs. P. Suddlngton und family of the Madden orchards have leased the Dunlop residence In town for a few weeks. Edward Kshler has relumed from a fortnight's business trip to llend. Portland and Kugcne. William Mayfield made a business trip to Oregon's metropolis the rirst of tho week. lliimlil I.mwt' left the til-t of the Week tor Full Creek, tal . t" Mnv sev eral month iu the )owir Million ut that place. Mr. and Mrs. It. 15. Peyton H'iit Tiie-duy wild Pcclors und Hlniu li nrd. Mrs. Itoyd Tucker and Mi lMwi Walker visited Tuedav ut Nelson Nye's, Mrs. Nye has been n-u lor n lew day. Nelson Kye weut to the station on Tuesday to meet his mother ami briiiff her home. Mr. Pliiiis .il-u went to meet bis wife ami sou. Thev are Iimiik' now on the home pluee, but line been at Mr. PtnppV rumh tot somt time reviousl. Mr. und Mi-. Hun Ditsworth went to Sum's Valley Saturduv to spend u w ewk. Mr. nnd Ir. William Moonev aud -"ii visited ut Mr. Maiiiiiin:'s Frida niyht, sMnt Suturduv night ut Hert lliyinlmtluim' und took Suiuluv din ner with Mr. Ptwlur aud family, then i et timed home to Red Hliuiket. Aunt Susy lligiubothuiu hud a van sitk spell Tuesday. The several fam ilies of llitrinbotham children cume to In- with their mother. Frunk Ditsworth hits a mushroom p:it-h uu Uh, ruiiili, and his ueivh-lmi- lin lieen feHlinif on them tor the p;i-t two weeks (Hut t-ulitintl-u-1 ). Ml-- Ifolilii-i.li, wliu li.i- been help iliK Ml-. Mhiiik !( -line tune, re tnnied I" Ik i In. nil ..t K.iyle Point I..-I .. J.-ii. - I. vt. n t.. .k Mi-- Puller, CHICHESTER S PILLS THE IIIA-I IIXIMI. X 1 4l-.t A.l ..ur llrufMtKA 1 hi f fcw..p Uiiiiiil Srti4A I'lll. .. M.4 I boM ri V i - I i I c k ;fU,,i.i , in iVa.-rraa l! VMil IlklMI l-ll I V ili olb BV DRlGGiST S tE'WHRE FLOUNCE ROCK FRILLS H.i.l Uil..rtli Mi- Iim-,.n .net lV.nl ami Karl IV) hm to I'ru.pm-t NHturtlay night in the Menrns aut... Miss Krkine visited friends at lVr- ist one dnv lat week. Kelo brought the mnil up Monday in a liovne automobile. r ,.-.- tri.Li - ' i i . .,i. .....,- iiuiinm wn ivnrnina; in nmi1;" r " the enr and exieet, to enrrv the mail for several weeks more, l'eelors and Wan chord went to the entertainment tnvdn k tl. ti..-... r ... . I t. V "'7'"1 . ',,,,,,,,, i-iiin niuronv Ulrni. Halph anil Paul Peyton also went from thi community. Pearl Peyton fc spending' ' eerernl days with her sister, Mr. riaw..on. while Klifier )au.in i working nt Sir. lVl..n'-. Ksportod by JackBou County Al trsct Co.. Olith and Fir flts Cliiult Ada M. HlHkely vs. Walter II. ltlakely( divorce. J. W. llylwe vs. L. H. Wheeler oi ti. foreclosure. II. I). Sklllln vs. Home Tel. and Tel. Co., to recover money. State vs. W. K. Young, from Jus tice court. State vs. A. P. Thomas, alias Oils Thompson, from Justice court. lClmira May Cox vs. h. Slockwell et al, to Millet title. V. S. Kogers vs. John V. Palmer Ustale, confirmation. Klrst Notional lJsfnk or Medrord vs. Uroodwoor Parms. ot al. default, decree, cost bill. Don K. Wilson mC. II. Naiwlck, default, Judgment, cost bill. John H. Craves vs, Paul Q, Dou ber, demurrer. I'nilmle Samiiol T. Hodges Kstate, final ac count. ltiil IMoto Tmimfcis llottle A. Jones el al to Jack sou County Hank. 57 a In 87-2W QCl) $ 1.00 Harry 0. Mathes ot al to Chris tina Mathes. pt. 2r.-378. 1W 2-3S-1W, 3-.1S-1W James Campbell et al to Chris tina Mathes, pt 2B-37-1W and 2 and.3-3S-lW QCD .. 1.00 1.00 Charloa W. Cooilsninn et use to Martha Coldt. pt 18-3G-IW 10.00 II. II. Toft ot u to Mary K. Sawyer, laud on Roosevelt ave Mmlford 10.00 W. A. Pointer et ux to W. J. Cameron, pt 1-35-113 lO.O'O "(irtmd Opcni mill .Miifcle" A Cleveland. O. wholesale firm deulM In ' Ptintx mid Clothing." GRANDMOTHER KNEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion nnd Colds as Mustard Ilut the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. You ran tinur ire! lbs rlif nm l.tn tl.. mustard tifasirri tnve wiiimut ih ni... ler and without the blister. MUSTKROl.E does it. It is rlM.i white ointment, made witli oil of mui tard. It is scientifically prepared, to thst it works wonders, and yet does not nosier me ttnorrcit km. Jut manage MUSTEROLE in with the fineer-tipi Kently. See how quickly it brings relief how speedily the pain disappear. And there is nothing like MUSTER OLE for Sore Throat, Uronrhitii, Ton silitij, Croup, Stiff Neck, AMhma, Neu ralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Paint and Aches of Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus cles, Droiscs, Chilblains, Prosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your drucRist's, in 25c and 50c Jars, and a special l.imo hospital size for $2r0. He sure vm lm tl trnuinc Ml S- TFKOl.r I'e( i "if itvions ','ct what ( you ak for The Musterolc Company, Cleveland, Ohio NEW TODAY You ina -i i iii ,i fine liwl i. e of alfalfa ! .'4 i.n.-, lii-.lit in the heart of tin- wood land, in the tenter of the valley, some buildings ttu ele gant place for a home. Rents for 11 percent abovt, taxes. Terms are offered. Price Jtiooo. A good house furnished, offered for $1100 north niuih more. Must have quUk action. Hoon-Cathcart Co. Phone 1(17 GOURTHOUSENEWS ill CHOICE GARDEN TRACT AND HOME PUs.CE $950 Four-room cottage, j-'.ir.l.e trail, tim the place for a lie t K home ,ml k'.mltn tr.u t er lino .:., sidtlwalk To mi, all paid In lull loam soil, fleet i lt ru'.rt of tbl- l.nnl Total price f!Tn. BENNETT INVESTMENT 00. lUstl i:tal, Ijmn, IteutttU, Iunuiunie. lie-' W.--I Main. J RfEDFORD MIITj TRTBUNR, TJi-vTTr'n HPt- Z r 5 , JuLO V S X HIS i I v., ., ,,,, ,IrM .,. ..,, ,v .v .r,r ' '" t.t cit u ri.i t Hir, I J I llliNK A ( (. Tutolo. i) Wr. the amtmlsn nvr4. !! it f iMTr know r M&. s'"?, son.rtSi iu nil im.in-w trti..ciicm, . "4. 0:1."1i."kl' " " ' fsifc murj fur tb -! alij bltf MAT. RANK or POMMMrlt Tvfetlo. Ohio IiaUf falarrti Cup It ttk tfiti.rnallv itlii JlStrtlf upon lb bkml ami BitS-aiM rf- of IS tfnttm. T1lmll will frs. Prl.-v JS ' "" ' ' lsti. i Te HiU't r.mllr Pill, toe cooitliMlk. XOTICK OP ASSICSSMKXT. Otllftiriila-Oiegiiii I'owcr (uiiwny. Location of principal place ot bus iness, San Frauclico, California. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on Tues day, April 18, 1!M6. an assessment i.N'o. I), of fifty conts per share was levlml upon the capital stock of the lorporatlon, iwyable Immediately to the secretary at the office of the corporation. No. 131 Leldesdorff street, San Francisco, California. Any Ktock upon which i:im assessment shall remain unpaid until Tuesday, May 23, lfilC. will be (Jellnquent and advertised for sale at public auc tion, and, unless payment is made before,, will be sold on Tuesday, June 20, 1916. at the hour of 12 M., to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with the costs of advertising and expense or salo. Dated April 18, 1916. J. C. THOMPSON, Secretory of California-Oregon Pow er Co., office No. 131 l.oldesdorff St., San Francisco Cullfornia. N'otlro to ("ontiiirlotM Sealed proposals, addressed to the umtorHigned at Jnrksonv 1 e. Oreson. and endorsed "Sealed lllds for Re pairing Itoad," for repairing a county rood between Med ford and Jackson ville, Oregon, In accordance with the plans and specifications on file In the county surveyor's (5fflre. over tho Medford National bank building, Medford. Oregon, will be recehed and filed until 10 n. m.. May 12, 1916, mid at thst time tho county court will publicly open and read all bids. Kach bidder shall be required to deposit wltli IiIn bid five per cent of tho amount of his bid, which shall bo forfeited to tho county In prbu the award Is made to him, and If he falls, neglects or refuses, for a per iod of 10 days after such award Is made, to enter Into a contract and file his bond In the manner required by and to tho satisfaction of the county court. A corporate suretv bond will be re quired for tho faithful performance ot the contract In n sum equal to one-half of the total amount of tho sum bid. The countv court reserves the right to roject any or all btils, or to ac cept the propohal deemed best for Jackson countv. Dated this 1Mb day of April, 1910. O. A. CAIlliNISK. County Clerk, Jacksonville, Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I'Olt HKPIlliSKNT.VnVK I hereby announco that I have tllod my declaration of Intention to become, a candidate for the republican nom ination for the office of representa tive subject to the decision of the re publican party at the coming primary election. Adv. C. M. THOMAS. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Joint representative from the district comprising Doug las and Jackson counties subject to the primary iii May. If no initiated "" H'etd I will serve the people of '? wtrict to the best of my ability. Adv. W. II. GOKK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for representa tive from Jackson county on the re publican ticket, subject to the pri mary on May 19. I pledge myself for economy and a square deal for all. Adr. JIKNTOX UOWKR8. I am a republican candidate for representative In the stote leglsla tuie. IslCNJ. C. SHELDON. DIST1UCT ATTOHNHY The record of the county clerk at this time show a saving of JI.'oO.OO in tho administration of this office as compared with the previous term. ThiH has beon accomplished by trane- acting the same amount of business before grand Juries In one day that has formerly required five or six da and bv eliminating many petty matters, and without any sacrifice to law enforcement In the county. I '"whyT CASH WANTL'D 80 acres Hear Creek bottom, 70 acres in cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and gralR, easily irrigated. Lees than I wlleo from Medford. 6Suw cash. One of the best buys In Jackson county. Say when and I will show you. J. C. BARNES 109 Wnt M.la 8t Pboos 7S UTiaitf -, f Id a em. shade, Just I'.imhk I'! go, sew Lot llsxUT. Handy fc buvti ever offered. ItlOlM TOO MrDFOTlT). ol?I (.(), 'I f,t' 'r" I Dint this r.wLvs :iti, m. rtpcr ce entitles nil-Mo a second term am therefor a canitidato for re election to the office of district attor ney. K. E. KKLL.Y. A dr. t hereby announce thst 1 hate filed my declaration nt intention to become a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the office of District Attorney for Jsckson county, Oregon, subtoct to the decision of the republican party, at the primary elec tion to be held May 19. I'M. Adv. O. M. ROBKRTSS. I hereby announce that 1 hare filed my docUratlon of Intentions, and that I am a candliWre Tor the democratlo nomination for the office of district attorney, subject to the Mby primar ies. If I am nominated and sleeted to J.hls office. I promise not to forget tho fact that I am a public sewsnt, and thst I will co the best of my ability siWnlnlsler the affair of the offlre, Impartially, l.enestly and without fear or favor. Adv. NHWTON W. nOKDRN The first of ths rear a number of republicans, Including many who ap proved of my efforts in the Interpol of the taxpayers as state reprnsenta tlve four years ago, requested me to become a candidate for the office of District Attorney. Inasmuch as there would be. In addition to the regulnr duties of the criminal and Juvenllo courts, new dutlon and conditions confronting; the office. Among thoso wore mnntlonnd the onforcemont of tho prohibition sot. and tho Mkoll hood of having to foreclose monv tax Hens, particularly those ngnlnst the Southern Pacific land grant of nearly half million neros In JacKson county, amounting to about $200. ooo My reply wns that I would hecomo a candidate If It were generally do slrod nnd the ram could tic made without assuming special obligation to any particular Individual, faction. lueniuy or iniciesi. Therefore after consulting person ally or by lettor several hundred men nnd women of all occupations In all parts of the county, believing there Is a real desire for mv candi dacy. I will bo a candidate for the nomination of District Attorney on the republican ticket. Adv. JOHN II. CAIIKIN. I anv a candidate for the office of district attorney on the democrat ticket. If nominated and elected, I shall serve the county as I have sorvod tho City of Medford during tho post threo years, during which tlmo I havo beon Its city attorney. Adv. n. a. M'CADK. county rr.Kitir. fl. A. fJimlner l ltepublimn Canill date for County Clerk I horebv announce my candldanr for tho office of county clerk and If nominated and elected will continue to give my entire tlmo and attention to the duties thereof, conduct the office according to law and glvo an efficient, economical nnd business like administration. Adv. (J. A. (1AUDNKH. I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become a candldnte lor the rnnnhii. can nomination for the office of conn ty olerk. for Jackson couutv. mi Meet 10 me decision or the republican par ty, at the ptlmary election to be held May 1!), 191B. Adv. A. X. HILDBIIItAND. COI'VIV ASSKMSOIt I hereby announce my candldsey for the office of county assessor of Jackson countv on the republican ticket, sublect In the primary on j i niensie mvneir to an honest, efficient. Impartial and Vcon omlcal discharge or tho dudes of the office and propose to moke all assess. ments upon ths basis of the true actual value of the property and not upon any Inflated valuation. Adv. CIJOKOK LAirNBI'ACH. I herewith announce mv candldacv for county assessor, subject to the decision of the republican party at the primary election to be held Mav 19. 1918. If elected I piedoe myself to make a jnxt and eipiltable sssess ment and administer the affairs of the office In a business-like manner. Adv. J. II. COLKMAN. I hereby announce my enndldacy for the demorrotie nomination for the office of assessor of Jackson county at the primary to be held May 19th. 19t8. Have had three yearo' experience as deputy assessor. Adr. CLINT OALLATLV. 1 hereby announce that I am a candidate for county nanesor for Jackson countv, Oregon, on the re publican ticket, subject to the pri maries to be held May 19, 1916. My platform' Kconomy. eanalliv ( efficiency. J. C. IIKRRLNO. AOV. Candidate for county assessor at republican primary election, Mnv ts 1916. Three rears experience cleri cal work making up assessment rolls and extending tag rolls, township 29 and SO North, Range 1 West, stale of Michigan Throe years ot-sossor ana member or county board of su pervisors, oUrgo county Michigan, Six yeurs d pnty assessor in Jackson countv, Owaon If elected, practical experience, common seiine ami busi ness Judgment will be exrrrlsed in making aM laments. Fictitious, boom valuations will not Im permit ted. Tho greatest possible accuracy and economy In field and office work will be rlKldl. enforced. The moxt efficient administration that exper ience, education and capability con exact, In every deportment of this Important office, , be effected. Fair and (onri'Oiis treatment extend ed to all ta Livers. Integrity of purifose the uowrnlng factor Your support solii Iti d. V. W TItl'AX. Adv. eilf'.fUFIi. I hove heretofore formally an nounced my candidacy for the nomi nation for shei Iff on the republican ticket to be voted upo nt the com ing primary election. May IU, !!16. i nave ii.iu tno position of deputy sheriff durlni; the psst four Mara. It Is unanimously conceded that a mark- i iuiirurrn rni imi ueen mane in all d'cartinenH of the sheriff of- flrA rliir'n' i Iih n nil,, in l ..r t1 .a m. Jk .. . . I - . pr" en t -'.ei I' Hie n(C-nl In U of - flee ut tut ;Diji): e: itu- jvtvt lYMNI) V. M fcY I. 1'M; iidtmnNtraMoh t rnn!dcred the worn in me siate tney are now considered equal to any and bstter than most. The work of tax collection hoa been systemotised so thst quicker and bet ter service Is now bslng rendered, ond taxes collected at a much leas cost than heretofore. I aw fully conversant with the du ties and needs of the office for which I asptre. If I am nominated and elected I pledge myself: 1st To maintain the office In Its present efficient conditio. Ind. To endeavor to further Im prove the servlcf to tsxpayers and to minimise the ef thereof. 8rd. To Impartially perform all duties and enforce all laws R. W. fCqriy) WILSON. I am a candidate for tho nomina tion of Sheriff on the republican ticket to he voted for at the primaries May 19. 1916. If nominated and elected I will enforce the law and give the public an honest. Impartial and efficient administration. S7 years in Jackson county. Adv. IIAItHY N. LOFLAND. I herebv announce my candidacy for tho republican nomination for sheriff, to be voted on at tho coming primaries, May 19th, 191B. I feel that I need no Introduction to the public, having been a resident of Jackson county for 2(1 voars. I pledse mysnlf. If ntoeted. to glvo an Impartial, economical and con servative administration of this im portant offlco. I have endeavored to rorvo tho publlo faithfully In tho pnst nnd agree. If oleclod, to strictly and Impartially enforce all laws. Having a Tery large experience In tho mat ters of taxation and knowing Jack son county thoroughly, I plcdgo my self to conduct the tax collection branch of the offlre In such n manner as to servo the taxpayers honestly, promptly and efficiently. Adv. W. T. OIUKVK. I am a candidate for tho republi can nomination of sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the primary. May 19. ISlfi. I hove lived In Jackson county twelve years, made thn ram for the nomination for sheriff two years ago nnd received a splendid voto desplto thn unusual conditions 1 had to op pose and would appreciate your sup port this tlmo. If elocted I will enforco all laws and pledge myself to an oconomlcnl, Impartial and conservative adminis tration. Adv. A. W. WALKKIl. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomlnsllnn for sheriff on tho democratic ticket, subject to tho will of the voters at the primary to be held Mar ID, 11)1(1, I mn n native son of Jackson county and my en tire past life In subject to your Inves tigation. ItALPH O. JKNNINdK. Adv. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democrntlc nomination for sheriff to be voted on at the coming primaries, May 10. 191 B. I havo served the cltv of Medford us chief of police for over five years and during that time served under four different mayors. 1 pledge myself, If nomi nated and elected, to serve the public and do my duty as sheriff at all times, and give the public an honest and Impartial administration. Adv. j. p. iirrraoN. COUNTY TltlUSritHH. Deputy Countv Treasurer Myrtle W. Dlokeley announces her condldoey for the office of county treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of county treasurer, to be voted on nt the coming primaries. I have held the position as deputy In this office for the post yesr snd am con fident that I can fulfill the dutlos connected therewith. I served two veors as deputy coun ty recorder before taking the posi tion as deputy county Treasurer; I have also had experience as account ant for several corporations, such afl the Medford Concrete Construction company and Medford Ice ond Stor age Company, before toklug up coun ty work, ond will say that my poet record Is open for Inspection to the voters of Jac'.tson county. If' nominated and elected I will run the office without the expense of a deputy and continue to serve the pub lic just as efficient In the future as I hove In the post. Adv. MYHTLR W. HLAKBLHY. I hereby announce that f have filed my declaration of Intention to be come a candidate for the republican nominal ion for the office of oounty treasurer, to be voted on In the com ing primaries. If I am nominated ond elected will conduct the off be In an efficient and busineosllko manner. Adv. HOY L. MAULM. I hereby announce that l am a can didate for the nomination of county treasurer for Jackson county, Oregon, au the republican ticket to be vntwl for at the primary electlou to be held May 19, IBIS. I formerly held the office of county treasurer and believe I gave general satisfaction to the public. During the time I was county treas urer the county employed expert ac countants to expert the county offi cers' books and sold experts compli mented my work very highly as a publlo official. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to conduct the affairs of the office In on honest, efficient and busi ness like manner. Adv. JAS. M. CHONKMILLKK, COUNTY SrPICRINTKNDKN'f. I hereby announce my candidacy on the ropublican tl set for the of flco of County School Superintend ent for Juckxon county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the republican party at the primary election May 19. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, perxoiial fcupervlnlon of tho schools and elimination of county scsool BuierTliors Adi. FRANCIS C. SMITH. To tho vott r I Mn republican raiithdnu) for couafr gcbanl euucr-l unuuoui ui iy jujiiih; riSlllH. I May 1. 1 It 1 ; i I art fi.r hi i,iihl tUlnr it (bit i.ti..ifr I... I ... . Il .. . . . ... .. j' - i tb" mi, Hitn'. ', i I Ra'l f eN.H j "W '' ' .ovm- - etiU'.eua-jijts1 offire and every ).' irnohre It does not retard the etui ienoy of the schools. I am in favor of progress! re edttcn tton. that is, education that prepare the boy or girl for life. I am for all having a square deal and an equal chance for an ml neat Ion. If nominated and elected I wtll do everr thing In my power to make the schools of Jsebson county the boot in the state. Adv. A. J. HANBT. I horebv announce that I havo filed my declaration of Intentions, ahd that I am a candidate for the re publican nomination for the office of Countv School Superintendent of Jackson county, subject to tho pri maries of Mnv 10 If nominated and olecteo t pledge mvself to an honest. Impsrltnl nnd economic administration and will personally supervise our schools. I hold an Oregon life certlflckto. and having recentlr spent four ses sions on preparatory work. Imth In ths University of Oreuon aud In tho Pnlvoraltv of California In the sludv of modern education and supervi sion, and having served the county ss rural school supervisor for two vears. I feel competent to fill tho of fice In n thoroughly satisfactory man ner and hereby solicit the support of every truo friend of education. Adv. O. W. AORR. I am n candidate for the republi can nomination for County School Superintendent. I stand fer: A con tinuance of progressive policies) In edncntlon, economy consistent with efficiency, equal educational advan tages for tho bovs nnd girls on thn farms with thoso In tho cltlos nnd towns. If nominated and elected I will in thn future, ns In tho phbI, glvo mv full tlmo nnd best efforts to tho supervision of the schools nnd tho ad ministration of the duties of tho of flre. During mv Incumbency I havo not confined mvsnlf strictly to tho routine duties of tho office but havo takon a broader view of tho mission of tho Countv School Superintendent. In addition to my offorta ro raise tho standard of tenoning and imprnvn tho physical conditions at school I havo labored to promoto thn welfnro of tho boys and girls through Industrial clubs, school fairs, school credits for lionin work, parent-teachers circles, spelling nnd arithmetic contests, nnd other activities. 1 feel that my work has been regarded with favor and In order to continue this work, I am asking for re-election. Adv. J. PMKCY WRLL3. I'Olt ltlCNT I'lJItNIHHKI) APIS. FOlt mtNT Apartment for The llerben, 10 Qulno 8t. rent. FOH HUNT rtOTIHlCfl FOlt HUNT -fi-rooni modern bunga low, first class, fine shade, garage, range connected. Phono IXS-X. FOR RENT l-rooni modern house. 013 So. Newtown. 10 FOR RUNT-- Furnished J-story bun galow, garage, flue lvn, roses, fruit mid berries, sleeping porches; everything modern. K16 W. Jack son st. -10 I'Olt K14.VT -IlonfiUKHKI'lN'fl ItOOMtt ' s.ss w FOR RKNT- Furnished housekeep ing rooms; close Iu. 528 Kast Main. Phono 37M-K. FOR RKNT Furnished housekeop. rooms. 311 N. llsrtlett. FOR RKNT -Cosy furnished house keeping rooms, close In, $5 month. Lights, woter, goo, bath. Phone 820-X. I'Olt HUNT MI.M;itMMCr)UH FOR RKNT Pasture, good feed, fynces, plenty of water. W. II. Stewart. at vou HAln--wrrcnTouK FOiniTLK -Pure bVe'd" IMilaud'liina pigs. Phone 2U1-J2. 39 FOR 8ALK Freon milk goats at re duced rates, Mrs. L. Dusenbury, Climax, Ore. FOR BALK Mim;miliA7fW)Va FOR KALK Or exchange two horse corn cultivator for orchard cultiva tor. Wallace Wood al Medford Lumber Co. 38 FOR HALK -Fir Her wood; also oak and laurel cord wood. Phone 311-J. . II FOR 8ALK-&97-U2. -nice grain hoy. Phone 11 FOR BALIS Fuller-Johuson gasoline engine, pump Jock attached. Keen used but little and good ao new Will sell cheap. I). W. Stone, Cen tral Point. 39 FOR BALK -One good two sea ted hack with top. J. II. Stevens. Tolo, Ore. 38 FOR SALK or trade, two-seated hack for light form wogou. Frltschu, Medford, Route 2. 37 FOR SALK -Bell your 8 II. Oreen Trading stgnips. 1 lOO N. W. Hank s- wag., Portland. 47 FOR SALK Seed corn and grain hay; also posture. Phone 691-J2, C. W. Isooos. FOR BALK UHAti MKl'ATH roil SALK Ranch. 3K acres, on Wood rlrer, 1 l- miles north of Fort Klamath, ilattiu KIiik, Fort Kluuiutli, Oregon. 37 FOR SALK POULTRY AND ICOO.-l FOR SLK - llarredRo.k , lib k ii Wft'ks old. Phone SJO-X. 3S V...TfSI) illte.i4AweoriK WWTKD (iuod second baud uiotur nilc Phone S-FI 1 Jo V W'iKI) f'tninil lianil -ifc U Vmi Jia; nlbiiu- iiiiuT-e .r wrt'O tt Viui-r v bUiil fratt nnd l'n tit uv 'ilarn, Ore, AH s'fl H ,,mi llt lUXli C'llM Gi.mIujjI, rnj IhIU'ji Ui an PAW VIVFs UV.1A WANTI'D I'KMALK W TKf"-Olrl foV'gcneraT honM? werk: no wo-ihlNg: small family; good wages. Mm. F. C. Kcnly, Tel. flll-.I-f! 19 WAMTBD Woman Jjp for distribut ing free skeins Wear-Proor darn Ins entton with hosiery, year sec tion. Experience unnecessary. In ternational Mills, dept. 700, Nor Irstowii. Pa. 42 WlNl'ln WITOATIONH WANTRD So-vlng at home or hr the dnv. Phone 479-M, HI 8. Central. CB MONuv to i,o: MONRY TO LOANbit 'Tmftrtvttl city mereantllo property. MeCurdy Insurance Agency. IiOS LOST Tuesday, April IB, on Oroter Lake highway between Ragle Point and Kelly's Island, leather case marked "A. V. McC," containing Thermos bottle. Kinder will re ceive suitable reward upon com munication with Mall Tribune of flee at Medford. 38 LOST Lady's long green coot. Pone 5-F-2, Medford. 89 11USINKSS I)inKCT,OHY Auto Hupi'tlcs LAHEU AUTO BPfllNQ CO. We nro operating tho largest, oldost and boat equipped plant In the Pa cific northwoBt. Ubo our Bprlngt whon othora fall. Sold under KUar anteo. 20 North FIftoontb Bt.. Portland, Oio. Attorneys QKO. W. CIIKRRY Attornoy nnd "u''Jl IIUUIUH -!, JHGKSOn UOIII1- ty Hank llulldlng, ontratico N. Contral, Medford, Ore. PORTRlt J. NBFF Attornoy nt law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Drink Utilltllng. A. W. RKAMH8, LAWYKIt anrnett Coroy bldg. 0. M. IIOUKRTS -Lawyor. Medford National Hank Building. CollectloiiH. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected somo nccounta 1 1 years old. Wo know how to got tho money. Tho Uuiiock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Itoomo 1, 2, 3, 1U klns' llldg., 210 E. Main st. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN SOOYOC DR. C. C. VAN 8COYOO Dentists Onrnott-Coroy llldg., ulte Mcdforu, Oro. Phono 850. Collections unit Reports 110 DR. FRANIC RODICRTS Dentist. M. F. A II. llldg. Officii Hours 8:30 to 12; 1 to 6. Phono 007-lt. IbtKtiiccr nnd Contractor FRlcD N. CUMMIN08 Snglnoer and contractor, -(Ot M. F. & II. nidg. Surveys,, ootlmates, irrlgatlou drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. BARL S. TUMY General Insurance office. Fire, Automobile, Accident, Liability, plate aloes, Contract, and Surety Ilonds. Excellent com. psnles, good local servlee. No. JtO (larnett-Corey llldg, , Instruction In MilMo PltKD ALTON IIAIOIlt, teacher of. piano and harmony. Composer ami arranger of musle. Halght Music Studio, 101 QarnttU-Coroy building. BLISS filSINE Teacher of Violin. Music furnished for all occasions, Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 K. Main St., Phone 80S-J2. Garbage UAKUACIK Oat your premlaoa oleanod up for tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagons, for good oervice. Phone 274-L. F. Y. Allen. Pli)letmiH nuil rturgcons DR. r. a. CARLDW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopothlo nhyolcluns, 416-417 (larnett-Corey bldg., phone 1038-L. Residence 26 South l.aurl st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Qaruett-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. KMMENS Physlalan and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, uose and throat. Byeo scien tifically tested and glaesea sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for 8. P. K. R. Co. Offices M, V. Ik II. Co. bldg, opiMalte P. O. Phone 667, DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 36, resi dence 784-J. Office hours, 10 te II, t to 5. DR. MARTIN C. BARBRR PkysU eiaa and surgeon. Office Palm block, oppooite Noah hotel. Hours 10 to 18, 1 to 1. Phone 110-J. Printers nnd I'ubllsliers MBDFORD PRINTING CO., has ths best equipped printing office Ih ooutberu Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing syateau, etc. Portland prices. 37 Nortk Fir ot. Ti a defer E ADS" TRANSFER 6 STORArji bo! Office 43 North Front at. Phens 315. Prjrej right rrlc guar anteeii Rcirion Maclil.'vis BlVittll SCV IMG VACHINEf FOU SMI? VH r:PT Some ued m cblura aho for ule cieanliig and TvpMitDff PftJilrtln Piuno for sole from fd'tr to customer. Rest JTOUuO HU du. Ceutral. Phone 390,