Vnv rori vrimmp mui; TKmrvr. vnwnnp. wi,i) 'imiM-u, Am i i-n; v- fl ;ox v.; MEM OKI) MAIli 1KJ1JUMB SOCIAL INSURANCE 'iSxi'-Bir Hrs.VJv iW Viii6N""N,T,n,,; 'i111 l''f I'"' PH'ip-wwivo JiHl'lv orKaitiec h !"'"" miistijiii X Colonel Roonccll jific r hin defeat in 'tin- republican h7irMmJJr'ni,f1V:,M,,,7rf "'"" ''"' i,tj,i in Mil were borrowed from Hie HocialNtx and malt with jmhmhI relornw, Miii-li an health insurance, old Matt. Tb Mr-lfuM TidMim ThfvKmiih ' nr tiiMiwtnnu nt.I tMt.i.n.lMrin.hl MMw.t. um.,,. rt,t,.i. ,.,! ,.. FK .'-...... ' 1 B ' !'- ill fl a B 1 a B.B J I l IlirilVI I I I II li I I I ' k II I- ' Bill! II III I - I Tilt tMn-m ittllr Tlrtit r, tin Mrdfrmt nt., - !,. ii.. AoLi..t viTi.ii ""aMomiK PITNAM. Ifclltor. 'H'lltl.V to Ul'flW I III' VflfCM of tllC dlMCOU! ('lllt'd. lflf IlOl fllMl iM'-fiiiKO Mr. Hi i si-vi'lt Intel imy great faith in them or wan Kineerc in In advocacy. JJnd lie been sincere, he would not have rctiNcd their advocacy after the eleetion, hut engaged in ii viKurnuM campaign in uieir nenaii. jjiii lie nan anan MUMMHirTJOH XATJWft " ..r. by mull 'i ok ' t month, bv mnil ,&o 1 NHMth. fltllvi-r.-tl In rm rlr In jlfrird, Pho.tiix, .1 it hmtfivlllo ;i nlrnl t'ni f onlv. Ii mull jwr y.r h r nr SO 109 ir.o doiM-d them Tor inilitartam and .Hnirolsm and is Irviiur to '"VJclai''"lVffnrl,'ltiilufM,',!',,' 'M,",,,,5,, ",M w,,y ''''k In IeadoiHhi or a partv opposed to "ri' An "'", " ""'' '' l iii. H niean to . an end. WELCOME IEDDY, SHUN MAD Kworn rir ululimi 1119 I4S1 I'llll I..IM patchta il t i ,iirlntpil 1'rrM die- HONG KONG KOLUM llvlilinllj Not Mode Man I'D It KXCIIAMIr' I him Honri'it (Ml (H'HHII IincCM hikI the hoiik of Urn billowy vvavoa aounila like, alnp 16 iiift. 'IIih fact la xti'HMKur 1 am inuiar)- mitl want l ro eaal to ace my m. ir io mo bointuliiil cHhlHrnor Wilt CHll Hi rfMllll IDA, Cl Milt. lllllllllllK. Mini offtfr ins mi I'KKlcrn iiriiinrty worth Mlmiit $1Ti, (Kill for my 2li-iicro fHll-liHrlii tCiirckn li'iiion xrovu imt tkr from l.o Almoin, clou to h rIh Hon on (ht g. P. Ity, lut Hill flnil inn an wily mnrk to ilnwl with. Oon'l lllVlM, COIMtl (WfOIH (llllllMr If )OII CHll Vouni In Imitd, HUH (irMiit IIIiIr. I. mi Aimolua (Cul.) TIiuhm. The Way llicy I'cll? Qnlat, yut vry liiiirMlvn, whi tint welding or Mr Hurry 18. I'oniliurtoii Mini ,MIm Wiiltliu A. WIIroii. TIim brills mnl liiltlpuriiiiiii liHikod voiy Iw fflHilng In thlr blue miltM mill bluo bii u match. Tho Mnillmiii County (Q.) UoMiftcmt. mm 111 roan who wnlM iironml iinlccp la not IwayN a HoiiliiitmlnillHt m TfMlttjV lkllrlttti' frlvnloiiH ynmiR Knullnti ttlrl, . i rt no Iovm for tho iiUr ami t-irlitox ( 40 Nitlalnifd at a relehrutlon wknr the Amcrleau riitK wn vuryj wmili In evidence. "Ob. what a allly looklua thln lb American flan In! It kiikkcxId Muthlng but clnckerlnrr canity." "Ym." n-i'llcU a byituniter, "the kind of candy that ha made iver body akk who over tried to lick it." Tit-ntta. Vet thewe Nocial proldenw are vital in the life of the nation and .sooner or later must he solved. In the rapid development of our civilization, individualism has largely passed away. Co-operation i essential to success. (Ireat ayKiVKatioiiH of capital and monopolies block the way to opportunity to the average indhidual. The man with lit tle money must unite with others in a corporation to ac (niplish lare ends. The man with onlv labor to market must unite with other laborei's in a union to secure a fair bailee. The farmer with produce must unite with other farmers in an exchange to market his products. And to this individual co-operation must be added the co-operation of the state to secure efficiency. The census of MHO, an average prosperous year, showed (Vi )(),()()() unemployed. In times of financial depression there are double (he number. As unemployment is a fea ture of modern industrial life, some method must be worked out to solve il. (ierniMiiy has atlempled- it with considerable succchh. Knuliiiitl has relieved the situation by unemployed insurance. Others are solvintr it bv means io co-opentiiou neiweeii employer, emploves and govern ment. Allied with unemploynieiil insurance och sickness and disability insurance, invalidity and old ae insurance, and provision for widows and orphansall of which have been provided in some form of relief in the countries of Kurope and Australia and New Zealand. Compulsorx sickness insurance or voluntarv subsidized sickness insurance prevails throughout Kurope. Compul sory old ae insurance wrists in (lerumiiv and France. Old "' pt'iisioiis and voluntary subsidized state systems of old ntfc insurance exists in. ton European countries. Cnein ployuicnl insurance exists in, three reat Kuropeiiu coun Iries and in uioht of the lae' cifiu, while widows and or phaiw' ien.sions are rovi(led by softie of the nations. In the I'nited Slates accident insurance has Ijcen pro vided in only pari of the slates. A few of the states pro vide widows' pensions - but the state is doing little (o gain Hi oiiMinic atlvaulagcs thai will follow the eo operation of the state in ameliorating the lot of ihe average man. Tlie I'nited States, instead of being the most progres sive, is the most react ionan in needed social and indus trial reforms, but Ihe conditions which have forced their consideration in the old world now obtain here, and the mm si ep towards etlicieiicy and preparedness should be uieir roiiHHicrailon. W'SIIIM,TO, Mav I Colonel KoOKevelt's reieptlon at Trinidad during his reient Wt liMllan trip (ult etllpteir that arrowed lor Dc retary McAiluo, who cume along Hi little later m the firltlxh mbaM dor Sir Cecil Spring-?. ( nernonally pald a vlait to t'realdent W'tlson to- ay and exproiwd regret that through a mlmindemtniiilliiK anionic local offl elaU the necreUry or the trnamry had not been received with the cer emony appropriate to IiIk iwaitlon. , Hrltlah ofricialii learned to their ntiiHxeiiienl that Hie govcinor of Trln lilad linil (Hitilonu liliiiKcIf to make a ilemomtratloti for Colonel llooaevelt bill apparently whn lift ! Imp rowed wltli the eoiiilng of Seirntarv Mc Ailoo, who whm roluniliiK from the nicclltiK of llio I'aii-Aiiterleaii liixh fommlaloii at Iliicno Alren The ainbaaandor'a i-xplwniilloii cIoboi the IncldPtit, If there wh one. T ' ' i i in ii ii ' II' I fill ti l I .. .null llilliu '"' '" ai enjoyed till (he midniffhl ( lioill , Mi-. V. K. W'nhl returned In iled fyril Monday, havintf ient the Week end nt the much home. A fine lU'ji-pfiimd bnbv hm nnn eil at the iJovd home Hundnv, Aptil .Kith. Mii". Jrrmntn unit her mother of I'hoeiiix we're week-end ti4itr nt the Woolterton home. 8tr. Tlrowu arrinl from Cottiiite (Jrne Montlnv lo vWt fur lev weeli nt the hiimi' of her iliiitKhler. Mr-. C. K. Ih.vd. Mr. mid Mr. I). II. Klend lunl h dinner viift- Hiinilnv eveninu Mi. and Mrn. fpton or (li.lil f fall. Sir. mid Mr-. (I. 1 1. Alden. ac. ..,. piiuied lv their uite-t, Mr. nml Mi ('. W. U,-v f St. I'nnl ami J I. .Miittc-oii, tiKititrcil to Kay tic hi Sun (tn.v, where llrc ate lunch, ihciin in A-lilund mid Mcdl'oiil. Mi-. J)i kc "topped in Med lord tor u lew iln-, tvlnrHintf to l(ieiHi,c Vi.lnidn v ciiinjr. Mr. and Mi-., t'. .1. Kcliuiiuilmiu en- leniiliieil Jlr. JniMibM. Mii- Anna Mc- SMed Cfowh Helps you up "On High" IWmAV NOIAJX ie Gasoline of Quality pun Ihe Imp info Mmr pie xi the iin.k '(jft-auiv , jnil tlir nk-up" on ih lull. It iMfCIHH- Kta V ri.HIl i inc ll.n.i.-v.., refinerv gai, wiili extra power in every drop. At dealers eer where and at our lfcR I1.B STATIONS. Standard Oil Company iralifsrol) miBEssEsm$mm& WaWejr-rallJJHil " jfeiWM.'jBWJIK)kW'.lJ PORTS AFTER PORK Siiyniliiitail on tho I'ltiu BftvaalMK of trade relatlona, u great many people would be willing la da it! A (ho Mill HiiiiIHIhm. IteNil Ulu Chrlatliie Hraub ha remodel mi her nwldeme on Main at The tMHatde baa M-en altered and flntah el beaulirully on oth luaidt and Wtl. The 1'iutemenl (Md) t'our kr. U'tWIIlHtln 'Hb HI1'IM i 'be womvttV city rlub held tta an l . nlenlr at the rltv Inebriate farm. - ' Angelea Itet'urd klcklnii ta In vain lui.iime le do It In the wrouK pUe' . X SltHli III AwlWHJ Ha viia. colored, h ulleaed "lokwn Into the hontt of lim ii eai old fainicr of 'ii 'ixinty. and aaauulted i i i".i t r bt beating blm over i "Mill ti. Howen'a riant aim ii hi two plaecK Tlie Nor- XTl)' 'lil Senati.r Chaiuberlain is in a fair why- In .r,.i J- a good juirl uf the railroad lands ) Oregon sdiouU noil mans, nie iMioMers III tile lllainette valley are going 11 ' ! """. 'y sentiing delegates hack to Washington to demand some for their port districts. This move cnies principally from the same gang that helped puss the mid night resolution at the last legislature, which was virtu ally a move In win Ihe land Miit for the railroads. II is a little difficult Io determine whether this last move in behalf of the mrls is not another effort to delav the settlement of I he ilrs urn in the interest of the rail road, or the ordinaiw miiiciiI of ihe I. oiiip Turn bmr II It is the latter, we ina. expect olher delegates to soon be on their wa Io demand aimiher cut for the count v faii-s, eonunercial clubs aud ladies' auxiliaries. .Mr and Mr l.'d llonilln of IMimi vh1Io w re Suiuln n'ht of Mr and Mm w s Stanrtirr Mik l.llh HlnuUnooil t,Mn t Siiii-i dm In AhIiIhiiiI. .Mr. ami .Mia Kiiioin of Talent were biiaiiioaa owllom Hi C Care.' Tiiea day. .Mra. M. Itiwo and Mra. C. Cale wero chIIIiik on .Mm. o. T. llrown of ThIkiiI laal Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Terrill of Urowtm boio were at Talonl Friday atlendliu' the tiaek inuet. Comity Clork Owriliicr wai hIihK Iiik IiiiiiiIh with lila many friend m Talent Friday. Mr. and Mra. Win McKhv ami Mi and Mra. W. 0. Klmer apetit 8unda evening with Mr. unit Mra. J. M. Ilad-or. .Mra W. S. Ktnncllff waa ahopplm; in Medroril tho laat or the week. Mr. Ilccciofl of Phoenix wan nt C Carijy'a Tuosda. after tomato plnuta. Mra. U. (5. Colomaii. Mia. F K Knrry, Mra. Colvor Furrv, Mra Fr. Mra. Hoae. Mra. A. S. Furrv were uiiiiiiik'Hiomo fro ii Phoenix who ut lemled the truck meet at Talent. .1. K. flravoB, Mr. and Mra. W. K. Anderaon, Mr. and Mr Yoat. Mra. Van D.vko. Mra. John Schldelor anil her daughter. Mra. Win, Stump, of Talent, were trudlng In Medford Wed- noaday. A. S. Furrj haa liiatulled a M.vera deep well pump to punip water fur hla houae and arounda. Mlaa Mil la m Hole of Mel ford waa a huHlncHM caller at C Care'n Wed uioiiilnu Phone (' I'liii'v If win n.inl IiIh tlrnl t io). (, h.iv in the field Keown mid Iliclianl Kmrel nt dinner Nutidiij. Me-t.r. (Iiinfflt. ('ni-tecl. Joe lin ker mid Iliek Knuel left liv tenm on I Wfriitc .ln. inoniiiiit hir Trinin eoun- i. i niiioriiiii. on n miniiiif mt,. Mer. flrinfell ami CnKir,. IIU, (,,,, tliuren.. ami nrrive.l M lav inorn- Ulfi. The hil two ln of thru- tii,. weic tin iinlv iileicniit. ,nn.l H"! hail eeu. We tti-h the -m i . in then tent me. Mi uill iiliiin n it tin nie imt lji hi ill!, Ida lio.x -Miitfi peel. I'l' AS GOOD AS A CHEW OF "SPEAR HEAD' That Means the Supreme De gree of Rich, Luscious Tobacco Flavor RIVERSIDE RIPPLES ADVANTAGE OF CLASSES t i . v ii ti w fi. i Mi H i i i in i u I ' i i v ii . niiaii Pilot and lud II lilis Hie vjr'M V-m tombi U'lion i.i kivc ut. i.i ibi mluuie detinliloiiH or uluiru- teruia, and plain .' won i,tic iinatratlona of '.'oih centuf) nlunra,.lea iti nded b) bla amtoiiial lbeoloK ul I lie h land raviwit me-uug htat umiit, Mr Malnla eliurit. leiltrd an uguokllc iik "a HMMfi who ducii't know thai be knowa MiiMhlna and iloeMii't kuow that he known that." Mr. Vet.e, In pbrtt"eoloK qiiiie aproH to the u lloll, I Ik .-tied the (iiileuwir ut k-i tPv i' j'liil) nee at a n..,n to -Inn io i he i v.riion riiin. i io , - a i oi i mi. 1. 1 gh i ! i. hi i l"1 1 1. 1' II. ' IUJ. Ill Ul I i u i . i i HpIIK value of a dollar in one man's jHieket is created liv the abM'iice of the dollar from Ihe pockets of oth ers. I here can lie no rirh unites there are some who ate .... i"i i a li. me iiTiiia rn-ii ami nmr are comparatie. If all jH-ople jMihsehsetl the s.ittie wealth, there would ! no nib j,utl no poor. Therefore, in order to hae a rich Hass lliciv muni be pour. Conseiiieitth the effort to erad icate pou'rh in all wrong, for if we destroved iMierl the Icmleiici would be lowaitl eipialiing wealth, nml' would eradicate a rich class. The world would not ivvuhe, the sun would not shine nml the rain would cease to fall if we did liul have a plulo 'imy (o rake in all the piodtiitioii of the worltl aboe the lllere existence of the workers. I he ivimlilicaii jart in its ear.s ur jMnver alwnvs ki'il us ciiuntn prepared lor war. That is proven In the fad hat il., law in ell,i totlay prox ides that the militia shall '' M.p bed l.x ihe goxeinnient with a wder-horn, ;l"d lock musket and,,." lh all means let us have our ears more uf such preparedness. Al'lllll till nc ( IIVI ) tin la-t dinner iiul It.r tin. .(ji-"ii nl tin i hilt lum-c SnlnliliM eeiunu. Tin llieliu ..oi-.i. tlllekeu pie. Iim-ll ed Hilattie-. ndU, pickli-, nincai - - . "1 ...p ...'.' ! ; NO OTHER CHEW EQUALS IT Nature arics the flavor she puts into the different grad of tobacco leaf ami the best of all the llavor of choice red Hurley that plnes yotj so mightily whrn ou thew Spear Head. The dehtiou fruity flavor of a clicw of Spear Head is a rv elation to the man who has never chewed or who has been chewing near-good tobacco. For chewing is the one way to Ret all the wholesome, healthful. appctiiinR flavor of the tobacco leaf providing you chew a hijth-grjde plug like Spear Head. No other tobacco can compare with Soear Head in the wholesome satisfac tion it fives. You get more savory sweetness in a :hew of Spear Head than in a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. And you get it in its purest form for Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a grot, lew lactorv that's Kent absoutelv , clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure I :hew. Sm h a chew cannot be obtained .n any other tobacco than Spear Head. in iuc cuts in wax paper. MOIIi: MIA THAN WO.MI.X IIWi: APPI.'MHCITIS Surgeon Mute men are allghtlv mere aubjert Io atieiidii Itlx than women. Mod foul people ahould know i OlUt li ftttt llnkl'K of mIhiiiIo Intnl. Ihnm ! burl., id) (trine, etc.. u.s uitxi.l In Adler I-ka. often relieve or prevent apiiendleltla. Tbla uiUtme remove, audi aurprUluit foul mallei thai onf Sl'OOM.11. Itllivea aln.oHi ' SK cons. iiimi M,in in Kan flu INS I ', e.t v io n. hi oi Adit i i I.. i i- ii i ini. rou Public Service Commissioner wi sri tt nisntur TKKI) CT IHiCllTIiL i;fpi ii it' cvmhihii: Sul.jit t to 1'iiiu itls M.i 111 JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER lvdy lHtrtiit v S. IllltTI.KTT rlmnea . 47 ana 17-JI mliiitanr Krvlr (rtar w.iv "yon h.oi i,i $ h.Mlnti of Vroiou. V (t Ou Of the tiii w e aUu ' '..yi FfWai. tl.'i' n "lot rvewl1' a SfciSllg)aAlfc l.. It,'- Ilia. Ill tu Ii lio si 'Ik ' IH-4IJ 1 1 ill o - o 9 ih .1 lolouel U..o.seM.t must put sug.,1 in his shoe iN.ish. ".en 's no ..Hi, r u.n f acuunimu i.-r the iiivseut atti ,"l '.. i.lluw.h, kick.ilM.h.uili'.ur veai-s au NO SIGN Of PiACE SIAIESArVi8ASSAD0R H iaflPP' iHIIIIB -Void BaalB3k7'r aaB jS' laaaaaaBaaaaaaaaa lJrX$P' i3lRUji( Auto Service Irom liable Point to Medford nml Hack The uiidtr-Uued n Ut leave Frank Ltwia' eonfcitioiiory ewry day ex cept Sunday for Medford Mtb tali auto at 1 uVlom p. in., arriving at 2 00 p. m. Leave Nah Hotel. Med ford. at 6 oo p. n.. arrive liagle I Point at c oo p m. A part of the i W II II lilt I'll N S , I I ! I I i i W , I I IL U- . HI I - ill I ... I .1 t'tl l lie i"i li flu lliiiti-. Hrown- v ttl'. ur. i i lie U dterving of eledlon be t man of hla aplendid purl of fit tat ii'ionl and betauae hla pluttorm iep- i i li w a IV 'I traffic l aolielted. S H. llMtMSU, i r.stnu the cause or the people ' Kogle Point. Oregon, Tit New I'orii. II m. Marih '. lim W V, . , i It. It . t . II 1.1 ' . - (? or p. ... t ft 1 in.. 'eu it in e t ,i UV. LL-AIMS Alisulutclv Koinovos Start the Pay Right ACORN BRAND BACON FOR BREAKFAST luul a sii. . fstul .In w tth our u.-culi nt. spic HAM". All tllf .ilfnnf. !v xUc . 1 1 1 1 i.un ourfii'oduets. We ?Ay Higlipst Prices for Cattle, Sheep nnl Hogs. HUillDSE SlXltKLX I'UU li )Olt WtMil. . - s, -, A. aal arm assn. s . . .. m .h. . firSlsWlH CJl-A. MaHr-ia'j iM wts . uH W29& vSioEh 1J1 i 4 S1 1 SrW M ffl -a JP ffrJ j r IrWHERE THE t )r& CROWDS GOb TOD AY ONIi DAY ONLY The World's Greatest Movie Star Little Mary Pickford IN 1 1 till BEST PICTURE THE NEW PRINT Tess of the Storm Country A Picture worth seeing Several times COMINGISUNDAY The highest paid fun pro ducer in moving pictures Charlie Chaplinin "Carmen" The Big Local Movie will be shown Tuesday MR. ED ANDREWS nUAMATM' AltT Pupils iit'ncil for li'Ullliiuito anil hllcut iliaiua. 'Ilility jcntV e- pelll'IKO. MRS. ED ANDREWS veit'i: ct iri'itK ()ierii, onitoilo null couceil (0111I1. I'lftcen )(NiiV cvpci Iciko In public vvotK. sit nio spur in mi., uo m t ui sun i; piiom. k-t-u I g"taBCaagirM3gria-tn-raCTi;a q WilmZMSMWn 1 r,i a BANK SERVICE 'II ii 1 1 1 n r Hi it I 1 III it I II Ill III l ll II. Ill 11 I 1 . 1 V , 1 1 I . 1 I 1 11 I 1 I 11 1 1 1 1.1 1 1, ! .. 11 .1 111 in I 1 ill ill 1 I. I It In II 11 I In 1 1 1 I I., to .1 1 . il'. n Li ell. 1 1 111. t in. 11 111 nt 11 V 11 . ,1 . 1 '. I' . In 1 ' I 1 1 1 mui I. 1111 lite ol ill. s1 Ifej ' oven ?r Vi-ahs unoch Onc management Scenic Shasta Route through California Four trains daily with through sleeping cars from Portland to San Francisco. Direct con nections for all Southern and Eastern points. Summer Round Trip Tickets will lici.nsaleilail, .Iune 1st toKept.JJU to prii.cijMil Kuhterii cities. Liberal stop overs alhiwetl en route. Return limit OU thts 110111 date of sale not to exceed Qrt :u, una. Ml. liut.t htiiii.. Ml l..i-.-ii .s.n, Fran. i-. ... yWfc. emite .iHev. ('.ilit.nuiu Hcort-. Lt. Ansel. .' n-wnu-t alilorniii Kapwiliu. Apache T1111I. Ki 1'uno, ll.aatou and Kew HiU uli. I .ill tfll ,1.1 III (ul llillilliitilum A- I III t III lk. l. II I I l.llv "I olir I I '. ol u in. 1 . . .., J0N M SCOTT. Gtwtal Passrnaer Ayent. ttwarffftj,, Piirtlano. Ore. ju..jt'k& Southern Pacific Lines v 1" ' , "'; ..1.3 i.)iim)ii .1 11 i.i.jgifr.ii , I, 1, 1 1 If) . mimm.ytjltp.. vm mmf.. " ( t' ) t iir- U f -