Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 04, 1916, Image 1

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    Li i, , r y
TTJ -r-
1 ltll
Maximum Yesterday Kilt
MlMiiiimii TnWy 17.
rnriv-sKth V.-ir
1 u 1 1 I. i it. !
German Report Ailmits French Ohtain
Footholil in Trenches at Dead
Man's Hill Advance of Gallic
Forces Continues Gains Increas
ed and Consolidated.
IJKIILIX. May I. It Is' officially
aiMnimeed tlMt the Kronen have ob-
lalttod foothold Ih one of the der-
1 mon advance pouts south of Dead
Man's hill.
IWIltS. May I. The advance of
the French lit the district of Dead
Man's hill on the Verdun front war
continued during the night, the war
office announced thin afternoon. The
gains made yesterday were Increased
and consolidated.
As a roiMeouence or the French
nrtlllory preparations al Dead Man's
hill yostorday. t he statement savs,
two Germans surrendered stutlnK
tlioy were tlio noli' survivors of the
moil In their trench.
ISIiewhere et or the Maine there
was active fighting with artillery.
An engagement with grenades occur
red In Avoeoutt wood.
N'oar Vaiix, mat of the Meuse,
there was an artillery encounter.
iProneh nrllllen destroyed a muni
tions depot at (trande Dune, Del
glum. The text of the statement follews:
Uicnrli Stnlciiiciil
"Ih IleUUum our artillery fire dis
mantled the works of the enemy at
drundo Dune and caused an explos
ion of a depot of munitions. West of
the Mouse there has been a violent
bombardment in all the sectors, to
gether with righting with grenades
tn the wood of Avocourt.
"As Ihe night progressed we en
larged and consolidated the gains we
mads yssterday at Dead Man's hill
Previous rcKrls that the losses of
the enejny were considerable have
been confirmed. The preparatory
fire al our artillery was particularly
effective. At one point two Herman
soldiers tame forward and surren
dered In the midst of our fire. They
explained they were the last survivor
of the occupant of their trench.
' Kast of the Meuse there has been
a bombardment In the region of
Aillllciy Active
"In the Woevre district our artlll
lery lias taken part In a number of
maneuvers, including the concentra
tion ftf heavy fire. Our troops op
erating In the vicinity of Ksparges
compassed the explosion of a mine;
other men at once moved forward
and oeenpled the crater.
"KiSt of Bt. Mlblel yesterday a
strong iconnolterlng partv cume
forward In an endeavor to occupy one
of our positions not far from Aprc
mont. French forces met the Her
mans and tbc were driven bio h
The night passed quiet!) on the re
mulnder of the front
Wam.k AvIt.tAr l'ABlAl ft V 1 1 -
.1 I i ...w . . !
Inu In the vicinity or Iktiiamont m.'i
In the air two Herman aeroplane
and engaged them in combat. One
of the enemv machines fell to the
ground while ihe other fled "
IjONDO.V. Mj -The '. ppelin
I.-20, which was wrecked in falllne
at Httfso firth. Norway, belonged
to a squadron of five airships hlcb
uitaikf-d" the east coast of England
u ud 'Scotland Tuesday night, accord
ing to a member of her crew, says a
Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange
Telegraph company. The sixteen
men on board the Xepiwltir ere res
cued and interned t the Norwegian
One of t)i
cm i w -anl i' i'feliB8
ere forc ! u i
ghV f"i '.i'"" '
ottak .. a i
in lonipanv vlth the other
. ..In.' ' l! 1
. i verse
-' mil.'
Confidential Mcssnflc Received From
Amhassndor at Berlin. But Con
tents Not Divulged Confjress Is
Swamped With Printed Letters
Protesting Breach Witli Germany.
NKIM.IN. Mn.v l (by wirelc-. to llu
Associated Pre viu Tiickortmi.)
The reply to Ihe Amerienn mite on
Mihmnrine wnri'itie is believed to hnve
been liiinilei! to Ambassador Orrnnl
this nllernoon. Considerable wv
iurbnti'in is expressed over t lie effect
which confessions nmy hnve nn pub
lie opinion here.
The note with its pxplnnntmn of
the Ocrniitn nttitude the Hrii
ih "starvation" policy, will lie one
of the longest ilipliuniitie document"
of the war. It will lie released for
publication here in nil probability on
Kridu.v morning.
WASIJIN'nTCJN'. Slav I. -Secretory
I.nnlii(r nniKMiiiccd Into today
that a di -patch fnmi Ambnxsiidur
(Icrnrd cniitiiincd indicolionx of whnt
the aniliiiMhiidor believed oii!d eon
stitutc Oi'iinnny'w replv to the Ameri
.an note on MilmiHiinc Hrfnn. Sec
retnry Lnnnini! deeliiipil to muke pub
lic the dUpntcli or any part of H
cnnteiitN or to sav'wlmt the indica
tion wn, on tin u round that tlte di
pnlch wii luyltlv confidentinl.
The communication wn jweive-l
by the secret an- nnd immedintelv wiw
enl to President WiUon. Secretary
I.itHr-inir "aid it was not certain that
Ainluuilor flcraid's Jcdm-tionK
were absolutely accurnte, as lie had
not Heeu (lie text of the (Jermiiu m-
In pile of StM'ivtury LaiiHiim'K lint
ritii-al lo dUciii-k the content" of o
diHiteh received todnv from Amlui-
ador liciard. it menme known lute
today Unit, in view of Htich informa
tion n had been reeeitini. official
nnd unotl'ieiiil, officialx of the go-
ernmciil I cur (Icminnv haw attached
condilioiio to. her reply that may
muke it impooible for the I'riited
Mliileo to conlinue diplomatic relation-'.
WASIUXflTOX. Mav 4.Prined
loiiu Idler proti-ting nsuiuxt unv
tcp which niuy lend to war with Ger
many begun iMiuring in by the thoii
aniU today iimii members of eon
urc n the scipu-l to the telegrudi
roiagandu which wnniMd the cap
ilo nnd the telegraph companies lt
Kve the mime- of ihe conimnieu
were printed on the envelope. Kvery
lliinu tfave evidence that the Icltrri
hud been prepared bv IhoiHimdM nnd
required only written ninntiireK.
Senator Husiintr of Viconin. who
ha- souylil a department of justice in-vc-li'jiiliiii
nt (lie piop.iyiindu, ic
ccicil liiicis iimIhv vtlmh he iu
milled i nit net In In- i Ii.ii ye I lint the i lull ii. ii'jii -- w.i- lic-
lllllil ill Ii "1 ' Ih' hi
I.MM l", M u I In tin In.ll I
lotiL iuil,i 1 -v hi M.i i -li.d l!ail
kill In HIT. llic -iilrt.UV ul unr,
u.huiIn ciilou'icd tii' Tuwiislicml
.mil the de tender ol Kut -el Amaru,
Hid read (ieneral TuwnhendV lut
ili-p.iteh, which i- .i- ImIImws:
"We ure ple.i-ni to know that we
luixe done our dntv iiikI rwottnite
that our Mtiiuti"ii i- one of the i'or
ttlllic. of m.ii. We I hit iik on, (Ieneral
orrinte ( omiiianiler ol the Hiiti-li
relief a rin I nnd .ill lank- of8 the Tig
ris force for the gicat et'tort. you
hae made to ave u.''
liuniiiicnt tunutioii called the -ur-
Mn.Ur ,.l' k'..l ..I I .. I.I...I l..,.l
.-. . ff. !.--, .II.!"!.., ll'lll'IJ I, .'111
Kilchi'iier, nnd nihil e cli incuts
ulolie iIciiimI miru--- o the leliet
SfWi si
XVV YOUK. Mav 4. About 0
'xui uorkern on women's Kiti""0-'
ot Hi nn ili.ile -ittlcii.i lit The 1 1 1 1 1 in
, i ... i , , ,
Three of Ringleaders Executed In
ctaml nt Tniir ntlinrc Rplnii On II.
Oltlll Ul t Ul'l W.,1 J wuii, i..
Idly Tried hy Court Martial Leni
ency Shown to Prisoners Snipers
Being Captured.
nnU.IX. .May X - .lu-llee ha been
swift in the enne of the teudcri "I
the Sinn Fein rebellion. Thrrr of the
riiiR-lewler. iunn lories of the pi-ocln-malioti
of the hort-thvd lrih reinh
lie, paid the npreine nerlr1ep Ihis
moiiiin. The were 1'ntriek II.
I'eure. tint -eholaih president of the
piti iioiial government ; Thomas
Mue)niuili. and Thoinas .1. Clark.
Their death sentenee were pronounc
ed by the field general court martini
nnd were dulv ronftnned bv the lii)fh-e-1
authorities. Of the other signa
tories, James Connolly is lyings in
prison, wounded; Semi MncDiurainid,
Hintnoii (Vaunt and Joseph I'lnnkelt
are somewhere in Ireland, whether
free or captured is not publirh
leniency I Slum n,
The other leaders in eu-todv are
now heing tried with great ropiditv.
The Associated Press eorre-pondciit
saw a Initeh ol the prisoners lenvini:
one of the Courts uller beiin; sen
tenced. I'nless their ebeerv appear
ance was forced, tlicv evideutlv had
eseiiHd with more lenient punishment
ihtiu they hud exHclcd. The ceiiernl
public was not aware of the ceciition
of the ringleaders until late tin een
inc, and ii miis not possible to oh
serve the effect of their piiiii-hinent
iihiii the cilixens of Dublin, who,
however, lor the greater itinl, were
not in syn4Milhv with the iibeliion.
l'urther captures of isolated -nip
er occurred todav in the oiiiImic,
ipmrters of the capital, and ordei -were
issued by llajor ( Sir
John Maxwell that anv rebeN found
with nuns -should he severely dealt
with. Ver few shots hae been heard
in the cilv siuee Tuesdnv evening,
when a inn eminent boat n int;
down the I.iflev river was fired iimhi
and sharp solwi from muelnue guns
in the vicinilv of Itiillimines caused
Mople in the neighborhood to be
alii lined.
.loiiu .Mr.VeJI IHsippenrs
r'ver.ihody i- usking what has be
come of John MeN'eil, the IihmiI or
Kiiuucr of the Sinn IViuets, who tin
wm to hitve diuppcarcd from Dub
lin with the firing of the tirt shot.
Another inan in whose late meat in
terest is manifested is The O'Keilly.
It is now reported that his bodv wns
found uuiong the debt is of the gen
eral postol f ice.
t'uutidence is rapidly returning
among the civilian population, ami al
though wojrk has not been geuerullv
resumed, many stores hine been re
oiened. The government requisition
ed ull the tood supplies in stock on
its a nival at the iun, and ample
food was I'mnislied to the iioorer mo
pie. The south and wot f Ireland ore
at present the nulv places where dis
turbances are rife, and these ure be
in;: sharply siippreed Some iurtlicr
casualties are rcsirt d iiinonv the
i roups. Though the vount.' soldiers
.in- H-rlonillllg their dulv under the
-i'veiet citiuliiitiiis t.i wnrfiire, man
ot them luiMiig had onl a few
moiiilis' tiiiiniiij.'. the are di-plav inu
Ihe uliliiist bra v civ, never he-it at Hi
lo advance under the hottest Inc.
Ilfihuul Mil Aivctwil
In severul piirt- ot ln-l.nn! tin Sinn
(Continued on page two.)
liO.MK. M iv I. vi.. I'.ui, The
v.iliiliu of tin m.irii.i'.'c nt (iiiiiii
Hon i de Castellune lo Anr.i (in ihl,
TOW Iluelie-s T.i'li M.iiilt, .,i cii
tirnied i"d n ! -"" 'v tie
i oinmi- - i i i nni . i i' .' '.
con-' i ' i
U' '
. i .
ruliii'.' that hi nuiiriiifff w i. ii,nlid
II u i i i i ii.
jfluaVgS&v WM
J9HP& m
I UvVAtD 5
lleic aro f'lii fiumcs In Hie n -vis I1..111 lieluuit ien. Sir John
Maxwell, nee. Hi IIMi nniiitiimilci'; (ieiicinl I i Ii nil vvli liiliiauiled Hie
llillisli liisips at the -in! ot Hie rev eil: l.oiil W IiiiIkuiic. Hie luiil lieu
tcimiit, vvbiise resignation bus Is-eu iteiliHiiilcil in snllnii.ent mi iliaiges
that lie illsicgnuleil waiiiliigs of Hie appioaclilim outbreak, anil Sir ICd
wind t'ai'sou, Irl-li I tiionlst leader who hail ottered to the aovci nnicnl
Ills I Utec volllllleeis,, vthiili weic ol ltniilei In eoiiiPnl Hie goM llllient
In the home i oh' li
('IIM'AOO. .M.n I William l.or
Imer. former l'iiit l States senutor
front Illinois, who wus acipiltted bv
a Jury here last nlnht of lmres of
embasslement mid i nsplrnc to de
fraud in connection with the failure
of the Ia Hullo Sneet Tnist und
Savings bank bcitun u new life to
day, he said, the dominant purpose
of which is to earn enough money
lib reimburse the rsons who lokt
their savlnga throiiKh the failure of
the bank of which In was president.
"The poorest will be paid back
first." Mr. torlwer s.tld, "and I will
devote all my Income, excepting what
Is necessary for on family, to this
restitution fund."
A federal Indict ment churning
misapplication of muds on 3tf counts
still is pending iitalmt Lorlmer. but
I'nlted States Dlsirht Attorney CI) no
has said he would like no action In
this matter until in m fall- Charges
similar to thoxc or which Iorlmar
has Just been ucinii ed are pending
against I turn W ll.ttlg, a director
of the ilefiim i I .a S.i He hank.
Ixirlmer'H dereii-i was that the
crimes with wlihh he was churned
were committed in C It. Munda
first vice presiilcut of the hank und
its urtuul manual r MundS) Is now
si rvliiK a penli'iiti.i term for his
ictltliles in Ho ' ..i
SAN'Iu ImMIM.i ll.. i nn . . n Ii
pnhhc. May 4. lo1 .Iii.iii I. .Inn
Hie, pltsldcllt ! I ' lciublic, Im
W'a- iii)i.'.ulti .1 Im the ehaiiihei l
dcputiis on M.i .'. I 's decl.iiiil tic
c.iiii,il in a si. ii. nt sieve and bv
tlis lee h.i- I 'i n i. ' e -cit ' '.-"
. I I. I.I I t '.. s , ( , . HIM , .1 hi
- ,1 ' l.
tint i- n ' -f.ite of r. h. I -
M.I I " .
V I. 1MU0
WIMDORNfe! ZuBb-tu . .
iou nxifiolL
I.I l'l MIS'. M,IV I I ii. i. M Si. I
Iimiii of New oik, loiuiiilv Ameri
can iiiubiis-udor to Saulo Ibuniugo,
Illis heeli nlli -led in llilhhll oil the
chill o eninplp it v hi the til li re
bellion. Mr. Sullivan snlled I loin New York
last J iil tor Liverpool with his wife
mill ..I'll, -a viu.: hi w.i- i.'otu.' to
click, Ireland, lo vi-it hi- inuther. Ho
said he ceiii In he h.u k HI VeW
York i Si'pleinhei I.
Shortly hel'i. i e be -ailed Mi. Snlli
au was virtualU asked to re-iyn his
post n -i tninislei to the llominican re
public, us the rc-ult u an invesliua
lion eoinlueled bv a commission
bended by Senator I'helaii o Califor
nia. TcsliiMotix taken hv the coininis--ioii
iluiniir its inve-lij!, .1 mil into
Santo lliiiniic.-.. vv.i- in tl Heel that
the Uiiui-tcr ..s iiileie-teil ill eoll-
traits in uhn-h nihil Aiihm nuns were
colifl l'llii. Nil cviiliiiie VVii- toilltll
that be had iilolili d.
1 lie cniiiiiii--iou ,ipHiinled b the
-tale ilciiiilnn nt louiiil he Inn) been
UUlltV ol Milll-i ll ll.Hl Villi. I, llllllttl'll
him lor In- p'. . c 'n .1 iiv .' I it
IIIIIIIHili. l lll.ll Ii ,nl I. I'MlCll.
' fV
III lll.lN, l i t
ol ri h ! .tiil i- -'.ii.
Mstt-iuail' nit' 'I'1".
Mide - i on it .. ii 'i
most ot p.- .nil i. iii ,
I i ' ii.iinil up i
Ol l.l,.il Ull. I
inu rVin iii
O 'i'l'lll)
.in snown to i
Ihe ,.oli.e HinMi i . li'iii i'li i-ij
belii inuile uii'i no I Hi- inn po.ei
eve vv In H W.lllllIlL ,in who h.u hoi!
rebels thej will . li.iiile to ur-
ICNl UII'I PUIiIhIhi.i lit
How kciIoub ih. fio. tun be-
uiiii at tie In ie 'i n in. ii w.lutlon
I ' I tiii i it 1 1 in.. 1 1 , fjict
' i mi i ' , . ii.ii , i u
. i ' i ' ii rrt
s'll '
I ,,a,"'' ""' "lv bin i. u ml orr from;
' ' I I ' ' ' . ". I
, I
I T 7A i
No Other Country Has as Much Act
ual Money at Disposal Greatest
Lack of War Resources Is Ahscncc
of Potash Ore Beds a Great Asset
in Case of Conflict.
VAlll.tlTOX. Mav I. The as
sets of the United Htatea for ihe
purpose of making war may be sum
marised aa constating rif the follow fellow follew
ing: I. National rredll the ability
or our government to draw on private
money resources for mobilisation of
Industry to a practlenlly unlimjted
Xo tiatliin on the fare of the tMrlh
has as much aetual money at lis ills,
posa! as the United States. There Is
more gold In reserve, more cuirency
In bank vaults, and more savings In
the savings banks of the Tutted
States than In any other two nations
In the world.
3. Physical resources. Including
ore beds of the Messaba range In
Minnesota, the Alabama and Ten
nessee legion and the Colorado ie
kIoii, as well as those In Cuba. The
Tennessee and Colorado ore beds are
Ihe greatest war asset, being least
llkelv to fall I nlo the hands of a po
slble enemy. The coal beds of Penn
sylvania, West Virginia. Tennessee.
Alabamu and Colorado The o.H
fields of Pennsylvania, Oklahoma,
Texas. West Virginia. Ohio and Cal
ifornia. Wac .Making Assets
ft. The machinery and trained
workmen capable ot turning out steel
and Iron products. The iota! pio
diii'Hon of lion ore In an average
veur In Ihe I'nlted States Is appro1.
iniiielv ii.noiiooo tens: of pig Iron
'.ii.imio.ooii tens: and of aetual fin
Wlicd steel output, ' tons.
The fulled States, (Ireat Urltaln and
; -r m 1 1 are the greatest Iron-work-Inu
countries in the world, turning
out between them an percent of the
total product. The United Slates
carries a fair share of this work, and
this potentiality Is Hie principal as
set of the nation for war making pur
poses. 1. Ability to produce food pro
ducts In quantities sufficient to sus
tain the nation with a surpliiK The
United States Is a food-exportiux ua
Hon today.
.1 Factories and workmen eiul.
ped and trained to produce mhei
things just us necessarv to war in.ii
lag. as Is powder and shells, nainelv
clothing, saddles and harness, wsk
ons. automobiles, aeroplaues und all
kinds of machinery.
6. A transportation astem which,
taken over by the government and
mobilised for war purposes, would
be adequate to transport war muni
tions and troops
T. A number of government arse
nals where ure manufactured, under
expert officials, guns, ammunition,
clothing and war materials of all
Hovei i(tniit Arsenal
Under the war department there
are arsenals located at flock Island.
Ill . Springfield, Mass , Philadelphia.
Pa. Wuteitown and Watervllet, X.
Y . New York Cilv. Auuust. Iw . San
h'rauclsco. Oil , Sail iiioulo, Tex ,
und I'ieaHuney Aieiiu! Uelawure.
Under the nuv 1 ..irlinent, kov
ei niiient factories uie Incited nt In
dlau Head. Md , foi Miinkclcxs ow
iler. Washington, l C wlieie I lie
mi v ul mm tin toi v I located. New
pun. It I , tor turpi ili manufacture.
Vol foil, V.i wheie in Inc. are ui.iu-
(Continued on page two.)
SAI.KM. r, . M iv I Hovel... i
Jaiiie- W'llliM oiiil.c tud. iv i mi i i pardon to Julian A. MmV,
serving a lift sVutcnfe in th stale
penitentiary for the nuii.ler o Je o
'-.ith iu Med I'o id in HHU. The reu
' - 'ti uanloii is fock is siifferiiiir from tuber-
lul h i . -. ,. mi 11 ice o
i , I i.h I -
M 0
XO. :rr
Amcrican Government Willing to Ac
cept Arrantjcinent Made hy Army
Chiefs for Co-operation With Mex
icans in Huntinil Villa and With
drawal of Troops Afterwards.
erican government Is ready to ac
cept. In Ita main points, the agree
metn for the future, pursuit of Villa
and his bandits drawn up by don
ers I Ohregou, the CarraiiM minis
ter of war. and General Seott, rep
reaeiitlng the United States. This
was decided at a conference loday
between President Wilson and Score,
tary linker.
Formal announcement of the posi
tion of the American government will
not he given out until riciieral Crtr
rnnsa baa hnd opportunity to pasa
on the report submitted to him by
(ieneral Obregon. As soon as that Is
done another conference between
(Ieneral Obregon and (Ieneral 8colt
will be held on the border and the
negotiations will be formally teuolud-
ed. While no official Information
had been received from (ienonil Car
ranaii officials here take It for grant
ed that (Ieneral Obregon would not
have made an agreement wliloh would
he uiiHCCHptable to his chief.
The agreement provides for Ihe co
operation of American trnopa and
Currauxa soldiers In clearing north
ern Mexico of bandits. Mnxletut
railroads will be utilised for the
trs asportation of supplies for the
American troops. While no time
limit Is set for the withdrawn! of
the American troons (rom Molcu.
that wftf be dons Si soon aa there
aro definite liiilloatlons that Atnerl-.
can border towns are no longer In
danger of raids.
Secretary Haker and President
Wilson reviewed the agreement at
length today and Secretary Baker
sent a message to Oeaeral Sosti en
the future conduct of the negotia
tions. Officials characterised the agree
ment aa "satisfactory," hut would
not state whether every detail was
W ben. the negotiations are ended
President Wilson probably will make
a slaleinenl
Kr'.HI.lX. Mav I. The German ad
miralty gave out the following ac
count todn of the eppcliu raid over
Kngtand Tuesday night:
''A Herman naval air squadron ou
Ihe night of Mav -' II attacked the
middle and northern paits of the east
eoust of Kuglaiid. r'ucloHee, blnt
furnaces and railroads near lluldlos
borough and Stockton, iudustrigi e
tiiblisliuieuts near Sunderland, the
tortiiicd Mrt of Hartlepool, lbs estust smith of the Klvsr Tei glut
Hrm-h men oi'-war nt the entrance
of the Kiitli of Forth were attaeked
with iiiiiii v bombs,
-The s.iects., of these attacks was
"All our airships, notwithstanding?
tin Lot i hut thev were shelled beav
i v, tinned to their home port with
the eftcvptiou d' (he U-Q0, which, in
eoii-eipienee of a stroBg soutbem
wuid, ill n en off her eourse to the.
noith .in,! .eiiiug into difficulties at
-..i wii h. i off Slav auger, Tha
ll.'ll." I I I 1 i- safe.'1
IHIII.IV. iiv t. Pomum' stamp
prep.iieil i... tin sbort-llveii Irish re
piilillc luive been found, ready for
Hsue They were primed in thP re
publican colors, green, white and
orange, with Insert pictures of tao
three Manchester uartyrso Iarklu, Q
o'Hilen und llen, on a Shamroclc
I'M i ith U a harp and tho
voi.K i ...I S ivc licl.iud,"