H ' t f vr,r vicTiT MTDFOim mttt, TT?TP.rNTr:. MrnroTm. oin f.ov. wiumhw. my l!MU DESIRE TO WIN WILL DICTATE G.0.PI01NEE Old Guard Bosses to Be in Alisolule Control at Chicotjo, and They Will Name Individual They Think Will Get the Votes Reactionary Preferred. ItV OILHOS MAUDNKH WABIIIXHTON, M 3.- -A iloniri' in win will rioelile ho will bt tlm ri1 Itttbltenn pumldHntlal noinlnep at CM co. TIir choice In In I lit' IiaihIk of tho on non who iionilimUul Tuft four yonr iiko and If It houlil suit tlm iMtlltlcul JtitlKiiiPiit tlipy i-ould nominate Tuft kkIii It la Rlmoltitf. ly up lo (hum. Th ctHtMtfl with few except loll" rn lo h lmnd-iilrkfil, iimrlilne made 'flninmle. I'tmriNM, Hwit, f'rane. I odne Smoef Ad Ittllec lire (he Reti-H"ni-n who will HomlHMte Hoovll i! he lx nominated; or tby wilt nom iniiif Hughe, PiUrbiinki, Hitrton, iinnllnir, Wadnworth, Week or Mr- nil Thev wilt confer and decide unci thlr deetilon will be carried out bv the deleffate. It will be a rep it.ii nld-rahloned" contention I'lckltiK h Winner , In dei Idlna what candidate In mont llkeh to win, IIih republican boMe will hare in mind several thlnan, inch an the I 000. onn progreMtve part vote cit for Hoonevelt four! I earn aao, the temper of the public , on the Hiihject of preparrdneM and other national pollcl, the oiialtitli ly that a progreMive candidate may lie named by the convention which meeta almiiltanpniialy at Hi it Auditor linn In f'hlcHRo, and the lealalatlvn lecAtda of catidldatea like llurtnn, ton, Weoka, PalrlmnKn and Met'nll Cunaldoratlotm like theae go to the ! ituentloH of a nolldlfled or a divided party oto If the lepubllrau bomea think they can win with n laudlilute like llnr toii the) will nuiue Iliirtuu rather than Itooaorelt If they think IIiikIic would be nicepted by the (iuitr n a leader of the prcparcdnnM and the jantl-WllHon lmi, thev will nitiiie i HuglieM The onl HiliiK llutf lll catiae I hem to nominate Itooacvtdt la the belief that he la the beat ran dldnte for healing the partv split and conaolldatlng the regular republican and the progreaalve republican ele ment and thua aetting the party of Root, Crane, ut al back Into power Snus Oiilj lleoln fluppeea at the November elections la all they want Thev would prefer auceeaa with Harding to ancceat with Kooaevelt, beratiae the boaaea who control are hopeleaaly reactionary and they would, like to put over a weak teactlunar) candidate. The weaker tho candidate, and the more reactionary, the greater would be their power. The Ilantia-McKlnley regime la their Ideal. ItooM'veli not going to try to "atampedo" or "capture" tho tepub Hear, convention. He couldn't If he would, and ho wouldn't if he could. The republican nomliiHtloit la a prlie of doubtful nlue There la no cer tainty that the republican candidate whoever he la will win. Itooaevelt aupported bj a conalderabln propor tion of the regular and the progrea alt otn might win: and then again he might not. Theie la it ulrong anti war aentiment In the country, partle ninth In the went, which make the outcome doubtful The Told ote nIkiw that IIiIh xentluieut 1 not for Wilson nu mote than It Is for Hoom - veil and If It aheuld be organjed In to a third party movement there l no doubt that It would rut Into both great partte. Which would be more badl) cut no human being can fore tell . .lteiimtle l'nreil Should the Ixmmmw reject Kooaewlt and name aome man like Wadt worth Harding or Moot, the reelection of Wllaon would be aaanred. Such a landldate would ran an Marker ran. Ml the progressive element would drop away Some would support Wil son, aome would vole for the pacifist-socialist candidate, Allen llenson, and some would stay at home. Tho progressive parly would no doubt name Vl ter Mitnllkk or aome Hiirh man as a prealdentlal candidate and keep up a skeleton organisation In the Mates nnd nation. Roosevelt very likely would go flxhlng. Such Is the alternative which the repub lican boHHP face when the) hesitate to nominate Roosevelt Will the play good politics or tho same kind of politics the) pla)cd four enr ago There la n sa)lng that a llourboii neer loams and never for geta In the pnat theno lepubllntii bosses have shown themselves typical llouibona. Aie thuv preparing to nomliiuie ii Hauling or u W'adsworth" It It not at nil Impossible that the) .ire EM ROBBERS J a. Ore f Vawer, WmIi.j is altendlHg te business In IMs Hy DYNAMITE SAFE il ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL damllal U - I.a mi Mux.at fc I ll ' tir (.'reek or, h.rrt, i. here liM-kltia Jacksonville this week. after his Interests aths JM. Hotel Holland. J Horn, to Mr. ami Mrs Harry HeAr-1 Many Ashland peopJp are visiter mond. of Ilend. Ore. (formerly of i along the pike at the street carnival at m this clt ) Mav 2, a boy. , today. Sale rra ker- I ie the safe In II H I'axson'a drug store at Central Point about 3 o'clock this morning, smashing the Interior of the building and breaking many showcases and window panes The safe was blown nenrlv across the storeroom. A littlo mone and a cons-idem Me iiuantlt) of watches and Jewnln weie taken, the latter belonging to It m )an. the Jeweler. The damage to the Interior of the building and almost pverv lueaknble thing In It Is ureal" , than the value of the goods laKen lst Stilida) two safe-i raeker blew the safe of the Ashland Vrnlt & Produce association, obtaining $2' In tnone) and a small quantltv of can ned meat. The work In these two placet was similar It Is believed that It was done b experts In the biisliieitH No clue In leported b the nilthor-Itli-N as to the ldentlt of the thug" Scan b lo beillK made Experts have declared that a cream of tartar baking powder is the best to use because of its healthful qualities. ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. No Alum No Phosphate mJmHKH"" s y . y u ram f? str Jwjmsi TheWor.sn'c ctor; t t M Mi mi SAI M 9, wms TkeWox.an's Store 11-22 XOirril CKNTIliUi ! ! OPENS MAY 4TH T v V " .. N V K7 TA r P . m rWr'KV V WS-V X S - ". , vfc v V X -W 4S QXS tnQind3LLf3 Q. "-. K f "JhaijQutohn s, X ii v H-22 XOIJT1I CKNTPvAL A Our ANNUAL MAY SALE of WHITE OPENS THURSDAY, MAY 4 This sale will give the women of Medford and vicinity an opportunity to supply their needs for the coming summer at a great saving. We have spent considerable time preparing for this sale. Most of the goods offered in this sale were bought before the recent rise in prices and we can assure you that it will be some time before you will be able to duplicate these bargains nil. Mim) l BiLdl lbSr.T.UL 1 EBLlif arriHi 1 NPtiLJlil)' OPENS MAY 4TH Great Bargains in Domestics SHEETS 72x00 ScniiH-il a Slii't'K win ih liOi-. 39c sale irii'c, I'iti'h Sin iwil rift St'unilfsM SIh'.'Ij. S1!)0, worth toilny SUc, 69c LONGCLOTH 12 yd. jiitM-f, worth $1.2fl, anlo flOr V luixi'loth, rj-yniil V lio'i Aorth l.."D. Y Ic pi'lt'0, r- or lit'r( pl.uJ s.tlc ppl'(, ont'li PILLOW CASES (ioiul (tuility linen finihh. 22- valurK, salo jirit'p, 4Qr ca.'h . .. AO 12 and n-iiu'h Pil low Slips, JOOll 1' ralr. salt' 10lr LUij CAMBRIC .'tli ilicllrs wide, I'lllf iialit, worth 12 .." salt' flp priri'. anl vi PLISSE CREPE I ''or uiulprwi'ar, jfootl niialtl, worth 20.-. fortius -ICr Milcoiih.yil Awl' MUSLIN ."it! inch fine lilrarll- cil iti.iltt, worth 10.'. ah prii'f, y aril 8c INDIA LIN0N ru im-hi'h wiilc. fiiif iimlii, worth 10c, sale pi ifi, Qr var.1 01 BED SPREADS l..liyr sii, fini(l iialili.oitlil.-J."i. jg sale price, I'jti'h 89c Ucdspri'ad.'s. lai sic, hoi It I'linmd anil si all'ipi'd. I.ui size, j? 1.7") ur.uli, sale price. ?4 MQ cadi .... 5l.i0 Maivcillrs Wr,- spreads, full mi . worthy:'.. "t .tf n o sale price "P.TtO Mai"s'illis I!, il Y I pri e, each New White Goods at Low Prices Palm Hea.-h Cloth. :tli spread S.i. qo mq vwy special vO 0 - r x ivse L - Ni 'uUr ' I 52i 4 . A wpA 5S hsirt - y u g Tnt, Undermuslins Under-Priced Childicn's Shirts and I)rawi'r. worth ii to2.")c. sale -Ap plirr, each l"v (i (' (iiiwns, new -Mrs, all sizes, . Iii'.ip at $.'2), 98c s.iie jirn-e, it h ( In iitise, fine jual- to hi. rly triiuiiu'd, w-tt'i 2.00, sale I 1 1. 1 . each. at $1.48 1 . dd liear Coiuhi- n.it i. ii Suiis, new -t It s. ver Q- nr spi. i.il. ea vl'w (liiWHs, all sies, er lute iiialit, worth S."ic, Qp sah' priic, a. Ut0 Kiivelope Cheiniso, fine uality, worth 1.2."), sile 'QOp piiee .. wOu Flesh Colored (lown.s. worth 1.7"), sale irice. &4 Of each ...: Ql.&O ( 'ripe (low lis, made of fine Pleisse rl'epe all sixes, er sje- f'oi-set Covers made of line camhric, all si.e.s, new stle, worth ooc, rtQ sale price, ea. v0 Drawers, fine iiial- ity, nicely trimmed, worth 7."ie, rQp sale price, ea. uulj Underskirts, made of fine camhric, nicely trimmed, worth $1. 7Qp sale price, oa. vv l'-HM'lojie Chemise, jjimmI ipialitv, worth $1..")0. salt 1 t V T ? ? ? t r ? Y Y Skirts, made etra wide, nicelv trim- ; Y med, worth 1.2.), t i sale price, each. .. . Hftl ! q.oO. sale ffj jQ trice, each V--J-w t ! Combination Suils, i f many styles to V choose from, 2.oo ipiality, now i $1.69 1 Children V Xiyht ! (ioWIIri, all lies, very R)peial, each 69c :: J. Niht fiowiis, niadi f of fine lingerie cloth j. in white .Mud flesh. special, each .... & 1000 vardsnew White j (SimkK iu fanc A checks and stripes. j ital l.V alue, 1 Ap V nale price, yd. i-"l i T : -Hi ! V IW-inch (JalH'rdine, X fine ipialit), for m'- V urate skirl. lOv sDp ifiade, ifuw, vd. 0 y X Organdie and odes tt for gradtititini; dresses, hue ijualitv. from ii5 up lo $t a " ard. i'a.iama Cloth, :( iu. Wide, Used ftt' m.ikiuu men's utidcrwear, worth lSe, 101p sale price, yA. J-2 KUKJ ards Checked and Sniped Diimtx for childl'ell'K dresses, up to 2V allies, sale price, per Olr :l) iui h Piiue for sllltllUi v sKll Is, Up lo 25c .i.H N.tlllcs, pet aid inches wide, for .skirts and diesM's, 9Q ven sjiecial, d. Ovi looo , 1 1 ls fancy White (ioods, slight l soihd, woith up to ;".' a a rd, to 1 Q lean upat. yd. -10 v 'It! and tO-iiK-h l-'ancv N'odi's and sheer w luti matt i i.ils, up to 7".. values. an- i. . aid i(Jf Pretty New Blouses for Our White Sale 4t9MFi.' 'W2Ja sr,vr-rH' &m k-'JA' it ur i ms: t y , rJJ, u. - 1 X n 'KT lKl heautiful New Waists, all well made. new stvles. ui to 2.10 allies, thin sale, each. 04 A A at . .. . tpl.UU loo Women's Lingerie Waists, all siis. m.l t iimiued, all new stxles. up to $2.50 values, &4 ac ihis sale, each V--0 Woimu's and Chlldleli's Muldv lilouses. all si s. gM'd stxhs, real M.00 allies, this sale at. i ah 79c $1.48 1 Embroideries and Laces for Less Kmhroidery Kilges, fine iualit,. allies ii) to 15c, wile price, r in .. .. t lS-ineh Kiubroidt r Flmuicings, worth up to7.V, sale price, 0Q l"-ineh lCinbroidei I-'lolUleiugt,, up to UU values, &4 PA this sale, yd. vl0J 27-in h Lace FIouih inus. up to M ."Hi ijfAp X.lhlt s, now, ,l. itl Kilet Lace lodgings for i rimming under wear, up to 2.)c values, this sale. artl 15c Corset Coer Min hroitlery, fine Swiss iiuality,' worth on 7oc, now, yard dJL lS-ineh fine Swiss Embroidery Klotiue- mg, up to $1.2o it allies, now, d. Is- inch Corset Coer l'Jubroider, good iualit, .")0e grade, now, V 'jtl. Laces, fine ipial- V it, lli to l.")e allies, ! this .sale at, per r V aid uj l 27 inch fine Xet La-e Kloiuicings, real i.:o V 79c :j: values, now, .ird :,,. 29c !) I....I. 1.V..L.. ! I--OMU r.iuorouierv Klolllleing, Up to ."sl.rjO V x antes, uns ftOn V sale, mil .. tOC V A BARGAINS in TABLE LINEN anil TOWELS Y "2 in. h .Mi.i'iwtl Y T.O'Je Luien, Kt Lae Flouiiiiugs, 27 l indies wide, tine iiinl- it.1.7.) allies, nn J Nile pi ice, ard vOC V Y r.atternH t HfU'vt fitmi, wiiHh !", we kwA 'j now, per Y vara B Viui .t ., . . 1 5 IV' MWWll UlH jp .. n......i o J.1UIUU anjvti fAittcmTfiMIf, i k Jf"P- ial. j 2") clo llui k Tow (K, linen and eot ton iiumiIj fan Wup auH ix 1 hut Lath Tout U, tAtr.i klltfi' Mit ;i"e t isml J)s!p iaiK(di'h v "wv .lust lteeivetl a kllt HliliUI(Ui of li.itUT'Mcls. on SalO ui I0i. '2iii New White Wash Skirts ' lvrtvi t" W'.ili S'.ui-, InI ttlhii i ,' , ii i tirt niii !iiM.l .i.i.li hum fm-' Q M OQ .tmi S")'lll4i?. .ill Mv. ihhI -In ' - jCtSJ ) N i. n- .. 1 . I',!,n n. c to EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WHITE SALE Women's White Handkerchiefs. erv sie ial, each .... 2c VVomeng White All-Linen Hand kehift's, vervo Women's White Lisle (ilow.s, er Z?" "t 25c Children's White 1Iom all sic.s, gIMHl US lllOIxt 25c Women's White Fiber Silk llo.si sei ial at, pair 56c Women's Xe k Wear, Hew stles, A V t Kaxser's White Silk (Moves, r) sn'ial. ir. tfvi k Women's fine LisW White Hose, ' ? s'i ial at. , i.l. 5c!;:.:.-1""'. 15c tiw. -p" ial :,!, 25c VK ' ' lvl tit. 25ei ! a lU)r UvV ( I Pi1i . 19c!',; kii 'w- iRi A