Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    RranroRT) math tribune, mfdford. mulds. m dm simy. mv
vai: HFVKN
Msnager Sharrlts of the Star thea
ter, ' accused'" by tht' film exchanges
of I'ortliiud and Seattle of being a
"live-wire showman," was probably
the busiest exhibitor In southern Ore
Run all last wek. lie began early
In the week to make waving pictures
at nil the schools hi the city, the
films being made as the pupils left
the school buildings at recess, using
liln fatuous camera that has done no
table service In eighteen different
Htutes. The children of the Washing
ton school will be mirprloed when
they discover themselves sliding up
the shout, Instead of down, as the
earners was turned upside down whon
that picture was takon. Several hun
dred "movie stars" are awaiting ex
i tantly the date of their appearance
nt tho Star.
Nino business houses and hotels
were taken nlno, during their busy
hours, tho Mann department store be
ing crowded I'll day afternoon on the
occasion of the cameraman's visit to
that house.
The ambulance run by the Porl
rndertakliiK company's driver will bo
one of the most exciting scenes taken
in ono of the home-made movies.
Herbert Alford, Lowe Xundel and
Carl Tengwald play Important parts
In this semi-tragic affair. Altogeth
er, about lftOO feet of reel was used
in those local scenes. The date of
their appearance nt the Star will be
Reported by Jackson County At
tract Co., Blith and Fir tit.
Kay Moore vh. Rogue Iliver Public
Service t'orHrnt4nn. order ot default.
.lack-on Count v Pudding & Loan
mofintinii v. C. W. I'roet ct hI do
cree. John Ciii'Ihoii el nl. v. Halt Cieek
Mining: & Development Co., order of
default, decree.
J. M. Dmlgu vs. K. A. IlwniHK et
nl., order overruling- uVinurroi".
I'ciul Minim Colvig v. Frank h.
Oolvijr, ilefnult, decree.
Ulunelio Mitchell et al. vs. duties
I!. Moore et nl., dufuult, ilcetcc.
II. W. lluntxiiiirei' . J. K. Oman
ct al., default, decree.
N. N. I)uvi vs. John II. Groves d
al.. (liHD)iMel.
II. 51. MVFurlunil vs. Henry llnm
jilirey el nl., default order, decree.
P.'L. Ton Velle . Minnie A. Me
Kih, nlininitriitrix. demurrer over
ruled, dcl'uutt order, decree.
Medfcml Con I & Mining Co. vh.
Kunnyitlv Con I & Coke Co. et nl or
der. UwmiIch !, Winter v. Ahlnul Mill
oral Spring ut al., oonfilinutiott of
Gertrude Smith v. Frwl W. York
el nl.. confirmation of ttle.
M. V. Carter, tru-dee, vs. V. C. Dan
forth et nl., confirmation of agio.
R. B. Ilunlev v. V. II. Humphrey
ei nl., order for amended return, or
der of delimit, decree.
Mav Co. v. J. M. U"t et nl, cer
tillctlte of iittiu hiiicut.
Mtill'iiiil Niitiniinl Dunk n S. ('.
DlMun-Hged Cltlcns Will I'liid Com
fort in the KjKrlciir of n Med
fold Mini.
Experience is the modem Instruc
tor. Profit by the experience of others.
It way save your life.
The experience of friends and neigh,
The testimony of Med ford people
Will bring renewed encouragement
Here Is a ease in peint:
D. K. Andrus. 510 S .Kir St.. Med
ford, says: "I was bothered consid
erably by tay kidneys ami bladder. I
had trouble in retaining the kidney
secretlous aud I also bad a dull aehe
aeross my kidneys. I found good re
lief front Doan's Kidney Pills. My
kidney acted wore regularly and I
didn't have that trouble in my back.
This has convinced me that Doan's
Kidney Pills are a medicine of merit
and are worth recommending to oth
ore." Price Bee. at all dealers. Don't
imply ask for a kidney remedy get
1 Jean's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Andrua had. Poster-Mlibum Co ,
Props.. Buffalo. X. Y.
Kour-room cottage, gardt-n
Hie place for a littlt bom.- and
wr floe Ji', sldewaU 7i o, all luiid In full 1-ot ll)xl47. Handy
loam soil Best citv property of this Kind we bave ever offered.
0 Toittl price $tiu.
Hrttl j.Uit', lkaii,
UlUi .a Main.
George et nx, certificate of attach-
Henry II. Taylor vs. Htroert S.
Towne et al., order for publication of
summons; affidavit.
Sarah Clav vs. Central Point Pack
ing; Co.. summons.
Knd. Hnlhrcwk vs. End &
Holme-, default, judgment.
Lulu Van Wegen vs. Altla C. Bih
et nl., demurrer.
.lohn II. (Inivpa vs. Paul 0. Denver,
.hcriffV HffidnvH.
X. X. Davis vs. John II. Groves et
nl., cot bill. '
Mary Ann Pryce vs. Gold Hoy
Healtv Co., order overruling- de
murrer. Prolmto
William I. Vnwler ontnte,' claim.
Arnold Ihmliolier i-tntp, proof of
publication, affidavit of posting re
xrt of tnle.
IlnrriHon Triplet! estate, finnl ac
counting. Ilcnl llstuts Trnuofcrii,
D. K. Cottrcll et us to V. W.
Coltrell, hind in -co. 2S-:il-2V.
f Id
LONDON. May 3. -It Is expected
say the London morning papers, that
the resignation of some of the mem
bers or the Irish administration, in
cluding Augustine lllrrell, first secre
tary for Ireland, and Sir Matthow
Nathan, under-Berretary to the lord
lieutenant, will be announced In the
house of a few days.
.According to the Dnlly Telcgrnph,
Thomas McKlnnon Wood, liberal
member of parliament for the St.
Itollox division of (ilnsgow, will suc
ceed Mr lllrrell.
Women Sufferers
Need Swamp-Root
Thousands upon thousands of wom
en have kidney and bladder trouble
uiid novor suspect It.
iWomon'a complaints often prove to
bo nothing else but kidney trouble,
or tho result of kidney or bladder dls
ease. If the kidneys aro not In a healthy
condition, they may cause tho other
organs to becomo diseased.
You may suffer a great deal of pain
in tho back, headache, loss of ambi
tion, nervousness and may bo des
pondent and Irritable.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a physician's
prescription, obtained at any drug
store, restores health to the kidneys
and is Just the romody needed to ov
ercome such conditions.
Get a fifty cent or one dollar bot
tle Immediately from any drug store.
However, ir you wish first to test
this gioat preparation send ten rent
to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Hlnghainpton.
N. Y.. for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure to mention the Mod
ford tOre.) Mall Tribune.
III the circuit court of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Jackson.
Henry H. Taylor, plaintiff, vs. Rob
ert 8. Towne, Pacific Coal Company,
an Arlsona corporation, Medford Coal
& Milling Company, u corHratlon
YV. D. Dllworth. S. M Munson. K. C
Harris, riunnslde Coal & Coko Com
pany, an Arlsona corporation. W. K
Crevks, as receiver of Sunn) side Coal
Coke Company, Jackson County
Hank an Oregon rorporatlon, and
hIho ull other persons or partiea un
known, claiming an) right, title, es
tate, lien or luteiest in III" real es
tate described iu the complaint hete
In. defendants.
To the above named defendants,
Kobert 8. Towne. Pacific Coal Com
pany, W. D. Dilworth. 8. M. Munsou
uiid K. C Harris:
You and each of you are hereby
summoned aud required to appear in
the above entitled court and cause
and answer the complaint of plain
tiff on file therein, within six weeks
after the date of the rtrst publication
of this summons, said period of six
weeks being the time preserilwd by
order of the Honorable K. M Calk
ins, judge of the above named court,
in his order or publication herein,
dated Ma 1st. 1916, within which
you shall appear and answer said
And you are hereby notified that
If you fail to appear and answer Mid
complaint within said time that plain
tiff will appl) to the court for the re.
lief demanded in the complaint a
succint statement of which is as fol fel fol
eows: 1 That the defendants and each
of them be required to set forth the
nature of his claim, if any, Iu aud to
the following described premises, sit
uated, lying and being iu Jackson
county, Oregon, to-wit
Comniemtug at the northeast cor
ner of the west half of section twenty-three
(23) township thirty seven
(37) South, range One (11 West of
W. M . running thence east 1 1 hulns
and I I links to a post and mound of
rocks situated for a cerner: thence
trat. berrifi.
garden tract
flowers, shade. Just
Paving mt.lo, sew
ItcnUU, liiMiiunce.
Phone TOO
oiith '.'o i bains. theme west 7
chains ami .1.1 links, more or leva, to
the Inside ell of the John M Ke Do
nation Land Claim No. 2 In said
township and range: thence north
20 chains; thence east to the north
east corner of the west half of said
section 13, the place of commencing,
containing 175 acres, more or less
i That It be adjudged and de
creed that none of Hid denfendants
have any estate or interest whatever
in or to said premises, and that the
title or the plaintiff thereto Is good
and valid.
3. That the defendants and each
of them be forever barred and fore
cloeed from asserting any claim
whatever In or to Mid lands or prem
ises adverse to the plaintiff, and for
kuch other relief as the court may
deem Just and equitable.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication of summons May
3rd. 1916.
Notice to Contractor
Sealed proposals, addressed to the
Undersigned at Jacksonville Oregon,
and endorsed "Healed Ulds for Re
ualrlng Koad." for repairing a county
road between Medford and Jackson
ville, Oregon, In accordance with the
plans and specifications on file In the
county surveyor's office, over tho
Medford National bank building,
Medford, Oregon, will bo received
and filed until 10 a. in.. May 12.
101(1. and at Mint tlmo tho countv
court will publicly open and read all
Kach bidder shall be required to
deposit with his bid five per cent of
the amount of his bid, which shall
bo forfeited to tho county in caso
the award is made to him, and if he
falls, neglects or refuses, for a per
iod of 10 days after such award Is
made, to enter Into a contract and
fllo hi bond In the manner required
by and to the satisfaction of the
county court.
A corporate surety bond will lie rn-
quired for the faithful performance
of the contract in a sum equal to
ono-hnlf of the total amount of the
sum bid.
The county court reserves the right
to reject any or all bids, or to ac
cept the proposal deemed best for
Jackson county.
Dated this 1th day of April. 1910.
County Clerk, Jacksonville, Ore.
I horeby announce that I have fllod
my declaration of intention to become
n candldato for the republican nom
ination for the office or representa
tive subject to the decision of tho re
publican party at the coming primary
Adv. C. M. THOMAS.
I am a candldato for the republican
nomination for Joint representative:
from tho district comprising Doug
las and Jnckson counties subjeot to
tho primary In May. If nominated
and nlootod I will serve the jieoplo of
tho district to the best or my Ability.
Adv. H. OOltlC.
I hereby announce my oandldaey
for the nomination for representa
tive from Jackson county on the re
publican ticket, subject to the pri
mary on May 19. I pledge myself for
oconomy and a square deal for all.
I am a republican candidate for
representative In the Mate legisla
ture. HBNJ. C. 81 1 HI. DON.
The records of the county clerk at
this time show a saving of $1500.00
In the administration of this office
as compared with the previous term.
This has been accomplished by trans
acting the same amount of business
before grand Juries In one day that
has formerly required five or six
days, and by eliminating many petty
matters, and without any sacrifice to
law enforcement In the county. I
feel that this saving aud my exper
ience entitles me to a second term.
I am therefore a candidate for re
election to the office of district attor
ney. K. K. 1CKI.DY.
I hereby announce that i have
filed my declaration ot intention to
become a oandldate for the repub
lican nomination for the office of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to the decision of the
republican party, at the primary elec
tion to be held May 19, 191.
Adv. Q. M. ItOUIfiRTii.
I hereby announce that 1 have filed
my declaration of Intentions, and that
I am a candidate for th democratic
nomination tor the office of district
attorney, subject to the May primar
ies. If I am nominated aud elected
I to this office, 1 promise not to forget
: the fact that I am a public servant.
aud that I will to the best of my
ability administer the affairs of the
office, Impartially, beneatiy and
without fear or favor.
The first of the year i number of
republicans, including many who ap
proved of my efforts In tbe interest
of the tax pavers as state representa
tive four years ago, requested me to
become a candidate for the office of
District Attorney, Inasmuch as there
l would be, in addition to the regular
duties of tbe criminal and Juvenile
I courts, new dutlea and conditions
I confronting tbe office Among these
. JKL a
I ... .. ,. . . ..
u acres uer trees uoiiom, iv
aerea In cultivation, elfalft, trait and
grain, eaally irrigated. I.ia than
wile from Medford. 96l( eaafa.
One of the beat buys la Jackson
county. Bay when and I will show
' you.
j 102 Weat Main Ut.
PLoub 7991
were mentioned the enforcement of
tho prohibition act. and the Mhell
hood ot having to foreclose many tax
Hens, particularly thoie against the
Southern Pacific land grant of nearly
half million aerea In .laciison county,
amounting to atom 1200.000.
My reply was that I would become
a candidate if It were generally de
sired and the race renin tie made
without assuming special obligation
to any particular individual, faction,
locality or Interest
Therefore, after contiltlng-personal!
v or bv letter several hundred men
and women of all occupations In
all parts of the county, believing
there Is a real desire for mv candi
dacy. I will be a candidate for the
nomination of District Attorney on
tho rcpublleun ticket.
I am a candidate for the offlcn ot
district attorney on the democrat
ticket. If nominated and elected, 1
shall serve the countv as 1 have
served the City of Medford during
tho past three years, during which
Mme I have been Its cltv attorney
Gardner l ttepnlillcnn Candl
O. A.
dato foe ( ounty Clerk
I hereby announce mv candidacy
for the office of county clerk and ir
nominated and olected will continue
to give mv entire time and attention
to tho duties thereof, conduct tho
office according to law and give an
efficient, economical and business
like administration.
Adv. 0. A. OARDNRR.
I hereby announce that I have
filed my declaration of Intention to
becomo a candidate tor the republi
can nomination for the office of coun
ty clerk, for Jackson countv, snblect
to tho decision of the republican par
ty, at the primary olecllon to bo held
May 19. HUB.
Adv. A. V. IllI.DKnRAND.
rorxTY asskssou
I herebv announce my candidacy
for tho office, of county assessor of
Jackson county on the republican
ticket, subjoct to the primary on
Mny 10. I plndgo myselt to an
honest, orflelent. Impartial and econ
omical discharge or tbe dull of the
office and propoce to make all assess,
ments upon tho hnsls of th true
actual value of tho property and not
upon any InHated vnluatlon.
I hnrowlth announce my candidacy
for countv assessor, subject to the
decision of the republican nartv at
the primary election to be hold Mav
10. IP 16. If elected I pledge myself
to make n Just and equitable assess
ment and administer the affairs of
tho offlco In a liiislness-llke manuor.
Adv. J. 11 COI.KMAN.
I heroby nnnounce mv candidacy
for tho democratic nomination for
tho ofHce or nsanssor of Jackson
countv at tho primary to bo held
May 10th, 101(5. Have had three
years' experience, as deputy assessor.
1 hereby announce that I am a
ruudldnte for county anacMor for
Jackxon oounty, Oregon, on the re
publican ticket, subject to the pri
maries to be held May 18, 1 91ft. Mv
platferm: Kconomv, equality and
efficiency. J. C. HBRRIXO.
Candidate for countv nssessor at
republican prlmnrv election, May 10.
1816. Three years experience cleri
cal work making up assessment rolls
mid extending tax rolls. tnwnshlp.2il
and 30 North. Range I West, state
of Michigan. Three years assessor
ami member of county hoard of su
pervisors, Olsego countv, Michigan,
Six years deputy assessor In Jackson
eountv, Oregon. If elected, practical
experience, common aense and busi
ness Judgment will bo exercised In
making assessments. Fictitious,
boom valuations will not be permit
ted. The greatest possible accuracy
and economy In field and office work
will be tlgldlv enforced. The most
efficient admlnliir.itlon Ibni exper
ience, education nud capability can
exact, in everv d par! men t of thla
Important office, will bo effected
Fair mid rourlcnu'i treatment extend
ed to nil tnxpiiM-rs. Integrity of
purpose the governing fnntor. Your
support solicited W. W. Till'AX.
I have heretofore) formally an
nounced my candidacy for the nomi
nation for aberirf on the republican
ticket to he voted upo at the com
ing primary election. May 19, 1916.
I hare held the position of deputy
sheriff during the past four years. It
Is unanimously conceded that a mark
et' Improvement has tieen made In
all departments of the sheriff's of
fice during the Incuintiency of the
present sheriff, the records In the of
fie at the beginning ot the present
administration were considered the
worst In the state they are now
considered equal to any and better
than moat.
Tbe work of tax collection has been
syiitemntlxed so that quicker and bet
ter service is nou being rendered,
and taxes collected at a much lesi
eost than heretofore.
I am fully conversant with the du
ties and ueedb or the office for which
I aspire.
If I am nominated and olected I
pledge myself:
1st To maintain tbe office la its
present efficient condition.
2nd. To endeavor to further Im
prove the servlet to taxpayer! and to
minimise the cok thereof.
3rd. To Impartially perforat aM
dutlea and enforce all laws
K. W. (C'trij) WiLftO.V.
I am caodl'ta'c for the nomina
tion of Sheriff or the republican
Trade for
City Property
Hill (utile i l Ktin L i.tni It
full) ilpl'l with 1"'" u re iu
cultivation l." il'd rieur hanle
Point Total pn.e only $I2,o(h
Mortgage, f.nitii not due (or four
viare Kqultv 7 iioft, to trade fori
iirri ii e in ir Mi 'furd and Mv rer i
l!i m e
1 s It M
UK) 0.uii. tt tun) lll-U
ticket to be voted for at the primaries
May 1. 11. If Nominated and
elected I will enforce the taw and
give the public an honest. Impartial
and efficient administration.
37 years In Jackson countv.
I hereby announce mv eandidacy
for the republican nomination for
sheriff, to lie voted on at the coming
primaries. Mav lth, 1MB.
I feel that I need no introduction
to the public, having been a resident
ot Jackson county for 28 years.
I l inena mywu. u mnn. in kitb
an impartial, economical and con
servative administration of this im
portant office.
I have endeavored to serve the
public falthmily In the past and
agree. If elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforce all laws. Having
a very large experience In the mat
ters of taxation and knowing Jac
wn county thoroughly, I pledge my
self to conduct the tax collection
branch of the office In such a manner
as to serve the taxpayers honestly,
promptly and efficiently.
Adv. W. T. GRIKVM.
I am ii oandldate for the republi
can nomination ot sheriff of Jackson
county, subject to the primary, May
10. 1916.
1 have llvod In Jackson county
tvvolvo years, mnde the raco for the
nomination for sheriff two years ago
and received a splendid vote deaplto
tho unusual conditions I had to op
pose and would approclate your sup
port this time.
If elected 1 will onforco all laws
and pledge myself to an economical,
Impartial and conservative adminis
tration. Adv. A. W. WAUCICR.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for sheriff on tho
democratic ticket, subject to tho will
of the voters at the primary to be
held Mav 18. 1016. 1 am a native
son or Jackson county and my en
tire past life Is subject to your Inves
tigation. RALPH G. JKNNINOS.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the democratic nomination for
sheriff to be voted on at the coming
primaries, May 10, 181(5. I have
served the cltv of Medford as chief of
pollen for over five voars and during
that time served under four different
mayors. I pledgo myself, if nomi
nated and elected, to serve the public
and do my dntv as sheriff at nil
tlmos, and give the public an honest
and Impartial administration,
Adv. J. F. 1HTT80N.
Deputy County Treasuier Myrtle
W. Illakolny announces her candidacy
for the ofHce of county treasurer.
I herebv nnnmiire mv candidacy
on the republican ticket for tho of
fice of county treasurer, to be votod
on nt the coming primaries. I have
held tho position as deputy In this
office for tho past year and am con
fident that I can fulfill the duties
connected therewith.
I servod two years as deputy conn,
t" recorder before taklnr the posi
tion as deputy county treasurer; I
have also had experience as account
ant for several corporations, such as
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Medford Ice aud Stor
age Company, before taking up ooun
ty work, and will say that my peat
record Is open for inspection to the
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated nnd elected I will run
the office without the expense of a
deputy and continue to serve the pub
lic Just as efficient in the future aa
I have In the past.
I hereby announce that I have fllod
my declaration of Intention to be
come a candidate for the republican
nomination for the oHtce of county
treasurer, to be voted on In the com
ing primaries.
If I ani nominated and elected will
conduct the office In an efficient and
bualneasllke manner.
I hereby announce that 1 am a can
didate for the nomination of county
treasuier for Jackson county. Oregon,
on the republican ticket to he voted
for at the primary election to he held
May 18. 1916.
1 formerly held the office of county
treasurer and believe 1 gave general
satisfaction to tbe public.
During the time I was countv treas
urer the county employed expert ae
eouutants to expert the county offi
cers' books and said experts compli
mented my work very highly as a
public official.
If nominated and elected I shall
endeavor to conduct the affairs of the
office In an honest, efficient and bual-
nesa-llke manner.
Adv. JA8 M. CltON'rcMILLfSR.
I hereby announco my candidacy
on the republican ticket for the of
fice of County School Superintend
ent for Jackson county. Oregon, sub
ject to the will of the republican
party at the primary election May
19. I stand for practical school ef
ficiency, personal supervision of the
schools and elimination of county
sck.tol supervisors.
Tn the veters: I am republican
candidate for county school super
int'udent nt the primary election,
Mav 19, lttt
1 am for sn rvldon of the schools
by tbe superintendent and for econ
omy iu the count'- Hiperlntendent'i
office and every plru'e vvhern it does
not retard tbe tUt lency of tbe
I am In favor of progressive duC4-
You uiuy k0uie a film level piece
of alfalfa of Ji inns, light la the
heart of tbe good land. Iu the (enter
ot the valley, some buildings un ele
gant idace for a home, items for
I I penent ulw tnxch Terms ut
offered i'rlti liluoo
A nooil lioilHe f ii l(lliil, OffeKid1 for
lltiM' vsuitb iniiiii (J) ''id) M'i't
have iKli k .ictiOM
Hooii-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
tlon, that Is. education that prepares
the bey or girl for life. I am tor all
having a square deal and an eqaal
chance for an education.
If nominated and elected I will
do every thing In my power to make
the schools ot Jaskeen eonnty the
beet In the state.
Adv. A. J. HANBT.
I hereby annonnco that I have
filed my declaration of Intentions,
and that I am a candidate for the re
nnbllcan nomination for the office of
Countv School Superintendent of
Jackson county, anbject to the pri
maries of Mav 10
If nominated nnd elected I pledge
mvselt to an honest. Impartial nnd
economic administration and will
personally supervise our schools.
1 hold an Oregon llfo certificate,
and having recently spent four ses
sions on preparatory work, both In
the University of Oregon and In the
University of California in the etudy
or modern education and supervi
sion, and having served the county
ss rural school supervisor for two
years, I feel oompetont to fill the of
fice In n thoroughly satisfactory man
ner and herebv solicit the support of
every true friend of education.
Adv. G. W. AORR.
I am a candidate for tho republi
can nomination for County School
Superintendent. I stand fer: A con
tinuance of progressive policies In
education, economy consistent with
efficiency, equal educational ndvmn-
tngns for the hnvs and Klrls on the
farms with those Iu the cities and
if nominated and olected I will In
tho future, as In tho past, clvo my
full time nnd host effort tn thn
supervision of tho schoola nnd the ad
ministration, of tho duties of the of
ftco During mv Incumbency I have
not confined mvselt strlctlv to tho
routine duties of tho office hut hnvo
taken n bronder view of the mission
of the Countv School Superintendent.
In nddltton to tnv efforts k ralso tho
standard of teaching nnd improve thn
physical conditions nt school I have
labored to promote thn welfnrn of
tho hoys and girls through Industrial
clulis, school fairs, school crodlts for
homo work, psrent-teaehora circles.
spelling and arithmetic contests, and
other activities. I feel that my work
ban been regarded with favor and In
order to continue this work, I am
asking for re-election.
FOR RKNT Apartment for
Tho llorhon, 10 Qulno 8L
FOR R1CNT l-room
012 84i. Newtown.
modern house.
FOR RKNT -Furnished 8-story bun.
galow, garage, fine lawn, roses,
fruit and berries, sleeping porches;
oer thing modern. 510 W. Jnck
wiii st. , -10
FoirRKNT--l''urnTsired housekeep
Ing rooms; close lu. 6JH Kast
Main. Phone .17S R.
FOR RKNT Furnlaheil houaukeep
rooms. 311 N. llartlett.
FO irRKXTThree furnished honse
keeplug rooms, ground floor. Tel
ephone, 7SS-X. 'ii) 8. Grape. 36
FoTlTTRN'r --Cosrrurnlshthouse".
keeping rooms, close In, ?ft month.
Lights, water, gas, bath. Phone
FO IIM X IfiXT "R to 10 acres I r rlgat oil
garden or beet laud; buildings;
near Medford. Also horse for sale.
Phone 811-lt evenings.
FOR 8A i.IC - Fi osh milk" goats at r
ducntl rates. Mrs. L. Duseubury.
Climax. Ore.
I'OR BALK Five passenger touring
car, must be sold at ouce. Hare
hurgaln. Pacific Highway Garage
FOR HALK One horse cultivator. Ir
rigating shovel, harrow. W. V.
Cartwrlght, K. of Beunet ave. Call
after 6 o'clock. 36
FOR tfALK Fir tier woed: also oak
and laurel cord wood. Phone
311-J. !
FOR HALfcJ- nice grain bay.
FOR HALK -Fuller-Johnson gasoline
engine, pump Jack attached, lieen
uaed hut little and good aa new
Will sell cheap. D. W. Stone, Cen
tral Point. 39
FOR BALK -One good two-seated
hack with top. i, 11. Stevens, Tolo,
Ore. 38
FOR BALK or trade, Iwo-seutad hack
for light furm wagon. Frituchc,
Medford, Route 3. 37
FOR 8ALK Or trade, good No. B
Oliver typewriter, would consider
good violin. H 1. Box 108. or
Phono 610-JS. 36
FOR 8ALR Sell your S. A II. Green
Trading stninps. 1100 N W. Uank
lildg., Portland. 47
FOR 8ALi: Seed" corn and grain
hay; ulso posture. Phoue &91-J2,
C. W. Isaacs.
mm aauv hkau vdTArH
sssisai wi i -ti iwsawssa .s sfcioi
FOR HALK Ranch, 2S acres, on
Wood river, 1 1-3 niihs mirth of
Foil Klumath. llultle King, K.rt
Klaiuuth, Oiegou. 37
vVAJVTr.r. rruTinNS 0
WANTKD Sewing at home or by
tho day. Phouo 47U-M, ill 8.
Central. f&
' .ATKU,-iimit.i.i;viSOin
V!1CI) To Inn 0) siii.iW) cooK
O ) . lavpl ' cllei Titlt 497
n :t
n - -m
'V ii i ( 'U ' i r i i i rim
W"MWANTln-.l'lJIAUt '
W A XTB O-OI rl L'fr" general" ho3?
work: no washing; small family;
good wages. Mra. F. C. Kfy,
Tel. 611-J-3.
WANTKDRolscltor. lady"or"featli
man. Address P. O. Box 184, Aafc.
land, Ore. 18
WANTKtw Woman $80 toTdittrlbHU
Ing free skeins Wear-Proof darn
ing cotton with hosiery, your sec
tion. Kxnerlenee unnecessary. In
ternational Mills, dept. ?, tfar
Irstown. Pa. 4J
cJnBYTcT" LO a XOnlmsTroired
eity mercantile property. McCurdy
Insurance Agency.
LOST Tuesday, April 85. on Crater
Lake highway between Baglo Point
and Kelly's Island, leather case
marked "A. V. McC." containing
Thermos bottle. Finder will re
ceive suitable reward upon com
munication with Mall Tribune of
fice at Medford. 88
LOST Lady's long green coat. Pono
n-F-3, Metuoni. gs
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldest
nnd host equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uo our springs
whon others fall. Sold undor guar
antee 2C North Fifteenth Ht.
Portland, Oro.
OHO." CHKIhTy Attorney nnd
Notary, Rooms 0-10, Jaokson Coun
ty Rank llulldlng, entrance N.
Contral, Medford, Oro.
PORTKR J. NKFF Attornoy nt law,
rooms 8 and 0, Modtord National
Rank llulIdliiK.
Corey bids.
G. M. RORRRT8 Lawyor.
Medford Nntional Dank Iiutldlng.
collected Home accuuntn 14 years
old. Wo know how to get the
money. Tho Outlook Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Hooiuh 1, 2, 3, Hao
klnn' lildg., 210 K. Main at.
Gnrnott-Coroy lildg., nlte
Mcdforu, Ore. Phono 8SC.
Collections nnd ItcjKirts
M. F. tb H. lildg. Ortlee Hours
S:30 to 12;J to fi. Phone 607-R.
KtiKlncor ami Contractor
PRICD N duMMYNlrjBsVRlneyand
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. lildg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
drainage, orchard and laud im
provement. IiiNiirnnco.
KARL 8. TUMY General Insurance
office, Fire. Automobile, Accident.
Liability, plate Glass, Contract,
and Surety Roods. Rxeetlent com
panics, good local servlee. No.
810 Oarnett-Corey Hldf
Instruction in Muxto
FllKD ALTON HAIGIIT, teacher ot
piano nutl harmony. Composer
and arranior ot music. Height
Music Studio, 401 Garuett-Corey
ilLl 88 Tl RINK Teacher of Violin,
Music furnished for all occasions.
Prises leaaonable. Studio 1181 hi.
Main 8t., Phoue 303-J8.
-III... .w
OARBAOB Get your pramlsei
oleaned up tor the summer. Call
en the city garbage wagons for
good eervko. Phone 27i-L. r,
T. Allen.
PliyelctaM and Surgeons
OR. F. 0. CARLOW, DR. fllVA
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians. 116-417 Oarnett-Corey
bldg., phone 1036-L. Residence
86 South Laurel st.
DK. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physician. 308 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
D R ." J . J. KMM KN Pkyelelaa uad
surgeon. Practice limited to eyo,
ear, uose and throat. Ryee eclen
Ufically tested and glass sup-
glled. Oculist and Aurist for 8. P.
. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co.
bldg . opposite P. O. Phone 867.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, office 86, resi
dence 734-J. Office hours, 10 t
18, 8 to ft.
elan and ourseon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
JO to 18. I to 4. Phone 110-J.
Printer!) nud PublUtiers
best equipped printing office; in
tout hern Oregon; book blading,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
tc. Portland prices. ST North
Fir ot.
Office 43 North Front st Phe
318. Price right, o Service guar
anteed 0
SAltliiK Machines
84T.H OR KKNT Some used ma
chine also for sale. Cleaning ana
repairing Raid . In Plauo for salo
from faitoo to custoO'r Rest
thucb 'Ho So, I'eutral. Phono 390.