Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAfll? SIX
MRDFOHl) MATIi Tttlfflfyn, MKHTOftn, OI.'IWOV. WKDMPAy, MAY 0, lfllfi
News From
lt A. P. HowlrU
Lam Thursday, Airll -". s u
blah day In KukI Point '' -r w
O. Wlit-mlrr and lf'- with l. ti-n i""
Istants, Minn Mlnnli 'i.-lui. ili In
UTBK'ttlntc ti-aWirr, nnd Mrs Shi'slitr.
the primary tfarhrr arid some con
siderable assistance from the bnsi-
Mese men and omon of etir commun
ity, stireedetf In raising the necesary
amount of eah and luuor to prepare
for romronnlon dn and aoboot field
niMt. Although wp had a shower of
rain oh Wednesday evening It did net
seem to drier the people from rom
Iiik and by nine o'rlork a. in. they
liouan to arrive on almost every kind
of conveyance and by ton o'elork lli
xpoila began. The first thing of Iho
list was r M-liool meet for a silver
tup. In which all of the achoflls In llm
v 1 1 1 1 1 1 or ICagle Point look pari. 'I'Iih
cIskscs were divided Into classes ac
loitlliig to weight. His first class
cIiihm A waa eoiniwsed of boya rang
Iiik from r0 to ill) pomida, fifty yaril
(Ihh)i; stsmllng Jump, imIii. 2 feel fi
liu'lieH; climbing a pole, niin. three
llnii'a; (ho second cIhss II - ruttsixt
cd of Imys ranging rroin til to II.'
pounds, onn hundred yard dauli, max.
If. seconds; standing broad Jump,
mln. I foot r. Indies; miming Jump,
niin. 7 fuel III Inches; climbing, mln
three times. Unlimited class, over
ll.'i poiuida, ion yard dash, max. J.
si'cuiids, standing broad Jump, mln
'.i reel in Inches; putlliiK an H-potind
ahot, mln. 22 fcul n Inchon; III) yard
rclxy. three from each arliiMil, mie
from each class. Then came tilt1
girls -t'laaa A Klglit lo eleven vears
of age. (The reader will notice that
the weight waa not considered)
forly-jard daali. Class II. 12 to in
M-urs of unci, forty-yard dash. Thou
climbing, three times the inln.ahrow.
Iiik Iwaltet ball from (be foul lino.
I'lasa d, sIhiyu IK yeara of age, forty
Hiil daali, climbing, throwliiR baakut
bull from Id-foot fonl llii". Thai eon-
i Itidnd thai part or Hit' rontest for
th' silver cup. The condition wua
th;ii the aphool thai made the most
i.olifis In the content IhiiM far waa lo
Imw iho allvor mil, uml the Judges
ilmdnt thai the Kagli1 Point arhool
ii,i. eiado tor inoxt it nil won I lie
i'i ii'.
I 'rom t3:3 in i :io p. m. waa tip
Anted to conaiiiuiii;: iht dlnnt-r. Hut
fix hour wool I mil wU to b
ikhikIi time for ihere whm hiiiIi a
kimi that I did not net niv dinner
null utlor two o'tlock. Not u lih
ri.mdliiK It waa Rlvon nut I bit l II
io lie u plrnlr dinner there wua 'Oii-b
" i.i mi at the Hunnyaldi that ahum
I i Mm. Howled hesinn to aeud
void to Iho pooplr not to come aa alio
oi'ilil not food any more, but thoy
I.ei't rotnlnit and by the lluie wo, the
fmnlK, roI dinner It waa after two
o'clock. Hhe oallmatrd that alio fed
mie hundred peoulo at noon and flft
in nUht for auppor. fine lenth of
the loinuany who wore at the Hunn.v
ile for dinner were randldatM fur
on ice, Init I eouldu't think of trylnic
l he ixiileiico or our Roodnoturod odl.
tor ip arltlitK all their namon In thin
litter At p. hi the atnle mup
erinteudenl ot ptllille llihtruellon
i-iMie, hut I did uol hear him on ae
miiit of in) being hu Irklna to Kit
u i he rravlnRM of the Inner nun
Not did I nee the uieieuhillon el Hie
i'ilc From 'i to I p in titkeii
ill' ttllli Krt) of nil Mud . i oni ii
I'lllon flKbt to fat lliell'i. i ,n i , .mil u
linn ninielll mee. At I i m Hie huse
'11 name waa rutted I'eiweeii the
Jacksonville aud Talile Km k u.iiiih
It itn a ven lltereUli.; iviune .il
thoiiiih the Table Itovh hum m.i.s
b.inli .ipM'i mi Hieiiiint nl tlit'ir iltib
el lielim liliuble to l Willi llieiu, ,im
tin- Tulile Hoc I Inn s M" iiomI In uUi
up In fore licet tonilin in ei The
tiore Mood " " lu laui or I. ok
aouWIIe. It eMtlmuticI thai tin re
W alto lit lOtiu intupU Iheie uud
aouie entlmaied ibui then viun IMmi
but thu Uiuat with whoui I have talk
tMt ou the aubjfit place the ehtiiiiule
at from Hoo to ll'ilH It Will lie II (l.l
long to be reiueiuliereil
There waa one prominent (future
connected with the whole ot the pro
eeedluR and that wm that tbete
"waa aomeiblni roIiir on all the time
nnd evor thing eu the iirouiam
parried out lo Ih letter. There aa
Wrt a Jar or rljiilp hut mrviioil)
aeeiued to be hai'i1) and tnt on har
lat a aowii tiuie
stomach Ti;m UI.IOM
IlgvtHoa It laigei a tutu Hgati '
jwureaa When there are aldmaih
vtrvtible H.tre I). n noJiv a ejkueui.
of lie oia 'be 11 no n which diifmio
jj aj ;. I, ii- it ud- To Mfe)
Qjhcht ii. 11 Ic- 1 lid ocn !
tfOU'i'l - nl. I ill ,U"I-
Phari.i ci , ciiaiai,'
Hou-k 1 1 iii-
lron ti
the nie-u y
lhcn. wli
Mil. .1 in a
.,,,1 '- Mlll-
tO '"'' 1"
1! I II " I - II till' lllllll'T
Our Neighbors
l :i met ntiif f tin ro.,,ni-li'lii
, e'llli on MotlilllV IIM' i.illoii- ili-i-
uere li-i ic eil, fiol.ili'v tin re-
Mniliu of tl f eitul'ep anil tin in
I Inll.'it mi nl ii " hull" i nine in,
Ki il lii'l.i! I --l-t.iliet' mill iii-
ii'ir.ivelnetit III Hie ImiiiiI H.i- iii.i ! ii
, einl i liter of lllilie. Atpu ent
:Hte club und eilv 'oiilriluie to lln
iiiinrt nl' the ImiiiiI nn iimomil liieh
in itiii)leiinle, eoiiiequently "tei will
he tnkon to increiiHO thi miIihjiIv nnle
from Hit'xe elnninel und Irotn oilien-.
in ifcnenil. It i coneeileil Uml if A-It-Iniul
in to iwixo iu ii rexort eenler, mie
f iN lirxt reittiiiliN h ii hipli-elii-Imiul
iitnl orelientnt. Tim tiilent i
here, nl ho the pnrk-, nivilioui uml
en(iiii eiiineitv for n liitf iimlieuee.
A hieeinl eomuiiltee Inix lieen iippoinl
eil to work with ilic IiiiihI lemleix in
tiM'ukeiiintr eiithiiHiiim over the iioj-
eel, Jlllil nt Hie hiiihc lime neeure
pleiluen nl' coin Hiiirieient to uniiriin
lee Hie MruiinixiitiiiM KiiliMitutml ie
luriix for Kerviei'M reinlereil. An ml
jouriifil meelintf til" I do club will lie
lielil May l.'i, t wdieb time llii uml
oilier iiiirtieiiliir mnttoiv will eoine ui
for iIi-iiimi1,
The erowuitiK ',nl of I lie i-meh
seii son in iiict it will be a "uniml
Hriit(. iiNniny" will In- I lie Miiy
purlv nt Hie N'litiitoiiiiiM on I-Vilu
evnninc r ilii week, Mhv ". I'n'lim
umrv lo I he tluneiiiuf le-lixilieH will
be ii number of cxlrn lonturi- mnler
I he dlieetuin of -.pceiul Inleill ciiunv
ed bv (be iiiixilinrv of the Iuilji'
!;.:.. i ... i ..i..i. .
! iiiiioviiiiriii i-iiiii, uuiier I lie
iiiioiiitn iif wtilell till" ileli'thtl'iil en
lertiiiuuieiil will Ih uicn. At Hit
event Hie Nntiiloniim will be ruilmut
in the wnv of ileeorhtiou, u pi'ol'uion
!' hpriiiu IihiIh uml bloHHonm beiutt
MtinUilioneil (or the purpose. A
birue numlH-r uf ileilloitl K ,.l.
bnve expiCMteil on illtt'litlon of biu
Mr, uml Mr. Ki Under were in
Meilfmil on Slimdiiv fiiirlil. nttciuliiiu
Hie Aluv tlu iliimiuu niirtv uixt'ti mi-
dcr lite nii-.pne.. ot Hie KJU. Viiliu
vuchI. ilccbiivil (be fliihonilc fmM..
litni to liuve been wnv ulnne pur in
nil il iippuinliucut-..
Allee tl bock ineidelil to .
Mnwiiitf up ot Hie l-'i'iiii Ac 'r..,luei.
llooelll,uV, ,. H -..;, ,,.
SiiihIhv moiiimu. biiil piissui iiwm,
I lie iniillii'.'i unlit le.l Hull tin
VejJbllien ,.i, ,., urc4 a'Jtt.4.'i -.M-lle
nllv. Till' olhce liincpiree ncir the
il I e -Imium'iI nl J ii'. I....L in. I,. ...i
bom Hie cmiIiimoii oiiilll.'il In
Iiit.'iiiu cniiiiiiec 1,1 Hie lot nl hrimli
"I the SvmII I'ickiim I'ii,. the i.dibei
t'Jiioieil I be (iiiM-nce o b.iMl m m.
cm ou urn lion. I uud contented
Hicuiflvcv M inking imiclv one tin
o C.llllicil 1.001I-.
t. I!. W11IK. coiilrm 1..1, I,, 1 1, ,ci K
enidoed 011 public unpi civ ciin ui , ln
me,, lift,
I- llnv Iimim in s,,
t'b.iil. 1 inn,
until ii.-cnlU leu..
mini ..I Hie S. p. ic.,,1,,11,,,,,.,., uw
ll iin IliilielMO, iliiplokeil a,
ciiiiii-l. Hi, tiitm
I lie lime lieine.
iv 11 in. im-
lieic lor
Aiooey i.eeiit N.11,,,,,,,1 lii,.,r,
i. . I'11-I foinpnn. ('..,,., ,,lU
' ' ",l ""' ellv. ,. .i.dilr.l tt,,
llll VIII I
IIM ttiiJl i V. It. i
lll'd U (.It I Mill. I ,1 It. I I. .
1 0111
. It
lli.cii.l ..1' 1 ,1, ,1,111,
-e in i hi, 1 renin w
I he need ol ,
T MM'll I
I I" .111 I I. III. I 1 ...
nldii ii -.1 limn, 1 ,
molt ,cii,,ifn. in
Hl m .,. 1 ,, ,ui, ,
.ulnli! lU'liiiiv;
1 il 11
I "I lie tl
1 i.ii linen!
nun. ic ol
"' libel- o h, ,,,. ,
. 1111I1 i hocki .1 lit .11,
" nn l.ill. Win. h, (. .,,,.,,
1 '"" No. III. .ill. 1 I, .niui' i
'"I .nil. 1 II, h , H,,,,,!,,,,,,!,
' ', Iml Ion M. ! ,
I.... ll l, ,1
I .1 "Oils.
ll I (I I
" '" " il. in pi
it in I;. 1. iiu,, ,,,,
ln. ihil, , 1 I
uii;iur 1
ol il l.iic:in ,
Ih. ,, ,,!,.. , r,((W
'"' '""' "'tk. locale.) .
1 ''- ,'1" '' !' Hc.l.icsil.n ,
'tl.. .illfit,,,,,,, ,,, ,,v,. 2.
V" Hl. I t.l ,N,,UlH', 1,.11-clllll,.,
" "" -le,, ,. I.u.k,,,.
""" "nil- in II,,, I,,, ,,lU
i-lliilli ,i,,.,i,.. ,,, ,,,
c pun Ii.i-i ,, .ui.l, ,,u, Ii,,, .
111 - .1 M. i.i.ini
"Oll.i .'I I l.c -.'
Hit 11 c ),. 1
I In -1
nil 11 .III
I. tl 'i
1 1
HO-. , v ,
'"'nt in Wliiii.i ,
Wtllttcl )t ,l -
mm 11 1. l
lll' tl
'i I lua ii' l'.r : v,
1. 1 . . .1 , ,
't.l f.Ll ...
I Ji lla
"a-, a ti,.
ilhciaU mi
''li.l In l
1 ' i, iiii..-
i m V , t ,r ,
i t r i i i
Xia iit
II. He, ,,, ,,
(1 )
The management of the Pu5c tb
alro brlngH for today and tomorrow
Iho apeelal nluc-purl Helix prodtiellou
"Tbo .Wor-lKi-Woll" to Almlford with
their peraonal guarunteo that It Ih
a worthy aiicreaaor to "The Hiiollora",
the other Heueh atory, with which the
HcIIr ieoplc acored n KeiiHutloiiul
In atHRtiiK the pleturo HcIIr ban
employed u uuinber of the old "Spoil
cm" Vaat. Thoat) (tooplo inadu film
bUtory thrauRh the work In that
Brent plrturo. Wheeler Oukiuuti waa
hardly known to rilnidoin lieforu ho
played lit "The Bpollera." Ho hua
boon a IciidliiR mnu ever alnec with
raplill) IneronaluR popularity, and iu
"The Nc'or-Lto-Wcll" he e caat In the
title part.
.Many Pluoii(i In Out Wllllama needa no Intro
duction to film people tiny here. Her
Hotel (ri".cii iniliilii! with Kniiiii
4 11 r oil ll.ii'j.idilic -Heel nller nil i'
ciluu' niiiimiiv, Tin' cur w.i- eoiiiil-
I, llll' ll Ilil.I'M'd .N to H Hill
.I'll llo ,ll lllie Mill HI p irt
lni-1,1, i
m'l Mp.iut o the .lllto, K'Mlliel'
iIn, IIciIkI the iliil'o;li II o! the
I, iu
el i'.l uliliiiiil
ill time In "1 I out ol
liniiii" n.
c. I. 1I11, who -.nn. lime ,i-.n
in liillcil the nilerileii.ciiiiii. ,in
111 N kllovtli 11 Hie "I'llillill ol Ibttl,"
111 liu- loom .icliiiti nl in ,iinikiii'-
re ill nl I ite-. lui- Mii-uii'il HitiM-piiiiii-i- tiikeii up pi -loicil piir-,1111-
in Hie Uiiv ol liiiicbinv, ni-o
lili hie: 111 lit lieiohe-. "I. f ,"
heli-tolnii tiipliM.-.l 11-. the Illltl.lU 1,1
"plcili'hlii'u ," I10W llupl
"plow in-.- 1 orn, -11 In, InlliiHci-, u.
Ik. v Will- of TiHiiiiionk, owner nl
i-li'li,iu- ilmrv lino he- 111 that m'
Imll, loi been here ol l, j ,011,
liwie; he liciietii ml illti-, o ill
male .iliil t,iei'-. in Imll, ill o Hie
hi, (Villi III, "I'l'.clU llllllloM.I in I
lit'.illh to it'll nil eeul lie .1 1 it I
In-. I. mult luite yone .. I In- Ni ,1 un-i I, '
liliiiUi-i i ,iiiii, in oiilei Iti i milium Hi. '
nut. loin lite molcr Hie lima lilt 01 jihle
. ii. nn, i. nn .-, and tt Iii-ii- i In- -on will '
niJiHi1 Hi lo.-,lim opt'i.ilmli- lit
... i lil I
iii i'ii Vinlt i .nn, wile .in. I t lul.l,
at. ,rl in Im-pit. il ii Itcililm, , .1, ic j
lilt n .1 -.'llllll, mln ui t III. -Id III .11 .lit ic. cutlt. The i il' nt i '
t'l'incl, i A iiilci -on i, u limilni :
i'i l.i u nl I hat It- Hum- nl -lil iml I
I In iiiiiie, I. nuilt an- n-iti'il in
It'll llt't lit It'ltllltl, III (111 I. llll" III
-. n ice iiiiiiniio -.nulll mil n lln, i it t
V Ii V Siinlli, ci-lnt r nl the I ill I
'eu-' li.iul , aii.l who w.i- a ili-lc. in
In tin Ii'i.-iii- It'll er allit Hapii :'
a- n. Iim-i , nut t III It'll lull-It helil !
til. i nl - l',i- -, via, i-H-t I cti Ilia, m i I n
I ii il "I '.it urn.
V -! j t niil i liii ken I, no ici- ate ic !
ii i. '.tl that liu- Siiiilut-iii (In -iic,
I'-cci'lit .i--tn lalmii liu pib
I in Mcdttilil mi
.'llioitl! n tin, week.
IJi V .itlaiiilmbum, rcii'iiiit
., ini i i liu- ilni-ti.iu iliuic'i. .,, ,
.mil- tn ( .ihii'i ui.i ic tin hi.- tin tin
I", ol ,'imllu-l app.'llllna lit.
lit- iu.-, mi inn' In- ttite .iinl ,..ii
.-iliil" ii-litm- ill tail.'!,- i". mi.
.In i'miiii 'Ii- t ,ii. i
Ml . ll.ii I, ih Nlliioi:-, Hi lli. i ,
'I. I l llll- II i -, lieu ,
lllll I 1 V - '.-lll i lit
I - --i. - 'Bk i
' .m, iWhximV . ''Mftii iiaUa. JntBDBaaiVtM. wun I
jp 1 If 9aH 1
rat "iaC A ty f j .
I - - y- -s m)
work Iu "Tiie AnvcnlnreH or ICnlli-
Ivu" eitiihlMied lier In fllniiloin und
inudo her mime itlmoxt u IiuuhcIioIiI i
word. Her ('berry Muloll in "The
BihjIIcik" wiih 11 now rilm ehnraetor
whlch will llvo. In "The Nenr-th-Well"
who haa the part of Mra. Cort
Inndt, u fuahlonable, heuiitlfiU. but
unhappily murrtoil woiiuin, imet thu
flrnt ritihh or joiith.
.tuck MrDonutd'a comedy Iu "Tim
8pollerH" ua tbo friend of (ileiilnter la
well reiiiDiuhercd. In "The No'or-Uo-Wcll"
he playa the role of Allan
Allan, 11 llrltlah aubjort. If jou plaaco,
but nevertbclcaa a black man, and hla
blink face comedy la one of the high
liKhta ot the lateat production.
All the pictures were uiado In the.
tft..-... ..... H. I. ,1... A l.l..
i ,.... v... .. ... u... ,.,
of the original atory and "the Dig
dllrh" a not Inalgniricnnt part
In Hie seeulc background of the story.
1" "
j'1'...llti.t', I iiiliilllllt !.. I' HC.'illll-
...,.,. . .,..,..'- ,-,,., -1 "--.
luith n---el. oj )"iU in I lie WUV ol
ioel. mill liinre- in addition .o eli-
i-iiinhci'cil real el-ili
Cu'diti.r. will
The'itt'-cl at Hie nl I lee o Flillil. .1. New -
'man. re, i rcc in lianki upl - . .Mcdl'ord,
'on Max II.
Kii'- ci tt -'-at-, coi'i'i".ptimliii ttilli
I'n-i I iiploti 'in 111 - tiuilll'.'hoill t .il Ii i.l
It'.ni, 'uti Itieii n, lulled car the
1 pin- ,i, i ill, .ii, uml lii til -tiuiil.
I ' t ill in - minimi!, iic I IMMI per, mi-,
ftimp-itH !', r'ninteciith rcuuiieiil,
ui Hie le-juiur uiiui -eiiiic, pn-cil
tlii'nii'ib here c.i rl in the week trnm
r Siok i ue.
i i- Ii Then in ii
in lln ili'tin biiieiii.
Mi-. M II. Iti.'et. Ii.iiin-il nniM-ami !
a ioi'Hi r I'colileilt. in i w lite- in Oal.
1,'ntl, ( ,il,, wbeie In -ou Ui'c-t i- cm
p'tilctl in ""ic nl 1 1' Icatliej ill p. il-
im ul -I. nt- ., ibl '-ill. Totniuiow eveilllia at lu. muiw
iii"H, i haieje- in ictiiinl- ol ill V i nieejlna KluilKe'.lnt'.- topic, "Hi'll."
ic- ih net Ni ih li'.'.i -'Hi. i u ,ilniet ilone In the .ifleruoon and hell In
il il.c I '.ilk .hi i h.i ii, mi, I iiilcjllm . tiiiiln. I'lie I'lai-I I'.tle-liii'
lb.- l'ln.i " I . II" V..I. Il'll, " I'i-
' ileatthgrams' On Skin
Flashed to Thousands
One ol Ni'n'.''-t sianai. i- nn unhealthy skin. Ii l it
4CH nt lllc fuel iIihi the skin nitlicatcM the condiiinn ot the
liltinil .'mi I N- 10" nl fi the iMiiltling luaieriHl for the body -iml nil it
nial iiati- I i'e the bloti'l i imti'i-hcil nnd kept rich nnd btuiiln,
i Mill tenillill leuvt on 'I"' ni.,111, IV. 'il- nm letluce III'- imii lo ii .,iiiihle condition. I ii He 'ti people reallie I hi" pi y i.,i!
,iiiiin"ii iluii ti ii ui .in iy .-irciiKili ninl titslity and that ciui lie
li i.i'l i iikIo 'c the tsior -iipplt ot li'oo.l I' inple.-i, Ktienui, Sal'
tlln ii.ii. Kin lima in, Cm luiiiele.,, Il"il-. ( ami id with lu oIiu'imcii.
rcMiliit Mini tin- ttiiilenry to esally eiilcli cni.i
Muluitil .mil M-iiie of olhei equally m-i iou.s ml
ineiH- me all uiHii'd'.-lauous of hud IiIihhI t-.o
mil .',0 years s S S bu ben a migbi) nie. ii
fc.r Ihc-e tllsoiileiii 1 tniusand nf 111-11 it'.il
; w iiieii liuw be.
I S S S Mai.t
iiuuiii.ti- ui initial., i.,i uniei reiueiiie, in a
frulHi--'- endeavor in ieg.iin health a uiaivei
ou-. luhiue to S t S S S S , purely
vtahle Htul when taken into the stomach i.
abnorbcd by the blond, -uni'lym ueriam e!o
iceiiis huh oitmuiaiv the action of the b!n,i
cm i umIoi. an. I help ihem drtvc out iui,ui,nr
and bu'ld up Hie iem With such a nud smi
true iiiedieine awsiitug y m at the ihcesi ,illc
store, will you go on suffuring ind Inoknu
w .icii o uisny ot bets similarly ai'fllcieti i,.;.
iuine.1 to S S M and found the un-iimn,; . ;
IK'tfcei hcalih Our Medical Depart men i wi' tnJti,.! you aboui your cae wuinu.' , .,(
in tou if you wlxh in .n,iit ytuii-ci t iin.
sen ice Switt Spec he Co. VeIhiii.i lieo.j,u
I M ,1.1
.' liMhiri 1.
i:sifflB? ''
0 Start tin D;y Ki-jht
Mud ti ..i:. 'cis.sftil tiny w itli our Min-iiU-ut, spi' Jl-Vl.
All tlio ! .il'itjr stoiv- in tin' ;illPy rarry our products.
v .J
y H hest Prices for
lli'ill-l MKMl
uml Kill- Neil into the t'ltuttin boi-c
on llnrviiiline 'Irecl.
K)ili'Hie imprnetrH'iil nn- under
u.i nt Nniii k HihimW' licadiiiur-ter-
11 lending irroeerv e'tnblf hnient,
Inch 1- loeiited on the Imtinda of Hie
-me-- ili-lnel innrked l the eor-
-I I eel-.
Nnilli Main arid llelinmi
It look'; like n rent in initio; hoom
on the vtcftiru IiIIIm around the
Meudowh. Situnl two different
unto loadn came Into the Meudowa,
ucii currying new pipe retort for
in I lien on the hill. On the Ulue .lay
n rour-plpe retort ia planned. On the
I. title .Ici'.n the urc iisltiR a lonaer.
Iiii-Ker aUed ilie rotort of the hhiiio
1 iiei'iil hljle. Thin niakcM three
iroierlieit adjuliiiiig now operatttiK
jieiorlH, the Little .loan, Hie Mra.
j iiewe uud the llltic Jay. Toil rutin
the punt coiiilc wecka liuve been
niiide nt 1 he Mrs. Dnwuy mine of oroa
I rom (he other mliicit and Hie actual of rolorlB or lurRu ciipucity
nis Hie boat proof of the reaulta
Hint were had. Ovor at the .Moun
tain KitiK mino a kihhII teal rotort In
Haiti to lie operating, not iu a reduc
itiK fiiniiicd to produce tpilckallvor
cominenliilly, hut to prove the values
liu the new ore now being uncovered.
The force thoro la being couatantly
lioctor t'lilaholm of Cold Hill Wait
ed bla mining properties In the
.Meudowa Saturday.
Mrx. ihm- I hit Mm and two (laugh
tern vlHlted Hold Hill, going from tin-
.Meadow m Saturday.
Oeorgo McClellan of Hold Mill and
Samuel Uertloaun of Tacomn, Waab..
canto to Iho Mention a Saturday to
aiKintl a few daa with the llertluaoii
llrothiTH on the Mlue Jay mine.
We untlorHtaud .Mr. Ilmkcramlth or
Medfurd Iwugdl the Wyland ram Ii
for hta (wo aoiia who expect to move
onto the place later In the hchkoii.
Mlas Florence Kincgld of Agnte Ik
upending the week-end in the Mead
ows the giteat of her nlalcr, our school
A pleaaaiit gatlierltix of frlemlK on
. ' "
,,,e U0CMUB of Hrn Ll)vm vlaHd-a
,r,dtty .1OTIt Saturday night In
Hng ,, IHrtllMg r0.
(rwH.,Ul, ut ilw W)l((ni, ,,,,,.
Hlg and little, oung and old, ev-
' n m.u u 1... ......1,1 ..., ....... .-.... .
1-1 ti,r w I'M IIIUC1I H- linil UTUVI7 IU
Moouvllli 8undu. to enconruae the
bull teniii whlili played the Antioeh
ileum on the Moonvlllc grounda. The
Meadow was a lonesome place Sun
day. Dr. Chialiolin's son Tom la spend
ing u couple days with Dm Hut sou ut
Hie cabin on Kvans creel;.
Mr. und Mrs. Then lie cpcul 'm-
idat at Hie .Initios Kredeuherg plui.
llll Sum's Valley
Hill Cottiell, Theo lev and l.oiai
lie drove iu Mcdford Monday on bus
The .Meadows bull team still hold
I heir winning streak, defeating Autl
oeh on the Moonvlllc urouud 2a ti
II Sundai. May rack rides made &
Julli purl) eu route to the guinea und
i he ii.t.t wa. thoroughly cujoted.
ll ulieieil m actually imeil liv
of I hem hud seu, iciiis 1,11,1
Cattle, Shedp and Hogs.
l'llll I lOKWOOI,
Due tti the
Hint ri-mthI other l-'ord owneri of
Willow Sprlnus, bihoiik ilicm helm
Messri Hlnckford, HnuKlnud .1 W
Widen and Leslie Hallo, the children
or the Willow Springs school were
motored to the Ashland purk where
thev en loved a m oh t dellKhtftil Mhn
duv picnic. While pnaslng tbrotiKh
Central Point W. A. Cowley present
ed the party with a large bag or
randy. During the afternoon at
Ashland the children, as well ns the
grown-Uis, were treated to Ice creutn
by Mrs. W. I.. King, mother or Mrs.
It. W. Qldeii, who la here on a visit
from Illinois.
Mr. und Mrs. Slsty called nt the
TJorkholg home Sunday evening.
Al the homo of Mrs. U. I. Nor
cross in Central Point, (he choir of
the Presbyterian church gave a fare
well party (n honor of the McNassar
and Plckard families.
Messrs P. W. Welch. R. M. drown
and Porter .1. Nerr were out to Wil
low SprltiKH liMi"rlltin the work Iu
the irrigation ditch.
On Mnv tit It the l,arellt-Tellclllrs,
Club of Willow Springs will be en
tertained by Mrs. It. W. lilden und
Mrs. Hi'i't Nichols ut the home or
.Mrs. ICIilcn. All members are re
quested to be prexmit aa election of
offlcera will take plnce.
Profcasor and Mrs. V. C lti-lmi-r
were dinner guests ut the home or
Mr. and .Mrs. Julius Ulrkbolx on
April :!(ltli.
Mrs. M. 1. Young was shopidng In
Contrul Point on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs K. Thouipklns attend
ed the social service exposition lu
Mcdford on April 2th.
The Prenbytorlan Mission Soclct.i
were entertained al the home of Mrs.
It. W. ICIden with u very good attend
ance and all enjoyed a most Inter
esting program. The home was beau
tifully decorated wit II spring flowers
iiuil dainty refreshment.-, were served.
I.O.IJO, Maj 'a.- I'lve hosHle
alrshlps attacked the northcust count
of ICnglund and the soutlicnst coant
of Scotland last night.
The official announcement on (be
raid suya Hint the movement or the
raiders appeared uncertain, adding -
"A rew lioiniis were dropped In
Yorkshln but then- ure no details
tegiirdliiK the t..-nultlt ? or dumiiKe."
i .
Never Nefllecl Colds ;
Area! Them rromplly
Oftm tin-) lead to tluicc pulinonary
tiuuliliH Hlii'h nie iojMinilit- (or
iniin- Ih. i ii I'ln-tcul.'i of all lives lust
tlirouah illr.i'fs.
I leaf) t ultls whl'-h ilfvt'lop itscp
seated i-nughs or cause liill.immatlon
of the alr-pssssgi-s and persist tn
split- of ineiilcutiun, weaken (he sys
tstn iu a point where resistance easi
ly Ik ovorcame-nrl iihthum, bron-
hist ami pulmonuiy tieublea are the
result To renew normal resistance.
Kckinon's Alieratlvr has beun found
bliibly b.-i.eii' ial in many (nstunces.
Its lime i-oiitont is so combined
with other remedial agents as to bt
easily ui ahull., ted by Iho cvi-rsRo
ptinaii- .in.l 11 contains no nnreolU.i
or titbit forming uiur,s uC any sort.
tin I.' . : il.- it. iry
,i . ' ci iu.,:i- i'h
I .kmicn l.itltiiriidirj . I'htlnalihj,
IIOCHAMBEAU 1'i-ri lii'iun Slalllti-i oaii
..I l.t Wulli'i Kltio .ll ma! v tin
I. iml at I'.iiK". - leu II iil iml. Mull
il.iv uml 1 IH--..I.I . Tallin V riliH-fiiuy
.mil TIuiimI.h 111 nil K.1II1 l'riilii
.iinl S.itcii.l..
Camera Shop
2(18 Pjit Main Sttvet,
The OuJy Kxclusive
Ooinuicivittl Pliotoi'inphera
iu Soutberu Oregou
N'pgntivMi rndo any fiuie 61
place by appoint meut.
Phone 1-17-J
We'll ilo tli-rest
effoitH of It V Kltlrn ,
rHf Wa f Ci '$2 '
The Smoke That
Its alirring aprv-al to tlir Kvc,
rctivc, yo'i'f'! cplrif. maker
''Dair'Dur'.tam tohacco 1 Jmf
'r. 'ii': energy snd iTntlwrf--;m.
il oil "Bull" DuAam into
, i ( ig-n;i;te and you have a
-sJ:o U2t is full of vitiillty
r-1 ir i and dcliciouoly freu
end frarjrnnt.
US LkiLm .-
In no oiher v.iy ran you jct
to much aolitl fniymcnl: out
A .1 cigntrtte ns I 7 "rolling
vmu own'v.ilh "Rt'U" Ourlwm.
Made of "bright" Virginia
."forth Carolina leaf, "Bull"
Ourhnm Iiaa an aroma that i
jnnjue and n mellow-3eet
iuvor that is Uniioua).
Siart "olIinR your ownf
.vith "BmJI" Dii ham foefoy for
rca! 3ioking satiafocrion.
Auk for FrtEE
INC juisk-an r ;fc'rro lf Aitr.
HOC .,!! ! I ,
flaya wo will both task and fM
clean, sweat ami freeh
v and avoid lllnasa.
Isanliury aclcnro has of lata ma da
rupil stritlaa with results that are of
iiiitou! bltissliiR in humanity. Thi Jat
i'st applirmlon ot its untiring rosoarott
U the ri-f-ouiineniation that it la m
niri'siiry u ntti n-l to internal aanita
nun of thu ilrnlimKo svrtom of tha bu
mnn btuty ua it U to tbo dralna of tbu
l.uii so.
TIiiimii of us who art- .ircuatomc'tl u
f'-l 1I1. II nml bi'aiy whon wo tktUif,
milium; hniilachc, sttifTy from a cob),
1 ut ti-iiKUO, nusiy hri'.tili, urhl atom-
.a. tan, tut .ml, fi-ii u frtuh aa g
'I,.', ' Ia up. 1 tng tht- sluii it .if the ?
ifii' 1 n a n'lirntm- ,mii fi-i-i i,g out tha
i-1,. -I.- of i)u luttrnu! iwiuuoua atai-
i.alit 1 1 -Hit.
i:i w.'ic. iiliotlnr aillni:, al or
I' liniilil, isicb nioriiliig hfforo
.a u' '.- , i'iIiiL a i.l.ibs i,f ttl hot
mi' t- it-i iit.ui of llniestonv
1 '- in it to w,i4 fr. iu the slam.
li 1 1- .hi, 1 IkiU'Ih llm prsvlona
. . 'i '1 wasto. suur bilo ana
1 ' t"ni.i, thus rleanaing,
i- 1 . ''im' ami iiirlfiin; the antire
. lit 'i'i..n . lu'fna. puitlna more
fc.i.i in'., tin i.tnmai-h. The nrtloit 8f
Inn 1. 1 .im) Umi .t0i ptiospbate on
an pnity htt-maih la iMiniforfully Ja.
vlMDrnilm:. It 'l,-nus out all the sour
fcrm tc'itii'i, . ci-x. v unto and acidity
mi'l 1 . - t.iu u splendid apiietlte tot
brcaktust. Vslult- you aru onloyiiis
your I roakfn-.t thu phosphated hot.
vatcr i Mini tiy , xtractina: a large vol
uiue of 11 .iii-i- from the blood and Mt
tln n-ailv for a thorough flushina of
ul! il.e liifldo ortinos.
Tli-.' pillllons of Kople who are both.
fred with conatiiiaUon, bilious aiwiia
v. srrS
disorder and fclc-klv complexlona ro
"'" " i-1' a imanrr iiound of liue-
HOIU lb08llltt- fun-, ,,0 (Jpyg tt0fe
Thin will in ' ,r lutio, but Is suW
il. nt ui m.iki .in v. ii,, a pronounced
1 ran;, ou tl. t .b.- it of I'.ternal can
it.ulo.. Medford House Movers
W I Mil
Phone 4Bo-M
612 S NeivtOH.i. 737 W. l-llh Sf.
9nly Complete House-Movirtfl Outfit
in te tounty.
1 ).',
. 4
paelvw of ,-o?rs "SsSw
ancv " ttiwmUuts&tmtSftf