Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ranForro vtl rmnrvK vrrn'oTm. oi?n.n widmmmy. mv
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As Wlllnm Waldorf 1 whw soun
a larad down in plkp ni tJie tr"t rr.
nival vnswrdaj afternoon ha aot
atons; without untoward' Inrlrirnt un
til tna oparalor of th Ma; gasoline
ftailtep began to play "Hall to the
Chief," whnreat our William wa sud
denly Mised with an Inspiration.
Whan tha applans? fwucd, h inslst
41 M pertormlns; the encore, Hiving
t multitude an elaborate recital of
the "KugbuRhUR," a symposium In
thrna reals. A a bit of Impromptn
t-agtltna it beat the band oh the mtr-ry-go-round
In the tumultuous hub
hub that followed. Willi esrapwl.
De Voo nlvftfl tradlHB stamps with
oTorytMInK QXtept greserlos.
So frequwil are tbe famplalnta
against driven of automobiles who
jwralit In currying alongside the
atrOot oar aa pasaangera are alight
ing or bwdlng the car that Chief of
1'uIIoh Itlttson and others will ap
floal to tht rouncll for the passage of
an ordinance that will serve to stop
that practice. As many as IB com
plain U wro filed by the conductor
of the car in ouo day last wek. Had
arreeta followed, the reanltant rases
would ha feeen hoard before Justice
of the Peace Taylor. I'nder the state
law heavy fines wonld hare followed
ovary conviction. In order to avoid
this, the offenders were let off with
a reprimand from the police depart
ment until an ordinance can be made
te reaoh these reckless drivers. When
that shall have been done, It will cost
Indifferent auto drivers something to
loam what "safety first" means.
(Jet your old straw hat cleaned.
Made to look like new. Panamas.
BO. Straws, 16c. rlrst class work.
II X. Central ava., one block from
Main. 40
A petition la being numerously
alaned In the second ward asking the
city eennril to imaa an ordinance to
abate the nnlaanee of nolay roostora
In the populous roatdenea districts of
the city. 'No complaint Is made
ngalnat reelilmiU keopliiK pena of
lums, for their value and eoiiveuleuce
are regiitied as an nVeet to overy
home. The nuisance Is alleged to
co ta t In the maintenance of an ae
seinblage of roosters practical? under
one roof, whose constant screams and
yell of defiance have become a nerve
racking nuisance.
Our ohoeolato are MmUord rondo.
Tho (Shasta, tf
John Herri a of Altadeas. Call for
itla, a miner of exiierienre, is employ
ing hia vacation In looking over por
tions of the southern Oregon mining
district, the extent of which, he de
clares, amaaea him lie will remain
twe or three weeks.
(lot yoar Milk, cream, butter, orb
and tiHttarmllk at I) Ve'.
MtM Margaret Dally, society edi
tress of the Morning tun. also occu
pies t dealt a pullc stenographer in
the Hotel Holland Mies Dally la
very proficient as a stenographer and
efftafoni In all of bar work.
Apodal ear Med ford Night Mat his
meeting tonight. The Big Uray Car
leaves Hotel Medford at tf. p. m..
retaniing after services. Roand trip
35 MMita.
A eatm afreet oar for the Hullls
eleetrk- line baa arrived and may be
used or the Jaeluonrtlle extension
aa occasion may require.
Typewriter papers all Man, at
Medlerd Printing Oo.
The Alpha Delta class of the Chris
tlaa church will meat Friday after
noon at I. SO at the homo of Mrs
latt O. Jones, 104 Roosetelt h venue
Xe lar Wood about that tira In
mhm goMcr. Ottloe Mail Trtbueo
A B. Cornell, the Krauts Pass In
surant man. transacted business In
this city yesterday, returning home In
t be evening.
PoaUg aUMtM at n Vm'i.
Tnnae who 4elre to go to Aaliland
tonisht will find cars for them at the
Hotel Medtord and at llnskla s drun
store M 6:45 this evening.
Board and room, 441 South Fir
nt. IT
K. V. Staph, of Ashland, returned
homo last evening after a half day
of buslneaa In ibis city.
Wonion Camera Ibop for firat-elaat
goiajt flnlahlng and kodak sappltaa.
When Robert Ashbaugb. of Salem
and Charles Hutlua. of t'onallU.
wot ou the atreet in HiU ilty this
morning; Mr Ashbaugb said "Isn't
this a heavenly dav" Mr Hatha
ans ered' ' 4 do divine, to W sur '
Thst'a thf kind of e4Unr ito.ue
river valUy suppllcw durltn; . nrr.i!
part of the ar
The Ashland ladlos Autlllitv duh
will give their annul M. da ball
Friday. May ". In the Nsuiorrtna
Jjnvoiand's orchjvitra will furnish the.
Manic gfterntwgoan oveala, ai (h
UK rnn lir tin word Irrlmi
Hon immI favorabU a hundred Mm
I hl opilna. where It has hitherto
l-en used oner It Is a hopeful sign
It means that the time for maximum
crops In this valley is at band, held
I In abeyance only during the. period
necessary to Inatatl Irrigation sys
tems commanding the rich groan of
our famous soil.
Ashland Auxtlitary ball Nalolorlnm
May Special features, 8 30.
Tickets 11.00
Now that the high wars and byways
are in fine condition for auto travel
throughout the valley, the time has
coma to chronicle roadway tragedies,
nlnetv-nlne in every hundred of which
are caused by careless and reckleaa
drivers. This applies not only to rl-
Ilslons between automobiles and
other accidents, but to auto partlea
being killed' bv railroad trains
through lack of rare In approaching
railway crossings, the Insane hurry
lo irnss J net ahtwd of a train going t
mile a minute and such frenrlcd reck
lessness as that. Ninety-nine per
cent of these accidents are easily pre
ventable. 26 off on Kodaks at Weston's
Camera Shop.
White lOagle. an Oklahoma Indian,
tarried In Medfonl for a ilny of test
this week, en route, "around the
I'nlted States" mi an alleged $10,000
wager with two white men. He "pass
ed them, he sava. at lltttto, Mont., and
doesn't now know where they are
but he believes he Is at leaat S00
miles ahead of them They started
from Chicago. What the route Is wiw
not explained White Ragle has the
appearance, of a typical aborigine.
Dr. Klrchgeoanar will be at Hotel
Naah overy Wednesday. Hours for
consultation 10 to a.
A. 1. larkhurat, manager of the
Crater I.aka Inn, Is In the city from
Portland, making arrangements for
opening of the season at that great
sreulr resort. It Is believed that the
lake may be reached In six weeks.
Tho world's greatest companies.
Holmos, Tho Insuranco Man.
It Is possible that phantom boose
wagons (which are known, also, as
but wagons) may materialise on the
Pacific highway In the vicinity of
Hornbrook, on thla aide of the state
line, this summer. It la Intimated
that atate aid will b sought to ap
prehend theao overladen specters and
punish them for violating the law.
Preparedness for border troubles Is
thus brought rloser home than Mex
ico. Smoke n King Spitz cigar. 6c.
They are home-made. tf
Mlos Alice Cogutn, of Olendale, is
visiting with friends In this city.
Oh tea mills Ford cars, $200 down
and SIS a Month.
A box social will be held at the
high school tomorrow for the pur
pose, aside from enJomcnt of the
occasion, of Increasing the fond of
the Junior class. V cordial Invita
tion is extended to all who are In
terested In school activities.
Swoat elder at H Voe's.
Fred Molfe. I' S engineer In'
charge of the survey of the California-Oregon
atate line, arrived Mon
day The work will be resumed where
It waa left last December, when the
storms of winter slopped It.
Mrs. Martha Jones and hw broth
er, David llarrell bar returned to
their home at Copper, Cal., after u
visit alth friends in the valley
Crowaon's. of Ashland, extends a
cordial Invitation to the people of
Medford and other valley points to
attend this season's opening, Wed
nosdav. Ma 3rd. afternoon and even
ing Music and entertainment. 3t
The Commercial club a til hold its
regular monlhl sesalon at the pub
lic library thla evening at " 45.
D Voe buy beer boUto.
J. T Pastloy. of San Francisco. Is
looking over I he valley for a few days
In the Interest of com mission houses
of that city Hia bualness will be
largely nlth fruit men
Come to our May ball Don't for
get the Auxlltar) ball In Ashland
May . Natatorium. Tickets $1
The drtttlles wilt probabl) arrange
to make the trip to Blue I .edge mine
next Sunday or some other day, the
date of which la to be flved b the
Commercial club. This matter will
bo on of the details to be considered
at the club meeting tonight. It IU
be an Interesting auto trip and a
number of the Grisslles who are fond
of the mountains anway. have ex
pressed a desire to go.
Music afteruoou and evening at the
K C 1'urdln of Chlco. Cal. who
has been isltlng the valley for a
month, lkltlim; lth relative and old
ttme ata.ualntanci. ll return to
California toalnht Mr Purdia had
mi Idea of Jot-atinc in llogue rher
lle when he came, but he ha bo
come much sttraiied b our wonder
ful dirlt of resources and feeU
that he would make a good mow (o
return h. re to liu.
Swii'i iotm! pl.iht fH .il Vail
lo A. l mi x " I! i i
I'lirk in fi Til lot lii r (.I'tin't
Tavlor being Jutl' of the i' e fm
the township, hate moved ihelr if
floes to Hie Medford K A H 'n
pant's building, found floor hi
ttior hgte a fine anlte of thr- rooms
The justice court has been mmed
also to the fourth floor of th -ame
building. I .a w era are rapidh- ion
gregatlng in offices in thai building
Whether It Is a strategic move, .'-in
that the circuit judge alio bax or
flees In that structure, or an hhkih
blage of legal 'lore and ordl lj
dom suggested by a eme of profex
loual affinity, la not known It ap
pears to be a get-together proposi
tion, at all events.
Your lawn moei machine sharp
ened at Mitchells. Phon 320-J.
At the funeral of the Inte Rlmlrn
Adeline Williams at 2 o'clock thin
afternoon, at the home of her dnuli
ter. Mrs Mart A Tunnell T22 Houth
Newtown street, this rltv. the Clul
tlan service wns read In the prexemi'
of relatives anil a large number of In
timate friends, liurlal was made in
the Odd Fellows' (fiiidiTj of thl
J. O. Oorklng, tun host all around
photographer In southern Oregon
Always reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or pIhqo. Studio 238
Main St. Phono 320-.I.
The I'ntifemlly club Is being mov
ed, baa and baggage, today to Its elf
gant new quarters, the Vawter resi
dence. Dig 6c mliknfeaka at Dq Voo'h.
Great teumloads of rtibhlxh are l,e
Ing hauled today td the city dump
from the premise of a great ni.irn
household goods In this rltv. The
city teamsters were Instructed to call
In front of the premises to obtain
tho litter gathered and A
published Statement suggested the al
leys also. Some teams called In the
alleys. Some things, it Is said, were
taken that weren't Intended to go to
the dump old atores, somewhat
damaged sewing machines and n few
old pianos, but automobiles, washing
machines and hencoops were not ills
The McCurdy Insurance agency
now represents the Iowa State I. he
Stock Insurance company. Offices
Medfonl National Hank utdg
M. 11, Orover. of Hilt. Cal . Is doinr
business In this rltv this afternoon
Special car to Mothers' Meetlntt at
Ashland Wednesday night The Hip
dray Car leaves Hotel Medford at
HIP p. m.. returning after sertlrcH
Round trip 3." cents.
S II St Johns, of Tialtlmore. Md
Is a Medford visitor today
.1 II Smith, of Pendleton I-
journlnK in the taitout tllMrWt. of
southern Oregon for n month
WANTED - - Furnlsbhed bungalow
close in. Phone Hotel Holland .'.'
WANTED -Second hand safe If on
have anything phone or wrlii t
Manager Ashland Fruit uud Pro
dure Assn., Ashland, ore. ".
WANTED Oood second bund motor
cycle. Phone 8-F11.
FOR HA1.K -Or exchange two Uor
corn tiiltlvator for onhurd cultu.i
tor Wallace Woods ut Medford
Lumber Co. .'t
I'tilt S VI i:
ii U old
It it i r 1 1 Hoc)
Phullf .'e
Lady Baltimore Cake
The. Most Popular CaknThU Season
JiyM, . Janet M. krntU . F.dtUvcf
This is couslilcri-d bv man cooking
antboritirs the finft cake that can I
nwiV. Uiouh in reality it is not at all
h C UJy Ht(lmir CVa
Ow ra lulttr; J mps granuUtrd
tttfur; I mtlJti I tftisfiikMiuf 't'V
M-atrr, J H ai Jtout J Ui i tsfvon.
fttlt A' C tJkig iuJr; uhtUt 6
tt butt dry.
Cream the butter and heat in the sncir
ruttlly. Sift together, tbrc time.
Sour and baking powder, and 11
to Uw butter and sugar. aUeruatrl) wu!i
the milk ami ruse water. lauiU, ml I
the efcg whiu-v Bake in thr-lat main
tpans. Put Ute layers together tUe
lulluwing insting.
K'i'tk The caV I oil io.l ! at
WuJCU t UBjtlMli: f c J. .
"""" o
I4ti tot Loxly H4llMarv CV
TVt AS i an, i -J h .
mi' ht ii ' a j .' .!. m i
l4vitaW now ovik4 .jij- . tkm itoj.
ptir the sugar ami wtti r until the
sugar i iliuiUvcil, then lit lul with.H.t
Mirring uutil the rup trow a )ooa
wiX spin a long thread, tiour uivrn the
whitm of thr ckk'. Ix-utcn dr . K'in '
ronMaut'.v meanwhile. Coutiniw tl.t A.
tatmg until the frotmg is cold, -:i
the truit an I spread u tne take
The K C CivV fVx.V rnlaii'l ml ) U
Uvh iUI i u. II K I 'I...1 i u 2
ltd oilr u, nvMiir i, t- f f.,
Ins thn-rti!K.itr inki itl ciin v t . n '
rlKO K.kin I m.1r l. Ihr J iu. t ( , , t
tni.Atfl pill I UUI UW li.l fc4ta.l VAtl
fB fields and m-udo e cl th
4 IB (heir richest garb vt iiik
tlnio groan Vcgetaiu nmuii, v. (
nevor atqro tlnoroiu tu tbi 'taindj..,
valtoy the vow it look.- i!ke(avi
liable vlhara of um i. mi in,i,.i i
f$) r King 8pli iiumf and en
courage lioiua Industi) t
" !'
dPi Suits tfj)
VfuoiKs' vJUllij VJItofoPo' ;
TO ORDER $25 00 UP
Alio Clc.inmu Prfing Attuing
Cbp suVUtatc twst oU iu(?.1 ofl hMH, UPiiTAlHS t
Managers' Nete: This is positively the grtmtost picture of it kind since "The Spoilen." We will stake our
reputation on this show.
Lis-isiasm nil mvmmmMTWKfWttftWFtTTTltB"mMVmmmrn'nwm,lIB
Hit of the Year
The Nine-Act Film Version of REX BEACH'S
Stirring Story of Panama
Is -
vw --. -
.aK Ck JnV u 3nllt
BnLnHlflallnfiSLBLW fJI n BJnnWTQnijR ftau
fVWBHL WHHafiipTBPa(ia . !ftj jEHsayJTyWB aV t
Scene iron Act 9
'I made ytu and. by heaven's, I'll break you."
A Worthy
t o
6 6
With the Original
"Spoilers" Cast
s 4 f mL,
F i 1 in e d in
the Panama
Canal Zone
Smashing All Records
Held by "The Spoilers"
Wherever Shown
This groat photoJrama is consipered
the worthy sucsessor of "The Spoil
ers." IJoth stories were "written by
Rex Reach, and both lue been
filmed b the Selig company.
The NeVr-Do-Wdl" docs not
contain a dull moment. There are
hand-to-hand conflicts, a meat fire,
beautiful tropical conor and an all
.Stat i.tNt, f&ituring Kutlihn Williams
.m! Wheeler Oakman.
2:15, 4:15, 7:15 AND 9:15
Every one who saw "The Spoilers" will want to see its
successor, "The Ne'er-Do-Well." We expect to smash
all previous attendance records.
"RY to attend in the Afternoon
and avoid the Evening Crowds
Thank You!
Leading Motion
Picture Theatre
B A aO I?
1 $. ?
- "fMV