Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1916, Image 1

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m rWtiMt't1iW..W..frifBiiii
I 'nit Tonight and
Maximum Yesterday WI;
Minimum Today lit.
rortv-slxfh Year
l)llv- i:i. xsiith Ysar.
MEDFOltD ()Ur(i(). AVI DM-'sli V, MAV :!. I'Mii
XO. 30
m fm & V iff
zmJ oik lS Or Rk
Found Guilty hy a Court Martial,
Four Leaders of Revolt In Ireland,
IncltKilnii Provisional President
Pearsc. Are Executed by a Firing
S,imil Three Others Sentenced to
Tlirec Years' Imprisonment Bir
rell Resigns as Chief Seeretary -f or
LONDON, Mm :t. Four signator
ies (d tln icpulilienii pioclnmiition in
lii-lnnd him been tried liv omul mnt
tinl mitl round guilty nil wcie -lt
tbi in") nine.
Patrick II. IVitiw, llu "
pieeident ir licliind," whs among
tllOfO llot. Others I'MH'lltl'd wen
.Initios Conuoll.x, who was styled
"cnuminndaiit gonoml of tho Irish re
publican nrmy," Thomas ,1. Clnik Hiul
Tlifiiiift MttcDniiiich.
Throo other wgnors of llu proc
lnm.itinn weie sentenced to llirro
year' inipiisoiuiient.
Pmniior Anulli innili nn nn
iinunei'inont to (hi effect in tho
liouso of i-oHinioiiK thi nftcmoo-i.
An official Mutenieiit ifeucd hei"
IfHluy m!iI:
Ti-lt-41 hy Com I Mail till
"Kobol considered Mailable for
trwl are being tried liv a fiold gen--inul
eourt nuiilidt under the l'frn".
nf tho realm net. Ah onn ft- tho
enlsiices lw been confiruud the
public will 1k informed iih to Mm ie
nll nf llii- hiul.
"Other .ore being will to place
in Knglnnd. Tlii'ir ease will ret-mc
consideration later. The eases of
women tnktm primmer urn tinder
"The work of dealing wp'i lhce
trials in oiii of great magnitude nutl
it i hoing aihnnood with nil li-IMiti-h."
A London lii-imtch on Apii! .10
govo tho text of Hit procloniitlioH i
sued hy the insurgent at I) thtiu nt
th outbreak of the revolt with tho
tdguniuro of Thonm J. It
MncDiamond. Thomas JfgcDiiui-,th, P.
II. 'Pearee, V.. fcannl. Jam'- Con
Molly a nil Joseph Plitukett.
Itlllcll ItoslgllS
LONDON. Muv .-Aiigti-iim nir
roll, eh iff secietury for Irctauil, luf
Mr. Hi r I ell imlii'iili'il In. iv.i im.
tioii from the In (..kum tho
cnriifr i'nt Im'IiiihI tin- I r-iiu IicimU
hIicii lie ttiiiiiii i lie Ihmim' nt com
iii"ti tin- ulit'Mixiii.
Arthur I'lltx. tiled before .lustlie
Tailor and n Jnr ostenIa.v on a
pburno of llln llnuor. wiih coiivlu-
od. The trial coiuuiiied the grouiei '
)Mrt of the day. Attorney Neff at-
)ieard for the defeudaut. I'roHemtor
Kully, the atate. The jury was rom
)toMd of local buaiueaa nieu as foi
ls' : K. I. Little, T. H. Weller. Thos
Kahler. Bert llaney, T. C. Wlcke and
Jt. I. Bwlng.
4trs. Viola Stone, also of the !--wood
rooming houee, pleaded guilty
the 'day before and was fined 1100,
-which abe paid. Sentence has not
yet been passed In tbe Dilta ease.
'Jut what to do with blm appears to
a problem, Whether be snail be
ftnbd or sentenced to Jail will prob
ably be determined later this after-
The ease of Mrs Lola Hill. V the
Cams rooming bouse, under arrest
on a charge of selling liquor, has not
neon- called. Mrs. Hill bas a son In
Alaska 8he appears to be willing
to so to hlni lUwhK no ni'fiv ,
I? M h v tQi ' ' ol ii "ii
. i .' i u.M n 'i
& a ty tn "M'
Tentative Agreement Reached Be
tween Generals Scott and Ohregon
Provides for Slow Withdrawal of
Invadinn Troops Chiefs of Car
ranzists United and Harmonious.
Kl. PASO. TV.. Mux- :t. Tlu
li'iilntiM- iiiiict'mcnl, -mid to luno
lu'on ri'iii-lu'il liclwccn Mnjor Oi'iutiiI
Ihiltli L. Scott, cliicf n -lat'l nT tli
I'niliil Slut'-, a i my. ami ficiicial A!
mho OliieHon, miiiiMtcr of win in tho
ill1 fin-to .Moii'Hii I'liliilH'l, wii" Kin
i' rally iiiiileivtooil IikIhv to (iroviilu
for a xriuliinl U'tiiciHont of iIik
AiiK'iiciui loici'H in .Mcvico.
It iil-n utiK Hiiiil Unit tlie Ir.n n
now in niliinc of tlu Mexican lnwo
at N'ami(iiini woiihl .wilhilinw
Sun Antonio to niurrrro and linn to
NiuniiiiiNi. Thin lnw procc-s if
withdrawal, it wh thoiiKlil. would
k'HCp till t'Vpcilition (M-ciipit'd in p I
iciiiK 'he lc-tticti'd olio on (Ik Imr
ili'i. Kocp Out of 'I'owns
Tin njtiofiiu'iit wa fintlui -aid to
pioiilc that the Amoriciin lio ,n
would not imti'r n Mpxionn tono o'
point into I'oiitiu'l in nnv wiv ith
too Mi'Mcan Hotlt, in onler ''
fiiidioii lutwii tin holdii'iv and
I'iriliMii iniht Iih pre fitted.
On th oUur JiMnd, Oi-iiuml Olnc
jron, it wn-t rrpirtfil.TCffri'ed to ina-
"IH1 lilt' Villi.ln. with all tin lior-ci
tlmt could ho iiiiido nvailiihlc at tin-
prt'Kont t line.
Ai n iiiciiilicr of the eonfpreiiec.
ucneritl Tretino aid tioliiv tht it
would not Ite'projM'r for him to com
ment on the niliiHlion. Owieral Sum-
net imuiIox, who in nutlionwil to
"jM'iik for the jreneiali iratliercd in
.Ilia rex. made the iidlowinu Mnleinenl :
Mcxlciinx I'lilied
"All the ehief of the coiiHtitii
tioiiulixt a i my me in full accord and
hc porfeet eonfideiiro in their rep-
ieeitttivei in the eniifeienee. We
nre uow aw'aitiiii: n Mdnlioii that will
lie eomiw tilde with the dignity nntl
honor of the Mexican HHlion. All of
III uenernU of the do fneto Bovcrii
luent tire iu complete hniinonv and
-land nnitwl Miind their trotem
nwnt." The I'onferpiioe wn not ended until
after midnivht mid the two confcioe
emerged fiom the meetinir jdnee in
rare mtml humor. Oeiieml Sotl went
iinmediately to hix private car and ar
ranged for the dispatch of n' eoded
itieng to Viiliiiigton giving the
MaiU of tho arruugittient'i with
n"'11 OIirfgoM.
Pin del ailed reoit to Washington
ii not txMHted to reiH'h the Hrcreturv
of war until Into today, and iU coo
iileralion will piolialdy delay the
an-wer to fleueral Scott until Thurw-
I day. A iuiilar renort ia iieinu -ent
I'li-t Chief Carrunru and ueiniiM of
the difticiiltie of Mexican tele
.raiilne triinniiion it ii thought
that the rcpl ol the head nf the de
tat-to iii riiiiicnt will not reach here
until -"in, tunc .ittci W.i -Illusion Initi
llllllll It- ,III-M .
wosKitrKO. oi., iu :i. Doug-
I ii eounl PotnouH grunge on Satur
day held a neMum iu Koiteburg, when
delegate were prevent tram all ttarts
of the county. An addre wax given
by Profekor Hyulop of (J. A. t".
Hexolutions were udopted oon
demning the county court of Dougitth
county for the epropriutioii of $3000
fur the Crnter Iake cut-off, which
goe In way ot Tiler, in southern
loulu county. The member held
that the work wai, very expenajve,
thut only a part of the road-U in
liouglus count v and that Jackson
couutv will not complete the road, an
it pntir- a route from Med ford.
.1 i
-I id
I i
M, mmst mm
tPft&$M4'& . -- & 3&vf mmS-' f- "BC & Sare
LIHlaMaMa eVTT JiU'n Zjt ' laBaterTSeVVT I TW W f TT T. ' M I '
wSr 'He, tfL5i' rmkF"
mm&m ''m&tf , &r- ."vair ,
Tioop of I lilted Mates rawiliy In
cniup nfler it liiud ride. The lo
niv oliouii licie IiiuIiik "chow," lint
how done nun) with the foiumlity
of talileo.
ltl'KI.IN, Mn. .l.-l;i. Cail Lii-Ii
kuei'hl, the sociali-l leader, wa- m
ioted on .Mn 1 in connection with '
a Mny diiy demontuitioii in Derlm.
Kiulit other M'isun. were nrrentedl
nt the time ot the demonxtrHlioii, ',
whieh oeeurred in Polndmn qnnio
A Dr. I.iebkuecht i u soldier, an in-1
xeMtigutiou of his conduct liv n mill- I
tnrv trihunul wits ordered. Tin- trih-1
until emiM'd hw arii-t. lie wore
chiliiin clot lies when iipprehcnded.
The Oversea New ngencx -av-1
that the disonlcrx in eonuectiou uith
the Mny day detuniiHt ration were not '
Mcriou-i and that tho lonnil'e-tiint-were
quickly diH'rM'd hv tho 'Milice. j
"Miiiiv inlialiitants of the xouthciu
ulnirh of lU'rlin weie culled to a
meeting nt 8 o'clock in the evening
in PoimIhui iiniro to eelelirato May
day,"' the new Hgooev Vaya. Some i
few person went to the mneh-fre-ipiented
square, hut wore eailv dis
persed hv the police. Nin annuls
ware wudo for diordeHv eowJuct."
DifcNitche from Hnglish eorre
ipiiudeiilH in Holland and Switser
laud ay the Mu day demonstration
for peace in Iterlin nHxiimed -aeriou
proHriion. One dinnteb give a re
port that twenty -five ron were
killnl and 200 wounded. Simtlur re
)orti in the pat hae been ehiiruc
lerixed in Herlin ii- fnlse. Dr. Lieu
knecht ha iiroiised much opfoition
by hi Mfxere ciilici-m in the reicb
stag of the (Icnnan government and
recntl wu exH'lled from the WM'ial-1
it party In the renh-tag.
I.ON'IMJX, Mn :t. - The sinking li
a suiiinanne oi anoincr neuirni
-teamship, the Spaui-h vessel Vim
fredu, i tcporltd in a Llod' dis
path from t oiuiiua, Kwnn. One
member ot the clew was lui.
Tli .1
M) VI QfM ano , , . ""
1 . 1 I . I
Wk ' M&M$Xr j:MKtSSMBBm .
MciiiImis or one of I in le sum's li(.pi(ol H-ipi i ilxiii
I'lduie tiiKcn Ii) linilMitiiiigli. fauioiis wnv photamaplii i
I'AKIH, Mm ': A (ieruiau uiiiuk
In the Argonne near Uaraseo was re
pulsed with serioii loaaoa for tho as
sailants, the war office announced
this afternoon.
In tbo Verdun region last night
there was heav lighting with artil
lery. Tbe text of the statement follew:
"In the Argonne, after a spirited
bombardment with shells which re-
leased Irritating ues, the enemy un-
dertook yesterdat evening a mnull at-
Jack, In which ihr.. eompanles took
part. upon our trenches
net i eeen
Harasee and l'our .i i'arl.
The (Jer-
man were fuci cuf ul In gaining a
footing for a few moments in our ad
rained position i"it they were not
able to maintain their surcea and
had to retire Tin sustained licuvy
lokses by our iih
W XW''
aim-, anil
I'I'ITMII (i. Mux . I p- ol
'the I'cun-x I .gn.i null. mill uumd to
dil took change o the sllilullOlt III
Turtle Creek and Moiiongnheln vnl
les, where two person" were killed
and o number woiimled in strike riot
yesterday. The gownon' troop gr.
rived this morning. Lmge (owe of
coal ond roti pidice Ircmiilued ou
gunrd nt the plant- of tho I'nited
State- Steel corMiriiliun all night, hut
experienced no trouble
The firt mow toward a settlement
iof the Weslinglion-c -trike was mode
today when Hon -tnkcis. in wr'l
lueetiug, iipiMiinlcd a committee to
confer with I'atink Oildav, chief of
the I'cnu-xlvaum buicau of medio tiou
mid nrbit ration, with u urw nf hav
ing him intervene with the ciniMiny
o- mediator.
The gowinoi'- troop rude down
into llruddock tin- iiticiuooii. It met
with no oppo-ition.
T y I I CJ
i i 1 1 l
mj V BaraF B3i t
j&kw ft An m
. -
Z m "
I m irATiAit af nnn I nl I
i- 4-
I1UIILIN. Mny' :i. The fler
tiuiii reply to the Aiiii'iicnii note
will not decide whether n lircacli
will etnne lietween the I'liited
Stnti'o and (leriniuiy, acconling
to the Kot'lnUclii' Volken ei
tung. The dfciwion, thin ninvn
imper wyn, will iet eutiiel
with Piiidiiut WiImoii, depend-
iug upon the miHwer he i ex-
(..Maliiil 1 1. iimliii lit ill.. riMliiiiti
,...,. ... ,.., ... .... ..........
The Herman reply mnv he ex
jieeted momentnnly. It now np
liearx, however, that Thuimlny
may Iih the day on which it will
h ha tided to the Ainerican ein
hny. nimi million fiom u suppl) wiigoii.
8 VIC XTciii SI'ltlM.S N Y . Mav
.1 CrltlilHin or I'lclilent WlUon
for providing wln.i tor guests at ban
quota, at the white house was ex
pressed In rosolultoMS submltteil to
the MothodlMt general eooferenee to
day by ltev. James W. Anderson, of
Oregon, Missouri. Tho resolution
was referred to the (ominllle on
temiierauie Although the solution
ws offered by Dr. Auderson as an
Individual the entire Mlaaaourl dele
gation supported the action.
"Whereas, it ha beeu reported
through the public press that our
president, the Hon Wood row Wll
sou. ha restored tbe ue of lutoxl
rallng lhiuora ou state orcavlon at
white house functions, therefore be
It resolved by the general uouference
of the Methodist Kplscopal church
that wo hereby express to the presi
dent out keeu disappointment and re
gret for same notion."
I I i In A III! I) been
I ! I ' i ii '1 Wllllllil
Attitude of Germany Stated In Clear
and Precise Terms', Leaving No
Doubt of Exast Position Assumed
Instructions to Be Issued Sub
marine Commanders.
110 Kit LIN. .Mny X Tire draft of
the Herman reply to the A morion n
note Iih heeu finished.
The leplv i nhjcct to minor nltor
ationa which inuv rexult from interchanges-
of iewa between Merlin find
general hcndqunitor.
The attitude of Ounnmiy will ho
slated in elear mid prccisg terms. Tho
note will loaxe no mom for doubt
coiiconiing the exact position naium
oil hy flonnany, which will I'oniinuni
ento the dofltuto imtiiro of inetnii'
tiou tlmt will he givon to sulinlnrino
eomiiinndera and other data on which
Washington iUclf enu judge tho situ
ation. The A Mandated Preaa is pormitli'd
to make theo statcincnt, although
the ceusorsliip (tli dieputiMius tcndiui;
to iovchI tho tenor of tho (Ionium ro
plv still i olfoetivo. Tho dnte of de
livery of tho answer has not lu'cn
l'lr-l Hint of Iteply
WASIllNOTON. Muv 3. Tho mi
iioiiiieeiiiHtit fiom Herlin that now nnd
definite instructions are to bo pveti
to Herman siiliinnrine oiiiiimiitidcrs in
the l'iist jMisitive Indication of how
Henunuy will attempt to msol l'rei
deut Wilson's final demand that hIiu
dccbio and effect an abandonment
t the present methods of aiihinnriuu
Whether the new iHtruelionswill
meet the term of the last American
note mid thus prevent m break in din
louiatie relations can only he deter
mined by a eloke and n careful culm
ination. President Wilson is leprooented hy
those closest about him a unshaken
hi his detei iniHalioH that the Une w
not negotiable , that a aettleniont etui
Hot he delayed hv dMouaaiou of side
i lies such a the liritikh blockade
.ind i-clalialor' measure; that tho
i ontioxeisy between tho countries'
chii proceed further in diplomacy only
it HcrniHuv eliWtually top detruo
tioii of ship without warning and
take meusure to bring her subma
rine operation otherwise within the
confines of interna tioual law.
N'eti Instruct Inn
With it declaration that auoli or-dei-
have been given aud orideuco
thut titer will be earned out in good
faith, the president u willing to dis
ciism the conduct of submarine war
fare, but only upon that ha si.
The new- that new instructions to
siibniiinne cummaiiders would ho an
nounced scrxed to encouruge hopo of
a luxoinble oiitiouie of the long dis
pute, hut I mill decision i being re--cixcd
until tin- newest Herman eoni-
miinii niii'i be thoroughly ooiisid-
While nt w hi k on Hie Hetchel
buildiutr. K.'h Ninth Cent in I incline,
llii- alteiiioou, 1). C. Auudou was se
verely burned hv un explosion of tho
gasoline blow torch used hv tho
plumbers, lie hud stooped aud wo
about to pick up the torch whwi it
suddenly exploded, burning his fore
head, ear, eyelid, chest, throat and
lower arms sexerely, but fortunately
no injur wa done to tbo eye. Tho
burns are merely primary and vUl
cause him to nurse them for o fW
Dr. Seelv was summoned at otico
aii; dressed the bums. The doctor
so he thinks no scan will result
from the injuries.
It i believed that the blow torch
was damaged by beiws hauled frout
place to place umong other eipiip.
iiuui I'hc rouiih liundhug weakened
it at -.urn' i-.ntit in such manner .w
ti null,! i in , I, ,j,,n poi-jblo win it
tin ii. I li i ilm jUliD-)0, j M