Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1916, Image 1

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i'uk tomoiit m
; Mmlmtnti )clerMy WIj
Minimum today .tl.
fl1iHIIXtIHMI' nl I Ml III
f Ty" W"1ff if T9l TH"
n ra i iru mi n .
r a u b w w i m m ' A
agn&uflHMsj) iMlf ( nwui mMmw'' QtiktV mmwt rTWiwH
I 1 "r'v lTlh Yfiir
Ii Hi. i. u . itii, Ymr.
Premier Astiuith States That Govern
ment Will Introduce Measure To
morrow (or Universal Military Con
scription for Great Britain Over
Five Million Enrolled Since War.
LONDON. May 2. PiPiuIor As-
n'itli declared In the house of com
mons this uftoritoon that a hill to Do
introduced tomonow would bo one
of general mid Immediate compul
sion. The prlmo minister nnuouriced
Hint IIip wholo recruiting problem
would lip dealt with In n single hill.
Mr. Aiitlth told tilt! member of
I he house of coiiiinoiiii Hint the total
n.ival and nillltHiv o'forl of the Iirit
ish empire since the beginning of the
war exceeded five million men. The
lirltlsh army, excluding India and In-
Puling the dominion, comprised
iKhty-thieit division.
.Mr Asqulth hhIiI that whllo In Au
gust, 1 S 1 1, the llritlah army at home
wild oversea consisted of 2i5 divi
sion, there were now "I division,
tin hiding the naval division.
Mr. Asqulth aald communication
hctwoon IrelHiid and Knglund now
Mug nearly normal.
IlNctiv. Surrender.
fn nddreeslng the house of com
mon, Premier AsqulUt aald the pub
lic was naturally doprowud hy the
deplorable Incident of the aurrender
or .he garrison at Kitt-ol-Ainnra. Imt
Hint it vmm not an event of military
in.iiortanre. Kefcrilug to the at-t.u-kR
on the government In thla and
other connectlona, he Invltetl the
Iioiiho to turn to speeches delivered
during previous crlstse In the history
or the country. It would be foiintl
that charge of exactly the miiih iih
tnie woro made. There hail htien the
h.uio aciusallons of Indecision, pro
rumination, half heartednes and de
lav and exactly the Mine cry for a
-,iv lor or a combination of aavlnrs.
At one moment the people were
told that the civilians In the cabinet
m quite wrongly in the rae tif
(ialllpoll had overruled their mlll
taiv and naval experts. At another
moment- aa he believed they would
lip told in regard to Mesopotamia -it
m wild the civilians In the cutii-
nit were too subservient to their mil
itary ad vlmis.
Answer it) fillips.
.My answer to all this," Mr s
unlih continued, "is that If theie
have been mistakes or blunders, per
haps both, in opllcy or trategy, our
coin rlbut Ion the contribution of the
Tufted Kingdom and the empire to
the common cause has grown and is
Browing steadily month by month,
and Is greater t this moment and
iiciter directed than ever before. And
the navul and military situation of
the allien has nerer been so good as
H is today.
' We have to put up with these
things," the premier said, lie added
that the government would not 'be
disturbed by them as long as it re
t. lined the confidence of the oiintrv."
l,ONI)OX. M.. 2. -A d.pat'h to
tin Kit-hunge Telegaph couiwny
1 1 .xi) AmUtdam loduv a.vs it i ug-L:i-ie,l
in politicnl cireles that the
l.;iitf of Spain will be ked to nrbi
ti.ite tbe submarine question btweeu
. ilu' Inited States gud Oennony.
"Diplomatic cii-ele in touch with
(u muiny believe (hat the reply to the
American liole will be delicied on
Tliurt.," the eorresnondent os,
i. at that in ull probabiJttv it will not
ix in the nature ot a final reply. They
f i m . t Oeruiunv will make
regunling tlie eloblili
idrut of ueu rule tor mibuiunue war
I .n-.
Vinbasidrtr (iemrd aruvod in
Jterlitj mrl tin muriiiiiu "
W SII!tiT Mat '-' Thomar
wNeUon I'.u'e, Vurrtcaii ,ini.a.iloi
to lull, c-n Itaie In the I nttnl
States eal'nl on rrcsintut "MI'u
t -U lr 1'aso aM tr.vtci m r
.ii I uiiK iu, dioiw of lamridtu
- .
Final Conference Between Scott nnd
Obrcgon Immediate Withdrawal
Not Considered Mexicans Disap
pointed Over Administration's At
titudeNo Trouble Anticipated.
VA. PASO. Tew, Mnv 2. Major
flcneml Scott euni'orieil hero thi af
ternoon with ('cncrnl Obregon, ruin
itei of war of tlie do facto govern
ment, und General .la fin to Trcviuo,
coiiiimiuilci- ol the noitlieiii-t ilivMon
of Mcico. Oeiiernl Kiitt-tnn was not
present it t the opening of the confer
ence. nccntic ir the presence of it
local miniiitr mini it could not lie def
initely stated tlint the conference hud
to do with the negotiation now (vend
ing liet ween the (no republic.
151. I'ASO, Tevaa, May 2. Major
CPUcralH &cott and I'mihton held an
oxtentled ronforenco today over the
amplified Instructions Kent them from
Washington in which the administra
tion stated that no agteement was
to be renched that was based on any
proposition for the immediate with
drawal of the American troops from
.Mexico. Word was then dispatched
to (icneral Obregon, minister of war
of the do facto government, and hla
associates, asking for a second con
ference to discuss the military qu op
tions now Involving the two repub
lics. I'liuil Conference Tonight.
This conference will probably ho
held this evening in 11 l'aso and
there were Indications early today
that it would be the lust one. The
Mux leu n conferees, having become
acquainted with .the administration's
position on withdrawal through press
dispatches, showed their disappoint
ment nnd there were intimations that
they might not further pursue their
request for withdrawal. A Mexican
conferee said today that even though
the lequest was not met at this con
ference there was no reason to fear
tlTTit serloiix lloul'le between the two
lountrlc. would follow.
Piesident Marshull. In doubt as to
the propriety of making public a
communication to tbe senate criticis
ing an official or the I'nitod States
declined today to hand down a let
tei addressed to the senate by Hear
dmiral Bradley Flake, assailing See.
relary Dauiels. and referred It to the
naval committee for consideration.
The Fiske letter contains a denial
of Seeretao Daniels' statement In a
communication to the senate April
21, that a letter from Admiral Fiske
warning theouvy department of an
unprepared stale never had been fur
nlshed him.
' This communication was not fur
nished me, and I did not know of IU
existence until long after it was writ
ten." wrote Mr. Daniels on April 31.
"I find upon inquiry that it was
filed with the chief rlerk without my
Kuowledge that It bad been written.
Although Hear Admiral Fiske was In
my office dally he did not tell me that
he had placed the communication on
In his letter to the senate Admiral
Fiske declares he personally handed
Secretary Daniels a copy of his u
per on unpreparedness, watched htm
read it, and says others can testify
to the occurrence
Admiral Fiske asked for in oppor
tunity to be heurd on the subject,
but if It is not granted, that his let
ter to tbe senate be published.
IN ANiir.l.l.N. ( ..I . V:.N
'i.M iuitl..iiuC' -Ilu it'
.'.- A
r. t"
l.. In
' t ' J'C I Ik
it at u fl ,,
, , i $
I. J
Small Group Near Dublin Still Defl
ant Roundinrj Up Last of Snipers
Irish Not Led Badly, But Misled,
Says Captured Rebel Officer Up
rislnii a Surprise to Men.
nnil.lN'. Jln.v 1, via I.omlon M.n
'2. While tlie itiiiitinn oul-iile D.i'i
liu i not inliifplofv lln n in
the city it-elf, it in impioviiig. mid the
nullioiities expect tluil m few iliiv
slioulil nee llie lni-t of ninieil reliel-
lioii in Ireliiml. A flicker till i np
mteut not fur from Dublin, wheie it
ininll gioitp of mllieicnt of .lnnie
lukin hnu eneoneed themselves.
I'urther wett of the capilnl lliere
are -(ill ImmU of insurgents. The
relieU me skeptical of the a-imiiiee.
given tlicin t lint tlieii eomrHtlea in
Dublin lime siirteudeiril. As the le
siill of the prompt meaureH liv the
nutlioiitiei, u inobite foree line licen
moving into the norlliein teiiilory,
preventing (he Sinn Keiner from n.
"emliling nml nriCMling tlieir lenders.
Soldiers ure completing n tlioiough
enieli of the eilv nml it in IiohhI tlint
within u few hoiti, thev will account
for (he lu-l of the sniper, a tumll
liautl of relieln which htm been phii
ing a tlieiioii in the neiglilioiliood of
HiiU'k luitlge. This liiniil wiik -ub-
jecteil In ailillerv firo .Moiulit ultei-
iiooii. A few of the t elicit nre Imlil
iug out. Tiniii cciiiiiminicnlinii -nil i
intciniptdd. Ii I-Ii U'eie .Misled.
Dritl.lN. Mnv 1. iii Umlou, Mm
'J. --"We weie not led liuilly; We wcie
inisled," xiiiil n cnptuieil icliel ol'tirer
lnt night. Hi- leniMik, ntlered ;il
most in k tone of rcinot'nc nl Iinving
MiHieiwted in the Sinn I'Vin revolt.
uii nut de iu he wu- xleppiug nboiiid
u -tenmer ut Ninth Wull quav '' he
tn ken to I'nghind. lie wuk one of the
paitv of ISO pi-ixoucrM of nil rnnk
who were en pi tired Sunday.
The militniv iiitthoiilie deeitletl to
-end the prixoneix lo I'liglund for
trial in order Hint thev mnv lie nvvny
I'lnm the pitjtnlice nml linger of xi'
-on ot the pin cch where thev revolt
ed. When the eoiTe-iHtiidenl, who
wu- iM-nuitled to go iiboniil the e-
-el, intorroguted the pii-oner, he
gntlierei they hud no ideu wIiph they
vcre oideied to n-semhle at vurioiia
ccntei- on Hiuler Momluv tlint the
Icedei. Imt orduincil that duv for the
dci Inrittioii of the Iri-li renuhlie.
Thev reneheil the meeting place with
iiition for oulv eight hoiira in Ihe
belief thut they were merely tn earr.v
nil practice maneuvers, n they hml
done mi other occasions.
Older to Figlil it Siinuioe.
"We found huge Mipplie of nm
munition piled ut the meeting place-.,"
anitl He of ihe prUnuer, "nd e
eeived strict ordei to defend our
M-ition. We were told it would he
noee-sgry to hold out onlv until liy
3. wlien foreign troops would land
and join u- in fighting the Hriti-h."
The riouer- included repro-entn.
live of nil port, of liclund. '.r the
most jMirt, they were men of good
physique. The arm- of the o! fieri,
weiv so like those of the Ilnti-h nnnv
that in the durkne. a was duticuli
tn ili-liiigui-h them. Two of the
prikoners, who were dreed n- lucn,
uiidouliledl.v were women. .Mot .i
the men eeiuod nearly exhau-tetl.
A- the column marched through the
eitv ruauy per-ons gathered nt win
dows. There were u few cheer und
-ome wnviuir of hnndkerehiel-. One
of the Mctiitoi- remarked:
"WIlV kIkiuIiIii'i We elieer them,
even if tln- hine dolu- .1 elfi7 thing
Tin v linc been .mil tlie m
our dvmi tli -h .mil lilonil."
flllt AGO. .'- l,,n llioii..iud
more etiiilce- ol the lull inutlonul
llnr;e-ter i oinpiuiv hlru k loduv.
bringing Ihe tolnl ot wurket. now on'
-Inkc up to 11,011(1. j
Operiitions were stipeiidtd ut the j
uV( jiimek of the cciumiiiv,
win I,- 7IHMI eiiilivi'- Weie out. The
ii 1 1 i Ii" w nki i tn, nl . in i !m ! '
. ii , i i . , ,
iii I
fsf.u iifinm m
Atigti-tiue Itii i ell, vvliitoe iitliniiil
tuition of liiinnil N to lie piolK'il by
lloti-c of ('otiiinoiis.
- Z 3
IlllUUW Mnv -' 1 att:.ik
oil I lie V eliliin 1 1 'in i .i'l i nil'
Meu-e e-tenliiv m ie lepul-ed HI ll
fieree -truggle ut i lo-e iiiiirter
which lu-tcd for ii' hours, the nur
office announced loduv.
The test of the iiiiiioiincemenl follow-
"Western frent: N'orlh of I.ooa n
strong (lernuin ol'ticerx' rmljid '',
tered n llriti-h treiteii in n -urjirise
Httnek Inst night. Those of the oc
cupant of the I reielt who were un
nlile to eciiie were cut down.
"In the Mense -eel or Ihe artillery
duels inereu-ed in intensity. We I of
the Mense infiinlrv tighlng wn eon
fined lo hand gienudc combo I- among
ntlvnueed Mi-t northeast of Avo
etiurt. Kat of the Meue, south of
Douuiimoiit and in ihe ('nillette wihhI
h 1 'rem-Ii nltiuk wu- repulsed bv our
troop in ii hniidio liiind struggle of
several hour. The Miitiou of the
(lerinnns were inn in tinned completely.
"According to n delayed rcort on
April 'I. a Frcinh neropluno win.
brought down iu mi encounter above
Port de In Chuimie. west of Veidtiu,
Mild another French aeroplane was
brought down over ihe forct of
Thierville, -otitliwi-t of Verdun.
"On Mnv I Lieutenant lioelke hot
dowu hi lilteeiiih ueropluiie over
I'eper KltL'e. Siill'i o the fiiltre.H
ot St NIkIihI Iii I l.iciitfiiiiiit 'i,n
Altli.nw -Imt il" i I- liltli eiiitnv
.ii i il,ui
NOItTil l.i vi v uhh l i .'
The deinoi r.iiii ' lie toiiviiitloii
Kiel lieie lod.i lo i opt ii plalfoi in
elct delegates to Ii llitlioudl mil
ventlon und a iiailonul coiiAnltw-e
man. Judge T. m xtcKinney as I
porary chairman was selected to de
liver the keynote uddresa.
A movement "to muke Willium J
Bryan a delegate ut large to the na
lional convention from Washington
waa started by Uobcit Hrldges of Se
attle. It la expeeted tlut when a reso
lution to that effect ia presented it
will be fought on the convention
ltefore the convention opened, ac-
ruruiiii 10 rvj'uri, ii nau umu kutu ;
to send twenty-eight delegates to Ki
Louis with a hulf vote Da'lL
Chicago! m 2 jZtito liitliar
8. Tuthlll in the Hi 'lit court fj'lu.t
set aside bix reunt J clsloi Stjt f lit I
S li I'lliv.ui nut I i' I I HIM . I! (fOllt
1 1
W 'J. IHlii
Four Killed nnd Elyht Wounilctl When
Mob of Strikers Attack Edgar
Thomson Steel Plant Desultory
Firinn hy Guards and Strikers
Militia to Control Situation.
IMTI'MUlid, Mny 2. Four men
wu. killed and seven wounded when
tin mull which luif been utttickiiig
m.iiiiitiietiiiiiig plnnl in the Turtle
tnik nml' Moiioiignlioliu vnlleys
lb iniuhoiit the day. cliHrgeil the Thir
i.u.Mi -t reel entrance nf the Kilgnr
I lii'iii-'ni Steel compiiii.v's ilaut nt
lli.iddoek llii- nfteruoon.
flic not enilv tliis afternoon -till
w i- in progress, de-ultoiv firing hv
vmtnl nnd i inters being continued at
the Thirteenth licet and Haltimore
ii Ohio enlinncea to Ihe mill, where
between (IU00 nml 70(111 men weie at
The rioters weie being stendilv re
inforced. From four to twenty per-
sons now are said to have been killed,
roue llodle- Picked l'i.
Four (lend bodies hnve been picked
up ubout the scene of the lioling nutl
thirty -five wounded huve been ut
tended by plivsieiaiis nnd liospitula
thou far.
Fight wounded were Inken lo the
llrudilock hopital wheie siiigeons
-u nl four might die. Among them
were Frank Williams nnd hi wife,
who were taudiiig in nu ill lev wiileli
inu the lijjit when hit.
'flic mob which entered Itrnddoek
miitehed l'iit to the tilniit of the
sidlinu Steel I'oundrv eoninuv
und foieing nu eutrnncu drove tint
men (mm their maehines und smaslt
eil wintlou and otherwise dnumgeil
the buildings. They Iheu movinl on h
eonl rneloi'- pliiul, where more ilnin
nue wu done. Iml no one injured.
I 'mil Ciniik. -aid to he one of the lend
els, wn uric-led hv deputies und
hurried tn jnil iu Pittsburg.
WiiulovvN lleokeii,
leader- of the erowd then le
formed their lines nnd uptironehwl the
MeYcv antl Walker foundry, where
20(10 men nre emploved. but the galea
were sfummcil shut nml the crowd
contented itself with hi diking win
ilow. Tlie Xicboliison (liniii coniMiii,v
mill wu next iite uud '2'dl woik
men driven from the building-. More
than a score weie -aid to huve been
hurt am) considerable damage done.
The mob then visited ii gin 1'uc.lorv
at Kwiasvale. Ii swept through the
gales with a ruh. Two hundred
men, wotneu and boy employes were
ipiiekl.v driven out.
!'eMrt received hv the iiutlioiitie
bcie this afternoon were that the mob
was uiudc up itlmowi entitvlv of for
eigner, iiihuv of them under the in
tluence of liipior and armed with pick
.Ulc for .Mllitis.
Official of the American Steel &.
Wire eoinpiiuv this iiftenioon npiwnl
ed to Kheiil'f Kiehurd- foi protection
lor their plant at Itiinkm mid Itrnd
doek, new having reached them I but
ummi -tiikcis from the Turtle Creek
Millev, nnned with eluh and stone,
were mnrchiiig toward the work.
'I'lie 1'iti'negie Ktci'l cinnmiy nlo
n-ki'd lor pl'oteeliiili.
client I Uieli.ird- .it mice dl-ualeh-ed
ii t"i it il.iiiilii- in n-ist the
ini'ii mi iliitv nml -,inl In wniilil take
i i ll ' in ltd U lib tin ni III. if.
I'OU 11 M i. Mi J The
lax limit. itlmi ,i i ml , i nt in (hi state v. J iii, v ill i. hiiliinlt
ted to Ihe totii in t Nuveuilior
through the Initiative .n completed
and made puiilic in the Slate Tax
payer' league toduv The meaaur
was framed by a committee appointed
gy the league um w is revised b
former Governor WVm and lumen U
K rr H provides that unlcs spe
iifinlh mtllioruea , a maJoilt of
iho -otcrg, liciiiipr tlie state nor
roenik tn tUi' iiialilv d.stru t or other
t ujv U all raise g gro'er an'OUut ot
rt'tenjo for purMU" ntlter than the
p iiuPt of lmiiileil Jnili'bteilness or
trti ilnriiitt ibait Ihft total
i u f io iftti'iiie at t
Permanent World Tribunal Proposed
to Settle International Differences
Such as Are Settled Today by a
Domestic Court on Principles of
Law and Equity.
NF.W YOUK. Mny a. -The world
court, which Ihe world court eoti
gres, in esion here, would create,
wn outlined today iu nil address by
William HnvvHid Tuft, honornry pres
iileiit of the eougres. 'Hie aim of this
propiMcd Hrmanent world tribunal,
Mr. Tirtt eplnined. would be lo jteltle
diffeituices, such n are sidtled UxIhv
by u domestic nun t on principles of
law nud erpiitv and u Ihey atiae be
tween nn lions.
Mr. Taft empliaixcd a tlisliiietmn
Imtweeit inliitrHtions ami the si i ague t
etl world court.
"The general rule iu nHillrAthum
that the decision is n eoniproiniae
it n not clear-cut judgment on qtiea
lions of law nml equity," the former
prewident explniuixl.
I'lnii I outlined,
"I'lirlicM me not given their rights
or subjected to their obligationa as
fullv ami na completely a- they ought
to bi, nml no they ate iu n iloinestlo
court of law.
"There ii not nnv lenson why,
with respect to tpiestions of n legal
nature, the tribunal between nation
should not pm-sue thu rule of luw
mid equity with the same degree of
lldelitv a do doinestie eourl.
"AiidtmlioiiH are genemHv miulo
up tif temporary aihitratora. The
lierwuiM are aelccled for (ho psttiou
lar easo and this feature lemls ui
porf to Ihe iliploumlie method of
reaching a compromise conclusion."
Illitsliatiug his idea of distinction
between arbitration- and the prnos
ed world tribunal, Mr. Tuft pointed
out that the mic-tion of American ex
clusion of umle-irahle im migrants
might become a subject of arbitration
but could never become one of settle
ment hv a court of limited nature,
"because our legal right jn-tifv the
discrimination if we choo-e to make
Would Avoid Win-.
Similarly, Mr. Taft said, Mlilicnl
question such na the Monroe doc
trine, mi nut to he settled ns a mill
lor of legal right, for iu this eB-e, "we
eniinol claim it i a principle of ar
bitration which we arc ucrting we
ate merely asserting u jtohev which
we deem necessnrv for our welfnr."
.Mr. Tuft declared that hud a world
court been in existence in 10 1 the
issue of Serbia's remn-ibililv for
tin killing of Ihe Aulimu crown
prince and hi wife "might have been
settled bv n hearing and decision."
And the time In ken in the -uhiniiou
of the iiutiover-v mid tin h 1 1 ' -s
llld'jmeii' "nmilil dive : in i luli'f
VV.l Iii .li v i lit ilu ni nl .i i
HKKI.I.V. Ma : The ii.reen
tatlves of tlie ItiiKshiii iiurlluinent
who were invited bv tin iiiittsh gov
ernment to visit Kiialaud and tlie
Urltlsh front on the couttiieut have
arrived Iu Stockholm. An Interview
given by Professor l'aul Milukoff.
leader of the constitutional democrats
in the duiiia, given In a dispatch from
Htockholm to the Oversea Agenc),
"I'rofessor Milukoff said the pur
pose of the visit lo Kngland was lo
Improve the relations between that
country and Itussla, which had suf
fered recently. A strong feeling
against Kngland has arisen In Russia,
causing open mlsuudersUndlug be
tween these nations and tbe cancel
lation of arrangements for further
" 'We must show them that Kng
land 1 only fulflllluK her obligations
when she assist witli mouey,' Pro
feasor Milukoff tald. 'since Russia
lias "Cut her whole army against the
ciitoiy while no one knoiva where
the Urltlsh arnuts vc fiMlug ' '!
1 Ii. 1. at
WAMHSOTrtVi rtv S -T'lo nt-nl-il
lirf.tJ,iiij iiTuit.t 1 11 id. 1 .11
Villi life t v n ' c I 11
,, l
XO. n."i
In Strong Attack on Teuton Position
at Fort Dounumont First Line
Trench 500 Meters Long Taken
1000 Meters of Trenches Taken at
Dead Man's Hill.
MAH3U1IXHR. Mny 2. A
Hirthor roiitlugeiiL of Itinwltvu
tiooiw arrived at this .Mcilltor-
ranean port totlay.
. 4. .5. 4. .. . 4, .;. . 4, ., . .5. . 4
I'AItl. May . -In n strong nt
tack on (lorman positions southeaHt
of Fort Doutituont, on the Verdun
front, last night, the French capturod
a first line (lermau tronoh fiOO tuotera
long, the war office nnuouucod this
afternoon and took 100 men prlsonor.
West of the river .Mouse nollvlty of
the arllllory continued through tho
night from Avocourt region to Dond
Man' hill.
The war office also nuiioimced that
Iu their attack nn April 29 and 30
on the north lnn of Hand Man'
hill the French gnlnod German
tranche over a front of about 1000
motor mid a depth of 300 to COO
I'iviuIi Htulcnieiit,
The text of the itntoment follews:
"South of the Somomn aurpriao at
tack upon ono of our smaller posi
tion In the region of Doinplcrrn won
iiKHmaatuliy ropiihMKl by tho French
"In tho Champagne wo have horn
Iwrdrnl aupply train of llpv onem
north of the N'avarln farm.
"In the Argoune a irrong aornmn
reconiiMlssuiit'H ha been illttpented at
a point north of IlaraMo.
"Wot of the Weuse artillery activ
ity continued last night from tho re
gion of Avocourt a far a Dond MnuV
Oeiiumi Ti Cliche Titlicii
"Further Information hrlug (o our
knowledge that the artton conduct
ed by u on the SStli and 30th of
April on the northern slope of Dead
.Man' hill resulted In our goltlng
poaeeaalou of about 1000 motor of
flrt poltlnu trench of the enemy
for a depth of between 300 and 000
"Waat of the Mouse yeaterday af
ternoon French troop delivered 11
spirited attack southeast of Fort
Douamont. Aa a result we oeeuplad
a flrat Hue (lermau trench extend
ing about auu meters and at the saint
time took about too prisoner.
"There have been artillery ex
change In the Woevre "
W iii, M,,v 2.-The cab
lint In ll 11 In nl i-lon toduv. llts-eu--iiur
the (leiiui)u and Mexican
pie-lion. Si-cretiirv lousing sgnl
iifteiwiird that no teM were iu 0011
temphitiou to hurry (Jemmuy's jedy
to his hid note on submarine. It is
exitected tin week. Hecretarv linker
uul he hud no new iiifonualion from
lleueml Ki'ott at Juare. and did not
know definitely when the next con
ference with Oeuerul Obregou would
be held.
After the cuhiuet meeting offlcigjg
reiterated there wan no change in thu
plan of the American government to
keep the trooiM in Mesieo until tit
bandit were completely disperil.
The first fighting in the Carrgusa
eiirapmgn against Zapetu forceg in
aoitlhcrn Meitico was reported tnly
in stute dcMirtment diiuiehea. A
eoiisidenible f'ariiiiin force altaeked
a Zupnt.i b-nid ueer Arulpo, the wet
cout cnM.rt of the i-tate of (luer
reto, bin reults of the ongogcineuC
were not inttvd.
L'vltiii-o o jiinctem tccti ot t'arne
and fiViulstufP-. dotipe ftr Uvnerot
I'ir-'i&iy'- toioes ih rerMrtK( todnW
limn ( liiim ilm.ij 1 iiv. These, vmrn
wen 11..1 h -mi ii puvuto shippcr.j
it I 1 1' ii