VAOK TWO TUKDFOJll) MTT TFMTiTTNE, MLDFORD, OIcl.h'OY MONDAY, MW 1. 1'H'i ft M fl o - IOCAL AND frf PERSONAL j- iiuii.s H KrlFi.iil. t.t -iil . n 1 (jfJHff POST. LYRIC TENOR. f - ""1 of NMW.un 1nrir. on i nn fin .,i.,r idt '.' hr w i- ,i . In. r game warden for inl !lrit 6T THf (,TAR THEATER ""'' "''''. Josephine cottnu. mining perforated by el k lit one:-, tbe ('ann um. Just returned from sn official i ir. oimi nci n . wh m4 on to Ms olle club by two and the blind insll. Imir nf the Klamath rnnntrv affeud . hnmeMena at PTOVOlt. H W WfflV- tUlton ny IWO. MoioiiKiNM, or sail i-rnnciaro, L of tlio Hotil.s-Wal) SJQ., at City, and ownr qflLrgo tlmbor holdings, a 1wTl as ,. , i. ,". i One of the chief events of the so einl season lll be the Alumni tennis null which will occur thin evening at the armory. This affair promise to be on Of the most cleyer dancing parties ef tfte year. A large attend ance la expected by those In charge. The pepfHl music, alwaya a feature of the Alnmnl parties, will he mneh In offdenca thli evening. Dancing will atari t '3A p. m. The natron. esses for Die occasion will he Mr. A. J. Vanae, Mrs. M. T.. Alferd and Mr. K. VT. Thome. Do Voe gltea trading ntampa with everything except groceries. 0. 8. Illanchard or Clrsnts Pass, vlalled Medford Saturday. Dr. Mtoplieneon now practicing again. 14G Mouth Holly. Phone 8G2-X. t Mr, Fred Strieker and Mr. 0 I'. Jester of Oraula I'as wore Medford visitor Saturday. Tlio McCurdy Insurance agency now represents tlio Iowa Stnto Uvo Stock Insurance company. Office Medford National Hunk bid W. J. llotchkl, of San Frnnclsro, proaldont CroHcont redwood owner of tho Sparta hulldltig In Med- ford, was a Medford visitor Saturday with A. If. Hill, ii lo of San Francisco. Our chocoloton nro Medford mado. The Hhantn. tf An iinuaunl number of Medford people enjoyed a vtnlt to I.HIiIh park, Aahlitiid, yesterday, n well aa from othor polnta In tho valley, tho Pa cific highway being lined with oars from early morning till late In the evening. It wan one of the falreat day for n yonr. (Jot your milk, cream, huttor, egg and buttermilk nt Do Voo'. Martin J. Huddy offers an Individ' ual Rllvar oup to the pnrsou with the highest scoro In tho preaent contest hntwnen the tennis ball tmiina of tho M ml ford high kcIiooI. This oup goo to the student who win It once. There Ii no further coutott for It permanent iioesonsloii. Typewriter papers all Irinna, nt Medford Printing Co. Tho ModforU Commercial club will hold ltd regulnr muuthly nieotlug on Wednesday night. . See Davo Wood about that flro In nuranco polley. Office Mull Trlhuuo IJIdB. Mr. jiU AJra. Andrew Pedlny ar rival In Med(ord HuiMlHy from. Port land to tarry In ltogue rlvor valley for a month. They were In t Ii tat city during tbe anon of ralna and were unable to tee much of tbe atirroiiud I tig ceitntry and tho charming acenlc tc)UIs In tbe ltogue river count r. They are "lacldeMtHlly" Iwoklug for a hw heme fctcatlou, Mra. Pedley be. ltertng that u change of climate would b helpful lo her. They came from Michigan last year, locating In Port UmmI. but tbe extreme humidity there proved to be an 111 condition for Mra. Pedley. PcHttage tamiw at Dn Voe'. Two Intoxicated paaaengera who left Die No. 18 paeangr laat evening were picked up by the night police and ktopt In tbe cooler over night. Bttgnl aed riHim, 4 1 1 South fir St. 37 J. It. Woodford, Medford pol'M- ler, and (ieo. T. C'ulllna, who went to San Krant'laco ioidh day ago on bu Ineu, returned thl morning. Mr. Mfaedford ta that Ban FraucUco, HHlIke expoaltlou rltlea after tbe cloae ef a big expoaltlon, Is breeilly active and apparently doing more buluea than ever. NVeaUoa Camera Shop for tirst-elaee kodak finishing and koilak nupplles.' Harry lvejoy, who vltlted Med ford and viclulty !( winter U again owJuylHg a tuur of the county. Mr. oveJy comes front the northwest corner of Washington, near the ltrll (ah Columbia line, where be la I uter es ted In vblngle mills and a boi fac tory. kisik afternoon and evening at the C. J. llann, of Waltheua. Kanaas. av bote factory mau, Is In conference with business men of this city Inter et4 la tbe establishment of a box factory here. Mr Haau accompan ies' the party of business men ol Medford who made a iiersonal Inspee tiON of tbe protmsed route for the Unfits extension toward tbe Blue be!- mines Buiid.iy He Is very fnvwably luipreMtl with the opeutng hare for au ent-rprle of the kind In which ho is personallv Interested and It) believed that. iefore he re turns to Katisss, h will have conclud es to transport bl plant to thl city Try a King Spltx etgr and en WHrnga home industry tf Te Medford poxtofficc will mnvc Into its uew uUMrtcm lu ilu Icdeiul building next Sunda) IS off on Kodaks at VVeston'' m -i to btiMlne In thl elty ftaturdt (!nmv Wlarden Walker, ho h lent a keen eye on tbe local situation, nt. tended a conference of the arler,K and other official here. In cempanv with Chief l)ricoll, at that time ' Condition In their field of work nre ! reiwrted to Im bettor than uaul at this tine of the year. The world' groatost companion. Holmofl, Tho Insurance Man. J. A. Perry, who owns a fine pear orchard of 3." acre between thl citv j and .lackRonvllle, I Installing a J pumping plant on Orlfftu creek from wnicn lie win oiitain a numcieiu meaaurement of water for Irrigation for soiiih week. That pear orchard I one of the most promUIng In the valley and I unuRtially loaded with pear. Tho condition of the tree ts excHllent throughout the entire orch. ard. Mr. Perry will begin Irrigating till week. We are Rolling the high grade Olympic Flour at a sacrifice bnoauae we are overstocked. Kvory ack I guarantor! to give satisfaction. I... 11. Drown. Chief of Police Illtlson nnd K. C ICIIiott, who have been doing n little dovelopinnut work on a recent gold dWovery they made, returned yes terday evening, after an almence of n weok. They aro wholly ploasod with the result of their further explo ration of the lodge and are planning inoro extensive work lator on. Sinoko a King Spite cigar. Sc. Thoy aro homo-madn. tf That tho Union Oil company Is on terlng the Medford field in competi tion with the Standard and Hhnol companies, Is the reply by I.. W. Kol soiii manager of tho local plant of tho company. Mr. ICeUou goes to Med ford to take charge of the plant there, whloh I about completed and will be ready for operation by May 1st. Ills succeRor here was not state. Tho Union Oil company has plants at Portland, Corvalll and ICugeue, ami tho new plant at Medford will be the company' first invasion of southern Oregon. Corvalll (inset to. Sweet oldor at Do Voo'. Wiidiienday night will be Medford night at the MathU-Veaeey revival limiting lining held lu Ashland. "Meet mo at tho Shasta." An excursion of business men Is being planned to tho llluo Lodge mines. It will ho made probably two weeks from yesterday, or May M, al. though a number of tho busliiHsa iiihu who desire to make It are willing to give It iIih date of one week from next Tuusduy. which will be May U. The Commercial club may decide on a date at Its Minuting Wednesday night. It la being arranged for ladles to go, also. The road from Medford to Cop per Is said to be In geod rendition for automobile Copper I rive miles tbla lde of tbe mine, but in the mining district. Olympic flour $1.40 a sack, fB.BO a barrel. I.. II. Ilrown. C J. Pry and Kdward Spencer, mining men Interested extensively lu the Blue I-edgti district, Mr. Spen cer's claims being In tbe 8iuaw creek division, returned this morning from a visit to another pari of that terri tory. They will leave tomorrow for home. CruwsoH's, of Ashland, extend a cordial Invitation to (he people or Medford and other valley point to attend I his season's opening, Wed naaday, Mny :trd. afternoon and even ing. Music and entertainment at fbttoa sella ford oars, $209 down and 5 a month. ). led WatMOii. of Portland, Is a business visitor In Medford toda. I)e Voe buys beer bottle. Mra. O T. West, of Aahland. who visited with friends In this city yes lorday, returned home laat evening Music afternoon and evening at tho Shasta. Kd J llerrin, of Stockton. Cal . Is enjoying a sojourn of a few day in Medford nud vicinity Your lawn ntowei marnlna sharp ened at Mitchells. Phone H30-.I. Neff Miller, of tirants Pass, visit ed In Medford nrer Sunday. Hatha 35c. Hotel Holland. The ruts in the road to the reser. voir, of which complaint was beard Saturdav, were made by the recent rains The road la not a paved high way uud Is not likel) to be for some time. It dovsu't require much of u rain to muke ruts in that formation J. O. Qerklng, tne bat all around photographer In southern Oregon. Alwaya reliable. Negative made any waer, time or place. Studle SIS Main St Phone Ito-J. W J liibxou. of lirants Puss v lu ll. Hi over Sunday la this city. Blj be milkakaktM at le Voe'. The Kogue Itlvsr Cuual compaii) will complete the Willow Dprlng ex- L5s7fl?fi' wHarflKamjISS MCBSm 'VssFKiflsKvBIB Ogv -.' -ffatMK.t vWrEUBMS I Bsa ijaffifiHESti ed t, hln wife. IRISH REBELS CAPITULATE (Continued from page one) ha (i been occupleiTTbr several days in tie rebels and even at this time ulptr In houses' in the vicinity are Mbooilng at Intervals. x the correspondent approached 'he c iK'ie a pufty of more than 100 - i.mrcrt members or the Sinn Fein.; the president of the pruviMionnJ gi" Ikwlles of slain rebels were being carried sway in gram by soldiers, many of them having been shot sev eral times. When the authorities gave orders that the people were to ho allowed to enter tbe streets today some of the pour began looting. PioflauiMilfiii l"t)iiml In the debris was found i printed , proclamation iesnttl in Hie iiouie of I ,, r , , i Ii . I ' ii I- In ' !(' the i.i-cuieii ., '!. but it i ll !-umM (hev did. The euihorrtiea the IwiflM t DiiWIn for fritiforetniehta, which ere iHwilehert there ill armed automobile. Over th rest f Me eiHHitrr all w? quiet except at Rn- ni'woThv and Wexfnnl. -I, C N ' " lir:t "m. in, hi WH- infill hi ehuntie.J'rom -hJKJ he bad been sniping for -W dJrl &fl "Wli'''. held n (Mieilieni c,tfoa in rfie'sffUe nf a Htenansmp rwrhy ' 7 The eneunllies up to the pic nre unit! te boiverv numerwi" ent i.l- Jlnnv of the priaoneM were captur-; thoiilfktlte.l'rpo luw nut -uilVi.-.l p.l rcl-hnnded with weanbn. linn-'as WCvilr' mnrht nNe m-.-n in- dredtpf otliers nre Wing iletnined on ' .Idllll I'lMl The uperiitie leimr who np-pem- mi the x I r 1 1 . i I m . i r v aiiilcille hill ut the Star tln-nter tiunu'lit nnd tomorrow niuht. Mr. I'o-t will iuur a heleclnm Inwn the opera, "l.a Touch," in Itnliiin. lie will iiImo eing a Mipitliir Hong and the "Ulne Dnn ulic" wnltr Himg ami n (lerman welee tion. .Mr. l'ot will ing anything liv reiiiet. Leave reqiiptrt at the box office. The miiHie-loving jHiblie will find reul treat nt the Star tonight and toiiKitiow night. There will ho two oilier firHl-elanH nets on the Hiime lull, including Al V. I'ege in n monologue that will take the house by Htiiniu WnlleiK nnd Pcge will of fer n Hinging net nf the very hel nml uioxl up to date. Thi will lie Hie liiir milled utt taction at the Htnr lo night. STERLING BOY IS BEST SPELLER IM APPLEGATE lu tho spelling division for the Applegate district held at Kuch Sat urday afternoon, first place was won gy Foster Wttsey of Steillng nnd ec oud place by Lester Hill of Provolt. These two will participate at the county fair next lall for the cham pionship of .lacksou county. Substi tutes wore named aa follews: liathcr Klelnhaiunicr of the Little Applegate and Paul Uiugwnlt of Provolt. School taking part lu tho contest wine Little Applegate. Watkln. Heav er creek, Ituch, Mleaaurl Flut. and Provolt. An address on "Thrift" mih dolUered by Superintendent 11)111 of the Medford aeiiools. Heading were given bj Mrs. Wilson. n..r bed by wndcr escort toward iMchinond Jail, where more than 700 re now held. of tho men wore in green uniform. One wore the uniform of the irmli volunteers and others were hi (Hllian clothe. Number of them lucre wounded and suffering, but most of thorn held up their head defiantly. The xoldlor escorting them were men who had fought nil through the ui'iislng and were more hittnr against their rebellious fellow countrymen than the troops brought over from Kngland. This feeling seems to lie shared by most of the population or Dublin. V Orcon N Deserted St. Stophona (Jreon, whero the rebels entrenchod theinRolvoa a soon as the movement was begun Monday, was almost deserted. Around Trinity college and tho old Irish parliament quiet reigns. The offlte of the train ing corps qunrtered In the college had done much to suppress the upris ing. In places such as Mlddlu Abbey, Abbey Mary and Henry street, only n few girders and window frames or seme houses remain. Along the east side or Sauk vlllo street from Henry street to O'Connell bridge, the build ings are hattored beyond recognition. The poetorteo Is merely a smoulder ing frnmn work. Thi' atone Young Men's Christian association building eminent, the text of which follows "The prmixinna! govermnenl lo the ciur.eux oi jiuuiin: me iwiivwuoiiui government of the Irhli ropnMiu ml ute the eitixens of Dublin on the momentous occasion of the prtwlamn tion of ii oereign inilepeude'iit IHhIi etute, now in course of being etah- liHheil by Iriehmeii in arm. KeHib- j licnn i'orcex now hold the line taken up at 12 noon Ktwler JMonilny, and nowhere, kpite the fierce nnd ul most eontinuona nttneke of Rtitisli Hoop have the lines been broken through." Tho Irish commanilniit, .1. II. I'enrce, who is now h jirisoner, in u Hfhoolmnxter. lie wns woumlcd by it mIhiI in the leg. Itefore being captured he took u most active part in tho up rising and wiv looked to ns tlio Iiend of the movuraent. The iMihlnffk'e. which was in the! hand, of the rebels most of the week, i when retaken was found to hnve been I liitdly tlnmngcil by fire and shot. ItelK'U In County lleutli l(cnnts from the priiisiimnl 1is trietM show that the grcittcHl dlsturli nnce outside Hie city occurred in County I lentil, where armed rebels in purties were ft ill lerroririiig the eounlrysiile yestei'dny. lu other dis tricts there Were disorders. At one jdm-e north of Dublin u small detach ment of the Iv'nvnl lli-li eoii-tiilnllnrv. commumlcil bv nn niM'eor, was ,n-. roumled In rebel', and di-.irmcd. It 1 hi rMilll r Lm i I 5 M,s,",'e"rvta"irsJ J sU-RVifaUllVsTA B .I MMwmmmumfM nsMBTMtJ I J antntsmisasi fsTaTtflT f 1 1 saiiiransimiin niisiismal Sltf They take, their time YOU' enn't makej good cignrs in a hurry. The milkers of the OWL don't try to "speed up". Instead of hurrying: the process of curing1, they, let Nature, take har time to do it right. Eighteen long months the leaf is curing mellowing developing fluvor. ,jj Then, the workmanship. ', It is hand- workmanship throughout. It is careful wbrkmenship. The result is, tho OWL is .always a specially good, satisfying smoke. The Million v"&y " wftpiV55' . 17 J V sf ILss Dollar Cigar viiaiiiixaxiiunaaaaivnfV,aS M. A. GUNST'SCO.' INCORPORATED aVT?2 liMtJUMsauV " a df W "Mrt"W I OBITUARY. . SOKBNHONWllllam Sorennon, Pioneer of southern Oregon, died April Us, l 10. at his home near I'io volt. Ho had been a readout of the Applegate valley til years, and a It iscn of tbe United States since 1 sr. .t. He wa lorn In Hcitmurk AuKiist li. x:U. emigrated lo California lu l':t milling around CaM Horn lu 1V, but settled temporarlU in Chile, South merica, later bailing up the count lie followed inlitlim until Is.'iH, when he settled in the old mln- Oawera Shop. Byron T (urk of ('litcaso l en joylug a sojourn In Mt-dtoul .tint surrouudtng coinmuniulV Un tiit' . Ue. btrebgeasaer jvH l" gt lt'o' rioe's evory Wednesday. .tension of Its sstem 6n Wedliesds Water was turned into the canal and the lateral to teat the latter on Sat urday Kverythlug Ww all right Tbt large canal will cover an Im mense area of rich iisriculiural und The new harmless dlscoverv, tie Mt)d Nahlng Tsbti U iwlliiK fRKt' 1. 9.' 11 ll : 5 HO tMbblllK it) Ut-ffS'lltl'i 'Moii aujtit wi"t'ilJ fur .lggauc iij) 4bHpdj wtd tfaiiftfa' Usen NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE .Mtsll'uiil People should l.eaiu to He- tect the pHiMH'li nf Milne) )Uishm The symptom. of Kidaev tionble are inauy. Disordered klduo.vs often excrete a thick. cloud. offensive urine, full of sediment. Irregular r passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. Tbe back muy ache, hfud- acbu and tliai) spells ms occur and Hi Ytitlm Is often welgbied down ) a feeling of languor uud fatigue sv; lect these warning and there i.- dan ger. Debt. olten proven ratal You can use no better u.lor ed klduo remedy than Ikian lnliii I'llU. HereV Medford invoi m i 1m tr merit. Mrs. C. S Webster. .'.u-J S Cr;iiK St., Medford, sgys: ' Uheue.r I have had oicgslou to lake a kUtue med icine, 1 have found Daun's Kldncv IMIls very beuoflotal for backache and kidney trouble. ! Uo aUe them to members of my famlh who are vubject to kidney dixorders and know ing of the great benefit tin-) have hIvmu them, I conscientious!) reioui mend them aa being a er 1. medicine for kldne dUorder " 1'rice M)e, at alt Unri slmplv ak for a kidnet rtmeds kci IHmtls Kidney Pill the same that Mrs Webster h.ul rWcr-Milhuiu Co. i'lops . lluffalo. X Y d find. Ut r Qt r- m. l'It)L 0,1 H. 00 rjj m. IJotirs i 0r (flp&SSjXiijtaMiittra) Ira"!.-fa oliclted 8. Auto Srtrvicp from Kojjlc Point to Mtnlford anil Wiwk The undersigned elll Uue Frank Lewis' confectioner) cut) day ex cept Suuda) tor Medford with his unto ut' t o'clock p iu, arriviug at 2 nil p 'Pi. lienM) Nosh Hotel. Med i (iirls Kai;l A part of ths H IIAK.MS! .?. f T t r r r r r f r t f f v T t ? V ? V ? ? V T T f T T t T 4 X t t t t 1 t r rv J VT Evening 15c Matinee 10c Children 5c MEDFORD'S LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATRE STARTING TOD AY FOR TWO DAI S The big double bill headed by the King and Queen of comedy TA i ? X Roscoe in Sennctfs latest 3-Reei Keystone success f V v Normand I mm3L M m s7 XAZf' CS &Jr jf it breaks all records as a laugh producer full of thrilling stunts and laugh-producing sensations that keep an audience on edge j llf I The Big Triangle Super Feature; t THE CAST r V Willard Macl George Fawcett Clara Williams rhelma Salter t v ? v f V V f y T y y y y y y y T y y y T y y j T y t I A Masterly Presentation of a vital theme A powerful drama based on food monopoly and specula- tion in the necessities of life 1 ins . 1 1 i . . , .A. Dig scenes urn oi suspense ana emotional X intensity markthis great play o .., ,., . X Two Master Productions that prove the superiority of PAGE? Service if. I" I V- -5 .. ' I o itSjBacmrDffit, Wruuu. o ! ctijnsotrat'j)! 10 to a. i