Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 29, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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WASHINGTON, Apnl 'JO.- Ktiinu
latal by the rnonnou ileinaml wult
injr from the war, copper production
in thu United States roachod and
)MUMd tho two billion pound mark
for tlio first tiino in tho liintorv of
tlio induMtry twit year. In a atato
meat issued today the Uuitod State
jwoloxioal survey placed the total
pruduution of copper from all sources
at 2,0120,000,000 KJundK. Smoltur
production of primary copper was
3, 388,000,000 pounds, a record quaii-
Thnt was 138,000,000 pounds more,
tlinn produced in J01-I, or nn inurcuHO
of 21 per cout.
Tlio total value of tho 1015 stiicllor
output of primary copMr, at an av
iirnfto price of 17.5 units n pound,
win .f2IU,t)00,0U0, nn incrcuHo of
$00,000,000 over 1011.
1'rodui'tion of primary nnd hce
ondnry ooppor by regular refining
plant amounted to 1,00.1,770,138
potiudH, including 2t(l,-l98,DlIf poundH
of foreifc-n oriirin and 60,57-1,000
pound from tho secondary material
treated. Plants treating secondary
umturinl exclusively produced Xl'J,
700,000 poundH in addition.
Stooks of refined copjicr at tho ho
KinnitiK of 1 01 T amounted to 17.'),.
Ill0,filt poundH, and at tho olosc of
thu year 82,-120,000 poundH, n do-
crnNo dnrinir tho year of 01,210,0.').pi
pound. In addition to tho stocks at
tho close of llllfi, (hero hl-io at
waoltora, in trariHit and at refiner
iua 271,000,000 poundH. Consutnp.
lion of ooppor in tho United Stalos
was tho (jreatost ever recorded in
any your. Unfilled now ooppor hhow
ed an nppnront aoiiHumption of about
1,0 111,000,000 poundH, nn increase, of
12.1,000,000 poundH over the 1011
consumption. Adding tho 302,271,
000 pounds of npoondnry copper and
ooppor in nlloyH produced during tlio
year tiring up the total of new and
old e,oppor available for 'domestic
ooitstiniplion to about 1,13.', 000,000
ImiiiiiiIn, the expoits of refined copper
duriiiK tho our having been fl81,9.r3,
30L pouudn.
Kays tho fllrl on tlio Film.
Kvory woinnn Is oaner to take up
a now fad, but not u now wrinkle.
federal roservo board annoum-ml to
day that It would put Into of feet June
15 Its new plnn for country-wide
check clearltiK nnd collection. Un
der tho plnn tho actual coil of clear
ing nnd collection of checka will bo
aMOwiod nKalnHt member bank In
proportion to their uho of tho sys
tem. A clronlnr stinouiicliiK 1U declHlon
was mailed today by tho board to
7G00 mombor banks. Tho Important
features of tho plan, tho announce
ment says, nrn as follews:
The fedoral reserve banks will ac
cept at par all ohocks from moniber
banks whether drawn BRnlnst othor
moniber banks, non-member banks or
private banks. An exception In mnde
at tho outset In tho case of checks
drawn aKalnnt uou-mombor banks
which cannot bo collected at par.
Women' Conre-sional
HH-ial car passed turougu
Medford between 8 nnd I) o'clock I Ins
morning, carrying Mihh Kiln Hieel,
who represents the union in its Susan
II. Anthony suffrage constitutional
amendment campaign throughout the
country. Miss Kiegol, iicc-uiuimiiiod
by assistants, is on route to Salem,
this Htate, where she will hold a pub
lic meeting for discission of tho
It wiik inteudod that Mm Itiegcl
should nddross the local ncoplc in a
few words from tho platform of the
train at the station thin morning, but
previous notice of her coming had
not been given. However, Mrs. ('. L.
Kchieffolin of thiH city and .Mrs.
Madge Hueliaiian of KoHchurg met
Minn Itiegcl and enjoyed a few mo
ments' chat with the distinguished
young woman.
Mjmh Itiegcl aptrecialcd a litiucli of
Med ford roses presented her while
hero and expressed regret that she
could not have arranged for n public
meeting at this point in her tour of
the const states.
HO! YE WHO THIRSTETH: Y ou will welcome with joy the advent
of this appetizing thirst quencher. It leaves a tang! It hits the spot!
A happy combination of Loganberry and Apple Juice makes its initial
bow today. Try it! We say it's the best ever! Are you with us?
At all Soda Fountains
Dr. It. V. Clancy, who wan mun
itioned tu attend the case of Joseph
Harrows, u ImiI 7 ears edd, who ran
in front of. County School .Superin
tendent ,1. IVrev Well' automobile
late joHterdnv afternoon anil was
eriUHly 1 1 mined, retorts the little
patient nn n-tinir more comfortably
this afteruooii, though yet he it uu
nble to determine how seriotiH the in
jiirieH may be. The child i bruised
about the hips and Buffered n sovoro
ruhIi on the liend. The latter ih the
womt injury ho received.
The boy ntoppod from the curb in
front of the Royal bakerv u Pro f oh
nor Welln drove hv in bin big car.
Neither muw the other in time to
avert the accident. Superintendent
W'cIIh lieljM-d to care for the boy, tak
ing him to the home of his grand
father. Thomas MeAndrcws where
the lad liven. Dr. Clancy believes
that the bo will escape serious re
Hults from the injuries received.
(Continued from pai;o ono)
Kut-ol.Amnrn. IlcsclRcd by a larRC
army of Turks the British defended
thouiNolvos so flucrcKHfully that tho
Turks at longtb decided to starvo
tliom out.
After It becaino evident that tho
army at Kut-ol-Amnra would bo un
able to fight Its way out, a roller ex
pedition was dispatched. As It drow
near Kut-ol-Arnmn It wan opposod
liy formidable bodies of Turks and
Hh advance was stopped. Tho Turks,
taking the offensive, pushed back tho
British nnd Inflicted largo Ioshoh on
Throughout tho Mcsopotnnilnn
cuinpalRii tho fighting baa been heavy
and tho Iohsch severe. On April 1 1
It was admitted tho Ilrltlsh army up
to that time had lost 8100 men. In
one engagemont alnno at Holtsea, on
tho right bank of tho Tigris, a few
mllos 'below Ktit-ol-Amara, tho llrlt
Isb lost -1000, according to nn an
nouncement from the Turkish war of
ftco last week.
The Orix7.lies will leave the P. & K.
htutiou on the east side tomorrow
morning at 7 o'clock sharp. The train
will leac for Itiitlc Tails at that mo
ment. The trip to Camp Nick will
be made. A great day in the jungles
of the foolhilK h M-hcdiili'd.
W -
" - '
A8HLANI), April 2 -Womou's
Kedoratloti seMlons Incident to tho
third annual meeting of the South
ern Oregon district, closed auspicious
ly on Friday afternoon. Offlcors
elected are as follews: President, .Mrs.
W. W. Canby, Grants Pass; first vice
president, .Mrs. K. I). Ilrlggs, Ash
land; second vice, president. Miss
Marian Towno, Phoenix; recording
Bccrctory. Mrs. C. D. I loon, Medford;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. U O.
OlemontH, QrantH Pasn; trensuror,
Mrs. Madgo Iliichanan. Hoscburg;
auditor, Mrs. V. C. Smith, Jackson
ville; district organizer, Mrs. J. I
Mundy. Medford. About sovonty-flvo
delegates were In attendance.
The gathering was a reprosontallvo
one and vital topics were handled In
a vigorous manner. A favorable clr
cuinstanco was tho fact that practl
cally ovoryono scheduled on tho of
ficial program was prosont, necessitat
ing no substitutions, rouscrpiently
tho wldo rnngo of business was trans
acted expeditiously. Tho social fea
ture was not overlooked, and on Fri
day noon a plclnc ltinrh was served
In tho dining nnnox to Chautauqua
park hall, In which building tho con
vention was held.
Tho noxt placo of meeting was not
definitely fixed, although Kosoburg
extended nn Invitation to entertain
tho fourth annual convention, and It
goes without Haying that tho tender
will bo accoptcd.
Mrs. Canby, tho president-elect.
waH for four yearH necretary of the
natlonnl convention, and for two
years was president of the same or
ganization. i
There has been some inquiry ns to
whether or not names for nomination
tuny he written in on the primary bal
lot. The Inw in this respect is un
changed, ami candidate- mav be plac
ed in nomination by writing the
niuiie on tho ballot. .,
District Atturncv.
LONDON. April 20.-"The thing
tliHt surprises me the mott about tho
uprising in Dublin is the miply of
muuitiotm in the hands of the robe!,"
said an arrival from Iruliind today,
lie Hpent Ion hours in Dublin on
Tuesday and, departing that ovcuinf?,
remained until last night in Kings
town. "There is little doubt in the popular
mind that Germans have been land-
ing amis from submarines for j strong ro.wilist, mi, a great mnjor
iiioutlis," he eoiitiuued, "and it is eienlity of the people of Ireland arc witli-said-thuugh
I don't belieio it that lout svmpnthy for the rebels, whom
u few ncrmiuii nl.-o Inndid and or-'the regard ns a sninll and irre.-ion-gnmr.ed
sihle iniiioriU.
jl I L.M HIHHZirrfVlf.lHli1
Sold direct to you at low prices, because the
middleman's profit is saved and taken off tlic
price. If you want the greatest value the first
in the land sec our employed distributor, or
phone or mail your order.
A$h for Tire Book
THE SAVAGE TIRE CO., San Diego, Cal.
Factory Diitiibutor
C. E.
'! learn that the rebels made pn
mier ir a liip'e number of im'iK"
men and a f-v strnv soliliers at lin
roynl lrih eontHbulrv depot and
at Phoenix imrk.
".Nrv walk tliruiMd thf t-cntr of th
city TuesdHV Hft?ro"0 ury
fvcntrul and I wa fi fmillv to,
reach Kingstof.ii. I wa chalWnsfd
imiiiv times by both rebel and loyal
sentricH. The rebel sentries were
threatening, but allowed me to pnss '
after searching for nrm.
"1 heard that the Countess Markic-'
vicit, th sister of nn Irish baron, who
was prominent in the Lark in strike '
and a leading figure in the present
movement, allot dead a guard in front
of Dublin euHtlc, in an effort to o.u-.
tare the castle. This effoit proved i
This informnnt, who is nn cn-jin-eer
of the war department nnd n
tt?m..x , m.
!LZ MSrfTf
First in quality, service,
Superior materials. add
ed plies ol inline and
excellence of manu
facture mean maximum
mileage and satisfaction.
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar
I For Comfort and Keen ;
Enjoyment Visit the
PAGE Tonight
nnd sec
The Cummin Comedy rale
Weber - Fields
In a .'Mtii'l 1'nnfiv.t
The Worst of Friends
Triangle I'lay-
Wi,h Helen Ware
As intense as the Iron Strain
as beautiful as Aloha Oe
I'KH'KK Mnllnw, 10c; cvviiIiik, inc.
Children, .-
i JtflJrfr fe