MFDFOUn MATH TIUBFNE, MI'DFOKP, W,l i.n im.'MU U'i.ll l"t. vnr, nvrc GOLD HILL NUGGETS j A In i iii forie of mn ate no work lug at the icnient plant, adjacent lo town. Mining men ar arriving on almost uverv train, and h revival of pant ex perience leemi la b almost Inevi table. Old mines ere being exten sively worked. new one are being opened, nnil initrh Inter out In vuriatu ways la made manifest. The, tuugateu and antimony belli ou equal Internet with cinnabar. 1'iof. Sweetaer. of the University or Oregon, arrlvod Monday with the educational mIUIhs. "Our Friend and Foos," and exhibited (hum at Ihe Greater Oold Hill club room, to an Interested audience. .Mrs. Mee and son attended Easter sorvleo at St. Luko's Episcopal I'lmri'li In Gram l'aaa. "Srnlloy" Childa of Medford who has been visiting his ruualn, Harry. Porter, the imat wuok, rettiriiutt to lila home Sunday. A. A. Flynii. wlfo and friends of Grunts Pass, attnnded the dance at the pavllllon Saturday night. "HIIIIo" Faneher, formerly or Cold 1 1 HI. slipped III for tht) diuieu Satur day night. .Mlaa Agno Dietrich loft Monday ntoriiliiK to visit the Ashland schools for u lime, and on her return will visit llin Moill'onl school Mis Dietrich la one of our tcai'liera en Kimed for next year. Victor Flint, I'rof. .Milan and son Vernon, and W. W. Trtinx molored to Aalilaud Saturday. ICIam (Jail, of Sam valley, wa in Gold Hill the last of tho weak via itlng at hla sister's home, ami trana uctlUK business. "Deacon" Walker, now of Oranla Pn, spent Saturday and Sunday vlth friend In Cold Hill. Mr. Mai; Avery who haa been for i onio time wlih her frluiul, Mr. An al h llaninieraley Lbwsoii of Soattle, iinlved home Sunday evening. Harry Harvey returnod Monday from Aahliind wliero hu had spent the week end visiting; hla mother and daughter, i - I. II. Hcoiuan wn a business visi tor to Medford Monday. Fletcher Stout returned .Monday evening from Jacksonville, where he had gone Saturday to upend hla Hun ter with relative at that place. Mrs. Win. Stuowe recently or Port laud, arrived Saturday evening ac companied by Mlaa Dorothy. We are glad to learn they expect to remain lmro. Ml Maud Miller, teacher at the (ialla creek school, made a viait to her home near Medford for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Oarfleld of Rogue Itlver are guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. Kay King. The two ladle are alatera. Mrs. J. II. Ruck and aou of Pasa dena, Cal.. arrived Thursday and re mained tilt Saturday visiting her aunt, Mr, lirant Harrlaon, In tlila city. Mlaa Ethel Dnvia spent Sulurduy and Sunday with her friend, Ml Ltiella do Latto of Phoenix. Mr. anil Mr. II. 13. Adam or Rock Point, were In Cold Hill shopping laat Saturdu. Among Hie Saturday ahoiipera In Medford were Mr. I.ury ilee and ton, (ierald. of Hold I till. I'. Langdell, of the Applegate mill I iik dlalrlet, spent a few day at Ida home In tlila tin, and relumed Tues day morulng with tho truck which U to convey ore from hi mine to the railroad at Jacksoutllle. Mr. Inorii Hodges, accompanied by her three daughter, Millie, Hai ti and Letsy, and their frleud, Mln Shrap of Portland, motored lo Jack sonville on buainoaa, thence to Med ford, where Mr Hodge departed fur Aaulaud uud the young ladle for home. Vlrgiula Beemau left Saturday af ternoon tn vlll iu Sau Francisco for u time, poibly going later tn Arl auua. Thoma Duugey. of the Qatl creek dlalrlet, wa a buaineas ealler In (Irunu I'ux Friduy. Messrs. Dodge, Dean and Walker of the Public Service corporation, came up Tuesday evening to do soma surveying ror a few da at till place. .1. W. Merrttt returned KH4y from Ills home in Central Point to bis bus Ufb Interest here Mrs I T. Oallenhur. teacher in Medford school. ipeitt Suturda) and Suud) ut her home tin Del Kio raiuh, ueir liuM ll:ll THE MEADOWS I) S Kone, In- to ou Bruce and liilllt- arc back ut work on the Force 4 Pea it cinnabar mine thW neck, driving over from Agate Mon day afternoon. Wullaue jiiiikum took a few )ear' accumulation of deer horn to Med ford TueKila.v. We Mjppose when we see them agalu lhe will adorn ome carving t. They dre fin one. Home being bplendid t-(- iin-n of 0 lilKKest liiiik- .uillel- I H ! n iiii i te)i ii ' ' ' ii I'tt for ,i nr hnrti it in ih li m i" r rnd of the )4?adu. Une vised I mill tr.ilng tn get hi teer together. The) hare sct tern! over the range pretty badl) and h I riding the country pretty regu larly these day. Me aav kits of deer eem to harv an I led through deaplle the heavy iitw last winter. Bllawerth Drake drove to town Momlav on bualnena and to get np piles for the ranch. Vlnl Mayfleld ha gait en hi po latoe in. Ills rrop is generally one of the best In theae parla. Mr. J. II. Drake spent Monday in Ooid Hill. Hill Pomeroy Is back on the Job at tho raurh rter a week's vneulion. Miners doing some work on the .cinnabar claim located by C. II. Wataon of Ashland In 181 n have been bringing some very fine specimen of rlnnabar don to the Meadows. Mr. Watson's knowledge or geology hfi been of great help apparent!) In chooalng these claim. They are about opposite the copper mine on Kvam creel; below the Doctor ('his holm cabin. The content ever Hie old letorl claim on section IT and 20 1 nt 111 unsettled There me two ann or uilnei-, Hue for each claimant work In on Hie properlt this week. COURTHOUSENEWS Kejortod by Jackson County At tract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. Circuit ('unit. Portland Brewing Co. MarciiH II. Whipple, et ul., uiuitgnge roieclo u re. Purtlaud llrewlug Co. vs. Murcua II. Whipple el itx, suit ror money. Parry vs. Clluck, coiiflrmatlon of wile. W. I. Wardln vs. .1. A. Tomey ot al, cost bill. Amelia Me n or vs. Colli lllll Co. el nl, stimmou. V. .. Ton Velio va. Minnie McKee. Hilnilnlhtratrl.v, ot al, notice. Henry D. Anglo va. Union Oil Co. or California, motion. II. W. Ilunlyingor vs. K. K. Onion et al, notice. Pi-oliute Court. J. V. Miller ICslato, putlllun to pro bate will. Churloa I,. Davis ICslale, Inventory, appralsmotit, iiffldnvlt. Ileal Khtute Tiuu-fccs. C. II. Mathlsou to Xoruiau C. Koatoa, laud In 10-8)5-1 W Orao T. Drown et ux to Joahtia Patterson, land In 2S-3.s-IW Marv C. Leslie to K liner Leslie, lot 11 and 12. blk .".:'. Mod ford . . . .... Clarence H. White to John K. Helmlck. lot 1 I. blk .', Ko Addition Medford 110 10 10 100 WEBER AND FIELDS Al PAGE Wclicr , niil I lilil-. -in ii Mnll-lv .It tin- I'ilc tlliMliI iu "I In' I'm' -I ul' r'licmU" ,c-ti'iiln iii I utt -1 1 uiiiiuli of liilanoiir. tun. WIhi- ami l'leld- lire excellently placed in u tiHr-Kv)toiie that gitc Lew Field oiMiit unity for hi er excellent t' tlu. Almost ri-r limit: Imp K'll tliuji a iiiiii dl'olllj.' three sinrieo into n yirl' liutliiiu; inl to Wilier tuiim -ila-liim;l willi u li"t air lilu-t mid u Imwl ol line Tluil a ilnld' riglilK ImiiiIiI ciiinc lie lo ic he liiiiiiuc u' it- iiiiifiit- i I lie ilicinc nl Miir ()'t'iiiiii"i' i tin ii Inl my la. "Cro!. Current-," in mIiicIi licit ii W.i re i claiiol. uilli the -ilinl't n' Coiirtcmix Fiiole nil Tctl'U S.IIIIKU. s().mi:tiii(j xi:w aikht pi:i: III.Ki'IIT. .somi:tiii.(j xuw audit fhost PHCDICTION AMI I'itOTIIf. TIOV. MiMi.iiiiNti si:w aiioi i ntiti(;. Tt PHACTICi:. Will bt- dlrcuftsed at the annual meeting of the Farmer and Fruit grower league on aisnda). Mu lt al 2 in. at the Publb Librui). Not only nit-iiiber ot the ieanne but every one iutoreated I invited and urged to attend thl meetiug. .NoH-nieiuber may Join the league ut thl meeting, when they will be entitled lo tote for directou tor the eusuiug term. AT. A it'MXKR, Prwidotit. K. W. CARLTON. Kei retary. Mrdford nmrtt't Suj(iko The Medford and Mt. Pitt Cli. Xntlce to Cont I hi lor. Sealed ,'iopoml-. addreshisd to the linderhiBiied at .lacl.-onvlile Oregon, and endorsed Sejled Hid for Re pairing Koad " for repalnng 4 counts road between Medford ami Jackson ville, Oreaon, in .iciordanci- wlih Mie plan and peuiicailon on file in Die countv urvevor'a office. oer the Medford Nrtlional Latik !ul!dtuK. Medford. Oie;.)i will be reo-lw! Mint 1 1 led unnl in I i Mi I ' i. '.i a) O ' c "irt will im'illth opfti ,nd t'-nit all bill- Krh bidder shall ! required lo deoll with hi bid five per renl of the amount of hi bid. which shall be forfeited to the countv in rase the award la made to him. and If he faJI. nelefTr refnsea. fr a fier lod of 10 days after such award I made, to enter Into a contract and file bis bond In the manner required by and to the satisfaction of the county court. A corporate aurelv bond will be re. quired for the faithful performance of the contract In a aunt aqual to lie-half of the total amount of the sum bid. The eeuntv court newt-res the right to reject any or all bid, or to ac cept the proposal deemed best for Jackson county. Dated this ISth day or April. 1910. (5. A. (SAKDNHIt. County Clerk, Jacksonville. Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Poit in:pui:sKXTATivi? I hereby announce that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become a candidate for the republican nom ination for the offlco of representa tive sublcct to the decision of tho re publican party at the coming primary election. Adv. C. M. THOMAS. T am n candidate for tho republican nomination ror Joint representative from the district comprising Doug las unit Jackson counties subject to tlin primary In May. If nominated and elected I will servo the pooplo of the district to tho best of my ability. Adv. w. ii. aonic. t hereby anunuueo my candidacy for the nomination for representa tive from Jackaon county on tho re publican ticket, subject to the pri mary on Muy IU. I pledge myself for economy and a iiaio deal for all. Adv. 1IKNTON IIOW1CUS. I am a republican candidate ror teprcacnlulivc Iu the stale legisla ture. IIISNJ. C. SllhSLDON. DISTIMCT ATTOltNKV The records or tho county clerk at this lime show a alng or HiOO 00 iu the administration ot this office as compared with the prevloua term. Till ha been accomplished by trans acting the same amount ot business before grand Juries In ono day that haa formerly iciiulred five or six days, and by eliminating many petty matter, and without any sacrifice to law enforcement In the county. I feel that this saving and my oxper lenco entitles mo to a second term. I am therefore a candidate for re election to tho offlco of district ntlor ney. U. K. KKLLY. Adv. I hereby nnnounco that I have filed my declaration ot intention to bocome a candidate for tho repub lican nomination ror the oMco or District Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, subject to tho doclslon ot the republican party, at the primary elec tion to bo hold May l'J, HMfi. Adv. Q. M. UOIIICMTS. I hereby announce that 1 have filed my declaration of lutontlons, nnd that I am a canilldaye for Him democratic nomination for the offlco of district attorney, aubject to the May primar ies. It 1 am nominated and elected to this office. I promise not to forgot the fact that I am a public servant, and that I will to the best ot my ability administer the affair of tho offlco, Impartially, beiiestly and without fear or favor. Adv. NHWTON W. IIOHDHN The first or the year n numbor of republicans, Including many who ap proved of m efforts In tho Interest of the taxpayers a state ropreneuta live four year ago, requested me to become a candidate for tho office of District Attorney, Inasmuch as there would be. In addition to the regular duties of the criminal and juvonllo court, now duties and conditions confronting the office. Among these were mentioned tho enforcement or the prohibition ad. and the llkell- JNTKIM'ltllAN Al'IOCAlt CO. TI.MIC CAItD. Leavo Medforn. lor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at S:0U a. ri., 1 : u 0 . 2 00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. ut. Also ou Saturday at 11: IK p. m. guuda) leave al 8.00 and 10:30 a. hi. and 1:00 2:00. 5:30 and U:SQ p. m. Leavo Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 1:00 and r,:l& p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 0:30 and 3: JO. Buuday leave Ashland at 8:00 a. iu. aud 1:00, 4:30, U:S0 and 10:30 p. ux. WANTED Wi -i'.il iiiiiiii,s for f ii r-lii-hed lni'i-i - Ii -ou h.iw urn on would nut (all ii up. ..! Mill rent ii fin ou. Bennett Investment Co. Iteul L-tiilc, I.ouiih, iti-uitiU, Insur ance. 10U W. Main Phone 71)1). CAM! UW.TTKD SO acres Dear Creek bottom, 70 accpa la cultivation, alfalfg, fruit and grain, easily irrigated. Lss than I miles from Medford. ItaOv cash. One of lb boat buys la Jacksoa county. Say when and I will abow you. J. C. BARNES 102 West Main St Phone 7V WHY hood of hsrlng In fun lose fennv lax liens, particularly timo against the Southern Pacific land araat of nearly half million acre in bit ft son county, Amounting to nbent I20.0f0. My rcfly wga that I would become a candidate It It were generally do sired and the race couln be mads without aaauutlag aneclal obligation to any particular Individual, faction, locality or Interest. Therefore, after consulting person allv or by letter several hundred men and women of alt occupations In all parts of Him county, believing there la a real desire for my candi dacy. I will he a candidate ror the nomination of District Attorney on the republican ticket. i(IV. JOHN H. OAIirciN. I am a candidate ror the office of district attorncv on the democrat ticket. If nominated and elected, 1 shall serve the countv i have served the City of Medford during the pnst three year, during which time I have been Its cltv attorney. Adv. II. U. M'CAIHS. COUNTV CLKUK. (7. A. (nriliier Ii Itepiibtlcnn Cnndl date for County Clerk t hcrebv nnnounco mv candidacy for the office of county clerk and If nominated and elected will cnntlnuo to glvo mv entlro time and attention to tho dutlna thorenr. oouduct tlin offlco according to law and glvn an erriclent. economical nnd huslnoss like ndmlnlstrntlon Adv. a. A. OAUDNI5H. I hcrebv nnnounco that I have filed my declaration of Intention to hecomo a candidate tor tho republi can nomination for the office of conn ly clerk, for .lunknon countv. subleot to the decision of the republican par ty at the primary election to ho hold May 10, 101 fi. Adv. A. N. HILDICI1UAND. COUNTY ASSKSSOIt I hcrebv nnnounco my cnndldaoy for tho offlco of county asaoasor of Jackaon county on tho republican ticket, subject to the primary on May 10. I plodge myself to an lioneat, efriclent, Impartial and econ omical discharge or the duties of the office and propose to mnkn all assess ment upon the basis of the true nctual value of the properly aud not upon any Inflated valuation. Adv. (SROHOK LAUNSPAOH. I herewith nunouuen mv candidacy for county assessor, subject to the decision of tho reimbllcnn party at tho primary election to ha held May 10, 1910. It elected I pledge myself to make n Just and ooultahtn assess ment and administer the affatra of the offlco In n business-like manner. Adv. J. II. COL15MAN. I hereby nnnounro mv candldaey for tho democratic nomination ror the office or assessor of Jackson countv. at tho primnrv tn be held Mav 19th, lOlfi. Have had throe yours' oxpurlenco as deputy nssossor. Adv. CLINT (5ALLATLW I hereby announce that I am a candidate for enmity aaacaaor for Jackson oounly, Oregon, on tho re publican tlflknt.HiibJect to tho pri maries to bo held May 1, 191H. My platferm: IJcononiv. cunallty ami erricleney. J. C. IIICItltlNO. Adv. Candidate for county assessor at republican election, Mav 19, I0IB. Three wars: experience cleri cal work making up aemfnt roll and extending tax ioIIh, township 29 and 30 North. Range I West, state of Michigan. Throe years ao-Kor and member of county board of su pervisors, Olsego county. Michigan, Six year depul) nsseinor In Jackson countv. Oregon If elected, practlcul experience, common sense ami busi ness Judgment will he exerclhed In malting niHessment. Flclltlon, boom valimtftnn wilt not bo permit ted. The grentcHt posalble accuracy and economv In field and ofriie work will be rlKldl enforced. The most efficient administration that gvpei' lence, education and capahilltv can exact, in everv department of I hla imiMH'tant office, will bo effected Fair aud cinirteou (reatment extend ed to all taxp.oera. Integrity of puipos,. the governing f.ictor. Your support will, lied W. W. TICl'AX. Adv. i t siii;nii'i I have heretofore forntallr an nounced my candidacy fur Ojh nomi nal Ion for sheriff on tho republican ticket to he voted upon at the com ing primary r led Ion, Muy 1, II in. I have held the position of deputy sheriff during the past four war. It I uiiunimoohly mneeded that a mark et' Improvement has neeu made In all department of the sheriff's of fice during tbe lucmiiiiency of the present sheriff, the record In tho of fice at the betniilng or the present ailnilnlstroHou were conKldered the worst In the state they aro now considered eo.uul to any aud better than most. The work of tin collection has been svhteinatlacd o thut uutcker and but ter service I now being rendered, aud taxes collet tod at a much less cost than bereto'ore. I am fully comemant with the du ties and needs of ibe office for which I aspire It I am nominated aud elected I pledge myself: i at To maintain (he of flee In Its present efficient condition. 2nd To endeavor to further Im prove the servln to taxpayers and to minimize the cos' thereof. aril -- To impartially perform all duties and enf'irce all law !.. W (Curly WILSON. NEW TODAY Ijuscr l In town lookiui; for a good Utile ten re place uot too far out, on which ti house ii'td not l; o ver good, but wants a guod little cow pasture, and soma family orch ard. What have ou for 12500 210 acre with large pait of It in crop, naari) an au ue larineu, kooq building and fi ik ing. Joins out i diiae Will exchange fr a tO-arie daliy pliiie, close ill Hoon-Cathcart Co. pic lie 107 t am a candidate for the nomlna-J lion of Sheriff on the republican ticket to be voted for at the primaries iMar 19. lilt. If nominated and elected I will enforce the law and give the pnbllc an honest. Impartial and efficient administration. 37 years In Jackson county. Adv. HARRY N. LOFLAND. I hereby announce my candidacy ror the republican nomination tor slier Iff. to be voted ou at the coming primaries. May tlth, 191(1. I feel that I need no Introduction to the pnbllc. having been a resident of Jackson county for 2tf years. I pledge my sol f. If elected, lo give an Impartial, economical and con servative administration ot this Im portant office. I have endeavored to serve tho I public faithfully In the pnst nnd agree. IT elected, to strictly ami imnartlallv enforce all laws. Havlne a vory large experience In tho mat ters of taxation and Knowing juck son county thoroughly, I pledge my relf to conduct the tax collection branch ot the office In such n mnliuor aa lo servo the taxpayers honestly, promptly nnd oftlclently. Adv. W. T. nitlKVK. I am a cnndldnto for tho republi can nomliititlnu ot sheriff of Jackson county, subject to tho primary, Mny II), 1916. I have lived In Jackson county twolve years, mnde the rnco for the nomination for sheriff two years ngo and recolvod n splendid volo deiplto tho unusunl condition. I hud to op poso and would npproclnto your sup port this time. If elected I will enforce all laws and pledge mysolf lo an economical, Impartial uud cousorvatlvo udmlulB t radon. Adv. A. W. WALICKIl. 1 hereby announce my candidacy Tor tho nomination ror ahorirr on Iho democratic ticket. Hubject to tho will of the voters nt tho primary lo bo held Mav 19. lOltV I am n natlvo sou of Jackson county and mv en tire pal life I subject to your Inves tigation. ItALPlI 0. JICNNINOS. Adv. I hereby nnnounco my oandldacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff to be voted ou at tho coming primaries. May 1 9. 1916. 1 havn served the city of M ml ford as chief of police for over flvo years and during that tltuo served under four uitroront mayors. I pledge myself, If nomi nated and elected, to servo the public and do my duty as sheriff at all time, and glvu the public an honest and Impartial administration. AdV. J. V. IIITTHUN. COITNTV TIIIUSritlCK. Depulv County Treasurer Myrtle W. Ulaki'lev announce her candidacy for the office of rounty treasurer. I hereby nnnoun'e iny candidacy on th republican ticket for tho of. flco of county treasurer, to be voted on at the coining primaries. I have held Iho position as deputy In this offlco for the past year ami am con fident that I can fulfill the ditttoa connected therewith. served two yesr a deputy emin. ly recorder before taking the posi tion as deputy county treasurer; I have also had experience aa account ant for several corporations, such aa the Medford Concrete Construction company and Medford loo and Stor age Company, before taking up coun ty work, and will say that my past record Is open for Insiiectlon to tho voters of Jackson county. ir nominated and elected I will run the office without (he expense ot a deputy and continue to serve tho pub lic Just as efficient In the future it I have In the past. Adv. MYIITLI! W. IILAKKLKY. I hereby announce that I hnvo filed my declaration of Intention to be come a candidate for the republican nomination for the offlco or county treasurer, to bo voted on In the com ing primaries. H I am nominated and elect ml will conduct tho office In an effloisnt aud businesslike manner. Adv. ROY L. MAULK. I hereby announce that 1 nni a can dldnfo for the nomination ot county t re." imrer for Jackson county, Oregon, .in the republican ticket lo be voted for at the primary election to be hold May 10. I9IR. I formerly held the office of county treasurer and believe I gave guttural satisfaction to the public. Duilug the time I whh count v treas urer the county einploed expert ac countants to expert the county offi cers' books and said expert compli mented mv woik ii ry highly an a public If nominated and eleted I shall endeavor to conduct the affair of the office In an hoiieM. efficient aud buai neas like manlier Adv. JA8. M. CltONFMILLIfill. COUNTV srPKIHXTKNDKNT. I hereby snnounre my candldaey on the rcpuMlcsn ticket ror tha of flco of County School Superintend ent for JatkHim county, Oregon, sub ject to tbe wilt of Ibe republican party al the primary election May II. I stand for practical school ef ficiency, persoaal supervision of the schools and elimination of county ael.wl aupervisors. Adv, FRANCIS 0. SMITH. To tha veters: I am republloan candidal for county school super intendent at the primary elactioa, May 19, 1018 I am for superilHlon of tha schools by tha superintendent and for econ omy In the county superlDtoaoenl a office and every place where It iioa aot retard tho efficiency of tbe schools 1 am In favor of progressive educa tion, that Is. education that prepares ! Jhe hy or girl for life I am for all having a square deal and an aqual cnanco ror an education. . If nominated and elected I will do every thing In my power to make the schools of Jackaon county tbe bast in Ibe state. Adv. A. J. HANBT. ! ; I hereby announce that I havo i fll.ij mv declaration ot Intentions. snd that I am a candidate for tba re publican nomination tor the offloo of Countv School Superintendent of Jd'-kMja itiiiiitv, subject to the prl- Tii irle nf Mm 1 'I lf li 'i ll.i ill ' e. i f.-n I pie-lge mvself In an honrf i"irnrtlal and economic administration and wl personally annttvleo our schools. I hold an Oregon life certificate, and having recant I r spent four sea. Inns on nmnmtnrv wV. both la the Ifntverativ of Oregon and In th University of California In the studt or modern education and aupervl sion, and having served the reanty as rnral school airpervlsor for two rears, I feel competent to fill the of flco In a thoroughly satisfactory man ner and hereby solicit the support of every true friend of education. Adv. 0. W. AdKIl. t aro a candidate for tho republi can nomination for Conntr School Superintendent. I stand fer: A con tinuance ot progressive policies In education, economy consistent with efficiency,! educational advan tage for tho boys nnd girls on tho farms with those in the cities nnd towns. If nominated and elected I will In the future, as In tho pant, glvo my full time and host offorl to tho supervision of (ho school nnd tho oil ministration of the duties of the of flco. During my Incumbency I havo not confined myself strictly to tho routlnn dutlos of tho offlco but have tukon a broader view of the mission of the County School Superintendent. In addition to my efforts m rnlso tho standard of teaching nnd improve tho physical condlllnna nt school I hnvo Inborcd to promote tho wolfaro of the boyn and girl through Industrial clubs, school fairs, school credits for homo work, pnrenl-tonchcra circle, spelling and arithmetic contents, nnd other activities. I fed that my work has been rngnrdod with favor and In order to continue thin work, I nin asking for re-election. Adv. J. I'UnOY WKLI.H. I'OU HHNT FUIINISIIKD AITH. FOR RKNT -Apnrtment for rent. Tho Ilorbcn, 10 Qulno 8t. FOIt HUNT nqCHlCS FOR RKNT Furnished 3-atory bun galow, garage, fine lawn, roses, fruit and lierrle. sleeping poreho; everything modem. G16 W. Jack sou st. 3-1 I'OU HUNT llOUMWHHFLNG IIOO.MS FOR RUNT -Furnlahed houekeop rooms. :ill N. Ilnrtlett. FOR RUNT -- Llghl houaekueplng room. Call between 2 and I. 322 South Central. 35 FOR RBNT Throe furnlahed house keeping rooms, ground floor. Tel ephone T3K-X. 220 S. Crape. 30 FOR RKNT Cosy furnished house keeping rooms, close In, ?& month. Lights, water, gas. bath. Phono S20-X. .-. -a FOR ItKNT MISCKMiAMtOUr FOR RiCNT S to 10 acres Irrlgatod garden or beet laud; building; near Medford. Also horse for sale. Phono 114-11 evening. Foit s.iiiii KiTismmK FOR HALF Pure-bred Poland China pigs. Plionu 20 1 -J. ii FOR SALH Sows with pigs. (1. L. Schermerhoru. Phono M9-M. 31 FOR HALF -Two good work horse, weight 1100 lbs. Phone 2 1-x-l. Central Point. 33 FOR SALIC Fresh milk goats at re duced rates. Mrs. L. Dusentiury, Climax, Ore. "OK HALF M1.1lfrjliliAr.HOOH - wiiw' "i 'i-i nms,iaaws FOR HALF. One good two-sealed hack with top. J. II. hteven. Tolo. Ore. 38 FOR HAI.K or trade, (wo seated hack for light rami wagon. Frllaelie, Medford, Route 2. 3T FOIt HALF 1911 Ford louring enr body, will take roadster body and pari cah iu exchange. II. P. Si hoi. 33 FOR HALF -Or trade, .r, passenger auto ror team. 3IJ Apple SI., after r. p. m. ,ii foil SALK -Or Irade, good No. 5 Oliver typewriter, would consider good violin. It 1, Hox 100, or Phono U1U-.I3. 3G FOIt HALF, Hell your S. II. Orcon Trading atainps. 1 100 N. W. Hank llldg., Portland. 47 FOR SALK Seed corn and grain ha; also pasture. Phuue S9I-J3. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALIC -Seat covers; one man tops at A. I). Little Top Works, lot N. Front St., near S. P. htatlon 81 FOR SALK Overland roadster. Sea K. A. Hicks, Manager, Oregon Granite Co. HELP W.l.VTIth M.LH weMiiijea eawaaa WANTKD Young iih-u for autoiuo bile biixliieiiH. Dig M. We make ou expert In lo weeks by mall Pay after wo wcuru you position Ceuturv Automobile Institute. 10, Lo Angeles. Cul. HELP WANTED PUMA Lit WANTKD- Solicitor, lady or gentle man. Address P. O. Hox I Mi. Ash land. Ore. 30 WANTKD Woman J30 for distribut ing free skeins Wear-Proof darn ing cotton with hoery. our suc tion. Experience unnecessary. In ternational MRU, dept. 700, Nor Irstown, Pa. 41 HKLI WANTED Male or Femalo i 1IOYH (illtl.S We offer liandsome fin a little easy work after school Hi- list lu choose rroin. Wrlto foi ui tli ulurs. Pacific Suppl) Co.. J ::' I'ttiific llldg. Sail Fruuiico, I'av. WAXTfen rroATtONi Vvn:ii Sewing nt liouie or hv tin- d.n Pbuim iT'i M. IU S ' ii'i tl. it$ tt t ntw--m.l-i ssnnrn WA.STIMi Min ot H" f. - year. Seer!"' Md i ' r I proirtr. 6a"c in. in' !. i'"iu ddresa Owner, Hox mo. '"ii rn. 1'iine. 31 WANTFD- Second-hand bugv wttfe top. PhfllW 7M-W. 33 WANTfctt Two or tbfie ponies. must be cheap for eat. Hox to, Mali Tribune. 38 SIONKY TO 1OAW TO LOAN oon to loan on good ranch seem!:., t. II. Andrews, 210 OarneU-Corey I'.'.dg.. phone 04. 93 MONlBY"Tb"l.OANi!avo UOOd'tO loan on country property. Bart 8. Tumy, 210 Oarnett Corey llldg. MONICY TO LOAN On Improved city mercantile property. McCurdy Insurance Agency. mux-, r-s MISCHMiANUOUS. ACT qi'lCK' Automobile gasoline go ing up. Sell Qaso-ToiUO, equals gasoline nt 3c a gallon, llltmldatea carbon. Dollar nn hour prefit: sale guaranteed. While Mfg. Co., Dept. '.:., Cincinnati, Ohio. IIUSINKSS imiKOTOHT Auto Supprtcn LAIIER AUTO SPRINQ CO. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest and bout equipped plant In tha Pa cific northwest. Ubo our springs whon others fall. Sold under guar antee 26 North Flttoentb Bt, Portland, Ore. Attorney GKO. W. CHKRRY Attornoy and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Rank Utilltllng, cntranco N. Central, Medford, Ore. PORT18R J. NKFF Attornoy nt law, rooms 8 nnd 0, Medford National Dank lluIldlnK. A. E. RI2AMK8, LAWYER Oarnett. Corey bids. O. M. R011ERT8 Lawyer. Medford National Dank Iiulldlng. Collection. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wo collected soiiio aocotinta 14 years otd. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Uunock Murenntllo Agency. Inc., Room 1, 2, 3, Has klna' llldg., 210 IS. Main at. Donllsu Dr. W. M. VAN 80OTOO I)R, O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists OarnetUCoroy llldg., ulte 310 Mcdforli, Oro. Pliona 856. Collections anil Report D?L V HANK " HOBBIVre Dcntlat. M. F. & U. Ulilg. Offloo Hour 11:30 to 12; 1 to S. Phono 007-R. HoKlueor nnd Contractor PllSn N. CUMMIN08 Snglneor and contractor, 401 11. F. & II. DldK. Surveys,, oatlmatea, Irrigation drainage, orohard and land im provement. IiiMimncn. KARL 8. TUMY General Insurance office, Fire, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Plate Glass, Contract, and Surety Ilotuls. ICxvellont com panies, good local servloe. No. 210 aarnett-Coroy llldg. Iiihtrurttoii In Music PiticD ALTON 11AK1HT, toachor of piano and harmony. CouipoHer and arranger of music. Ilalght Music Studio, 401 Ourustt-Coroy Iiulldlng. IiLI88uTsiNIS Toacher of Violin. 'Music furnished for all occasion. Price reasonable. Studio 1121 E, Main St., Phone 303-J2. Gnrlmgo OARIIAOE Oct your premises cleaned .up for tho numrnor. Call on the city garbage wagons tor good service Phone 274-L. F, Y. Allon. Pliyslclnu and Burgeon miimmsi ia "1 OR. F. 0. OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Oitoopathto physician, 41C-417 Oarnett-Corey bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence 26 South Laurel sL DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glaaaos sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. It. Co. Offlco M. F. & II. Co. hldg., opposite P. O. Phone RC7. DR. It. W. CLANOY Physlolan and surgeon Phonos, office St, resi dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 ta 12. 2 to t. UR. MARTIN C. IlARnER Physl olan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposito Nssh hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. Prlntur and Publlsliori MEDFORD PitlNTlNO CO., baVtha bast equipped printing office la soulbarn Oregou; book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, ate. Portland prices. 37 Nortb Fir at. THiaiafors 'iwi, Oiiii i, mi mtmHmffmj ADS TRANSFER BTORA0B OQ. Office 42 Nortb Frost at. Phoa 115. Prlcaa Hght. Sarrtoa gai aataad. SewlHg Machine gINOKK SBWINO MACHINB8 FOU SALE OR RENT Some used Ma Chines also for sale Cleaning and repairing. Raid a In PUhp for sale from factory to customer. Rfll rent Zi'o So. Central, PhOBO 390i Vi 1 WA- FJ w A