t . ' A-.' OS j j .i .i" .- CJ MTfirmin Arur, TRTnrvrc, mfdfowi nrvM.nv i. . . .. i i .-.Mi. i.riU - """ ' ii e I r r i; )l V J'l -...- II flfffr AJf MrUOAfiOHAI iUWOBM 2St fJft'JRI MNdfN J Nl.SVSf Arft .. sR rVf Xrv?rft?ri"," 1? W,f',,W " l""K '"'k" "lKMl 1'' n? Vrn' WRt.iMRi. rmwTtici co' VK vrt-Mivc fhfiiifrhf. -fill ki im ifs lond in KliifHliMnl . Mull Trlt"ifi Hull (H i. Il-tt-lfl im,f(,iv loaiiifo Ha aluiwl foil fnarlrn 'IHu, In foal lmhni. If trM tsp-nhnn ft. ........ .", ... ... --"' ' -t. -,. .... - ...)''. K,t.rT,mM -SSTSSSi! itiKivanrm i- tit hcivucm or timi vimi miiicr. cmm SrSfi-n ' Tir .hiHSJ ffhaM 'r'l"rn' n 'hfWfrif-Hiiir! fuck fnr rhnoi. wlifff fwHoim unjr mrn-n ran iusk jus wwi wnrn nm jaws nrmmp KsipnK ja' mull Me fBf. r mm mm mfh. b m "M Wf-nricfl. WJr month. rfjiiviM n effr' in itf lii minriii r-rinrn.j. wnrmwi nv.i.r , . , , .. . . r ti9 it I ijw.cy'. ?:"'., . .. - ,:: h prnvinicjT upon ino -.iiKKf-uoii or itphhmi j. y. i rao- S-UWfttay nly. by mall, r rf ;f, . ' ' . ,..w v.. J 1 . f i i ,l , n i i i 1 w&ir. fr JI!.ii1 iitp of tlii RiVfri(lo Normal whool (hnf fhfrp nhotilfl be a tint aducaHrmal Imllftin, .jiwi fanned, mmmcnlM Wftetal hMt r ' if Bfnclsl rt" "t jurhiMMt Count jr. JSfifr1 SS iwcnrni-'-lsss inn.! nrmnn. unasr in ' Jir v Mrnfti public gum ru'-k in every rhoolt n- follow-.: ur itntih fii Clrrumtlon fo- 14, Ills, F : iMwrt wire Aee(atH irn 4I- I i'T . HONG KONG KOI.UM Anybody run wt Hlont wllh a nln-gj-lniek inlml If It Iihm plfiity of wltehmi. A Slu Ih SmiI(i J'Hii-AmiiHciuiliin It iiroinolltiK tlio HH of ICngllah In tome South Anmrl imn eonntrtoi whre nwnpnira lmre 1ihi printed In Spanlali mid I'ortu ). An dvartltiiiont by h rfHl irilntH ilfwtliir In PiintnN, Hrnxll, romU tbtl way: "The river la tin inott wnUiry In th atate. and (mo of Uih HKMt iittHiulwl In Uih world. It la iwrlRHhlH until lila alntM fur alilpa or Kr&at profoiiiulnHsa; It I alao anffl otlntly flahful." , I'liic N'oIkIiIniiIkmmI Doiilitful Tonnnt Th Ik homo would Mil It. but 1 don't like that btmat. f factory oppoalto. uHont'a War-time ltopreiitatlvn Oh, tlmt'a only n now Kiiutiowdoi worka. It may blow up miy uilnuto. Tim PhhIiik Show (London.) Soiiio Cow (J. W. Moiiroo, IIvIiir aouth of tlm oJty, Iim a cow that ha linikmi tho rtWiril. It I ki)pliiK two fKinllloi, oh of alx K)raona and another ot tJr, baldMa furnlahltiK I. I) Ml ljr'a milk route nllh crnatu and rala H$ two flourlahlKK ralvoa.- -Tho Qwio (X. V.) Amarlran IrM. TiNtay'i llidli-liiHor Mtu can't tueaa tha woudfrful m" ailalmed Mra. Tinkle to br (rlmd Mlaa Dlmpln, who had drop Mi Im for a rail. "Oraeloua!" akelalmml Mlaa Dim )4. "Tall me quirk what It la!" Mra. Tinkle rockmi bark anil forth Ih uult dalliht at th othar'a Inter mi. "No." ah aata. "you've Jitat sot "tiaaale llntly and Jack Warner liv rtojuidT" "Mr. and Mrs. Crabloy have agreori t awrat?" Wu! Oueaa attain " "Jflaanhine Ward and Hilly Comtwa hiva niokfn Iht'lr enaeiiint?" "No! Oh, won't my huaband Juat vub when I tall him you couldn't gttaaa right'" "Wall, now yon muat (ell ine'" "Onr baby haa got a tooth"' Jttdgo. . ) (! f Jhl in th punt Tha other nlaht Clarenee told ntn lt In aacrata of hi pant and thy tre terribly dlaappolntlng! ArHhatk U'hU oa old fellow laid hie hand In I'ittiiarehal faahlon on the hrada ot H' Uldrn, while they, not looking u; an. ailfiit. kiaaed the back of hi Ii.iikI. unit. rlloKliiK to thtr inother'H iiu mill whliuin'rliiK. ere hurried au i-'rom CoIIUt'i Weekly. April i i'l i. Hata fur ICm iV'im t.tken ut Mln .I w merman' miiiin.'i v Dt.im, i win tu. your egg in ixihoiiK.- for our Hprlnn and aum in. r h.iin Market prlifa paid d. in I Im Habetha (Kan ) ttur VttrM ham a riant to rhew aum Teacher do It. bnt they know whoa, where Hnd how. Why not learh theae ronvenlloalltle to the pupil? Permit (he pupil to rhew aum on the playarnund and on tha way to and from achool. Hut what will the poor child do with hla gum whlie In tha re Itatlon or nueembly room'' If he keep H In hla mouth, he la aure to forget hlmaelf and before he la aware of it be chewing gum at a lively rate. A aum rark at the entrance of th room eontalnlna a number and a ng for lirh pupil, aolvea the problem. 'limn i ;t nmniciiloiiH friitrftliotml )iTiblcin solved. Xo longci' will .Infk huvo to slyly stick hi fiiiii under hia Meat r desk, where he uniiallv forgets it. No longer will .lill have to roll her gum into a neat little hall in her handker- hiet as the hell rings, to cause, when iorgotten, more or less grief, instead, they can check it at the rack when not in use, where the fruit inspectors can inspect and order it sprayed. The suggestion to teach children how to chow gum properly is a good one for the Medl'ord school hoard to con sider. Though the scoffers at higher education may vul garly call it a frill, yet chewing gum properly is an orna mental art as well as a useful occupation and requires spe cial training. In order to teach it properly, a .special teacher will he necessary, .just as it is lor the other orna mental arts and occupations we are teaching or preparing to teach. What an advantage over the present generation the young men and women of tomorrow will have! Medl'ord wants to lead in all things, and as the school hoard has plenty of cash for extras, let us give the children the advan tage of a full course in non-essentials as well as a slight acquaintance with the three It's, and teach them not only what they ought to learn at home, hut the modern graces, including chewing gum. Mere is a subject for I'aroiil-Teacliers' circles to take up and help shove some more of the parents' work on to the teacher. DETHRONEMENT OF THE BOSSES Mr K S. Hate of the l'nlverlty vt Oregon, knoau .- ope of the muat aiertalalug lerturor on th 1'actftc eoaat will apeak In tho Midford I'ub lle library, Krlda uIkIiC under the auauicea of the Drum W'aguc on the subjaot "Ceuteioporar) Dramatic Problem!". Thin itur dial Mill prubleai which are a- mailer of gen eral intireat tn tb theatra avliig ubu aud la aaid to ) rot nh vn laMalaiag. hut Illuminating And tn atntiTa in the afternoon Or I au tWil! lMttUri) l Ol hiilll llllil.il nn ! J'Hrwg uj Ufa " Tha evening lic tr will be fru uud opm to tho I'Uh llo, rdtal invitattou bclnir aUna T1IKKK is gloom at the council board of the bosses. They see their demise. Kor the jiast eight years they have been struggling to maintain a bold front. Hut the vote for Henry Ford at the Michigan primaries is near the final kick. Ktirtl told the people not to take his candidacy seri ously. One William Alden Smith, the senator of the lum ber trust, was after the Michigan delegates. All the re publican boHses were for him. The majority of the republicans voted for Kord. They do not expect him to be uninitiated or even to be a candi date before the convention, but they wanted to express their opposition to the political machine and their appre ciation of Mr. Ford's work for humanity. The old guard covered their chagrin with a forced grin and called it a joke. Then Nebraska republicans showed, their appreciation of a good joke and almost chose Henry Ford as their presidential candidate, defeating the mys terious and mystifying Hughes. What can a poor boss do I A short time ago the Ore- goniau set up a imiun nox at i lie court house in I'ortlautt and asked the electors who were registering to express their preference for president. As the registration was running about five republicans to one democrat, the pur ine, of course, was to get a result that would discredit the democratic adininist ration. Hut when the votes were counted President Wilson showed a strength almost equal to all the republican candidate. That imiKt be corrected. To do so the Oregonian sends out reporters to take the votes of citizens in office build ings, and Wilson from the hand-picked receives more votes than Hughes or U'oosevelt. What is the cause i Simply that the jH'ople are tired of them politicians. They no longer can be deceived by the bullying and braying of mrtisun newspapers. The American voters have begun to think for them selves, and u longer take their ideas from the bass drum or campaign torch. The political parly with its bogey candidates and bogus platforms is about to have a funeral without a wake. Senator Hoke Smith of Ueorgia held up the printing of the report of the industrial relations commission for mouths because one witness said the factory bell at a cer tain mill rang at !J a. m., because the stmt hern people were so slow about putting on their clothes. Who says states men are no more Poor old llawley wobbled around on the railroad laud qiichtiou aud then fell in the mud on the wrong side. He should have stuck to his old practice of waiting till it was all settled and then sending his usual telegram, " 1 did it." It seems that nlsmt the only way to raise a large stand ing army in this count n will be to provide fur about one hundred regiments of brigadiers. The Dublin revolt i probably intended by the kaier as a warning of what might happen in this country. Colonel Kooseult cutU'litl.v prefers Wilson to anyone but himself. INCOME TAX SWINDLERS (Continued, trow rj ,) - w- knW Wh.1 Uie iki'yi tlure mv .ui.l iflatii'-i' in nw)nwriu& thf mi!liiii Im h lluvn h:i -Intuit. .T - num., I n VrittW (Hid il-i i. flu ml In-f In ri rr I nnv drlimle infno I urn, nlthomjrn Heerefarv Tf Tren-urv William 0 Mi duo inliinl in hi annual report Hint the evasion b? eotporafiofia glow amount fo mire then riO.OO0.Ottl Mr invefiatmn have raven led oome of (be great fraud, tfcrouirli whieh million of dollar of meomi' have ernpd tgggtion. Hnt even in laving tbeae enaaa before von I mnt omit name, for to reveal anv fart regarding the Income tax rat am of any eorpnrntkm nr individual would make me liaMe to imprisonment tor one year. I will aiiow yon, however, thai many of Ihoae wImi hove moat largely failed in the payment l Income laxea are thoie who are hext able and who alioulil mrwt renililv p"V their jnat tharn of lh nation'a rxixtn. Auioiint of Iti'X'imo lot Itnt the Identllv of the Ihievea la for th' )ici'nl a minor nueatioft. The lag iiueatiou retaloa to the amount of revenue which th nation ia loaiiif through tho failnro to I'olleel the Jn (niiio ln.. Tliia (iioalion tnnt lie nnawcrnl Inrgelv l)V atnlialicnl proofs, wliich, to ho (oiivinring, mutt ho aet foith in ilnlnil. Through I hem I will how .ou that tlio nntiounl income ia iniiiili grenler (linn tho oalimnlpa wliicli lire currunllv iicrcplcd. The nalionnl in conic in 11M0, ns can he deinonatrnted from fniloral atnliNtii-a, hr npproxi mntely thirtv-aix nml one-half hillion, in "it end of (he thirty hilliona nt which it has xcncriillv heen etimntcd. The income which wm intciitionnllv or iiuiutciilinnnlly omittcil in mnkiug tlicm cMtimntea of nnlionnl incnine waa that derived from the increment in the vnluc of property. Tliia omit ted income, mnoimiing (o more thnu aix hillion ilollnra n voar in 1010, ia exncllv tlm income which ia most Inrgelv xuhjert to the incotno lax. In 1 f 1 1 1 tliia Vfiluc-iucremcnt limt grown to he not leas tliun eight hillion dol Inra n yenr, nnd onlv uu iuaignificnnt fnielion of it wha naeacil under the income tnx. Siiiiilnrly Ihe Inx foiled nhnoal on tiivlv to rench tho gains reaultinif from apeciilntivo trnnanotion. which from iTnmiiirv to June, 11)15. were enormous. The profit from specula tion in "wnr hiihies'1 nlone nmounlcil lo more (linn $100,(100,0001 I'iKiH (4i riiderr.ttiud In (he nrlicloa which nro to follow I will (liHciiHs nil (huso iiiinlioua in ilt'tuil. The fncta to iindetvtniul now nro these: The rich lcgnrri the income tux, tm iicled hy the iwopk after niinrtor century fwht, ua a joke. They laiiuli ut it in their clnha Mini in their office. Why shouldn't thoy IiiukIi ut it The intcriMil leM'iiuc hiireuu Iiiin only .uie income tax nuent for cer' 100, 00(1 Huple; the tax dodder it. ptotect ed hy (he wewy clunae of the luw from everythinir e.ccpt ehanctj detec tion; uud there haa never Ik'cii uu in iliclment for frnuil, oxeept an Ital itui feather iuiMiiter, who hud ultvadv heen eauuht Hinuiorliia hv thu t-ui-toma aenice! Will Piemilent Wilaon and Secie (ary McAdoo allow tho income lax to iciiiain a joke dr will (hey ovroiao tho jwwer that ih iu their IihimU und iiiaku it one of our Kiiuteat Hoiuee of levenuef (The third Hrtiolo in Inveatitrator Manly' expose of the fraudulent evuaiona of the ineomn Inx low hv the wry rich itirena ami cortorutioiii of America will apienr in lhi. newxpn Mr tomorrow.) PRIMARY REGISTRATION FOR MAY TOTALS 7650 -"3iy-Mw' irtu .; BRITISH REPLY TO i -I- f ,n twtm ''fafsffmiMiij ewi SHPPNG NOTE D Dl UegUtrattonH for the coming pri mary Mh in hIioW a total of 7,050 voter, with twite a uau repuiili cau aa demonat 874 7 men denlKii ated their political faith with the 0. O. 1'., and 1!M5 women did like wise. In the democratic party there are 140& men aud iil woman. The Dull Mooao still retain the affections of l! 7 men, und nine women, a total of 36. The prohibition party ha 42 men and IH women, the only party iu uhlan tha wonun land. The aocialUt party contain It 7 men and 60 wom en, a total of m. 1TI wen and 131 womea, a total of 318 registered a poaaeaeliiK no particular political faith, and are claaaed as luiaceilan eotu About fifteen of the registra tion were at'Ut back for minor cor rcitlon.". The flftiirM on the mletntlon are follews: Man Women Total llCpubtU-au ... 9717 1815 ItiBj Ocmocrat . . 1(05 SiJl 'iii l'rosreslv 27 9 :'' Vrotuliltton (3 114 1 SWi lalUt 137 t'.e ii? Mln llalieon-- 174 l.'' . I Tot.il 4". JJ ills 7t , , V..u .. ... ..T... .... i. ... 4oH k local liruuth of tho Lwrnt'e tnHl ttm U ha. i.OU-d n,M.wf 'lasgttil la Jlttil Inliilr4 to iw4) U) tUifH r)w.r minUmi to r- luw effwtunllv eoneeuU their IJiri';il!U'lVfmtutuiiMjjvJji)nu.cl.,(I)l,,.M t. f,,,,.,,, ... lIlr ,! ulentitv. 0)nU the Tinted 03yfi pnlijie Hi i i.lO ill it I'n i).li..!, iii,lu suy., iugrj di p-trtiin nl i p. r Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. LONDON. April '.'7. The content of the Rrtthh note replv to Ihe pro teal of tn American iMrt ataht in lerferenee with neutral trade whleh aaaeria the ritfht of Great Britain to regulate the rtfttniaaiott to a neitlral country of poml evWentlv destined for the enemy, eaua'etl little xnnri in diplomatic and legal circlea her", us its roticluions had been diaeount; ed hy leeent decision of the prixe tinhnnala. A summnrv of the view of the meinhers of these circles may he oxprusM'd ns follow :' They do not believe the rotitro ersy will he rarriml much fnither dnriiifr the progreas of the wnr, n no vital concessions have heen made hy either side since the first noto was written, therefore the shippers of de tained onrtroe who can afford the delay will await the conclusion of the war to hne their enses settled hy nn international trihiinnj iu the belief that such a court will grant them full damage. It is expi-eled thnt Ihe Tniled .S(n(es government oon will send two note to flrent Mritnin. ono on the detentions or the mails and the other on the removal of Austrian am Qerinntia from the stenmhip Cliimi. The HritNh uovcininetit ha con scntod to (he puit'linae of the Waitner steHinships hy un AincricHti eompnii on eonditiou (hut the hovers len-e the vessids on a time chnrter to an Kng lilt compimy. A linul efl'oit will he imule to Net tle the Wilhelmiiiu cil-e withinit suh Uiitting the ipiehliuu to Huron .Mer sey. The forcipu office is ct)H'eteil lo submit to Ambassador pHge today it teini iu tin- ciim CONFEREES KEF i TO AVOID RAILROAD WORKERS STRIKE rUlfAflO, April 2 7 Three men representing prartlcally all th rall roa4a of the country and fonr other ranrMentlng approximately on,ooo railroad trafffe employes were to meet her today to arrange for con ference between the two faction at which the trainmen' demand for an eight hour day and time and a half for over-time are to be diicuaaad. J. W. Illgglna of Chicago, J. G. Walber of New York and Charle V. XhIH of Washington will represent respectively, western, eastern and southeastern line, having an aggre gate of 2f.ft.000 mile of railroad. W. 0. I.ee, president of the Traln men'a llrotherhooil; W. S. Stone, of the engineers; W. S. Carter, of the flremeut, and A. II. Oarretson, of the conductors, will represent the men of their rosiertle biothorliooda. Tho ultimatum of the employe asking for a written reply to their demands expires noxt Saturday, it is stated, however, hy officials of (he goneral manaaer' association that practically all of tho railroads have already refused tho demands. Nolth- i er aldo has shown any disposition to arbitrate. What Alls Vouti Maie vfi newim" rnn-rfrwft. weafti rrriutalcd, pale tH'T long e-ja of , . fvtr the skm hw thai mm til .. d in thin and watery ' "irm M tlm lime when vitsjMv la at it lowest, ( Mi ri.an boose wwr -hv rhMing te l. -I. ..( its aeiiJi'ilitel fnlsons. mV ' i -I. ihe blood with a stimulating I r Ti( rce's OoUlen Medical Mscot r free from alcohol or ntfrolios and cxirachd frttm root and barks wlthj pure (jlvceriae, banishes from the bkj all poison and Impore matter. It rttseolvM Mm Impore depota awl carrlea them ont, a It doe all im1 parities, thronab the Lner, Bowel, Kidneys and ikln. If yon have Indigestion, sloggisn liver, nasal or ..titer catarrh. n4Mly nerves or unsightly skin, get the " Dis covery" to-day and start at once Ui replace your impnre bliKsl with tfto kiml that pms energy and ambition nU) yon and brings buck outli anil igoriUf n tion. Sold hv denier in Iioiimi or tablet form; or send inc. for trial package of tablet to Ir V . M. Pierce, Hwffalo, N . . MOTIIISKS OV OKKfiOiV. Albany, i n on. ' V one time I u.iri weaa aim nervous; brul be, id an be and f backache: liver wa aliiKgiaii, Mid I was tpsibled with constipation, 1 needed n lonio a const it ill ioiml I milder. A friend about Dr. Golden Medical Discov ery. I loolc it and it built me right up, gave uie new strength, put my liver in good shape, anil helped io in every way." Mru, Ei.i.i:n Uopki.k, 1118 II. ami Bticet M ivrs. rrw'i'i Vtffl'l. Z ii.uci I told me i , Pierce's E ALONG IHE TIGRIS JAP L B ER VIOLATING LAW SAN KltANCISi (). April i7. Nu merous Japanese luborur are violat ing the International "gentloman's agroemeut" between the United States and .lapun by lioslng falsely as "In vestigator of agricultural coiidltiona" or as relatives of such investigators, Iu order to guln entrance to this coun try, according to representation made b Kdwurd White, commission er of Immigration here to Secretary of Labor W. ii. Wilson and I'oiiiiiiIh sloner tleneral of ImmiKratlon An thony Cainlnettl, It became known here today. I'nder the teims of the agreement. Japaneae laborer ur barred from entering the I'ulted State. , The fact that Commissioner White had reported the alleged violations became known yesterday when a sev enteen tear old Japaneae boy who had heen ordered deported, was grarfted a writ nt habeas corpus by I'ulted States Judge M. T. Doollng. Suketaro Nukao, the bo)'s (uther, who entered the United States us an "Investigator." was found l Immi gration Inspectors working In a luun dry at Stockton. C'al. The boy wus ordered sent bach to .la pan becuue his father could not suppoit him. Commissioner White, It Is under stood, reported he believed the Jap anese uovernincnt known nothing of the alleged fulse claims made b the luborvrs FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! 11KIM.IX. Apnl 27 (by wiieh-hs to Sujville.) Tuikih liiiop inatlo u siiecossful advance un the Meaopo tiimiau front nlong the Tigris, the of ficial Turkish announcement of April 22 Miys. They regained lost advanc ed position, thu announcement states, mid captured fourteen machine Kiin. one major, two other officers ami tbiitccu soldiers. It i said that in the recent lightini; the Ilritixh have lost moic than 1(1(1(1 men. Muni'Oitii i'i:)i'i,i: um" INSTANT ACTION Those who have used it In Mcd- ford are astoulahed at the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., aa mixed Iu Adler-I- ka. Ilmuuse It acta on 1)01111 lower and upper ImiwoI, ONU SPOONl-'UI. Adler-l-ka relieve aim out ANY CASi: constlpatlop. sour stomach or gas. It lemoves such surpriHlux foul mut ter tbut a few doe. o'len relieve or ieent append!. Hi- A nboti treat ment In-Ill- diioiiu -toin.il h trouble ton lire sure fo Always Mud tlio Modes in Millinery AT Miss Lounsbury's M. M. Ill IT. STOItl! Our SH'iialli h S".M HAT. For Sale jfwfrHTtWy-33UL MQj ma TODAY Kuuioiis PlujfiN Choilcs l-'iidinuin Co. nu:si sis CHARLES CHERRY lu THE MUMMY AND THE HUMMING BIRD Paramount I'd niu' ei-oiM' should Mf, Theio Is none Jue as '' Tlio Stnilli Aiih'iIcmii Tnitel pliline the big cdiiciMlouul lllm will also Ik- shown i.mIm). Thln';s too iiiiiin-roiis t in ntion for a few lo onlt. V A Collliie, I l.iti Main, Phone is.! INTKItl'ltllAN Al'TOOAK CO. 'i'l.MU CAItn. Leave Med ford ror Ashland, Talant and Phoeulx dally, except Sunday, at S:00 a. ra., 1.00, 2:00, -1:00 and 5:15 p. in. Also on Saturday at 11: IS p. in. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:310 a. in. and 1:00. 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 1:00 and r. : 1 5 p. ni. Also on Saturday night at 8:30 and 2 20. 8unda leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 1:80, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. ('oiiiIuk mkiii The ItlKKost ''how Mislford has ecr msh fin the iimue). Mustcrolo Loosens Up Those SUIT j u,,, ll f'" " Joints Drives Out Pain You'll know vh thousands me Ml'5? TrKiU.K once yw experience the glad relief it gives. tict a jar at on-rc from the nearest drug store. It u a clean, white oint ment made vth the oil of mustard, lkt ter than a mutard platter and docs not blutt-r. Bring catr aad comfort whde it is being rubbed on I Ml'STFROLE is recommeRiUd by doctors and nurcs. Milbuns of jars are uied annually for Ilronchitis, Croup, Stiff N'ecV, Aithma, Kruralia, Conges tion, Pleurity. Kheumatisra, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Uruises, Chil blain. Frosted Feet. ColJs of the Chsst (it often preents Pneumonia). At ur drucijKt's, in 2'c and 50c Jsrs, andapecial larKehnpitl ic for $2 50, Pe sure yu ft the genuine MI'S TPKOl V Kifue imi'M jt-i-vex wluit ou ak for The Mmtcroie Company, CleNiland, Ohio. HairDyeing by a SPPtl I.IM at the MARINELLO HAIR SHOP 107 (iiirnelt-Onroy Uldg. WESTON'S Camera Shop 20S East Main Strcot, iMcdfoi'd The Only TCxchiiive Cununen-ial Photug-raphora in Southern Oregon Negatives TtuTo any time or place by appointment. Phone 147-.T We'll do the rest V.. T). WESTON. Proo JOHN A. UNDERTAKER Mdy AsstsutBI KJ S. IIAUTLlirX Plionea M. 47 J?(J 17-ja Amliulnnca 8rto ' Odvosmc USED STORE CL Wc must raise $1990 just as soon as we can 50 doz. Brooms go on sale Saturday at 10 o'clock sharp WILL H. WILSON o 36 N. Front St. . .1 t