Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MnMiKI) Wff, TKfl:! NT MlPloUH a , n n
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PV), ' I VI V
ISiiTnuQDoiiiifiQ- ....,;,. ::;... " "
Mitmn Ntnlti f Pnbie m)
v iiing hi urn lr, T ' l,ii. "f thi
Albert (. Korgrv wo 'iiitir in
Medfofrl Hnndnv nftertioon.
.Mr. Frank MerVee nnd fitmil of
Medford oerc dinner ain'Mf of Mr.
M Nnrf rVMnv ventna.
Mr. aimI Mi. Jnhn Mutv ntlnlfl
Ihe Knter efir 1 th finptW
church in Jfedford Kiistlv niorniyg.
Mr.. (Jeorge Taylor ami daughter
were MttfMkiy dinner gnet "f F. X.
Palmer a Nil wife.
Mr. ami Mr. K. C. Corbetl of Ah
I n ml war Saturday to Monday gneela
of Marion Ywtng and family.
Mi Margaret lJvron of Cen
trnl Point van the guet of honor nt
the home of Mr. W. I). Clarke Sun
day. Mr. anil Mm. Hoy Niehol were
Sunday dinner gnet olteJ. ('. Hord
mati it ml family.
Mr. ami Mm. H. F. Dean and fnm
ilv petit n very en.pnble duv with
The. OlftHH nnd family of Siiiii'h Vul
Icy Sunday.
Wiilnewlav evening Min MeNnmer
Kit hotet nt n 11 o'clock dinner
in honor of George Fnniutn of .Milt-.
City, Mont. The table we decorated
with spring flower nnd green '""I
enter were placed for seven.
Mr. It. M. Porter and daughter re
turned to their home after n ery
lc'HHiiiil visit with friends in Hold
iiilt. Mra. Poller will join her hu
biind in (lilt, Cttl., nfter the fimt uf
Saturday evening proved to lie an
other very aiiorossful grange meet
ing. Many toidca of inlercMt were
liweiiaeeil nd voted uimn, and after
the biiHinww ineoliinr the socinl hour
were devoted to inUHJe. Dclcctnhle
refreliuiinl were nerved by the In
due. Mra. Charlie Heed of Tolo entor
tnined delightfully recently with n
o'clock luncheon. The table was
prettily appointed' with Kit tor deco
ration and flowers anJ covei were
placed for seven. The afternoon
hour went awil'tlv wiih inuaie and
dancing, after which an nut" trip
cimiplctcd I lie hiippv event.
Hiirold Pcylon vi-iled Inune tk-
several dnyn lat week.
W. f. T. l met Suturdiiv witlt Mr-.
Krskine. There weie eleven present
nnd they had rt very good meeting,
followed by (lolieionn refreshment
served by Mian Urskiiio and Misi
At jirnyer meeting Friday "igbt i'
was decided not to lime the Hunter
juenic, aa there wiw then no sign of
fair weather. However, it cleared off
Suturday und aeverul fumiliex pre
pimd picnic dinner, but no one got
far om to go to the grove except Mr.
und Mra. Ulusa and Mr. and Mr.
Joiich from Sams Vulley. Thcv went
on up to Mr. VuHghn'it and iHnt the
day there.
Mr. uud Mra. Conger nnd baby of
liulte ci-eek apent th day with Mr.
nnd Mrs. Dnwaou Sunday.
Mr. uud Mra. Ditewotlh und Stew
art, Sir. und Mm. Conger, Misa Por
teii Haiel Ditsworth and iHissibly
olhcrn, took aH(Her at Mr. Peyton's
Sunduy evewiug.
Mi Oelie Whineiiunt left for her
home in Medford TiU'fcduv morning.
Mi Pearl Peyton wu ulso in the
partv that motored tn I lilt. Cut., two
week- no. Wc beg Pciirl'n pardon
for llit' uninli iitioiuil omiii'ii of her
mime. If ue liml made our 1 1 1 t
New Way o Make Apple
Served Willi Hard Sauco or Crroni
and SuiJar
'Jh Mrs. Jantt Mc Ken:it ill, Editor oj
Jh Motion Cooking ixhool Magasx
Here i a new way to make apple
ilamplings that will urey pleawevory
ttouMwita, for it ia not ueceuary to
lve whole applet, ami the juice cannot
run out and burn aa with apple, dump
lings where the apple ia placed in the
canter and the dough turned np around
It. The lasrult part forma a cripy
shell that holda the applea oud jukc,
K C Apple Dumpllnji
Onearui ot-hjtj tuf vftti flour; i
Umhoonjul Still; 3 Uvel ttaipoonfuls
K C Halting lnuder; cup shorUn
tug; about cup mi4; appUs.
Pill the cup ot a battered muffin pan
-Hth pared aud aliccd applea, spnukle
vrith aalt and turn two or three table
poun(ula at water into each ccp. Sttt
together, three time, the flour, salt and
liaiung powder; work in the shortening,
and mix to a aoft dough with the milk.
Drop the dough from a apoon with the
apple inthecup. giin?lta cmooth ex
terior. Iet bake alxmt twenty-five min
ute. Invert the pan on a Urge aerviag
iliab. Put aepoonrulof hard aauce above
toe apple in each dumpling aad naiah
with a grating of nutmeg.
Thi la oeJr e ot the awe r aaf. lienXoe aaa)
ppriuin leriae eunuined In the K C Cook
look, which maw be oU.un4. " trndiat
Um col "i rcrtitcnla ackl in aaary V aaat
caaof KCBuUnafowaerloUw Ji ).
C On uo kc auialorct thr tWYiiiiiaa
tu 'in va4 Juujt wuutu Cvi.i Js-W ua-
Mr. Vaughn) om rJatirrrfav and
nna- at thf BfirHon ranch.
Racket atrppat and play, "A f'ou
ple of Conn! Kjjl." f Peyton Sat
n Mar evening Mv 9. Th print will
prrrhnbiv he'Mrl nutdnore in rrfeVr lo
flive tree ep to the 4yMMRttt.
Thi- i not mlewM in friflHvfl tnm1
Mra. Mnnfild i pem1inf aeTenil
day in Bedford.
Mr. and Mr. Dawon and dahter
rpmf Monday at Mr. Ptytoa and
Panl Peyton want home with them tn
pend the nifftit.
Mr. and Mr. Allen "ient a couple
of d.i lavt cck with ltTt llirin
botlutni'x t'nrnil.
Itching Torture Stops
It la unnecenaary for you to miffer '
wiin ntrmn, rinawurm. ranuca ami aim
liar nkln iruuMrM. A lutlo tno. Koltaii
at any ilruic More for 'Sx; or $l.(H) for
extra large IxHtlo, nnd prtmiptly aiiille!
will UKually five InMrtnt rvllvf frotu itrli
lag torture. It clpaumti and aoothm the
akin and twala quickly ami effectively
tooat akin dlaeaaca.
Zemo la a wonitcrful diMpHarinc Iloukl
ami ilom not iunart the mot ilvllcnte nkln.
It U not Kreaay, la canily Miipllml anil
ctMMii little. Cet it today aial HC all
further dlctm.
Zewo, Cleveland.
XotUc of Cluiiler Amendment.
Notice ia hereby given, that the
following la a full and correct copy
of the title and text of a certain Act
of Municipal I.eglalatton amending
the charter of the City of Medford.
Oregon, to be submitted to the. legal
voters of said city for their adoption
or rejection at it Hperlnl election to
he held In aud for said city on the
23rd day uf May, 1910. together with
the nutnliera and form In which the
ballot title thereof will bu printed on
the official bullet.
Dated April 2.'.. 1910.
(Signed) KI.MKIt T. KOS8,
Recorder ot the City of Medford, Ore
gon. A Proposed Chartor Amendment of
the Charter or the City or Medford,
Oregon, tn unablo ami empower the
city council of aatd city, fur and oil
behalf, and for the benefit ami tiae
of the Inhabitants of aald city, and
for profit, to build, cpilp, acquire,
lease, own aud operate railways, op
erated by steam, electric or other
power, within nnd without the boun
daries of the aald city and running
from a point within the city ot Med
lord to other towns, cities and points
without the boiindurlHa of the said
city, and to that end may acquire
rlnlitH-of-way, oiiaementa and real
property within and without Its boun
daries tor au of such purposes, and
to create a railway construction,
maintenance aud redemption fund,
and to nuthorUo u mlllugo tux to pro
vide the same; to authorize the la-
nuance of general obligation bonds.
not to exceed $300,000 in addition to
the warrant and bond authorised In
sections 72 and 72a of said charter;
and to provide that the bonds author
ized herein ahall bo redeemed by a
special aud limited tax levy In addi
tion to tbe limitations or Indebted
ness provided b the elty charter.
The Paoplf of the City of Medford
Do Ordain aa Follews:
Section 1. That the charter of the
city of Medford. he and the same
hereby Is ameuded by adding thereto
the following sectien:
Section i:i. The City of Medford.
under the powers vested 111 It by the
(leueral laws of Oregon enacted by
legislature of the aeaalou of 1913,
chapter 2 VI. as amended by chapter
IO.'i of the (leueral I.awa of Oregon
of the session for the year 19 1.1, and
the city council, undr the powers
vested In It by the city charter, and
particularly aectlon 2 of said char
ter, and .in addition to Its powers by
vlitue of section (." of said charter,
inuy levy a t.perial railway building,
equipping and operating tax on the
taxable property within the corporate
limits of the city at the time ol mak
ing out the annual budget as provid
ed for by this charier and as purt
of the total elty levy.
Said tax levy shall be special and
In addition to the ten (tut mill tax
limitation contained In section eT of
this charter, and the monev from
said special levy shall be kept In a
separate fund and be used for re
demption purposes of the bonds here,
in authorised, and for no other pur
pose in addition to all warrant and
bond authorised to be lited by sec
tions 72 and 72a of this charter the
city council i)f tbe city of Medford
Is herein further authorized and em
powered to borrow money on the
fulth und credit of said city, and for
that purpose to Issue bonds aad war
rants in the manner provided by sec
tion 72 or this charter for tbe sole
purpoae of obtaining tbe said sum of
iSon.iiiiu to build, equip, acquire,
lease, own and operate railways, op
erated by hteam. electric or other
power within or without the boundar
ies of the aald city for tbe benefit
aud uho of the inhabitants of Med
ford. Oregon, for profit, and running
trom a point within tbe city of Med
ford to other towns, cities, and points
without the boundaries of the said
clt v . and to that end may ai quire
rights-of-way, easements, real prop
erty, or lease, within and without Us
boundaries for any of such pur poxes
That the said city council Is here
by authorized and empowered to re
ceive proposal for the construction
of any such railway or railways for
and on behalf or said city and to
adopt the same; provided, however,
that no fcuch proposal or contract
ahall be binding upon the city until
the same shall have boen submitted
at a ape lal or general eltt tion to
the qualified voter of aald city and
duly approved by a majority vote of
the qualified electors ot aald city
The following is the form In which
the foregoing measure lll appear
upon the ballot'
Special election In and for the city
or Medford May S3rd. lil
Mark between Number and .i.or
voted for.
Submitted by Resolution and Or
der of the city council
(hartgr Amendment, jyate x or
llalhH Till
Ap art to aiiM'iwl the h,irtr of
tat 'it of Mtd!ira '- s !tl!n-- th i
lm tk Wiriv SiiWf S
ynr -hefli tr 1'feti'i !
drfl'l nVrihMi i f.J lrglf o
mif ali liif l' r- !' mrrr.l b"ir
faaetliaa .
To tt Ihi onn ffrjulrf mM l.i ftwvm
atea(lM lo .111 a pure ei Ala
real aad frth ir. flr and aunt
Whera in yatm la run down nnd
iu.nkU.i ntimi namatiancncaJ
tana iaeraaa4. IBckmana Alteratl--
mm rT ieniai, ae i n m
man? ca
Una la a tlsiia traattaent hat aa
llka an othar. Kor hara taa lime
?iffant la to cnmMnad With other fa-
fradlanta aa ta a anally aaiwlatad
y the avarnae ptrwn
A trial eaa do huem. alaea Bern
man' AHaratlve amlalaa no potaoa
ana or habit-formiri m. At yr
dfUBflat . . .
Itakman hnhnrminrji I'blladelphlB.
to section 139, authorising and em
powering the council to borrow $.t(ii).-
iiqo to tiullil. equip, ana operate rail
ways j-lthln or without the elty. and
to that end to acquire rights-of-way.
uniAiiii liml mmI nrnnrt within
or without its boundaries tor any of
aunt purposes; to issue oonus iur
auch purpose; to create a fund for
the redemption of the same; and to
levy a tax on the property within the
boundaries of said rtty for said fund
to pay said bonds and Interest."
inn Yes.
401 No.
Notice for Cleiin-I'p Hay
Whereas, It ia customary overy
spring to set aside certain days for
cleaning up and beautifying the var
ious alleys, lawna aud premises of the
And whereas, this action Is neces.
sary to properly safeguard the public
health, satetv and convenience of the
Inhabitant thereof.
Now therefore, I, V. J. Kmorlck,
mayor of the City of Medford, do
herobv set asldn Wednesday, May 3rd
aa "Clean-up Day" for the whole of
said city and call upon all loynl citiz
ens to co-operate with the afreet and
health department of the city to that
All rubhMi of any kind should be
gathered up and put In barrels, boxes
or bags and placed along the curb of
the street In trout of the premises,
whence It will lie gathered up by the
street department and removed nt the
oxpenae of the city. All rubbish not
so placed will have lo bo removed by
the property ownera at their own ex
panse. In accordance with the aanltury
regulations or the elty.
(Signed) V. J. K.M12UICK.
Notlro to Contiiictors
Sealed propoaals. addressed to the
undersigned at .lackponvllle, Orogon,
aud endorsed "Sealed lllds for He
pairing ltond." for repairing a county
road between Medford and Jackson
ville, Oregon, In accordance with the
plans and specifications on file In the
county surveyor's office, over tho
Medford National bank building,
Medford, Oregon, will bo received
and filed until 10 n m.. Mny 12.
It) 111. and at that time the county
court will publicly open and read all
Karh bidder shall be required to
deposit with his bid five per cent of
tho amount of his bid. which shall
be forfeited to tho county In case
the award la made to him, and If he
falls, iieglectapr refuses, for a per
iod of 10 days after auch award Is
made, tn enter Into a contract and
file his bond In the manner required
by and to tho satisfaction of the
county court.
A corporate surety bond will be re
quired for the faithful performance
of tho contract In a sum equal to
one-half of the total amount of the
sum bid.
The count v court reserves the rlaht
to reject any or all bids, or to ac
cept the proposal deemed best for
Jackson county.
Dated this isth day of April. 1910.
County Clerk, Jacksonville, Ore.
mil HKPMi.sitNT.VnVK
I herebv announce that I have filed
my declaration of Intention to become
a candidate tor the republican nom
ination for the office or representa
tive subject to the decision of the ro
publican party at tho coining; primary
Adv. C. M. THOMAS.
I am a candidate for the republican
nomination for joint representative
from the diatrict comprising Doug
las and Jarksou counties subject to
the primary In May. If nominated
and elected I will serve the pvople of
tbe district to the best of my ability.
Adv. W. H. QOUK.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for representa
tive from Jackson county on the re
publican ticket, subject to tbe pri
mary on May 19. I pledge myaelf for
ecouomy aud a square deal ror an.
I am a republican candidate for
representative In tha state legisla
The records of the county clerk at
this time show a saving of 4&oo 00
In the administration of thla office
as compered with the prevloua term.
This has been accomplished by trans
acting the same amount of business
before xraud juries in one nay mat
has formerly required five or six
days, and by eliminating many petty
matter, and without any sacrifice to
law enforcement In the county. I
feel that this saving and my exper
ience entitles me to a second term.
I am therefore a candidal for re
election to tbe office of district attor
ney. K. K. KKM,Y.
I hereby announce that I h
(lied my declaration 01 intention to
become candidate for the repub
lican nomination (or tha office of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to the decision ot the
republican party, at the primary elec
tion to be held May ID. 1616.
Adv. U. M. KOBEHTa.
I horobv announce that I bavu filed
mv dcHaratioo of intentions, and tnat
1 am a. aiulMure fur Hie diiir rail.
nomination for t'.p offi'O of dutrlrt
altornt-v oa' lert to tUP stay Lrlmur-
lor If I ail nurcinatod ocS otoctej
' to tbU office, I prouUG not to forgot
f 1 1 t Mm! 1 " i'ii' ifnini
and I lll ic 'ho !'Ct ot m
Mutr admlnteter the afrsif of ths
offlr, ffliMrfMlly, fernmttr Md
without fef or fttot.
Adv. KVHTOII W. fKM0rt?f
m t 0
Tha flftt f tile year n nnmWr ot
republican, laeftiaMng many whe ap
proved ot my effort in the Internet
of the tatpayars as state rspreaenta
tlve four years ago. roqiwstfd me to
become a eaadldat for the office of
Dtttrlet Attorney, Inasmuch as thera
would be, In addition to the regular
duties of the criminal and Juvenile
courts, new duties and condition
confronting tbe office Among these
ware mentioned the enforcement of
the prohibition art. and the likeli
hood of having to foreclose many tax
lions, particularly those against the
Southern Pacific land sraiil or nearly
half million acre In Jarvson county,
amounting to about $2'fl,00fl
My reply waa tnat 1 would beflome
a candidate If It were generally de
sired and the race could ue made
without assuming special obligation
to any particular Individual, faction,
locality or Interest.
Therefore, after conaultlng person
ally or by lottar several hundred men
and women of all occupations In
all parts ef th county, believing
there Is n rent doslre for my candi
dacy. I will bo a candidate Tor the
nomination of District Attorney on
the republican ticket
I am n candldnte for tho offlco of
district attorney on the democrat
ticket. It nominated and elected, 1
shall sorvo tho county as I have
served tho City ot Medford during
tho past throo yonrs. during which
time I have been Its city attorney.
Adv. ' II. It. M'CADH.
O. A. fJnrdnor N ltepulitlran CnndN
ilutc for County Clerk
I hereby announce, my candidacy
for tho offico of county clork nnd If
nominated nnd olocted will contlnuo
to glvo my ontlro time nnd attention
to the dtitlen thereof, conduct tho
offlco nccordlng to law and give nn
efficient, economical and bunlnose
like ndmlnl8trntlon.
I horflby nnnounce that I bnvn
filed my declaration of Intention to
become, n candidate lor thn rnnnhll.
can nomination for the offlco nf coun
ty clerk, for Jnckson county, sublect
to the decision of the rnnulillcnn nar.
ty, nt the primary election to bo held
.May i, luit,.
I hereby nnnounce my candidacy
for tho office of county nssossor of
Jnckson county nn the republican
ticket, subject to the primary on
May 19. I pledge myseir to an
honest, erriclent, Impartial and econ
omical dlachnrgn or tho iIuMcm of the
offlco nnd propose, to make all assess,
ments upon thn basis of the true
actual vnlun or the property nnd not
upon any Inflated valuation
I herewith announce my candidacy
for county nssossor. subject to thn
decision of tho republlrnn partv nt
the primary election to ho bold Mny
19, 191G. If elected I pledge mysolf
to make a Just and equitable assess
ment and administer the affair of
tho offlco In a business-like ninnnor.
Adv. J. n. COLISMAN.
I herohy nnnounce my candldaoy
for the democratic nomination for
the office of assessor of Jackson
county, at the primary to be held
May I9tb, 1916. Have had three
years' experience aa deputy assessor.
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for county assessor for
Jarksou countv, Oregon, on the re
publican ticket, subject to the pri
maries to be held May 19, 1916. My
platferm: Economy, oquallty and
efficiency. J. C. HERRING.
Candidate for county assessor at
fepuhllcan primary election. May IV,
IHlrt. Three veara experience cleri
cal work making up aasosament roll
and extending tax rolls, township 29
nnd 30 North, Range 4 West, state
of Michigan. Three years assessor
and member of county board of su
pervisors, Olsean county. Michigan,
Six year deputy assessor In Jackson
county, Oregon If elected, practical
experience, common sense and busi
ness Judgment will be exercised In
making assessments. fictitious,
boom valuatioiiH wilt not be permit
ted. The greattst possible arcuiary
and economy in field aud office work
will be rlgidlv enforced. The moat
efficient admlniHiratlon that exper
ience, education and capability can
exact, tn everv department of this
Important office, will be offeded.
Fair and courteous treatment extend
ed to all taxp.ttera. Integrity of
purpose the kow rnlna factor Your
support solicited W. W. TKCAX.
I have heretofore formally an
nounced my candidacy for the nomi
nation for aherirr on tbe republican
ticket to he voted upor at the com
ing primary election, May 19, lit 16.
I have held the position of deputy
sheriff during the paat four years. It
is unanimously conceded that a mark
ed Improvement has Deen made In
all dpartmentH ot tbe aherlff's of
fice during the Incumbency of the
present sheriff, the records In the of.
riee at tbe beginning or the present
administration were considered the
wornt In the state they are now
considered equul to any and better
than moat
The oork of ta- collection ha been
'ybternatlzed xo 'tut quicker and bet
ter pervlce I- now being rendered,
and tn.ea ol lifted at a much leas
coat tbn heretofore.
I am fully lontersaut with the du
ties and utrda of the office for which
I apre.
If I am nominated and elected I
pledtte myaelf
1 at To maintain tha off lee In Its
praent officii nt condition.
2nd To ondeavor to further 1m
pnve the aervlc to taxpayer and lo
utlnlmiJo the coe thereof.
;id To impartially perform all
(Intjpa nd enforce all laws.
E. W Curly 1 WILOK.
I nut ft caudl'Ute for tbe nomlua-
flf !
flck.-f to '. iiifnil f r it He primaries
Mav IfJ, 111 If nominated and
elected I will enforce tha law and
give tha public an honest . Nnfnrtfal
and efficient grtmlnfatratloff.
37 year In .Jackson eerniKf.
I berehy announce) my candidacy
for the republican nomination for
sheriff, to bo rote on at thw eomlng
primaries). iaf mn. into.
I fool that I newel no Introduction
tn the pnbtlc, having been a resident
of Jackaon connty for Sf veers.
I pledae myself. If elected, to rive
aa Impartial, economical and con
servative administration of this Im
portant office.
t bare endeavored to serve the
public faithfully In tbe past and
agree. If elected, to strictly and
Impartially enforce all laws. Having
a very large experience In the mat
ters of taxation and knowing Jack
son county thoroughly, I pledge my-
seir to conduct tno tax coiiecnon
tirnrh f lha office In such a manner
aa to serve the taxpayers honestly,
promptly ana emcienuy.
Adv. V. T. OHIRVB.
I am n candldato for the republl-
an tminlnal Irtti nt Mlinrlff nf .tncksotl
countv, subject to tho primary, May
in, 1916.
I have lived In Jackaon county
twolvo years, made the race for the
nomination for sheriff two years ago
and received n splendid vote deaplto
tho unusual conditions I had to op
pose and would nppreclato your sup
port this time.
If elected I will onforco all laws
and pledgo mysolf to nil oconomlcnl,
Impartial and consorvntlvo adminis
tration. Adv. A. W. WALKER.
I hereby nnnounce my cnndldncy
tor tho nomination for Rborlfr on tho
democratic ticket, subject to thn will
of the voters ot the primary to bo
hold Mnv 19, 1910. I am n natlvo
son of Jarkion county nnd my on
tlro past life Is subject to your InvoH
ligation. RALPH G. JENNINGS.
I hereby announce my cnndldncy
for tho democrnllc nomlnntlon for
slierlfr to be voted on nt tho coming
primaries, May 19. 191C. I have
served the city or Medford as chief or
pollen for over rive years and during
thst tlmo sorvert under four dlfforont
mayors. I pledge mysolf, If nomi
nated and elected, to servo tho public
and do my duty as sborltr at nil
times, and glvo tho public an honost
nnd Impartial administration.
Deputy County Treasurer Myrtlo
W. ninkelov announces bor cnndldncy
tor tho orflce oT county troasuror.
I hereby nnnouncn my cnndldocy
on the republican ticket for tho of
rice or county treasurer, to bo voted
on at the coming prlmnrloa. I bavo
held tho position as deputy In this
offlon for the past your and am con
fident that I can fulfill the dutloa
connected therewith.
1 nerved two years as deputy conn
tv recorder before taking thn posi
tion as deputy county 'troasuror; I
have also had experience ns account
ant for soveral corporations, such na
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Medford Ice and Stor
age Company, bnforo tnklng up coun
ty work, and will say that my past
record Is open for Inspection to tho
votors of Jackson county.
If nominated aud elected I will run
thn otrice without the oxpenao ot a
deputy and continue to servo tbe pub
lic Just as erflclent In the future as
I bavo In the pnat.
I hereby announce, that I bavo filed
my declaration of Intention tn be
come a candldnte for the republican
nomination for the office of county
treasurer, to be voted on In the com
ing primaries.
If I nm nominated and elected will
conduct the offlco In an officiant and
businesslike manner.
I hereby announce that 1 nni n can
didate for the nomination of county
treasurer for Jnckson county, Oregon,
on the republican ticket to be vnted
for at the primary election to be hold
May 1, 1916
I formerly held the office of county
treasurer and believe I gave general
SAllafactlou to the public.
During the time I was countv treas
urer the county employed expert ac
countants to expert the county offi
cers' book and aald experts compli
mented my work very highly aa a
public official.
If nominated and elected I ahall
endeavor to conduct the affalra of tbe
office In an honest, efficient and bual-ness-llke
I hereby announce my candidacy
on tbe republican ticket for the or
flce of County School Huperlntcnd
cut for Jackaon county. Oregon, sub
ject to the will of the republican
party at the primary election May
IS. I stand for practical school ef
ficiency, personal aupervlalon of the
achoola and elimination nf county
aesoel supervisor.
To the voter I am republican
candidate for county school super
intendent at the primary election,
May is. 1614.
I am for supervision of tha achoola
by the superintendent and for econ
omy In the county superintendent's
office and every place where It does
not retard the efficiency of the
I am In favor ot progressive educa
tion, that is. education that prepare
the boy or girt for lire. I am for all
having a aqiure deal aud aa equal
chance for an education.
If nominated and elected I will
do overy thin In my power to raakr
the schools of .lac', iou county the
beat In tbe statt.
I horebv announce that I hnvo
filed my declaration nf Intentions.
and that I am a cimdldnte for thn re
publican nomination tor the offlro of
County School Superintendent of
Jgckeoa county, auhject to tho pri
maries or Mav m
If nominated ami clctott I pledge
myseir to an honcar impartial and
fciuiiuujtt ad in I nutation and w(ll
I .r nft ! ( r 1 " r pi liefiH
t hoi,! nn Oregon Hfo mrMfirefe.
and having r'cen'lv spent four .
slnns nn praparatart work, both In
the l'nrrelty nt Oregon and rfl the
I'niverelfy of California In tha gfmfv
of mextorn eeJacatlea and supervi
sion, gsnl having served the connty
aa rrirtl school supervisor for two
rear, I feel eonipetent tn fill the of
fice In a thoroughly satisfactory Man
ner and hereby solicit the support of
every trne frland of ed neat Ion.
Adv. O. W. AflttR.
t am a candidate for the republi
can nomination for Connty School
1 Rnprlntendent. I aland for- A eon
.tlnnano of progressiva policies In
I 4tiaHrtii Amtiomv mitafaletit with
efficiency, equal educational advan
tage for the bays and glrta on thn
farms with those In the cities nnd
If nominated and sleeted I will In
the future na In the nasi, glvo my
full time and best effort, to the
supervision of the schoola nnd the ad
ministration, of the duties of the of
fice. During mv Incumbency I liavo
not confined myself strictly to tho
routine duties of the office but have
taken a broader view of tho mission
nf the Countv School Superintendent.
In addition to my efforts vo raise the
standard of teaching tnd improve thn
phyalcnl conditions at school I have
labored to promote thn welfnro of
thn boys and girls throtiph Industrial
clubs, school fairs, school credits for
home work, pHrent-tenrhors circles,
spelling and arithmetic contests, nnd
other nctlvltles. I fool that my work
has been regarded with favor nnd In
order to contlnuo thla work, I am
asking for ro-nlcctlon.
FOlpRENT Apartmont for"Tcnt"
Tho Ilerbnn, 10 Cfulno BU
FOR RENT Modern fi-room htingn
low, $15. Phono 811-L. 29'
FOR RENT Furnished 2-story btin
gulow, garage, fluo lawn, rosea,
fruit and berries, sleeping porches;
everything modern, filfi V. Jnck
son st. 31
FOR RENT A f.-rooiu strlclly mod
em bungalow. Cull 'iU N. Holly.
FOR RENT fi-room modern bunga
low, garden, lawn, simile, fine wa
tor. 820 W. 12th. 30
FOR RENT Cosy rumlshod house
keeping rooms, close In, $f mouth.
Lights, water, gna, bath. Phono
garden or beet laud: buildings;
near Medford. Also borso for sale.
Phono 81 1-R evenings,
FOR HALP--iarrvmOK
FOR SALE Two good work horses,
weight 1100 lbs. Phono 21-x-l.
Central Point. 33
FOR SALE - Or trade, one fine broil
black horse, surrey, new harness.
FrltNchie, Route 2, Medford. 32
FOR SALE TrrhenifoY high grade
Angoraa and thla spring's crop ot
kids, d(M)s and buck from the fa
mous Hlddell hand, l'rlco $271.
Phone Prospect, Claude Moore,
Persist. Ore. 31
FOR SALIC -Fresh milk goals at re
duced rates. Mrs. L. Duehiiry,
Climax, Ore.
FOR "gALK---Or" traded good No! 5
Oliver typewriter, would consider
good violin. It 1, Hex 100, or
Phone 010-.I2. 311
FOR 8ALE-Or trade, C passenger
auto for leant. 313 Apple St. after
5 p. m. 81
FOR SALE -Cheap, single aud
double harness, also light wagon.
4 I So. drape St. 30
FOR SALE Twin cylinder Merkel
motorcycle In good condition, at a
bargain. Martins. 31
FOR SALE 100 aacki Early Rose
Seed potatoes at 11.05 per hundred
pounds. 11. G. Kndoie & Sons, Ash
land, Oregon. 30
FOR SALE--Eastern corn in bulk
$3fl per ton. Itrlug your aaek
with you. Central Point Packing
Co 30
FOR SALE Ball your 8. H. Green
Trading stamps. 1 100 N. W. Hank
Hldg , Portland. 47
FOR SALE Seed corn aud grain
hay; also pasture. Phone CS1-J2.
C. VY. Iaaaca.
FOR BALK -Seat revere: on mau
tops at A. D. Little Top Works,
iu N. Front at., near S. P. station
FOR SALE Overlaud roadster. Sea
E. A. Hicks, Manager, Oregon
Granite Co.
FOR BALIS Thoroughbred Mum
moth Itronse turkey eggs, first
pen, 2.; secoud, 20c each. Wiuu.
Wellen. Ore. 3o
wXNTE7)"-Vv'omon '$ 30 for dUtTlbuT
Ing free skeins Wear-Proof darn
ing cotton with hosiery, your sec
tion. Experience unnecessary. In
ternational Mills, dept. 701, Nor
Irttnwu, I'a. 42
WANTi'.T en f tio:ss
V'n:i ScaIiik ut home or by
(be day Paoue ITS) M, 114 S
central. 5&
Foil TltlK Modern Hungalow it
Central Point with two lota for
late model auiomoblle. Addreta
R A , tare Mall Tribuuu.
H'A'iM'O rum i,'itA
WA n n .",11
Whet t If O
iftft4. Ore
tg lirl nf
WAVTUD- To irada, 1
a ' 1 'frigs)'
Plan for soeofw Jfn.i Ford Nr
either )M m 191 model tiget
be In good condition Would pf
cash difference If ear Jtstlfled It.
Address F. O. Bot IT, JtUU, Call
fornt. Q
WAtfnin Two or IftfM mrKM,
must be cheap for can. Hm M,
Mall Tribune. M
WAJCrisD- -9mtU. Lve at Tnr
pin's blackxirith ahop If
LOST- Strayed or stolen, bkaek etal
Hon Alto, weight 1290 lb. Reas
onable reward for return to A. VY.
Walker, phone IS Medford, or 129
Central Point. tf
city mercantile property. MaCurdy
Insurance Agency.
TO LOAN J 1800 on Improved ranch
Holtnoa tho Insurance Man.
Auto Supplies
nro operating tho largont, oldest
and host equipped plant la tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antco, 20 North Fifteenth 8L,
Portland, Ore.
GEO. W, CHERRY Attorney nnd
Notary, Rooma U-10, Jnckson Coun
ty Rank Ilulldlng, ontranco N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law,
roams 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Rank Ilulldlng.
Coroy bldg.
G. M. ROI1ERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
colloctcd sotno accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Builock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Hldg., 21C E. Main eL
Onrnntt-Corey Hldg.. ulto
Medtorb, Oro, Phone 8D6.
Collections nnd Reports
M. F. & II. Hldg. Office Hours
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono 007-R.
Engineer nnd Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINGS Snglneor and
contractor, 404 U. l & 11. Dldg.
Burvcys,, estlmnton, Irrigation
drainage, orobnrd and land Im
provement. Iiisurnnro.
EARL S. TUMY (lenoral Insurance
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plate 01 aaa, Contract,
and Surety Ponds, Excellent com
panies, good local servloe. No.
210 Gnrnott-Corey Hldg.
Instruction In Mnalc
piano and harmony. Composor
und arrangor of music. Ilnlght
Music Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy
HldSe) HEINE Teacher ot Violin.
Music furnished for all occasions.
Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 E.
Main St.. Phone 303-J2.
GARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbnge wagons for
good service. Phone 274-L. F,
Y. Allen. .
PhyilclnriH and Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians, 410-417 Oarnett-Corey
bldg.. phone 1036-L. Residence
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
physician, 303 aarnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eyo,
ear, nose and throat. Eyea Helen
tlflcally tested and glassoa sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P,
R. R. Co. Offices M. P. & II. Co.
bldg , opposite P. O. Phone 567.
-- .. -n-w-
DR. R. W. CLANCY Phyalclan and
surgeon Phones, otfico 36, resi
dence 7S4-J. Otfloe hours, 10 to
II, 2 to E.
otan and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
18 to 13, I to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers nnd Publisher
M E i)FO R D P III NTIN O CO. , h as tha
best equipped prlntlug offlco In
coutbern Oregon; book binding,
loose tear ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prlcva. 27 North
Kir st.
Office 43 North Front ut. Paont
316. Prices right. Service guar
Sewing Maablnea
Chines aUo for sale. Clanlug and
repairing. Baldwin Piano for tola
from factory to customer. Real
reuce 315 So. Central Phoue 390,