Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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vrurnnu tit, siuirdnu
sitttyponn mmu minim.
r '
it I .
r r
s Till
" Volt Tm
IMvta rtf MFset tmxphrtn
flfcs flewiesrstt Ttroa, -, re Mfrp
MMTfii MM&rs TrkiMM. JIM ISma-
OroMMa. Tfce Astiiand Trfcwa.
SrOTmtfflTrTie W1i
o. f. tar Mat .
0e fcoata, fr mall . ., .
mot. iji .ii .rrd of carrier I
kitfmiA Phrnli Jaeltoartll
M Central Hf .
tarda eel by raeti pi rear
wsHrty ar rf
I aa
IN hi fiolinh ihc'ri'luin jinjf" "trtfrnpnN fiftitirijf Mm
ndmifiiiit ration, Thf'rffoif HooiwvHf irnw fo havr loaf
lU-nwif prrrpfrrt ion arid of jttflfW. Xohin that Pitai
lni WHofi han dorif r run do S Hflht, and M. litxmevrU
ib' iu hffliiflif to rpTMiw bin own frrpvioun uiU'tBtwn to
iirmnil the cjenitivf.
For notno months Mr. HooupvpR ha bwn denmiiving
th Wilnofi adminifftrnHon for not formally protesting the
invasion of Belgium and threatening war upon Oermany
heraiwe of it. fie would have tw believe that if thin had
'ffflKpZ' jSuiof'cZX'? I"'1'11 flo,e bH of our diplomatic difficulties; would liave
,Jffinl&JytSvmel if ruing iniat before the rising ami.
i in- K'jHuou in ixmkihii iiciiiriiuiv occurred ill jmiitimi.
19M. On .September Z, 1.011, Mr. Kooaevelt had an ex
tended Htatcincnt in the Outlook, discussing Belgium and
expressing sympathy for the Belgians, declaring the neees
ity of the United States remaining neutral and regretting
mat something could not be done. He remark:
f 'a-"ment. I
kIi-t ot
8er. fltrewlatton far IHI fsi
tljll ImmI -r1r Aiwoetateit lrt H
Saoscrtbers fulling to re
ceive paper promptly, phone
Circulation Manager t 160-11
while attempting t I Hid
flennanv mi the Irih r.ui-f, w.i
v.VfH Hr IratuhH Hntunlay lv
MtrofiK armed mwort who kwr tin
prJHonrr only hv two initials. Up iir-
rivFfi in IytndoH wftfioot incident nn
inmnliatply WM wdjrpj in the mrt
rMlitnn pnofi.
The fa-t that Sir Rojrer f'ement
" ""r ' " ., . c. na8 ttrf.n Dronirni t Kmrimid to tnnl
or conraa ll would be folly for ui to jump Into the gulf ovnwlrm to trial nd ia detaitwd in military eu-
w xuriivn, ann erj irouaui7 nominn mm us coma aTB HOP WOUia n? loala in iha; kn
1 hvi hiiuMt ttMiinm w k.v. Mn, tw- .m.iiji, -.. i... loaJ leans io id aaaumptioii that
ha befallen her, and I am iure that the aympalhy of thla country for th wi" " '" l charjt of hiffh
My rar ii great on the bill. It
will go down the ateepeat hill Juat aa
faat aa eara that rout twlre aa much.
SliiKiiliirly IiH'Millfitlilii
Will Mill happened to a very pain-
fNl aeeldent th.naat weak. "Wkllu
at 'work hnrnlng logi In tome man
ner tela rubber boota became filled
with hat aahea. England (Ark.)
Inclomunr)' ,kmIii
Owing to the Inclemency of the
weather there waa no literary Satur
day night. Hut don't think by the
gloem they're cled up tho literary.
Juat walk In at the front door next
Katnrday night If the weather la fav
orable. Ilrlng your mualc boxea
rIohk, too, and let's have and vocal.
Clay County fArk.) Republican.
llio CiiikI)- Kll
Mra. Jnmea Itmlle celebrated her
nlNnUeth birthday aHnlveraary tv-
eral ilsya ago. She attribute her
oxeollant boalth to the fact that' her
diet eonelata largely of chootata and
nthnr aweetmenta. Metro (Maaa.)
TiNlii)'N lU'llrliiKur
In a ahop recently a well-known
Bctroaa, who la noted for her peren
nlnl youth, aaked for a traveling bag
of alligator akin. The ahopkeeper,
who had none df"Ua( (wctfaulHr aorl,
brouHbt out Inateaa" HMD of amooth
"And you tell m thla la alligator
klnT" objected the actreaa. "Why.
where are all Ita wrinklea?"
"Ah. madam." replied the wily
dealer who knew hla cuatomer. cor
reel alligator bay-la made from lha
kin of aa alligator that haa beau
Buffering of the men, women and children la very real.
A few months later this exponent of the square deal
with a hig stick revelled himself and bitterly assailed the
administration for following the course he had himself at
the time approved.
I lie New Republic recently exposed the inconsisten
cies, aiisuruitifs and venom ol Koosevelt s Kelgian policy,
giving the loilowmg reasons thereler:
Wo have emphHalxcd It liocauae a real Injuatlre haa been done to
I'roaident Wllimi. and bwniuw great harm haa bet'n done to his preatlge In
the allied countrlea. J'or Mr. Itootmvelt haa lod the world to belluve that
he would have played a noblor jtart at the time Ilelglum waa Invaded, and
haa given the weight of hla tmrnu to the accuaatlon that America shirked Ita
duty. Thesti documents show that In August, 1914. Mr. Itoosovolt was
still under the spell of thf old American habit of non-interference. The
final reason for preaslng the point la that It Illustratua vividly that absence
of Intellectual candor which la the ban of American politic. If Mr.
Kootevelt would only onftM that he la human, that he has changed his
mind, It would be like a gale of fresh air In American public life. Hut in
politics only very great men make am h confessions.
fit-i iti t I i i r r , 1 .f: ,
"'"' 'i.ii.. -,.,.,. ii i "" 8. ' '
i aBEs2r"la XavawMaaaal ( .
r Villfr iCTr ffigaaataSaBal f iir : . ' . 'II
ii' -lgBW' HbbIbbbbbbV ll M.ii l
.irni - ii lut BEaaaaaM cibbbh
' '' 4gglBBBBW ''"VHl
1 BBB aBBBMeaBBW rn IIIHT A-llllltll 'lit
"" :
r s i
1 Ik!- v i
i faBBV.r tvJ. 'I
1"'! 1 2Mmi&.dm& i
n i
I. 'hi l.f Hip
lii I. mil." -a-i
-fine Mirri-ll.
Iri'land. and
till ii lid ull'iwrd
Women Sufferers
Need Swamp-Root
Thousands upon thousands of W0HI
n ha" kldnv and bladder trublo
mil nrvcr siiepri n
Women's complaints often prove to
nothing ! hut kidney trouble.
or the rslt of kidneys or bladder
If the kidneys are not In a healthy
mnrlltlon. they may cause tfc other
organs to become dlaeaaed.
You may suffer a graat deal with
pain In the back, headache. loss of
ri-tii-l I.. rp t be enndled and ""- ambition, nervousness and may be de
I. Thiv did not move hand or foot .-,.. .nH irritable.
Wlieiv I km lily IMIU
We recently nolle! a half-tone cut
representing a Naw York young lady,
who haa been pronounced the moat
beautiful girl In the world by (Irand
Duke Mlchaelovltch. If the rut la a
true likeness would advise the
grand duke to visit rrlm-rton before
rrlvlng at a final derision In the
matter. I'rlnceton (Minn fnlon
Hm) III" Oil I hi (Iw I'lliu
If you waul to hear rapid-fire ion
veraation listen to two girls who hav
Just passed a girl tlit both know.
7lISS MAHY ANTIN, the nuthoresH, in her Medford
-A lecture, took vigorous exception to the Mail Trib
une s editorial linking Hearst and lioosevelt together.
What is the mutter with the combination Are they
not the original jingo twins?
Kach is bloodthirsty and clamors constantly for war.
Kach wants a standing army of a million and the
world's biggest fleet.
Kach wants .Mexico violated and forcibly conquered.
Kach advocates the abandonment of the national policy
"i Jiun-iiiuwiiMTiii'c in nurujcuii aiwiiiTS.
hach preaches the gospel ot might lor right among
Kach believes in militarism and kaiserism if ho him
self can be kaiser.
Kach believes in grabbing what ihe nation needs from
weaker neighbors and settling afterwards.
Kach poses as a hero seeking worshippers with a press
bureau for publicity.
Knch is a perpetual office-seeker.
Each is a betrayer of his own party, seeking to boss it.
Mich is the loiinilcr of a new party created to rum the
Kach bails plutocracy, is financed by it and lines up
with it at election lime.
Kach is a fountain of energy for aelf-exploilation, a
dynamo of demagogy and a brass band of blatant bun
combe. Roosevelt and 1 learnt, with similar aims, ambitions and
beliefs, advocating the same policies and results, preach
ing the same gospel of preparedness, are more closely re
lated than ordinary twins they are, indeed, the Siamese :
twiii ui jingoism.
Thie charge bat been preferro!
les than half a dogen times in Eng
land in the last hundred vears. The
lant inHtance waa during the Iioer
war, tv-ultintr in th conviction of
Arthur Lynch in lPO.'l. Lvnch, who
is now n member of the house of com
mons, wa sentenced to death, hut the
sentence w- commuted and a. year
lutcr a pardon was granted.
The K.vprowt HiiggeKU the oMliil.
ity that Sir Kogur, if coiivii'tcd of
high treason, may be beheaded, a
under the existing Inw a iierson found
guilty of this offense may, by crow i
warrant, lie given the iwnulty of bo
heading iii-leiid of hanging.
The W. C. T. V. has an Interesting
display, showInK tho various kinds of
bevorsges which can be used aa a sub
stitute for liquor, also Jars of differ
ent kinds of food with 10 cents worth
of each with Information showing the
relative number of calories, or units
of food values In oach. The original
Frances K. Wlllard prohibition peti
tion, containing 7.500,000 signatures
of people In 50 different countries,
mounted on a mile and a half of mus
lin was shown. Among the signatures
was that of tho queen of Kngland.
The petition prayod the governmeuta
or the world to abolish liquor. The
Anti-Saloon I.oague had an exhibit of
pictures, charts and dummy figures
What Is being done In religious oil.
ucatlon Is shown In the exhibits of
various institutions. A typo of for
eign Christian schools was that of the
Syrian Christian college at lleyrui,
of which lr StuartpiMlge Is presi
dent. With Hoberff fcollegs at Con
stantinople It has done much to
awaken a new spirit in Turkey In
Hurope and Asia.
The Moody Hlble Institute of Chi
cago has a display showing how It
had graduated 7.oo religious work
era. The Western Theological Sem
inary of Pittsburg Is shown aa an ex.
ample of an efficient theological
seminary training men for community
Mildred Gregory, Star In "According to
Law," Gaument-Mutual Matter.
picture, De Luxe Edition. ,
A- the nung wite who udores 'o
eietv nnd iti fmolitie to the exclus
ion of nil home ties, Mm Mildred
Gregory has u remarkable art in the
forthcoming Mutual Mnterpieture de
Luxe Hdition, "According t lw."
When tin in wen on the screen at
the Star theater, Mnn Gregory will
-urprixe those of her admirers who
hnve regurded her up to now as an
interpreter of roles requiring less
tensity and les power.
LONlHiV. April (i The
Kxprc-- m- A'l.'ii-tini-rcll'-.
-t range hcitiitnui in into
the hoii-e of common- f the
1 1 ill
revolt imikes it natural to imagine the
situation is worse than officially re
ported. It is the duly of tin- gov
ernment, soys the KxprcH. trnnklv
to ailiiut the truth that -tern men-
uies must be ndopted ngniu-t the
"eru- folly of the rebels.''
The Duily Chronicle sav: "What i-
most dreaded now is thai even the or
der Hpeedily restored may Ikj ut the
1'iixt of(bliodahed which mav rankle
for generationa. One cannot help
fearing react ion against the pros
peels of eon-titulionBl home rule."
The Times ys: The whole miser
able bu-iness is a sorry comment
upon the complete fuilure of .Mr. Hir
rell to maintain respect for law and
order during the nine years of his
weuk, callous administration. Such
are the fruits of truckling to sedition
and making light of contempt for
Sir Roger Casement's invasion up-
lienr to have been the 0H-ra bouffe,
the Times adds. The paper suggests
Illbles of 6 different languages are Mint the Ucnuan had grown tired of
iiKinnst it. On March 17. JfHW Irish
oliintccrs paraded, mostlr armed
with nt!e. nnd nobody stopped or
hallenged them.
"Mr. Hirrell never asked why the
volunteers existed. He knew it was
not to .-ene against the enemy, but
rather to obstruct the imperial forces.
On December 10 he declared 'evidence
of their disloyalty is voluminous,' yet
he did nothing.
"If he had nnv policv other than
merely drifting, it was to turn a blind
eye to the disloyal movement. The
government persuaded itself that the
treason could be overcome by reso
lutely looking the other way. The
government's 'wait-and-see iwlicv'
whs complicated bv a hide-thc-trutli
"If the newspapers had been per
mitted to publish information in their
hands Sunday night these things
could not have happened. The Irish
authorities would have been aroused
from their sleeping sickness, by the
publication of news that something
very exceptional wo- occurring. They
might have taken ordinnry precaution-,
but the press was muiuded. It
i- proof of the grossest negligence
and obluene-s when four or five
parts of n great city can be seized by
comparatively a small number of
armed men.
"This coln-al blunder follows
upon ami iirpa--e- all other blunder-
of the war. Il'iw much longer i
thc nut mil (in e.iri i t.i ii it t under the
duiiii!itioii ut Ii ili r wlin retu-e to"
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physlclan'H
prescription, obtained at any drug
store, restores health to the kidneys
and Is Just the remedy needed to
overcome such coadlttons.
Get a fifty cent or one dollar bot
tle Immediately from any drugstore.
However, If you wish first to tost
this great preparation send ton cent'
to Dr. Kilmer Co . Illnghampton, N
Y., for a sample bottle. When writ
ing be sure and mention the Modfortl
Mall Tribune
Mildred Gregory
In the ."Vnirt Mutual Masterpiece
Paul 31. Ilrjnn's famous story ilcnl-
lug with (lie question of woman's de
votion to Iter lininc.
Snowstorm and Sunshine
Dmuiatieil by Joseph 11. Trout.
Wntcli for ilit Idggcdt Miow ever
seen III Meilfonl, at the Star Noon.
Use Grandma's Sage Tea and
Sulphur Recipo and Nobody
will Know.
The first round In the high school
tauuls tournament was completed
yesterday, Klsh defeating Uennelt
l-. l-l. 1-0, and llenselinan defeated
riatey l-o, -H. s-o.
Great Interest Is being taken In
lha tournament this year as the ln
uera will form a tennis team whbh
III meet tin liraiitu Pas Mica hool
tennlo team ill Mntfiirt! Ma) Hth
lielwcfii the (wo
I ' I
I'AKK A pul Jt A I'm in h aero
plane and a Zeppelin loughl a duel
ut un altitude of 100 meters off yv
brugge todav. Ihe m roplaue fired
nine uieendiiiv -In!!-, ut tin Xepie
tin, which nppear-i to have heeu dam
ilgril. tni
I ne enniip'iiiciii, niviiiiint; more
iiliuve ih
t'lllt'AiiO. April ; - John A. Pat
ten, president t lha Chattanooga
Medicine company, af Chattanooga,
Tenn , died here early today after a
short illness.
Mr. Patten was here In attendance
at the trial of a libel suit which he
when tlii ir.n-l
school will
Mhiij Mtsllitnl IV. pic Hmvc m Weak
IlKJl 4WMl Ti tlfteH It's
"W. W. Manofteld. fish and game
warden . tSl lloohcvelt avenue, Med
font, aaya- - I used to l- sui.jcci
mare or leas to kidney t roadie Mv
kidneys aetcd loo fre.iv ami .luring
the night I was obliged to act up
tliuat lu.. it. 1 1.. .il,.i .. a I . I u. .... I
, , ", l ' , J A. 1'atten Jr. brought against
toiiehl ut three it cock till!, iiioniiiur. '... , , .. ., .
Aiiu. . . .i '" i ',M' American Medical assor at on for
At Ihe some lime another French ..,.. . ... , , ., . .
aeroplane, armed with cannon, tired T ' , T J" ," .. "-
rrr; rr:;r M (,"nuu" ;;:lr:::r.,,llbe,nei,,c"UMocu-
loriedo boat oil ll-tciid. !....
A (ieiinnn ....r.,..U. K-.tL-r Mf Pllw, M P"MI th-
iM.. , i i,. .I... ...i ,ut "' clrcl. hating
r . i"ii ,.. i. ii fi.'iitii
' l.uiiev ille, France.
many offlcea In the church and its
subsidiaries until publication of aril-
MRS. HETTY GREEN IS i'1" ,n ,h' m,,k, ,0l,,,, nvm
NOT ILL WITH PARAI V?K'M, n unfavorable comment on
These articles aaaerted that tha med
icine compauy waa manufacturing a
nostrum containing a large percent
age of alcohol.
The i Mil He of Mr I'stten's death
was I'liiMiuiiiK due to an ulcer In the
llltl Mltl.'i.
vary Utile while My back a. I.e.! , leidav
sad at times I couldn't get In um ! iti'
poaition to ease the misery. Fln.iii.
I began taking Uoan's Kidney I'M
and I found that they were all m.i
WM represented of them. Aft- i
finished a few boxes, my kldn
wart normal and m back felt
atroag as ever ' j
Jrlca 80c. at all d..iis iontl
MilMPlr aak lora kli'u. v i. nu.h k, (
!&Hn Kidney Pill u .,,, -i ,,
AJT pVHUMHeld bad i t.i m.
Q4lfSyp. DuffaJe m, j
NKW YtiKK. April .'. Published
reHiru that Mrs. IIelt flreen. eon--ideied
the Wealthiest Unman III the
orhl. had Im'.u stricken hmIi ii-al-i
and wa- -eiiotu.l ill. were de-
,nud bv her s t'.douel F.Uard 11.
Ii. tireen. bo nu that hi- mother
contracted a slight cold while out ml
nig on Kondnv. "Mic vva- up ve-
Miteii.luitt o h,r u-uh1 heav
"t niine." Colonel tlrt-en
A uf Tiwul.
' ' i hank thomaa) friend"
' for the kindness nd
..own during the death of
a In loved mfe daughier and sister
ilssdfOfd 1VMMIUH3 8Htise
11m. Madford tod Ui. IUI Olicsri,
on exhibit by the American Hlble so
ciety which publishes more than 6.
000.000 Uiblea a year. Sisclments of
aiwstles at ono cent a copy were
shown. The A merles a Trace nriiv
also has a undine exhibit, including the
noted "Dalrynian'a Daughter' Chair."
uiKiut which u tract waa written that
.inverted tens of thousands. In 191 1
I the aoriety published 1.140.000 copies
in Kngiish and 1. 70S. 125 In foreign
The whole exhibit la centered about
that of the Federal Council of Church
es of Christ in America, which repre
sents 30 denominations, 130.000 minist
ers, commuulcania. and la
working in the interest of the got to
get her spirit In religious life
The Salvation Armyc exhibit shows
Its work In applied Christianity, in
dustrial homes, work for fallen women,
hunting for missing friends, children's
homes, summer outluga. prison work.
slum work, nurseiiea. Christmas bas
kets. Thanksgiving diuuers. indoor
meetlnga. outdoor meetings and Soon
feet of moving picture film were added
The program for today
Wednesday April 3, 2 30 to jo 30
3 30 p m -Conducted
I '00 p. m Lecture at the mo.ti-1 ..f
Iho Tabernacle In the w il.iern. sk
I 18 p m Address by Misa ; m
7.16 p m Conducted
ex land turn
S 30 p m -Wedding prueeasion ainl
rtlst!r eoatuiua hiwture t.v lr
Allen Moure
t'hild Life -Mirth aamtuueed tiiad
tidings Uriieial aalute Maliina
swad.lliHg The Pothole ..ihrr
ami -on fr.i,iu n,, ,ianv m
Idinrv 11,, .. a, ,,;n , u;j Var,
.ill IrtUil i., iue
' I ll I
bun and his bouts and in-ted that
he redeem his promises.
"The Germans mav have calculat
ed," continued the Times, "that the
upruing in Ireland would influeu.e
certain kinds of American opinion in
their favor ut a time when relation
with the I'nited States are critical.
German societies und Irish societies
in Auieiicu huve been working band m
glove to prejudice opinion against
Great Hritain. They doubtle-s will
exert themselves now over 'Ireland's
struggle for freedom.' If the cih
net tries to hush up nnv part t' the
truth or confine the iiilellnien.e
reaching Americu to official com
munictttiuiih doled out to themselves
the German and lrrh agencies in t
tinted Stales will have a tree h. !
to their malign influences, but it t'
government allows re-ponsihl. .
atent American corre-Minilent
inve-tigatc niiilters freel and imi.
tere.l wc arc c..iili.cnt the Ii. n
will f tiitl til. v h.ive iiu-uii.!. r ,'
real Am. n .111 n 1 . ti "
The uta of Sags sn.l Sulphur for re
storing faded, grsy hslr to Its natural
color dstfi hark to grandmother's tlms.
She used it to keep her hsir beautifully
dsrk, glov snd sttrnctive.
aer hair took on that dull, fnd.d or
streaked appearance, tliU timple mixture
was applii-,1 with wonderful .Tect.
Hat brewing at home is msusv and
outof-dale. Nowaday, by ki'nir at
any drug store for a 50 cent hottlo of
"Wveth's Jsge and Sulphur Compound."
you will get this famous old r.paration
improved bv the addition of other in
gredients, which ran be depended upon to
restore natural color aud beauty to the
A well-known downtown druggist ay
It darkens the hair so naturally and
evenly that nobody csn tell it ha been
applied. You simply dampen a ponw
or soft brush with it ami draw thl
through your hair, taking one strand at
a time. By morning the gray hair dis
appears, and after another applicatlon-or
two, it Urcomes beautifully dark and
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
U a delightful toilet requi. (or thoM
who dcitire a more voutlifii! apparanc.
It U nut intended f'r the cure, mitigation
or prevention of dueate.
A buyer is In town looking for a
good little ten acre placo not too far
out, on which the house need not bo
so very good, but wants a good llttlo
cow pasture, and some family orch
ard. What have you for 2500
2 10 acres with largo part of it In
crop, nearly all 6an ho farmed, good ,
buildings and fencing, Joins outrange.
Will exchange fur a 40-acro dairy
place, close in.
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
We have sc viral lti(iiirles for fur
nished houses. If ou liavo ono thut
you would rent call us up, we will
rent It for you.
Bennett Investment Co.
Ileal Jlitiite, Ixmius, Mentals, Iaiur
nn co.
102 W. Mnln. Phono 700.
(If5) Suits (fPV
Vnioints vJUllvJ VMEorrWj
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
tour through 3
tour through
iBIPTW?la in 1
TISTFN. mnl W'v. t 1 . wT bH H
-' mJ esse f t you E KL gBBBV bsP
SO acres Hear Creek bottom, 70
acres In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, easily Irrigated. Less than
3 miles from Medford. JGSOu cash.
One of the beat buys Id Jackson
county. Say when and I will show
' you.
'02 West Main SL Phone 799
to gi ih OWL cigar.
It's sold cvrrv where you
hirdly fen tu to cro
tb iiimI to find It.
Hut don'tbotlxr to think
us. Piuynurthankt iwtlh
your nickel) acroM to th.
man txhind th count.r.
That's th uayl
e Million
1 1
.III lit Vi
h I'i.iu
sa Rr
WAKIIINUT11N. April .. ..
tioual parks and forest unu,. .
be made "dr" h a bill lo.l.iv t.iv,.:
ably retorted to Ihe senate bv the
puup - committee. It
l rv f the terior
f' to uu ho-
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
fyrovew it.(Jo at all druggUt.
fU Th
Auto Service from Eagle Point
to Medford and Back
The undersigned will leave Frank
Lewis' confectionery every day ex
cept Sunday for Medford with his
auto at 1 o'clock p. m., arriving at-
Import, d Per. ' . un Stallion own - "0 p. at. Leave Naih Hotel, Med
ed l.v Udlt.r Kitto will ma:.e fi. , ford, at 6.00 p. m.. arrive Bagla
.-iitiul .it hrti.i - .rn - 'in I. Mmi- , Point ,t 1; nn . 1 . . 7i
.lav and Tt..- lav Talent U.dn.Miav I . .' V 6 ,00 P' W' A Part '
.vnd Thur-.Uv, Vin,on Burn Frida.v I tr,",c u Hclted. S. II. HAKNISH,
e-sgie fotnt. Orexon.
.mil S.ilui.Uv
IAdy A.vikttAUt
2A K. H.Um.KTT
Phones M. 47 ana 47-JS
tahuUnoe Ssrvtos Coroaar
Start the Day Right
End a successful day with our sutrulent, spicy HAM!.
All the leading stores in the valley carry our products.
We Pay Highest Prices for Cattle, Sheep and Hosts.
IIUillUsT M.UtKLT I'lllt'L 1'OU WOOL