ft EXPIATION? ' MIAN TRIRR .. OF OKUHOMA : Haittoflt BUI Hw Petiriirg in Con gret Plans Transfer of Indian Affairs Frm Natltnal Qwtnwrt to a Superintendent Who Would Be Trustee for 30,000 Incompetents. (By CHI-SOX (lAKDNKIt.) WASIIIXUTOK, Aj.nl 20-The amhilioaa and Kwetdiia; clmraeteJ of jiemrinjr plitii for tnkinit what re mains away from lht American In dian! ehnlk'Hae nttentinii even at a time when world war. Mexico and iiri'iMmlneim ttPfitfiv the attention of Hi i' public. Kcgiilnr and chronic Indian pi-lifting i" loo old u atnrv to iiuhim .m inteieal. For yenr: the Indnm- li.nc been mow or less tin- piev ot tin white jiipii and the public reiiniiK tin inntter with somo cmiiliu-ii ( . Huwpwt, to take nwn whsit rciu.im from Hio -niirvivina: incninMleiit ni one-third of Uu Indian run1 leli on Hit' continent of North Aiucricu, n Hidorinir the fuel Unit the niiioiint !' tlit? pniHr(.v i nearly u larjre n the fliiniuil npinoprinlioiw tor the whole federal govomuiont in a project tpiito nbovo the ordinary run of grit ft. Imllnn Illll lutiodiicod. Icjridutioti now peiolmtr jn eon-Kv-h -the IlHrtiiips lull, II. ft. 10 would overturn the Indian Hihey de veloped throuith u lotnt period of years mid, in the word ol Jnedi II. ('liuntc. 'Subject the liiduin to the worst poible fornix of HHliution, not only from outiiler. but from tin scruplou irthoiih within the tribul mi'inlH'i'uhip." Thin bill nvekn to transfer from the federal official- ui Wnwhiimion, iiicludinK the t'oniMiiwioncr ol Indian nl fair, the xccrclurv ol the interior and the president, till the atithin now vented in iheiu oer all tin- Indi an in Uklnhomu, to an ofto-iul e.illnl the HtiHrin(endenl of the live cml ixed IribeH. Noininully, tin- of! inn I would be nppoiuted by the ireident. bill he woiild'hnve to be continued In the senate, and under the practice of thill body nolmdv could be continued utile npprocd by the eimtorh Irom Pklalioinii, and the re.-.nre on (he acwitor f i via the local Mlilieal or jCUiiixiilioii in the while Mould never Hnnit Hie npHiiiitinenl of anyone hut H local M)litician to that office. The result would he to place the iiM,inl liK'fil in the hand of whatiM-r (Mu ll oma Militicul rinu hnpMiieil to lie in power. 'I'uisioo fur IiiiIIhim. Thin Niinerintcndeut, ho (-elected, 'Mould Im made trustee for .'io.oiio in eoilipeteiit Indian, together with nil their property, nhieh include: (1) 1iiihIh sprcail tlimuuli tortv enmities of what wiih fomierK ludmu Teiri try, mi urea ucurix Jtl.lMMJ.OOii nru in extent, an hiruc a the M.iu- ol' 3Iiiiii-hiiiit. Vepooiit, Ni w II. imp hliirc, Coiiiicelieot noil Kliode l-l.unl cembined: (21 oil well in oiii'ininm from which Hie rowillic alone m in year iimouutcd to l0(l,IHMl and from which the jleld in one em w.i 'J7.lHHI.fHHI barrel..; ;t oil field, ilc. l'lontl and uiidevelopcil. -o ilu nble thai no 'uiuii eau inielli-rniU Uiiine the number ol nullum. o ilol Inn. which tbev are ueliiulK tt.irili; (J) tumi luiuU teu.iiilol und other wit ieldiuvr uiillMiim ilollui- m coHie. All thee rieliei. wlmli are li.l.l it preitent in triut for in.onitteiii ln diuiih by the Wuhuml..ii otii nil- un der an elaborate .v-.tem ol rul and lipM'tir, Mould ut ollec be tinned oCI to Mime loc.il politiemii -ubjei-t to Mjitieal intliicncci-. with the mevit able htttuntalut of timrt vliuli would entile. What wivhi be expeetttl . illiiktruted when the eoimtv nmii. in Okbthuttm were two vor no fttfd with authority over minor orphan children of deceased ludiun.. Tlii riMlltcd in Niicb wholi-ali- rtbbei thai thousand ofMhec clnlditn arc today deMilute. Indian Connni miiet KIKi i authority for the -tnieuieut that tht eouuty juduex in mot in Ktaneex failed to npplv iiiiv rubs tot the pmleetioti ot the e-taie- wntru-tco tw them. pmiittiuir iinsii-riii!ilii- pt-r. MM to Mh iImsc iphali to tiie i -It'lll of uulliulio of dollar-. An OkUtwiHM Job, The author of th? iiitliti.' lo ! i Nepreienttitive William W. If.i-t i .-, but the tneiuure i ! ked In i ttcallv the entire Okluhom., il. ' .-a tion in emigre. Secrct.uv l.m. ha written u sfim,.. piute .i.-iu,-' life legikitin Id , .ti-. !rn. ;.l iJ. I'ttl'ker, bt IIP ' llpel:i, , i il i ' fiT rjtd file r h r iln uh.m.h dlpWirt!iit), ' l the .r . 1 1 QitViimlitt.. Il in . 'I h.iixl (Tj diduiu mm ' 'iirkii ml: 'l'iiii i tier pn--m i. ui il er i n (i Vf f , tiriui.l t ' ii it I nf hrt .- with l,r lonf4 rn. i trv to ""' dilhtf mi 'cr lo i .in ii i tr.tf'M '! ii nil! O n n i VI till i i rl i i i I v nler eon-in--ilii In je the (In Mini of de- I ii'iiient. J !.(nre he .i- el, i l .1 to i M.i-tutff- aiiiltor or tin IiiU, -aid in .i Ii tli r ut rnti - I i .hi H I Ml til other -nil?j i i "f.mv prop I not iinf.'irK ileil Willi ; v 1 It li. Ill vho Wimld no' ticilnte to lull an In dian. Tin- know lie I- poweiU-- to help hiini. It ii nd tli it he will not arouse pnlilie .illcntiou." The liiiluin Hilit n--oei..tiui. Fur mi t t'liiiunissioni r of In' i n Mtiii- r'l.iecit. K. I.ctipp. Mis Kille Itelli aitl uf tlkl.ilioui.i. and otlici hne joined in 'oiiiiinii'ii'iiiiHiis ( I'le-i- dent WiNon mi - t ii- ln'e to cto this legislation ii ii liniilil pi--. Si.ie- tmy o the In'i Iml I .me .il-o I- ex M'cted to foil Ii . iiii-e npoit bv n -itnilar n'eutiimend.ition if the liv:i-hitiim vet .is I'M- n tin- while llotli LOPEZ IGNORANT TtmifKON. Aiml --'ii. I '.ildo Lo- pcz, the Villa lieutenant captured near Santa Yxnbel recent l, hit been tnkeu a prinouer to ('hihuiihiiii by Oenernl Ibirrio. I.ohh is wounded in both lfx. He says he known noth ing ut Villa's whereabouts of whether be I ilead or alive. "I am in complete ignorance of Villa' present locution und I do not know whether he i dend or alive. It in true that I wn present ut the Siintii Vnbel nuiacre, for which Ueneral I tell inn wii ri'sponsible. never heaid thai 1 wan outlawed, hut that will uot in. ike iinv difference, nx I urn unite rcsiuiied to be hot bv the tiiiiiir s,, mi,) at ii in time that i set for m death." (Ienei.il iliri-nn, iieeompaiiied by Iii'ihmI I'n-Mi o. i- eMM fed to leave no'lliw nil i m w lor Chihuahua. IMU.W V 1 I i- ileliineinlii -i. il. comeneil In ii .ml. utiles .it Litiff i . .ul Mi I'm i nil v i nil mi. w lin'li , i lei Ii il llie ill Ii -tile ll.ltloll.il lull- clitiou and iioiiiinateil bv iicchini i tion unoptMi-eil enniliiliitc lor plaee- on tin -I. Hi li Let - (iuvellioi li'ii-liie, ,i- i'iiiiiil',ll i lliilllii.lll, ililiMHil llie kiMlnle llll- dicss. The iioiniuiii inn ot John V. Kern for the loiiy term in the I'uited Htntei cnate and IJeprcscntative John A. M. Adair for trneinor, nniile m the pi una.' , wen- uitil'ieil, V4,'cr.rid I) JftrUooii I'-iUBtr M trxa Co. tttx'h and Fir Stt I'lolwilc. Willi. IIII (ill! Ill Ii 111 e-llltl, lllMIlt nl' .lllli iippl .'l-l lllflll. Ileal i:late Tnnisfei' K. K Ko . t n I i I il'tli ! I I.I CM V, l.llnl III -lll II -I I.IM'O Kdu.iid Sleep el n In I I I tlatc. lot J. Ii). ii l .. 'si- klMMI III I. 111-. Ml. It" 1. 1 I ill' I mied suite- in Knink II K i l.ilnl in -i .'. Mi i I'.ilt nl I.. I". 'ii-nii In Siinml Mne I llllllH k. Illll .11 M I . JO l'l- i' 1 Mnttie .1 Kurd h .. II. Coi.l.-s, Inn.! i! .i ' !'. -K I J. (I. (ii.li'i i I'j Knnh lli-- i iml , ii.i- ,n I'icriw.ili Add.. .Mcdr.rd l John Owen-1 1 iin i" I. r. I'.u -on--, l.iinl in ii. .'' 'i-l. 1 t'OI I Mill S Ohio, prl! :.'. Kc puliliiai) .Hid di le i i.i'if orKttniation blate-i f. . ..eh.!'! ul Iuiko to the nuliniiul roriifiilloti we.e i huseii to. dav mi -iu. i ii I- 'ii'i.il , iter eilie n n',i ill. i 'net hMllM t i H i THE ORIGINAL. CiJUJ; The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich Sii'.Ti-' -'vr ii 1 . ii firm. For infmts mvjli lrr v ii.i' llren. Purorutrilioii upljuildinij lit vlio' U dy. 1avujotc IKirtiotj nwlhrri uJ i aged. More aeuifiliuHf than tea, coflcc, etc OF VILLA' S LOCATION COURT WWSE NEWS oaaiiaar, j- - - 'r W-. '. rrif - ti "'Mir m THE MEAUOWS Manual r fllewomi o' i on hll lrm unm iiih -Unndny nett, prll "i fMura the Antloeh I'nm i Mi ! i v I i ' II u ! hoei in i rim th Jfealw bunch ffr fnin fatting within the mhi mnnth We are alioui to Jmvi ,i ehanRe of rHMtmaaterm. .Itier ftntlarr ha nearly eempletcd the In-tulltna of I' ii Kalpmenl In bin nfore nt Reiiatr nut Mr Oonlon aK relanft an ot- iinitiif! The cliane in loi.itlon Is iixftif-il In 'ic made vcr mm Tliln 'tIiik tt.e 1' ) aiM'fwtalib nearer IIS Frank V Ciirnahan and nrt mn loreit from Mcdford Saturit.iv to vl-it hi ilmnhar mine. Thev reHiTneil to Metlfortl the name ercnlns an Mr r.'irimhnn hud an Important euaxe mant which called lilm back Wnter In belnn IowcwkI rapidly in the old Hhaft and tlmherln b lng caiiKht up iu fnt aa uticovercit. Wallace ninkum 4m Hali ltuslt upent part of laat week rlrflntc the Heaitle country looklna alter their toek. tKv aav the range In In pret tv kooiI condttlori thin year. I it Force and two oiih return ed to Annte after upending the week nt work on the. qnlckallver prospect m Hie Meadow. Mr. Peart the Cen ii at I'olnt biackumlth noent mime time wlt'i I hem the paat wek. They hope , to Kct their location utraliihtvnml out HiIh week. Mr. nnd Mr Fred Moore motored to Meitrord Saturday mornlnn. They had hh a paaionKer our school teach er, MIm Klncald. who apart the week end with her purcntit near Agate. Mr. Howen at the Mr. Dewey mine I geltliipt lonetlior aamplea of ore from the different mine In the Meadow district for presentation to the Med ford chamber of commerce that people mav aee what la to he found ronttauoti to Med ford, Fred Moore and. Ralph RunMell each took a load of Moore' hog to market In Medford Tueadav morning They expect to return to Meadow Koine time Veduenday evening. There were 90 hog In the hlpment. Nearly all our oung men -and that Include the old one too. In the Meadow- tire devotee of the gun und are finding the war ha affect ed them eriouly. The price ot am munition I going up by leap and hound until hootlng t going to be pipe u luxury thla full. oil. well, more game left for net year. Then lie wuk ii buslne inltor to Cold Hill on Thnr-dii hint from the P. A. will win you WIIIHimiFHi fMrVsjMsMt"B MmBVH speed-o-Iike-a-flash ! We tell you, any man can smoke Prince Albert with the utmost enjoyment; smoke pipe-full after pipe-full or the makin's until the gong sounds, without a kick back or a complaint! Yes, sir; he'll just please himself to pieces with P. A.'s cool fragrance and .' absence of bite and parch ! Prince Albert is made by a patented process that cuts out bite and parch ! Prince Albert has always been sold without premiums or coupons. We prefer to give binokers quality. itniMff m Jm jflr PI PiMi ' ' W" mm H 0 im n ir1" - , '? ., I 1 ' ' S ii,1' ' ' ,f $ .& .' m ?-wiEir i ., V4 r,.i Fw, jam? . w--jJP k Jhhi WW -'v ' mbVbAwBIH I KbJSsfJmSk . VjBaaaaaaWaMawwi2llBaaW laMfleHaBBflAeB cr veaKj9r Jmk a ovaaBHHBaajfeaHP """aaaaiBaaAiaaaWw , T3aiiawBKifciW rthe i-i one of I n l I. Im . m women In all tin mJ iiii,inl the ureal est dnm i tin weiltln romnutle girl who luj.. -t wttii ,m m tor and then forced the win Id to how down to her. .She l Mr. Vernon Caatle and together with her ouunlly talented husband alio makcH her mov ing picture debate In n great power ful melodramatic feature written by Mr. Paatle and based on the almot tinhellevahlo romatuc of the pair. Mr. nnd Mr. Vernon Catle have torn the veil from their prlvata life and it give to you an Intimate study of tage life, aoeletv life, bring you behind the acenea of the cabaret; car- Meadow. He ha a new drlvlngi horse. We are having Mine frot but the fruit seems to be all right so far. BUI Coltrell ha heen doing a lot of work on the new grade out of the Meadow and now has It In excellent condition. Auto parties en route to die Meadow will find the beat road is to the weat aide of clmtabar mountain. Dr. ChlHholm or Cold Illll I plan ning to resume work In a few day on hi copper proposition down on Rvnn creek. Dee ha heen very faithful In the development of thla property and bo richly deaervo uc ce. No, we didn't have an Boater parade, but thetf acre otne new frock and bonnet out at the ball J - 1 fKW the national , ' AinJiihii. ..a...,.' V" tjaMSMfcJSJBM fAr? rnf 1RHT . i mi i ii. i ii . im i ' mi mm of Im lit iii ii t 'I In i ..re thi iniiiiiM i . ) iiii, ut of iln' modern il.niii. Hie lilUn'l paid iiiiiruetor i and tin tiiis of Mer.il iiiiihIiaI coiii- etlv iiifi lint -ende Hroadwny ano. Ndu ri. i. to bo enJoM'd by niov - tng picture audience "in the Whirl of l.tfe." Tht feature I being "re sented here by the junior old of the Medfoid high rhooI and they were ver rortunnte in securing thla attraction Jut at thla time. An added attraction, Mildred Wick nnd l.loyd Williamson will offer a number of original dancing special tie. game, which provoked many admir ing remark. It wa a fine turn out. Clyde Hut son who ha been visit ing hi father at the Doctor Chlaholm cabin on Evan creek, went In, to I (told Illll via lleagle with the mall currier Tuesday morning to be on band for school after the Kaster va cation. Mr. nnd Mr. J. II. Dlukuni who had a I heir guest Mr. lampman, drove down to the bull ground Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Uimpman hna been visiting in the Meadowa the wt week. HI boy, Hen and' Rex, are now on the Portland paper. Retorting of quicksilver from cin nabar ore Ih going on dully at the Mr. Dewey mine. A good many peo ple visit the mine to the proces. Ore from varlou claim I being run iiiiii B'i 1 1 i i f'lM' i .,' . r ; joy smoke t mi ltai nrifllHlHHBHw&iVHli 01 ' f'! jKVnmHBBBHHBaHBBBBB So it's up to every red-blooded man to jump the boundary line between himself and smoke happiness and know just what all this jimmy-pipe-joy-talk and makin'i talk is about! Men a7 over the world are today smoking Prince Albert because it meets their taste; because n t;ives them rettl tobacco enjoyment have never found before 1 Don't you realize that if Prince Albert, in a few years, has made f.rec? men smoke pipes where a i i f" one was smoKea oeioro started men everywhere rolling own cigarettes, that it certainly the call on you - at least for a try , Why that's only being ' 1' tl' l'l "Ul .' If 1 O IjIU-. " CCO COMPANY Wiii.toniali-ir.Nt., 0 te Mllrliell, lio I" vlKln Ill How feHe for the f-at time In mn montlrii. W down th ball mime ifialtHrg hand lf t mnv fricnd Tha WH1 tanil' ii-ove ami from t'fraer tWvana fr tin afternoon Tfc rfldge opeo'lta Bill f'ottrelln place on the re reml to town I g t ting In dangcroH. mndltlon A nam her Of plaohi' .ire lirokefl ft Ii hoped the road mcrilor discovers It he i fore a arhni i anldoiit ounri M will prolafil ordi-r oine radlnr done near there m well I Hupt. Idittli'lli of tin Mniini iiii King mine i Ihlna at Ned I'mi. mnrh and rldi owr In fin mn i i very Nty. New inn arc lienm .id ded to the foue innatantb nml the work la being nidied along The men are sleeping In tent on the rldKe mar the mine nnd m) It getx prctt i idd there froaty nlghta. KUworth llrake. Ralph UhsmII. Wallace Dinkum, John Drake. )M wnrd Rue1l, Illll Pomern and hi sinter, nnd Mlaa JenMe Drake were part of ibe merry crowd -who attend ed the dance "down the creek" Sat urdaj Btght. and report the me de itghtful time usually had at the low er Kvana dancea. Mr. nnd Mr. John Payne are pre paring to camp at the fork of the Meadow road and the Ramsey can yon road whlle'Mr. Payne la ciuplo- led nt the Mountain King mine Ac- j commodatlon are att lit Inadequate at the mine. A good turn out lo practice gme at the ball park Sunday. The scrub team wa heaten by the regular 20 to X; A good crowd of the Mead owa' people were over to cheer the boy on. Mr. Klncald of Agate drove over lo the Meadows Sunday bringing hla daughter, Josephine, who la our achoot teacher this year In the Mead ows. She stopped at the ball grounds to add her encouragement to the teams who were practicing. Mrs JohH Payne and son Howard are viltlng hla grandparents. .1. II. Drake and wife, thl week. Mr. Payne haa started work at tho Moun tain King mine on the night shift. Hill Pomeroy bad buclneaa In ltutte Kail Thnraday. The nchool teacher over there who Urea down the creek, drove home with him to apend a few day vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Miller, returning to ltutte Fails Sunday. Jim Kredenhurg and his daughters, llertba, Jessie and Resale, were Mead ow vhtltora from Mama valley Sunday. They spent the tiny with Mr. and Mr. Theo. Ice and famllv. jca. they Oa It, nww (hi tl till. Iidl rtf taa mm iillrJ ' Prut rt Ml4Jlr JO). IS07 " anu their has - out! I 1 , III III ri M II 1.0II1I ill. vnr Tjrfepm WOMAN AVOIDS .OPERATION MtKltdna Which Made 3ur gon'g Work Unnocoasnry. Astr.fl. N Waa feeling V - "For two year I II nnd took all MnUl Of tonic. I f.m pi Ing worse emryoar. I had rhtlto.my head would ache, ) WM Blwny tired IMMld rv if walk atraogbt li.eauiMi of the Sin inmyhnrkamlfHiul pmns in my atom mh I went to a durtor andheaaM I rr i-t go under an operation, bat J did not go. I read In the j tier about Lydia F. Pinkhnm' Vetfi table Com- pound and told m husband about It. I I said ' I know nothing will help me but I will try thi.' I found myiwlf Improv I Ins- from the very nrt bottle, and in two weeks time I was nhlo to lt down and eat a benrry break f oat with my hus band, which i had not don for two vaars. I am now in the lieat of health nnd did not have the operation." Mre. John A. Koknw, 502 Flushing Avenue, Astoria, N. Y. Rvery one dread the surgeon's ktdfo and Um operating table. Sometimes nothing else will do ; but many timet doctors say they are neceeanry when they are not Letter after letter comes to the llnkhnm laboratory, telllnff how nitration were advised ami were not jierfortricd ; or.if performed.dld no cood, Imt l.vdla K Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Com poumf waa ucd nnd i;ood heul tli followed. If you want nilvlco vrlto t I, yd la IC. IMiikliiiin olodlclnu Co. (oonlUloiitlul), Lynn, JMna.i. l.Vriiltl'llltAN AUTO0AU CO. TISIH CAHI). Leave Medford Tor Ashland, Talent ' and l'hoonlx dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. in., 1:00. 2.00, -1:00 nnd G:1G p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. in. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30 a. in. anU 1:00. 2:00, S:S0 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland tor Medford dally, exeept Snaday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 3:00, -1:00 and 5:15 p. iu. Also on Saturday nlghta at 6:30 and 2:20. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. in. and 1:00, 4:30. 0:30 and 10:30 p. ni. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Says glass of hot water 'with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons., To se the tlnce of healthy' bloom In your face, to aee your akin Ret clearer and clearer, to wakovtip with out a heartache, hackacne, coated tonoiie or a nenty breath, Intfact to feel your beat, day In nod day out. Just try liiatdo-uathlng overy. morning for ono week. Hcforo break fa t each dayTdrlnk n Klaea of real hot water with n teaapoon f ul of limestone phosphate 'In It na n Imrmlesa means of aahlna; from. the. htom.uh, )tr, kidneys atl Imiwow tboj preUous iliiys lnuiKCsuoin wasio, hour idle and toxins; thua clranslnic,1 wi etenlnir . and iiiirlfVlna ' thc""entlro uttineiitary canal before putting moro fiHid Intoitho stomach. ThoTnctlou of liotjwotor and llmestoaephoapbate on nu empty stomach la wonderfully In vliroratlnir It cleooa out all the sour .rerineuiattona, gaaea and acidity mid Kl es ono a sulondld appetlta for breuli-, fast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost cry little at the driiR lore but la sufficient to demanatrnto that just as soap and hot water cloaascH, sweetens ami froabetiH' tho akin, ao hot water and limestone plios 'phate act on tho blood and Ittteraal or Kans. Tboso lio am nub Joe t to oon atlputLn, bilious attacks, acid alowach, rheumatic twinges, also thoee whoso skin Is sallow and coiapleikm pallid, are assured that one week ot tnalde ,batblng will buvo them both looklUB and fueling bettor iu every way.' WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 Kasl Mh ii i Btroot, Medford Tho Only Kxcluiive Conimeifiul PliolujmiphQra ki Soulheru Oi'Ogon NVrjftlivw Alndc any Umo or plflce by appolutmont. Phone M7-J We'll do the rest U. D. WESTON. Prot). (i'll liuMti n.llMI IkcN 4 W.ui iamt. lry raM. Milk SOttU tiUl. StMdfuUv fWMW.. Ill S(JINY OdTJIBE RC4MS Irm Mmv vlfH u4 tiaucM RiMi(. g !. A BAY VM PERSON Jj ,' A MYTWflrEBMHJ rrM Nriy OtHU U "IMKMAL Mat" Mwi wiitw) O As 6my Mntt cf MH4 sW Jmi. ' ilidBi h I' U J 5uUtitate8 Coil YOU Same Price V - Jin