VU)' T or M nrrrir'ofn vur, W'tmvv Mthumh, nt-M.o 'in ti v m- rr vU as t V MfCDf'Oflfl JtHUi'lICimaK' rait inrir nwi-i r niwmitii QOm Mall Trunin Pill-Una, 1MI NVfn FT' ttrt. Itptinns 71 Tim-, fha f"4foH Trtmna. Tti fteutb' A.Mmvf TrbM f OrMMMfl. Th. auntictnirrion i&atmm ft; & v; r.'n M 8 vnt SMmlli ST mail -.... , .is Pf month'. ltvrd by HktrfSrTn wonrA, rni'dDt js.4mvh and Oatitral Point . tatardy onir. br mstl, r yer. Wkt, ar ysar jMVMttrltls . in rftolftt Pkmt of thn Cllr nt Mrtttit, DffMaJ Papor of .Tsrkaon County lntSfl Bfl iwrnnil rlam msttr t lf4Xen, Oregon, und.r the set of Mnt Hwrn Clrnhlln. fr 1914, life). 1NU Imi4 wire AtitS ?rei satekes. 4 Subscribers railing to re colvo papers promptly, phono Circulation Manager at JfiO-K HONG KONG KOLUM TiiHfnl Tiirtli'N Thlnas had certainly looked black for the very young lleutminnt when IiIh cololtiol discovered lilm In nwL'ot communion with his daughter. What ooulil ho aay v. hen ho wax summoned to explain himself? "Have you any explanations to of fer for your conduct?" the colonel dtmihiidod, sternly. "Sir," answorod our horo, bringing lila hand up to a Miliar t salute, "I have the honoi to report an engage in out at eloso iiuartors, In which f have been ontlroly victorious. It now only romalna for you to glvu commit to tln terms of surrender." Ho canltM tho day. Tilto to tlin I'is( Ito waa a man of porfect health, and It was hla honat that lm novnr liad employed a phyalclan and It was quite remarkable that bl death oame ao audtlonly that although phyalolnn waa called life was extinct boforo ho arrived. Itlchford nolo In the TIokh County Herald. A .More IIiiIn! Horn To Mr. and Mra. W. H. White, a aon, aaod nil and I month. Onwllci (.V. Y.) Union. A ronl friend la oiih who knows all about you and llkos you Just tho aamu. TMlayH lVnlliluner An Irlihnian waa reprovml by hla prlnat fur (wtlng aauaanna on I'rl dar. "Sure, Father 'Hin, yo don't rail aaHawRM meat?" he (irottatml. "Certalnlr they are meat." aald lila reyarenee. The neit day the Irlahman ap liearml at the iirieal'a houae with a load of aawdHBt. "Hut, Michael. 1 did not order any rawdHat; It waa wmmI I orderel. "And law't It wood I'vh brought yo?" "No, it taa't: It'a aawduat." "Uut, mtther Tim. If aanaa la eat, aura tan't aawduat wod?" 'nt.ltlla. Kay tli till I mi tho lilm Xo ICNrepean diplomat ttae any thing h the girl who rerelvea three euHg Men eallera on the aame eveH l and knepa them all good na turetl. IllutdiiM unit KvrHx'N A errctku wh wlah to make In the Uat Thurailay lttm w aald that a wh had arrived at the home of Al Uart Kellog. Now, aa oiu tiooldo haa been eeueed by It, we ant to HuplaiH and osrrwl auythlua that baa tmtumd trouble, aa me do not want the blame. Neither do w want the editor blamed. We ware told tv INiitUa who had rerelred the infor mattOH from Xra. Kellog'a folka and ao we wrote what we thought waa rorrert, hat aa there la no limit to It, we wlah to aay that w do not write aaythlag to hurt anyone' feel ing! or mean any harm, but we cer tainly will have to kuo that what la reported to ua will ln the truth aa we do net like to have our heada bit off over the telephone Bo we want the partlea to know that we were inialutortned, and not blame ua. but the right partlen and all will bi well. The Maryarllle Wi.) Tribune. CitMhlH'l IW Shim! The fire trw-k made quick run U (he ecae. but th fire had gained too nturh he-(tay to inrinlt of any thin Ixriaac doaf to aavr it -The Mttdera (Cal ) Tribune r TVbs Waa tlio I'tutor Tast Sunday o a beautirul clear day. Taofc waa no preaching aerv ico In town--The Trimble (Mo.) Uomocrat. Muni no Hie MltU Bea Harmoa'a mule thai haa been taae for ulle a while ta able to ho phwed. -The OUrktvtIUi (Ark) Dem- WtEPAllEDNEflfl COLLAPSING pf trTfnir Ollf ia)rvifl'M'ffl Ifrffffl1 xiflf'fl. Tllf A fflff I ffin ffnpr Imvf fto Iwrfi Mtfirnflff by (hi- hynfrnn of fh jingoM or iinfltily urnwt by Ur fli'm-riNm of rminition Trwikrm. lcnrc fhc yellow rautiffn of Itenrni aiul tho wild tlflcritnn of WnmovoU an ho trio? tit rofijiu''' forth .otw tliitiK licroif in hlrxnl ami (humlnr to IoikI him in the prcil- (IfiK-y a Ihim liirit'. Thf Konl vote in Mirhitruii and Nfhralo) mkoton the rxtftit of the puHfint McntiiiK'nt. Wht-n thi mctropolitnii ironH hclittlffl itnti fli-riflffl Ford for inahitur lim pcni'f voy j(f it did not rcprewnt t)u Mciitiincnt ff the tt'oplt. ft rarely does. "Hie jM-ople do not want war. They prefer proHperity and profits, hut iiumt of all they prefer peiiee. fnie military propaganda did not originate with the maHe, hut with the elates, who have strenuously striven by every known nieaim to popularize it. Vet the people do not respond and fail to enthuse. Thev know that the must furnish the vietinm and a war, while the UKKm'mizcinent and prolits are reaped by the property-owning elasses fostering preparedness. Preparedness is not popular beeause it involves a de parture Trom national traditions of avoiding foreign coni plieations; beeause ihilitarism, under whatever name it goes, is destructive of libertv and incompatible with dem ocracy; because its net result to the people is an increase of taxation without apparent benefit or protection, either; and the taxation is always of the poor instead of thn rich. The people of the United States have every confidence in the latent powers of the nation to protect itself. Bryan's million men by sunset would be a reality if the occasion demanded it but the nation will never contribute a mil lion to waste their lives in the regular army. No nation in history has grown in every material way as the United States. No nation has its resources, ami if it was 'neces sary to go upon a fighting basis it would do so, and when the giant awoke, a world in arms could not conquer it. Neither (lerniany nor any other nation desires to arouse the wonderful potential force of the United States, with its hundred millions of population, with greater wealth than the three greatest of Kuropcan nations, and annually producing as many In all that makes a nation America is great. And simply because the United States has not devoted itself to the costly armaments of war ami loves peace is no reason it cannot and would not excel the world in warfare, if nec essary. Realizing tho potential strength of the nation, the peo ple simply refuse to be panic-stricken over imaginary dan gel's conjured up by the fevered brains of jingoes, or over tax themselves to pay the munition-makers playing the preparedness fiddle for profitable "patriotism." 10 it II The aenlor cluaa of the Mod ford high arhool la now rehearalnK ' P'V to liti staged at (he l'K Hum Ire about tho mlddlo of May. No ex penao of money or labor will b apared In producliiK a altow that will bo a rredlt to the wntor vlaaa and the high achool. The graduating clean haa alwaya baeH a moat aetlvo and progreaalvt elaaa and haa been aucreaaful In ev ery achievement they havo attempt ed. There la much natural talent in the elaaa, which, tinder the ablo In t ruction of Mra. (ieorgo Wtlaon, will undoubtedly be developed In auch a manner aa to offer a real high elaaa treat to theatre-going people. The play to be atngod la "Merely Mary Aun." a aplendld wunedy writ ten by Urael KangWHll, a pie) w right of country-wide fame. Thla produc tion haa lumn eudoraed and approv ed by the Drama League of America uuil In on of th moat aucreaaful conitutli'M i'vcr Htugetl 1'lfnnor Itob ii iiuidf ht'r Kri'iitt'st aut'cemi In tlllH lll STAR TONIGHT ONLY liuliht " I'uiiiulU, 'tiiii4i'li ur ho will he mi'II a .ImiK KlUK tit "The Turn ut the Komi.' tho latvt Vltagraph Ulue Uttihuu feu in re ! juat i feet K luehea tall and wetgha Hxavtly (0 pound Autoug the mau prtMHfitt Uobby received laat Thauha glvtug waa g turke prvuvuted with tho loiuplluieute of the VlUaraph i-oinpan). The oue who mode the prtuvntailou. ihlukliiK to feaae the little atar. offered him a lurket walgbiug half aa much ua he did, pio ldlug he would get it home hlmaeli "Where la our ltnir" uvked Uob by. and a tur'.f) eiaUiun a pouudo i handed htm. "Ktwp your ' ou thla. Mom, Vuae 're nolo to eat uuu Thauk iivlua. all rl;tit," lu tnild to hH mother j hw hutUt out lu the tu dlo yard. Hoeing Maurltfe t'oalello, be hulled him, "lie, t'oa, taj I borrow our crT" I Bbb will he at)Q at the Star (beater today lu "The Turu of u.. KoaJ.'' pmiwBaaawwww4aaMnaf iiHilil(lMMiaifs Smuko The (iladlord 4t4 Mt. Pitt Cigar. pav the bills in anv kind of products as united Europe. AT PAGE THEATRE Willium S. Hurl, the popular actor of Mlil went mli'H, make-, a novel up Hntiini' UN a wi'ftertii1!' uho ilona evtuiiiiK I'lntlii'H iiiii! in (Uito nt Ilia cu we in HiutioH)litnu wocietv in the new Ini-i'-Tiianifle piny, "Ilotweeii Men," oh wt'fit ut the 1'nge thi-nter yoKtenlwy. lHiu-miikiHtt; up to the minute might ileiiuittt "Diaxy Hiitrhte untl Dnriiiir llenrtw," the new TriiiIe Kejalniit t'liinwly. Mnek Setmelt, the tlireetor giuieral of the Ke.VHtoiH' foreth. litdittvea in uug tho Iiitckt manelH of aoietiue mid invention in hi wonderful uomiea. For inatuneo, nerojilnnoM ooiii; tlic loop, the IhnlhiiK ehnat1 of u ltiplane, the niir iifulons tt i' in1 from the top of n tower, ntul a 'JO 0-foot niuoke.lmk blown up uiv only a few of the thrill. lit uihu.v way "Ditay Height ami Diirinif HeaHe" ia one of the moht wonderful Kivhoih'k ever filmed. TIiin eiiiiilnliatlKll repeated a'illll to nit;ltl LIGHT VOTE POLLED littsrox, April ;'. I'art ieadert expected that a IlKht olu would be cant In the presidential prlmariea lu Maxitachutetta today. tne aet of cau dlilatoa for delegate to the republl tan nnlional convention haa declared for Theodore Hooevelt. whiltt the other aroup in unpledged The democratic candidate are iin.inlinoul in fator of the re-nnm-lliuiu ii of I'reniileut Wilson. BRITISH SEIZE MAIL ST. tlKKI.lN. prll 2i - The meraeat New m n v wil It i ri iortd from Ccieiibagen that the liritieh took into port the O.intsh ateriiiier Kullfoia, iuuiul from Ic. laud for lHnmark and removed all lie mm i Us mail l lU'ela and l ti ,U O I 111' M-M I s I - ' LL-A Absolutely Romovcs Iiuliostion. Onopackugo proves it. 25c at all druats. M CAMPAIGN B Uav ol tolned f f'lian-up and falnt-up Movement ' If not. get In line and begin a dirrt nervir of grt benefit to yooriclf and of In direct benefit W etrbodv near you. Thla royal battle la being fought all over the country. The movement haa en Mated the aid of every one, young and old, the achoola. the cluba, the commercial orKanitatlona, munielpal- Itlea and country comunltlea On utato-wlile campaign waa atart- ed by the Oregon Federation of 'Women's cluba, which led to tho la aulng of the proclamation to "clean up and paint up" by tho governor, which was followed by the appoint ment of a commute from the Port land chamber of commerce. This cotumltteo organized a publicity campaign of stupendous work and mot with honrty co-operation on the part of mlnlNtors and physicians throtiKhout tho state. Ono physician endorsed the move mont as follews: "It la much more exhilarating and nnrouraKlng to hco clean, woll-hept yards and lawns, clean strruts and buildings than to sco dirty lawns and promises and neglected buildings The first exam ple is ehllnratliiK: tho surond Is de pressing. In which state of mind do you do your host work?'' Another physician said: "Want to put tho doctors out of business? With good watur, a salubrious cli mate and an abundance of fresh food, most of the dootors would bo Idle loafers. Hut I am with you, just the some, In this cleatisltiK and purl- f)liiK process." It Is woll to heed tho advice or these physicians. It Is vital that everythliiK should bo made spick and span, not only to delimit visitors who may scrutinize your premises during tho season of tourist travol, but for the sake of yourself, your family and your surroundings. About May fi the municipal wngons will call for your Utter. I'ut It in hoxos or sacks, ho it can ho easily and quickly handled. The city will dlspuHo of It. STATE EDITORS SEEK M. 11. Itrmlie, mlililier of the O re in in Citv Knterrf mul president of the Slate Kditorml aesoeiation, unl 1'hil ItatCM, puliliolier of tho I'neil'io Xortliwent of I'ortlmul und (.eerelitry of the Stnte Kdltorial uxsiH-intiou, were hero Momlav touring the xtute in the mterot of it proH)el law that is it provide a uioio uniform rate for leifiil notice in newe)miers. Mr. llrodie and .Mr. Itntes on April 21 eoveied Houtheni Linu mul Ilentmi count it's; on April 22, Lnue und iwrt of DougliiM; iu April 21, .iHi'kxou and JomiHt'. Tle'v had treioulv eov erel WoHhingtou, Vnmhill, Mai ion, Polk ami northern Linn eoiintie. In Yttmhill and Waahingtou coun ties thev truveled MS miles by auto in oue dav ami vieiiml eight hhi Hili liahetx in thirteen townn. Thev have heen working nlv lurinr week-eiuU. Their time i- i.iken from their regu lar hiiMiii"--.. and thev are ilmng thin "labor ni Urn .it their own epenie. ltKIU.lN, Opril 25. A an act of reprisal for ill treatment or German war prisoner in uorthern Afriia, who are cut off from all communication with Oerinanj the Herman goveru went has cut ott all Intercourse with the French prisonera In the camps at Ohrdruff and lloliblndeu." the Over seaa News ugeucy aunouueed toda. "S( carloads of parcels destined for the Preni It priMiners lu these camps have been letutned to Heme" Beware ot Ointments tor Catarrn That Contain Mercury Mrmrjr will iur. 'i illrf tfe n.' of i-mII J t 1U It I 1 I i I ! thf Mhi. llitt WtlfB rutrrinf It It c. .! th uiutuiAa iirfa.ft te. b iiUt-tM fcii l n.'iir t wwl iot " pnwrtp tlu nfa ! pfcyaM. ! ifrlMgt ihX mil .i i t. ii f J ta tbk Mknl iu .au ih IMf ilnii. ir u. ik, m llU C.l.rrli Car lunuli.iintd I' I ) iVlay X i T'l .. o. ihuiUiii i . uirur. a4 I Uk u Im.ranWi. Mtif itlr... I v wi. n ih bVnt tti.l sur tti ,f id.' .. ii In huirlna lUlt'n Catarrt Clftr aiir. jr m. k, t lr c.nukft.' It it tA tatfrittl!. i i'-' iu T. I' eaiu b I Ct. X i I i"i null '' VII l I'rvis.i - I'm TV J. Toti ill.. Vi ; ; J t'Ult It i.lllid. -1 JOHN A, PERLS TJNDERTAKEH lkHty VsslsUUil vt. iihtm-;tt AjtubuUaoo bartlog Voton EM WAGED mm TOWNS UNFDRM TE MARY ANTIN TALKS PREPAREDNESS AT Mary Antln will speak In the mall hall of the Natatorlum tonight on the subject ' Preparedness.- for What" Miss Antln whose married name Is Mrs. Mry Oraubau, wrote the "I'ro mised Land", one of the most Impor tant hooka of the present decade and her lectures have created a sensation throughout the. large cttltm of the country. The securing of her In Medford, one of the smallest places she haa visited la due to the enter prise and progressive spirit of the club women of Mwlford, members of the Greater Medford club, College Women's club, tho Wednesday Study club and the Colony club. Some Idea of the Impression Mrs. Oraubau has created elsewlmre is shown by the following extract from the St. Paul Pioneer Press. "There Is no woman who so ex plains the present moment in Amer ica, or so Justifies tho Ideal of Amer ica, as Mary Antln. Apart from tho racial and Immlgrantlal value of her writing mul her afieaklng, there nre exquisite literary values, and rare personal graces. There Is a quality In her books, like that of tho Psalms. It Is rather In tho vision, In tho Intro spuctfon, that one finds Miss Antln. Tho subjcctlvo side of her writing Is bettor than the objective side. Ono does not so much see things with her uvon though flho describes with much detail, as ono fools things, and she never overloads her feelings: always she carries the reader on the wave of hor high emotion. In tho Old World and In tho new, nlthough she hns tho accuracy of seeing which Is keen In her race, It U the Boeing bohliid things, through things, to tho heart of things, which Is her particular value. She has an oxqulslto humor, which Is not racial, nud a high spirit uality, which Is racial. SOME DON'TS lir Stoinneli iiml l.her Siiffereit,. Don't tako medicine for your Stom ach ailments morning, noon and night, as usually nucIi medicines only give temporary relief and sliupl dl the food thai happens to he lu the Htomach. Iion't permit a surgical operation. There Is alwaya serious danger In op erations and In many cases of Stom ach, I. Ivor and Intestinal Ailments the knife can bo avoided If the right remedy Is taken In time. Don't go around with a foul smell ing breath caused by a dltorderod stomach und liver, to the discom fort of those you come lu contact with. If you are a stomach sufferer. don't think ou can not be helpud: probably uorse cases than yours have been permanently restored by Mayr'a Wonderful Itemed)'. Moat stomach ailments are mainly by a catarrhal condition. Mar"s Wonderful Itomedv not only removes the catarrhal mucus, but al lays the chronic Inflammation and assist i in rendering the entire ali mentary and Intestinal tract antisep tic, and this Is tho secret of Ua mar velous success. Don't suffer .constant pain and agony and allow your stomach ail ments to physically uudermltie your health. No matter how severe your caso may be or how long you have suffered oue dose ot Mayr'a Won derful Remedy should convlnco you that ou cau b restored to health aguln. Mar'a Wouderful Ilemedy has been taken and la highly recom mended by members of congress. Jus tice of the supreme court, oductttors, lawyers, merchants, bankers, doc tors, druggists nursea, manufactur ers, priests, minister, farmers and peoplo In all walks ot life. Send for KltKK valuable booklet on Stomach Ailments to dee. II. Mar. IM-Kib Whiting 1st, Chicago, 111 Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy la sold by leading druggists everywhere with the positive understanding that your money Mill be refunded without ques tion or quibble If ON'K bottle fails to give ou ubsolute satisfaction. dv. Auto Service from Eagle Point to Medford and Hack The undersigned will leave Frank Lewis' confectionery every day ex cept Sunday for Medford with his auto at 1 o'clock p. in., arriving at J. 00 p. m. Leave Nash Hotsl. Med ford. at 6 00 p. m.. arrive Katie rolnt at 6 00 p. ra. A part of the traffic Is soIictteiV S. II. HARNISH, Eagle rolnt, Orejno, NA T01HT (fish Snift uTh VilioiMy aJ'Wia)J Jkorccy TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering 128 E. MAIN, UPSTAIRS Packard and other promt- fieisit automobile engineers favor motor oils from, Western crude. Exposition juries at San Francisco and San Diego gave highest competitive awards to Zerolene an oil from Western crude. Zerolene is the best oil for your motor because scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils correctly refined from asphalt-base crude "distill without decomposition" do not break up and lose their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are "much bettor adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivities are con cerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZEROLE ihe Standard OilforHotw Cars Yon nro miiv to Alwnys I'lnil the latest Modes in Millinery AT Miss Lounsbury's .M. M. HINT. STOUi: Our KiH'Wnlly n $.t.lo MAT. MR. ED ANDREWS IJUAMATIC AltT riiills prejiaiisl for leptltiinato and Mlcitt ilruma. 'Ilility j'txir ev- IK-rlcni'o. MRS. ED ANDREWS veici: v LTtiti: OlKsra, oratorio ami conceit roacli. l'lfteen ytNtrs' oHrienro In public wotK. STUDIO SPAHTA III.IKJ., DOOM it. ItlvSIDKNTK IMIOXK HUT-lt Start the Day Right ACORN BRAND BACON FOR BREAKFAST End a successful day with our succulent, spicy HAM. 'All the leading stores in the valley carry our products. We Pay Highest Prices for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. nuiiiKST MAitiiirr iMtiois ixm wool CENTRAL POINT PACKING CO. Shasta Route to California! Why? Because the 8hasta Route train service la good. Through standard and tourist stooping cars, dining cars, observation library cars to San-Krancaco. Di rect connections made at San Francisco for all polula In the Kast ami South. Convenient time of departure from Northwest cities and quick time en route. To the East Also! Tickets to Ksstcra pints via Califorala are low Jn price and carry loneer transit limits than on other route. 10 d.ys extra stopover illowed at various points of intetrest in California. ArUona, Texas or l.iutslauh. IT WILL PAY YOU TO ASK OUR LOCAL AQKXT. John M. Scott, Oeiteral I'uM-HKet' t'nt 1'ottlauil, Otvt)ii. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Perfect Glasses lVrl'fct (Iiis.m's cannot bo pur chased at the "pie counter," and ou will find that tho follow who makes tho IiIk nolso aliout his "prlco" Is tho ono who will take the most pnlns to relieve you of THAT rather than your eye strain. llclluble, competent service In this line costs no more than tho caroless kind and suves you much lnconveu ienro and money later. DR. RICKERT iuxiaiim: orro.iirntisT Over llio May CVvmiKiuy. V hi f j o cr O i ) (. O