Mr mi ni.-M imi I, I I'l ( "I l''M"!l w& mm M. i r TOCAL AW tin 1 1 If nr1ri t uM R" Tl" nt ill Iii ' il Of if I" ' "i ftltl ' lll'.tl I fft.f.rt I k i in ' ?T it'' f fore Pir in itr m' Mnn pi l trn t P('V f -f Suits j- ' MeiiucM FOR OLD HOT & i i (.w-i ii i r "' I I' ii r. 9 u. . We ' C o .fttflU M cH, Mirnl i,irMiir ttfuntt f tin rt'iittlorn 'inlfi, und' F I,. ftitftlth-iltei. -HierlnfrndeM ffl (ft im enmtiatit, na"ed itirni'irii i iinf,i fM mortrlttff n mute Hi itt I i mriTH on offli tal litiln'"-i tin nnr Wore kIk in. K'innM' theater tlrket 1 v I usher, telephone man, lrn miilr minor, leelttfer and Ine'iram iifiit, attempted lo nerform manual iii.i.r in thl elf today, inenanHn. t-ni i rattfrht tn Ihe net Up went i'."k home -f IiIh afternoon 9 VM RtTM trtdlnf Cipt ft 0Mffrlftff teept ffecTfi. til Wedndav Hind eluli will Mil 1ft ftmi rnHnu for Ihe nenann t rt4ooie of Mr- M I.. Alfofrl rut WadWudai afternoon. TW,af ! free ltti en jHt" feoniftt lit UMAford nar Wort. TTti UoMn T.ftHt ewtaa f hi riM nafriM anndav iehoi win hold WW monthly wlut and hnalneae mrlfltR tf Ihe. home of Mra. Frank T,Klr, earner ol ttooeelt and .Inrk ann, on HfHlwiHiy afternoon, April 31. AM old and now ntembera are ritfKt,H to I"" iiri'iwtit. Dr. HirheHaH now nmetlelH naaln. 1 Id SoiUm lliilljr. I'Bune HM-X. 'I1i Imwlmll at Kmle t'olnt HH StlMiUr reeulled In a victory fnr Tate. two vlaltlng torn, the wore be tHR 10-11. Ttie aeore km n tie In the wfMlli Innlna:. tn lh ninth with wto on mid on down, Smith, Tolo'e trig oiub-wlelder. moped k homer, giving the winning wore. It waa roull an exciting game, with plenty of hilling, wrllea a eorreaponilenl Tote will piny Central Point on 8ih tlay HMl and laanxlona ta makp date with arty tram thorpafter. The Mrfunlr Inanranco anency now iuptoaents the Iowa 8tatf Ilvn fltwh Inatininro company. Ofllcea Medford Nallanal Hank bill. J. W. Iterrlnn. fuh ciiHurlat at tlir Itutto Falla halrher. wan n Medford viallor rmm Hnlnnluv ovonlHK "i'l" Imal evenlim. Ho ruorla good proa toaa of work on thi lintch(r and Iyal aupiwrt bv the ofoplo of ltotti Valla and vicinity. Hair the work ha boon completed. Uathla-Veaael crangellallc meet Ittga at Aahland. Rpocla! interurban ear will leave Hotel Mod ford each tillhl thla woek at U in, returnlnu iftar aervleee. Hound trip :" rent. A. H. Roienbaiiio. who wrenrhed i: 1 1 -ak eerll.v In n arcMnul "Hle en nMiVu Marahflehr Nome laya ago. la out tmla). but In con. ilralBMl Ui move alxiul with groat care. He rcimrlit IuihIiickk In ii boom eoadltlon In ibl dintrin nlmc the advent of the ruilroad. Our eboeolaUw an Meflfonl wd. 'I'lia ahaBiB l( J A. Weelerlund, who baa re-lor tuHiwi inun liilneaN trio to Port- land, where he went im n delegate to. the ron vent Ion at which a fltate Tiianaytra' leugue wua fnrined, Mr Wfeaterluntl being eleited vice preiil dent, retmrla bimlncM condltlonn In the atate melropoIlM uppurently good 0t your milk, eraam, butler, ami buriullk a I I Voe'a. l.lthla water" of ceilaln obtalnad at Kablaml ictcntly l kledford'H oung ieople appeara to i avea pcciillaih MiKi"'tlocthtlirt in. elfeet. A number of I boar who ,. muted ttaturdat night at a late i. mi i tiwtrd ii iH'ciie or two I but i ,. i.. t a recent w-it to Horn- i i'i Klicbgee ii. i will be at I Intel h n-r l .liii-.ila. IIoiim fr , .mi iiluMon I" li ! ' i in. t of loiii Iiiii-'ii nud ' I hi. .ii, the laiu t Hi" i-iopili mi "f I I . i'.iiiimimn I- i Miud.o mi , I inM'Hlr .tllim imi liul iii , . v. IniHiii'iit oi ii i. niii dim own ! .i. miriictlw gold iieaimg .ii.M' in., iiciiwve a !- iniw found iu il in iiiiich Im r i i I bun ' Jilt L.'i'.l Tiurlter p.tpera all klH'Ji. at Medfurd Printing t'o. ' il.un.i1 M ! ii ho b. bun i mi iixil in the I . lit"! tot a few il vwili illu. M, I ..lil ( lie luiiuetliii: .mil "III noon ' tmt .txilio tiee Date .i.t aiuiiit thai fir ln uranra policy, ofruv Mall Trlbua Uldg. L. K I of Trail, trail iiiii'd lumliu- in nil" ln wtorda r turiitni! home i.nlin lllg b mllkkbitkt.x at He Voe's K KuulMii ot I'.il. til .ittti l. I ii llllilll'HH (llliln I III 'Mil- IU I 'Ii' We repnlr I U- Holmca . ' " H'll. Ilaloh K J. iiiiini-- 'io .inclined to liiinlne III I''1 ill " I' '''" iHlki'd unllllel .i I"1 ' ' '. "ll Inn and mne..; ,(.... .1 -ii ictuiucd to bl Appbn.ite limn, uvi mug swoka (d1 ujf qUf rJat'i .tn ' i. -.i ii . Tbev are h(tti)i'-nifi- V l 'It .11 let. (lliM(ii4f 4 li.0ls I'aHHt- tt'l('Ua idtUCHfc Hi till ri " - w n 1 ellV 1 Hatha a V tf.l $teHl. I"1 a M a. J. MulUvan left indat && $ H M$ ll0 nam-. WuQ Ge be.-"' o FJ,,U' ur &' " ' rt '" ' na that ill detain blui tot M . .tre uvvraunked U..W, , -. 'K1.'.r..iit(PJJ lo in .iiiCDutioii I. Sweet cMer Ue Vv-e , 'j1' I1"' l llilMI" i miiflCfriV Of III. Ml I ii. 'titer In Hil i Hi .i tifMictil to frrtn tin i ntlentliirv In (.meilinr Wl' " i i nl tiMek to I'l. li'ti'l. nio h i Inln Htc ftrl'i Ii fi.ri" in I niin" Sandrro, the nil iirmind painter. .11. tr Hnd Mi- I rederlrfc H t'atf irrlvd from I.O'i ngeoK flufldnv for ii hnrt vlnit in thla i If v Mr Cowfe H il..."'il iiiiii lii emplni ment In fiiuthcrn ''iillfortila, Imf lie ellnga tiHtnriillv to hln fondnetid fnr ftdgtie river valle Hnnlneim will nil him to the northern part of lhl xfale I In a few dnin. but Mm Cowlea will re . .Im !... ..Mitt UlM ...t1 lll,tlll ll.'.l- .IIIIII III!" I.-..II... Oaten mHi V9t earn. IIM 8W and i as Moniti. C Y Tengwald l illalrlbiitllllt aaefit for thia territory for the Holla Cigar company of fienver, Col. Mr. Tengwald la nAe of Medford'a moat popular young huinei men and wlli doubllexH build up a good trade J. O. Oerhlng, trie boat all arownd photographer In wtnthern Oragon Alwaya rillable. Negatlvofi made any whare, time nr plaeo. Htndlo .XK Main Ht. lMmnn SiO-.l. Thr llrUllen' hII lin trip Hundn will be the beat oiilltig of I he kim Hon Will Iciive Medford on n upr rial train for Unite Kalbi and hom there walk to Camp Nlrk Iteniitirnl aeenery and good ftahlng will make the trip a moat enjoyable one for the Orlxxllna and their frlenda Pleaae nollfy the committee at onee. KvervoHH la exierled to ga. fl. 8. Trotehler. chairman, or MIhb Cnrry at NtiirhUon A l.ttmaden. "Meet mo at Iho Shaala." .too II. Heelimn or (lold Hill. U a enndldate for federal appointment aa reglaler of the I'. 8 land orflee at Uoaehtirg, lo aucroed the lata J. II. 1'plOtt. Illg mllkahakea, Tie. Holmoa A .letiwn. Hugh Mitchell, former flab ctil turlit In charge of operatlona on Itogue river, baa arrived at hie mow poat, Yea Hay. Aluaka. where he will have charge of hatchery work for the I'nlted Hlalei bureau of hatrherlea inauro your milo m the Alllaneo Hgaluat tholt. flro. 0. V. Teiigwnld. ' Kred Hturgeaa of Trail, waa n val lev vlBltor Tueadwy. All kiiuU Soft drinks. Holinea .lelliell. Proaeeutor Kelly la In Anil land todni conducting the canon for the main agnlutit Itaiue ItoiiMe nod Kit HtaploM, charged with aelliint I bl tier in lolallon of the proltini Hon la Attorney Parter .1. .Self i iiIhii (it XhIiIhIuI dcfeudliiK H' CIIHCH Weaton Camera Hhop for flret i mm . kodak ftiilahinR and kodak aupplloH I'rtKlileiit .1 C llurcll of Hie Hen Portland (Vmenl coiupain m .io Hill, la In the elt lodiiy on iiiiMinexh He will return to (lold Mill tomorrou to meet I.. 1). Meno, vice preablen of the Hunt Knglueerlng cnmpauy of Knnaa City. Mo. who will arrive at that time to take charge of the In hlullailnn of the plant nud mm'.tIii lend the work until Hie enicrprlhe lh rcadx for full opcriillon Mr Mimic's family will Hceompaui blui .ind will remuin during the wunimer Muxic afleinmin and cvenim: ui llo Hhul.i Ml MiirkV liiilld will u ciHe teria luuiheon on Tbiiradni. lot lowud I" IiuhIuchk iiicetluK m fieera will lw eletted lor the lomln i ear Try a King Suits cigar and en courage home Induatry t( C K Hull of HiiM'burg, li In il" i Id mi bindnch lluil mi .l.itin lilni fur Mime dai S6 otf sb Kodak! at Weaton'a Camera rthop. A N. Wie-lci, ingmccr. iiirccnliu I lie I'n. itie Wilcru r.ihiinereiii! .uiii.iui ol Nun l-'i.m . I-. it, who h.i- been in the iilv li -nine du, lelt loi hmiie tin- in. on in. Mi. WicMer Im- ni.itle n ion ol' . oiiihiioii- beiv Im ni.ililc o I lie c-liilili-llliieiit ol ii I.k loll in llllo cltv. ieMil ot In- III i -Ilkliilloli- noil the nn-oihle tc-ull nil) be nwnlc in ii lew .Im- l'oataga atampa at I XWi. Il.iiil.ui Hull ol Minimi, I .il '-i-iiuiu limine IHur .illev on u l"ur ..I m-H i lion ol M-t"lil euttditioii i'ii. i . i . -( in ' miii ii.l '. . r 1 1 . i - t to in I. it II. ill, H v . I. n i .li. I.n H.i i' ll-lt t M I'm I1 1 im 1 ..i.l I.. , II. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 he Vn inn'' t'ntir liottioj, 11 . -(J,- UU l'.i,il.'. i'Ct) Hull II li'-. i(l!ti ' Oi'O ))& I ll .1 UI"I Il0)i' f.' S)uv l. .i.IOIi.' ""iuli il0 .kii . -.. .. a T... T..i ... ni..iotl'i" i'. iv U'tv ' i I willn , I ( t ' I 1 1 1 . I ' l"l(ll 'I I I . 'ic,. I'oi' in', ii'i'ii i'ir'1 . 'I In .itli ml 1 1 lent i'o" brg 'hine ?, 'i ,f. i , ii illi. tin- '..I. . Your In inn ' ' . ' 1 at, Ml hell-" II. .1. i t ..' l"n I- I Itl"', njlli ' I ' oi tin 'ill tr i le.v lin Mlirb nft I ii "Hi Hhn"l It I 1 1' nln : el H'e A. Wiiln ('.mot I llelil field. I'l till. h"l! I . ' ii i I "I Hie ' .1 li.tnt .it nopiT lin n :i- held iii llliil robber ieferduv t . """" " IN II hi. ..ii iilnl HiIiIm il ol flilHI. i .1 '"",'"'1' "' "l" r,","l"l,'"l Ki.lilei "I llie I en. n i .i i niiii.iii in in'-.-.. He wi'- In re I i-i I i'l ii .i ii ii ivith lii litnthcr mid nuiir. te nli ui- ic inoitilit i linn well. 11.11 I III! Il'll-I .1. II "l.lll Mllllll nt Hi. i .... I : . .iiiiniii.i looking over the l ll I I'll I ll' I k III -o. IS M.W iUK. Anil -' Ho l lUflll- -OlOll ll .lUMll- V licit tliev rilldcil Hie ol In e ol W'ollo oil Igel t'liineil new iuiioilnnec toilti throuttli mi iiiiiioiineetneiil Unit nnioiii.' them wn- it (leriiiuu code book. Tlti eode, it nt Miid, unloeked vnlutible iuforiimtion, xiuee ninny of the 'n Iget piiH'r ure in eiplier. Kiidcncp eoeeiietl b the feilerul fjriiud jury ine-timiliuu tin' nlleeil ilol to de-tlov the Wclliitnl eitlllil eiinxti I Hie I'liitctl Slntc- diMriet iillornei lodnv t In. t the it eniinent ciiii lecnllv tlenv the demunil of the flct'tiiuii iiiiibii-inloi' tor the return ol" tliPM- )iiicr-. A rlli n i A. !In ell, u wttnexM, ve-leidiiv ilcclureil Hint when Von Igel hi- office here on June J I, lill.'i, he mode ullidiixil Hint the ruomw were to lie u-eil h,v linn "iik mi iidtcili'-iiiu' njicnev mill for im other iurm-e." Tliit evi iletne. (he liileliil iillnllli'V llolil-, re-lute- t In ilinin of Amli.i-iii!nr Nun lU'l'll-lol'l I lllnll letltml lljil'llt-. I' III.' I.mimi .mil .lire-led Villi Ij.'I tile, mi. I. 'I'd .n ill I ire ill (lie (i im. iii i inlii--i GOLD STAMPEDE I'MltllWKS l. I.n li,. ill : . Hilllilrcilx ill imncM .il iMiiil'e.lint; front KalrbunkN, KuwiUiiK Idltarod, Kuakokwim iiml .ithii imtuth lit llunli and Toblnl i reck a In the liuioko dlx tlii I, Mlieie ,i I Ii ii i ui, I sil,e ih e I'lirle.l llooli i I', ek I .1 II i o. TulMol iii'i'l, wlit. It lln.i lulu lili'ii tit i . Three t-lt.titr- ,ue rei'i' tn I. r. ii siniK on lliiiili i it i ., 'Iiniiiiu: a i;ii streak that tleld $ ' lo I lie t'lil'lc litol One piitspi i tm iliiftcit mm.' Hum lliiili .il Iht.mjli I lie l'.i lit i1, S Al liiMi Ii' . i i &l Ittti -.el. I to si ,i,tl..i t 1 1 inn line, jiltili -tuij .1 in. 1 1 u '.,',.. is - u iti. I tniil It. 1 lit llie Hiti Itiiml. t. u'h llex.tiiicl .it I'illl.lllelp 11 nriKllllll'.' tu Oil.' Mill iii. Anritiu bt .iik h ol Intl.. I I .IttMlll S lllll 1 1 knit; I'.i.ut mi'- in lli Tin Itliink 1. '1. 1 - ei Aurnlit niter 11 Itiei'liii.. W 1 a. i. hi 1 1 1 1 . K .'i ti n 1 11. 11 1 im in Ii ii 1 .1. 1- ,.1 1 ,.ii ui, lt lilt nt ol H.i .1 Annua 1- It llll t. 1 (I., 1 1 Iti .11 I '' till Iti t. Fdlller Welti 1. Nirli.. i.i- 1 .itlii. .ic 1 i I'eli 1 Klein, fill.' tut. I olkl UMUitl. .1 ,1-t. 1 ..i 1 II. .111.1 otllt'l, 11. 1 "I (In An I It 1 111,111 tlt I , .tli . "Il .i- n.t uuctnij til Vilielteai xi lio 1. e r Willi uliv I't'imlii. . Il.'ll' . 'i tllltlU, M'. 1 il licimiiii-. In no I 1 t Init w .1 !. 8PITUARY 1 1 1 kum "u" . 1 w 1 d). Vi il ":'.. i-i' ..fou. o,iic 7 1 tut-, i t'"l!lll St L !lt. .1 .ll.i-kou. ,nc 7 nut-. . ti.iUte .' tini:'..iiid and ret-idtut nf M.tir.n.l illu. ' M'.i He In .-ill I tied , l lj- - I 1 I m Mill ui M. ,lfofl. Ml- 1 . 'I Sun lU'i 11.11 diiio l'.i I . of Seattle. Mi.- dauiih- "n""' .'.iiiitii 1 -. 01 w .-Tit 1 'im 1 - ,ti 0) .1. GERMAN COD BOOK SEIZED OUT OE FAIRBANKS GERMAN PAYING FOR TELEGRAMS Vi-I" K Yoini' .'I" ""'I ' i' .Ii nllftil 'n rthriii I'll' Mi-rn ii'f wanlnl tit ilii iitv for t at warrant fnr iil nrret i ' Men li-ld that len-ttli or time In t , hoM Mnif hi rnlglM be tocatfd lit 'ii i hnrsted with luii.e bnlle. ' .nlna renfl cert in . r .n i n gomi f'oi.t ft I. Hwlnc tin ' ortlni.' Kiwi'l" meretlant, iilnl ili'inentli , li4Hiur.t nf them. It'ecntti YAwng ' "t" I', 'led to en tun into thin eomiinitiit. nu.iln. be , lleiin Hint bl former offline hml l.iep fornnltrft Hi llH' for BOIlie, time l.ri ii In the toiinlti ii limit the head of Iho Apiemii. ilver. where California gaffta w irdei- h.ire been I wmiing lor mm tor hihiiiiik. ii i mild Hint he kitted deer aa h pleased, jtnit over the California line, but hud cipnppd rapture In the wardens In that dlxtrlct. , .1 itxt Ice Tavfljr held Young In bontln of f2iin, in default of which Im wua taken to the eounn jail al .incKioti ville, Young In unmarried. NAVAL RAID UPON BRITAIN (Continued tram tinge one i lie Keidlltr, MollKe and Von Iht Tn ii n Hie armored inilncm Hlueehcr nud Yorck, and teli protected cnil -iTh Kollierg, Oraudenae and Klraxs burg, left poat on the evening of No- ember 3 ami at dawn aitepnred off Yarmouth. Thet bombarded Yur mouth and Loweatoft for about twon ii niinutea and then returnetl A Itrltlah aithmftrlne. the n-,1, attempt ed to puretie Iho (lerinana but ntnnk a mine and nk. The Yorck 11I-.0 Mtruck a initio and went down lih :i(n men. The raid on Hartlepool. Scarbor ough and Whitby waa tho moat im portant of thoee venlurea. The Her man eminent pourcil a hall of nlielli. Into the towna for an hour and a half and In adltlou to the large mini her killed, 200 or more pcraona were wounded. Loweatoft la the moat caaterli town In Kiiglgnd. an Importiint fbli Ing atatlait and n fnnhloiiiiMe xea ahore report. Itn populntion Im ulmnt 30.000. nlGH CITIZENS EVADE PAYMENT (Continued, from parte one) inuat form tbe bunln of wn.i true 11 u irciiiredbea and etf lelenri . IVimlly Not KnfiirtiMl. Tbe iH-nnlly for failure to nnike nlitrii Ih the uddltioo ol . ier cen: in Hie tax orbiliiiilli line and tor 11 iinlnleni return ton .i 1 tent. It tbe I'.'lutUicH wliti It tn mm .In. iil'iill llie $ ije, IIIIII. Him ii.i-liillH ill l.n-t i cur are colleclcil. Hie nation ulll Iihvc al Ita $: uii.iiihi miii to upend na it eboo-es tor nu tlotuil prepuicdneaa 11 ml mm UI ! fare. The fOUIiniltcca of 1 oiiki i'"f- .in HUM liiixi ilevinlttB new l.ii"- to met I the linpendlllK defbit Tin e 111 w I.IMH will liht el the I llMili lite linn nitui people 111 lltOII I Inn e ol I lie 1 1 Ii Mint are honest l pititii tlitir In COIIIO t.lCK. IH ton want tu pav more t.iven'' If not. itini 1 on lu'iiiieilinii. .it'iiiui b the pa lil. nt and 1 i'iiui.-" th it I'ni.r iin'M i-ioh'ii niilllo'i . .ml pun l.-h (lie iliti 111-. riir jov nr 1 tt t ilnesil i' I'Venli. .tl He 'nth -.I'Oiil I'lol. -.mii I Hum Il.'ll INii'i ot Neil uil 'it. iH i'i in illii' j ir.'ie.l I. inn' on tl" ui'ici 1 o' Mtnilli I iillme " "I'l.l-. Inline j liillt It l.l'li ill.'lUll I l.t .llllltlllll 01 -111111111 iiiluriu.tlii'ii I i'i-en.. 111 ioiiilur tot 10 mi . t, 1 1 inlei J t -tin-' iti lo'iitit ami nl.i 1 Itert i- .1 1. ranch oi m'I cu. 1 ..i.iil.i: 1 d ao 1I1.11 i'l 1 ia mi dcihiuiiii uior,. deflniieli l."i m pn Ml tf III lU'l It I'l .1 l II tl.' Ii'. I.l. t 1l1.1l 11 uit .1 pel i.ul ' .Ii"' -' 1 It. 11 eil tu .....ih l.tuli l Ii ei 1 I'lif l.t tut. in ali-il.i .11 lit mil tit 11 .1 . i.llei lion will 'm t.i... 11 The pul'lii iter)l'odi li. tu pic-live 1 ie iculb I- tut ill tlh in tiled to 1 . .i and nee Iht b ' Whj moS Tt t Mttra Whan l.a U.mdaa are onlv Irtc TtXl 1-VTH ao tfUSll. M itt'M' I uminlie.l : ktoi linn .ilo , 11 ttf, fill' !in, lii'u I'UI i 1 . n ic, sl.'t I'lUK ,'OI'i lie .Ml I -I'll -I ituticiu 1 w Ja'. .: t I'llli HI N' itoilein 1 10. i'ii i.ini '(,i 1 I I101 e n I I I I .p... .M. HairDyesng 1 lis M SI IU IMImT t tlift MARINELLO I HAIR SHOP ! l"T i. .'ittMM'.tm UtUt d: With Easter past, we shall now devote all means and energy to closing out this entire stock at a time when you can get the full season's wear and at a great saving. Note these prices: 27 Suits, sizes 16-18-36, worth to $35, at $24.50 10 Suits, sizes 38, worth to $35, at $24.50 5 Suits, ail sizes, worth $37.50 to $40, at $27.50 10 Suits, all sizes, worth $30, at . $19.50 All others .... $16.50 THE LAST PAGE Of that Splendid Double Bill 1 i:a ttkinc; tiiic thrkk stars Wm. vS. MarL-Enid MarKey Mouse Peters BETWEEN MEN It's a fik'Iit to a finish both with jl it hrains and fiM:., to save the fir fortune of a friend and win the hand of (lie daughter Thai Snappy Keystone Comedy Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts You Ki'i'p Warm Laughing ,1 t:ts ioMiiiti;ov - nt. VERNON CASTLE Hepi huk I III IT i I'.iiM M Ii 1 l!l I It III Hi.' I'll. I.l I'l. III! I "THEWHIRLOFLIFE" SALE iarnar Commencing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 Every Hat up a great reduction. All the newest arid latest pattern hats, t'luwets and novelties and o untrimmed shapes -,... ., t, - JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Some SO odd Suits comprise our entire remaining .spring stock some cloth and some silk ALL MUST GO Ma A TT i MEDFORD'S LEADING Motion Picture Theatre TIME- -IV mi mi;.. soery d IVSiff O a J INTKIU'IUIAN At TtKWU CO. timi: t'AlU). Leave Medford Tor Aatiland, Talent and l'lioenlx dally, exiept Sunday, at SMio a. ra., 1:00, i 00, 1:00 and 5:15 p. in. AUxi on Saturday at 11:15 p. in. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:. 10 u. tu. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and :0 I p. in. heave Aaltland for Medford dully, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. in. t : 00. 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. in. Also on Saturday niulila at 0 .10 and 2 '.'). .SuiidaiH leu v Ashland nt '.1:00 ii. m. nud l.O'i. t 30. U.30 and 10:30 .p m. Bee Supplies A COMPLETE LINE Consisting of tier, hives UEE SECTIONS BROOD FRAMES SEPARATOHS EX0LUDIN8 BOARDS REE BRUSHES HIVE SCRAPERS SECTION PRESSES SMOKERS wire: imreoders VEILS BEE ESCAPE UUCCK AND DROME TRAP FOUNDATION WAX (let our jM-ifei before initlimj in your Mipply. MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. :'.1T K. M im St. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Aiodford The Only Kxflusivp Connnort'ial Pbotuprniilu-ra in Boutlicrn Ort'gou iVcgafiveslrado0rtny lime or phu'O by tiijointtmmt. We'll do th0st E.U WESTON, Prop. c"