Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 24, 1916, Image 1

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    f 1
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0 WIUHIW ,, JJi t
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ffirNffif fnffff w.
I' ll i h it if, frircrtfrfitnu
(.-nlillil noil VtednetifMy
NO. Uf
rlfi M 'mrM'nr t oil S. aW" Wk
Xf JLvX'JLjlJL JL a w-lk-fjur ILJ JL i JL!4
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I I I jl'J ' " - - - L - - - - .....
V 1
nVnrauiup M
German Baltic Cruisers Appear Off
Lowestoft and Twenty-Minute
Battle With British Light Crtilsors
Fellows Coast Bomhardeil ami
Two Men, One Woman and a Child
Killed Two British Llnht Cruisers
and a Destroyer Hit, But None of
Tliwn Sunk Germans Retreat.
LONDON, April 25. German bat
tlo cruisers appeared off Lowostott
Local naval (arte engaged the
raider aa did aim Uritlsh light
cruisers. Tho German warships re
treated In twenty minute.
The Herman warships openod flr
on the roast before departing. Two
men, one woman and n child were
killed. The material damage appar
ently was small.
In the engagement two llritiah
light cruisers and a destroyer were
lilt, but none of them was sunk.
Official AiinoiiiH'eiiicnt
The follow Iiir official announce
ment wan made:
"At about 1,30 o'clock this morn
Iiir the Herman battle cruiser eiitiud
ron, aceompnnled by light cruisers
and destroyers, apepnred orf Lowoa
toft. The local naval roreos engag
ed It and In about twenty minutes it
returned to Germany chased by our
light cruisers and destroyers.
"On shore two men. one woman
and a child wero killed. The mater
ial damage seems -to have' been In
Hlcnirieant. en far as Is known at
present. Two Hrlilsh light cruisers
and a destroyer were hit, but none
was sunk."
I.owetoft is on the North sea roust
about 100 miles to the northeast of
l,ondon. It Is almost opposite the
Previous Haiti Mmk
On previous occasion attacks have
bt-n nuide on the Kngllsh coast dur
ing the war by German warships.
The most Important raid was made
December 18. ISM I. The towns of
Kcarhorough, Whitby and Hartle
pool, about 150 miles north of Iowes
toft, were liomburded and alio lit thlr
tern person were killed. Oldod by
fog the Herman vcsselH em iped.
.lanuarv 3, IBIS, a further at
tempt of the kind was mad" but the
Girman squadron was met off Iwg
gcr bank by the British battle cruis
er squadron under Vice Admiral Sir
David Ileal tv. On being sighted the
Germans made for home at high
speed. Their rear ship, the Mluecher.
was sunk and two other cruisers were
set on fire and damaged severelv
The British flagship Lion was dis
abled by a shot In one of her feed
tuuks and was ic-wcd In.
I fir i XhvhI I Salt!
The first German uaval raid on
the British coast wus made Nowm-1-iT
3, 1911 Three battle enin-en.
(Continued on page two.)
I'uini.ANli, Or., April 2:.. The
uIm.I. .ile puce ot UKur will udtuine
l"i lent- er UK) pound., tomorrow,
it w.i uuiioiiiiced here today. The
puce of cane ugr will be S.1." and
beet 7.H5. TheMi prices are the
hulie-t hi the history of the l".,il
iiMiket. i'liithcr advances are pre-
iln-ted. .
NKW YOHK, April 8. SuBar
t....k.. mother jump today, fine gruii
i ,ied celling at 7.40 cent-, or -Mthin
t i, iiut- ot the high record of 1914.
l'.t raw market ulo ery trong
Kii i -ili. of iibax ut -Va ctt and
idIit. onlv l under the high I'vel
t.iWi.hel titter the outbreak of the
I ir. n w.'. wh'le tutii. liar
n Hie uytuwi, !! i-e made ne
J) jf,nM ord.
1 1.. . ontiniied Reo v buviri "f both
. .! .ili.l l .iw Q W)i i - l FnroMii
, t.)- i- . iin U ii - - ' ' k3
Three Successive Attacks en Hew
French Positions Near Dead Man's
Hill Futile French Advance Also
Driven Back Scvonty Bombs Are
Dropped by Zeppelins in Raid.
1'AltIS, April 'J.V Three anew
ie ntliick were made by the Gor
man laxt night on the new J'rwtch
Miitinnx nenr Dead Man'' Hill, o
the Verdun front. A war office an
nouncement today the firt two
iiiilts failed rMi)lelely nnd the
third attack, although uitcd hv the
use of gun, also broke down. The
tlertniniH Miwtitiiicd henvv lo.-c
dcraiim trootM nlxo nttempted
night to carry an advanced po-t ut
the redoubt of Avoeonrt, but tuilco1.
tin the Verdun front ct of the
Mctixe there was le activity. Fight -
inir with grenade occurred tlm
morning in Aprcmont forest.
Outwit SlHieiueiit.
HKKLIN, April &, ia Lml..n.
Heavy lighting has been in pmuie-.
for amition nenr Dead Alan. Hdl.
uurltieiift of Verdun, the w;ir oIm-
announced tiHlny. The French ml
vnneed in wavi iijrninl the
Ireiiehe-, but were driien b.tek undt i
the l'iie of the infantry.
The te.t of the Hlntement follow-:
"Veitcrti front : There ha been
erv lively nelhilv liy I he uriillei
ami iixuitorH mi both Hides.
"West of the MeiPe hand grenade
attiieks developed diirinir the night
northeast of Avoeourt.
"An nt tuck delivered in M-vernl
waven ngainxt our trcnehc''cuit of
Head ManV hill broke dowu under
our inlnntry fire."
JIlH'llll ItHld.
LDXDOX, April 2."i. Sevenly
Ih(niK were drpied durinir mt
iiiuluV ZeiHK-lin mid. One man w
injiiriil. Four or five Zepfclin7 the
otliiinl pre bureau Miyx, took mrt
in the rind.
The oltieiitl xintenient fays:
"La-I niglitV air raid over the Nor
folk and Sul'lolk ruttt aiHfear to
lme iK'en eurricfl out by four or file
ZepK-lin-, only two of which made a
xerioitM attempt to penetrate inland.
"AlMtut eventv bomtiH upear to
have lit en droiutcd. due man ix re-
tHirlcd t.enoiifly iiijiin'd. No further
detiiilh of ea-uiiltie- an- now uuu
able. ItlllMMI l-tf-M,
ATIIKXK. 25. via I'lin-.-
The Unnm hv llie Ilulgarion iinm
during the war are e-timated bv Itul
gariun rert received heie t
amount to M7.INNI killed ami
woiiuded or iuiiuir.
I'AIMS, April 2-VSiji IhhiiIi- ''
ilniiicd mi 1 inn kirk tin-, iiionnn.'. A
wiiiii.ui u.i- killi.l mid three null
v. ,im!i il.
liKh MolNKs. I.i . A.ul J t'"l-
niiel Theodore It elt, who-e name
wii- not on the tiket, run -e ond to
Senator t 11111111111" ut the Iowa pre-i-denlial
preierenee primaries, Meeord
iug to incomplete li-ruici diseloxed by
the Mute eveeutixe councils' eanas.
JiiKtiee Iluuhe- r.ut third. Jnd'cu
tinii. are the iiiuium- tote will be
inoiv th. ii lii.iaiii .iinl Hi it tor Koie-
M It .iliollt i'lOO
PITT.SBl Kii, ru .' Th' tiu
PennNUania .Sdtioinl t.nit ina t,e
called to preer- order in the ei
inghouhe strike one an indiiated
today when Adjutant Uoneral Thomas
J fiLeVtiart direeiad the (Oinmamiort.
mt the Tenth and Kigbteenth in(intr
regiments and a troop of rasin to
.in.' ill. .' l KO
hares w ims! ohm k mm.U Off
IX)MK).. April ::. Kltlit HrtUkh
aeroplanes bombarded tlie hoMlle
camp at Quails. In Kgpt. near ih
8uos esMsJ, It ws MMMaaoa4 offi
cially toda). Toe ram was de
stroyed and the hostile troops, toe
aviators reported, appatwatly bejtaa
t withdraw from that district.
Aa official statemeot frosa Ma
don yesterday said a liostito eoiosaa
3000 strong had attacked the ttrMati !
at Qua t la and that a force of iso
men made as attack near leir.
The prose ra near the 8oes eaasJ
of hostile oraanlsed forrea la oaea
numbers had aot beea diarlaoed pre
viously. Qaatia is taaty-fiv aiitsa
east of the canal, on a rood to Kl
KanUra. wher the Turks aaaaa taear
previous uucceifu! atteaist to
reach the canal, in November. 191 .
It appears probable that toe praosat
attack Is boiac made by trtbessnea
from the deaart rather than br Tark
ish regulars.
fs tbttbr jim mIu 4 ta ansa, i
MAItHKII.I.KS. Kr.HK-, rtl Si -- j Tbe tofMane ji " a .
Another contingent of itusiaa trans dfid tm tn n im statft fnss
arrived horn tods d 14, mOir iujr , ',fsaaw yim
Tao first fareo i It onuf juried tK.ali, mgsmit, .
at Marseilles aa Tburdi ot ! icm).
week and aturda .sd taroean j tarn U- Ur 'U tfrja aa
hyona on the s north ward iro- OM , tvsmit vt 1 Wrm -sumabl.v
for seru itu th Frea'h um 0 , ut aorAii 1
troops at the front Tuo auaitif-r f lJl. ,u,vtut. tfct lt
men in the sfedltioa was not dl
rlosed, altboagb the ttusstaa eoutiB-
gent was deseribed
as -a strong
i ...
It was intimated la dispatcaoti
from Marseilles that poswuiy a aaar- j J(B t mwiim ,. &
ter of a million men would be immj, n-w y itkaac fmu. -this
spring from Kussla t Kraaee )tmm y., rtearl? ?
aa Kussla has more men onoer traia
iag taaa she can aoe on aer fiefctaaf
liaes and it Is easier ta o,i tasaa
in Franco than in Kussla.
The Russians were recoiv atk
sll military aoaors nd dWUrVjod ,
smid enthusiastic caoers. I
The contln.ent arr-ed at 1a
o'clock this morale, it. cemia: -
Im.' greeted by the ft ins ol tUn
J Wlxt . niklut) l&a IsiOM kf.
ana biukib ' .. .
traft of many nations in the harbor
and t a larg- crowd masked ea tfee
General MlnUsier. tbe govcraar of
, Msrseillea aceompanied l hi statf,
j welcomed the. comwaadjir of iLe itua-
sian force 'saer tiiaa aox- l utld strtlmtoi
Th nuagia Jteoji, a-sanit-Usd as Mkmik w w iar aa
the djk, roplieC to Vbe grootiag pimh tMir mwamlo; u aawr
fro.ii t thore sod lisrtr altaTBld 0,t,T ,t1 rfMa!r, , .,
Basel Mjsaey. Mai ionilailn a4
Sals Frla rstaaat cl frar at
VkAMtttXGTQS. Attn Z. -Tr-
to' soilaVsa tasAsr
l ItSW tart Vt
thraart taiaim -. rsasr M -
ilwi.hai- n fl(ar
ft-wuseaw aasl lawau
as law soast iisus- jtssfMinaa
T laaasa tst
daotsj al tea font saln i stnHftMai
aatsars twate Ti itstal Mtimm
iwwm aarr lescMn su .'ussss
Taw aaaSf mm: TM so i ansa I
ciwt i tvf lsat
M hut' i ut MfHfU Lrx.
taWnt a Ot ir-ci mm mi r
tmrm. Ikot ISMstss KMsske.
1 J-s W dm 4Stort. td
iil itttsMa. immi wsarib iii
liquid lis' if ,i. i, uii'C fik,
t iditiv 1itt 1
Tii- i ttit4 JWf1-f utonrfHOf l u. t
iittd as a ttisviif. ' i uaac tat- niv-i
1 Ui Ve lie 'f .
an tattMiefciio! -ii-
MAi( Trtituin-
more lUaa ate tttwietiw
I wall aaaa tu
1. Hs fJrtaw uny,Mm an atoav
t Wbm mm W vu Mt taoeswi
S Hok 1a .-; i tteiSWi
frtsuf'dfca!!' ! u at ai'Vt
-limm u tt- Acfarfst X"Z
!ooeoe. if im.' ".titrjia au
iht m Iwnmiun ut
. uu1 tf tj, jj,,,,, MOI Saw-'t ayr
muiti4 Mur:t -nafrr f ad
t1L4mu ,llim .fi aaa, itmm
the treitnnri w .t - 194. law l
a irUt.lTmUW , Ul, MLi, .
ttoiir Muna to jax tA a1
irtr jfrjmUeniu
mm. c
'eswsa rxwitssan on H Belalan
taasa ht nrstsHt aarsuipa at report
fd aa s f:vriiafts Tssaaa dis-
SOlelW fi'nm m frl.irn Th lltMn-
itM'iii m rtortt ni of IB
HataSfii ta taia rncutn dtirtog th
Ta fotttvoHss qwimagf? has asea
retwfi sa Jtsnilnsdass
' rJ strfUsa oarsaias, aeeam
iMau ivy taf rovers s4 otner e
4fSi frrr4r wMtrtr4 eeinraag
jC ;mfi UrffHMi off lioynt.
IfiUin (; H aatfl Kaorko. Tao
&sfsrs1niiiai was oao of tao asasisot
atm- tao- tuataataa of tao war aa
aw laaaasc sa daraitoa. Tat
Cms ot Zniirire ka saM
its ft tMf fivfrmii9 Thf harbor
mtt &. mr- hi' 'trvrral rimes and
iftiit 'hi, wr - tin Hrtfuth air
ttt l'... rbrr h,Hn on triHI
-i. .',rff ,.rl .. t re
imrf ! Vm u ".i,.tor -ritrd at
n-'.'.n .n liftmn t it i-oiiOf of Ma
tMt.fssaev wirrti r i Iff Vo
MsOtmass iftvit4. -".- iermaa
'aaaevitMC tvip tir x ,iri-t;in ante.
ia -i)tTr-t r rn 'Mir ir- .trrment
Ms 0tBk fc. !n.Wim..t to ha
i r;tr ir0ferri rHr "mm polltl
il mi:", itiHTt ir r s In (er
i. in i iv jnn r i ! i 4 i-itor
tii f fieitfc' i s't't ri)rret
lai'ietUi" t.i tor ro a
f"i'in't tv iti.don, i ' ffUtln
1 Hi m..i'-in ii ' t fo hve re
,imr-t fhfV wore rrnrf rutic.ifUnt
v tmW wklmvn!i mk
vf.,.ti.VJ' r "eere
".! ii.u5.,r aain rit ,rfre rti.iy
"S-1.1 .fw .III" IK ' i ' 'ill' I'pUlt
e -i -ii -n i i. A ' f"
I r. i-1 r if
Cafnwri'j Mlrtlslfr of War Leave
far Jttartz in Confer WHh Qfitoral
Santt Ovtr Military QiiotitKms Cn
ooTiiffff Pdrwlt of Villa, ami the
WIHWrlwiil af Attiarfonn Fanrns.
II. PAHO. Ten.. April i'l. (ienenil
Alvaro Oaregon, miniter of war of
the do facto government, departed
front Hon Ioit potoMi today for Jiih
re for his conference with Major
fJenerol rTngh L IHeott of the United
rttalso army, on lite military uex
tMHW thai are now pending between
the failed Mtnte and Mexico. A dis
pat was received today bv daanrai
fhtvMmt aomnuMider of the JuareC
garriomt, from General naroftjaa,
wmVh stated that ho "had started on
hot journey and hofted lo sen hint
MX ANTONIO, Tm.. April 2.".. -
Oeneral Fnnotnn will accompany
(leneral Mcttt to the conference with
Irene nil OhregiHit it wiw nnnounenl at
departmental haadqaarters today.
It whm indieoted OeneruU Keott
and Fnmton would remain here two
or three days, in order not to nrrive
ut the border too much in advance
of fleoernl Otwegtm. They eteet in--tnictittOH
l'HII"fUI (O Irl'I'l'eM'llt.
fleneriil Kuntton' portieiNititiii in
the borilcr negfilialMtnN wan ordered
bv the war department nnd is in tine
with the of the chief of ntaff,
wwho believes that the porpe of the
etnferenee will he better nerved if he
hi with him one who i more inti
mately artinainted with the detnils of
the xitttatifta.
Reeeitt ttf new that more Mexi-t-nn
trotti, un bring eiHicenirated in
northern Mesieo increased the inler
et at tJeneral Fnnxton'H headtpiar
ter io the coming conference be
Iweea flenerol Hentt, f Ienenil Kreder
irk Ffmet'fn ami (ienernl AUnro Oh
regnn. It wok realised that tlenerat
lMregfa, a- mini-ter of war, Iiiim mo
dtfwiHcd hu ffrev that, bv the time
he meet fieneralx Scott nnd r'unxton
he will have behind him within cny
reach mi fewer than iOMMl men.
CaneeHteiMfOH of I'oreHt..
fteneral Scott pmbnhh will remain
here until he knoWM that (ienerul I Hi-
Im neanng the pl.iee ut the
r, who'd, it i belie wtl, will not
he before the end of the week.
The eoneenlratWHi of Oeticrnl !' r
nhntg'ti men httn eontinueil nnd IimIhn
Ike Himtie force are biteke, In
tret her m a marh fhorteiied line with
the m.nn (tointH of etineeiitriiloiii at
I'.ftt- OrandeM unl Nainiiiiip.i.
S. i.nt- riM,rt)'d motenielit-. ol tie
fiii'ln imeniiiK'tit trixip-. i-Miit iiiiiiii liifttntitttlon pluectl the mini
Iter of thne m and "bout Torrettii at
ubtMlt 0,KM. Militiiry elliniile-. ot
tb-e in Nonora tlint rould Im ued
MgKint the A me r it- hi are approxi
mately I'i.imn. ulnle .ni'dher .'dNNt are
in the -fate ot f IiiIi'I.iIhiii.
IVtltire hv ienerul (diregon to eon-
unre liii'nil Scott of the -oumlne
of In. iiiloiniilie argument. I'oiilil bi
fttllotiieil, .i rtn v men In re ,i--erteil, bv
-i wiv r, ii-i it tin- coiiiliined
t'nri ,
SHI .i.To ,,rll .','. Teu
iy ftve llii)iis,in. lelear.iins proteNltiut
iaslrnr aition wliu-h mixhr mean uf
with (iernisay began iiouring in oe
Mt-ndeom aaerman ami !. l of 1111
noin tate lost night ami til were ar
rtvtag today.
Although signed by Individuals Is
flltnoia, the telegrams followed pre
pared forma and were prepaid. There
was nothing in them to Indicate who
had prepared the forma for the slgna-
ire ad paid the telegraph oui-
i rng tto i!y telogramc of the
n -on begda figmtag Ik to na-
mm Ins and Ken rust from Iowa
leaatora La Kolletle aud Hus
, .... tram Wtoeoaoln. aonstors were
im.i4.-it t the extent of the irope-
iBslvfl 1 U 9 l 1 In
Qrnve Dlitnrbancci in Cnpttfll of Ire
tuittl Rlt tars Sofze Pntafffoe and
Cut Wtros In Poisesston of Four
or Five Pnrts of City Twelve Are
Killed DiKlnn Confltot and Four
Soldiers Shot Troops Sent to
Suppress Uprislnf) and Situation
Now Well In Hand.
LONDON, April 15. AKguallne
Mrrell, ehlef secretary fflr Iralaad.
announced In the house of adramoMa
Ite4ay that grave dlsturtMnaag hroko
oat In Dnbim yestertiay. It added
that troops had bean son I to the
Irtali capital and that the situation
was now wall In hand. Muter
sotsed the postofflae yeetenlny and
cut telegraphic communleatlon. Iist
night they were In poaaeaalon of four
or five different parts of the olty.
Twelve persons wVrs kit lot I during
the rioting which troops from the
Curraah were sent In to suppress.
There were several fatalities among
the soldiers.
As communication waa exceedingly
difficult lie was not able to give any
further particulars. Hut the house,
he continued, might take It from lilm
that the situation was well In linnd.
Th chief secretary for Ireland de
clared lie eould not say whether tiny
persons had been arrested; noltlior
could he give any names. Spunking
from the Information lie hnd re
ceived he eould say that twelve lives
had been lost. CommsHlentlim with
Dublin, he said, still waa very dif
ficult. At 7 o'clock last night Mr. Illrroll
said, four or five different porta of
Diibltn were In the pinsstslon of the
rebels, but he said they did not con
trol the whole place. He also an
nounced that four or five soldiers
had been killed.
Mr. Illrrell made his announce
ment In reply to a question by Com
moner ('rang Immediately after the
assembly of the house. He aald that
the postofflro had been forcibly
taken posseaslon of and that tele
arsphlc roinmuulcstton had been cut.
In the course of the day, however.
Mr Illrrell na Id. soldiers arrived
from the CiirrnKli snd the situation
wan now well lii hand
WAHIIINCTON', irll 2 .t - Repub
lican leader Mann took the floor to
day and supported the sonata amend
ment to the srim hill to provide for
a regular armv ot J .0,000 men, aft
er he bad failed to prevent considera
tion of h Kpecinl rule to bring dla
iiiteil itoinis lietwoen senate and
hoiit.c to conference.
' I am aKainat this country enter.
Iiik the war." he aald, amid v
iii.iis hut l am In favor of uf
in it nt .n juration now an that If wo
.,!. fored into the war wo wH have
-i.iiM-tliitli; to fight with.
Ue ought to provide ISe.OOn
men. put them In tralulng and hava
them prepared for use aa the first
line of defense if it became naaa
ary. If. when peace reigns again
throughout the world, there should
be a desire to lower the standing
army, I would favor it.
"It la however, foolish beyond da
seriptlon, for us to besltste about
spending a little money that we ot.jr
liavo trained men."
Delists on the rule s limited to
one hour
We ought to prepare for tho
worst now," said Mr. Mann.
"I tni oppc-Kcd fo breaking off dip.
lomgtie rotations with any country;
now I helleyo that no oautit (o re
strain ourselves and even aland la-
f'ult and Injury, but thero is a limit.
I favor preparing tonight if
U$ i" ii- ean,''