I ,t . ' rxnr, bit SHERIFFS GUARD fp.nrofrn mr, Twrnrvr. Mrrmr;n. nu unnn M'Ui i HMHaaHBMangHanMHMHHMHaHHIMMMiBHMhMMMHHnMaMMHHiMiMMHW m I OF If'fH. WDRX MMGRATON H FOREST SERVICE SOCIAL SERVICE PRAISES PITTSBURG PLANTS CLASSIFIES LANDS EXPOSITION OPENS HIGH SCHOOLS OF " WILL BE MODIFIED FROM STRIKERS NATIONAL FOREST AT NAT TONIGHT. SOUTHERN OREGON, TO PLEASE IAPAN raenient to " -""-" ; "" ,,, ., ,.l,rll4 li.f the ev. I i-ioii n. i'uhi ' "' ' ' I i niiii fip 11 It T ft 1 1 1 'i . ' I " ! ---hm inii in i i " " T r u- rmil PJTTSIHHO. A.nl .'I. I. puivl nhenfls p-tiurdinu tin- liiit t ihe. Wi'SttlllfhoU'.e r.leetlii A. Miinuliie. tunny conipanv ul Ki.l Pittsburg, where Hl.wlMt men nrc mil on strike, ttM'il tlifir clubs toduv t force a wnv through trike lucketa lor workmen trying to enter the shop. Tin nn--iml fighting wii" ot a bridge, when tli( picket linked hands across the street along which the workmen passed. It wii snid Hint between jroii nnd IWMW worker succeeded hi k-cttiug inside the wot ha. .Sevmity mix metal manufacturing ('(miWiiiicH in 1'iUshorg and vjeinitv HMioiineeii thev would not rodnee the woikmg hour in their rrapeotiio shop. Tin 'omMuii', Mid to employ n total of almost 1(111,0(1(1 men, consul iriil Hm eight hour iiii'Niiiiu hint week after the employes of num ber of hIio IihiI ilomimded hii eight -liour iny, and it lind lieeomo known tlmt oilier demand wcie in premr iiIupii. Dm of tin1 pnni'iptil enhance to tin- work in liv n bridge owned joint K liv the clwlrii' company ami Hip IVimsylvniiia railroad. Threat to ilv minute it were heard on Hip stteeU ami n strong force of depulics wmi placed around the structure. AH saloon in the village were or dered dosed until night. This pie i a ill ion was tukrli if I hi- is pnvdnv uiitl iiIkmiI 7(10,(1(111 is lii ln ilislnh- llllll llllllf till- Horlilnt II L ii 10 KEEP CAPE SAI.KM. Or., Apnl 'J I. After holding M conferi'iM'i' with the mem ber if the .Mute hijrhwnv i'iniini sion hihI be nhiMr lMrd, fJoer nor .IftttiM Witliycowihe nniimineeil IimIiiv HihI he would iffiiHe to iIhiiiw J!. I. ('untitle ui ft"iitHnt hIiiIp hi-jili-wnv enirinwr. Stnte llnjoneer Jolm II. Ia-wm hnd recomuieinlod the li-- iniNKiil on the groundx of i nonu mid luirinoiiv in the luulin depnrt-iiieiit. JflOVE ARMY NEARER BORDER (Continued tram pnco ana) or i in v oll'ifiiils iniil.l (nlk to him mid -util thriiiteUi'x of hi idi'iilily. Witlidrnuiil nl the tidwiiiced foieen in Mexieo lo Ihe fn-n- tlritn din region, llM) in ilex mmiIIi of the horder, in regnnliil hy war deport ment offii'iiilM n due to the plim of rvdixpoKitiou f trMih denernl I'nn hlon hiiM hcen nnlhnriied to mnke. Stcndin Ituker nmdti it eleiir tiwlny, hiu'r, thiil (tenerul I'ninlon hnd Imiii ifixen full dieretion mid thai he win. not ndied te'ifii'ully of the tle to )tf taken. ('imiilinilni( Inn Sliivrtemit Army offieer jmiiiiIimI out Hint the retirement MimcMcd would eut Hie eoininunietlioii line to 1M imli- trwm the pre-vnl horder bn-e 'I In hhorler hue mild he mmntuinid with i'iisi, they Mild, reitiii'iilt'xs ol tlir u of ruilwu,V, ol Mculher eoiidiinuc. m of the Attitude of t'nrriiun milit.t r eoiiiniouderK. The Anterniin loin would then be utile lo tnke enre of tluniMlveM wilhoul undue n-1.. wU.it ever the devclopmi'iil-. m ihu Tkev would ttUn be ulilf l hinl horder towns. If (leuerul Fuu-lon'. nuriH-.- i- l. ttl11' '""'l loiimuue. Ntiihli.li hi Mdvmii.t In...-, HI....I..I ''"' '" Hi main with li.i AniK'iiM' emi lit I- lnliilf li I ii' di- trirt fori'xlii, I'ottluiid. Or. ( tin filml eln.ilieutioii In the -ri-retin of Airneulliire, ! prm-lienlU nil the IhiiiIs within the Oregon uiiliorml lor eil. Thi" fori'l cover- lolnl men ol I.I lll.il-ll iicre-. I iiiu between Ihe t'oluiiibin riter itml Ml. Jerter-.m, mid inelmlcH the Mull Hun reMcrte mid the t 'oluiuhiii (lorKe ('ink. TIiih chiKiificHtion is it part of the eliiHiilu-utioii work which is licmi; coined on li the for.t wen ice to cover nil Hie national forcu within the stnte, nlut practically tiiiiHhc thf work iimiii the Oregon miliomil for est. The IaihIh hi Hip Winnie pnijcet were elnH.ififi in llll.'i; Hip Hull Run ri'ripnp is closed to the public liy net of cmiKiexH, and ilw not, theri'forp, leipiii'p fulilier clnMNiiicnlion. The Ciiluinliiu (lorKi iurk hits already Ih'ph elnHifieiI and is .ct aside, liv Mwretniy'K order, Ihwmbpi' '21. IUL'i, ii h it recreation ground for Hie uc of Ihe iiuhlic. The Imlnnce of the a t vu wiliiHi the nntioiial lores) hinimlHry, ninl Hip subject ol the present ivH.rt, covers iipproxiinnte ly hlir.lW acres, mid with the excep tion of 11HII iicii's (uhieli were iml elliHsil'ieil ) the whole linn was pro iiomieed b the ecretary to he chief ly valunhlr for forest purKscs and not fiutiililo for tijipninu to entrv un der the hninestpad nets of June 11, tililll, and AiikiisI 111, )V2. It i -iii.I Hinl inosi of the nirricitlliirul IiiihIs wilhiii thin forest were taken up within two i'ii ix after the passu ye ..f 111.- net of .llHIP II, limit. In ifciieial the liiiHirnphv of this HII", 121! aeips is erv loilt'li; it i luiivilv nullified, in nianv places I'lHiiiinit as lnli us mn.llflO feel Ii. in. to the acre, and the hiith allitude makex nKncultural pursuits iniprac ticnl. Thete are also several hiuh IH'itks wilhiu this area, such as Mount Hood, Olnllie Hut It. Mul I lc A inoiin linn and Mount WiU.hi. In tact, the ulriil.r pail ol tin' men is nhove IHIIII III I I'll V.lllntl. MAI ATTEMPTS 10 DELAY ARMY BILL vahiiii:t i hi i Miotii er olijeilluu IihI.i i Ii. 1'iil.lii hi I.euiter ln li n to - inline tin .unit 1111 to rollfflelu e led lo all lllllliiilllt'e ment l Democratic Lemlei Kttililu that a rule lo ittmliarKe the inllllury louiniillee from further lonHiderulion of the 1111 will no brouKbt in to.l.n and under It the Kpeaker will tin cm pew ered to name boHne conferees at once, The objection toda to the nieeil tng U of the army Mil ainnrciii! Widened the lirein It letweeii ieml ItcatiH and ilemo. nn Almost iii'tt d iioiniii.il Ion In Ihe rotiMrv in reprKenteil In the great Moi.lal Hrlie exposition lo open to night at Ihe eil Ton! Nni ,Nrer before tn the hllor of the I'rotent ani" won Mlnliop Kdwln Hu(the of the M K eburrli "hu o great and fine an ?xlillilt of rellBto work town KatheTcd together " There I a great movement among the church In America to gel toaetber. Thta la the flrat ntp In that direction. Here alt meet on a common ground who" on an equal footing, the !'renb terlana, lhP tlHlM Coligr.KatlOHHllntii. .Vlethodtmii. IC.lB.otHllim, ChrlNtlan and what not. llPKidpa the mnn church agenrio there will he found there many of the fluent exhibit In oxtateni of the Na tional Hoelul Hervlep ngpnelea Incltid Iiik the Nallonal Child Labor com mittee, the joint Hoard or Hutiltary Control, the National W. r. T. U., the Salvatton Army. tlH Sabbaih t)a Alllanie, the National Thinner tttiec HOPlety and many nthern. Wllliud Cvliililltiiii The vvondcrfiil polyulot pel ii Inn lirppareil In I'tnn. Wilturd to be preKenle.l to I he world power In there on exhibition. It contain over T.r.ou.noo name and I more than h mile and u half long Never before ha this been allowed to go on Hip road hut the officer of thn National V. C. T. V. feel that no better line of thl great monument of officiant effort can Iip nuide than to have It go with the traveling exhibit of Natlonnl Kellgloii force. Pormlng pari or the exhibit of the Ami'rl.Hii Tract aorlcty I the original lleorge Whitfield pulpit iihpiI tn thl country now nearly two huntlreil year ago. In the PaleRtln hpcUoh of the ex 1'i.ifi - "i U Sw. . . reprc- elitlli the extension I .,.rfmelll of the I'mver-itv of flreyon. li arriv ed 10 liirne Kiver vnllev lit t Wed ncsdin, with a Ijhj meicK .n pro-ieel, him aitmreiitlv em joy e. I the ..rk, far. and Will probably not be able to complete it before Jhe latter part of this week. So for he hu- uilcd Ihe liiK'h sebools hi 1'lioepix. .Ineksonville und Medfonl, anil on Hnttirdnv he nd dresxed the .Ineknon t'ooiitv School-miistir-' club in its m's-iou at ICngle l'oinl. Tixlnv he will vi-il the high KcbiHils ul (lold Hilt and (limits Pass and on Tuesday pvtwinir and Wcdne Slll.si.li A in 1 1 .1 ' i an p'oteRt against linlunlon in Hie penitlnu Inmilgrallon bill or ,i ref. r ence to the Root-Takattlrn agreeNlen restrict I n Immigration of .linn. laborer wo dlcued In conferenci today by Herretury laming, Chair mau Htone of Ihe nenate foreign r.-Ki tloH commtltee, and Chulimir Hmlth of the immigration ron tee, Henalor Bmltli later ealli'd a nun Ing of hi committee for Thurs.i.i when, It wa undertood, an eir.i will ho made to modify the bill aa to eliminate any objection the i.u. (oMeio government may have. "I wee no renmiii to believe tlmt tatlMfactory aolution cannot he en-ih A PESSIMIST is a fellow that looks down at the ashes in his pipe, instead of up at mrtfe the smoke. W THERE it a whole lot of cool, smooth smoke nnd mighty little ash in a pipeful of perfect burning- VEL VET Tobacco. imlini) reached. ' nld Senator Smith day he will nil dies the club and oilier civic IhmIii land. Ills talk tlieto will ilcstnieimii of mupIi tipsi as ruts. nff,,,.. n.,.,,.1 inin i.iw itt mice and Hies, fii the nlleruoou of ! T.il.llilirt .igreemenl wtil.h It idul at Ah- j The Japanese governtnont I tin ie on thc'(1irtnoil to rennnl a mi nffronl it it p ltooi I Wediiesilav he will iiildic. the Soiilh- orti Oregon redi'mtion ol Women's t'luba on the anbjwt ot "Jletcditv." I'rofcssor Swpptpr cpie---i milv cominendiitiou for tile pn.uie- In ..! serves in the wmk of the lie;li --li.. l -of Hoiilherii OrcKon. On I'hiI.iv nnin inir he visited the Mrdfoiil lnli !! mid delivered an illu-tiiite.l leiime on "Wild Flowers of Oieyon." nu is IH'cially interest mi; di-coursc and imrtii'iilnrly vnltinble to the class m botany. The profpwxnr ci.nipliinented the student body on its dcvolcil nl tention to his talk and to the clui-nln-linu of vital point in the wmk o the tuilenl life. the I niversiiy or lireuon st mi i lecturers to all parts of die tnte . n Ii year to examine the win I, .i tin- lie.-li schools and I he systems emplovi .1 i,.i sulitaiilinl advancement. TIi.'m' lie tu rcfs all have citifyinc imiiais to stitdi'iits whom thevjiHHt uml ein-.iin-nging counsel to nil. School .upciin- po!tlon will be found many rurlou tendi'iits and high aehool piimipiiU and Inlereatlng relic among other thing an ancient lamp over lOott year old. The Paleatlne Hectlon of the eioaltlon ha recently come from the Orand Central Palace of New York (Its. where It w;m officially reciiutiue the iiniwiliiin I tin work, and students- geucmllv -In.u mnrked nppieciatiim of it. "This southern Oreitou tcniiorv i n beaittitul country," said I'lol'i-sm Sweet sor, "and ita M'honls arc a . . -. . . ... . ..... . i.I-..j!U I.. ll.M .l.ln t'l... ...,!........... openeii hy 'resilient woourow vvti-i ''" " " -.-. x.. ....... .. ... son Thl I under the aupervUlon ,"' emcienev hi your coips ,.t tcaeii- of lr Allen Moore who wa brought '' W'"'1'' ' high mink o credit i .i .. i.r in thin cnuiitrv from Knelnml . any vviierc to iiiiiduit the PaleHllne aectlon In the great inlMvlonary exhibit known a ' The World in llonton." Dr. loore followed Hilly Monday In hi i.Ik tabernacle In Hcrauton recently and exhibited lo over Mmhki people. TihIhj's I'hwwhi The program for tonight I a fol low ? on p. in. - Ootid in led (our through exiKitlon h nu p iii Openlnu rcinonv, of f 1. i.il n il.liK. I Mllli-I. rial nl- illiili. ii i m P.ile-ltue Wi.lillliK proreoalon and reallatlc coluuie lec ture by Dr. Allen Moore. Kaatern Dreaa Ths Heihlehem dreHR. The Del baity dreaa. How rtn rah and Kuih dicsed. 'The lost piece of llver." Th veil ami the barley. Raiment or needle work How Abraham dreed. Coat ot muny color. The water cellar The shepherd. The non-dlvldini: uml The Lord hath nude bare his lioh urin " ' I'. i m Tu'.li .hi of Ten Vir ln ' Itself to lultlll The peiulliiK Ml, l Inferenie, li is urgiifil bv I.u an PAINS IN SIDE JND BACK How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured. HurlinRton, Wli. I was very Irrcp ular, and had pains in my niilpinid buck, hut after t tiki nu Lydia K. I'lnkluitifn i ejje table Com pouml Tablet.i and u.slti); two iMittles of the Sanative Wuuli I mn fully convinced ' that I uin entirely curwl of thenc trou ble, ami feel belter all over. I know your remedies: htivo doiio me worlds of good nnd I hope every sulferltiB vvontun will j?lve them u trial." Mr. Anna Kki.i.v, 710 Chustnut Street, DurlinR ton, Wis. The many convincing testimoniaU con stantly pllblillel in the !H'Wmfri ought to bo proof enough to women who Milter from thoe ditreMinK ilU hh'u llur to their sex that Lydlu K.Pinkham' VgetnM ConiMHind i the niedlciuu tlmy neod. i Thl good old resit and herb remedy ' ha proved unequalled for theM ilred- ful ill; It contain what in newled to restore woman' health and utrength. If tlicro is any ppculiarity In vmir ttiso )M ulrliitr special ail viei', xvrlto the l.xillu . IMtik liani .Mcillfliio Co. (coiillili'iitlul), I.yun, Willis,, for f too aih iec. Gwk, '3 JjJ m Jlqq'ttljffyiUjS&uieo Ckt j.i ii .LU35 Nothing Better THAN None Better Bread THERE'S A REASON, TOO ANGLIRON GAS RANGES THE FINEST GAS RANGE EVER PRODUCED INDESTRUCTIBLE, HANDSOME, ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE, EASY TO BUY Phone 526 Now on Display at the OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO. 27 N. Grjpt' BRITAIN REPLIES 10 E WA.MIINi.roN. Apul -'I I llllll li nil. - .ul'il. Nil l.til s..,i! It.. . I. ill IV .li Ii.'U'iI .. s, . , ,1 I .in in. In . mini ot ' - H pM t"Hi Aim In .'li .i nli I liU'lOII lllll I ll I. In I'l.llll I ,.H. I partieulmie I'oi heixll ni. in.l I W.l II. III. .11- ClIMUN (llllll. ll'S. 11 Slrill ol' ll'l'l ll.ll 'MM miles .n would Im- lvbiupu-.ii.il j l'"nt. The imtc is ,t l.uii as the pnv-cul st advunced Amci nnal ililm- ..I th. , ., p. U'lUl Mist is mar I'.nial, lllll miles wiutli of the boniei. It is m this ter-1 ritory that (Inieml (uirmua would , be reipiiicd to dfiiumti,ite In .ilol . ity to set me ii'inplcM coiitrnl. t.. stauip out biicundin.'t . and, it p ( aible, to capture or kill Villa hi fun a complete wilhdiiiwal irom M.vk.'I woubi be onlcred. lullHeHee I'mom (viiuhm The presence of troops in , xico probubly Will have a d culed ml In onee iisin diplomaiic niKotiati.uis with (Icneiiil t'anana. Koine lti ciuls believe Hint if a ioiiskU i.ible irt of the term on now covered b Aatericaii forces is turned back In the do facto government to notn ,., tin fjkrraurn forces will be spin n. I in It activilv hi .li.i-uiy; the lunula- lUiseo Airedoiulo, t .irruua's ,u itsadr ib -luiuiti'. -oiiviht an tn yirf with Kcirctuiv l-.m-iin; tod.i jjpard to the yovi iiuiieiit'-i pi. m ItMIHil (leliii.il Kun -Imi l tcdispik. Ui foncs Xt W'a litlit'wd Mi 1 1. limn!. . KfcVllkl be tnl.i that v. li.i. Ul ehonn' in i In-, nt : i, i rieudJy pnri'-. tlnre wa m- i (hang itt t .1. it riiiiiialinn to s tiuU lVMlte.01. H 1 in .111 border towns by Mtea ' ' ' '" i"' entid j -i III ! I W 3 E"") Gut the Cost of Living! A plate of hoi biscuits or muffins, a fresh, nomc-bnkeel cake, a loaf of brown or nut-bread, lesuies any meal from the commonplace, and mote expensive things are never miased. With K C, the double acting baking powder, hckkI results are doubly certain. There's economy too, in the cost of K C. fiFWtn. NERVOUS BREAKDOWN siiimliiiil. 1 nun , N in - I.U-. Hum sli,. I nuiitl lli.illli Slam'oitl, I'nnii I .1111 a nm-. Jlld i-ultriil li. nu 11 li.lv mi-- l..K down 1 li.itl 110 ,11'i'i'IUi .mil iinilil not lcei ai ulKiit. mill uoiluna seem cil lo lielp me II. ili.un. l 'n u ol tnol, mill .ittcr MkiiiM tin in -1 :At tie I iiolned an Improvi nu nt ami fotll bottles III, Ule III' Mt'll .lint slit.ilit, II gave me a beam .iihoi : i . -,. i .411 leep soundlv instil or .lit I 11.11 siiler 1 110 1 it woiuleiful Imiit K1II1I1 II I'oiiii's M.inifoi.l 1 .inn till It .l-t'll lllnl to SO Mil 1 1 -Mil Id tin noil 1 1 ,' . 1 1 11 1 .'I ... ''I ll i. 1 mil nil 1 li lOll.ltlltili- 1 . . 1 miiioii.il it in. il ' 1 1 1 1 of tin- 1 1 on 1 Ie cnat'i 1 it aim c Mraiuvc ii'i-lnl . .1 t'Olt liv ll. W II 'l t onil uicil itb ,i inn iii nt llllll ll I ..1 a ll- ..t a 1 O perimju. iln t 111 j I"-' 1 , inn. n 1 1 1 1 ful eit feel m.iiiiii, iu iriuin lit 1 1 t . 'Wilt I 1 I) III Purse Strings That Reach Across a Continent To open your heart, or close your deal, the safest, surest, swiftest way to send money is by WESTERN UNION The cost is small, the convenience great. To know how ask any. Western Union Office. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. u 0 li TOST of the pleasure in owning an JLVA automobile lies in being able to drive a it and with edge and care care for it yourself. You can do this Ford. 'Expert mechanical knowl- not required to successfully run for Ford cars. Ford owners are r IS able to give their cars all the necessary atten tion, for the frills were left out of the design, Everything about the car motor, control, transmission or any other part is simplicity itself, and of the best qality. With each owner his own mechanic, he enjoys the service of his car every day in the year, with out any burden of expense for skilled atten-tion. G E. GATES o o t; ( ) -O IV t O s& Sfedfonl I. Tho Aladford ' i.-leis Slil.iko Mi 1 ilt rigms 1