T' U.T f'OT !,' WhVOUU "ff, TJ.Tr.f'VP. til I) ! - 'IPT Mill I I'M f I t M ' a Jf '" I offcOMMO MM I- IKIMiNl' IN CASK OF WAK &, r !.i rNi'fT inn I'VRi'f M t I'T J" N ' ' I MR KIM nrtl I i.fVTINII ill Nrv?MIMMt M I KHVcHt MWX T "in r-l "HM'njf l-Jf-fV IN Mir cvpfif f a ilcr-hirxtiMii of war ifh OrrriiiiiM', wliat will nf rnM'l Stiitr b! Will lir join fotVpH with s ran -w lr'. pin ' 7 fnorfnllr T "" f.r MMfOM Ifuril Trii'in. r win' gofiafi, Tll AiOilnnfl rrnana. e WimHlfVi9tl XATBI tmr. ev mi.i month, m til l.T rn'ii ....... .wiiwii ... month, d'llrrnil tar (iftW In Mmtfonl. J'heenlc, awl Oniral Point Jaei "fl fMTtlA rm ni'iai rmm iflHiwM.a vv wuritay only, by mH, prr ?r... 100 WariMr, Fr roof ! "f!Bl refer f lh fur of MrrffoH. vf flPll npr of .fnrkdon Pnunlr. lMferMt a wroml-rldiM mutt or at UMnrA Oregnn, undor the act of Mareh Wworn Circulation for 1914. IMS. ( IwummI wire Aoclald ft din- P Subscribers falling to re solve paper promptly, phono Circulation Manager at 260-It HONG KONG KOLUM There nif (i itu iiilu-r or cnri'H fur lilt) dlMtlf It'll !(. Illll HlO lll(k- iwt hiiiI miretit Ik to ullow him to run ftWMy with II I'll CUM. Toduy'N Itcllilugcr Callahan mihI Schmidt were Hidtlng frrtw h pier one tiny. Callahan bol Schmidt (10 that lie woiilil catch the flt Hull. 'I'll (i two kupt nulling oar lieally tinlll ikioii. It wh h wHmi day, ami RdmiMl, OVlirCOIMO by (III hlMl, fill I IIVBrllOHIll ltilo the water. Thin roil nod Calla han, who WAN also dotting. "If you're hoImk to illvo after llilm, I ho bet's off," lie shouted. Hill (lit. (il I llll I lilt I'illll When it niHii soya lite wife Ih hii Hliiu II dotMn'l nlwayg Indicate (lint ho I a wldowor lint quite often II t lion. III llllsy liny 'tlitt Roiiflrwl IimiI jiwt hri'ii coin HlMtotted Ik tb hu(Ily raliml volnn Imt army. llt hadn't alwavn lnti gwirl. Onlv nliort I Iiiip lufitrc fie hail lMti tin heml of a irnir oiw KiinnltiK IiuhIbihh nnd li whm itlll ii biiliiHH man nt lirart. Hut polltl i.il pull tlnd Hindi' him ii KinTiil ro Dure lie wan wln-ii a lirnlliliHH aldi nnli.d Into liln nuortPin IiumIIiik: ' ii lurol. tin- miemy in ouuitlo!" It nlking M 0)0 from tun lack of iiiniiK toforp him, ra8Hil tint In IiIm )ihi bunlnflM volet', "Toll him I'm hiiftv. Auk Mm what Iih want!" The Dniteil 8tntp army, hclnn now modern enough to hav a cfstMor, will ptrhHtM 1)0 allowed by rmmrrsM to lnatall a rw other moderK tm irnv0miiU niHii a pffecttvo artillery, fioullna fteioplunca and a new prlvutt or 10. i'ihiiihk tin- mil Mr, Newman had jut rerovtwd from mii oinirullon and wan talking to it friend. ' The nurittten," h rumarkwl, "Held hf'il have mi- on niv (omI iikmIh In Ihife weefca." WkII, h did II, dlitn't In'-' ak it Hit friend. "IIh did. Indet'd," n'ioiuloil Mr No mun "I bad to cell im motor .r to pay hl hill." rhilMiaa tti'K lii-r. 'HHClfHl 'Urh- l the ttlilrl for your lm I'aniK ma'am, oi do on hh roui (blni Id a Uellor iuallt? I'm I.. RF.NEHAL PERSHINC RIDES IN DOHQC CAR Ari-ordliitf to di'lullvd uihlri' now nrrlviUK from Ha1 IhihUt, iKtilm' llm them' motor mn liuve pli'U a piom Inent pari In thf tuvanlou of &U'Uo la piiriutt of Vlllu. In u (loner Hi IVnihtng led UIh troopH orroaa the border be tea tried in a Dodge Brotheik' motor car. ami four other louniiK ar eio UHtd In the imnauurtatlou of huppIImh Ttium ctra hire, ef iouri, hi-en Mime mup platttvd ia th It. work b the big inuks blitped lo Mexico hut the touring car ara ailli in ue h the rm, Aeeordlug lo ihi- tranaiHirtutlnu do partawut thet have made auderfol ret'orda In the drrt travel uttfi tlm fleelag Menliau imudll. Keuortlng ou the performance of the Hodge HrotborH' tur that lairled ticneral I'enthtua oo tbv flrt udvautv Mil ami) nfilcei Hatd. "Vc h.itl i i .i tleall. to mill. i- oti i iiii ihi I ,ii I nil tth.it I'ic M.i'U.i Urol 'i i i ,i w1 on Hi it lu,i I thf ulHr nrrl nvtnl a IhwI Ttwv n Kniin-f, nr sinmlv l fonl lii-r own nhort'H himI Awv fht- i-oiintry Uftcm h vr 1i!n? Tin- t'niffil Htufcx vnuM nut, duritiK tlio fvt yvnr, writ I ntiv furrv ttf frrwc'riciiff' t flip TCiitKtn Imttlo ficldM. fJiir tmvy i rmt riff'flcd ii offpTwivc wnt'fim1 ahrtmd. An loiiff nn the Hririnh fieri eontrulH the nen, (icfimuy ennnol 111 tlM'k IIH. The first yenr'n piirtieipation in the vnr would or could Ik- only fiiiuiieinl mid eeonoini'. IikIuhI it would ho moliilizi'd for wnr, tnuuilioiiH iiiniiufnetured nt roeordn liri'itkiiiK te for uw ulirond. ImnieiiHc armies Mrmld Ih; enlinli-d and (mined in iireparntiou for eonfliel. Tl'Jiere, would Ik' feverinh rush of coast f irlifiea lions of all types and preparation for defense he conducted iu earnest. It would lake year l get ready. lint cessation of diplouiatie relations does mil necessar ily mean war though hetween freat nations the friction therein- engendered ifsually results iu war. .Mattel's uiixlit remain iu this strained neutral stage! for a considerahle period. Some other power would look after the interests of our citizens iu tlermaiiy during this interval. Condi tions would not he materially changed from what they are at present. Neither Herman ships or citizens would he affected in this country. When, however, war is declared, the (lerman warships interned here would he immediately taken over as helong- ing lo an enemy, as all Herman cinzens wouiti ue nsieti as alien enemies. The great (Jerinan liners in American ports would also he seized, hecause they are all availahle for use hy the (Senium government, if (Serniany desired and was in position to use them. There are sixty-eight (Jeruian and Austrian merchant steamers, aggregating .VJ7,2!)S gross tons, in American ports. In addition, there are the interned cruisers rrtn, Kiten Kricderich and Kron I'rinz Wilhelm at Norfolk, a guuhofil at Honolulu and the steamer Odeuwald at San Juan. The value of Herman merchant men iu American ports is estimated at $l(H),(HHMJt)() and Heriuany would have Iu tiirpcdti many a merchantman to offset the loss of such a fleet. OFBUREAU PROVE HINMAN GIVEN QUAKES COMMENDATION .Meilfol'il'' iMitiii.il iiin' I in 1 1 . eiirneil mini' Ih. in mii ii 1 1 1 1 .-1 1 i'iuii lilinieiil tur il 1 H'n'iit ui'iU in Iih ili -IMiilini'iit in ihi- ills lor lln pn-l xi'iir. The .journal nl' r'.lei.neii, I'nui i' mill U.i'-. piilili-lii'il at Siin r'l'.uiii ", I liiil-. in u n'iiiil mull i ml I'or mini' limn ii eiiliimii ol i uni iiii'iiiliili'iv I'liiiiiniiit. Anion;: other llnnir-. il mi; "ltiiinn I',. Iliiimiiu, ehiliiiiil in NM'itiir tur the city of Meill'itiii, Or., in Hiilimittinu the nniitml ri'Mii1 ol' the work iloiie by In- ileirlmeirt iliirinir IDl.'i, Iuih l u kIiiimIiiiiI tvhieli miulit well be I'lilloHi'il by oilier-. I1'. I). Weber, elertrieiil injH'itor I'or I be InilerH titers' Kiiulnble Wnliiiic Ilu renii of I'liitlnnil, eluinielerinei thix work ii. 'I lie mot effieieiit eleetrieal n-Mt'l mii in Oietfon mill ii niine of inliiiilioii, ii4 I hi-. i u cilN of nliinil ! Itl.tMHl iuliiiliitiiuli.' I "llmiiiir the yeur IMl'i in-n'rii.ni-: were mmle mill (ICI ihm-iiiiI- i-iu-.I. i TIik iiii'IiiiIinI I'll) I iniei'tiiiii mi oris wuiii-r in Iiiiiiii'- bmlilui. . T id ni'wK mini rip-iileiiee, '.'."ill on i.lil i ttiiiiu in lm iih-'. Iniililins ,in, (i olil u in il it hit in -." Mi I Imiiii.iii- I it it tt,i- thru 'tin in t i i. ,i .ulil .lii-il in ihi i.i i 'I In I ti i I In ii I'.u I ,ih till d. BY SEISMOGRAPH .SINtiT .nil - I. Two -el i i ! ml l inii.ikr, urn' ii lln in ol yri-nt iiili'iiil . weiv lii. it. I.il nt Ueu'reliiwn iimierily "ii I lie einn. tlillh- tills lllllfllllll.'. Till' Ill'llVICht -liiiik- i, mii' .it .i.'JI ii, in., iiii-tem time. The tii'xl of I lie iiuuke", wliieli the iv. 'i. rii- iiiilii'.ile Wiih illlle heavy, Im-jimi ut 1 1 :.tl ii'ilnek Jnt iii(ut uuii eoiilfjlimil until !lJ :1I7 u'eloek tliix iiiiuiiiii. It wan eitiniutel that it" eeiilei- wu itVioiit lIMKI mile from WllnllillKtlHI. The mh'oiuI Herii'n of tdioekx. wliieli were ileeiileillv t runner tbuii the tirt, Ih'u" til :i:"H a. in. The vibm tioiiK renelicit their tiiiixiuiuui iuten--ity ul 'AMI u. ui. Al lhi jHiint the uei-illeh of two of the seiimo(tHihii were thrown off their reeonbuK drum, ho wvi'ru were I he tthiH'k". The -liiieks lonliiiiieil until 1:IJ n. in. It wii- e-liiiiiiteil lt Ilirci'tiir Toniloil' Ihiil tin' i'1'iiler nl ihr si i uihI iiiilli tiuikr was J lull miles tiniii W'.ish- IllUlnll, .Itlll III III lli't i il ll' It in i III It'll III llll lllll.llllll il ."111' It' Illll t ll.lM' linn, i nil ut. r. ilili ii mi i t RUMANIA SHIPS SCOII AND CARRANZA TO HAVE lU'.UI.IN p.il .', i .it in.i.i - , ii.ii h.o i liiiiiuinm tn lit mi. i.v ilili uiy the l.i-l thin 1 1 i i ii ii" ."I'll. it iui I. il i lln i I'i'k ili In In ui i . in in i.ii. nun ii ii. 'ii u-tu.i ntlis, Hit VV VKIIIMil'OV in il -' I Kll.-eo I I i ii iliiiiilo. l'i inn.! .uiii'iirtH.iUur, ' liiliu iiii il .siTl'i't.n I.,iiimiik ti'il.i) nl .liii.il. In n f I Hill hlf Kinei lllneilt lllill ilini; that ll lonleieme lilwetii 'i.itt. i.il Siott and lieniTHl Oimitoii lin iu urraimed. nuked when he I mUlii expeit a repl lo Ceiieral t'ar- i.ui'.iV note MUKKeHthiK withdrawal nt met bull trooi. Siuitiii't I.il lulnjt liifoiiiied .urn In' ilif 1 Ill.tMMI WllllUIII. Ill.lt llll ! 'll il I'll ai.iim; nl ill. .Ills Id i lll s,il, li 'I lll 111 - ,..'I'. slll'- .1 -'I VV 1 I I U illll I " 'III I I, ,il I in SO ilill ul ,. . I I'll . 'I I' I II is i.M'irrii'il to wait h lepoit on m ,Sinii Olireoii coiifereiito bvteit pit Ills 10- PRESIDENT TO GO TI BY CHINESE REBELS w I "' ' I ' llll'l .1 W ..ll I llll vi i i i mi 1. 1 lii 1 1 1 - n ! oter I'l.n i s m In ii n i 1 1 . . lor il.i ' iikmh . i i i it 1 1 i.i i n ii 1 i - .'!.. I I II t l ml we re oter-tli'i KrVi - it) ii:i i .iiili 'I I" t. 1 1 i i 1. . i. It u" i 8VN Kit Wi'lsiV Hlil Kal iriiiifr. un.i. tjii'.-i lnm h.i ii i.ii ii ml. it Ki.hi . tn l i . "i t..j..i I I IIUll 'iiia! I't u.; i ii. 1 ii . lit' , i Hi; tu tU m' ml. I ion ... Hie i Lin it i e ii Vs(, ii, Ainl -'I Wlu-ll I'n .i.i il-.oi " - i" I'linielmi. ,1 . in. .now to te at lilt- (ilsl- i . J i.i! , i mi " i - ii m t i .nit ,i lict nun iloiii; i ii in ill i'i i lm I ui i.lti n.,.'i.i lit 'i linn I,. 'al pi Ni'W li'lsiv nl ji - i i . 'it a lire. The , Hi - il. lit, tnll . UiMlll III I'mii-i'lnll "u' a lui.'t Inn.', li'tiMiiu V .is'Hii-ti'li ' tiiinm m n oruiii ami ! in.iiu '" li .. i. u n - t Nil . . I u .11 i i; i ,il, ' ASK FOR and 'ET HORLICK'S THl Okl .INAL MALTED IVllLKv Cti. 4, ul , . .1 v I I U AAHu Wn.lU , s OF BREAT BENEFIT Thai the I mini 'sluii mimIIh r burcini i- tin vein .I.. niir renin ikn lly vnliiiiblc aervics lor th orehenli-tn nml fnrnietn of Ifojine Kivef vulley mill thut it in HppriM'iuted by the lat ter in a jrratpfltl niemure nre nhown in the vulfo aieoiniliiliel mill the milliner in whirb tboe I'or whom it Ik fiiti t'ttitli Au luiie followed it fiiithfully. It in an t'xlmtH'lv ilillii'ttll task, nt la'st. To foreeiiKt weather eotttlitiona in xoiilhern Orejron for twenty-four hours in nilvHiiee is frniighl with inanv lriMtlilen, known only to thop who irt'ifniHi Unit sriee or nre f miliiii' with Ilia methmU of doing it. ('(iiiililioim Hlti ftt'iikisli hert', n they ate in nltin oilier refinli uf the 1'iiitM ; lint (lie xaliahlelii'sH of weather eoiiililiniiH ute nowhere mule erralie, icilmm, than in thin valley. Tlii'ie foreeiiKls serve tn warn the invliaiilistrt of iniHnliiiir (litiiuer. They iremio to meet il. if fctiiliten eliiuice hIioiiM etiine lo nu-rl ils full ing iih preilieleil, llm I is finm folium1 for those wIhi feiireil it, Ilinl il I'mni' ms jireilicleil, lliey were ilemreil to ineel il. It in n M'ry vnlimlile serv me to any region, Imt mrtieiiliirlv ) in tins Noittliern Oregon coitnliy. This niHif, mIoiik with ullicm in IIiik territory, realizes .(hut if these foiiK'HhU-, wliieli nre Hitpplieil from llm I'oiIIiiihI nffiee, mo piililislicil a hit mil (ns tlieynre). foreeasliiig i il eoiulilioiiH (hs tliev lretiiciillv itiiistl they may leave the imiioioii tlmt we are M't'iilMHv snnjeel lo frol ilamrers ihiriiiM tlie enrlv growing pei mil of the vuhmiii. When foiliin air iniulitionH intervene before the tl.inyi'i' poihl iu lime sliall lmvo nrriv nl ami ihewe foreestM ilo not mtirer ialie, tlmt fuel iloe invt iieeennnrily nnilv tlmt the eomlitioiiM of diuiuer ilul not renlly ovist. On the other Imml. thev iliil exist, nnd tho foieennt is put mil offieinlly to warn the or iharilisls to prepnro to meet them, 'fins tlii-v have done iu litis alle this vi nr n never helore ami it lias savi'il the people of the ullev uer il-tiHltl alreiuly, iiioinx that wonhl tin ili.iiliteillv have le'i-a e.tHndeil in iiso of lnel if the Hen ire luul imt Ihmmi imiiliible eM-ry h"nr iliirinir the niglil. in thai I net lies the n at value of the srniee. lint, when the foni'iislid il eon ditioiiN do not come, it in a soiiree of gooil fortune to the orrhnrdiht. It elieilM on exiieHion uf grntiUtde, aueh ns bus lieeii expressed in this pnHr tint bv wny of eiilieiiug the weal her department for failure to bring about the ilineter, surely, but by way of un item of good news. Sueh itemx iierl'onn another valuable .. -viee to thohe nbroad who otherwise would be left in igiioriinee of our tfiunl fort nut) if it were not published that the danger disapiHuired hetnre n ri'iielieil this vnllev, and that we sni ff ml no Iks-. Thill is on iiiipoilant tint wbieh the neW'siuH'i's niiulil t.. be i;la, tn publish nml for tin- I'M -t riii'i' nl wliifh the wenlher department is, no ilnllbl, lsl lis ylail ;is tliu i whose eris ure involted. PBBHHG'S W0LW r. -- DISPERSING BANDITS IS ACCOMPLISHED t.'oon woitu Piiipei P'ish) .MaKos, .ManelmiN CliaiiKiKs l'rovldeiiei U wmetliueii rieililnl with direetiiiK the fmitateim li no sun pie m way the reading of a fnni advertisement. A ladi iu Mo write. "I w.i . i.m pel led to i el Ire t r hiii my Mlumi i. h n Iiik heeaime I wita broken ilu.vn . i nervoin irohtr.nle. "1 ailffered iitfOU III lll l.i waa In u dreadfUlly nervous mini Hon, Irritable, with a dull. Ihni luiidathe iimiiuiiall). had ii" .u, i tile ud loiild arareelv iIIki-' .m tbiiiK l wiu unable to rmni'min'r what I lead and w, fit eoume, unfit lor my work "One da , In If by provldeuie. 1 read the tttiuionlal of a lad whoxe HMiiptoina were uiuch the name a mine, and alie told of how lirupe-XiiU food had beloed bar, au I coucluded lo try It. 1 uegan with Orape-NuU. a little fruil and a i'li f I'ftMtUm. I ste.nl h Improved In both body and mtml lirape-N'uu had doue more fm m than alt the iiiedlelae I h . i takeu. I am uow well again ant i to do auMbliiK ueeeaMr) In no . r "M m I ml U clearer and im o mronger than ever before ri -a Heason " Name given " l'o-'. Co . Puttie Creek, Mien. Ker read the above letter n. one upei'Si f i out time to Urn.' Tin . .in Kcnuiue. ti ue, and full o uiiii..in iiili 'est 0 I'lKI.O IIKUmji MtTKIts? .rll .'ti, by courier to t'olniiilm. N M , April 1 1. There are indliatlnna In th Villa territory In Metleo that the work of the expedition undor (lett er I .f. .1. Pmhtmr baa betm arrow pllaHed. Title work, according to re porta received here rrom Wanhlng ton, did not Include the death nr the aplnre of Kranetaro Villa. The aii noonrftd pnrpime was the dlaperaMl of the Vlllteiae and the estHl.llhmnt of safely of American on the bor der. Thn Vlllfktea hav len dlnpera- ed for eevernl week or ! driven hIhiohI completely from the mate of Chihuahua, a dletnnce or ncailv r, 00 milea aoulh of the American boun dary. Throughout thin territory the ieo pln have heen ImpreHM-d with two fuel a which have Inaplreil reitpect for American noldlem. They nre I hat when Americana shoot they kill; and that ft handful of AmcrleuttH enii not ho mit'tennfully attacked li .ttiperlor niiiHhcra. The Vllllataa, ever atme Dodd'a flaht nl (liierrorn. haro run for cover wlionever the ravalryimn found their Iralla. I'arraiiabila offlclale who be fore UiIn expedition bad penetrated VIIU'm atrongholda, warui'd nome of the American officer that the would never he able to cut loone from their lHHei and forge ahead with inch Ninnll ho (lien of troopR. In no liiMtiiiic ban one or them- miiihII (letarhmentH failed, nor have the Americans an the Mexican advlHern predicted, even been threatened with attnrk by the super ior force of VilllHtRH whom they no met 1 m en followed. In the I'arrul fight there was a fifteen mile retreat b the Aim rli tinn, hut this was due to tho American commander'ii desire not to bit civilian", which led him to permit onl a few of his men, the hcxi hot, to return the fire of the Car ranxu troop. NEV SHASTA OPENS TO IJIG CROWD SATURDAY The N 'i Sliust.i vt.is opened Batur- ila to n la rue crowd of new and old pa tron. The enla!.lfhnietiL,hati been remodeled with tiiuiiv rhungea, that uddn to Itn iittraitlreneHit. David Wit ker. formerh chief iIIsih-iimit for the llaxelwood ut Portland, occupied a atmllur imntllon with tho Shaala. Miihlc ami fiivom were given through out the dttv. The Meaara. IMtigraa were wldelt ion Kr.ttu luted for their enterprise The Rhnatu waa decorated with i lowers llun from out of town attcndetl. I'OIl I'uhlic Service Commissioner WKUTKUN nmTRICT FRED G. BUCHTEL IlKI'I'lil.lCW CNllHTI': Siiliiii t In I'll ii ul - Mat l!l LaBaV tWUQBc rgfailnBraKfeirtfiMHrifflBglsSI Ii il Hie Ci s si- . t ' ,, s, ,,, I i. K.ii M I lliu lit in i ii v nl I he Male wi'lKlits ,iui lat.s.it' df i'.i r I - incut and his record tuere is full Kiiuraiit) that he will Uithtull.v ful fill the iioiuIm! contained Iu hi plaifotui. Mr Hut htel i" tht sou of Joe' Hut htel, pioneer photographer and Hie chief of Portland, .md prior lo UKktimlng hi prvaciit oil ice lie on UlilWln U a reputation tor ttflt lent as ealer ol weiulils and measures in I'm (laud " Morning I'mIim " Ine, nie. ii I'll l'i ' - ' ' JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER lll)' iklUIHHt g s. iiutn.KT'r , , I'lmnen M. I -J and -7-JSI iviI'uUuino bunlr Uvcvewf' i vniowts vjlHli vfcy I ' A3l 'Iffiak MoyV) JSfcirtKSSiiiiTB Tfw VSaAhf &tLaaaaM 4 ft - l . s, "unurnr tmp itTT' 'rl aL-..' :.-r, : TODAY ' r ONE DAY ONLY Duiiiol FrohiiMR l'rcwnl!! the Oun of tho Screen MA Y D PICfiFOR in Hie beloved role of CIIO-CIIO-SAN in a mnniiifieeat photo adaptation of John Luther Loan's immortal classic MADAME BUTTERFLY A Paramount Special Production in 6 Acts Coiniiip, tomorrow TML;. TURN OF TI II". ROAD a VitnKripli It's n.V-L-S-Ii bi fcntuic Seiticlhitn: bixK('r '" cvcr iK "01' S2'J5,00().()() Invested in MKDFORI) ami $ JACKSON COUNTY The Woodmen of the World lias uiic imllioii IwcIm' thi'ii-.iiid in (lieuon blind-. live iiiimli i d .mil illll'. ll's llltl'slcil The Richest Fraternal Benefit So ciety in America. 17,1100 .Members iu Oici'ihi. $215,0110.00 Invested in MliDFORD and JACKSON COUNTY Deaeriptlon Adhland, Ore.. Water Aalllttild, Ore.. Kleetrlc Light Aahland, Ore . Refunding Aahland. Ore.. Kleetrlc Light . AatorlH, Ore.. Kutidlng Ihikor, Oregon, Wgter lkihor. Ore.. Sewer Ilakr, Ore., fity Hall Maker. Ore., Wuter ... rorvalllH, Ore.. Main Sewer . Columbia. Co. Ore.. 8. l. 13 t'lataop Co. Ore., I toad .... Ciaekatnaa Co. 'Ore.. S. n.. 89 Columblu Co. Ore.. Koad Cooa Co. Ore.. S l. ! . Columbia Co. Ore , S. D. 2 ... . Oallaa. Ore.. Street Douglaa Co. Ore., S. I). 10 Dottglae Co. Ore . 8 l. Vi Douglaa Co. Ore. . n. i .. Kugene. Ore., Water .. . Kugene, Ore., Kefundlug ICuaene, ore.. Armory Uilllani Co.. ore., s. 1. sr. . . llranta I'niw. Ore.. Sewer IId River. Ore.. S. HI.. IlfHHt River. Ore., Water Humboldt Co. Ore.. X. I) Harney Co.. Ore.. 8. D. I Joaephiue Co Ore.. 8. I. 7 . . .. Jaekaon Co. Ore., s D :: .larkaon Co. Ore., I'er lto.nl Klamath I'alln Ore. Sewer Klamath Fullx. Ore. I lit HhII . Klamath Co. (He. s l I Iaflrande, Ore , Sewer . Lurirnnde, ore., I'ipe i.me Iafrande, fire , Sewi r . ,. . Uaiie Co, Ore. s n i.: Une Co., ore. s n ft I.lna Co. Ore . 8 n Hi Medford, Ore , W.ner Worl-n Miiltnonmh Co., on , s l .' ... Multnomah Co tiic . s u r, .. Med ford, Ore., imprnw ineiii Malheur Co On . s n .: MrMinvllle, Ote. Wntii and l.lttlil Malheur Co. On-. s n u Marion l'o. On- S It 77 Mi M Inn ville, ure. W.idr .mil l.t. Milton. Ore . W'Hir .mil l.i;lil Mai Inn l'o Om S ti I .irslilicld, tr I'liinlini; I Malheur l'o. Hie Oregon i'll. Ore I'endlelnn, Ore . foil, Co. Ore. S folk To. Ore., s Pendleton. Ore Polk Co. Ore , s SnrlHgfleld. on tf liver Ion. ore., S 1 1 l.'i . .iti r W.i i.. i ll L'i; Ii 1 I l.i'tee Ii : I tti i r I liljil o iln. Ill Sllverton. Ore., jit-i ..ml Mer I'mnllila Co. Oie.sn' fnwtllla Co. On- s 1 1 1 1, I'mMlllu Co. ore., n. H . .. fiilon Co. Ore, 8. !. . . . .. l'matllla C"a. Ore.. 8. I. :. .. t'matllla Co. Ore. 8. I). :;i Woodhiirn. Ore . Cli.v Hull Walloon Co Ore . S i i; W'Hslilnn'on Co Oie , S 1 1 7 Yamhill On . S Ii :'!i Yamhill Co. Ore.. 8. I I- Total Pur Value I. "..aiiO j'.nnn "a, nun rtii.nim y nun ri.iinii 12.0IUI :!7,"iio 17 '.mi .. . ao.iiou . i::.:,oii -.'". nun ft.." 01 1 l'o, niiii I a, min II ,0011 . 1 1. mm in, min 'i 11,000 I'd. nun :.:..oo(i .Mi, min . I ."..niiii in, mm lx, mm .. 2u, ooo .... l.'i.OOll .. 20.000 . . 1 1. Mill .. to. mm . 2 7, .".mi 20.IMIO .,omi ::.',, (inn I i.iiini in, mm .a. nun In, mill IS tlill '.'ii.iinii I s.ll'lll "a, mi') I S, 'ill II I'.' 'Oil 2.'. min I n.iniii .'ii.iinii 'i min li.iiim I n, mm I V.IHIII I l.niiii .'."., noil 2"., nmi "."..min I ii, mm 7.000 i o, iinn ti.iioii to. mm 2 a mii) 1 4. ami 'Jo. ti mi 21.0011 Co, mm i.,i!iin I'.. am. tl.r.ini I "..uuii 12. nun t ii. inn. I li nun i.".i.',r.u D. J. BERKEY, District Manager, Hotel Holland TO ORDER $25 CM) UP Alsii Cif.tnniii Pressinq .aul Altennq m 5. MAIN- UPSTAIRS HOCHAMBEAU - lii.porit'tl fertln on St.i Hei: own ed it V.iltii Kttto ill iiml-.t' the -laiitl ..1 Mullet . darn Vslil.inil. Moll .1 i .rut I'm -.'(S) T.il.nt e.liies.l.it r 'i IMKItlltllAX AlTOCAIl CO. TI.Mi: OAltO. I.t-ave Medfora tor Asbland, Talent unl Phoenix daily, except Sunday, at s mi a n . t go. 2.00, 4:00 and r. K. in Also on Saturday at 11. l" ii Smidai leave at 8:00 and 10 3-1 t in and 1.00. 2:00, 5 30 and 9 30 1 1 m. Leave Ashland for Medford J dativ. except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m, 100. 2:00. 4:00 and S15 p. n. A10 on Saturday nights at t:30 and t: JO. Sundays leave Anhlund at 9:00 a, m arm ' -,,(' ! '. : and If "o m i'ii' lfii1 mlu tki,( ,4 ,,,,, ttlki r.iiv flrnBh4 140 JUNKY OUTSIDE ROOMS Vt Sury iUH tti ctKrtU Bn.idiac. Rates $9 A w 0,IE mm ,-" a DAT TWO PEISONS Inm f.rry M tWMt UVt "DNIVCBSAl BH$" t tt nHM) ' 4wt tS itr A 6ir strt , ' t 4 - A )